Aristotle'S: Syllogistic
Aristotle'S: Syllogistic
Aristotle'S: Syllogistic
Oxford Uniuersity Press, Amen House, London E.C.4
sEcoND EDr r r oN ( ENLARcED) t 957
By LATTMER, TREND & co. , LTD. , wHr r sr ABLE
r 95E, 1963
first edition of this book did not contain an exposition
o[ Aristotle's modal syllogistic. I was not able to examine
Aristotle's ideas of necessity and possibility from the standpoint
of the known systems of modal logic, as none of them was in my
opinion correct. In order to master this difficult subject I had
lo construct for myself a system of modal logic. The first outlines
of this I developed in connexion with Aristotle's ideas in my
lcr;tures delivered in the Royal Irish Academy during I95r and
ilr the
University of Belfast in 1952. The complete
ilystem I published in The
of Computing Slstems, rg5g.
My system of modal logic is different from any other such
iystem, and from its standpoint I was able to explain the diffi-
r:rrlties and correct the errors of the Aristotelian modal syllo-
gi sti c.
My book on Aistotle's Syllogistic has met with a favourable
rcception to my knowledge in more than thirty articles and
reviews published over the world in English, French, Gerrnan,
| fcbrew, Italian, and Spanish. I have ever since been anxious
lirr an opportunity to discuss some of the critical remarks of my
reviewers, but in the preserit issue it has been possible only to
nrkl the chapters on modal logic (as the text of the first edition
wrn alrcady printed) . I am most grateful to the Clarendon Press
f i rr t hc chance t o do so.
J. L.
t ) t , l t LI N
Lukasiewicz died in Dublin on the l3th of Feb-
r unryi r r;5r{i, and thus could not see his book through the Press.
wls <lonc by his former pupil, Dr. Czeslaw Lejewski, who
renrl tl re prrxrl s of the added chapters and extended the i ndex.
r g3g I read a paper at the Polish Academy of Sciences
in Cracow on Aristotle's syllogistic. A summary of this paper
was printed in the same year, but could not be published
llccause of the war. It appeared after the war, but was dated
During the summer of r939 I prepared, in Polish, a more
rlctailed monograph on the same subject, and I had already
r<:ceived the proof of its first part when in September the
printer's office was completely destroyed by bombing and every-
thing was lost. At the same time my whole library together
with my manuscripts was bombed and burnt. It was impossible
to continue the work during the war.
Not till ten years later did I get a fresh opportunity to take
up my investigations into Aristotle's syllogistic, this time in
l)ublin, where since 1946 I have been lecturing on mathe-
rnatical logic at the Royal Irish Academy. At the invitation of
llniversity College, Dublin, I gave ten lectures on Aristotle's
syllogistic in rg4g, and the present work is the result of those
l cr;turcs.
work is confined to tJle non-modal or 'assertoric' syl-
logisms, since the theory of these is the most important part of
tlrr: Aristotelian logic. A systernatic exposition of this theory is
corrtained in chapters I, 2, and
of Book I of the Prior
Awil2tics. These chapters in Th. Waitz's edition-now more
lhitn a century old-are the main source of my exposition.
I rr:grct that I could not use the new text of the Prior Analttics
c<lilcd with an introduction and a commentary by Sir David
Itoss ;rnd published in 1949, since the historical part of my work
wls llrcady finished when this edition appeared. I could only
my quotations from Aristotle by the text of Sir David
Itrrrs. lrr tlrc English version of the Greek texts of the Anafutics
| ;rtllrt'rc'd as far as possible to the Oxford translation of
AlirlotlrJs works. Besides the text of the Prior Anal2tics I took
i rrl o corrsi rl t:rati on the anci ent commentators, especi al l y Al ex-
rurrl (' r' . I rnay menti on here that I owe to an anonymous anci ent
commentator the solution of historical problems connected
with the alleged invention of the fourth syllogistical figure
by Galen.
The present work consists ofan historical part, Chapters I-III,
and a systematic part, Chapters IV and V. In the historical
part I have tried to expound the Aristotelian doctrines follow-
ing the texts as closely as possible, but everywhere I have been
anxious to explain them from the standpoint of modern formal
logic. In my opinion there does not exist today a trust-
worthy exposition of the Aristotelian syllogistic. Until now
all expositions have been written not by logicians but by
philosophers or philologists who either, like Prantl, could
not know or, like Maier, did not know modern formal logic.
All these expositions are in my opinion wrong. I could not
find, for instance, a single author who realized that there is a
fundamental difference between the Aristotelian and the tradi-
tional syllogism. It seems to me therefore that my own exposi-
tion is entirely new. In the systematic part I have tried to
explain some theories of modern formal logic necessary to an
understanding of Aristotle's syllogistic, and have tried to com-
plete this syllogistic on the lines laid down by Aristotle him-
self. I was again anxious to be as clear as possible, so that my
exposition could be understood by scholars not trained in sym-
bolic or mathematical thinking. I hope therefore that this part
of my work may be used as an introduction to modern formal
logii. The most important new results in this part I consider
to be the proof of decision, given by
Slupecki, and
the idea of rejection introduced by Aristotle and applied by *y-
self to the theory of deduction.
I am sincerely grateful to the Royal Irish Academy, which,
by giving me a position in Dublin, has enabled me to write this
book, and to University College, Dublin, for its kind invitation
to deliver lectures on Aristotle's logic. I am grateful to the
Professors of University College, Dublin, FatherA. Gwynn, S.J.,
and MonsignorJ. Shine, who were kind enough to lend me the
necessary books. I owe a debt to Sir David Ross, who read my
typescript and made some suggestions I was glad to accept.
My special thanks are due to the late Father A. Little, S.J.,
who,,although already dangerously ill, willingly corrected the
English of the first chapter, to Victor Meally in Dublin, and in
particular to David Rees of Bangor, who read and corrected
the English of the whole work. I am also deeply indebted to the
officials of the Clarendon Press for their zeal and courtesy in
preparing my typescript for printing. The section on Galen is
dedicated to my friend Professor Heinrich Scholz of Mi.inster,
Westphalia, who was of great assistance to myself and to my
wife during the war, and especially during our stay in Mtinster
in tg44. The whole work I dedicate to my beloved wife, Regina
I-ukasiewicz nie Barwiirska, who has sacrificed herself that I
might live and work. Without her incessant care during the war,
and without her continual encouragement and help in the lone-
liness of our exile after it, I could never have brought the book
to an end.
May rg5o
r. Tlu haeform
tlu Arisntelian
z. Premisses and terms
g. Wb singular tnms were ornitted
$ 4.
$ 5.
Slilogistic necessit2
6. What isformal logb?
What i.sfornalism?
B. Tluns and rulcs of iqfnena.
g. The s2llogistic
rc. Tlu major, middle, and minor tems
rr. Thc history of an enor
n, The orfur of the premtsscs
tg. Enors of some modcrit commentators
14. Thefour Galenianfgures
$ ry.
Perfect and imperfect syllogisms
16. The logic of terms and tlu logic of propositiotu
17. The proofs
18. Thc proofs by reductio ad impossibile
tg. The prooJs
zo, Thc rcjcctedforms
zr. Some unsolaed problems
. I
. 3
. 5
. 7
. t o
. 12
. 15
. 2( )
. 23
. 28
. 30
. 32
. 34
. 38
zz. Explanation of the symbolism
zg. Theorl of deduction
25. Fundamentals of the syllogistic
26. Deduction of s2llogistic thcses
27. Axioms and rules
rejected expressions
zB. Insfficienc2 of our axioms and rules
zg. Thc number of undecidable expressions
go. Stupuki's rule of rejection
$ 3r,
Defuctiue equiualence
$ 32.
Reduction to clementar.y expressions
gg. Elemcntarl expressions of thc syllogistic
I Z+.
Ao arithmetical interpretation of the s2llogistie
$ 95.
ARI sr or LE' s MoDeL Locl c oF
$ 96.
r o6
I 20
r 30
$ 97.
Modalfunctioru and their interrelations
$ 38.
Bcsra modal logic
gg. Laws of extewionality
| 4o.
Aristotle's proof of the M-law of extensionality
$ 4r.
Necessaqy connexions of propositions
$ 42.
'Matnial' or'strict' implication?
| 49.
Anal2tic propositions
E U.
Ao Aristotelian paradox
$ 45.
Contingenc2 in Aristotle
r 3+
r 35
I 38
I 5I
The matrix rnethod
TIu C-Nfi-system
sltstern of modal logic
Neussity and tlu
system of modal
logit .
| 5r.
Twin possibilities.
| 52.
C ontingerc) and the
d s.2ts tem of mo dal
$ 59,
problems .
xl u
$ +6.
$ +2.
$ +8.
$ so.
I 58
r 6o
r 66
r 72
. 17+
. r7B
ARr sr or LE' s MoDAL sYLLoGI STI c
$ 54.
Moods with two apodeictic premisses r8r
$ 55.
Moods with orc apodeictic and one assertoric
$ 56.
Rejuted moods with one apodeictic and one
assertoric premiss 186
$ 57.
Solution of the controuers2 rBB
$ 58.
Moods with possible premisses rgr
$ 59.
Laws of conuersion of contingent propositi.ons
6o. Rectfication of Aristotle's mistakes rg8
6r. Moods with contingent premisses
62. Philosophical implications of modal logic 2o5
Page &4,line
: for h read b
Page go, last line: exchange a and c
Page rzo, l i ne zg: f or
cl b read
*t oo.
bl c
Page te9, line z4: for lcd read NIcd
Aristotcles Gracce,
recensione fmmanuelis Bekkeri, vol. i, Berolini,
r 83I .
Arbtohlis Orga.rcn Gruce, ed. Th. Wartz, vol. i, Lipsiae, 1844; vol. ii,
Lipsiae, 1846.
Aristotle's Prior @d Postcrior Arulytics. A Revised Text with fntroduc-
tion and Comrnentary by W. D. Ross, Oxford, 1949.
Ahxandi in Arisbtalis Adyticorum Priorum Librum I Commentarium,
ed. M. Wallies, Berolini, 1883.
immonii in Aristotalis Atul2ticorum Priorum Librum I Commentaium,
cd. M. Wallies, Berolini, 1899.
Iounis Philoponi in Aristotelis Analltica Priora Commentari,a, id. M.
Wallies, Berolini, rgo5.
The texts of Aristotle are quoted according to Bekker's edition.
z An. pr. i,
z1bgT maru: Anal2tica
Book f, chapter
pegc 25, column b, line
The tacts of the commentators are
according to the above editions of the Academy of Be.rlin.
z Alcxanda roo. rr mearurr page roo, line rr.
r. The true
of the Aistotelian s2llogism
IN three recently published philosophical works the following is
given as an example of the Aristotelian syllogism:r
(t) All men are mortal,
Socrates is a man,
Socrates is mortal.
This example seems to be very old. With a slight modification-
'animal' instead of 'mortal'-it is quoted already by Sextus
Empiricus as a 'Peripatetic' syllogism.2 But a Peripatetic syllo-
gism need not be an Aristotelian one. As a matter of fact the
example given above differs in two logically important points
from the Aristotelian syllogism.
First, the premiss 'Socrates is a man' is a singular proposition,
as its subject 'Socrates' is a singular term. Now Aristotle does not
introduce singular terms or premisses into his system. The follow-
ing syllogism would therefore be more Aristotelian:
(z) All men are mortal,
AII Greeks are men,
All Greeks are mortal.3
This syllogism, however, is still not Aristotelian. It is an inference,
where from two premisses accepted as true, 'All men are mortal'
and 'All Greeks are men', is drawn the conclusion 'All Greeks
are mortal'. The characteristic sign of an inference is the word
See Ernst Kapp, Grcck Foundations of Traditional Logic, New York (rg4z)' p. I t
Irrederick Copleston, 5.J., A History of Philosoph2, vol. iz Greece and Rome (t946),
p. r77; Bertrand Russel l , Hi story of Wcstnn Phi l osop,fr2, London (r946), p. ztB.
Sextus Empiricus, Hyp. Pyrrh. ii. 164 Euxyiqs d.v9panos, n6s dl|potos (Qov,
8axpd.n1s dpa
A few lines earlier Sextus says that he will speak about the
s<r-called categorical syllogisms, nepl rGw xatrlyopmiw xoAoupivuv ouAAoynp6l,
used chiefly by the Peripatetics, ols
pdAnra oi d.nd to0 llepndrou. See also
ibid. ii. r96, where the same syllogism is cited with the premisses transposed.
B. Russel l , op. ci t., p. zrg, gi ves form (z) i mmedi atel y after form (I)' addi ng
in brackets the remark: 'Aristotle does not distinguish between tiese two formsl
this, as we shall see later, is a mistake.' Russell is right when he says that these two
frrrms must be distinguished, but his criticism should not be applied to
'therefore' (dpa). Now, and this is the second difference, no syllo-
gism is formulated by Aristotle primarily as an inference, but they
are all implications having the conjunction of the premisses as the
antecedent and the conclusion as the consequent. A true example
of an Aristotelian syllogism would be, therefore, the following
i mpl i cati on:
(S) If all men are mortal
and all Greeks are men,
then all Greeks are mortal.
This implication is but a modern example oi an Aristotelian
syllogism and does not exist in the works of Aristotle. It would be
better, of course, to have as an example a syllogism given by
Aristotle himself. Unfortunately no syllogism with concrete terms
is to be found in the Prior Anafittics. But there are some passages
in the Posterior Anal2tics from which a few examples of such
syllogisms may be drawn. The simplest of them is this:
(+) Ifall broadJeaved plants are deciduous
and all vines are broadJeaved plants,
then all vines are deciduous.t
All these syllogisms, whether Aristotelian or not, are only
examples of some logical forms, but do not belong to logic, be-
cause they contain terms not belonging to logic, such as 'man' or
'vine'. Logic is not a science about men or plants, it is simply
applicable to these objectsjust as to any others. In order to get a
syllpgism within the sphere of pure logic, we must remove from
the syllogism what may be called its matter, preserving only its
form. This was done by Aristotle, who introduced letters instead
of concrete subjects and predicates. Putting in (4) the letter ,4.
for 'deciduous', the letter ,B for 'broad-leaved plant', the letter C
for 'vine', and using, as Aristotle does, all these terms in the
singular, we get the followine syllogistic form:
(S) If al l B i s ,4
and all C is B,
then all C is A.
