Jackson Pratt
Jackson Pratt
Jackson Pratt
C For emptying a Hemovac or Jackson Pratt:
< Measuring cup
< Drainage record
C For a dressing change:
< Povidone-iodine swabstick
< Gauze square (split 4”x4”) dressings (package of 2)
< Tape
8. Write the date and time, amount, and color of drainage on the drainage record
sheet. If you have more than one drain in place, mark them as drainage “A” or
9. Pin the drainage container to your clothing lower than the place where the tube
comes out of your body. If you have a cloth holder, place the container in it
and attach it to your bra.
10. Wash your hands with soap and water.
If, after 4-6 hours, neither of these methods clears the clots out of your tubing,
please call one of your health care professionals. Professionals you could contact:
C Your home health nurse (if you have one)
C Your nurse practitioner
C Your doctor’s office
C Your Patient Care Resource Manager (PCRM)
If you would like more written information, please call the Library for Health Information
at (614)293-3707. You can also make the request by e-mail: health-info@osu.edu.
© Copyright, (1/2006)
Division of Nursing - James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute
The Ohio State University Medical Center
< Upon request all patient education handouts are available in other formats for people with special
hearing, vision and language needs, call (614) 293-3191.
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