Concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. The paste, composed of portland cement and water, coats the aggregates and hardens through hydration to form a strong material. Proper proportioning of the ingredients is key to achieving strong, durable concrete. A properly designed mixture will have the desired workability when fresh and required durability and strength when hardened. Curing the concrete is important to allow further hydration and strength gain. Various curing methods aim to retain moisture in the concrete to support the chemical process.
Concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. The paste, composed of portland cement and water, coats the aggregates and hardens through hydration to form a strong material. Proper proportioning of the ingredients is key to achieving strong, durable concrete. A properly designed mixture will have the desired workability when fresh and required durability and strength when hardened. Curing the concrete is important to allow further hydration and strength gain. Various curing methods aim to retain moisture in the concrete to support the chemical process.
Concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. The paste, composed of portland cement and water, coats the aggregates and hardens through hydration to form a strong material. Proper proportioning of the ingredients is key to achieving strong, durable concrete. A properly designed mixture will have the desired workability when fresh and required durability and strength when hardened. Curing the concrete is important to allow further hydration and strength gain. Various curing methods aim to retain moisture in the concrete to support the chemical process.
Concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. The paste, composed of portland cement and water, coats the aggregates and hardens through hydration to form a strong material. Proper proportioning of the ingredients is key to achieving strong, durable concrete. A properly designed mixture will have the desired workability when fresh and required durability and strength when hardened. Curing the concrete is important to allow further hydration and strength gain. Various curing methods aim to retain moisture in the concrete to support the chemical process.
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The key takeaways are that concrete is a mixture of cement, water and aggregates that hardens through a chemical process called hydration. Its plastic when mixed but gains strength and durability when hardened, making it a versatile building material.
The main ingredients that make up concrete are cement, water, fine aggregates (sand), and coarse aggregates (gravel or crushed stone).
Properly proportioning the ingredients of concrete is key to achieving a strong and durable final product. The water to cement ratio and using the right amounts of each ingredient are important factors.
Concrete Basics
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In its simplest form, concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates. The paste, composed of portland cement and water, coats the surface of the fine and coarse aggregates. Through a chemical reaction called hydration, the paste hardens and gains strength to form the rock-like mass known as concrete. ithin this process lies the key to a remarka!le trait of concrete" it#s plastic and mallea!le when newly mixed, strong and dura!le when hardened. These $ualities explain why one material, concrete, can !uild skyscrapers, !ridges, sidewalks and superhighways, houses and dams. Proportioning The key to achie%ing a strong, dura!le concrete rests in the careful proportioning and mixing of the ingredients. & concrete mixture that does not ha%e enough paste to fill all the %oids !etween the aggregates will !e difficult to place and will produce rough, honeycom!ed surfaces and porous concrete. & mixture with an excess of cement paste will !e easy to place and will produce a smooth surface' howe%er, the resulting concrete is likely to shrink more and !e uneconomical. & properly designed concrete mixture will possess the desired worka!ility for the fresh concrete and the re$uired dura!ility and strength for the hardened concrete. Typically, a mix is a!out () to (* percent cement, +) to ,* percent aggregate and (* to -) percent water. .ntrained air in many concrete mixes may also take up another * to / percent. 0ortland cement#s chemistry comes to life in the presence of water. Cement and water form a paste that coats each particle of stone and sand. Through a chemical reaction called hydration, the cement paste hardens and gains strength. The character of the concrete is determined !y $uality of the paste. The strength of the paste, in turn, depends on the ratio of water to cement. The water-cement ratio is the weight of the mixing water di%ided !y the weight of the cement. High-$uality concrete is produced !y lowering the water-cement ratio as much as possi!le without sacrificing the worka!ility of fresh concrete. 1enerally, using less water produces a higher $uality concrete pro%ided the concrete is properly placed, consolidated, and cured. Other Ingredients <hough most drinking water is suita!le for use in concrete, aggregates are chosen carefully. &ggregates comprise +) to ,* percent of the total %olume of concrete. The type and si2e of the aggregate mixture depends on the thickness and purpose of the final concrete product. &lmost any natural water that is drinka!le and has no pronounced taste or odor may !e used as mixing water for concrete. Howe%er, some waters that are not fit for drinking may !e suita!le for concrete. .xcessi%e impurities in mixing water not only may affect setting time and concrete strength, !ut also may cause efflorescence, staining, corrosion of reinforcement, %olume insta!ility, and reduced dura!ility. 3pecifications usually set limits on chlorides, sulfates, alkalis, and solids in mixing water unless tests can !e performed to determine the effect the impurity has on %arious properties. 4elati%ely thin !uilding sections call for small coarse aggregate, though aggregates up to six inches 5(*) mm6 in diameter ha%e !een used in large dams. & continuous gradation of particle si2es is desira!le for efficient use of the paste. In addition, aggregates should !e clean and free from any matter that might affect the $uality of the concrete. Hydration Begins 3oon after the aggregates, water, and the cement are com!ined, the mixture starts to harden. &ll portland cements are hydraulic cements that set and harden through a chemical reaction with water. 