An. post. i i . I6,
Eota ydp rd
d{' oI A, rd 6t n\arJ$ui l ov 2S'
o8 B, dpndtos Dt d{' o0 f. ei 6'}1 rQ B indpTet rd A (n6v ydp nAail$vAAov
rQ 3i I izdpyet rd B (n6oa yd.p dpnelos z)czri{utr)os), tQ I tndpTer rd A, xai r6oa
From this somewhat carelessly written passage-after tQ B, tQ
3i f, and tQ T, navri ought to be inserted-we get the following syllogism in con-
crete terms: ei ndv nAorJ$vtrlov
rai n6oe d4ne\os nAarrj$dtAos, n6oe
' l ' l ri s
syl l ogi sm i s one of the l ogi cal theorems i nvented by Ari stotl e,
lrrrt cvr:n it differs in style from the genuine Aristotelian syllogism.
lrr lirrrnulating syllogisms with the help of letters, Aristotle
the predicate in the first place and the subject in the
. [Ie never says 'All B is A', but uses instead the expres-
ri rrrr ' ,4
i s predi cated of al l B' or more often' A bel ongs to al l B' .t
l,r'l rrs rrpply the first of these expressions to form (S)
*. get an
txrrcl translation of the most important Aristotelian syllogism,
l , r l cl r : l r l l cd ' Bar bar a' :
(6) If ,4 is predicated of all B
and, B is predicated of all C,
then I is predicated of all C.2
St:rrti ng wi th the unauthenti c exampl e (r) we have reached
llrrrs lry a step-by-step transition the genuine Aristotelian syllo-
p,irrrr ((i). Let us now explain these steps and establish them on a
l r xl r r ; t l basi s.
\' t.
l ' rcni sses and tenns
l'lvr:ry Aris;otelian syllogism consists of three propositions called
A premiss (trpdraoc) is a sentence affirming or deny-
irrg soructhing of something.3 In this sense the conclusion is also
i np,lr.r.,6, because it states something about something.a The
lwo ck:rncnts involVed in a premiss are its subject and predicate.
Alislotk: calls them 'terms', defining a term (6pos) as that into
wlriclr thc premiss is resolved.s The original meaning of the Greek
rlrrrrr, :rs well as of the Latin,terminus, is 'limit' or 'boundary'.
tcrrrrs of a premiss, its subject and predicate, are the limits
n| t lrr' prcmiss, its beginning and end. This is the very meaning of
Ilrr worrl ,ipos, and we should be careful not to identify this logical
w,' rrl wi tl r such psychol ogi cal or metaphysi cal words as ' i dea' ,
' rrr,ti rrr' , ' concept' , or Begri f i n German.6
t,l A xcttlyopetrqt xotd revtds toO B or td A Jrdpyet navti rQ B. See also
l r
r . l , [ .
,l n
l n.
i .
25b37 ci ydp td A xatd. nevrds toi B xoi ti B xord, rovtds ro0 F,
,| ,' ' l y,tr; rd A xatd. rsvtds roA T xatqyopci o?ac.The word, dl dyxl omi tted i n the
t r , r r {l r l i on wi l l bc cxpl ai ned l at er .
l frrrl t, :r4ar6 rpi ruots
l ti v
o$v doti )\6yos xara,$ertxds
dno$onrds rl vds
f l , r r l i i r , ' , , 1' B r d 6i oupni paopa t i xat d. nv6s i ot ; .
l l rrrl r, r,,,r4l ' r{i <i pov 6t xcl ci ei s 6v Erc,\Jezct
np6raoc, otov td te Kanl yo-
t' ttl .r.r
r,,i r,) r,r0' oi xortl yopei rou
' '
\rrnl r,l l c ;rl so uscs thc word Spos i n the sense of dprcpds, i ,e. ' defi ni ti on' .
In building up his logic Aristotle did not take notice either of
vidual or singular.+ It is evident that the terms of universal and
particular premisses must be universal. Aristotle certainly would
not accept as meaningful expressions like 'All Calliases are men,
or 'Some Calliases are men', if there were only one Callias. The
same must be said about the terms of indefinite premisses : they,
tpo, are-universal. This follows both from the name Aristotle has
chosen tor them and from the examples he gives. A man who is
An. p,r. i . r, 24^17 (conti nuati on of the text quoted i n p.
ofi os Ei
fi .i v
pi pet
di dpnros. Ai yaSi xa06Aov pi v 16 n"r"[i prl 6rrl ' i n,i pyerr, i v
pi per 6i i l
i t:i
pi 1 nauti i nd.p7<w, d}dprcrov i i rd i nd|7ew
p|1 i i ,i pyecv
dy^ev roA xo06\ou
xard. plpos, otov rd tdv dvaniav itvse tilv eJiy loror4pq,
pi1 etvar dya06v.
Dc i1L
rTagg,l/7o Et xa06Aou piv 6 ini nAet6vav n!$uxe xarqyopetolaq xal'
Exoorov D2 6 pi, otov dv|poros piv r6tv xa06\ov, Kal,\ics Ei rAv xali'Exasrov,'
Ibi d. r, ti ar6 rpdydAe$os.
Alexander roo. t r (d7d
ydp aio|ryoi rci e'yds xat, d,p$p6v oix!0' dpp6(et td
xord' navtds ori8t d 6ropro4rris d,\os' <i ydp Srcptopds rerv tpatd.oeov ini rd,v'xtb6Aov
E1ec. rri Et dropa oi xaldAov. Cf. ibid. 65. e6.
I ' I
rrrrrk' r' i cl cd whether i t i s true to say ' No pl easure i s good' or onl y
pleasure is not good', may say without defining the
(l rl :rnti ty
of the subj ect: ' Pl easure i s not good.' But i n thi s l ast
:i (' nt(' nce' pl easure' i s sti l l a uni versal term as i t was i n the two
sentences. Throughout the whole systematic exposition
,,1 lris syllogistic Aristotle in practice treats indefinite premisses
without explicitly stating their equivalence.I This
w;rs tl onc onl y by Al exander.2
lrrrlefinite premisses are of no importance in the Aristotelian
riysl(:m of logic. No logical thesis, whether a law of conversion or
;r syllogism, is formulated by Aristotle with this kind of premiss.
lt wrts but right that they should be dropped by later logicians,
rvlro rctained only four kinds of premiss, well known to every
strr<lt:nt of traditional logic, viz. the universal affirmative, the
rrrrivcrsal negative, the particular affirmative, and the particuiar
n('sirtive. In this fourfold division there is no place left for singular
rl r:rni sses.3
Wb singular terms were lmitted b2 Aristotle
is an interesting chapter in the Pior AnaQtics where
Alistotle divides all things into three classes. Some, he says, are
srrt:h that they cannot be predicated truly of anything at all,
likc Cleon and Callias and the individual and sensible, but other
l l ri nss may be predi cated of them, e.g. man or ani mal . Some
otlrcr things, and these are the second class, are themselves
plcdicated of others but nothing prior is predicated of them. For
tlris class of things no example is given, but it is clear that Aris-
totl c means what i s most uni versal , l i ke bei ng, rd dv.To the thi rd
,:lrrss belong those things that may be predicated of others and
otlrcrs of them, e.g. man of Callias and animal of man, and
;rs ir rule, concludes Aristotle, arguments and inquiries are con-
r r:rncd with this class of things.a
See, for example, An. pr. i.
z6^z9 6 yip aitds Eorec ouDoyrcpds d\rcpinov te
i v p!pa \1$0!wos, ot
2ga27 6fl ou 3d xoi 6rt 16 d\dprotov dvri roA xatqyoptxoA
,,,i iv ptpet zt\lpcvov rdv
qJrdv nouioet ovA)oycopdv iv dnaot tois oyfipaou.
zg nepi 3t riw dlcoptoror (scil' rfis t<iv d\npiotov
,,i, Alyeq 6rc p16t ypfiorltot rpds ov&oyrcpo,is ciol eito4 xai 6tc ioov tots ini pipovs
Sri vovrat .
Arguments on behal f of the thesi s that si ngul ar proposi ti ons mayi e regarded
,,* f,rrmi ng a sub-cl ass of uni versal s-seerforexampl erJ.N.
Keynes, Formal Logi c,
f ,rrrrfon (19o6), p. ro2-are i n my opi ni on enti rel y wrong.
An. pr. i. z7r
drdvtav 6\ ritv 6vrav td" piv iotc tonAra tiate xetd'
dAAou xarlyopeioflot
,itr106s xaldAov (oiov l{Aiav rai Ka}lics xai td xa|'
, I
Aristotle must have felt its weakness, yet it is not corroborated
lry lny philosophical argument borrowed from Plato.
is, however, another remarkable point that may throw
rorrrc light on our problem. Aristotle emphasizes that a singular
It'rrn is not suited to be a predicate of a true proposition, as a
rrrost universal term is not suited to be a subject of such a propo-
sition. The first assertion, as we have already seen, is not gener-
:rlly true, and the second also seems to be false. But it does not
rrr:rttcr whether these assertions are true of false. It suffices to
krrow that Aristotle regarded them as true and that he eliminated
lirrm his system
those kinds of terms which in his opinion
w(:rc not suited to be both subjects and predicates of true pro-
positions. And here, as I see it, lies the chief point ofour problem.
It is essential for the Aristotelian syllo.gistic that the same term
rrray be used as a subject and as a predicate without any restric-
tion. In all three syllogistic figures known to Aristotle there
r:xists one term which occurs once as a subject and then again
rrs a predicate: in the first figure it is the middle term, in the
srx:ond figure the major term, and in the third figure the minor
t<:rm. fn the fourth figure all three terms occur at the same
tirne as subjects and as predicates. Syllogistic as conceived by
Aristotle requires terms to be homogeneous with respect to
their possible positions as subjects and predicates. This seems
to be the true reason why singular terms were omitted by
In Aristotle's systematic exposition of his syllogistic no examples
lrrc given of syllogisms with concrete terms. Only non-valid com-
binations of premisses are exemplified through such terms, which
lrc of course universal, like 'animal', 'man', 'horse'. In valid
syllogisms all terms are represented by letters, i.e. by variables,
c.g. 'If ,R belongs to all S and P belongs to some ,S, then P belongs
t o some. R' . r
The introduction of variables into logic is one of Aristotle's
grcatest inventions. It is almost incredible that till now, as far as I
know, no one philosopher or philologist has drawn attention to
Ibid. i. 6, zBbT ei ydp td ptv P nevri rQ J zd 3t 17 rwi, dvd.yxtl rd II rui rQ
l ' i ndpxcw. Thi s i s a mood of the thi rd fi gure, cal l ed l ater Di sami s, wi th transposed
l )r
(' rnrsscs,
this most important fact.r I venture to say that they must all
have been bad mathematicians, for every mathematiiian knows
that the introduction of variables into arithmetic began a new
epoch in that science. It seems that Aristotle regardld his in_
vention as entirely plain and requiring no explanation, for there
is nowhere in his logical works any mention ofvariables. rt was
Alexarider who first said explicitly that Aristotre presents his
doctrine in letters, orotyeta, in order to show that we get the
conclusion not in consequence of the matter of the premisJes, but
in consequence of their form and combination; the letters are
marks of universality and show that such a cqncrusion will follow
always and for any term we may choose.2 There is another com-
Philoponus, who is also fully aware of the signi-
ficance and importance of variables. He says that Aristotle, alfter
showing by examples how every premiss may be converted, stbtes
some universal rules of conversion taking letters instead of terms.
For a universal sentence is disproved by one example in which it
but is proved either by going througf, ail particulars
(which is an endless and impossible operationl or by stating an
evident universal rule. such a rule is given here by Aristotie in
letters, and the reader is allowed to zubstitute (inopiltAew) for
the letters any concrete terms he wants.3
we know already that only universar terms may be substituted
for the variables. fn an example quoted above,l Aristotle per-
forms such a substitution, saying:
,4 be decidrrorrr, b_
broadJehved plant, c-vine.' This is the only kind of substitu-
tion we meet in the Prior Anal\tics. Aristotle never substitutes for a
variable z4 another variable.B, although he is perfectly aware that
the same syllogistic mood may be formulited with different
r am glad to learn that sir David Ross in his edition of the Analytics. D. 20.
emphasizes that by using variables Aristotre became the founder
zB tni ototyeiav tlv bdaoxaAiav norcirac iilp ro6 ivtei(iolat
o& napd, rlp J\1v ylveroe td..-ouptepd.opara dAtrd. napd ra
"Xrtt "--.J-ri, ToL-a-urnv tav nporioeav oupn.Aox)1v rdv rp6rov. oi yd.p ht
i1 JAt1, owdyerat
ouDoytottxtltg zri6e, tiD' 6rc zi ou(uyia tonitl. td. o\v otoryeia tol'xa06i\ov xii &ei
xai tni navtds ro'-A1$,ivros roto,rov trrr,t:;;rr";rff::_yj;)r::;;;:rr;rTr;:or:r*
d. oroeyeie nopal,opBdvav dwi r6v 6pav . , .
ropd.6ecypa, ,is
eipqrac, xotaoxevd.{<t
6rep doriv d.nerpov xai d}Jvorcv, i i 6d.
\d, ritv oroq1iay Dr8or)s xdnq,'donep
lew dvri zitv oroqgelov oies &v
See p. z, n,
$ +
v:rriables. The mood Disamis, for instance, cited at the beginning
ol'this section, is formulated with the letters ft, ,S, P; elsewhere it
is formulated with C, B, A.t It is evident that the validity of a
syllogism does not depend on the shape of the variables used in
its formulation: Aristotle knows that without saying it. It is again
Alcxander who states this fact explicitly.'
