3GPP TS 33.187: Technical Specification

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3GPP TS 33.187 V12.1.

0 (2014-06)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;
Security aspects of Machine-Type Communications (MTC
and other mo!ile data applications
communications enhancements
("elease #$
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP..
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and $eports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners% Publications Offices.
LTE, Security, MTC
Postal address
3GPP support office address
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(o part may be reproduced e)cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e)tend to reproduction in all media.
* +,-./ 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (0$'1/ 0T'"/ 22"0/ 3T"'/ TT0/ TT2).
0ll rihts reserved.
4MT"5 is a Trade Mar# of 3T"' reistered for the benefit of its members
3GPP5 is a Trade Mar# of 3T"' reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
6T35 is a Trade Mar# of 3T"' reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
G"M7 and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M 0ssociation
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ $ "elease #$
- "cope......................................................................................................................................................
+ $eferences..............................................................................................................................................
3 9efinitions/ symbols and abbreviations..................................................................................................
3.- 9efinitions...........................................................................................................................................................
3.+ "ymbols...............................................................................................................................................................
3.3 0bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................
. "ecurity $e:uirements............................................................................................................................
..- $e:uirements on MT2........................................................................................................................................
..+ $e:uirements on Tsp reference point..................................................................................................................
..3 $e:uirements on MT2;'<8................................................................................................................................
= General security procedures...................................................................................................................
=.- "ecurity procedures for Tsp interface security....................................................................................................
> "ecurity procedures for 9evice Trierin.............................................................................................
>.- (etwor# based solution for filterin "M";delivered device trier messaes...................................................
? "ecurity procedures for secure connection.............................................................................................
?.- 'ntroduction.........................................................................................................................................................
?.+ 43 initiated secure connection............................................................................................................................
?.3 (etwor# initiated secure connection...................................................................................................................
@ "ecurity procedures for restrictin the 4"'M to specific 43s................................................................
@.- 43;based procedure with 4"0T application pairin..........................................................................................
@.-.- General...........................................................................................................................................................
@.-.+ "ecurity procedure.......................................................................................................................................
Annex A (informative): Change history..............................................................................................
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ 3 "elease #$
This Technical "pecification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document/ it will be re;released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsA
Bersion ).y.!
) the first diitA
- presented to T"G for informationC
+ presented to T"G for approvalC
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance/ i.e. technical enhancements/ corrections/
updates/ etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ * "elease #$
1 Sc!%e
The present document specifies the security architecture enhancements (i.e./ enhancements to the security features and
the security mechanisms) to facilitate Machine;Type and other mobile data applications 2ommunications enhancements
(MT2e) as per the use cases and service re:uirements defined in 3GPP T" ++.3>@ D+E and the architecture
enhancements and procedures defined in 3GPP T" +3.>@+ D3E.
2 e4ere)ce#
The followin documents contain provisions which/ throuh reference in this te)t/ constitute provisions of the present
; $eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication/ edition number/ version number/ etc.) or
; 8or a specific reference/ subse:uent revisions do not apply.
; 8or a non;specific reference/ the latest version applies. 'n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document)/ a non;specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
D-E 3GPP T$ +-.F,=A GBocabulary for 3GPP "pecificationsG.
D+E 3GPP T" ++.3>@A G"ervice $e:uirements for Machine;Type 2ommunications (MT2)G.
D3E 3GPP T" +3.>@+A G0rchitecture 3nhancements to facilitate communications with Pac#et 9ata
(etwor#s and 0pplicationsG.
D.E 3GPP T" +F.3>@A GTsp interface protocol between the MT2 'nterwor#in 8unction (MT2;'<8)
and "ervice 2apability "erver ("2")G.
D=E 3GPP T" +3.,.,A GTechnical reali!ation of the "hort Messae "ervice ("M")G.
D>E 3GPP T" +3.-.+A GBalue;added "ervices for "M" (B0"."M")C 'nterface and sinallin flowG.
