Tutorial ED Annexes

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Annexes Tutorial ED 1


Simulation Software

Copyright 2007, Incontrol Enterprise Dynamics
Papendorpseweg 77
3528 BJ Utrecht
The Netherlands

Annexes Tutorial ED 2

Annex 1 The menu structure

NB: An option displayed in italic is more suitable for the advanced user.

File Explanation
New Model Closes the current model
and opens an empty model.
Open Model Closes the current model
and opens an existing
Merge Model Opens a model and
includes this model into the
selected atom or into the
current model.
Consequently, the existing
model is not deleted.
Save Model Saves the current model
under the same file name.
Save Model As Saves the current model
under a new file name. The
previous model remains.
Add Atom to
Selects an atom and places
it at the bottom of the
Save Atom As Displays a window
allowing you to select an
atom out of the library.
Afterwards, the selected
atom can be saved under a
new name.
Import This option allows you to
import a 2D/VR
(VR=Virtual Reality) icon
or a VR sound. The icon or
sound is added to the lists
with icons and sounds that
the user can allocate to an
Print 2D Layout Prints the 2D window on
the standard printer.
Print Setup Allows you to define the
settings of the standard
Preferences This option displays a
number of tabs to define
the standard settings of
Annexes Tutorial ED 3
Enterprise Dynamics.
Startup Script Allows you to modify the
Startup Script. This script
is performed each time
Enterprise Dynamics is
started. The modifications
have to be defined in
4DScript, the programming
language of Enterprise
Exit Shuts down Enterprise

Annexes Tutorial ED 4

Model Explanation
Create Shows the library tree and
the model layout window.
You can build your own
model by dragging atoms
into the model layout.
Layout window Shows the model layout
window. Atoms can be
created in this window
either by dragging atoms
from the library or by using
the Taskbar.
Sublayout window Shows another layout
window, but one
hierarchical layer lower,
e.g. the contents of a
composition container.
Model Tree Shows the model tree. This
model tree gives a
hierarchical overview of the
atoms displayed in the
Library Tree This option shows all the
atoms in the library.

Annexes Tutorial ED 5

Simulate Explanation
Run Control To start, stop and modify the
speed of a simulation run.
Clock Displays the clock.
Stop and Reset
History Allows you to generate graphs and
reports from a single run.

The option general history needs
to be checked. It is linked to the
simulation via the run control

When graphs and reports of a
specific atom are requested, the
history of this atom has to be
maintained. The easiest way to
achieve this is to select the option
All on. However, this results in
the history collection of all atoms,
which can lead to huge data files!
Set stop time Allows you to define the exact
period of a simulation run. This
period can be defined in seconds,
minutes, hours or days.
By selecting the menu option
Reset + Run until Stoptime in
the simulation menu, the
simulation will stop exactly at the
time entered by the user.
Reset + Run until
Resets the simulation and lets it
run until the time entered in the
menu option Set stop time is
NB: Next to Run Control, this
option is a second way to perform
a few simulation runs. However,
in the case of an experiment
consisting of several runs, the
Experiment atom is required.
Repetitive When this option is switched on,
the 100 random generators in
Enterprise Dynamics keep
repeating the same random
figures. Consequently, several
exactly similar simulation studies
Annexes Tutorial ED 6
can be performed.
Antithetic When this option is switched on,
the 100 random generators in
Enterprise Dynamics are set on
antithetic. This can help reduce
the effect of very extreme values
over several runs.
Seed Value Allows you to define the starting
value of each of the 100 random

Annexes Tutorial ED 7

Results Explanation
Summary Report The Summary Report displays an
overview of the basic statistics
relating to all atoms present in the
model, based on a single run.
NB: For more detailed reports, the
Report Atom can be dragged out
into the model.
Graphs Shows various graphs of atoms
such as queues, histograms and pie
charts, based on a single run.
These graphs can only be created
if the History option relating to the
atom in question is switched on.

Annexes Tutorial ED 8

Experimentation Explanation
Experiment Wizard Helps you first defining your
experiment settings and output
variables. Runs the experiment
Analyze Experiment
Report definition en Report
generation regarding an

Annexes Tutorial ED 9

Tools Explanation
Atom Editor With the Atom Editor, you can
adjust the functionality as well as
the appearance of an atom.
This very effective tool allows
you to alter the behavior of
existing atoms and to create your
own atoms. The programming
language 4DScript has to be used
4DScript Interact A window in which 4DScript can
be entered. Direct execution of
the command follows.
Text Editor A simple text editor, the
functionality of which can be
compared to MS Notepad.
Debugger The debugger allows you to
analyze your 4DScript code step-
by-step while it is being executed.
Cad Import wizard
GUI Builder GUI is short for Graphical User
Interface: it allows the user to
create his own input fields.
Scenario Manager The scenario manager assist you
in running multiple simulation
runs after each other. In this way
you can start a scenario, go
home, and find the results in the
View Atom Labels This option displays all labels of
the selected atom (and of all
atoms included in that atom).
Labels are variables and
attributes the user can allocate to
an atom.
Autofit The Autofit function analyses a
data set and searches for the best
fit probability distribution.