There is no passage in the Prior Anal2tics where two different
variables are identified. Even where the same term is substituted
lirr two variables, these two variables are not identified. In Book
II of the Prior Anal2tics Aristotle discusses the problem whether
rr syllogism can be made out of opposite premisses. This can be
tl<rne, he states, in the second and third figure. Let B and C, he
r:ontinues, both stand for 'science' and A for 'medicine'. If one
lrssumes that 'All medicine is science' and that 'No medicine is
sr:icnce', he has assumed that '.8 belongs to all A' and 'C belongs
lo no A', so that 'Some science is not science'.3 The syllogistic
rnood to which this refers runs thus : 'If B belongs to all A and C
lrclongs to no 21, then Cdoes not belong to some B.'a In order to get
liom this mood a syllogism with opposite premisses, it suffices to
irlcntify the variables .B and C, i.e. to substitute B for C. We get
lry this substitution ; 'If B belongs to all A and B belongs to no l,
lhcn .B does not belong to some B.' The heavy roundabout way
Ity means of concrete terms, such as 'science' and 'medicine', is
rluitc unnecessary. It seems that the straight way in this problem,
i.c. the way by identifying variables, was not seen by Aristotle.
Aristotle knows that sentences like 'Some science is not science'
t:itnnot be true.s The generalization of such sentences 'Some I is
rrol A' (i .e.' A does not bel ong to some,4' ) al so must be fal se. It
is not very probable that Aristotle knew this formula; it is
An. pr. ii.
7, 5gar7
ei ydp rd I navri rQ B, td Ei A rwi rd B, dldyq td A nvi tQ
l ' Jr i p76w.
Al exander
e oJ ydp napd td i p& A sJtAv el vat rd * B
ouvoyuyti ' t6
ohd yivoaq xdv dllors dvri roJrav yptlodtpe9a.
An. pr. i i . 15,64a23 Eoru ydp tznrfi pl i S' o0 i B xai f, i atprx| 6' i $' oi A.
\dpor n6oav iotpexlv intorrjpqv xai pl\epiav iorptxlv incotfiplv, td B navti rQ
,4 ,iAq$e xoi td I oiievi, <itor' Eoror tc nrcrfip1 oix drrcripry,
r 'l-his
syllogism is a mood of the third figure, called later Felapton, with trans-
l xrrcrl
prcmi sses. In the systemati c exposi ti on of the syl l ogi sti c i t i s formul ated wi th
tl rc fcttors R, S, P. See i bi d. i . 6, z8az6 6.v ti ptv P ravri rQt E, i 6i I/ pl 6ei
py1, iorat ouAAo.yto
5zr zd II rcvi rQ P oiX Jnip{et i{ dvd.y xr1s.
l l ri <l . i i . t5,64o7
xai Str i x
pi v Eonv dAqfl i s cuAAoyi oao|a4
. , .'x 6i rdv dvtxetp&av olx Eotw' d.ei yd,p Avavrtos 6 ovAAoynpds yivetat rQ
i l
l ' t ry l . (rT. ,
Alexander again who saw the falsity and applied this fact to
prove the law of conversion of the universal negative premiss.
The proof he gives proceeds by reductio ad absurdum: If the premiss
'l belongs to no .B' is not convertible, let us suppose that B
belongs to some ,,4. From these two premisses we get by a syllo-
gism of the first figure the absurd conclusion: 'r4 does not belong
to some 4." lt is obvious that Alexander has in mind the mood
of the first figure called later Ferio : 'lf A belongs to no B and B
belongs to some C, then,4 does not belong to some C',2 and that
in this mood he identifies the variables ,4 and C, substituting ,4
for C. This is perhaps the neatest example of an argument by
substitution derived from an ancient source.
$ 5.
Syllogistic necessity
The first Aristotelian syllogism, called later Barbara, may be
represented, as we have already seenr3 in the form of the following
If ,4 is predicated of all .B
and B is predicated of all C,
then I is predicated of all C.
But there is still a difference between this formulation and the
genuine Greek text. The premisses are the same in the English
version as in the Greek, but the exact translation of the conclusion
would be 'r4 must be predicated of all C'. This word 'must'
(dv,iyrcq\ is the sign of the so-called 'syllogistic necessity'. It is
used byAristotle in almost all implications which contain variables
and represent logical laws, i.e. laws of conversion or syllogisms.a
There are, however, some syllogisms where this word is omitted
take, for instance, this Aristotelian form of the mood Barbara: 'If
z4 belongs to all B and C belongs to all l, then C belongs to all.B.'s
Since it was possible to omit the word iniome syllogisms, it must
be possible to eliminate it entirely from all syllogisms. Let us see,
therefore, what the word means and why it is used by Aristotle.
15 Eveon 6i xai Erri ovAAoywpoit,etfcr Erd ro0 nptitou o2qtiporos
y;oltivov, <is xai atlrds npooTpfiror tfi eis d\Jvarov dnoyuyfi. ei yd.p ns pl Aiyot
dvrrcrpiSew tiv xa06Aou$anxfii, xe/o|u rd A p46evi rQ B. ei 6t pl d.vnotp!$ec,
Eno ri B nvi tQ A' yiverot iv np,ittp oyrjpan td A rwi ,Q A pi itndpTov, 6nep
An. pr. i.
z6^25 <i. i ptv A pq}evi tQ B indpTeq zd 3t B zvi tQ f, d"vdyxl d A
nvi r Q I pl Jndpl qew.
See p. 3, n. 2.
n. ; p. g, nn. r ,
above, n. z.
i i . I I, 6r
ei yd.p i A revi tQ B xoi rd f rawi rQ A, rd T novti tQ B,
problem appears simple, and is settled implicitly by Aris-
totle himself incidentally in his treatment of the laws of conver-
sion, when he says ; 'lf A belongs to some B, it is necessary that .B
should belong to some I
but if ,4 does not belong to some,B, it is
not necessary that B should not belong to some A.' For ifr4 stands
lirr 'man' and B for 'animal', it is true that some animal is not
man, but it is not true that some man is not animal, because all
men are animals.I We see from this example that Aristotle uses
the sign of necessity in the consequent of a true implication in
order to emphasize that the implication is true for all values of
variables occurring in the implication. We may therefore say 'If
I belongs to some B, it is necessary that .B should belong to some
l', because it is true that 'For all A and for all B,if A belongs to
some .8, then
belongs to some,4'. But we cannot say 'If z4 does
not belong to some B, it is necessary that.B should not belong to
some l ' , because i t i s not true that' For al l A andforal l B,i f A
does not belong to some B, then B does not belong to some ,4'.
There exist, as we have seen, values for .r4 and ,B that verify the
antecedent of the last implication, but do not veri$ its conse-
quent. In modern formal logic expressions like 'for all ,4' or 'for
all B', where A and
are variables, are called universal quanti-
fiers. The Aristotelian sign of syllogistic necessity represents a uni-
versal quantifier and may be omitted, since a universal quantifier
may be omitted when it stands at.the head of a true formula.
This, of course, is all known to students of modern formal logic,
but some fifty years ago it was,certainly not known to philo-
sophers. It is not strange, therefore, that one of them, Heinrich
Maier, has chosen our problem as the basis of what is, in my
opinion, a bad philosophical speculation. He states:2 'The con-
clusion follows from the premisses with necessary consequence.
consequence arises from the syllogistic principle and its
necessity reveals very properly the synthetic power of the func-
tion ofreasoning.' I do not understand this last sentence, because
Ibi d. i . z, z5azo4 ei ydp rd A rwi tQ B, xoi td B nvi rQ A dvdyxq JndpTe*...
ei 6( ye ri A tcvi tQ B pl 6n,ip76t, oix ,i^iyxr1 xei td B rwi
A pi itd.p7ew, otov ci
ti plv B doti (Qov, rd 6t A dv|punos. dv|panos ptv yd.p oi novti (<!tu, (Qov 62 tavri
iv|pln<p $n,ipyct.
H. Mai er, Di e S2l l ogi sti k des Ari stotel es, vol . i i 6, Tti bi ngen (rgoo), p. 236: ' Aus
rl cn Pri l mi ssen fol $t mi t notwendi ger Konsequenz der Schl uBsatz. Di ese Konse-
rl rrcnz cntspri ngt dem syl l ogi sti schen Pri nzi p, und di e Notwendi gkei t, di e i hr
;rrrl ral i et, bekundet recht ei gentl i ch di e syntheti sche Kraft der Schl u6funkti on.'
I cannot grasp the meaning of the words 'the synthetic power of
the function of reasoning'. Moreover, f am not sure what is
meant by 'the syllogistic principle', as I do not know whether any
such principle exists at all. 'On the ground of both premisses
continues his speculations'] which I think and express, I
must also think and express the conclusion by virtue of a com-
pulsion lying in my thinking.' This sentence I can certainly
understand, but it is manifestly false. You may easily see its false-
hood if you think and pronounce the premisses of a syllogism,
e.g. 'All A is C' and 'Some ,B is not C', without pronouncing the
conclusion which follows from them.
6. What is
'It is usual to say that logic is formal, in so far as it is concerned
merely with the form of thought, that is with our manner of
thinking irrespective of the particular objects about which we
are thinking.' This is a quotation from the well-known text-book
of formal logic by Keynes.2 And here is another quotation, from
the History of Philosophy by Father Copleston: 'The Aristotelian
Logic is often termed formal logic. Inasmuch as the Logic of
Aristotle is an analysis of the forms of thought-this is an apt
In both quotations I read the expression 'form of thought',
which I do not understand. Thought is a psychical phenomenon
and psychical phenomena have no extension. What is meant by
the forrfr of an object which has no extension ? The expression
'form of thought' is inexact and it seems to me that this inexacti-
tude arose from a wrong conception of logic. Ifyou believe indeed
that logic is the science of the laws of thought, you will be dis-
posed to think that formal logic is an investigation of the forms of
It is not true, however, that logic is the science of the laws of
thought. It is not the object of logic to investigate how we are
thinking actually or how we ought to think. The first task belongs
to psychology, the second to a practical art of a similar kind to
mnemonics. Logic has no more to do with thinking than mathe-
matics has. You must think, of course, when you have to carry
Op. ci t., p. 237: ' Auf Grund der bei den Prl i mi ssen, di e i ch denke und aus-
spreche, muB ich kraft eines in meinem Denken liegenden Zwangs auch den
SchluBsatz denken und aussprechen.'
Op. ci t., p. e.
Op. ci t . , p. 277.
out an inference or a proof, as you must think, too, when you
havc to solve a mathematical problem. But the laws of logic do
not concern your thoughts in a greater degree than do those of
rnathematics. What is called 'psychologism' in logic is a mark of
the decay of logic in modern philosophy. For this decay Aristotle
is by no means responsible. Throughout the whole Prior Analltics,
where the theory of the syllogism is systematically exposed, there
t:xists not one psychological term. Aristotle knows with an intui-
tive sureness what belongs to logic, and among the logical prob-
lcms treated by him there is no problem connected with a
psychical phenomenon such as thinking.
What is therefore, according to Aristotle, the object of logic,
and why is his logic called formal? The answer to this question
is not given by Aristotle himself but by his followers, the Peri-
There was a dispute amongthe philosophical schools ofAncient
Greece about the relation of logic to philosophy. The Stoics con-
tended that logic was a part of philosophy, the Peripatetics said
that it was onlv an instrument of philosophy, and the Platonists
were of the opinion that logic was equally a part and an instru-
ment of philosophy. The dispute itself is of no great interest or
importance, because the solution of the disputed problem seems
to be for the most part a matter of convention. But an argument
of the Peripatetics, preserved by Ammonius in his commentary
on the Prior Anafuti.cs, deserves our attention.
Ammonius agrees with the Platonists and says: If you take
syllogisms with concrete terms, as Plato does in proving syllo-
gistically that the soul is immortal, then you treat logic as a part
of philosophy; but if you take syllogisms as pure rules stated in
lctters, e.g.''A is predicated of all B, B of all C, therefore z4 is
of all C', as do the Peripatetics following Aristotle,
then you treat logic as an instrument of philosophy.t
Ammonius to.
xard. ydp IIAdrowo xol dv d.Aqflfi A6yov oire p(pos ioilv (scil.
i1 Aoyui), ds oiZtatxoi
xairlvts rdv lllarawxtw, oite p6vos 6pyavov, <its oi.
tr roa llepndlov
ril)d. rci yipos imiv xoi |pyavov
tdv ptv ydp
yad" ri; npaypd"rov \d,Bps tois A6yous, pipos iotiv, idv 3t
tois xavdvas d,veu
tdv npaypdtov, 6pyovov. <iore xa),6s of 2r roA llepmd.tou ri. zapd Apntoti)ct
i$opdwes 6pyarov tJrlv
$eou' $Aois
ydp xov6vas nopoii}oow, oi npdyparo )top'
pdvav izox<ipeyc rillti tots notyeiocs tois xav6vos i$appd{av otov 16 A xatd.
novrds roa B, td B xord, navtds roA f, rd A dpa xard, navtds roA i-. The syllogistic
prrxrf of the thesis that the soul is immortal is given a few lines farther on ( r I. ro) :
,ltuyl oiroxivqrov, roAro 6i d.eaxivtytov, zofzo 6i dildvarov, il,ltvyif i.po d|dvarov,
It is important to learn from this passage that according to the
Peripatetics, who followed Aristotle, only syllogistic lawJ stated
in variables belong to logic, and not their applications to concrete
terms. The concrete terms, i.e. the values of the variables, are
called the matter, J)u1, of the syllogism. If you remove all con-
crete terms from a syllogism, replacing them by letters, you have
removed the matter of the syllogism and what remains is called
its form. Let us see of what elements this form consists.
To the form of the syllogism belong, besides the number and
Aristotelian logic. These constants represent relations between
field of universal terms.
