Inst Question and Answer

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How do you carry out piping for a Different pressure flow transmitter on liquids,
Gas and steam services Why ?
Liquid lines On liquid lines the transmitter is mounted below the orifice plate because
liquids have a property of self draining.
!rifice plate
"low direction
#rimary isolation valve
$ L%&'%D ()*+%,) -
. way manifold valve

"low transmitter
+ -
/.Draw and e0plain any flow control loop ?
!rifice plate

#rimary isolation valve
2%* ('##L3 "*,
. way manifold valve
"low transmitter
2%* ('##L3
.. 2n operator tells you that flow indication is more, How would you start chec4ing?
First flushing the transmitter. Flush both the impulse lines. Adjust the zero by
equalizing if necessary. f still the indication is more then.
!hec" #.$. side for cho"e. f that is clean then.
!hec" the lea"s on #.$. side. f not.
!alibrate the transmitter.
5. How do you do a 6ero chec4 on a D.#. transmitter ?
!lose one of the valve either %.$. or #.$. open the equalizing valve. &he O'$ should read
7. How would you do Glycol filling or fill seal liquids in seal pots 8 Draw and e0plain.
&he procedure for glycol filling is (
!lose the primary isolation valves.
Open the vent on the seal pots.
)rain the used glycol if present.
!onnect a hand pump on #.$. side while filling the %.$. side with glycol.
*eep the equalizer valve open.
*eep the #.$. side valve closed.
+tart pumping and fill glycol.
+ame repeat for #.$. side by connecting pump to %.$. side, "eeping equalizer open and
%.$. side isolation valve closed.
!lose the seal pot vent valves.
!lose equalizer valve.
Open both the primary isolation valves.
7. What are the primary elements for measuring pressure?
&he primary elements used for measuring pressure are (
-ourdon tube.
$ressure +prings.
&he above are "nown as elastic deformation pressure elements.
&ype of -ourdon tubes.
. ! . type.
Diaphragm &he diaphragm is best suited for low pressure measurement.
,apsules &wo circular diaphragms are welded together to form a pressure capsule.
0aterial 1sed ( phosphor bronze, 2i-spanc stainless steel.
9ellows -ellows is a one - piece, collapsible, seamless metallic unit with deep folds
formed from very tin walled tubing.
0aterial used ( -rass, phosphor bronze, stainless steel. 1sed for high
#re.spring $ressure springs of helical or spiral shape used for measuring high pressures.
:. 9riefly e0plain the different methods of level measurement ?
&here are two ways of measuring level (
3. )irect
4. ndirect.
&A$5 05A+165
3.)irect level measurement (
7 a 8 -ob and tape(
%eighest point reached by
A bob weight and measuring liquid
tape provide the most simple
and direct method of
measuring liquid livel. )istance to be measured
L%&'%D after tape is ta"en out of
-ob 7weight8
7 b 8 +ight glass (
&his consists of a graduated glass tube mounted on the side of the vessel. As the level of the
liquid in the vessel change, so does the level of the liquid in the glass tube.
ndirect level measurement (
7 a 8 $ressure gauge (
&his is the simplest method, for pressure gauge is located at the zero level of the liquid in
the vessel. Any rise in level causes an increase of pressure which can be measured by a
7 b 8 $urge system (
n this method a pipe is installed vertically with the open and at zero level. &he other end of
the pipe is connected to a regulated air r supply and to a pressure gauge. &o ma"e a level
measurement the air supply is adjusted so that pressure is slightly higher than the pressure
due to height of the liquid. &his is accomplished by regulating the air pressure until bubbles
cab be seen slowly leaving the open end of the pipe.
#ressure gauge
2s level gauge

