Distracted Masses Vol. 1 Issue 2
Distracted Masses Vol. 1 Issue 2
Distracted Masses Vol. 1 Issue 2
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Samsung Galaxy S3
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Whats Inside:
Feature Article: Electromagnetic Mind Control -
neuroweapons, target attacks, V2K, experimentation,
gangstalking, and more!
Oligarch Wars: Ukraine, Nukes, Disinfo, and the 1% -
Learn how the corporate eli te are taking humani ty
to the brink of nuclear war in Ukraine.
Radioactive Planet - Fukushima and the media.
Lessons learned from the past and what it
means today.
Poetry, Commentary, Cool Merchandise, and
much much more!
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Distracted Masses Pieladium Speaker
4.8 X 4.4 Full Stereo Sound, Bluetooth
functionality, built in microphone, 10 hour battery
life, made by OrigAudio
[ ] 7
Time is precious were told, so why be in such a
rush all the time? Because, it seems, we cant help it.
With ADD, consumerism, addiction, adrenaline, and
advertising its hard not to be in such a rush. The rush
is addictive, but dangerous - shortened timeframes
dont allow for quality growth and development. Just
channel watch, ip, ip, ip, watch.
At what point should we say productivity and
emciency are more important than quality? With food?
The tech industry? Housing? Its admirable that some
foundations and philanthropists take the time to use
their money, which is earned of other peoples time,
in order to provide resources to communities in need,
but the majority of these communities are often
broken because of the time theyre denied - the time
they need to build quality family and community
rel ati onshi ps and soci al devel opment. Mari a
Konnikova tells us in her article No Money, No Time
that, E!ciency is always the more exhausting and
demanding alternative. Attention is nite. For a while I
may be more focused, but I can run on all cylinders for
only so long. If Im forced to operate under constraint
all the time, my performance will sufer - and I may not
even be capable of recognizing the decit.
So whats the lesson learned? Well, you know -
remember the tortoise and the hare story when you
were growing up? Yeah, its simple - slow is smooth,
smooth is fast. So for this issue we decided to slow it
down a bit, and hopefully the result is of a higher
, a
Vol. 1 Issue 2 November 2014
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El e c t r o ma g n e t i c We a p o n s ,
Nonconsensual Experimentation,
and Targeted Individuals
By Scott Albright
The question of whether
electromagnetic weapons exist or
not no longer belongs to the tin foil
hat wearing conspiracy theorist
weirdos. Its science non-ction.
Yes, electromagnetic weapons do
exist and they are being used on
humans. Thats a known fact. What
is unknown is how many diferent
types of people have access to
these weapons, how frequently
these weapons are being used, the
power and capabi l i ty of the
weapons they have access to, and
who these weapons are being
used against.
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e
organization for Freedom From
C o v e r t H a r a s s me n t a n d
Surveillance (FFCHS), there are
thousands of people across the
planet who claim to have had
electromagnetic weapons used
against them outside the normal
bounds of the law. Posts on the
or gani z at i ons websi t e l i st
comments from people claiming to
be targets who have had electronic
signals sent to their bodies and
brains as a means of manipulating,
controlling, and causing otherwise
abnormal or unusual behavior in
them. Some of the claims seem
farfetched and from just a brief
analysis one might think these are
just patterns of mental illness and
that the alleged targets only need
proper treatment to be cured.
Many psychi atri sts wi l l even
prescribe pharmaceuticals, many
of which may have derived from
experiments during MK Ultra, a
Cold War-era CIA mind control
operation, to help cure those
victims claiming to be targets. On
closer examination however, these
patterns are beyond that of normal
mental illness and seem to be
interconnected to the defense and
communications industries, which
some of these targets have
worked for in the past.
But before we get into the
strange and unusual lets talk
about the facts. How do I know
electromagnetic weapons exist?