It is obvious that such a theory has nothing more in common
with our thinking than, for instance, the theory of the relations of
greater and less in the field of numbers. There are, indeed, some
similarities bdtween these two theories. Compare, for example, the
syllogism Barbara:
If a belongs to all D
and D belongs to all c,
then a belongs to all c,
with the following arithmetical law:
Ifa is greater than D
and b is greater than c,
then a is greater than c.
There are, of course, differences between these two laws: the
range of variables is not the same, and the relations are different.
i.ndpyew navri, ind.pyel oi6evi, Jndpyew nvi, oilg irtipyew nvi: Jnd,p1ew oi
of Jndpyew Aristotle sometimes uses the verb xonlyopeiod",.--Syllo-
gi sms i n concrete terms are formul ated wi th ei var. See p, z, n.; p,
,, urrd th"
next secti on (7).
ri wi l A' l ' l s l ; ( ) l r MAl , l . ( ) ( ; l ( : 1 r . r
l l rrt l xrth rr:l l tti orrs, i rl though di {l brcnt al td o(:(rurri ng betwcen
rl i l l i ' rr:rrt tcrrns, hi rvc onc propcrty i n common: they are both
I r;rrrsi ti vc, i .c. thcy arc parti cul ar cases of the formul a:
If a has the relation R to 6
and D has the relation rR to c,
then a has the relation R to c.
I t is a curious thing that this very fact was observed by
tlrr: logicians of the later school of the Stoics. Arguments like 'the
lilsl is greater than the second, the second is greater than the
tlrild, therefore the first is greater than the third' were called by
tlrr: Stoics, as Alexander declares, 'non-methodically conclusive'
;rrrtl were not treated as syllogisms in the sense of their logic.
Nr:vr:rtheless, the Stoics regarded such arguments as similar
(iilt"rtot) to categorical syllogisms.I This observation of the Stoics,
wlrit:h Alexandir tries to confute without producing convincing
corroborates the supposition that the logic
ol'Aristotle was conceived as a theory of special relations, like a
rnathematical theory.
What isformalism?
Itormal logic and formalistic logic are two different things.
Aristotelian logic is formal without being formalistic,
whcreas the logic of the Stoics is both formal and formalistic.
l,ct us explain what in inodern'formal logic is meant by
' l i rrmal i sm' .
Modern formal logic strives to attain the greatest possible
This aim can be reached only by means of a precise
lirnguage built up of stable, visually perceptible signs. Such a
l;tnguage is indispensable for any science. Our own thoughts not
lirrmed in words are for ourselves almost inapprehensible and the
thoughts ofother people, when not bearing an external shape,
t ould be accessible only to a clairvoyant. Every scientific truth,
in order to be perceived and verified, must be put into an external
lirrm intelligible to everybody. All these statements seem in-
r:ontestably true. Modern formal logic gives therefore the utmost
Al exander 2r. go oi d.pe06}as repotvovtes \6yot napd. tots Dta' i xots, otov' td
rptittov roA ievtipou pei{ov, td 6ri Derizepor roi tpitou, rd dpo npitov toA tpirov
p.i {or.' Ibi d. g45. rZ torcArol el ot xoi oi s Ai youocv of veti tepot (i .e' Etu' i xoi )
,i p<OdEos repei vovtos. oi g 6tt ptv
A(youot ovhoytotwi ts ouvdyew,Jyeds Ai youot...
in 6l r)yofivtot ipoious airois clvet toes xetqyopcxois oviloyrcpoes...toA asn6s
r' t t Ql t opt dvouow.
attention to precision of language. What is called formalism is
the consequence of this tendency. In order to understand what it
is, let us analyse the following example.
There exists in logic a rule of inferbnce, called formerly modus
ponens and now the rule of detachment. According to this rule, if
an implication of the form 'If c, then
' is asserted and the ante-
cedent of this implication is asserted too, we are allowed to assert
its consequent
In order to be able to apply this rule we must
know that the proposition c, asserted separately, expresses 'the
same' thought as the antecedent a of the implication, since only
in this case are we allowed to perform the inference. We can
state this only in the case where these two a's have exactly the
same external form. For we cannot directly grasp the thoughts
expressed by these a's, and a necessary, although not sufficient,
condition for identifying two thoughts is the external equality of
their expressions. When, for instance, asserting the implication
'If all philo'sophers are men, then all philosophers are mortal'
you would also assert as second premiss the sentence 'Every
philosopher is a man', you could not get from these premisses the
conclusion 'All philosophers are mortal', because you would
have no guarantee that the sentence 'Every philosopher is a
man' represents the same thought as the sentence 'All philoso-
phers are men'. It would be necessary to confirm by means of a
definition that 'Every A is B'means the same as 'All ,4's are
-B's' ;
on_ the ground of this definition replace the sentence 'Every
philosopher is a man' by the sentence 'All philosophers are men;,
and only then will it be possible to get the conclusion. By this
example you can easily comprehend the meaning of formalism.
Formalism requires that the same thought should always be
expressed by means of exactly the same series of words ordered
in exactly the same manner. When a proof is formed according
to this principle, we are able to control its validity on the basis of
its external form onJy, without referring to the meaning of the
terms used in the proof. In order to get the conclusion p from the
premisses 'If a, then p
' and c, we'need not know either what a
or what p
really means; it suffices to notice that the two a's con-
tained in the premisses have the same external form.
Aristotle and his followers, the Peripatetics, were not formal-
ists. As we have already seen, Aristotle is not scrupulously exact
in formulating his theses. The most striking case of this inexacti-
tude is the structural discrepancy between the abstract and con-
r:rete forms of the syllogisms. Take as an example the syllogism
with opposite premisses quoted above, in our section
Let B
rrnd C be 'science' and A 'medicine'. Aristotle states:
I n variables : In concrete terms:
If B belongs to all A If all medicine is science
:rnd C belongs to no l, and no medicine is science,
then C does not belong to some 8.2 then some science is not science.
fhe difference of corresponding premisses, of which the two
syllogisms consist, is evident. Take, for instance, the first premiss.
the formula 'B belongs to all ,4' would correspond the
scntence 'Science belongs to all medicine', and to the sentence
'All medicine is science' would correspond the f,ormula 'All I is
/J'. The sentence in concrete terms, given by Aristotle, cannot be
rcgarded as a substitution of the abstract formula accepted by
him. What is the cause of this difference?
Alexander gives three explanations of this problem:3 the first
may be omitted as unimportant, the last is a philosophical one
and is, in my opinion, wrong; only the second deserves our
ruttention. According to this explanation, in formulae with the
vcrb 'to be predicated of something' and, we may add, with the
vcrb 'to belong to something', the subject and the predicate are
bctter distinguishable (yvaptlt<hepoc) than, we may add again, in
lirrmulae with the verb 'to be'. In fact, in formulae with 'to be'
the subject as well as the predicate is used in thenominative; in
Iirrmulae preferred by Aristotle only the predicate is in the
rrominative, and the subject is either in the genitive or in the
drrtive and therefore can be more easily distinguished from
lhc predicate. Very instructive, too, is the final remark of Alexan-
<ler, from which it follows that to say 'Virtue is predicated of all
instead of the customary 'All
justice is virtue' was felt in
Ancient Greek to be as artificial as in modern languages.
See p. g, n.
The conclusion in variables is dropped in the Greek text.
. zr ypfitat 6i tQ xari' nevrds xai rQ xold' pqlevds e'r rf Er8corclig,
rlt 6rd. toitav yvtitptltos ti ouvoyoyil tdv Adyav, xai 6tc o$tos Aeyopivov yvapcyti'
rtpos 6 re xenlyopoi'ltcvos xai d inoxelpevos, xai 6rt npbtov rff <$Joet d xerd' zawis
rr,0 r'v 5tro ai'tQ, <Is npoeiptyau
pivtot ypqoc
ouA\oytotrxil 2v rfi oury|eiq d'v,i-
ntAv ETer oJ ydp i1 d.peril Aiyetot xatd ndols 6rcanooJw7s, &M' ,ivdnaAw n6oe
Itrxutoowll d,pet{. 66 rci 6ei rcr' dp$otipos zris dr{opris yulrd(eu iautoJs, ive rfi
t, yprloet napaxoAovfleiv 6wipe0e rai zf Er8corc,\/g.
r 7
$ Z
There are still more cases of inexactitude in Aristotelian logic.
Aristotle constantly uses different phrases for the same thoughts.
I shall give only a few examples of this kind. He begins his
syllogistic with the words 'r4 is predicated of all B', but shortly he
changes these words into the phrase ',4 belongs to all .B', which
seems to be regular. The words 'is predicated' and 'belongs' are
frequently omitted, sometimes even the important sign of the
quantity 'all'is dropped. Besides the form '24 belongs to some B'
there are forms which may be translated '24 belongs to some of
the.B's'. The premisses of the syllogism are combined by means of
different conjunctions. Syllogistic necessity is expressed in differ-
ent ways and is sometimes entirely omitted.r Although these
inexactitudes have no bad consequences for the system, they
contribute in no way to its clearness or simplicity.
This procedure of Aristotle is probably not accidental, but
seems to derive from some preconceptions. Aristotle says occasion-
ally that we ought to exchange equivalent terms, words for words
and phrases for phrases.z Commenting on this passage, Alex-
ander declares that the essence of the syllogism depends not on
words but on their meanings.3 This statement, which is manifestly
directed against the Stoics, can be understood thus: the syllogism
does not change its essence, i.e. it remains a syllogism, if some of
its expressions are replaced by other equivalent expressions, e.g.
if the expression 'to be predicated of all' is replaced by the
equivalent expression 'to belong to all'. The Stoics were of a
directlt'opposite opinion. They would say that the essence of the
syllogism depends on words, but not on their meanings. If there-
fore the words are changed, the syllogism ceases to exist. This is
The phrase td A xod. neyt6s toi B (xatqyopehar is twice omitted) is used in
the mood Barbara (see p.
n. z), i A ravri rQ B (JrdpTet is altogether omitted)
is used in another formulation of the same mood (see p. Io, n.
The phrase zd
A twi tdv B appears in the laws of conversion
elsewhere, e.g. in the mood Disamis,
we have rd A twi rr! B (see p.
n. t). The logically important word zcyrlis
altogether omitted in a formuletion of the mood Barbara (see p, z, n.). The
conj uncti on ' and' i s for the most part denoted by p6. .. Dd (see, forexampl e, p.7,
n. or p. Io, n. z), someti mes by xcl (see p.
n. 2
p. I o, n.
Syl l ogi sti c necessi ty
is as a rule expressed by dvdyq Jndpyew (see p.
n. or p.
n. r), in the mood
Felapton it is denoted by riz<ip(et i( dvdyxrls (see p. g, n.
In one case it is dropped
( see p. r o, n.
5) ,
An. pr. i.
39, 49b3
Eei 3t rai petaAapBdvew d rd crird Sivataq dvdpata dm'
dvopdtov xai iiyous dmi Adyav,
Alexander g7z. zg oix iv tais Ai(eow 6 aulAoynpds rd elvot Eyeq dM' dv tois
ts ,
t i z
illustrated by Alexander with an example.from the logic of the
Stoics. The rule of inference called mldus pnnensl
I f a, t hen p;
but a:
is the first 'indemonstrable' syllogism of the Stoics. Both the
Stoics and the Peripatetics seem mistakenly to regard the phrases
' l f c, t henp' and' c ent ai l s
B' as
havi ng t he same meani ng.
llut if, in the syllogism given above, you replace the premiss 'If
,v, then
by ' a entai l s
' , sayi ng:
c entai l s
but a;
you get according to the Stoics a valid rule of inference, but not
a syllogism. The logic of the Stoics is formalistic.I
Alexander g7g, zB Apntori\qs
o$v oitas repi tCw rcrd tds A((ets perc)vi-
tl teuv
(see p. IB, n. z). oi 6i ve,i tepot (i ,e. oi Eto' txoi ), rai s Afeow i .noxo-
Iou|oavtes orirlt Ei rots olpalopivots, oi rair6v
yiveo|ar dv rcis eis ztis
Ioo}uvaporioos Ai(cts pen)r$,!eoc rtv dpov' tairdv ydp otlpetvovros toi' ei ti A
rrl B' rQ ' dxo\ou| <i tQ A i B' , ouMoyrctrrcdv ptv Adyov
$ooi v
etvot tonrhl s
Aq$Oe io1s rfis )ri{eus ' ei ti A rd B, d Ei l, zri dpo B ' ,
oix&t 6t ouiioyroardr dild
rtpavrxdv rd ' dxo\ouflei tQ A fi B, zri 6t 14, i d.po B'.
Theses andrules of inference
Tnn Aristotelian theory of the syllogism is a system of true pro-
positions concerning the constants A, E,1, and O. True proposi-
tions of a deductive system I call theses. Almost all theses of the
Aristotelian logic are implications, i.e. propositions of the form
' If ct, then p' . There are known onl y two theses of thi sl ogi cnot
beginning with 'if ', viz. the so-called laws of identity : 'A belongs
to all A' or 'All A is A'
and 'A belongs to some ,4' or 'Some ,4 is
z4'. Neither of these laws was explicitly stated by Aristotle, but
they were known to the Pcripatetics.I
The implications belonging to the system are either laws of
conversion (and laws of the square of opposition not mentioned
in the Prior Anal'tics) or syllogisms. The laws of conversion are
simple implications, for instance: 'If A belongs to all B, then .B
belongs to some A.'2 The antecedent of this implication is the
premiss 'r4 belongs to al| B'
the consequent is '.8 belongs to some
.,4'. This implication is regarded as true for all values of the
variables A and B.
All Aristgtelian syllogisms are implications of the type 'If cv
and p, thefi y', where cr and p are the two premisses and y is the
concl usi on. The conj uncti on of the premi sses ' cu and p' i s the
antecedent, the conclusion
is the consequent. As an example
take the following formulation of the mood Barbara:
If ,4 belongs to all B
and B belongs to all C,
then I belongs to all C.