Annexes Tutorial ED 10

Display Explanation
2D Model Layout Opens the 2D modeling window.
2D Model View Opens the 2D visualization
Warning! In this window, you
cannot add atoms to the model or
reposition existing ones. For this
you must use the Model Layout
2D Model Subview Opens the same window as the 2D
Model View option, but here, only
the contents of the selected atom
are shown.
2D Background Color This option allows you to change
the background color of your active
2D modeling window.
3D Model View Opens the 3D visualization
3D Model Subview Opens the same window as the 3D
Model View option, but here, only
the contents of the selected atom
are shown.
3D Background
Opens a color selection window.
This option allows you to define the
background color for the 3D
window. This color will also be
used in the VR window.

Annexes Tutorial ED 11

Search Explanation
Search Text or Atom Opens the Search window.
TreeAtom in 2D Model
Makes the AnimAtom the
AnimAtom in Treeview Opens the treeview and makes the
TreeAtom the AnimAtom.
Mother of TreeAtom in
Makes the TreeAtom the mother of
the selected TreeAtom.

Annexes Tutorial ED 12

Window Explanation
Close all windows Closes all open windows.
4DScript Overview Shows an overview of all 4DScript
expressions together with an
explanation of their syntax. You
can also open this window by
pressing F2.
Error Monitor Opens a window displaying errors
encountered in 4DScript.
Tracer Opens the Tracer window. You can
enter 4Dscript expressions in this
Layers You can create models on various
layers allowing you to lock certain
layers or to hide them. This can be
very useful in large models where
atoms are piled on top of each
Resources Manager Opens a window in which all
available atom icons are displayed.
Graph Window Opens the most recent graph. It is
not possible to produce new graphs
in this window.

Annexes Tutorial ED 13

Help Menu Explanation
Help Overview Gives you access to the complete
manuals, consisting of the 3
following menu sub-units.
Quickstart These documents cover some of the
new features of Enterprise
Dynamics. They assist you in
understanding the workings of these
Tutorials Includes various tutorials to teach
you how to work with Enterprise
Add-ins These add-in help files contain
some useful information of some the
additional packages you can obtain
of Enterprise Dynamics.
About Enterprise
Displays information regarding the
version in use and about Incontrol
Enterprise Dynamics.

Annexes Tutorial ED 14
Annex 2 Description of a few atoms

1 The Product atom ________________________________________________________ 15
2 The Source Atom_________________________________________________________ 17
3 The Server Atom _________________________________________________________ 23
4 The Queue atom _________________________________________________________ 27
5 The Sink atom___________________________________________________________ 31
6 The Container Atom ______________________________________________________ 32
7 The Assembler atom ______________________________________________________ 35
8 The Unpack atom ________________________________________________________ 39
9 The MultiService Atom____________________________________________________ 41
10 The Lock Atom ________________________________________________________ 43
11 The Unlock atom_______________________________________________________ 45
Annexes Tutorial ED 15

Picture 1-1: The Product Atom

The Product Atom is used to model the physical flows in Enterprise Dynamics. These flows can
consist of products, goods, documents or persons. The following atom settings can be defined:

Atom name
The name given to the atom.
Size X
The size of the atom in the x direction (length in meters).
Size Y
The size of the atom in the y direction (width in meters).
Size Z
The size of the atom in the z direction (height in meters).

2D Icon
The symbol used to represent the Product atom in the 2D window.
Show 2D Icon
Gives you the possibility to display the 2D Icon. If the option is checked
(standard setting), the icon is displayed.
Annexes Tutorial ED 16
3D Icon
The symbol used to represent the Product atom in the 3D window.
The color given to the atom.
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Picture 2-1: The Source Atom
The Source Atom allows atoms, mostly products, to enter the model at a specified rate
and therefore functions as a product or customer generator. This atom is often the first
element of a model.

The following settings can be adjusted:

Atom name
The name given to the atom.
Annexes Tutorial ED 18
Inter-arrival time
Time between 2 product atom arrivals. This time is measured in seconds and can
be constant, but also defined by a probability distribution. Click on the right
triangle to display the pull down menu featuring a number of possible
probability distributions with parameters and values.
Time till first product
Arrival time of the first product. After this first arrival the probability
distribution from the inter-arrival time applies.
Default value is 10 seconds; if you want all the products have the same inter-
arrival time, choose the same expression as used in the inter-arrival time.
Number of products
With this option it is possible to limit the entry of products to your model. There
are two options:
1. Unlimited (default)
2. Generate maximum 100 products
With option two you can choose your preferred number of arrivals. This is very
similar to the more general Lock atom.
Send to
Displays the number of the output channel through which other atoms (mostly
products) leave this atom. A number between 1 and the total number of the
atoms output channels has to be displayed here. If the result is 0, sending never
takes place. If an atom is blocked because the input channels of the receiving
channels are closed, the Send to statement is re-evaluated only when the
situation changes and sending is allowed.