2ir regulator
2ir supply rotameter
&he air pressure to the bubbler pipe is minutely in
e/cess of the liquid pressure in the vessel, so that
air pressure indicated is a measure of the level in
the tan".
&he method above are suitable for open tan" applications. when a liquid is in a pressure
vessel, the liquid column pressure can.t be used unless the vessel pressure is balanced out.
&his is done through the use of different pressure meters.
7 c 8 )ifferential pressure meter (
!onnection are made at the vessel top and bottom, and to the two columns of the ).$. meter.
&he top connection is made to the #.$. column of the transmitter and the bottom to %.$.
column of the transmitter. &he difference in pressure in the vessel is balanced out, since it is
fed to both the column of the meter. &he difference in pressure deducted by the meter will be
due only to the changing, level of the liquid.
7 d 8 )isplacer type level measurement (
&he leveltrol is one of the most common instruments used measuring level in closed tan"s.
&his instrument wor"s of Archimedes principle. &he displacer in immersed in the liquid due
to which there is loss of weight depending on the specified gravity of the liquid. &his
displacer hangs freely on a "nife transmitted to the pneumatic or electronic counterpart at the
other end.
8. )0plain the wor4ing of a leveltrol.
&he leveltrol is used for measuring level of liquids in a closed vessel.
3. $62!$#5. ( t wor"s on Archimedes principle 9&he loss in weight of a body immersed
in a liquid is equal to amount of liquid displaced by the body9. &he leveltrol basically
consists of the following (
4. )+$#A!56 ( t is consists of a cylindrical shape pipe sealed and filled inside with sand
or some weight. &he purpose of this is to convert change in level to primary motion. &he
variation in buoyancy resulting from a change in liquid level varies the net weight of the
displacer increasing or decreasing the load on the torque arm. &his change is directly
proportional to change in level and specific gravity of the liquid.
:. 65#A; ( Amplifies pressure variations at the nozzles.
<. 65=56+2> A6! ( t is used for the following purposes.
0otion ta"e of from &orque tube.
0eans of reverse control action.
Adjustment for specific gravity.
$6O$56&O2A# 12&. ( !onverts primary motion to a proportional output air pressure.
?. !O2&6O# +5&&2> 12& ( $rovides a motions of varying the set point.
>. )0plain the wor4ing an electronic leveltrol.

6=)& )! 0O)
+ +
- - )! A0$#F56

@ A56O
&he variation in buoyancy resulting from a change in liquid level, varies the net weight of the
displacer increasing or decreasing the load on the torque arm. &his change is directly
proportional to the change in level and specific gravity of the liquid. &he resulting torque
tube movement varies the angular motion of the rotor in the 6=)& 76otary =ariable
)ifferential. &ransformer8 providing a voltage change proportional to the rotor displacement,
which is converted and amplified to a ).!. current.
?. How will you cali@rate a leveltrol in the field?
)isplacer chamber
#evel transmitter.
&ransparent $.=.! tube
!alculation B 3 f the calibrating liquid is water( $rocess #iquid )ensity ' 3C )isplacer
height D mm of %4O.
!alculation B 4 f the calibrating liquid is Other liquid( $rocess #iquid )ensity ' !alibrating
liquid density C )isplacer height D mm of %4O. 7 !alibrating liquid height in mm 8.