7uring this reaction, called hydration, a node forms on the surface of each cement particle. The node grows and expands until it links up with nodes from other cement particles or adheres to ad8acent aggregates. The !uilding up process results in progressi%e stiffening, hardening, and strength de%elopment. 9nce the concrete is thoroughly mixed and worka!le it should !e placed in forms !efore the mixture !ecomes too stiff. 7uring placement, the concrete is consolidated to compact it within the forms and to eliminate potential flaws, such as honeycom!s and air pockets. :or sla!s, concrete is left to stand until the surface moisture film disappears. &fter the film disappears from the surface, a wood or metal handfloat is used to smooth off the concrete. :loating produces a relati%ely e%en, !ut slightly rough, texture that has good slip resistance and is fre$uently used as a final finish for exterior sla!s. If a smooth, hard, dense surface is re$uired, floating is followed !y steel troweling. Curing !egins after the exposed surfaces of the concrete ha%e hardened sufficiently to resist marring. Curing ensures the continued hydration of the cement and the strength gain of the concrete. Concrete surfaces are cured !y sprinkling with water fog, or !y using moisture-retaining fa!rics such as !urlap or cotton mats. 9ther curing methods pre%ent e%aporation of the water !y sealing the surface with plastic or special sprays 5curing compounds6. 3pecial techni$ues are used for curing concrete during extremely cold or hot weather to protect the concrete. The longer the concrete is kept moist, the stronger and more dura!le it will !ecome. The rate of hardening depends upon the composition and fineness of the cement, the mix proportions, and the moisture and temperature conditions. ;ost of the hydration and strength gain take place within the first month of concrete#s life cycle, !ut hydration continues at a slower rate for many years. Concrete continues to get stronger as it gets older. The Forms of Concrete Concrete is produced in four !asic forms, each with uni$ue applications and properties. 4eady mixed concrete, !y far the most common form, accounts for nearly three-fourths of all concrete. It#s !atched at local plants for deli%ery in the familiar trucks with re%ol%ing drums. 0recast concrete products are cast in a factory setting. These products !enefit from tight $uality control achie%a!le at a production plant. 0recast products range from concrete !ricks and pa%ing stones to !ridge girders, structural components, and panels for cladding. Concrete masonry, another type of manufactured concrete, may !e !est known for its con%entional / x / x (+-inch !lock. Today#s masonry units can !e molded into a wealth of shapes, configurations, colors, and textures to ser%e an infinite spectrum of !uilding applications and architectural needs. Cement-!ased materials represent products that defy the la!el of <concrete,< yet share many of its $ualities. Con%entional materials in this category include mortar, grout, and terra22o. 3oil-cement and roller-compacted concrete-<cousins< of concrete-are used for pa%ements and dams. 9ther products in this category include flowa!le fill and cement-treated !ases. & new generation of ad%anced products incorporates fi!ers and special aggregate to create roofing tiles, shake shingles, lap siding, and countertops. &nd an emerging market is the use of cement to treat and sta!ili2e waste. Curing is the treatment or protection of concrete during its hardening period. Curing measures are necessary to maintain a satisfactory moisture and temperature condition in the concrete, !ecause internal temperature and moisture directly influence early and ultimate concrete properties. Curing measures pre%ent water loss from the mixture and allow more thorough cement hydration. To maximi2e concrete $uality it is necessary to apply curing measures as early as possi!le after placing concrete. Curing is also critical to pro%iding a dura!le pa%ement surface. & %ariety of curing methods and materials are a%aila!le for concrete pa%ement, including water spray or fog, wet !urlap sheets, plastic sheets, insulating !lankets, and li$uid-mem!rane-forming compounds. Curing enables concrete to become stronger and more durable. Proper curing requires: Sufficient moisture content--use curing methods to supply or retain moisture Favorable temperatures--50 degrees F to 0 degrees F !ime--minimum of seven days or until concrete reached "0# of its specified strength C$%& C'(C%&!& )**&+),!&-. ,F!&% F)()S/)(0 1.: P'(+)(0 1uild a di2e3 then fill 4ith 4ater to cover the entire concrete slab ,void 4ater or di2e material that can stain the concrete $se curing 4ater at a temperature 4ithin 50 degrees F of the concrete temperature ,void premature or sudden release of ponded 4ater3 4hich can damage the surrounding environment SP%)(6-)(0 '% F'0 SP%,.)(0 6eep surface continuously 4et7 alternate 4etting and drying causes cra8e crac2ing $se lo4 4ater pressure and flo4 to avoid 4ashing a4ay the fresh concrete surface $se a 4ater temperature 4ithin 50 degrees F of the concrete temperature ,void if 4ater runoff can damage the surrounding environment $S)(0 9&! *,!&%),-S Cover the concrete 4ith 4et burlap3 stra43 sa4dust3 or sand 9et continuously3 or cover 4ith plastic sheets and 4et frequently ,void materials that discolor concrete Prevent materials from blo4ing a4ay $S)(0 P-,S!)C S/&&!S '% 9,!&%P%''F P,P&% -ay flat3 lap edges : inches3 and cover e;posed concrete edges $se minimum <-mil-thic2 plastic sheet: 4hite in hot 4eather and blac2 in cold 4eather +on=t use on architectural concrete Secure covering to prevent concrete e;posure $S)(0 C$%)(0 C'*P'$(+S ,pply after finishing 4hen bleed 4ater disappears ,pply in t4o applications3 at right angles3 to form a continuous film !ypical coverage rates are >50-500 square feet per gallon ,void using on surfaces to be covered 4ith paint or toppings3 unless approved by the manufacturer Curing has a strong infuence on properties of hardened concrete such as durability, strength, watertightness, wear resistance, volume stability and resistance to freezing and thawing. When portland cement is mixed with water, a chemical reaction called hydration takes place. The extent to which this reaction is completed determines the strength, durability and density of the concrete. Most fresh concrete contains considerably more than enough water for complete hydration of the cement; however, any appreciable loss of water by evaporation or otherwise will delay or prevent complete hydration. Since hydration is relatively rapid the frst few days after fresh concrete is placed, it is important for the water to be retained during this period, that is, for evaporation to be prevented or at least reduced. The objects of curing, therefore, are: 1. To prevent (or replenish) the loss of moisture. 