In the Send to option, the user can thus enter a figure or select one of the
following pre-defined options. In these options, the bold items (shown in blue on
the screen) can be altered by the user:
1: Specific channel: always send to channel 1.
The Product Atom will always be sent to a defined output channel.
2: An open channel (First channel first): search, starting from the first channel,
and send to the first open channel found.
The Product Atom is sent to the first open channel that Enterprise Dynamics
finds. The search starts from the first output channel, then to number two and
so on.
3: An open channel (Last channel first): search, starting from the last channel,
and send to the first open channel found.
The product is sent to the first open channel Enterprise Dynamics comes
across, starting from last channel to the one before and so forth.
4: A random open channel: choose a random channel from all the open output
Enterprise Dynamics selects a random channel from all open channels. With
long simulation runs, it results in equal utilizations of e.g. a group of servers.
5: By percentage: 90% of products go to channel 1, the remaining percentage
go to channel 2.
A definite percentage of the products is sent to a specific channel and the rest
to another channel. The user can define the channels and the percentage.
6: By atom name: if the atom name of the 1st atom in the queue matches
AtomName then send to channel 1 else 2.
Annexes Tutorial ED 19
The atoms are forwarded on the basis of their names. If the name
corresponds to the name the user entered, the products are sent to channel 1
and otherwise to channel 2. The user can adjust the channel numbers and the
atom names.
7: By label value (direct): the channel number is written directly on the label
named LabelName of the 1st atom in the queue. If the label value is 0 then
send to channel 1.
The atoms are forwarded on the basis of a label value. The user has defined a
name for the label. The value of the variable corresponds to the output
channels value. If the value is 0, a pre-defined exit is used. Note that
searching for a label not present on the atom results in the value 0 as well.
8: By label value (conditional): if the value on the label named LabelName of
the 1st atom in the queue is < the value 1 then send to channel 1 else 2.
Here too, the value of a specified label determines the choice of the output
channel. If the value of the atom is lower than 1, the atom is sent to channel
1, otherwise to channel 2. All values and comparisons (lower than, higher
than, equal to) can be edited.
9: By label text: if the text on the label named LabelName of the 1st atom in the
queue matches text then send to channel 1 else 2.
When the value of a defined label is equal to a specific text, the atom is sent
to channel 1, otherwise to channel 2. The text and the channel numbers are
10: Conditional statement: If 1 is > than 0 then send to channel 1 else send to
channel 2.
If a specific value is higher than another value, the atom is sent to channel 1,
otherwise to channel 2. The comparisons and channel numbers can be edited.
11: By icon name: if the icon name of the 1st atom in the queue matches
IconName then send to channel 1 else 2.
If the name of the atom icon corresponds to a defined name, the atom is sent
to channel 1, otherwise to channel 2. The icon names and channel numbers
can be specified.
12: By icon number: if the icon number of the 1st atom in the queue is = the
value 1 then send to channel 1 else 2.
If the atoms icon number is equal to 1, the atom is sent to channel 1,
otherwise to channel 2. The comparisons and channel numbers can be
13: Round robin: all output channels are used in rotation. If channel is closed,
then wait till open.
All output channels are used consecutively. If a channel is not open,
Enterprise Dynamics waits until it becomes open.
14: Lowest queue: Send to the channel connected to the atom with the lowest
The atom is sent to the output channel with the shortest queue. In the case of
equal queues, the output channel with the lowest number is chosen.
15: Largest queue: Send to the channel connected to the atom with the largest
The atom is sent to the output channel with the longest queue. In the case of
equal queues, the output channel with the highest number is chosen.
Annexes Tutorial ED 20
16: Lookup table: Send to the channel specified in row 1 column 2 of global
table named table1.
Sends the atom to the channel defined in row 1 and column 2 of a table. The
row and column numbers, as well as the table name, can be specified.
Note that the table must be present in the model as a separate atom!
17: Round robin if available: all output channels are used in rotation if channel
is available. If channel is closed, then next available channel is chosen.
All channels are used consecutively, but when the channel required is closed,
the next available channel is selected.
18: Matching icon number or empty: Sends to a queue containing products of
same icon. If no icons match, then sends to first empty queue starting with
last output channel.
Forwards atoms so that they always arrive in a queue containing atoms with
the same icon number. If a queue containing atoms with the same icon
number is not found, ED searches for the first empty queue, starting from the
queue connected to the last output channel.
19: Lowest queue of next two atoms: Sends to the output channel connected to
the lowest queue, where lowest queue takes into account the next TWO
Enterprise Dynamics evaluates the total queue for each atom connected to an
output channel, and the atom connected to that atom. It then sends the next
atom to the channel connected to the queue with the lowest contents. For
example, an atom can be sent to 3 different queues, each of which is
followed by a server. This option prevents the products from being sent to a
queue where the server is already in action, while the other servers are
20: By user: enter your own 4DScript expression resulting in a value between 1
and the number of channels: 1. You can press the small button for the
4DScript editor.
The user writes a 4DScript code that results in the output channel. Clicking
on the small square button by the text will open the 4DScript editor.
21: Random channel: randomly choose a channel. If the channel is open then
send to it, otherwise choose again when any channel opens.
Enterprise Dynamics chooses a random channel. If this channel is open, the
product is sent to that channel. However, if it is closed, choose again when
another channel opens.

Trigger on Creation
The command in this field is performed when an atom enters the model. The
user can define their own 4DScript expression, or pick from one of the following
1: Assign label: products are assigned a label named LabelName with a value
of 1.
The products are assigned a label with a specific name and a definite value.
The label name and the value can be defined.
2: Auto Name: a counter is added to the end of each product's name.
A counter is added to the products name. The first product is called for
example Product1 and the second Product2.
Annexes Tutorial ED 21
3: Random icons: products are assigned a random icon number between 2 and
A random icon is allocated to each product. The icon number lies between
two defined values.
4: Set Size: product dimensions are set to: X= 50 cm, Y= 40 cm, Z= 30 cm.
The products dimensions change according to the entered values.
5: Random Size: product dimensions are randomly set within the following
ranges: X= 50 to 100 cm, Y= 50 to 100 cm, Z= 50 to 100 cm.
The products dimensions change according to random values inside defined
6: Set Color: products are set to the colorpurple.
A products color changes into the color defined by the user. Note that in
4DScript, the selected color has to be prefixed by the word color. So
colorpurple is the command for purple. Instead of the command colorpurple,
you can also enter the color number.
7: Random color: products are assigned a random color.
The products are given a random color.
8: Random Size and Color: products are assigned a random color and its
dimensions are randomly set within the following ranges: X=50 to 100 cm,
Y= 50 to 100 cm, Z= 50 to 100 cm.
The products get a random color as well as a random size (within defined
9: Outline: display the products as a simple outline, not its icon.
A products icon is not visible any more, only its outline is.
10: Do Nothing.
Nothing happens. This is the standard setting.