3. First close both the primary isolation valves and drain the liquid inside the chamber.
4. Adjust the zero to get EF output.
:. !onnect a transparent $=! tube to the drain point as shown in hoo" up.
<. Fill it to the center of the top flange.
?. Adjust the specific gravity or span adjustment 7 5lectronic #evel 8.
G. Fill it up to ?E F, chec" linearity.
1A. What is the used of (uppression and elevation ?
+uppression and elevation are used on #evel applications where 738 transmitters are not
mounted on some level 748 Het leg. i.e. condensable vapors are present
11. What is @urnout feature ? )0plain.
-urnout provides the warning feature of driving indicator the end of scale if the input circuit
should open.
A burnout resistor is provided which develops a voltage drop between the measuring circuit
and the amplifier. &he polarity of the signal determines the direction of the servo drive upon
an open circuit in the input.
1pscale burnout ( 6 value 3E 0
)ownscale burnout ( 6 value 4.4 0
1/. What type of sensing element would you use to measure very low temperature ?
&he sensing element used for measuring very low temperature is 6. &. ).
7 6esistance &emperature )etector 8
1.. What are s4in temperature thermocouples ?
+"in thermocouples are those which are directly connected to the process without any
thermowell. 1sed for measuring the s"in temperature of heaters furnaces, flue gas etc
15. )0plain the application of proportional integral and derivative action?
#roportional control only
$roportional control only attempts to return a measurement to the set point after a load upset
has occurred. %ow ever it is impossible for a proportional controller to return the
measurement e/actly to the set point.
'se ( t is normally used for level controls. t reduces the effect of a load change but it can
not eliminate it.
#roportional plus reset control
6eset action is introduced to eliminate offset. t will integrate any difference between
measurement and setpoint and cause the controller.s output to change until the difference
between the measurement and set point is zero. 6eset will act as long as the error e/ists.
'se $roportional + 6eset controllers are by far the common types used in industrial process
control and where predominate dead times occur.
#roportional plus reset plus derivative
)erivative or rate action helps the controller overcome system inertia and result in faster,
more precise control. )erivative action occurs whenever the measurement signal changes.
1nder study conditions the rate action does not act. )erivative allows the controller to inject
more corrective action.
'se On temperature controls.
17. What is difference gap control ?
)ifferential gap control is similar to on off control e/cept that a band or gap e/ists around the
control point.
'se n industry differential gap control is often found in non critical level control
applications where it is desirable only to prevent a tan" from flooding or drying. When a
measured variable e/ceeds the upper gap the control valve will open fully or be closed fully.
+imilarly when it e/ceeds the lower gap it will open or close fully.
1:. Where is on off control used ?
On off control is used when
3. $recise control is not needed.
4. $rocesses that have sufficient capacity to allow the final operator to "eep up with the
measurement cycle.
:. t is mainly used in refrigeration and are conditioning systems.
18. )0plain the wor4ing of *otameter?
!'; L);
&he flow rate varies directly
&apered glass tube as the float rises and falls in the tapered tube.
%< L);
=ariable area meters are special form of head meters. Hhere in the area of flow restrictor is
varied. +o as to hold the differential pressure constant. &he rotameters consists of a vertical
tapered tube through which the metered fluid flows in upward direction. A 9float9 either
spherical or cone shaped, actually more dense than the fluid being measured, creates an
annular passage between its ma/imum circumference and the weight of the tapered tube. As
the flow varies the 9float9 rises or falls to vary the area of the passage so that the differential
across it just balances the gravitational force on the 9float9 i.e. the differential pressure is
maintained constant. &he position of the 9float9 is the measured of the rate of flow.
1>. )0plain the wor4ing of a magnetic meter.
An electric potential is developed when a conductor is moved across the magnetic field. n
most electrical machinery the conductor is a 9wire9I the principle is equally applicable to a
moving, electrically conductive liquid. &he primary device of commercial magnetic meters
consists of a straight cylindrical electrically insulated tube with a pair of electrodes nearly
flush with the tube wall and located at opposite ends of a tube diameter. A uniform a.c.
magnetic field is provided at right angles to electrode diameter and to the a/is of the tube.
&he a.c. voltage developed at the electrodes is proportional to the volume flow rate of fluid,
and to a magnetic field strength. &his device is limited to electrically conducting liquids. &he
magnetic meter is particularly suited to measurement of slurries and dirty fluids, since there
are no location for solids to collect e/cept the walls of the tube itself.
1?. )0plain the wor4ing of a tur@ine meter.
&urbine meters consist of a straight flow tube within which a turbine or fan is free to rotate,
about its a/is which is fi/ed along the center line of the tube. +traightening vanes upstream
of the turbine minimizes possible rotational components of fluid flow. n most units a
magnetic pic"-up system senses the rotation of the rotor through the tube wall. &he turbine
meter is a flow rate device, since the rotor speed is directly proportional to flow rate. &he
output is usually in the form of electrical pulses from the magnetic pic"-up with a frequency
proportional to flow rate. &urbine meter are primarily applied to measurement of clean and
non-corrosive hydrocarbons.

/A. )0plain the wor4ing of a #itot tu@e.
&he pitot tube measures the velocity at point in the conduct. f quantity rate measurement is
desired, it must be calculated from the ratio of average velocity to the velocity at the point of
#rinciple f a tube is placed with its open and facing into a stream of fluid, then the fluid
impinging on the open end will be brought to rest, and the "inetic energy converted to
pressure energy. &his the pressure built up in the tube will be greater than that in the free
stream by the impact pressure or pressure produced by loss of "inetic energy. &he increase in
pressure will depend upon the square of the velocity of the stream. &he difference is
measured between the pressure in the tube and static pressure of the stream. &he static
pressure is measured by a tapping in the wall of the main or by a tapping incorporated in the
pitot static tube itself. &he difference between the pressure in the tube and static pressure will
be a measure of the impact pressure and therefore of the velocity of the stream oil.
/1. Where is the integral orifice used ?
ntegral orifice is used to measure small flow rates. t is mounted directly on the secondary
device. &he integral orifice diameter varies between E.E4E inch and E.4?E inch diameter. &he
integral orifice finds considerable use in laboratory and pitot plants.
!alculation of flow rate (
&n 1 "c B =s 0 ,wi 0 "a 0 "m 0 Gp 1 Ge , hw

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