Because Ive used them and have
had them used on me. While
serving in the United States Marine
Corps I was issued an AN/PEQ-2,
an infrared aimer and illuminator
which attaches to a service rie
and is only visible when wearing
night vision goggles. The infrared
beam shot out of the PEQ-2 is a
pulsed energy frequency which lies
on the electromagnetic spectrum
i n bet ween t he vi si bl e and
microwave regions. An article in
Nature shows that pulsed infrared
energy can increase the electrical
capacitance in cells, depolarizing
the cells and thus changing their
c o r r e s p o n d i n g ma g n e t i c
The efects on the
human body from focused infrared
energy are also electrical and
magnetic, making the PEQ-2 an
electromagnetic infrared ashlight.
Theres more. The PEQ-2
has a lock on it which prevents
soldiers from using the higher
p o we r e d s e t t i n g s o n t h e
illuminator. The lock can easily be
broken with the hands or a small
pair of pliers and allows for the
infrared beam to be concentrated
at a higher power on subjects. The
known efects that we were told by
our higher ups is that on these
settings and at close range the
PEQ-2 can cause a bur ni ng
sensation on the skin and even
cause permanent blindness if
pointed at the eyes for a long
enough period of time.
In efect,
everyone who was issued a PEQ-2
had an electromagnetic weapon to
use at their disposal. And yes, I did
witness Marines breaking the lock
and using their PEQ-2s on higher
power settings, and yes, I did
witness them pointing the beam at
unsuspecting Iraqis while their
PEQ-2s were on these higher
settings. No, I was not one of
those participating in these acts,
but I have had the beam pointed at
me on the lower settings, and have
had a more obvious type of
electromagnetic weapon used on
me - a taser.
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Tasers are electromagnetic weapons because
when the electric current carried by the line from the
gun into the skin-piercing hooks is shot into the body
not only is the central nervous system afected, but
also the heart, through the electrical currents and
their corresponding magnetic properties.
shows that these tasers do indeed have an
electromagnetic efect on humans, including that of
causing disruptions to the heart and medical devices
such as pacemakers.
When I was tasered with a
total of 12 diferent hooks at a distance of about ve
meters by two diferent cops serving on the
Albuquerque Police Department I
immediately fell to the oor. My
whole central nervous system
had been paralyzed, with the
electric currents causing me to
lose all control of my muscles. I
was able to sit up and assist the
omcers in removing the hooks
from my body and face after they
were done zapping me, but they
had taken me out all the same.
The after efects of the shocks
include permanent scars on my
face, neck, and back, as well as
the feeling of having extreme
amounts of anxiety every time
Im around police omcers. For
the following two weeks after the
cops tasered me there was a
c o n s i s t e n t , i n t e n s e , a n d
uncontrollable shaking of my arms and hands. To this
day I still feel as though my nerves dont function the
same way they did before I was tasered.
As f or t he hi gher power ed mi l i t ar y
electromagnetic weapons, there are a whole
assortment of these listed in the 2006 paper titled
US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights,
by Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton.
The report lists crowd control weapons such as the
U.S. militarys Project Sherif active denial weapon,
which heats the skin up to intense levels causing
instant pain and in some cases heart problems and
even death. The active denial system works in much
the same way as the AN/PEQ-2, shooting out a white
infrared laser beam that can only be seen while
wearing night vision goggles. The active denial
system is more powerful though, allowing for an
immediate efect to be felt by the targets, with the
purpose of causing them to alter their course of
direction or to be incapacitated completely.
Other EM weapons listed in the report include
pulsed energy projectiles, directed acoustics, and
neurological technology used for augmented
cognition. Augmented cognition is used by the Air
Force to monitor the brain functions of pilots and to
send them commands directly to their head. In the
wrong hands such a device could potentially be used
to enter a persons mind without their knowledge or
consent. This sounds very similar to the type of
technology targets from the FFSCH website claim
are being used on them.
I spoke to one of those targets over the phone
who asked that I not identify her by her last name
even though she has been very
active in discussing the matter
on diferent internet websites,
including a whithouse.gov page
wher e I f ound her emai l
address. All the email addresses
on the page were redacted on
the government site, however a
quick copy and paste into a
new document proved the
s e c u r i t y me a s u r e t o be
inefective, making me question
the governments ability to
protect citizens privacy, also
giving some credence to targets
claims that their mental and
bodily privacy has not been
sumciently protected.