Trigger on Exit
The command in this field is executed when a product is leaving the atom. You
can either use your own 4DScript command, or one of the pre-defined
expressions. The question marks indicate where the user must enter a value.

The possible pre-defined expressions in the Trigger on Exit field are:
1: setlabel([?],?,i).
With this 4DScript command, a label is added to the atom leaving the
Source. The code is: setlabel([label name],value,i).

To allocate a label complete with the value 1 to the product, use the following
code: setlabel([complete],1,i).
The letter i refers to the involved atom. This is the atom undergoing the process of
leaving the Source. If a label had to be placed on the Source itself, the i could be
replaced by a c (of current).

Setlabel([cycletime], uniform(25,45),i) defines a label cycletime on the product with
a value from a uniform distribution of between 25 and 45 seconds. This result can
later be used as cycle time for a server, for instance.

Annexes Tutorial ED 22
2: set(name(i),[?]).
Changes the name of the atom leaving the Source. The ? must be replaced
by the name chosen for the atom.
3: set(icon(i),?).
Changes the atoms icon into the icon with the number ?.
4: set(icon(i),iconbyname([?])).
Changes the icon into the icon with the name ?.
5: set(color(i),coloryellow).
Changes the atoms color into the defined colour. In Enterprise Dynamics,
the colours must be specified either by their number or with the prefix
color followed by the colour in question, for example colorred.
6: setsize(?,?,?,i).
Changes the atoms dimensions according to the defined sizes (x,y,z).
7: setloc(?,?,?,i).
Gives the atom a new location, as defined in the command (x,y,z).
8: freeoperators(atombyname([Team],model),i).
Allows the Operator atoms to be re-used. Replace Team by the name of the
Team atom. This option is only for advanced users.
9: if(=(?,?),?,?).
A conditional comparison. For example, entering the following code gives:

If thesis1 and thesis2 are equal, command1 will be executed, otherwise
command2. Command2 can also be omitted.
10: if(=(label([?],i),?),?,?).
A conditional comparison, in which a labels value is considered.

With the following command, if the label Reject has the value 1, we can color all
rejected products red and all approved products green:

11: if(comparetext(name(i),[?]),?,?).
A conditional comparison, in which the atoms name is used. Its functioning
is otherwise the same as option 10.

The symbol used to represent the Source atom in the 2D window.

For a more detailed explanation relating to 4DScript commands, we refer you to Annex
3 or the help files included in Enterprise Dynamics.
Annexes Tutorial ED 23

Picture 3-1: The Server Atom

The Server is used to model operations taking a certain amount of time such as the
processing of a product by a machine or a customers settlement at a cash desk. As a
result, the Server can represent a machine, a counter, an assistant or another type of
processing place or device. As well as cycle times, other parameters can be defined such
as setup times or the simultaneous processing of several products.
Annexes Tutorial ED 24
The following values are editable:

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

Setup time
Time needed before the actual processing starts. For example: cleaning of
machines, adjusting settings for new products, etc.
Clicking on the triangle opens a series of options, including one that allows the
settings to be defined for each product, or for products of a different type only.
In addition to using these options, the user can also create his own 4DScript.

The time needed to process the product. By clicking on the arrow, a list of pre-
defined 4DScript commands appears.
Important: in the case of a grouped processing of products (batch processing),
the cycle time refers to the whole batch and not to each individual product.
Further, the processing starts only when the batch is complete.

Send to
Displays the channel to which the products have to be sent.
For more details: see the Send to explanation of the Source atom.

Input strategy
Regulates the access to an atom from previous atoms via their output channels to
this specific atom. The input strategy has several roles: it can open one or more
channels and it can define the order in which products will be accepted from the
available channels.

You can compare input strategy to the sequencing of traffic lights, where some
traffic lights are switched from red to green for one or several minor roads,
irrespective of the actual traffic, and where the processing priority of these minor
roads is defined.

Warning: the first three input strategies open all input channels and the last two
open one input channel each time!

1: Any inputchannel.
When activated, this strategy opens all input channels of an atom. If more
than one of the atoms that are connected via the input channel can be sent,
the atom arriving through lowest number input channel will have priority.
While products keep entering through the first channel, the other channels
will be blocked.

2: Largest queue.
When activated, this strategy opens all input channels of an atom. If more
than one of the atoms that are connected via the input channel can send, the
atom with the longest queue or largest contents will have priority. Note that
Annexes Tutorial ED 25
in the case of several equally long queues, the input channel with the lowest
number is chosen.
3: Longest waiting.
When activated, this strategy opens all input channels of an atom. If more
than one of the atoms that are connected via the input channel can send, the
atom with the highest average waiting time will have priority. In the case of
several atoms with an equal waiting time, the input channel with the lowest
number is always chosen. Note that it does not mean that the queues get
approximately equally long, as is the case in the previous option.
4: Round robin.
This strategy first opens the first input channel and then waits for a product
to be sent through this input channel. In the second cycle, it is the turn of the
second input channel etc. When the products have run through the last input
channel, the procedure is resumed with the first one.
Important remark: this strategy becomes active after the first product! So, in
case of three input channels this strategy gives x,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3 where x can
be 1,2 or 3!
5: Channel 1.
In this case, you can enter a specific input channel through which all
products must enter. If 1 is entered, the products may only enter through
input channel 1. Note that this rule does not apply to the first product
entering as all channels are open initially.