D?E 3GPP T" 33.++,A GGeneric 0uthentication 0rchitecture (G00)C Generic 1ootstrappin
0rchitecture (G10)G.
D@E 3GPP T" 33.++3A GGeneric 0uthentication 0rchitecture (G00)C Generic 1ootstrappin
0rchitecture (G10) Push functionG.
DFE 3GPP T" +3.+,.A G"upport of "hort Messae "ervice ("M") over eneric 3GPP 'nternet Protocol
('P) accessC "tae +G.
D-,E 3GPP T" 3-.--=A G$emote 0P94 "tructure for (4)"'M Tool#it applicationsG.
D--E 3GPP T" 3-.-->A G$emote 0P94 "tructure for (4niversal) "ubscriber 'dentity Module (4)"'M
Tool#it applicationsG.
D-+E 3T"' T" -,+ ++=A G"mart 2ardsC "ecured pac#et structure for 4'22 based applicationsH.
D-3E 3T"' T" -,+ ++>A G"mart cardsC $emote 0P94 structure for 4'22 based applicationsH.
D-.E 3GPP T" 3-.---A G4niversal "ubscriber 'dentity Module (4"'M) 0pplication Tool#it (4"0T)G.
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ , "elease #$
3 5e4i)iti!)#, #y6*!$# ')" '**re7i'ti!)#
3.1 5e4i)iti!)#
8or the purposes of the present document/ the terms and definitions iven in T$ +-.F,= D-E and the followin apply.
0 term defined in the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same term/ if any/ in T$ +-.F,= D-E.
3.2 Sy6*!$#
8or the purposes of the present document/ the followin symbols applyA
3.3 (**re7i'ti!)#
8or the purposes of the present document/ the abbreviations iven in T$ +-.F,= D-E and the followin apply.
0n abbreviation defined in the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation/ if any/
in T$ +-.F,= D-E.
MT2 Machine;Type 2ommunications
MT2;'<8 MT2 'nterwor#in 8unction
4 Security e8uire6e)t#
4.1 e8uire6e)t# !) MTC
The security re:uirements for MT2 include the followinA
; MT2 optimi!ations shall not derade security compared to non;MT2 communications 3GPP T" ++.3>@ D+E
4.2 e8uire6e)t# !) T#% re4ere)ce %!i)t
The Tsp reference point shall fulfil the followin re:uirementsA
; interity protection/ replay protection/ confidentiality protection and privacy protection for communication
between the MT2;'<8 and "2" shall be supportedA
; mutual authentication between two directly communicatin entities in the security domains/ in which MT2;
'<8 and "2" respectively reside/ shall be supportedC
; the use of mutual authentication shall follow the provisions in T" +F.3>@ D.EC
; interity protection and replay protection shall be usedC
; confidentiality protection should be usedC
; privacy shall be provided (e.. 'M"' shall not be sent outside the 3GPP operator domain).
4.3 e8uire6e)t# !) MTC-9:+
The functionality of the MT2;'<8 includes the followinA
; support ability to satisfy security re:uirements on Tsp reference point in clause ..+.
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ + "elease #$
5 Ge)er'$ #ecurity %r!ce"ure#
5.1 Security %r!ce"ure# 4!r T#% i)ter4'ce #ecurity
The security procedures for the Tsp interface are specified in T" +F.3>@ D.E.
6 Security %r!ce"ure# 4!r 5e7ice Tri33eri)3
6.1 ,et2!r; *'#e" #!$uti!) 4!r 4i$teri)3 SMS-"e$i7ere" "e7ice
tri33er 6e##'3e#
The followin solution may be implemented to filter "M";delivered device trier messaes.
This solution relies on the fact that there is a standardi!ed indicator in the "M that can be used to distinuish a trier
"M from other types of "M/ i.e. TP Protocol 'd as specified in 3GPP T" +3.,., D=E.