2. To control the concrete temperature for a defnite time. With proper curing, the concrete will become stronger and more resistant to stress, abrasion and frost. The improvement is rapid at early ages but continues more slowly for an indefnite period. For example, Fig. 1 charts the strength gain of concrete with age. The most efective method for curing concrete depends upon the circumstances. For most jobs, normal curing is adequate but in some cases, such as in hot and cold weather, special care is needed. When moist curing is interrupted, the development of strength continues for a short period and then stops. However, if moist curing is resumed, strength development will be reactivated. Although it can be done in a laboratory, it is difcult to resaturate concrete in the feld. Thus, it is best to moist-cure the concrete continuously from the time it is placed until it has sufcient strength, impermeability and resistance to abrasion, freezing and thawing and chemical attack. Loss of water will also cause the concrete to shrink, thus creating tensile stresses at the drying surface. If these stresses develop before the concrete has attained adequate tensile strength, surface cracking can result. All exposed surfaces, including exposed edges and joints, must be protected against moisture evaporation. Hydration proceeds at a much slower rate when the concrete temperature is low. Temperatures below 59F (10C) are unfavorable for the development of early strength; below 40F (4.5C) the development of early strength is greatly retarded; and at or below freezing temperatures, down to 14F (-10C), little or no strength develops. In recent years, a maturity concept has been introduced to evaluate the development of strength when there is variation in the curing temperature of the concrete. "Maturity" is defned as the product of the age of the concrete and it's average curing temperature. The method is fully described in American Concrete Institute Committee 306 Report, Cold-Weather Concreting. It follows that concrete should be protected so that it's temperature is kept favorable for hydration, and moisture is not lost during the early hardening period. CURING METHODS AND MATERIALS Concrete can be kept moist (and in some cases at a favorable temperature) by three curing methods: 1. Methods that maintain the presence of mixing water in the concrete during the early hardening period. These include ponding or immersion, spraying or fogging and saturated wet coverings. Such methods aford some cooling through evaporation, which is benefcial in hot weather. 2. Methods that prevent loss of mixing water from the concrete by sealing the surface. This can be done by covering with impervious paper or plastic sheets, or by applying membrane-forming curing compounds. 3. Methods that accelerate strength gain by supplying heat and moisture to the concrete. This is usually accomplished with live steam, heating coils, or electrically heated forms or pads. The method or combination of methods chosen depends on factors such as availability of curing materials, shape and size of concrete surface, esthetic appearance and economics Concrete that has been specified, batched, mixed, placed, and finished "letter-perfect" can still be a failure if improperly or inadequately cured. Curing is usually the last step in a concrete project and, unfortunately, is often neglected even by professionals. Curing has a major influence on the properties of hardened concrete such as durability, strength, ater- tightness, ear resistance, volume stability, and resistance to free!ing and thaing. Proper concrete curing for agricultural and residential applications involves "eeping nely placed concrete moist and avoiding temperature extremes #above $%&' or belo (%&') for at least three days. * seven-day #or longer) curing time is recommended if construction constraints permit. +o general methods of curing can be used, -. Procedures that "eep ater on the concrete during the curing period. +hese include ponding or immersion, spraying or fogging, and saturated et coverings. .uch methods provide some cooling through evaporation, hich is beneficial in hot eather. /. Procedures that prevent the loss of the mixing ater from concrete by sealing the surface. +his can be done by covering the concrete ith impervious paper or plastic sheets, or by applying membrane- forming curing compounds. +he best curing method for a particular job depends on cost, application equipment required, materials available, and the si!e and shape of the concrete surface. Begin the curing as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to avoid erosion or other damage to the freshly finished surface. +his is usually ithin one to to hours after placement and finishing Curing concrete, hether it is footings, slabs, alls, architectural or non- architectural, is defined by the *merican Concrete 0nstitute as maintaining satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete during its early stages so that it may obtain the desired properties that the oner, engineer, and architect expect. +he effects of curing the concrete can play a major role in either diminishing or enhancing its strength, durability, and appearance. 'or example, a slab that is not cured properly may exhibit more drying shrin"age crac"s due to excessive evaporation or if cured improperly, may sho significant discoloration. Concrete curing methods can be divided into to basic methods for retaining a satisfactory moisture content. 'irst, moisture can be retained by fogging, ponding, or immersion and second, moisture can be retained by the application of curing compounds or impervious coverings. 0f the decision is to cure by ponding or immersion in ater, the ater temperature should be "ept to plus or minus tenty-five degrees to reduce thermal stress in the concrete. 