Batch (B)
The batch size can be entered here. The standard setting is 1.

Batch rule
To set up the batches. There are 3 options:
1: B in, 1 out (the first).
As soon as the number of products that have entered the Server is equal to
the batch size, the product at the front is forwarded to the next atom. The
other products disappear.
2: B in, B out.
As soon as the number of products that have entered the Server is equal to
the batch size, the products are forwarded to the next atom. The Server re-
admits products only when all products of the batch have left the Server.
3: 1 in, B out (copies of in).
Each time a product enters the Server, as many products as defined in the
Batch input field leave the atom. The products are all copies of the atom that
entered the Server. The Server re-admits a product only when all other
products have left the atom.

Annexes Tutorial ED 26
Trigger on Entry
The command entered in this field is performed when a product enters the
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source.

Trigger on Exit
The command entered in this field is performed when a product leaves the
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source.

Busy time
When this option is checked, the time taken into consideration in the Mean
Time Between Failure options is only the time that the Server is actually in use,
and not the total simulation time.

This abbreviation stands for Mean Time To Failure, that is the average time
elapsing between the end of a repair and the beginning of next failure. This
average time between two Server failures can be defined in the input field. The
time must be entered in seconds.

This abbreviation stands for Mean Time To Repair. The average time needed to
fix the Server can be defined in the input field.

Abbreviation for Mean Cycles Between Failure. The average number of cycles
between two failures can be entered in the input field. In MCBF, there is not a
definite time between two failures but a definite number of batches.
NB: When both fields MTBF and MCBF are filled in, failures will be generated
by both definitions.

MTTR for cycles
This Mean Time To Repair input field applies to failures defined by MCBF.

The symbol used to represent the Server atom in the 2D window.

3D Icon
The symbol used to represent the Server atom in the 3D window.

Main color

Second color

Annexes Tutorial ED 27

Picture 4-1: The Queue Atom

When the next atom is occupied, the Queue atom places products in a queue. The
following settings can be adjusted:

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

Annexes Tutorial ED 28
The Queues capacity. When as many products are present in the queue as
defined in the capacity input field, no new products can be placed in the queue.

Send to
Displays the output channel to which the products have to be sent.
For more details: see the Send to explanation of the Source atom.

Queue discipline
The way products are arranged in the queue. The following options are possible:

1: First in first out.
The atoms are put in the queue according to their order of entry.
2: Last in first out.
The entering atoms are placed at the front of the queue. Consequently, the
products leave the queue in reverse of their order of entry.
3: Random.
This queue discipline places the incoming products in a random spot in the
4: Sort by Label Ascending.
The products with the lowest value for a specific label are placed at the front
of the queue.
Warning!: if the products are not sorted properly, the cause might be a space
before or after the label name.
5: Sort by Label Descending.
The products with the highest value for a specific label are placed at the front
of the queue.
Warning!: if the products are not sorted properly, the cause might be a space
before or after the label name.
6: User defined.
The products are placed in the queue according to a position defined by the

Input Strategy
This input window can be used for indicating which input channel is to be used.
For more details: see the Input Strategy of the Server atom.

Trigger on Entry
The command entered in this field is performed when a product enters the
Queue atom.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Trigger on Exit
The command entered in this field is performed when a product leaves the
Queue atom.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Annexes Tutorial ED 29
The symbol used to represent the Queue atom in the 2D window.
3D Icon
The symbol used to represent the Queue atom in the 3D window.
Annexes Tutorial ED 31

Picture 5-1: The Sink Atom

This atom allows products to leave the model. The following settings can be adjusted:

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

Trigger on Entry
The command entered in this field is executed as soon as a product enters the

The symbol used to represent the Sink atom in the 2D window.

3D Icon
The 3D icon that is used to represent the Sink atom in the 3D window.

Annexes Tutorial ED 32

Picture 6-1: The Container Atom

The Container atom is created especially for storing or stacking other atoms, such as
boxes or pallets. For the Container atom, a number of standard options, such as special
3D icons, have been designed for improved visualization. Moreover, the size of a
product can automatically be adjusted to the size of the Container. In principle, the
Container atom, like the Product atom, is placed in the model via a source (or via the
Arrival list atom). Using an Assembler atom, products can then be put in the Container.
Annexes Tutorial ED 33

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

The colour given to the atom.

2D Icon
The symbol used to represent the Container atom in the 2D window.

3D Icon
The symbol used to represent the Container atom in the 3D window.

Use boxvisible
Checking this option accelerates the 3D animation, but may result in the 3D icon
suddenly disappearing (depending on the size and angle of the 3D animation).
The gain in speed is generated mainly from those icons outside the window not
being drawn. Particularly in large models it is therefore important to select the
use boxvisible option.

Container X size
The size of the container measured in the x direction (length).

Container Y size
The size of the container measured in the y direction (width).

Container Z size
The size of the container measured in the z direction (height).