The solution further assumes that leitimate trier "Ms are delivered via either a "M";"2 in the IP6M( that can
verify the identity of the "M3 sendin a leitimate trier "M over Tsms/ or via an MT2;'<8 in the IP6M( that can
verify the identity of the "2" sendin a leitimate trier "M over Tsp.
The IP6M( shall implement Iome (etwor# $outin accordin to 3GPP T" +3.,., D=E for Mobile Terminated "Ms
destined for all IP6M( subscribers that need protection aainst unauthorised "M";delivered device trier messaes
(e.. all subscriptions that may be used in M3s that support "M";delivered device trierin).
Iome (etwor# $outin shall have the effect of forcin the delivery of the "M to an "M" $outer in the IP6M( rather
than to the servin M"2JB6$/ "G"( or MM3 of the destination 43. 'f an "M received by the "M" $outer does not
oriinate from the "M";"2 in the IP6M( that handles "M";delivered device trier messaes/ then the "M" $outer
shall forward the "M to infrastructure that shall filter and bloc# all "Ms that contain a trier indication.
; $eferrin to the "M" architecture and function defined in 3GPP T" +3.,., D=E and 3GPP T" +3.+,. DFE/ "M"s
need to be delivered throuh "M";"2. On the basis of the architecture of machine;type communication/ for
"M" based device trier and 3GPP T" +3.,., D=E/ the "M";"2 can receive short messae with the related
sender and receiverKs identities from three paths/ i.e. "M3 via Tsms interface or T. interface or from "M";
'<M"2. 8ilterin "M";delivered device trier messaes is networ#;based/ so the fa#e trierin "M"s from
an attac#er shall be distinuished and bloc#ed to be sent by "M";"2 on the networ# side. The followin is how
these three paths wor# for "M";"2 to receive short messaesA 'f an "M received by the "M";"2 in the IP6M(
that handles "M";delivered device trier messaes does not oriinate from the T. interface/ then the "M";"2
shall forward the "M to filterin infrastructure.
'f an "M received by the filterin infrastructure contains a trier indication/ and does not oriinate from a
trusted "M3 that is authorised to send trier "Ms/ then the "M shall be bloc#ed.
'f an "M received by the filterin infrastructure contains a trier indication/ and does oriinate from a trusted
"M3 that is authorised to send trier "Ms/ then the filterin infrastructure shall only allow trier re:uests to be
sent to particular 43s that the trusted "M3 is authorised to send to. 't is outside the scope of this specification
how the filterin infrastructure shall determine if a trusted "M3 is allowed to send a device trier to a particular
; <hen "M";"2 receives short messae which is forwarded by MT2;'<8 via T. interface/ the "M";"2 ensures
T. interface is trusted and sends the short messae/ because the MT2;'<8 can authenticate MT2 server and
ensure that only the authori!ed MT2 "erver can trier the particular MT2 devices.
; <hen the "M";"2 receives short messaes from "M";'<M"2/ the "M";"2 shall also forward the "M to
filterin infrastructure. Thus the "M";"2 can chec# if the "M is oriinated from an authori!ed "M3 by
chec#in the receiverKs authori!ed sender list. 'f not/ it should bloc# the fa#e "M to be sent.
'f a trier re:uest received by the MT2;'<8 oriinates from the Tsp interface/ then the MT2;'<8 shall filter and
bloc# the trier unless it oriinates from a trusted "2" that is authorised to send trier re:uests. The procedure is
described in 3GPP T" +3.>@+ D3E clause =.+.-.
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ ' "elease #$
The normal 43 is not allowed to send MO trier "M"s to trier MT2 devices accordin to section F.+.3.F of
3GPP T" +3.,., D=E/ so "M";"2 shall distinuish and bloc# the fa#e MO device trier "M"s from normal 43Ks
(OT3 -A 9ependin on operator policy/ a trusted source may be authori!ed to send trier messaes to any 43.