0t is very important that the concrete surface be "ept continually et. 0f the concrete is subject to alternate cycles of etting and drying, it may cause surface cra!ing and crac"ing 'ogging or spraying ith ater are excellent methods of curing if temperatures are ell above free!ing and the ater source and run off do not create any site problems. .oa"er hoses and fogging no!!les may also be used as a good ay to reduce rapid evaporation of moisture from the concrete surface. 0mpervious paper or plastic sheeting may be used to seal or prevent the loss of moisture from the concrete surface. 0t should be tightly sealed to maintain close contact ith the concrete surface during the curing process. 0mpervious paper or plastic should not be used for colored concrete or architectural concrete due to the possibility of discoloration, especially here rin"les and seams are present. Curing compounds are probably the most idely used due to the ease of application and cost. * good solution is a combination cure1seal compound that ill seal and protect the concrete in addition to proper curing. 2ue to their reflective nature, hite pigmented curing compounds should be used in hot eather situations to reduce solar heat gain and maintain cooler in-place concrete temperatures. 0t should be noted that some curing compounds may affect bonding of concrete surfaces and the adhesion of some flooring systems. 3ou should chec" the manufacturer4s product data for this information. Curing does play a vital role in both the structural properties of finished concrete and in its appearance. * discussion of curing procedures should ta"e place in all pre-pour meetings. 0t is a critical process in the complete performance of the concrete and should be addressed by the architect, engineer, oner, supplier, and contractor to insure that the quality and durability of the concrete are met. Construction Curing Why Cure? The ma8or o!8ecti%e of concrete curing applications is to pre%ent the rapid loss of water from the concrete. &s concrete loses water due to e%aporation from the top surface, differential drying shrinkage can occur. This is a ma8or contri!utor to shrinkage cracking. The application of curing methods reduces the loss of water from the surface of the concrete. It also permits more complete hydration of cement in the concrete itself. ;inimi2ing e%aporation also helps control the temperature of the concrete during its early-age stage. Curing operations should !egin after the water sheen disappears from the surface, and after any texturing operations ha%e !een completed. In the case of a curing compound, the mem!rane formed !y the compound should not !e distur!ed after it is placed. Rapid Drying Conditions In rapid drying conditions, a light water fog may !e necessary to maintain moist surface conditions prior to the application of curing methods. =ight water fogging can !e accomplished during a short period of time when the concrete surface !egins to dry !ut !efore the curing operations can !egin, such as prior to texturing operations ha%e !een completed. Use of Amient Weather Condition Information &m!ient weather conditions, such as wind speed, relati%e humidity, and air temperature can interact with the temperature of the concrete to cause excessi%e water e%aporation from the concrete surface. 3ince different curing methods pro%ide different le%els of protection, knowing the amount of protection re$uired is important in determining the method to use. In order to know the re$uired le%el of protection, the am!ient conditions and concrete temperature must !e known. & porta!le weather station that records the am!ient conditions and automatically predicts e%aporati%e water from the concrete surface can !e an in%alua!le tool for controlling water loss from the concrete surface. 3uch a tool can also warn in ad%ance when conditions approach predefined limits of e%aporation. Curing !ethods >arious concrete curing methods are a%aila!le, and each pro%ides different le%els of protection. & single coat of li$uid curing compound generally pro%ides the least protection, !ut additional coats can impro%e its performance. 0olyethylene sheets, cotton mats and wet !urlap pro%ide additional protection. "i#uid Curing Compound hite-pigmented, li$uid mem!rane curing compound is used most often due to its low cost and ease of application. It does not re$uire great amounts of la!or, nor does it expensi%e, !ulky material, such as cotton mats. It#s disad%antages are that it pro%ides the least amount of protection, and the mem!rane can !e ruptured inad%ertently. The li$uid curing compound should !e white, to a%oid excess heat a!sorption from the sun 5:igure ?.(6. &lso, the white color ena!les construction workers to check more easily for co%erage uniformity and gaps in the co%erage. The li$uid compound must !e constantly agitated during application to ensure that the mixture is applied correctly. The curing compound spraying operation should !e shielded from the wind throughout the process. The compound must co%er all exposed surfaces, including the sides of the pa%ement sla!. The compound should not, howe%er, !e applied into any 8oints in the pa%ement. :or ultra-thin whitetopping, curing compound should !e applied at twice the normal application rate, due to its extra sensiti%ity to drying shrinkage. Figure 4.1 - White-Pigmented, Liquid Membrane Curing Compound. $%astic or Waterproof $aper 0lastic, or polyethylene, sheeting pro%ides good protection to the concrete from water e%aporation from the surface 5:igure ?.-6. It re$uires more la!or than li$uid curing compound, yet it is not as !ulky as cotton mats or !urlap. aterproof paper may also !e used in the same manner descri!ed here for plastic sheeting, !ut is not as common. The plastic sheeting must not ha%e any rips or tears through which water can escape. The sheets should o%erlap to pro%ide full co%erage for the concrete surface. @ust as with curing compound, the sheeting should co%er all exposed concrete surfaces, including the edges of the pa%ement sla!. &cti%e methods must !e used to hold the sheeting in place. 