In this example a means the premiss ',4 belongs to all ,B', p the
premiss '-B belongs to all C', and y the conclusion ',4 belongs to
all C'. This implication is also regarded as true for all values of
the variables A, B, and C.
Cf. p.
p. ro, n. t. In the passage quoted i n the l atternoteAl exander
says that the pl oposi ti on ' l does not bel ong to some ,4' i s absurd. That means that
the contradi ctory proposi ti on ' ,4 bel ongs to al l :4' i s true.
An, pr. i . z, z5ar7 ei 3i nqwi rd A tQ B, xsi rd B twi rQ A i n,i p{e.
I t must be said emphatically that no syllogism is formulated
lry Aristotle as an inference with the word 'thercfore' (dpa), as is
rl,rrrt: in the traditional logic. Syllogisms of the form:
Al l B i s l ;
all C is B;
al l C i s,4
:rrc not Aristotelian. We do not meet them until Alexander.r
transference of the Aristotelian syllogisms from the implica-
tional form into the inferential is probably due to the influence of
the Stoics.
f'he difference between the Aristotelian and the traditional
syllogism is fundamental. The Aristotelian syllogism as an im-
plication is a proposition, and as a proposition must be either true
or false. The traditional syllogism is not a proposition, but a set
ol'propositions which are not unified so as to form one single
proposition. The two premisses written usually in two different
lincs are stated without a conjunction, and the connexion of these
lrxrsc premisses with the conclusion by means of 'therefore' does
not give a new compound proposition. The famgus Cartesian
principle, 'Cogito, ergo sum', is not a true principle, because it is
not a proposition. It is an inference, or, according to a scholastic
tcrminology, a consequence. Inferences and consequences, not
lrcing propositions, are neither true nor false, as truth and falsity
bclong only to propositions. They may be valid or not. The same
lras to be said of the traditional syllogism. Not being a proposition
the traditional syllogism is neither true nor false
it can be valid
or invalid. The traditional syllogism is either an inference, when
stated in concrete terms, or a rule of inference, when stated in
variables. The sense of such a rule may be explained by the
r:xirmple given above: When you put such values for A, B, and
the premisses ',4 belongs to all B' and 'B belongs to all
(i ' are
true, then you must accept as true the concl usi on' A
hlongs to all C'.
If you find a book or an article where no difference is made
lx:twccn the Aristotelian and the traditional syllogism' you may
In Al exander
gwe fi nd a syl l ogi sm i n concrete terms wi th d' pa: ndv (Qov
,,ith dori, riv (Qov Ep,ltvy|v ion, ris dpa oiote Elrlu7a6s tonv. At
rB we have a
crrrrgrl cx syl l ogi sm i n four vari abl e terms wi th dpo: i A novti rQ B, td B nowi tQ
I', ,i A oi}evi rQ A, t6 dpe A oi6oi tQ f.
be sure that the author is either ignorant oflogic or has never
seen the Greek text ofthe Organon. Scholars like Wiitz, the modern
editor and commentator of the Organaz, Trendelenburg, the com-
pilir of the Elementa logicu Aristoteleae,
the historian of
logic, all knew the Greek text of the Organon well, but neverthe_
less they did not see the difference between the Aristotelian and
the traditional syllogism. only Maier seems to have felt for a
Aristotle, and does not even say what differences he has seen.r
when we realize that the difference between a thesis and a rule
of inference is from the standpoint oflogic a fundamental one, we
must agree that an exposition of Aristotelian logic which dis-
regards it cannot be sound. We have to this day no genuine
exposition of Aristotelian logic.
to convince ourselves that this transformation is correct. Sup-
posing now that a and
are true premisses of a syllogis-, *"
get the conclusion y, applying the rule of detachment-twice to
the purely implicational form of the syllogism. I{, therefore, an
Aristotelian syllogism of the form
c and p, then y' is true, the
corresp_onding traditional mood of the form
valid. But conversely, it seems impossible to deduce the corre-
Mai er, op. ci t., vol . i i a, p.74rn. z:
i st vi el l ei cht gestattet, hi er und i m
Folgenden die
Darsterrungsform der spiteretitogit,'ai"
".rgLi"h lerchter zu handhaben ist, an die Stele der aristoterischen
,Jtzin.' rne irood
Barbara is quoted ibid., p.
75, thus:
alles C ist A
where the strbke replaces the word
sponding Aristotelian syllogism from a valid traditional mood by
known logical rules.
g. The sltllogisticfigures
There are some controversial problems connected with the
Aristotelian logic that are of historical interest without having
any great logical importance. Among these is the problem of the
syllogistic figures. The division of the syllogisms into figures has,
in my opinion, only a practical aim: we want to be sure that no
true syllogistic mood is omitted.
Aristotle divided the syllogistic moods into three figures. The
shortest and clearest description of these figures is to be found
not in the systematic part of the Prior Anal2tics but in the later
chapters of that work. If we want, Aristotle says, to prove A of B
syllogistically, we must take something common in relation to
both, and this is possible in three ways: by predicating either z4
of C and C of B, or C of both, or both of C. These are the figures of
which we have spoken, and it is clear that every syllogism must
be made in one or other of these figures.'
It follows from this that A is the predicate and .B the subject of
the conclusion we have to prove syllogistically. z4 is called, as we
shall see later, the major term and .B the minor; C is the middle
term. The position of the middle term as subject or predicate of
the premisses is the principle by which Aristotle divides the
syllogistic moods into figures. Aristotle says explicitly that we
shall recognize the figure by the position of the middle term.2 In
the first figure the middle term is the subject of the major term
and the predicate of the minor term, in the second figure it is the
predicate, and in the last figure the subject, of both the other
terms. Aristotle, however, is mistaken when he says that every
syllogism must be in one of these three figures. There is a fourth
possibility, viz. that the middle term is the predicate of the
ierm and the subject of the minor term. Moods of this kind are
now spoken ofas belonging to the fourth figure.
In the above passage Aristotle has overlooked this fourth
An. pr. i. 23,
ei Er) Eior rri A rotd roa B ouiloyloaolor'
Jn,iplgor, dvdyxr1 l,"Brtu tt xcrd rrvos.
ei olv d.vd'yxt1 piv n AtBeiv
xowdv, toiro 6' iv676tat
(i ydp i A toA I xoi i | rcA B xottlyoprioavras,
ri'l xar' dp,$otv,
dp$<o xeilt toi T), roita 6' mi rri eiprlpiva oyiporo,
6tt ndlre ouiloyrcpdv dvdyxl ylveo?ot 6d' roirov rwds ritv oyqpdtov.
3r, 47b
ri to0 poov 0!.oet yvt'tpco0pev td o1fipo,
possibility, although a few chapters farther on he himself gives a
proof by a syllogism in the fourth figure. It is the same problem
again: we have to prove A of E syllogistically, where I is the
major term and E the minor. Aristotle gives practical indications
how to solve this problem. We must construct a list of universal
propositions having the terms A and,E as subjects or predicates.
In this list we shall have four types of universal affirmative
proposition (I omit the negative propositions), 'B belongs to all
'A belongs to all C', '{ belongs to all E'
and '.E belongs to all
H'. Each of the letters B, C,
and H represents any term ful-
filling the above conditions. When we find among the C's a term
identical with a term among the
we get two premisses with a
common term, say ( :' A belongs to all (' and',( belongs to all E',
and the proposition ',4 belongs to all E'is proved in the mood
Barbara. Let us now suppose that we cannot prove the universal
proposition 'r4 belongs to all
as the C's and
have no com-
mon term, but we want at least to prove the particular proposi-
tion 'r4 belongs to some E'. We can prove it in two different ways:
if there is a term among the C's identical with a term among the
f/'s, say H,we get the mood Darapti ofthe third figure : 'l belongs
to all H','E belongs to all H', therelore 'l must belong to some
.E'. But there is still another way when we find among the f/'s a
term identical with a term among the
say B; we then get a
syllogism with the premisses 'E bel,ongs to all ,B' and.'B belonlgs to
all A'
from which we deduce the proposition 'A belongs to some
E' by cogverting the conclusion 'E belongs to all A' obtained
from these premisses by the mood Barbara.I
This last syllogism : 'If E belongs to all .B and B belongs to all
l, then I belongs to some .E', is a mood neither of the first figure
nor of the second or third. It is a syllogism where the middle term
glad to see that this reading is also accepted by Sir David Ross.
1l is the predicate of the major term.r4 and the subject of the minor
tcrm E. It is the mood Bramantip of the fourth figure. Neverthe-
less it is as valid as any other Aristotelian mood. Aristotle calls it
ir'converted syllogism' (d.vteorpolt
ouiloy,'opr.ris) because he
proves this mood by converting the conclusion of the mood
iJarbara. There are two other moods, Carnestres of the second
ing this conclusion into 'P belongs to some .R' we get the proof of
Diiamis. Aristotle here applies the conversion to the conclusion
of the mood Darii, which gives another syllogism of the fourth
figure called Dimaris: 'If R belongs to all S and ,S belongs to
some P, then P belongs to some R.'I
All these deductions are logically correct, and so are the moods
obtained by their means. Aristotle knows, indeed, that besides the
Iburteen moods of the first, second, and third figures established
by him systematically in the early chapters of the Pior Anal2tics
there are still other true syllogisms. Two of them are quoted by
him at the end of this systematic exposition. It is evident, he says,
that in all the figures, whenever a syllogism does not result, if both
the terms are affirmative or negative nothing necessary follows at
tll, but if one is affirmative, the other negative, and if the nega-
tive is stated universally, a syllogism always results linking the
rninor to the major term, e.g. if z4 belongs to all or some p' and B
belongs to no C; for if the premisses are converted it is necessary
that C does not belong to some ,4.2 From the second premiss
A pl i nd. pycl .
'given here by Aristotle we get by conversion the proposition 'C
belongs to no.B', from the first premiss we get '.8 belongs to some
A', andfrom these two propositions results, according to the mood
Ferio of the first figure, the conclusion 'C does not belong to some
A'. Two new syllogistic moods are thus proved, called later
Fesapo and Fresison:
If I belongs to all.B
and B belongs to no C,
then C does not belong to some l. then C does not belong to s ome A.
Aristotle calls the minor term C and the major term A because he
treats the premisses from the point of view of the first figure. He
says, therefore, that from the given premisses a conclusion results
in which the minor term is predicated of the major.
Three other syllogisms belonging to the fourth figure are men-
tioned by Aristotle at the beginning of Book II of the Prior
Analytics. Aristotle states here that all universal syllogisms (i.e.
syllogisms with a universal conclusion) give more than one result,
and of particular syllogisms the affirmative yield more than one,
the negative yield only one conclusion. For all premisses are con-
vertible except the particular negative; and the conclusion states
something about something. Consequently all syllogisms except
the particular negative yield more than one conclusion, e.g. if A
has been proved to belong to all or to some,B, then.B must belong
to some A; and if A has been proved to belong to no
then .B
belongs to no .r4. This is a different conclusion from the former.
But if I does not belong to some .8, it is not necessary that B
should not belong to some A, for it may possibly belong to all l.r
We see from this passage that Aristotle knows the moods of the
fourth figure, called later Bramantip, Camenes, and Dimaris,
and that he gets them by conversion of the conclusion of the
moods Barbara, Celarent, and Darii. The conclusion of a syllo-
gism is a proposition stating something about something, i.e. a
premiss, and therefore the laws ofconversion can be applied to it.
An. pr. ii. l,
xa06Aou (scil. ou,\,\oyrop oi) ndwes dei nAeia odloyi(ov-
ran, rit
iv piper oi. plv xatlyoprxoi n\eto4 oi 6'$attxoi td oupnlpaopa pdvov.
ai, ptu yd.p dX\ot npotd,oers dvrrcrpi<$ouor,
62 orepTnxi oix d"wcotp!$er-16 6i
oupnipeopo ti xotd, nvds iotl. ito|' oi. piv d),Aor ouiloywpo| r),eia ouL)oyi(ovtac,
otov ei td A 6i6ecner nav:/r rQ B
wi, xai rd B nvi rQ A dvoyxoiov 6n,ipyirr: *oi ei
pqlevi tQ B d A, oriDl rd BoriEeyi rQ A. niro 6' Etepov roi Eprpoo0ev.-ei'61 twi p)7
indp76r, oix ,ivdyny
xai td B nvi tQ A pl $ndp7ew. 2vidytac ydp navti ind.pyec/.
If I belongs to some B
belongs to no C,
It is importhnt that propositions of the type 'l belongs to no .B'
and 'B belongs to no A' are regarded by Aristotle as different.
It follows from these facts that Aristotle knows and accepts all
the moods of the fourth figure. This must be emphasized against
the opinion of some philosophers that he rejected these moods.
Such a rejection would be a logical error which cannot be im-
puted to Aristotle. His only mistake is the omission of these moods
in the systematic division of the syllogisms. We do not know why
he did so. Philosophical reasons, as we shall see later, must be
excluded. The most probable explanation is given,inmyopinion,
by Bochedski,' who supposes that Book I, chapter
Book II, chapter I of the Prior Analytics, where these new moods
are mentioned, were composed by Aristotle later than the syste-
matic exposition of chapters
of Book I. This hypothesis seems
to me the more probable, as there are many other points in the
Prior Analytfcs suggesting that the contents of this work grew
during its composition. Aristotle did not have time to draw up
systematically all the new discoveries he had made, and left the
continuation of his logical work to his pupil Theophrastus.
Theophrastus, indeed, found for the moods of the fourth figure
which are 'homeless' in Aristotle's system a place among the
moods of the first figure.2 For this purpose he had to introduce
a slight modification into the Aristotelian definition of the first
figure. Instead of saying that in the first figure the middle term
is the subject of the major and the predicate of the minor,
as Aristotle does,3 he said genbrally that in the first figure the
middle term is the subject of one premiss and the predicate of
another. Alexander repeats this definition, which probably comes
from Theophrastus, and seems not to see that it differs from the
Aristotelian description of the first figure.a The correction of
I. M. Bocheriski, O.P., In Logtquc fu TMophrastc, Collectanea Friburgensia,
Nouvelle Sdrie, fasc. rodi, Fribourg en Suisse (tg47), p.