'n order to protect aainst source spoofin/ the interfaces used to transport trier messaes shall be suitably secured. 'n
particular/ the Tsms/ Tsp and T. interfaces shall be secured. Tsp interface security is specified in T" +3.>@+ D3E
clause ..3.3.-. The security mechanisms for the Tsms interface are outside the scope of this specification.
8ilterin of "M" can be performed accordin to the architecture specified in 3GPP T" +3.-.+ D>E. <hen the filterin
entity receives an "M/ it can identify if the "M is a trier "M based on some trier indication contained in the "M
(i.e. TP Protocol 'd as specified in 3GPP T" +3.,., D=E).
(OT3 +A 'n the above solution filterin is distributed between filterin infrastructure associated with the "M"
$outer/ filterin infrastructure associated with the "M";"2/ and the filterin functions within the MT2;
'<8. This reflects the fact that the filterin needs to be invo#ed by an entity which can verify the source
of the "M on a locally connected interface. <hilst the "M" $outer is an optional entity that may be
present in the MT case only/ it does not have the capability to verify the oriinal source of messaes on
the Tsp or Tsms interfaces/ and therefore a solution where only the "M" $outer invo#es filterin is not
sufficient. The best place for filterin infrastructure to associate with is "M";"2 which can filter "Ms
received from all paths.
(OT3 3A The solution in this clause aims to protect aainst unauthorised entities sendin potentially hih volumes
of trier messaes to lare numbers of MT2 devices to cause a 9istributed 9enial of "ervice (99o")
attac# aainst the core networ#. Iowever/ the solution only provides protection aainst "M" application
level threatsC it does not protect aainst attac#s where networ# internal nodes or networ# sinallin lin#s
are compromised or abused by an attac#er (e.. spoofin of M0PL8orwardL"hortLMessae operations
containin trier indications towards taret 43s on an ""? connection). 'f such attac#s need to be
mitiated/ or if Iome (etwor# $outin is not supported by the IP6M(/ then the solution specified in
this clause is not sufficient and some form of end;to;end cryptoraphic protection of trier messaes is
needed between the MT2 0pplication in the networ# and the MT2 0pplication in the 43. "uch solutions
may be provided at an application level outside the scope of 3GPP specifications. 0 solution to
cryptoraphically protect trier messaes may be introduced in a future 3GPP $elease.
(OT3 .A There e)ists a scenario in which inter;P6M( "M2;"2s are directly connected/ thus the implementation
of Iome (etwor# $outin is not mandatory.
7 Security %r!ce"ure# 4!r #ecure c!))ecti!)
7.1 9)tr!"ucti!)
The "ecure 2onnection is a feature with which the networ# operator is able to efficiently provide #ey material for
securin the application protocol between 43 and a "2" (indirect model) or between 43 and a MT2 0pplication
"erver (direct model).
G10/ as specified in 3GPP T" 33.++, D?E/ is used to bootstrap authentication and #ey areement for application
security based on the 3GPP 0&0 mechanism. G10 shall be used to establish the #eys for a 43 initiated "ecure
0n e)tension to G10/ called G10Push/ is defined in 3GPP T" 33.++3 D@E. G10Push is also used to establish #eys for
application security between two entities/ but unli#e G10/ it is initiated from the networ#. G10Push shall be used to
establish the #eys for a networ# initiated "ecure 2onnection.
0lso other mechanisms (for e)ample/ usin 30P;0&0 authentication in scenarios which G10 cannot apply to) can be
used to provide the MT2 "ecure 2onnection feature between the 43 and "2" or between the 43 and MT2 0pplication
"erver. These mechanisms are rearded to be outside the scope of 3GPP specifications.
The implementation of "ecure 2onnection feature in the M3 and networ# is optional.
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ & "elease #$
7.2 <E i)iti'te" #ecure c!))ecti!)
This solution is restricted to such 43s that support ITTP.
0 43;initiated "ecure 2onnection shall be established usin G10 as defined in 3GPP T" 33.++, D?E.