7o not assume that they will remain in place of their own accord. Figure 4.2 - Polyethylene Sheeting !ed a! a Curing Method. Cotton !ats or Bur%ap Cotton mats represent a great increase in e%aporation protection, !oth !y pro%iding additional moisture if needed, and !y protecting the concrete from am!ient conditions such as low humidity, high wind speeds, and high temperatures. Cotton mats and wet !urlap must !e kept continually moist. hen the mats get dry they can !ecome more harmful than without them due to <wicking< action which draws moisture from the concrete into the mat 563 C7809: C;9C8<+< 0. .; 0=P;8+*9+, 0mproper curing can cut the strength of even the best concrete by (%>. Curing simply means "eeping the ater in the concrete here it can do its job of chemically combining ith the cement to change the cement into a tough "glue" that ill help develop strong, durable concrete. :ood curing means "eeping the concrete damp until the concrete is strong enough to do its job. *ll concrete must be cured to attain maximum strength. Correctly cured concrete is best from every standpoint, 0t shrin"s less, crac"s less, and dusts less. 0t is stronger, more durable and has a more ear resistant surface. =;8< 278*B?< C;9C8<+<, :ood concrete, properly cured, means feer pores and crevices here ater can enter, free!e, expand and crac" the concrete. =;8< 5<*8 8<.0.+*9+ C;9C8<+<, 5ell cured concrete ill develop a surface tice as ear resistant as a surface that is cured for only three days. Proper curing prevents dusting, and means less crac"ing, cra!ing and spalling of the concrete. *ll in all, the better the curing, the better the concrete. =<=B8*9< C7809: C;=P;792., are the preferred #most practical and idely used) method of sealing moisture in the concrete. <asy to spray, roll or brush on and lo in cost, only one application is generally needed. +his method is effective for slabs, vertical alls or irregular surfaces. 5*+<8 .P8*3, is a good curing method but only if the concrete is "ept continually damp. *lloing the concrete to dry beteen sprin"lings can cause cra!ing of the surface and crac"ing of slabs. Contents Essential for good concrete Spray-on-compounds Methods When to spray Water curing Using the compounds Ponding Exposed concrete Sprinkling Colour uniformity Wet coverings White and coloured concrete Sheet curing Rust staining Polythene sheet Paving and floor slas Using polythene Minor roads! paths and drives "orm#ork protection Concrete ase slas Memrane curing $irect finishes and toppings Cement-sand screeds &ssentia% for 'ood Concrete Curing is the process or operation hich controls the loss of moisture from concrete after it has been placed in position, or in the manufacture of concrete products, thereby providing time for the hydration of the cement to occur. .ince the hydration of cement does ta"e time, days, and even ee"s, rather than hours, curing must be underta"en for some specified period of time if the concrete is to achieve its potential strength and durability. Curing may also encompass the control of temperature since this affects the rate at hich cement hydrates. +his period ill depend on the properties required of the concrete, the purpose for hich it is to be used, and the ambient conditions, that is the temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. .ince curing is designed primarily to "eep the concrete moist by preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete during the period in hich it is gaining strength, it may be done in to ays, by preventing an excessive loss of moisture from the concrete for some period of time, eg by leaving formor" in place, covering the concrete ith an impermeable membrane after the formor" has been removed, or by a combination of such methods@ or by continuously etting the surface thereby preventing the loss of moisture from it. Ponding or spraying the surface ith ater are methods typically employed to this end. !ethods +here are three basic ays of curing concrete. -. +he first - involves "eeping the surface of the concrete moist by the use ponding, spraying1sprin"ling, damp sand or damp hessian. /. +he second prevents the loss of moisture from the concrete by covering it ith polythene sheeting or leaving the formor" in place. A. +he third involves the use of spray or roller applied curing compounds.
Water Curing 5ater curing, if properly carried out, can be the most efficient - and the most appropriate for some types of or", e.g. floors, and include ponding, sprin"ling, and et coverings. $onding ;n flat surfaces such as pavements, footpaths, and floors, concrete can be cured by ponding. <arth or sand dy"es around the perimeter of the concrete surface retain a pond of ater ithin the enclosed area. *n efficient method for preventing loss of moisture from the concrete, ponding is also effective for maintaining a uniform temperature hoever, the method is often impractical except for small jobs. :igure (.( 0onding the concrete surface
(prin)%ing :igure (.- 3prinkling the concrete surface Continuous sprin"ling ith ater is also an excellent method of curing. 0f sprin"ling is done at intervals, care must be ta"e to prevent the concrete from drying beteen applications of ater. * fine spray of ater applied continuously through a system of no!!les provides a constant supply of moisture. +his prevents the possibility of "cra!ing" or crac"ing caused by alternate cycles of etting and drying. * disadvantage of sprin"ling may be its cost. +he method requires an adequate supply of ater and careful supervision. %op of Page Wet Co*erings 5et coverings such as hessian or other moisture retaining fabrics are extensively used for curing. .uch coverings should be placed as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent surface damage. Care should be ta"en to cover the entire surface, including the edges of slabs such as pavements and footpaths. +he coverings should be "ept continuously moist so that a film of ater remains on the concrete surface throughout the curing period. :igure (.A Hessian re$uires fre$uent wetting (heet Curing .heet curing methods may not be so efficient but are usually satisfactory for all except very special or", and they have the big plus point that they can be carried out more easily on both hori!ontal and vertical surfaces. $o%ythene (heet :igure (.? & roll of (-* micron polythene, ?m wide x-*m long * simple, yet effective, ay of "eeping moisture in the concrete is to cover it ith -/(-micron #(%%-gauge) polythene sheeting. Polythene sheet is a material that is easy to handle and store, and afterards it can be re-used for so many other purposes on site including, or course, curing other concrete at a later date. .heeting should not be used over pigmented or pattern stamped concrete as it can cause discoloration of the surface. Using $o%ythene +he polythene should be placed in position as soon as possible - on vertical surfaces ithin half an hour of the removal of the formor"@ on slabs as soon as the concrete is hard enough to prevent surface damage or mar"ing. 5ait until the ater sheen has evaporated, but not so long that the concrete starts to dry out. 5hen the surface of the slab has a special finish - such as a texture - the polythene should be spread over light frames above the concrete. 