Trigger on Entry
The command entered in this field is executed when a product is arriving at the
Container atom.
For more information: see Trigger on Exit of the Source atom

Trigger on Exit
The command entered in this field is executed when a product is leaving the
Container atom.
For more information: see Trigger on Exit of the Source atom.

Storage X size
Lists the size (in the x direction) required for storing an arriving product.
Entering more space than actually required by the product results in empty
spaces between the products.

Storage Y size
Lists the size (in the y direction) required for storing an arriving product.
Entering more space than actually required by the product results in gaps
between the individual products.

Annexes Tutorial ED 34
Storage Z size
Lists the size (in the z direction) required for storing an arriving product.
Entering more space than actually required by the product (see Product atom)
results in gaps between the products.

Fit to storage
Checking this option adjusts the size of a product such that it exactly matches
the pre-defined storage size.

There are 3 types of sizes: the size of the product (see Product atom), the size of the
container and the storage size. The storage size allows (visual) adjusting of the
packing method.

A pallet, Container with a Container size of 1x1x0.15, will stack a product sized
1x1x1 4 high if the Assembler places 4 products on a pallet.
But when Fit to Storage is selected with a storage size of 0.5x0.5x0.5, it will neatly
place 4 boxes on one layer!
Annexes Tutorial ED 35

Picture 7-1: The Assembler atom
Annexes Tutorial ED 36
This atom merges atoms from several sources. Atoms placed into another atom can
remain stored or be destroyed. Besides simulating real assembly work, this atom is also
very useful for packing products in boxes or on pallets, and even for compiling orders.

The pallet, box or order always enters via the first input channel, while the products
enter via the other channels. Depending on the settings, these products are destroyed or
placed in the atom that has entered via the first input channel.

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

The time needed to combine the products. This time is measured from the
moment when all the atoms required have entered the Assembler, and refers to
the whole assembly operation and not to each individual product! Clicking on
the arrow opens a number of pre-defined 4DScript expressions.

Send to
Indicates to which exit channel the products are sent. For more details: see the
Send to explanation of the Source atom.

Column reference b.o.m.
Indicates what column from the b.o.m. will be used. The user can enter a figure,
but also a 4DScript command that produces a figure. This field is evaluated
when the first atom arrives via input channel 1 and defines which column will be
used when the other atoms enter the Assembler.

Bill of Material
The Assembler atom also has a bill-of-material (b.o.m.) table, (visible by
clicking the edit Table button). The b.o.m. lists, by input channel, how many
atoms are required for assembling the end product.

This b.o.m. has a number of rows and columns. The number of columns matches
the number of input channels. Although the default setting is 1, the user can
define the number of columns himself.

This means that a separate column can be created for each product type that is
assembled. When a product enters via the first input channel, the user defines
which column in the b.o.m. is used for the rest of the arriving atoms.

Display contents
Checking this option displays the contents of the Assembler.

Pack contents
Checking this option, the atoms (read: products) are placed in the atom that
entered via channel 1 (read: main product or Container). If this option is not
checked, all atoms that did not enter via channel 1 will be destroyed.

Annexes Tutorial ED 37
Entry Trigger channel 1
The command entered in this field is performed when a product enters the
Assembler via the first input channel.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Entry Trigger channel 2..n
The command entered in this field is executed when a product enters the
Assembler via one of the other input channels (i.e. not via channel 1).
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Trigger on exit
The command in this field is executed when a product leaves the Assembler.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

The symbol that represents the Assembler atom in the 2D window.

Annexes Tutorial ED 39

Picture 8-1: The Unpack atom

The Unpack atom is used for removing products from a Container atom. After unpacking, the
Container atom is sent via the second output channel and the products via the first output

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

Annexes Tutorial ED 40
The symbol used to represent the Unpack atom in the 2D window.

The time needed to unpack the container. This time is measured from the
moment the container enters the atom and refers to the unloading time per
container (and not to that of each individual product). Clicking on the arrow will
open a number of pre-defined 4DScript expressions.
For more details: see the Cycletime explanation of the Server atom.

Unpack quantity
Defines the number of atoms that will be unpacked. When this number is
reached, the container is sent through. The default setting
content(first(c)) ensures that all products are removed from the
container. The 3 other pre-defined options are:

Input strategy
This field may be used for indicating which input channel should be used.
For more details: see the Input strategy of the Server atom.

Trigger on entry
The command entered in this field is performed when a container enters the
Unpack atom.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Exit trigger products
The command entered in this field is performed when a product leaves the
Unpack atom.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Exit trigger packaging
The command entered in this field is performed when a container leaves the
Unpack atom.
For more details: see the Trigger on Exit explanation of the Source atom.

Annexes Tutorial ED 41

Picture 9-1: The MultiService atom

The MultiService atom has the same basic functions as several individual Server atoms.
Where the Server atom can process only one product at a time, the MultiService atom
allows the simultaneous processing of several products. The settings options are not as
elaborate as those of the normal server, but all basic functions are available.

Atom name
The name given to the atom.
Annexes Tutorial ED 42
The symbol used to represent the MultiService atom in the 2D window.

2D display
The way in which the products are displayed in the atom in 2D:
1: Standard display
The products in the MultiService atom are not visible, but a text display
indicates how many products are present.
2: Move left right
The products are visible and move from the left to the right.
3: Move right left
The products are visible and move from the right to the left.
4: Level vertical
Instead of the products, a colored area is visible which increases in height
when more products enter the MultiService atom.
5: Level horizontal
Instead of the products, a colored area is visible which scrolls to the right
when more products enter the MultiService atom.
6: Line up content
The products are visible and displayed one underneath the other.

