The document describes the features and specifications of the BFDX DMR digital two way radio model BF-TD503, including its analog and digital communication modes, encryption, calling functions, monitoring capabilities, programming options, and other technical details such as frequency range, battery life, and dimensions. Key features include dual analog/digital modes, encryption, group calling, emergency functions, channel scanning, low battery indication, and noise suppression. It provides the technical specifications and performance ratings of the radio.
The document describes the features and specifications of the BFDX DMR digital two way radio model BF-TD503, including its analog and digital communication modes, encryption, calling functions, monitoring capabilities, programming options, and other technical details such as frequency range, battery life, and dimensions. Key features include dual analog/digital modes, encryption, group calling, emergency functions, channel scanning, low battery indication, and noise suppression. It provides the technical specifications and performance ratings of the radio.
Original Description:
BFDX DMR Digital Two Way Radios BF-TD503 Walkie Talkie
The document describes the features and specifications of the BFDX DMR digital two way radio model BF-TD503, including its analog and digital communication modes, encryption, calling functions, monitoring capabilities, programming options, and other technical details such as frequency range, battery life, and dimensions. Key features include dual analog/digital modes, encryption, group calling, emergency functions, channel scanning, low battery indication, and noise suppression. It provides the technical specifications and performance ratings of the radio.
The document describes the features and specifications of the BFDX DMR digital two way radio model BF-TD503, including its analog and digital communication modes, encryption, calling functions, monitoring capabilities, programming options, and other technical details such as frequency range, battery life, and dimensions. Key features include dual analog/digital modes, encryption, group calling, emergency functions, channel scanning, low battery indication, and noise suppression. It provides the technical specifications and performance ratings of the radio.
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The document outlines the features and specifications of the BFDX DMR digital two way radio model BF-TD503. It can operate in both analog and digital modes and has features such as encryption, group/individual calling, monitoring and remote control capabilities.
The radio can operate in analog mode, digital mode, or both analog and digital modes simultaneously depending on the communication needs. The digital mode uses TDMA to increase channel capacity.
The radio supports audio encryption where each radio can only be assigned one encryption key. It also has features like killing a lost radio and monitor modes for supervision.
BFDX DMR digital two way radios BF-TD503 walkie talkie
Dual mode (Analog & Digital)
Analog & Digital mode adjustable, this is to meet different communication requirements. TDMA Channel capacity enlarged with D!A function. Audio encryption D"#$% use audio encryption &ey to encode and decode calling signal in channel. 'ne radio can only set one encryption &ey. Digital signaling (upport D!) standard single, group and all calling. *illing and other functions are also a+ailable. !ingle calling (ingle calling from point to point is a+ailable. Disable pri+ate communication to be heard by others. "roup calling ,nable free communication between group members. !ember selection can be set through -C programming. All calling Calling can be recei+ed by all members from different group in same channel. .o obstacle communication easily a+ailable to enable a free job site arrangement. #illed he function is to &ill the lost two way radio or unit so that the radio or unit can/t 0 and )0. 1*illed2 function is to protect the pri+ate calling to be heart from others. Monitor his function is to locate if there is any acti+ity in channel or not. 3f there is any signal in this channel, user will hear reminder sound. Remote monitor Allow super+isor users to monitor the acti+ity of radio +ia remote monitor function. his function also allows users to send the bac&ground noise to super+isor. $mergency remote monitor Allow super+isor to remote monitor the radio if the emergency alarm function of this radio is open. 4nder emergency remote monitor, rescuer can get useful information from the signal 0ed by the radio and allow rescuer quic&ly ma&e a rescue plan. 3f this function opened, other super+isor will remote monitor this radio e+en if super+ise radio is without encoder of remote monitor. %&annel scan his allows users to cruise through set channels in order to find the one that your group is using. 5ou can also use this feature to quic&ly locate an 1empty2 channel for your group to use. T'T his is to pre+ent the radio from being 0 for too long, and a+oid the channel from being occupied unconsciously. (ow )attery indication Allow users to change the battery on time. Auto )attery sa*e he radio will automatically come into battery sa+ing mode if there is no any acti+ity so as to e6tend the standby time. +oise suppression ,unction ,liminate the noise to get better audio and communication quality. Manual dialing Call out +ia manual 3D dialing in &eyboard. -uick dialing Allow users call out through quic& dial. .% .rogramming Allow users to set the radio on -C +ia 4(7 programming cable. Detection Allow users to remote detect whether the radio is under using +ia radio detecti+e port. Remote control Allow users to remote control radio +ia radio control port. !M! Allow users to send and recei+e message. (anguages selecta)le ,nglish and Chinese languages selectable. /oice announcement 8oice announcement for radio statement. Alarm ,unction he radio will alarm or silence alarm under emergency situation. ".! Allow users to locate the 9-( coordinate. And radio can send out or chec& 9-( coordinate. %T%!!0%D%!! and !T$ D"#$% support %: standard CC(( and ;% standard CDC(( setting, and also support non standard CC((<CDC(( setting. CC((<CDC(( is to a+oid the pri+ate communication from being disturbed by other same channel users. 3t also eliminates the trail noise. Duple1 Allow users to use the radio li&e telephone. 2.34 =igh audio quality. D"#$% use ad+anced A!7,>? +ocoder, which highly impro+ed the audio quality. "eneral part Fre5uency range6 /7F6833-849M7: ;7F6350-3<0 M7: ;7F6900-940 M7: ;7F6950-5=0M7: %&annel capacity6 830 >one6 50 %&annel step6 8=5#7:0=5#7: ?orking *oltage6 45/ Batterycapacity6 =@00 mA& Battery working &ours5050<0 Digital6 =0 &ours".! o,, Analog6 89 &ours".!o,, Fre5uency sta)ility6 A85ppm Antenna impedance6 50 o&m !i:e6 833B3=B35mm Transmittance 'utput power6 /7F &ig& 90? /7F low 80? ;7F &ig& 90? ;7F low80? 9F!# modulation6 8=5k7: data only4#30FXD 8=5k7: data and *oice6 4#30FX$ FM Modulation6 8=5 k7:@#50F3$=5 k7:83#CF3$ Modulation limitation6 D0- =5k7: E 8=5k7:F D0- 5k7: E =5k7: FM noise6 -90dB !purious emission6 -33 dBm8"7:0-30 dBm8"7: AdGacent power -30dB Fre5uency response6 D80-3 dB Audio distort6 3H Digital *ocoder6 AMB$D=I Recei*e Digital !ensiti*ity6 5H B$R0=5 u/ Analog sensiti*ity6 0=5 u/ J8= dB !2+ADK 2ntermodulation6 30dB AdGacent selecti*ity6 30 dB !purious suppression6 40 dB FM noise6 -90dB Fre5uency response6 D80-3 dB Audio power6 85? Audio distortion6 3H JtypicalK %onduction radiation6 -54dBm ".! precision6 Accuracy o, position -80mwit& good condition TTFF J,irst locationKcold )oot L 8 minutegood signal TTFF J,irst locationK&ot )oot L 80 secondsgood signal ?orking conditions ?orking temperature6 -=030 !torage temperature6 -30D@5 Damp proo,6 According M2(-!TD-@80%0D0$0F !&ock and *i)ration6 According M2(-!TD-@80%0D0$0F 2. rate6 2.34