5ith such finishes there is no need to ait for any bleed ater to evaporate before you position the polythene@ the curing can start immediately the slab is finished. :igure (.* 0olythene sheet is lapped, taped and tied around !eams and columns :igure (.+ 0rotect the finish of a textured sla! !y raising the polythene on a frame 0t is important that the exposed edges and corners of the sheet should be ell fixed don. ;therise ind and draughts get underneath and create a ind-tunnel effect that ould dry the surface of the concrete.'ormor" gives some protection, but tops of alls and columns still need to be cured. :ood fixing also, of course, stops the polythene sheet from bloing about. 0f you have to use more than one sheet, overlap them by at least A%%mm, andtape the joins. 7se tapes or string for tying around beams and columns. 0f there is no chance of frost, and the concrete is hard enough, it ill assist the curing if you spray on ater before placing the polythene. Form+or) $rotection 5hile it is in position, formor" protects concrete against loss of moisture, and thus allos curing to proceed. 0t is only after it has been struc" that further curing - of columns, alls and beams, for instance - may be necessary. Concrete that is in an exposed position must be thoroughly cured even after prolonged protection by the formor". But in a mild, protected environment, and provided that the formor" has been in position for at least four days, there might be no need for further curing even in dry eather. 6oever you should chec" this point ith the engineer or cler" of or"s. 0f the formor" is struc" in less than four days, and the surfaces are designed to be a uniform colour - as in the case of a ro of columns, or a continuous all thorough and uniform curing is essential. :igure (., :ormwork gi%es some protection, !ut tops of walls and columns still need to !e cured. <ven here the formor" is left in place, exposed top surfaces must be cured in the normal ay. +he top of a all, for example, ill be exposed to more severe eather conditions than the face. +he top ill prove more durable if it is sprayed ith a high grade-curing compound. 5here steel reinforcement projects from the top of a all or column - through a hori!ontal construction joint - the top surface of the concrete should be covered ith polythene sheet pressed into place over the ends of the bars. +he polythene should be ell taped to the top of the formor". 5hen concrete ill receive a final applied decorative treatment, such as rendering, plaster or paint, in conditions of mild exposure #inside a building, for instance) further curing may not be necessary, no matter ho early the formor" is struc", but this is something you should chec" first. !emrane Curing =embrance curing methods are li"eise, not as efficient as sheet curing methods, but have the advantage over the previous to methods in that they do not need any further supervision once applied. (pray,on Compounds :igure (./ 0a%ed areas are cured with a super grade white, or luminised, spray-on pigment. Curing compounds are sprayed on the surface - hand-held garden spray is suitable for most jobs - and can be used on both vertical and hori!ontal surfaces. 0t is essential alays to choose the correct type of compound. =ostly, the compounds consist of a resin in a solvent that evaporates after it has been applied, leaving behind a thin, continuous film or membrane that seals-in most of ind and sun after about for ee"s. =ost of the compounds come in to grades, a standard grade having a curing efficiency of B(>, and a super grade ith $%> efficiency. Both are usually available ith either a hite or aluminised pigment, or ith a fugitive dye. +he hite or aluminised pigmented compounds are for external paved areas because they reflect he sun4s rays, thus "eeping the concrete cooler. +hose ith a dye allo you to chec" at a glance that a uniform, all-over layer has been applied. +hey dye then quic"ly disappears ithout causing stains, provided it is not applied to a dry surface. * super-grade compound ith hite or aluminised pigment it advised for external paving, but a loer, non-pigmented grade is satisfactory for structural concrete. 0n tropical climates, the higher efficiency grade should be used in every case. .urfaces that ill be exposed to bright daylight should not be treated ith a curing compound if they are to receive any additional material that requires a positive bond. +his includes screeds, rendering, paint type finishes or a further layer of concrete. * range of compounds that, it is claimed, can be used in these situations, has recently been developed. 6oever, these compounds are not of highest standards of or"manship, so at this stage caution in their use is advised. :igure (.B :ugiti%e dye shows whether the application has !een thorough. Curing compounds are generally non-toxic but approval should be obtained before using them on structures that ill be holding drin"ing ater. When to (pray +he compounds should never be applied to dry surfaces since these ill absorb the compound, and staining or discoloration may result. 0f the surface is dry, that is a sign that the curing has been left too late. ;n vertical surfaces, apply the compound - standard or high-grade-almost immediately after the formor" has been stuc". 0f the surface has dried out, et it don ith clean ater then spray hile it is still moist. ;n slabs, apply the compound as soon as possible after any bleed ater has evaporated, and certainly no later than half an hour after the sheen caused by the ater has gone. Curing compounds do not or" if sprayed on top of ater. 0n damp conditions the ater may ta"e a fe hours to disappear, but much less on a dry day. Using the Compounds +here are various points to atch hen you are applying a curing compound. Before you start, ma"e sure that you have enough stoc" in for the job in hand- you ill need about a litre for each C of surface area - and sufficient cleaning solvent, too. :igure (.() .$uipment for applying a spray-on compound. *lays ear protective goggles, gloves and mas". 3ou should avoid getting the compound on your s"in, in your eyes or in your mouth, for it might cause harm. =a"e sure you read and understand the manufacturer4s health and safety notes so that you ill "no hat to do if anything goes rong..tir the compound before use, especially if it is a pigmented one, since the pigments tend to settle at the bottom of the drum. 