G10 shall be used reardless if the "ecure 2onnection is between the 43 and "2" or between the 43 and MT2
0pplication "erver. The "2" and the MT2 0pplication "erver shall act as (08s. The "ecure 2onnection #ey
establishment usin G10 is outlined as followsA
The 43 runs a G10 bootstrappin with the 1"8 via the 4b interface. This bootstrappin results in that the 43
and 1"8 share a session #ey &s and an identifier associated with the &s/ called 1;T'9. The 43 ne)t enerates a
&sL(e)tJint)L(08 #ey from #ey &s/ and establishes a connection with the intended (08 over the 4a interface.
The (08 function is performed by the "2" in the indirect model/ and by the MT2 0pplication "erver in the
direct model. 0t the start of the communication/ the 43 provides the (08 with the 1;T'9. The (08 re:uests
the &sL(e)tJint)L(08/ correspondin to the 1;T'9 from the 1"8. The 43 and "2"JMT2 0pplication "erver can
then protect the 4a application protocol (i.e. the "ecure 2onnection) usin the shared &sL(e)tJint)L(08 #ey.
't depends on the used 4a application protocol how the &sL(e)tJint)L(08 #eys are used in order to protect the
communication between the 43 and the "2" or between the 43 and the MT2 0pplication "erver.
7.3 ,et2!r; i)iti'te" #ecure c!))ecti!)
0 networ#;initiated "ecure 2onnection shall be established usin G10Push as defined in 3GPP T" 33.++3 D@E.
G10Push shall be used reardless if the "ecure 2onnection is between the 43 and "2" or between the 43 and MT2
0pplication "erver. The "2" and the MT2 0pplication "erver shall act as Push (08s.
The "ecure 2onnection #ey establishment usin G10Push is outlined as followsA
The push(08/ i.e. the "2" in the indirect model and the MT2 0pplication "erver in the direct model/
determines the need to use G10Push in order to establish #eys for application security (i.e. a "ecure 2onnection)
with the 43. The push(08 then re:uests a G10 Push;'nfo (GP') and a &sL(intJe)t)L(08 #ey from the 1"8 and
then forwards the GP' to the 43. The 43 processes the GP' and enerates a &sL(e)tJint)L(08 #ey from it. The
43 and push(08 can protect the 4a application protocol (i.e. the "ecure 2onnection) usin the shared
&sL(e)tJint)L(08 #ey.
'f the push(08 ("2" or MT2 0pplication "erver) does not have 'P connectivity with the 43/ the GP' can be sent in the
9evice Trier to the 43 via the Tsp in case of "2" is the push(08 and via Tsms in case of MT2 0pplication "erver
(actin as "M3) is the push(08. 'n this case the GP' can serve two purposesA it can be used to provide #eys for the
application protocol (i.e. "ecure 2onnection) and it can also be used protect the device trier itself in an end;to;end
'f the push(08 ("2" or MT2 0pplication "erver) has 'P connectivity with the 43/ the GP' can be sent within the
application protocol that the MT2 application uses and used to provide #eys for the "ecure 2onnection.
't depends on the used 4a application protocol how the &sL(e)tJint)L(08 #eys are used in order to protect the
communication between the 43 and the "2" or between the 43 and the MT2 0pplication "erver.
8 Security %r!ce"ure# 4!r re#tricti)3 t&e <S9M t!
#%eci4ic <E#
8.1 <E-*'#e" %r!ce"ure 2it& <S(T '%%$ic'ti!) %'iri)3
8.1.1 Ge)er'$
This clause specifies how the use of a 4"'M can be restricted to specific M3s than#s to 43;based solution relyin on
4"0T application pairin. The solution is optional for implementation in the 4ser 3:uipment and in the operator
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ - "elease #$
To have 4"0T application pairin capable 4ser 3:uipment/ the M3 shall support 4"0T/ as specified in 3GPP T"
3-.--- D-.E.