Lists the number of products that can be processed simultaneously.

For the options below, we refer you to the description of the Server atom:

Input strategy
Send to
Trigger on Entry
Trigger on Exit

Annexes Tutorial ED 43

Picture 10-1: The Lock atom

When the Lock atom alone is used, it functions as a gateway that lets only the number of
products indicated in the Lock level through.

When the Lock atom is used in combination with the Unlock atom, it serves to control the
maximum number of products in a certain part of the model. The amount of work in process in
the model delimitated by Lock and Unlock can then be no more than the so-called Lock level.

Due to the connection between the two, the Unlock atom is described below.

Atom name
The name given to the atom.

The symbol used to represent the Lock atom in the 2D window.

Lock level
When the number of atoms between Lock and Unlock reaches the specific level
Annexes Tutorial ED 44
entered in this field, the input of the Lock closes, thereby blocking access.
When Unlock is not added, the input closes without reopening.

Continues evaluation
When this option is checked, the field Lock level is evaluated every time when a
product enters the Lock atom, instead of being evaluated only after a model
Only when the field Lock level contains a 4DScript command (and not only a
number) may it be necessary to activate this option.

Batchwise control
When the Lock level is reached, access via the Lock is blocked and reopened
only after all products in the channel have disappeared via the Unlock atom.
This creates a form of batch processing with the Lock level as batch size.

Annexes Tutorial ED 45

This atom has no settings and is used only in combination with the Lock atom. Each
time when a product leaves the Unlock atom, the Lock atom allows a new product to
enter the system (unless the Batchwise control option is activated); in that case all
products must first have passed through the Unlock atom).

In the example below, the Lock and Unlock atom control the quantity of products on the
conveyor. See how both atoms are placed in the product route `in a normal way' and
how they are connected via their second output or input channel respectively.

The Unlock atom has no window that needs filling in. A Lock atom can be connected
with several Unlock atoms.

Annexes Tutorial ED 46
Annex 3 A first start in 4DScript

4DScript is the programming language of Enterprise Dynamics. Everything that is
executed in Enterprise Dynamics is or can be done via 4DScript.

This document provides for beginners the structure of 4DScript and a list of often used
commands, illustrated with examples.

We start with the syntax rules together with the mathematical and logical operators.
Second, the concept of referencing is illustrated with examples. The third part consists
of the most common commands in ED.

1. The basics of 4DScript

The basic syntax of 4DScript is simple and is valid at any position where you can write

1 the language contains a number of words (commands);
2 these 4DScript commands can have (up to 255) parameters;
3 the parameters are placed between parenthesis ( );
4 parameters can be values, strings or expressions (other 4DScript words);
5 parameters will always be separated by commas;
6 if a parameter should be interpreted as a string, the string parameters are always
placed between square brackets [ ]. If the parameter should be executed as
4Dscript code, the parameter is written in a normal fashion;
7 comments can be placed between squiggly brackets { }.

These rules apply everywhere and are always valid. However, for some statements these
rules do not result in very readable code. In order to make parts of the code easier to
understand for others, the 4DScript syntax makes an exception in some cases. This
applies in particular to mathematical and logical symbols.

Mathematical symbols

Consider the following valid statements:

A more natural way:
+(12,7) results in 19
+(/(100,10),6) results in 16 100/10+6 or 6+100/10

Annexes Tutorial ED 47
All the special mathematical operators are evaluated in the following order:

* = multiplication
/ = division
+ = addition
- = subtraction

The normal priority rules for these operators apply. In case you have doubts, use
parenthesis ()!

Logical symbols

For logical operators (like >, < , =) it is also possible to disregard the rule that the
4DScript command needs to be written first and then the parameters

Consider the following valid statement:

>(10,6) can also be written in the `normal fashion as: 10>6
<=(23,12) can also be written as: 23<=12

This example can be extended to more 4DScript logical symbols:

= = equal
> = larger than
< = smaller than
>= = larger than or equal to
<= = smaller than or equal to
<> = not equal

syntax: and(e1,e2)

Returns 1 if e1 and e2 are true (1), returns 0 if not. If e1 is not true, then e2 is not
evaluated. Instead of writing and(e1,e2) the user can also write e1 and e2.
See also or

So, both commands are used as usual

Syntax: max(e1,e2)

Returns the maximum of e1 and e2. See also min

Annexes Tutorial ED 48
We end this chapter by a few commands on time and time conversion. Remember that
ED `thinks in seconds, but it is easy to convert time:

time returns the current model time in seconds
mins(e1) returns e1 (minutes) in seconds: multiplies e1 with 60.
hr(e1) returns e1 (hours) in seconds: multiplies e1 with 3600.

2. Referencing

A very important subject in ED is referencing: if we are talking about the `next atom,
what is our viewpoint? It gets more complicated if there are atoms contained in other
atoms like products in a queue.

We have seen the letters c and i in different statements, now we will explain them:
`c refers to the current atom where the statement is written on
`i refers to the involved atom, the one entering or leaving the current atom

Picture 1

To keep it simple: the `i is used only in statements written on Trigger on Entry or
Trigger on Exit!