Dorothy is the name of the so-
called target I talked to. Although
I had never spoken with Dorothy before and was
unable to meet her in person, she was still willing to
divulge a lot of information about her personal life and
the torment she has gone through because of what
she suspects to be an electromagnetic attack on her
by people working with or for her former boss at the
telecommunications company she used to work for,
Ameritech Mobile.
It was only an issue of opportunity, Dorothy
explained. Most targets are chosen because they
have very little family. This is a crime of opportunity
for people that you think you can depend on and
share with. And thats why I believe she did what she
did, and also I think money was involved.
Dorothy said things started getting bad when
she left the company in 1993, but it wasnt until after
her godmother died in 2004 that all hell broke loose.
According to Dorothy, the neighborhood she was
living in had been inltrated by whoever was
conducting the experiments in order to isolate her
and send electronic signals into her body and mind.
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons
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Dorot hy sai d she had
contacted the police regarding her
concerns after she recorded one of
her neighbors blocking her from
going into the street. Despite
Dorothys complaints, she says the
police did very little to investigate
her claims.
The crime escalates to the
point - I know this hard to believe -
they either kill you because they
put so much stress on your body
and heart, or intentionally try to
drive you crazy,
Dorothy said.
After becoming totally isolated
following the death of her mother
and godmother, this is exactly what
this group that was harassing her
kept trying to do, Dorothy claims.
On January 2, 2005 they
started the voice to skull, she
said. By May or June of 2005
during the day three people would
be talking in my head trying to
upset me. There is a woman who is
about forty. She does 80-90
percent of the transmissions.
Theres a boy, about 30, whos
always next to her or in the
background assisting her in the
transmission torture. Another man
who sounds about 50ish, doesnt
do too much. He sits there and I
can hear him some time.
Everything is played out in
front of you through your head,
Dorothy continued. They want you
aware of certain things. Always
want to keep you in a state of
anxiety. Keep you with as much
fear as possible, on high alert.
Dorothy said that from
2005 until this very day the
woman she hears will keep saying
the word ray directly into her
head over and over. She will say
ray at least 150 times in a day,
Dorothy said. Sometimes it is a
recording where it will go over and
over, but theyre the ones playing
the recording. She does it with
viciousness. All day they dont stop
with the transmissions.
Sometimes, Dorothy says,
the transmi ssi ons wi l l go on
throughout the night, causing her
to have extreme sleep deprivation.
She says often times she is
followed in her car or in the
supermarket and that everything is
coordinated through some type of
telecommunication device, an
operation she calls gang stalking.
When asked if she ever tried to nd
the people she thought were
st al ki ng her or sendi ng t he
transmissions she said no, but
explained that it is possible by
tracing the phone numbers of her
neighbors. All these neighbors
numbers are going back to three or
four numbers, she said. These
criminals are in constant contact
with my neighbors. Its all done by
Dorothy digressed a bit,
explaining the Ameritech Mobile -
AT&T connection and her former
bosss deal i ngs wi t h ot her
telecommunications companies
including ALCATEL, a French cell
phone company. She knew all that
mobile phone stuf, Dorothy said
of her former boss. All the inner
workings, all the functionings of
the technology.
Dorothy thinks her boss
was co-opted into the operation by
someone else who was ofering
money to bring in specimens for
experimentation. Dorothy says she
was chosen because of her
vul nerabi l i ty to i sol ati on and
because of her nances. She said
when s he was wor k i ng at
Ameritech her boss walked by her
desk and said I wish I had your
I havent real l y qui t e
gured it out, Dorothy said. What
I do know is everybody thinks
something diferent. Most targets
feel that they want them to be
killed. I feel that they are capable
of killing me. She said other
targets think its a way to lighten
up the population while others
think theyre targets because
t h e y r e g o i n g a f t e r t h e i r
Dorot hy t heor i zed t he
reason there are so many people
being targeted is there were some
engineers or highly intellectual
types who obtained the EM voice
t o skul l t echnol ogy t hrough
research contracts at various
universities. She says this group
has gone rogue, experimenting on
their own for whatever purposes
they deem necessary. She said the
technology they use is so powerful
that they can see through her eyes
and have some type of sensory
technology that allows them to
pick up visual images of her body.