'ill the spray reservoir ith the compound, then you can start or". 3ou should hold the spray about A%% to (%% mm from the surface, preferably even closer hen there is a ind. 0n indy conditions, the roller application illustrated in 'igure -.-- is the preferred option. 0t is vital that you cover all the concrete, and ith a uniform layer. +his is best ensured by first moving the no!!le bac" and forth to apply half the quantity required, then applying the remainder by moving the no!!le at right angles to the initial stro"es. :igure (.(( 4oller application :igure (.(- Hold the spray close to the surface and work in two directions. Clean out the equipment ith solvent after you have finished - and henever you brea" off spraying for more than, say half an hour - paying particular attention to the no!!le and hose. &-posed Concrete *ll concrete that ill be permanently exposed to the eather needs to be cured ith extra care, and for at least seven days. +his is particularly important for visual concrete, including hite and coloured concrete, plus special architectural finishes created by abrasive blasting or tooling. 5hen using ater spray techniques on special finishes it is very important to avoid ater strea"ing. +his is best achieved by using a fine fogging mist spray ith the concrete enclosed in a tent-li"e structure. +his is more appropriate for special pre-cast concrete panels. 5et-cured concrete ill be more impermeable and better able to ithstand free!ing and thaing, etting and drying. 0t ill also have a better long-term appearance, since dirt ill not collect so easily. Polythene sheeting can be used, but a spray-on curing compound is usually more convenient, although its use may be subject to approval in the case of special visual requirements for colour and uniformity. Co%our Uniformity +he colour of concrete can vary according to ho long the formor" is left is position after placing, and hether the day on hich it is struc" is dry or et. 5here uniformity of colour is important, for example ith as-struc", fair-faced and textured surfaces, you should either leave the formor" in position for four days, or, here it is struc" in less than that time, cover or rap the concrete in polythene sheeting for at least another three days. Curing compounds might discolour the concrete, even if only temporality, and might leave some uneven staining. White and Co%oured Concrete +he polythene sheeting method of curing hite or coloured concrete needs to be used ith care since direct surface contact at an early stage can lead to discoloration. Polythene has the advantage that, if left in place, it ill protect the concrete from dirt caused by activities on the site. 8emoving stains and dirt at a later stage is both time-consuming and expensive. 3ou could use a curing compound but only if you are sure from site trials that it ill not cause staining of the concrete. Rust (taining +he action of rain on reinforcement left projecting from the tops of alls and columns - for example, for continuity ith concrete that ill be placed later on - can create rust. +his ill form stains as it is ashed don the face of the concrete. 3ou can prevent these rust stains by applying a neat cement grout ash, or taping plastic sheaths, to the exposed reinforcement. :igure (.(A Cement grout or plastic sheaths pre%ent rust stains. $a*ing and F%oor (%as 0t is essential for most hori!ontal surfaces to be ell cured, especially if they ill have to stand up to foot or vehicular traffic. *lays start the curing soon after the ater sheen has disappeared. 6oever, if you are using polythene sheeting, allo the concrete to stiffen slightly first, so that the surface ill not be mar"ed or damaged as the sheet is placed on top of it. =ajor concrete roads are usually cured by a membrane sprayed from a machine that is part of the paving train. +hey are not considered in this article. !inor Roads. $aths and Dri*es * curing membrane, applied by a hand-operated garden-type spray, is most convenient for small paved areas built by semi-manual methods of construction. *lays use a hite pigmented or aluminised super grade of compound, if available, because this ill reflect the suns rays. 3ou must also ta"e care to ensure that an even, uniform coat of the membrane is applied, particular care being needed in indy eather, hen the stream of compound could easily be blon "off course" :igure (.(? In order to co%er the entire surface you might need a mo%ea!le walkway. 0f the road is fairly ide, you ill not be able to reach far enough to spray the middle. 3ou ill therefore need to or" from a movable al"ay that spans the road. * stout plan" ell supported at both ends ill be sufficient. 6oever, you might find it more convenient to use polythene sheeting, and this is just as good. Deep the sheet in place for at least seven days, and ma"e sure it is ell fixed at the edges, here there is a tendency for the concrete to dry out more quic"ly. *s discussed before, hen coloured surfacing has been used, a special spray-curing compound should be used rather than polythene. Concrete Base (%as 0t is best to choose polythene sheet for curing a slab that is later to receive a screed of cement sand, or a granolithic or other topping. 2o not use a curing compound, for this might affect the bond. Cover the concrete as soon as any ater sheen has evaporated, and the surface is stiff enough not to be damaged or mar"ed by the polythene. Direct Finishes and Toppings .pecial attention to curing is essential for poer floated and granolithic finishes, hich have to be so hard earing. 