The key to understanding the concept of referencing is the next example:

Picture 2

Annexes Tutorial ED 49
On the left of picture 2 you see the model tree of a simple queuing system, frozen at one
moment in time:

Picture 3

On the same level we find the Source, the Queue, the Server and the Sink and the
Product atom placed before the Source (number 5 in the model tree, because it is mostly
added after you reset your model the first after making the lay-out).

Queue2 contains 10 products, named Product1 to Product 10. They form a second level,
compared to the Product, Source, Queue, Server and Sink. Of course Product1 and, lets
say, Product5 are on the same level. Server3 contains 1 product, named Product11.

The highest level is the model itself. In picture 1 you can see this in the model tree!
Can you predict how the model tree changes if you reset this model?

If you understand the hierarchy in this model, you will understand referencing

First a few commands which are often used for referencing:

first(e1) refers to the first atom inside atom e1
last(e1) refers to the last atom inside atom e1
next(e1) refers to the next atom on the same level as atom e1
prev(e1) refers to the atom in front on the same level atom e1

So first(c) refers to the first atom inside the current. If the current is a Queue it could be
the first product in the queue. Now look at picture 1 again and the examples on first and

So, first and last are always looked at one level deeper from the atom where the
statement is written on!

The commands next and previous are explained below:

Annexes Tutorial ED 50

Picture 4

Now look at picture 3 and the examples on prev and next.

So, prev and next are always looked at the same level from the atom where the statement
is written on!

There are a few commands often used for flow control and related to channels:
out(e1,e2) refers to the atom connected to output channel e1 of atom e2
in(e1,e2) refers to the atom connected to input channel e1 of atom e2
openoutput(e1) opens the general output of atom e1
closeoutput(e1) closes the general output of atom e1. If closed, the channels cannot be
ready, regardless of individual channel settings.

In a similar way you can define openinput and closeinput.

Take a look at picture 5 regarding the use of in and out:

= in(1,Atom3)
Atom1 Atom4
= in(2,Atom3)
= in(1,in(1,Atom5))
= out(1,Atom3)
= out(1,out(1,atom1))
= out(2,Atom3)
= out(2,out(1,atom1))
= out(1,Atom1)
= in(1,atom5)

Picture 5

Annexes Tutorial ED 51
Example 1:
So refers in(1,c) (written on Atom3, the point of view) to Atom1, but the same
statement written on Atom4 refers to Atom3!

Example 2:
content(in(3,c)) returns the content (number of atoms) contained in the atom which is
connected to input channel 3 of the current atom.

Example 3:
closeoutput(in(2,c)) closes the output of the atom connected to the second input channel
of the current

Notice the way commands are nested

3. Important commands

In every programming language there are important commands, which perform as some
kind of building blocks.

3.1 For conditional statements: if

Syntax: if(e1,e2 {,e3})
Executes e2 if e1 is true (1); otherwise executes e3 (if specified). Returns result of e2 or

Example 1:
if( time>3600, msg[more than an hour], msg[less than an hour])

Translated: if time>3600 seconds then give message `more than an hour else give
message `less than an hour.

Example 2:
if(content(c)>10, closeinput(in(1,c))

Translated: if the content of the current atom is more than 10 then stop the input of the
atom connected with the first incoming channel else do nothing

Dont worry about the used commands like msg, content or closeinput. Well explain
them later!

3.2 For executing more than one statement: do

Syntax: do(e1,e2,...,e25)
Executes e1, e2, etc. in order of sequence. Returns result of last expression. You can use
up to 25 parameters. If more parameters are needed, several do loops can be nested.

Annexes Tutorial ED 52
do( set(color(i),colorred),

Three things are done at the involved atom (mostly a product): the color is set to red, the
icon is changed to iconnumber two and a label with the name temperature is stamped on
the product, its value is chosen randomly between 20 and 40.

3.3 Labels

The use of labels is the way to store local (temporary) variables by users. They are
mostly attached to products and can represent a weight, a customernumber, a
productiontime etcetera. They are defined with the command setlabel and reproduced
with label

a. setlabel(e1,e2,e3)

Defines a label on atom e3 where e1 is the name and e2 is the new content of the label.
Labels do not have to be created, at the moment they are referenced they exist. The sddb
command does the same.

Example 1:

First select an atom and create (and give a value to) a label with the command setlabel.
Suppose the name of the label is v1 and the value is 100:

Example 2:

label([v1],animatom) now returns the specified value (100) of the selected atom.

b. label(e1,e2,{e3})

Returns the contents of label named e1 defined on atom e2. Labels do not have to be
created, at the moment they are referenced they exist. The label name e1 is always a
string and is case sensitive.

The result is a string or a value, depending on the contents and on e3: if e3 is not
specified or e3=0 then the result is a value if the contents can be converted to a value,
otherwise the result is a string. If e3=1, the result is always a value. If the contents
cannot be converted to a value the value is 0. If e3=2, the result is always a string. If you
use long names and many labels you lose speed.

Annexes Tutorial ED 53
3.4 We conclude with a few other important commands:

Syntax: age(e1)

Returns the age of atom e1. The age is the difference between current time and creation
time. When a run is reset, the creation time of all atoms becomes 0.
See also maxage, minage, avgage

Syntax: content(e1)

Returns the contents (the number of atoms contained at the highest level) of atom e1.
See also maxcontent, avgcontent

Syntax: avgstay(e1)

Returns the average staying time of atoms in atom e1 over the total runtime.

Syntax: input(e1)

Returns the input of atom e1. The input is defined as the number of atoms that have
entered atom e1 until now. The opposite is the output of the atom.
See also output

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