We discussed Googles acquisition
of Nest Labs, a company that
builds smart thermostats and
smoke detectors, and agreed that
it would be easy for the company
to secretly place video cameras or
other surveillance technologies into
the detectors for this purpose. In
fact, a quick Google search for spy
smoke detectors returned several
results, including smoke detectors
with built in spy cameras available
on Amazon. Further searches
reveal that Nest Labs purchased
Dr opcam ear l i er t hi s year.
Accordi ng to the Nest Labs
website, Dropcam lets you check
in on your home, no matter where
you are in the world.
The DC Naval
Shipyard is home to
t h e N a v a l S e a
Systems Command
submarine program
e x e c u t i v e o mc e .
Besi des wor k on
sonar and acoustic
s e n s o r s , t h e
submarine omce also
designs, develops
and over sees t he
c o n s t r u c t i o n o f
El ectroni c Warfare
Systems, periscopes,
and the Photonics
Mast , under t he
g u i d a n c e o f t h e
Submarine Combat
Sy s t e m Pr o g r a m
Despite previous and
current research done on ELF, ULF,
and other frequency ranges for
submar i ne communi cat i ons
systems on or near the DC
shipyard, there were few news
reports showing that Alexis did
indeed have a right to suspect
el ect romagnet i c weapons or
communi cat i ons t echnol ogy
testi ng was goi ng on at hi s
workplace. The FBI press release
dismisses all connections, making
Alexis sound like he was mentally
ill rather than someone who may
have known something he wasnt
supposed to. The press release
st at es, Ther e ar e mul t i pl e
i ndi cators that Al exi s hel d a
delusional belief that he was being
cont r ol l ed or i nuenced by
extremely low frequency (ELF)
electromagnetic waves.
perhaps he wasnt qui te as
delusional as the FBI or those in
the mainstream media pushed so
hard to make Alexis sound.
U n l i k e i n f r a r e d o r
microwave pulsed energies, which
are in the optical spectrum, ELF
energies lie along the radio wave
l i nes of the el ectromagneti c
spectrum. ELF technologies are
especially useful for deep-sea
communications. Billions of dollars
and many classied experiments
took place using various designs of
ELF submarine communications
systems during the Cold War.
A c c o r d i n g t o Ge r r y
Vassilatos, author of Secrets of
Cold War Technology, conspiracy
theories about ELF technologies
ran rampant when the public rst
began to hear of its capabilities
d u r i n g t h e 1 9 6 0 s N a v a l
communi cat i ons oper at i on
codenamed SANGUI NE, then
renamed SEAFARER in 1973.
Vassilatos disproves many wrong
a s s u mp t i o n s a b o u t E L F
technology, showing that it was
impossible to focus or triangulate
ELF or to use it for neurological
entrainment under the Navys
s ubmar i ne SANGUI NE and
SEAFARER communi cat i ons
experiments. He does explain
though that researchers recognized
certain biological efects from
exposure to ELF. In his book it
st at es, Numerous
university researchers
discovered the efects
of ELF electrostatic
and ELF magneti c
pot ent i al s on t est
s u b j e c t s . Po t e n t
emotional and mental
derangements were
observed when the
EM v ect or s wer e
s l i g h t l y mo d i e d
( Hunt ) . Numer ous
i ndi vi dual s began
hearing a strange
and penetrating hum
which could not be
r e c o r d e d
a c o u s t i c a l l y .
2 2
Vassilatos explains
f ur t her t hat ELF
cannot produce the
neurological efects of ULF at 7, 8,
9 or 10 cycles per second, yet he
does not go into further detail
about these ultra low frequencies
or whether ELF propagation can
have the same or similar efects as
ULF at a diferent cyclic rate. But
even if ELF or ULF Cold War
exper i ment at i on has l ed t o
n e u r o l o g i c a l e n t r a i n me n t
technologies it would be very
dimcult for a person like Aaron
Alexis to receive any type of
compensation for experimental
uses of these technologies by the
military, even if the experiments
were done on him against his will.