Alexander 69, z7 Oed'$ponos 62 tpoori|rlorv d,\)ous rlvrc tois ttooapor rohors
oixitc rd\ehus oi6' dlato}eixrous 6wos, <Iv pvtlpoveiet xoi 6 Apntotitrqs, t6w piv dv
roitq tQ
qoe\0tiv, tCw Et dv rQ perd toaro rQ \ewipa xat' ,<is.
Cf. ibid.
r r o. t 2.
Cf . p. 23, n. I .
Alexander z5B. r
(ad i. zg)
62 rct pioou oytoc np6s t6., <$v lopBdvetan ploov,
tpryits yivetot (i ydp t poq dAetan aitdv tQ p2v iroxeipeos oit6r ro0 6E xanTyo-
,ip$ottpov xotqyopeetan,
dp$oipoc indxenar). Ibid.
349. 5
(ad i.
Ev piv ydp 6 pioos 2v dpSotipars itv tais npord.oeow oiros
<is rcA piv Kernyo-
pcio9et o;il6r rcit 6i rizoneioOaq npGnov orar o2gffpa.
Theophrastus is as good a solution of the problem of the syllo-
gistic figures as the addition of a new figure.
rc. The major, middle, and minor tcrms
There is still another error committed by Aristotle in the Prior
Anafutics, with more serious consequences. It concerns the defini-
tion of the major, minor, and middle terms as given in his
characterization of the first figure. This begins with the words:
'Whenever three terms are so related to one another that the last
is contained in the middle and the middle is contained or not in
the first, the extremes must form a perfect syllogism.' This is how
he begins; in the next sentence he explains what he means
by the middle term: 'I call that term the middle which is itself
contained in another and contains another in itselfi, which by
position also becomes the middle." Aristotle then investigates the
syllogistic forms of the first figure with universal premisses with-
out using the expressions 'major term' and 'minor term'. These
expressions occur for the first time when he comes to the moods.
of the first figure with particular premisses. Here we find the
following explanations: 'I call that term the major in which the
middle term is contained and that term the minor which comes
In fact these explanations can be applied only to syllogisms of
the mood Barbara with concrete terms and true premisses, e.g.:
(t) If all birds are animals
and all crows are birds,
then all crows are animals.
In this syllogism there is a term, 'bird', which is itself contained
in another term, 'animal', and contains in itself a third term,
An. pr, i.
z5bgz 6rav oiv 6pot tpees oiros iyuor zptis <i)hilous itore t6v
io1.orov iv 6Aq elvot rQ pioE xoi ziv ptioov iv 6Aqt te np,it<p
pi1 ,lrar,
fiu d.xpav elvac oiJoycopdv r(Auov. xeAit Di ploov pEv 6 xai oiti Ju'ailE
dAAo tv roitE iotlv, 6 xai rff |ioer ylverar ploov,
Ibid., z6azt )\iyoDt pei{.ov p2v d.xpov dv tl rd pfuov dotiv, Elorrov Dt rd rizd rd
poov 6v.
Maier, op. cit., vol. ii a, pp.
49, 55,
really treats them as definitions valid for all
the moods of the 6rst figure.
'crow'. According to the given explanation 'bird' would be the
middle term. Consequently 'animal' would be the major term
and 'crow' the minor term. It is evident that the major term is
so called because it is the largest in extent, as the minor term is
the smallest.
We know, however, that syllogisms with concrete terms are
only applications of logical laws, but do not belong to logic
themselves. The mood Barbara as a logical law must be stated
with variables:
(z) If al l B i s I
and all C is .B,
then all C is A.
To this logical law the given explanations are not applicable,
because it is not possible to determine extensional relations
between variables. It may be said that.B is the subject in the first
premiss and the predicate in the second, but it cannot be stated
that.B is contained in A or that it contains C; for the syllogism (z)
is true for all values of the variables A, B, and C, even for those
which do not verify its premisses. Take 'bird' for r4, 'crow' for B,
and 'animal'for C: you get a true syllogism:
(g) If all crows are birds
and all animals are crows,
then all animals are birds.
The extensional relations of the terms 'crow', 'bird', and 'animal'
are of course independent of'syllogistic moods and remain- the
same in syllogism (3) as they were in (r). But the term 'bird' is
no longer the middle term in (3) as it was in (r); 'crow' is the
middle term in (3) because it occurs in both premisses, and
the middle term must be common to both premisses. This is the
definition of the middle term accepted by Aristotle for all figures.r
This general definition is incompatible with the special explana-
tion given by Aristotle for the first figure. The special explanation
of the middle term is obviously wrong. It is evident.also that the
explanations of the major and minor terms which Aristotle gives
for the first figure are wrong, too.
Aristotle does not give a definition of the major and minor
terms valid for all figures; but practically he treats the predicate
An. pr.i .3z,47a3B pi oov 62 |eri ov tCw dpov tdv i v dp$ori pots rets npord.oeot
Aeydpevov' dv,iyxl yd.p td p&ov 2v d.p$oipors JndpTew lv d.ncot tois o1giltoow.
r o
of the conclusion as the major term and the subject of the con-
clusion as the minor term. It is easy to see how misleading this
terminology is: in syllogism (3) the major term 'bird' is smaller
in extension than the minor term 'animal'. If the reader feels
a difficulty in accepting syllogism (3) because of its false minor,
he 'some animals' instead of 'all animals'. The syllo-
gi sm:
(+) If all crows are birds
and some animals are crows,
then some animals are birds
is a valid syllogism of the mood Darii with true premisses. And
here again, as in syllogism (3), the largest term 'animal' is the
minor term; 'bird', middle in extension, is the major term; and
the smallest term, 'crowl, is the middle term.
The difficulties we have already met are still greater when we
take as examples syllogisms with negative premisses, e .g. the mood
I f no. B i s I
and all C is .8,
then no C is A.
B is the middle term; but does it fulfil the conditions laid down
by Aristotle for the middle term of the first figure? Certainly not.
And which of the terms, C or A, is the major and which is the
minor? How can we compare these terms with respect to their
exten5ion ? There is no positive answer to these last questions, as
they spring from a mistaken origin.r
rt. Tlu history of an mor
The faulty definition of the major and the minor terms, given
by Aristotle for the first figure, and the misleading terminology
he adopts, were already in antiquity a source of difficulty. The
problem arose in the case of the second figure. All the moods of
We have no guaranteer,ts Keynes (op. cit., p. z86) justly remarks, that the
major term will be the largest in extension and the minor the smallest, when one of
thc premisses is negative or particular. Thus, Keynes continues, 'the syllogism-
No l14 is P, All S is .il,f, therefore, No S is P-yields as one case
there follows
a diagram representing three circles M, P, and.S, a large ,S included in alatger M,
oueide of them a small P] where the major term may be the smallest in extent,
and the middle the largest;' Keynes forgets that it is not the same to draw a small
circle P outside of a large circle S and to maintain that the term P is smaller in
extent than the term .S. Terms can be compared with respect to their extent only
in the case when one of them is contained in the other.
this figure have a negative conclusion and the first two moods,
called later Cesare and Camestres, yield a universal negative
conclusion. From the premisses 'M belongs to all
belongs to no X'follows the conclusion
belongs to no.M', and
by conversion of this result we get a second conclusion' '"lf belongs
to noX'. In both syllogisms Mis the middle term; but how are we
to decide which of the two remaining terms,
and X, is the
major term and which is the minor? Do major and minor terms
exist 'by nature' ($ioet) or only 'by convention' (9bec)?r
Such problems, according to Alexander, were raised by the
later Peripatetics. They saw that in universal affirmative pre-
misses there can be a major term by nature, because in such
premisses the predicate is larger in extension (2d dtiov) than the
subject, but the same is not true in universal negative
We cannot know, for instance, which of the terms 'bird' or 'man'
is major, because it is equally true that 'no bird is a man' and that
'no man is a bird'. Herminus, the teacher of Alexander, tried to
answer this question by modifying the meaning of the expression
'major term'. He says that of two such terms, 'bird' and 'man',
that is the major which in a systematic classification of the animals
is nearer to the common genus
In our example it is the
term 'bird'.3 Alexander is right when he rejects this theory and
its further elaboration given by Herminus, but he also rejects the
opinion that the major term is the predicate of the conclusion.
major term, he says, would not be fixed in this case, as the
universal negative premiss is convertible, and what till now has
been a major term instantly becomes a minor, and it would
depend upon us to make the same term major and minor.a His
own solution is based on the assumption that when we are form-
ing a syllogism we are choosing premisses for a given problem
17 {qteitoq
2v 6eurip,p o1li1tott pei(uv ds 2ott xai
l\i,ttav d.xpos, xai ivt oitos xpt|ioetau
z4 lni p2v ydp t6v roto$anxin pei(ov d xanlyopoipevos xa06Aou,
xrrl lni tAiov' 6ri. ,orirou
oJEt ,i,mempi$ec' 6torc
oJnQ ti peilovo elvot
JrlpTtt. dzi 6! triv xa06Aou d'ro$arxtl oixitttoirc d)10is-
ill,i.l. z7 'Eppivos oleran, dv iewipE oTipetc tdv pei(,ova dxpov clvet
' '
lyyJrrpuv rJO xocvoa yivous aitiw (dv ydp ,iocv oi dxpot dpveov xai dv|potos, dyyu'
tlpo ro0 xowoi ylvous air6v, toi ((ou, rd ipveov rbi dv|p,lnou xai 2v rff npdrp
Ih,uplurq 6d xai pei(uv dxpos ti 6pveov).
l l ri tl .
Io ti M' ori St i t).6s n,i \w
i qthv
pei l ovodv 2v tQ oupnepd' opanroa
ttA)\oytupol xanlyoporlpevov, <is Eorei now' oJ62 yd'p oitos Eflos' d,\,\oze
ltntt xtl oJy dptoltivos tQ dvttotp&$ecv tilv xofliltou ino$arufiv, xoi 6 titts pei(ov
,rrlllrr r',\,irrov, xui d$' i11tiv imu tiv crirdv rci peilo xai iA,itro norctv.
r r
conceived as the conclusion. The predicate of this conclusion is
the major term, and it does not matter whether we afterwards
convert this conclusion or not: in the problem as first given the
major term was and remains the predicate.I Alexander forgets
that when we are forming a syllogism we are not always choosing
premisses for a given conclusion, but sometimes we are deducing
new conclusions from given premisses.
The problem was settled only after Alexander. What
Philoponus writes on the subject deserves to be regarded as
classic. According to him we may define the major and the minor
term either for the first figure alone or for all the three figures
together. In the first figure the major term is the predicate of the
middle and the minor is the subject of the middle. Such a defini-
tion cannot be given for the other two figures because the rela-
tions of the extremes to the middle term are in the other figures
the same. We must therefore accept as a common rule for all
figures that the major term is the predicate of the conclusion and
the minor term is the subject of the conclusion.2 That this rule is
only a convention follows from another passage of Philoponus,
where we read that the universal moods of the second figure have
a major and a minor term only by convention, but not by
n. The ordn of the premisses
Alound the Aristotelian logic arose some queer philosophical
prejridices which cannot be explained rationally. One of them is
directed against the fourth figure, disclosing sometimes a strange
aversion to it, another is the odd opinion that in all syllogisms
the major premiss should be stated first.
zG dv 6r) e'r zQ npoxetpivtp npoBAtipan eis r)v 6et(w Ro.rlyo-
poilroov toito 0etlov pei(ova' xai ydp ei ,ivrcorp&$er rci Erd roOto ytverar d arirds xcl
&aoxeipevos, dM' Ev ye tQ
eis rd Ee ifcr zpor etptvr4 xonlyopotipevos
te xoi pveu
Philoponus 67, rg i}opev tpdtepov xoi ris tqc pei(av 6pos xoi tis iAd.nut.
zo&o 6i 6wet6v p2v *eL xoa6s 2ni rdv rp'r6l oyr1pd,rav 6topioao0ot xai i6ig itti to0
nptittou. xei i6iq. ptv dtl roA np<irov oxtiporos pet(av 6pos Aoriv 6 toA piaou xor7yo-
poipevos, iAdrtuv 62 6 tQ pioE iroxeipevos. xai to}ro p2v i6re(6wus ini roi ztptitov
Aiyopev, dzedri ri pioos 2v rQ npdrq rot piv xatqyopeiran zrp 6t rizdrerror. d,\I'
Itet|f xar' oi}itepov t6v iiilov oyqpdtov 6rd.$opov Eyovoc oyior oi d,xpot np6s riv
ifiAov 6rt oixitt dpp&oer
oitos 6 npoolropropis 2t' 2xeivotv. yprlo#ov o$v
xowQ xavdvt izi rdv tptiw o1glpd,tov toJt<p, fur peilcov ioriv 6pos 6 dv rQ oupn<-
pd,opan xonlyopoipevos, i\dttov Et d e'v r<p ovpnepd,opatt inoxeipevos.
lbid. 87. ro rd 6i peilor d.xpov 2v toinqt rQ oyfpott nlv EJo npord.oeuv xo06Aov
oio6v oir Eon
ril.lri 0/oer.
From the standpoint of logic the order of the premisses in the
Aristotelian syllogisms is arbitrary, because the premisses of the
syllogism form a conjunction and the members of a conjunction
arc commutable. It is only a convention that the major premiss is
stated first. Nevertheless, some philosophers, like Waitz or Maier,
maintain that the order of the premisses is fixed. Waitz censures
Apuleius for having changed this order,r and Maier rejects
opinion that Aristotle does not tie it down.z No
arguments are given in either case.