0mmediately after the final troelling, the surface should be firm enough to be covered ith polythene sheeting or similar, or treated ith a curing compound. Polythene should be "ept in place for at least seven days. .ome loss of moisture may occur at the edges and joints of the sheets, and it ill then be necessary to turn them bac" and spray the surface ith ater every other day. Cement,(and (creeds Curing compounds are not recommended for cement-sand screeds. +he screed should be "ept continuously damp for seven days, preferably by being covered ith polythene Summer curing. It ain't easy. Warmer is often not etter& 'ot is as ad as cold& Summer serves up an aundance of oth& (n extreme conditions! icing do#n the concrete is re)uired& %hermal shock induced y hot forms! a la*ing sun and road s#ings in temperatures ring special prolems& (n the case of long line precast! #ith the sun cooking one side of the form #hile the other side cools in the shade can cause hori*ontal s#eep! hot spots! stripping resistance! accelerated curing! and a host of other )uality-control prolems& Under ideal production conditions! concrete should e cured in a kiln& %he next est+ Using reflective technology to retain the heat of hydration ,-$ control the effects of hot temperatures and radiant heat from the sun& %hink of a %hermos . ottle& Reflective technology #orks like a %hermos . ottle& %here is an industry-#ide misconception that curing systems are not needed during #arm #eather months& -ot true& ( do not kno# of place in -orth ,merica #here the nighttime temperatures /the time most concrete is curing0 remains constant at 123 degrees "& Even during an ,ri*ona day the temperatures are seldom that hot& (t is the continuity of the process that counts+ to pour and cure concrete in ideal and consistent conditions day after day after day regardless of the climate& Reflective technology provides a solution #ith affordale! portale and flexile curing covers to protect and prepare the forms efore the pour and to provide a kiln-like environment to the curing process after the pour& (t #orks like a %hermos . ottle& Put your concrete in a Thermos bottle. We have een selling shrouds! hoods! socks! panels for frames! and a host of custom- made solutions to cure concrete for more than thirty years& 'istory has sho#n a return on investment averaging 4-5 months #ith cover life expectancies from 4-5 years! often more& Send more ucks to the ottom line& Cycle forms faster -- eliminating the need for more forms& Reduce the si*e of steam generators and oilers re)uired to ramp up curing temperatures& Reduce or eliminate the need for additional energy once hydration temps are achieved& Eliminate hot spots! s#eep! differential curing! stripping prolems and #orry aout achieving release strengths on time& (ncrease )uality& Reduce migraine headaches& "ine-tune mix designs& Eliminate the need for summer6#inter mix designs& Reduce cement and additives& ,ll availale #ith reflective technology& It works like a Thermos bottle. Take the cure. Box Culverts, an !oles, Con"S#an, Prison o$ules, Pi#e, Se#tic Tanks %n$ &ther Precast (f you keep it! no need to replace it& 'o# simple can it get& (ntroducing reflective technology to cure precast is like putting precast in a %hermos ottle& /%hermos ottles do not use foam& %here is a reason&0 7ur farication includes our R813 core material9 in a sand#ich of tear resistant! durale! light#eight covers #ith ound edges& %o the ottom edges #e se# a heavy duty arasion resistant pipe sleeve /optional0 for outside curing& (nto this sleeve is placed rear or chain to hold the ottom edges tight to the ground& "or easier handling of all hoods! an internal frame #ith lift loops /y others0 #orks #ell& (n use! the sides hang loose! shaped y the pipe sleeve #eights& (n storage our hoods collapse into stacks to minimi*e floor space re)uirements and provide an option for a flat ed yard trailer& (n this kiln-like environment availale 7-:; #ith reflective technology! you can expect the follo#ing curing cost reduction opportunities+ Reduction or elimination of front end heat& /<oiler makers! electric heat providers! gas companies and steam generator folks are not our friends&0 "aster cycling of forms& /"e#er forms for more production&0
IT '&()S *I)+ % T!+(&S B&TT*+
Proper Curing Curing concrete, hether it is footings, slabs, alls, architectural or non-architectural, is defined by the *merican Concrete 0nstitute as maintaining satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete during its early stages so that it may obtain the desired properties that the oner, engineer, and architect expect. +he effects of curing the concrete can play a major role in either diminishing or enhancing its strength, durability, and appearance. 'or example, a slab that is not cured properly may exhibit more drying shrin"age crac"s due to excessive evaporation or if cured improperly, may sho significant discoloration. Concrete curing methods can be divided into to basic methods for retaining a satisfactory moisture content. 'irst, moisture can be retained by fogging, ponding, or immersion and second, moisture can be retained by the application of curing compounds or impervious coverings. 0f the decision is to cure by ponding or immersion in ater, the ater temperature should be "ept to plus or minus tenty-five degrees to reduce thermal stress in the concrete. 0t is very important that the concrete surface be "ept continually et. 0f the concrete is subject to alternate cycles of etting and drying, it may cause surface cra!ing and crac"ing 'ogging or spraying ith ater are excellent methods of curing if temperatures are ell above free!ing and the ater source and run off do not create any site problems. .oa"er hoses and fogging no!!les may also be used as a good ay to reduce rapid evaporation of moisture from the concrete surface. 0mpervious paper or plastic sheeting may be used to seal or prevent the loss of moisture from the concrete surface. 0t should be tightly sealed to maintain close contact ith the concrete surface during the curing process. 0mpervious paper or plastic should not be used for colored concrete or architectural concrete due to the possibility of discoloration, especially here rin"les and seams are present. Curing compounds are probably the most idely used due to the ease of application and cost. * good solution is a combination cure1seal compound that ill seal and protect the concrete in addition to proper curing. 2ue to their reflective nature, hite pigmented curing compounds should be used in hot eather situations to reduce solar heat gain and maintain cooler in-place concrete temperatures. 0t should be noted that some curing compounds may affect bonding of concrete surfaces and the adhesion of some flooring systems. 3ou should chec" the manufacturer4s product data for this information. Curing does play a vital role in both the structural properties of finished concrete and in its appearance. * discussion of curing procedures should ta"e place in all pre-pour meetings. 0t is a critical process in the complete performance of the concrete and should be addressed by the architect, engineer, oner, supplier, and contractor to insure that the quality and durability of the concrete are met.