Can radio towers like these do more than just transmit signals to our
cars and homes? Are our brains able to pick up these signals?
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According to Cheryl Welsh, J.D., author of the research paper Cold War Nonconsensual Experiments:
The Threat of Neuroweapons and the Danger it will happen again, there is no enforceable legal recourse for
victims of nonconsensual experimentation in the U.S.
She explains how Nazi scientists were prosecuted for
crimes against humanity because of the nonconsensual experiments they performed on victims during World
War II. The Nuremberg Doctors Trial included testimony from eye witnesses who helped to bring about the
Nuremberg Code, a common code which states that certain basic principles must be observed in order to
satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts.
The rst rule of the code is that The voluntary consent of the
human subject is absolutely essential.
Despite this, the U.S. still does not have a criminal statute banning
nonconsensual experimentation. Welsh explains that time after time the U.S. government has sidestepped
any legislation that would make it illegal to conduct nonconsensual experiments for classied research. Welsh
The disturbing legacy of the Cold War experiments is that the U.S. government has never implemented
the one reform essential for providing fundamental human subject protections - a ban on nonconsensual
experiments, thus signicantly increasing the danger that such experiments could happen again. As with
any criminal statute, a ban would go far in preventing the act criminalised within the statute - in this case,
nonconsensual experiments in classied research. Many experts agree that small unethical medical studies
like the Guatemalan experiments could occur again but few believe that today's ethics would allow for
widespread unethical nonconsensual experiments. However, it can be argued that widespread experiments
may be possible if not likely given the right circumstances.
Since at least 2001 the U.S. has been in a constant state of war. What better circumstances could a
sadistic experimentalist ask for? Its not hard to imagine people with access to EM technologies using them
for their own sick personal pleasures. But are nonconsensual experiments using neuroweapons actually
taking place on wide scales across the globe by more than just a couple of demented individuals here and
there? My guess is that its possible, but because we are in a constant state of war the other possibility is that
its not just nonconsensual experimentation, but rather electromagnetic warfare. In a world where mass
murder can be termed collateral damage, it can be assumed that electromagnetic weapons torture victims
can just as easily be minimized and deemed mentally ill by the mainstream media. But perhaps the media are
part of a larger weapon, or weapon system, into which neuroweapons also fall. Nonlethal, psychological,
information, cyber, and directed energy counter-personnel weapons could all be used by foreign adversaries,
rogue groups, or sociopathic power brokers in systematic and destructive ways not easily visible to the
average onlooker. These type of individuals are indeed already using electromagnetic warfare as part of a
larger geopolitical battle between corporate elites, criminal syndicates, military & intelligence operatives, and
even entire nation-states. The U.S. militarys use of the Project Sherif active denial system in Iraq is a case in
point, as is Russias use of cyber warfare against Georgia in 2008. China, Russia, the U.S., and other
countries continue to test and probe each others IC4 defenses in pursuit of their publicly announced goal of
controlling the electromagnetic spectrum. The ongoing wars and so-called managed conicts these
countries engage in provide their leaders with further justication for enhancing, rening, testing, and using
EM weapons at home and abroad. Its likely that EM weapons are being used on Americans without their
knowledge, even on a daily basis, given the surreptitiousness of EM attack capabilities and the popular
support among government omcials, nationalists, and other factions and organizations for more regular use of
the conventionally lethal types of weapons in the ongoing conicts, wars, and uprisings around the globe. If
the Obama administration is willing to bomb Libya, Iraq, or Syria because its an easier method than putting
troops on the ground, than why wouldnt U.S. adversaries also use similar methods of killing and torturing
Americans from a distance? If Putin can deny sending troops into Ukraine, than why think he wouldnt also
deny using EM weapons on Americans or western Europeans? No-touch-torture weapons are exactly what
people who use plausible deniability methods for attacking their enemies want. In their line of work it would
be the weapon of choice.