I do not know who is the author of the opinion that the order
of the premisses is fixed. Certainly it is not Aristotle. Although
Aristotle has not given a definition of the major and minor terms
valid for all the three figures, it is always easy to determine which
term and which premiss are regarded by him as the major and
which as the minor. Aristotle, in his systematic exposition of the
syllogistic, uses different letters to denote different terms; for each
figure heputs them in alphabeticalorder (04oc) and saysexplicitly
which term is denoted by a given letter. We have thus for the
first figure the letters A, B, C; / is the major term, B the middle,
and C the minor.3 For the second figure we have the letters r11,
X, where Mis the middle term,
the major, and Xthe minor.4
For the third figure we have the letters P, R, S, where P is the
major term, R the minor, and
the middle.s
Waitz, op. cit., vol. i, p.
'Appuleius in hunc errorem se induci passus est,
ut propositionum ordinem irnmutaverit.'
Maier, op. cit., vol. ii a, p. 63,: 'Darnach is Trendelenburg's Auffassung,
dnu Aristoteles die Folge der Priimissen frei lasse, falsch. Die Folge der Prii-
rnirren ist vielmehr festgelegt.' It is not clear to me what reasons he refers to by
This follows from the definition grven by Aristotle for the first figurel see
tB, n. L Cf. Alexandet
rz Eoro ydp pet(ov plv dxpos ti A, p,ioos 6t 6pos rti B,
iluitrov El dxpos zd I-.
An, pr, i.
zibg4 &av 6i rri cJrd tQ phv nomi tQ 6i pl26 eri indpy1,
pqtevi, ri piv oyfi1n rd rocoArov xo)Ct ieitepov, pioov 6t e obQ Aiy<o d
xutr1yopolpeov ,ip$oev, dxpa 6E xaO' 3v \iye.tot ro&to, pei(ou 6l d.xpov t6 tpds tQ
ylo<p xclpevov, ilcrrov Et rd noppotipot toA pioou. d|etat 6t rd p(oov E(o piv fiiv
ilxpuv, npinov 62 tfi 0loeu Cf. Alexander
ydp oroq5iors oi tois A, B, f,
ols r'r rrp nyitE oyfipatr, ri})d zois M, N, E, p,ioov piv AepBd.vuv td M rd dp$ottpov
xrrqyoporipevov xoi riy.nptitqv Elgov tdfw iv tfi xoraypaSfi,. pci(ovo 62 dxpov i N
J$tffls xttpcvov petd. tiv ploov, Eoyorov 6t xoi ilvinova rd 8.
An. pr. i. 6, z8aro drir Et r<! ainQ i piv nawi rri Ei p76eli hdpxn,
pqievl, rd piv oyfi1to td torcStov xoAit rphov, pioov E' dv oirQ llyat xa|' oi
llp,fu rd xatqyopoJpeve, drpc 6t td, xatlyopotlpeva, petlov 6' d,xpov td toppcirepov
ro0 pluou, f)crroy Et td iyyitepov. d0erar 6i td ptoov E[o plv t6w d.xpov, EaTatov
ll rt,l 0lott, Cf. Alexander
98. eo dzi roJtou toi oTfipatos ndAcv ypfitar oroqge(n6
Aristotle states the major premiss first in all the moods of
the first and the second figure, and in two moods of the third
figure, Darapti and Ferison.r In the remaining moods of the third
figure, Felapton, Disamis, Datisi, and Bocardo, the minor pre-
miss is. stated first.2 The most conspicuous example is the mood
Datisi. This mood is formulated in the same chapter twice; in
both formulations the letters are the same, but the premisses are
inverted. The first formulation runs: 'IfR belongs to some S, and
P to all S, P must belong to some .R.'3 The first premiss of this
syllogism is the minor premiss, for it contains the minor term.R.
The second formulation reads: 'If P belongs to all
and .R to
sorne S, then P will belong to some R.'+ The first premiss of this
second syllogism is the major premiss, as it contains the major
term P. Attention must be called to the fact that this second
formulation is given only occasionally, while the standard for-
mula of this mood, belonging to the systematic exposition, is
enunciated with transposed premisses.
In Book II of the Pior Anafutics we meet other moods with
transposed premisses, as Darii,s Camestres,6 Baroco.T Even Bar-
bara, the main syllogism, is occasionally quoted by Aristotle with
the minor premiss first.8 I can hardly understand, in view of these
examples, how some philosophers knowing the Greek text of the
Organon could have formed and maintained the opinion that the
order of the premisses is fixed and the major premiss must be
stated first. It seems that philosophical prejudices may some-
timestestroy not only common sense but also the faculty ofseeing
facts as they are.
t3. Enors of some modern commentators
The story of the fourth figure may serve as another example to
tots II, P, E, xai otv airQ ro0
F2v Fet(ovos
d.xpov olpavnxdv td If, zo0 Et dldrroyos
xoi d{ei\ovtos Jnoxeiolat dv rQ ywoltivo ouptepd.opan ri P, zo0 6l ptoou $ E.
See, for instance, p.
n. 2 (Barbara) and p. ro, n. z (Ferio).
See p.
(Fel apton),,and p.
n. (Di sami s).
i. 6, a8brz ei td piv P twi tQ 2 i 6i If nevti Jndpyeq dvdyx7 td II wi
t QP$ndp26w. . I
lbid. z8br6 ei ydp novti i II rQ E ird.pyeqzri 6i P nvi te 2, xo,i rd II twl
tQ P indp(ct.
Ibi d. i i . r r, 6rb4r ei ydp i A nvi zQ B, rd 6t f navti te A, tl i ze B td I
lbid. ii. B, 6oa3 ei td A plievi rQ f, tQ 6i B navti, oiievi te I i B.
lbid. 6oz5 ci ydp td A nvi ,Q F pi imlpyeq ?4 Ei B trt!, rd B nvi te I oiy
See p, r o, n. 5.
$r z
show how strange philosophical prejudices sometimes are. Carl
Prantl, the well-known historian of logic, begins his consideration
of this figure with the following words: 'The question why silly
playthings, as, for instance, the so-called Galenian fourth figure,
are not to be found in Aristotle, is one we do not put at all; it
plainly cannot be our task to declare at every step of the Aristote-
lian logic that this or that nonsense does not occur in it.'r Prantl
does not see that Aristotle knows and accepts the moods of the
so-called Galenian fourth figure and that it would be a logical
error not to regard these moods as valid. But let us go farther.
Commenting upon the passage where Aristotle speaks of the two
moods later called Fesapo and Fresison,z Prantl first states these
moods as rules of inference:
Some B i s,4
NoCi s. B
Some I is not C Some./ is not C
-he does not, of course, see the difference between the Aristotelian
and the traditional syllogism-and then he says: 'By transposi-
tion of the major premiss and the minor it becomes possible
for the act of reasoning to begin'; and further: 'Such kinds of
reasoning are, of course, not properly valid, because thepremisses
ordered as they were before the transposition are simply nothing
for the syllogism.'r This passage reveals, in my opinion, Prantl's
entire ignorance of logic. He seems not to understand that
Aristotle proves the validity of these moods not by transposing
the premisses, i.e. by inverting their order, but by converting
them, i.e. by changing the places of their subjects and predicates.
Carl Prantl, Gcschichtc der Logik in Abcndlande, vol. i, p. z7z:,Die Frage aber,
warum einfiiltige Spielereien, wie z. B. die sog. Galcnische vierte Figur, sich bei
Aristoteles nicht finden, werfen wir natiirlich gar nicht auf; wir kcinnen
selbstverstiindlicher Weise qricht die Aufgabe haben, bei jedem Schritte der
aristotelischen Logik,eigens anzugeben, dass diesel oder jener Unsinn sich bei
Aristoteles nicht finde.'
See p. 25, n. 2.
Prantl , op. ci t., vol . i , p. e76:
'Alles B ist A
Kein C ist B
Einiges A ist nicht C Einiges A ist nicht C
woselbst durch Vertauschung des lJntersatzes mit dem Obersatze es mriglich wird,
<lass die Thiitigkeit des Schliessens beginne; . . . nattirlich aber sind solches keine
cigenen berechtigten Schlussweisen, denn in solcher Anordnung vor der Vornahme
tler Vertauschung sind die Priimissen eben einfach nichts fiir den Syllogismus.'
is I
NoCi sB
Einiges B ist A
Kein C ist B
t g
Moreover, it is out of place to say that, two premisses being given,
the act of reasoning begins when one premiss is stated first, but
no syllogism results when the other precedes. Frorn the stand-
point of logic Prantl's work is useless.
The same mav be said of Heinrich Maier's work. His treatise
on the syllogistic figixes generally and the fourth figure in parti-
cular is in my opinion one of the most obscure chapters of his
laborious but unfortunate book.t Maier writes that two opinions
of the criterion for the syllogistic figures stand opposed to each
other: one (especially Ueberweg) sees this criterion in the posi-
tion of the middle term as subject or predicate, the other (es-
pecially Trendelenburg) sees it in the extensional relations of the
middle term to the extremes. It is not yet settled, Maier says,
which of these opinions is right.z He adopts the second ashis own,
relying on Aristotle'S characterization of the first figure. We know
already that this characterization is logically untenable. Maier
not only accepts it, but modifies the Aristotelian characterizations
of the two other figures according to the first. Aristotle describes
the second figure somewhat carelessly as follows: 'Whenever the
same term belongs to all of one subject and to none of the other,
or to all ofeachsubject, or to none ofeither, I call such a figure
the second; by "middle term" in it I mean that which is predi-
cated of both subjects, by "extremes" the terms of which this is
said.'3 Maier remarks: 'When we reflect that the expressions
".8 is included in .d", ".4 belongs to 8", and "A is predicated of
B" areninterchangeable, then we may put this characterization
according to the description of the first figure in the following
words.'a Maier commits here his first error: it is not true that the
three expressions he quotes can be exchanged for each other.
Aristotle states explicitly: 'To say that one term is included in
another is the same as to say that the other is predicated of all of
the first.'s The expression '-B is included in z4'means, therefore,
See Mai er, op. ci t., vol . i l a, ' Di e drei Fi guren' , pp.
and vol . i i 6,
'Erg?inzung durch eine
Figur mit zwei Formen', pp. z6r-9.
Op, ci t., vol . i i a, p.
n. r.
See the Greek text on p.
Op. ci t., vol . i i a, p.
' Erwi i gt man nd,ml i ch, dass di e Ausdri i cke "B l i egt i m
Umfang von A", "A kommt dem Begriff B zu" und "A wird von B ausgesagt" mit
einander vertauscht werden kcinnen, so lisst sich die Charakteristik der zweiten
Fi gur, wel che der Beschrei bung der ersten paral l el gedacht i st, auch so fassen,'
5 An, pr. i. I, e4be6 td Et dv 6Aqt etvar Ete pov &(p<p xai rd xard. navris xortlyopei-
o|at |otipou |dtcpov ralriv iorw.
$' :
the same as 'r4 is predicated of all ,B' or '.4 belongs to all .B', but
does not mean' A i s predi cated of ,B' or' l bel ongs to,B' . Wi th
this first error is connected a second: Maier maintains that the
negative premiss also has the external form of subordination of
one term to another, like the affirmative universal premiss.t
What is here meant by 'external form'? When r4 belongs to all B,
then,B is subordinatedto A, and the external form of this relation
is just the proposition ',4 belongs to all .B'. But in a negative
premiss, e.g.'A belongs to no .B', the subordination of terms does
not exist, nor does its form. Maier's assertion is logically nonsense.
Let us now quote Maier's description of the second figure. It
runs thus: 'Whenever of two terms one is included, and the other
is not included, in the same third term, or both are included in it,:a
or neither of them, we have the second figure before us. The
middle term is that which includes both remaining terms, and
the extremes are the terms which are included in the middle.',
This would-be characterization of the second figure is again
logically nonsense. Take the following example: Two premisses
are given: '24 belongs to all .B' and 'C belongs to no A'. lf A
belongs to all B, then .B is included in r4, and if Cbelongs to no
l, it is not included in ,4. We have therefore two terms, B and, C,
one of which, ,8, is included, and the other, C, is not included in
the same third term ,4. According to Maier's description we should
have the second figure before us. What we have, however, is not
the second figure, but only two premisses '1 belongs to all
'C belongs to no A', from which lte can get by the mood Celarent
of the first figure the conclusion 'C belongs to no .B', and by the
mood Camenes of the fourth figure the conclusion '.8 belongs
to no C' .
The peak, however, of logical absurdity Maier attains by his
assertion that there exists a fourth syllogistic figure consisting of
only two moods, Fesapo and Fresison. He supports this assertion
by the following argument:. 'The Aristotelian doctrine overlooks
one possible position of the middle term. This term may be less
Op, ci t., vol , i i a, p. 6o, n. r: ' auch der negati ve syl l ogi sti sche Satz hat
wcnigstens die iussere Form der Subordination.' Cf. also ibid., p.
Ibi d., p.
' Wenn i m Umfang ei nes und dessel ben Begri ffes der ei ne der
br:iden tibrigen Begriffe liegt, der andere nicht liegt, oder aber beide liegen oder
gndl i ch bei de ni cht l i egen, so haben wi r di e zwei te Fi gur vor uns. Mi ttel begri ff i st
flcrjenige Begrifl in dessen Umfang die beiden iibrigen, iiu8ere Begriffe aber die-
j cni gen, di e i m Umfang des mi ttl eren l i egen.'
r g
general than the major and more general than the minor, it may
secondly be more general, and thirdly less general, than the
extremes, but it may be also more general than the major term
and at the same time less general than the minor.'I When we
remind ourselves that according to Maier the major term is
always more general than the minor,2 and that the relation 'more
general than' is transitive, we cannot avoid the strange conse-
quence of his argument that the middle term of his fouith figure
should be at the same time more and less general than the minor
term. From the standpoint of logic Maier's work is useless.