8.1.2 Security %r!ce"ure
4"0T application pairin is successful when the 'M3' or 'M3'"B retrieved from the terminal matches the value or the
rane of values the 4'22 is confiured with. 4"0T application pairin fails if the terminal does not support 4"0T
command P$OB'93 6O206 '(8O$M0T'O(.
0fter a 4'22 reset/ the 4"'M has its P'( in a bloc#ed state before 4"'M application selection. The P'( is unbloc#ed
and disabled after a successful 4"0T application pairin. 0n 43 supportin 4"0T application pairin proceeds to
Profile download as specified in 3-.--- D-.E. The 4"'M immediately sends a proactive command P$OB'93 6O206
'(8O$M0T'O( re:uestin the 43Ks 'M3'("B). The 43 then sends the T3$M'(06 $3"PO("3 with its 'M3'("B)
before startin 4"'M initialisation procedure.
The file 38'M3'"B stores the 'M3'("B) or rane of value to which the 4"'M is bound.
The file 38%'iri)3 stores the status of the last pairin chec# performed by the 4'22. The 4'22 chec#s the combination of
4"'M and MT2 M3 and sets the status fla to MO&H in case of successful pairin chec#. The 4'22 also stores in the
file 38%'iri)3 the 'M3("B) value of the MT2 M3. 'n case of unsuccessful pairin chec#/ the 4"'M sets the status fla to
M&OH and stores in the file 38%'iri)3 the 'M3("B) value of the unauthori!ed MT2 M3.
The status fla of pairin chec# (with value MO& or M&OH) stored in the file 38%'iri)3 can be read by any terminal hostin
the 4'22. 1ut/ the 'M3'("B) value stored in the file 38%'iri)3 is protected by 09M riht/ only the operator can retrieve
this information. The information stored in the file 38%'iri)3 provide a mechanism to detect chane of association
between a 4"'M and a MT2 M3. The information stored in the file E+%'iri)3 can be read out locally by the maintenance
4'22 OT0 mechanism (as specified in 3GPP T" 3-.--= D-,E J T" 3---> D--E and 3T"' T" -,+ ++= D-+E and T"
-,+ ++> D-3E) is used to update the file 38 'M3'"B stored in the 4"'M. This mechanism provides dynamic manaement of
the pairin to chane the allowed combinations of 4"'M and MT2 M3(s) by addin or removin authori!ed 'M3'("B)
values or 'M3'("B) ranes the file 38 'M3'"B.
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ #) "elease #$
())e0 ( (i)4!r6'ti7e)-
C&')3e &i#t!ry
Chan.e history
/ate TSG 0 TSG /oc% C" "ev Su!ject1Comment 2ld 3e4
2013-04 9)iti'$ 7er#i!) ')" '""iti!) !4 c!)tri*uti!)# '3ree" i) S(3=71
- 0.1.0
2013-07 (""iti!) !4 c!)tri*uti!)# '3ree" i) S(3=72 6eeti)3 0.1.0 0.2.0
2013-11 (""iti!) !4 c!)tri*uti!)# '3ree" i) S(3=73 6eeti)3 0.2.0 0.3.0
2013-11 MCC c$e')-u% 0.3.0 0.3.1
2014-01 (""iti!) !4 c!)tri*uti!)# '3ree" i) S(3=73 6eeti)3 0.3.1 0.4.0
2014-02 S(=63 Pre#e)t'ti!) 4!r i)4!r6'ti!) ')" '%%r!7'$ 0.4.0 1.0.0
2014-03 <%3r'"e t! e$-12 7er#i!) !4 t&e #%ec 1.0.0 12.0.0
2014-06 S(=64 SP-140318 001 1 M!"i4ic'ti!) !) c$'u#e 6.1 !4 TS 33.187 12.0,0 12.1.0
3GPP TS 33%#&' (#$%#%) ($)#*-)+ ## "elease #$

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