14. The
In almost eVery text-book oflogic you may find the remark that
the inventor of the fourth figure was Galen, a Greek physician and
philosopher living in Rome in the second century e.o. The source of
this remark is suspect. We do not find it either in the extant works
of Galen or in the works of the Greek commentators (including
Philoponus). According to Prantl the medieval logicians received
the information from Averroes, who says that the fourth figure
was mentioned by Galen.r To this vague information we may add
two late Greek fragments found in the nineteenth century, and
also very vague. One of them was published in rB44 by Mynas in
the preface to his edition of Galen's Introduction to Dialectic, and
republished by Kalbfleisch in r8g7. This fragment of unknown
authorship tells us that some later scholars transformed the moods
added by Theophrastus and Eudemus to the first figure into a
new fourth figure, referring to Galen as the father of this doctrine.+
The other Greek fragment was found by Prantl in a logical work
t _O- p. - "] t . ,
r - o] . i i b, p. z64: ' Di ear i st ot el i sche Lehr el i i 0t ei ne mr i gl i cheSt el l ung
des Mittelbegriffs unbeachtet. Dieser kann specieller als der ober- und allgemeinei
als der unterbegriff, er kann ferner allgemeiner, er kann drittens spcciellir als die
beiden-iuBeren Begriffe: aber er kann auch allgemeiner als der Obei- und zugleich
specieller als der Unterbegriff sein.'
l bi d., vol . i i a, p.
56: ' Oberbegri ffi st stets, wi e i n der r.Fi gur ausdri .i ckl i ch
festgestellt ist, der allgemeinere, Unterbegriff der weniger allgemiine.'
Prarrtl, i.
n. gg, quotes Averroes in a Litin tianslation edited in
Veni ce ( r
: ' Et ex hoc pl anum, quod fi gura quarta, de qua memi ni t Gal enus,
non est syllogismus super quem cadat naturaliter cogitatio.' cf. also
K. Kalbfleisch, Aba Galcns Einleitung in diz Logik,23. Supplementband der
Jahrbi .i cher fi i r kl assi sche Phi l ol ogi e, Lel pzi g (t8SZj , p.
7o7:' @r6$paoros Dt rci
Ei-dr1po1 xai rryos &tpas ou{vytes nopd ,ds ineeelios ,e Aprotoriltei npooreltixaoc
t! npdrq oyrilrorr . . ., ds *oi t(taptov d"note)\etv oyfi1to ttiv'veuripov <inilrlotiv'rcves
<,15 zpris rttipa t)1v 66{av tdv fo\lvdv dve$ipomei,'"
$r +
ofloannes Italus (eleventh century A.D.). This author says sar-
castically that Galen maintained the existence of a fourth figure
in opposition to Aristotle, and, thinking that he would appear
cleverer than the old logical commentators, fell very far short.r
That is all. In view of such a weak basis of sources, Ueberweg
suspected a misunderstanding in the matter, and Heinrich Scholz
writes inhis Histor2 of Logic that Galen is probably not responsible
for the fourth figure.2
For fifty years there has existed a Greek scholium in print
which clears up the whole matter in an entirely unexpected way.
Although printed, it seems to be unknown. Maximilian Wallies,
one of the Berlin editors of the Greek commentaries on Aristotle,
published in IBgg the extant fragments of Ammonius' commen-
tary on the Prior Anal2tics, and has inserted in the preface a
scholium of an unknown author found in the same codex as that
in which the fragments ofAmmonius are preserved. The scholium
is entitled 'On all the kinds of syllogism', and begins thus:
'There are three kinds ofsyllogism : the categorical, the hypothetical,
and the syllogism xdrd. rp6oh1$cv. Of the categorical there are two
kinds: the simple and the compound. Of the simple syllogism there
are three kinds: the first, the second, and the third figure. Of the com-
pound syllogism there are four kinds: the first, the second, the third,
and the fourth figure. For Aristotle says that there are only three
figures, because he looks at the simple syllogisms, consisting of three
terms. Galen, however, says in his Apodeictic that there are four fig-
ures, because he looks at the compound syllogisms consisting of four
terms, as he has found many such syllogisms in Plato's dialogues.'3
The unknown scholiast further gives us some explanations, from
Prantl, ii.
n. t tz: rri 6t oyfipata tdn oil,)oyopir ttirtc'd I'clTrds 6i rci
t(taprov dni rorhoc ESooxo clvoq lvantas rpds tiv Etayetpinlv
rpdrepov dva$avfivec oiipoos rdv tiv Aoycxiy rpaypa*iov i{qyoupeuv na)an6r tis
toppurdta eJ9tus ixniffiuxe
Fr. Ueberweg, Sysbmdzr Lagik, Bonn (rBBz),34t. Cf' also Kalbfleisch, op. cit.,
p. 699; H. Scholz, Geschichta dn Logik, Berlin (r93t), p.
M. Wallies, Ammonii in Arist'otclis Analyticorum Priorum librum I Commcntaium,
Ilerlin (I89g), p. ix: Ilepi tCw et66w nd'vtav toi ouMoytopoi. tpk ei6q imi roA
oulloTopoA' td xarqyopxdv, zd ino|etudv, ri xatd. npddtq$cv. n0 6i
xatqyopcxoi }Jo ioriv ei6q' dnAoav, oJv|erov. xal toA piv iillo0 rpio oiv ci6q'
apdrov o1gfipa, ieitepov o21fipo, tpitov ayfipo. toA 6t ouvilnv #ooapd, imrv eiErl'
rp<irov o7fipa, Ee,itepov oyfipo, rpirov, tbaptov oyfipa. Aprr.totiAqs plv yd,p qia
rd oyfiporri t$qow np6s zoJs dzlo0s ouDoyrcpois dnoB)tinov tois ix tpGw dpuv
uuyxerpivovs. J-clryds D' dv rfi oixeig Ano\erxnxf 5 rd oTfipara )iyet tpds tols
ow\(tous ov))oyrcpois ,inoB[1.l.av zor)s e'x 5 6pov ovyxetpiwus ro)lods totoJrovs
cipdv tv roes llAdtovis EraldTor5.
r 4
which we can gather how Galen may have found these four
figures. Compound syllogisms consisting of four terms may be
formed by combinations of the three figures I, II, and III of
simple syllogisms in nine different ways: I to I, I to II, I to III,
II to II, II to I, II to III, III to III, III to I, III to II. Two of
these combinations, viz. II to II and III to III, do not give
syllogisms at all, and of the remaining combinations II to I gives
the same figure as I to II, III to I the same as I to III, and III
to II the same as II to III. We get thus only four figures, I to I,
I to II, I to III, and II to III.r Examples are given, of which
three are taken from Plato's dialogues, two from ttre Alcibi.ades,
and one from the Republic.
This precise and minute account must be explained and
examined. Compound syllogisms of four terms have three pre-
missesand two middle terms, say B and C, which form the premiss
B-C or C-B.Let us call this the middle premiss. ,B forms together
with A, the subject of the conclusion, the minor premiss, and C
forms together with D, the predicate of the conclusion, the major
premiss. We thus obtain the following eight combinations (in all
the premisses the first term is the subject, the second the predi-
cate) :
I t oI
I t oI I
I I t o I I I
I I t oI
III to I
I t oI
If we adopt the principle of Theophrastus that in the first
Wallies, op. cit., pp, ix-x! 6 xanlyoptxds ov\Aoytopds drlo0s, cis Apototi)o1s'
oyfipo A B f. oriv|etos, ds fa\r1vds A npds A, A rpds B, A npds f, B npds B, B
npds A, B npds l , f npi s f, I npds A, I npds' 8.
_ r \ - - . _ . ! . .
A zpds A, A np6s B, A npds T, B npds l .
ouAAoy. oTLNov' ABr A
dovAAdyntov' B npds B, I npds f, (oi ydp ytvetar ovA\oyropds oire ix 613o dno<$anx6v
oite dx 6Jo pepwtw)'
B npds A, T npds A, I npi s B,
oi oJroi eiow tois oviloynpois tis inoyypattoc.
Aristotelian figure the middle term is the subject of one premiss-
it does not matter of which, the major or the minor-and the
predicate of another, and define by this principle which figure is
formed by the minor and middle premisses on the one hand, and
by the middle and major premisses on the other, we get the com-
binations of figures shown in the last column. Thus, for instance,
in the compound figure Fz the minor premiss together with the
middle forms the figure I, as the middle term,B is the predicate
of the first premiss and the subject of the second, and the middle
premiss together with the major forms the figure II, as the middle
term C is the predicate of both premisses. This was probably how
Galen has got his four figures. Looking at the last column we see
at once that, as Galen held, the combinations II to II and III to
III do not exist, not for the reason, as the scholiast mistakenly
says, that no conclusion results either from two negative or two
particular premisses, but because no term can occur in the
premisses three times. It is obvious also that if we extend the
principle of Theophrastus to compound syllogisms and include
in the same figure all the moods that from the same combination
of premisses yield either the conclusion A-D or the conclusion
D-4, we get as Galen does the same figure from the combination
I to II as from the combination II to I. For, interchanging in
figure F4 the letters ,B and C as well as the letters A and D, we
get the scheme:
A_B D_4,
and as the order of the premisses is irrelevant we see that the
conclusion D-r4 results in F4 from the same premisses as A-D
in Fz.. For the same reason figure Fr does not differ from figure
IrB, F3 from F6, or F5 from F7. It is possible, therefore, to divide
the compound syllogisms of four terms into four figures.
scholium edited by Wallies explains all historical problems
r:onnected with the alleged invention of the fourth figure by
Galen. Galen divided syllogisms into four figures, but these were
tltc compound syllogisms of four terms, not the simple syllogisms
of Aristotle. The fourth figure of the Aristotelian syllogisms was
invcnted by someone else, probably very late, perhaps not before
tlre sixth century a.n. This unknown scholar must have heard
sotnetlting about the four figures of Galen, but he either did not
tnrcl<:rst;rnrl thcm or did not have Galen's text at hand. Being in
D-C B.C F4
I 4
opposition to Aristotle and to the whole school of the Peri-
patetics, he eagerly seized the occasion to back up his opinion by
the authority of an illustrious name.
RBIrr,tnx. The problem of compound syllogisms raised by Galen has
considerable interest from the systematic point of view. fnvestigating
the number of valid moods of the syllogisms consisting of three pre-
misses, I have found that theri are forty-four valid moods, the figures
FI, Fz, F4, F5, F6, and F7 having six moods each, and figure F8
eight. Figure F3 is empty. It has no valid moods, for it is not possible
to find premisses of the form A-8, C-8, C-D such that a conclusion
of the form l-D would follow from them. This tesult, if known, would
certainly be startling for students of the traditional logic. Mr. C. A.
Meredith, who attended my lectures delivered on this subject in 1949
at University College, Dublin, has found some general formulae
concerning the number of figures and valid moods for syllogisms of z
terms, including expressions of l and 2 terms. I publish these formulae
here with his kind permission:
Number of terms
Number of figures
Number of figures with valid moods
Nrimber of valid moods
. 2n-l
[(n2-n-l z)
. n( 3n- r )
For all n .+'rery non-empty figure has 6 valid moods, except one that
has za valid moods.
Number of terms . r, 2,
3, 4r,,,,
Number of fi gures r, 2,
Number of figures with valid moods . r, 2,
4, 7,..., 46
Number of valid moods . 2, ro,2+,
It is obvious that for large z's the number of figures with valid moods
is comparatively small against the number of all figures. For z: ro
we have
respectively, i.e.466 figures are empty.-For
n: I there is only r figure, A-A,with z valid moods, i.e. the laws of
identity. For z:2 there are z figures:
Premiss Conclusion
Fr " A-B A-B
Fz B-A A-B
with ro valid moods, 6 in Fr (viz. four substitutions of the proposi-
tional law of identity, e.g. 'if all A is B, then all A is'B', and two laws
of subordination), and
moods in Fz (viz. four laws of conversion).
rg. Perfea and imperfect slllogisms
In the introductory chapter to the syllogistic Aristotle divides all
syllogisms into perfect and imperfect. 'f call that a perfect syllo-
gism', he says, 'which needs nothing other than what has been
stated to make the necessity evident; a syllogism is imperfect, if
it needs either one or more components which are necessary by
the terms set down, but have not been stated by the premisses.'r
This passage needs translation into logical terminology. Every
Aristotelian syllogism is a true implication, the antecedent of
which is the joint premisses and the consequent the conclusion.
What Aristotle says means, therefore, that in a perfect syllogism
the connexion between
antecedent and the consequent is
evident of itself without an additional ppoposition. Perfect syllo-
gisms are self-evident statements which do not possess and do not
need a demonstration; they are indemonstrable, dvan66etrctot.2
Indemonstrable true statements of a deductive system are now
called axioms. The perfect syllogisms, therefore, are the axioms of
the syllogistic. On the other hand, the imperfect syllogisms are not
self-evident; they must be proved by means of one or more pro-
positions which result from the premisses, but are different from
Aristotle knows that not all true propositions are demon-
strable.3 He says that a proposition of the form '24 belongs to ,B'
is demonstrable if there exists a middle term, i.e. a term which
forms with A and.B true premisses of a valid syllogism having the
above proposition as the conclusion. If such a middle term does
An. pr, i. t, z4bzz riAerou
o\v xaAit ou&oyopdv zdv plDads dDou rpoo8e&
pcvov nopd. rd eiArlppiva rpds td <fovfivot ri dvayxaiov, <irelf 6t z6v npooiedpevov
rAedvav, d ion piv d,veyxata 6rd tiv inoxeqtlvov 6pov, oJ piy eiAwtor 6rd
Commenting upon thE above passage Alexander uses the expression 6.vendiec-
xros, 24. z: ivds ptv oiv npooi(ovrdr of dzelcis ouiloyrcpoi oi, ptis dlrrotpo$fis
6e6pcvot rpds rd ,ivoxOivec ets tuo tdv tv tQ npdtE oTtipan rCw te\el,uv xoi d,vano-
6clxtav, nAct6vqv 6t 6oo1 6rti 6,io
eis dxeivav rwd, d.vdyovtau Cf. also
p. 27, n. 2-
An. post. i.
3, 7zbr8
ripeis Di
oite n6oav inwtzipqv dnoie*ru<lv etvan,
<i,\,\<i rr)r niv d.piouv d.van66eqtov.