So the real problem is more about defense, not legal recourse or fact nding, whether the attacks are
coming from a domestic or foreign source. As when in war, rules dont apply. And at war we are, despite U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerrys announcement that the U.S. is not at war with ISIS/ISIL/The Islamic State. Its
just a counterterrorism operation, he says, apparently not part of the U.S. WAR on terrorism. But using war-
[ ] 17
-planes to drop bombs and shoot missiles at people
on the ground in a foreign country is an act of
warfare, and Iraq and Syria are just two places where
the U.S. is engaged in military conicts as part of their
larger geopolitical wars. So what defense is available
against EM attack for the average individual in these
wars that supposedly dont exist? The best defense is
to know your enemy of course. If the enemy chooses
to remain anonymous that could be a dimcult task,
but in the case of EM warfare one can at least study
their methods of attack.
For supposed targeted individuals like Dorothy
it makes sense to learn as much about EM weapons
as possible so she can better nd a solution to
whatever pain shes enduring. I personally dont know
if individuals are really being targeted to the degree
people claim or not, but I say its better to be
prepared than to become a victim without any
defenses at all. As these threats are real, and could
come from either foreign or domestic sources, it
would be in the best interest of government to
provide defense measures, or at least easily
attainable access to information explaining these
measures, for all individuals they are meant to serve.
It seems though that government and corporate
omcials would rather suppress the knowledge about
EM weapons needed for better individual defense,
while at the same time looking to prot from research
and production of both ofensive and defensive EM
weapons technologies. For instance, the research
done at the directed energy lab at Kirtland AFB is
experimenting with EM weapons for the purpose of
learning how to better protect military equipment and
personnel from EM attacks. Millions of dollars worth
of contracts have already been spent for this
purpose, yet little has been done to provide the public
with the protective measures they need in case there
ever is a large scale high powered electromagnetic
attack. And because EM weapons facilities like the
one at Kirltand AFB are publicly known and located
near urban areas, it increases the chance that these
very areas will be targeted by foreign adversaries, so
it would make perfect sense to provide at least the
local population with the knowledge and tools needed
to protect themselves in case of the many diferent
types of possible EM attacks that could be launched
against them. When the Israeli people were under the
threat of chemical attack from the ongoing rocket
attacks there the Israeli government sent and handed
out gas masks house to house. Perhaps the situation
is not as urgent in the U.S., but it doesnt hurt to be
On the site ready.gov, a FEMA website, there
are some protective measures listed for both nuclear
and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks, but those
measures are very limited, and there are no protective
measures listed for other types of EM attacks such as
the ones outlined in this article. An EMP attack is
when a nuclear detonation goes of above or in the
Earths atmosphere and creates a high energy density
eld. Those protective measures listed for nuclear
attacks and nuclear fallout include getting as much
distance from the attack as possible, nding shielding
such as thick walls, concrete, bricks, and earth to
place between you and the fallout particles, and to
just wait it out, as radiation diminishes over time. For
an EMP attack the site says Although an EMP is
unlikely to harm most people, it could harm those
with pacemakers or other implanted electronic
devices, however no defensive measures are listed
other than preparing for damage to electrical
equipment and possible power outages. Similarly, the
site only lists measures of protection for loss of power
during a space weather event, which the site says
can produce electromagnetic elds that induce
extreme currents in wires, disrupting power lines, and
even causing wide-spread blackouts. If such an
event can induce currents in wires, I wonder, cant it
also induce currents in humans?
A quick search on the internet found very little
government documents listing protective measures
for the types of attacks being discussed in this article
such as voice to skull technology. The FFCHS,
however, has taken it into their own hands to advise
the public as how to better defend oneself against
electromagnetic attacks. Dr. Duncan Shielding
provides a table on the FFCHS website explaining the
mechanisms of attack, the weapon capability,
efectiveness of the attack, and defense measures to
protect against an attack. Some of those defensive
measures include: positive hypnosis against audio
cortex mapping, language bots, and computer
generated conversations known as mind viruses;
aspirin against unidentied waveforms of bio-
signaling mechanisms to human cells that increase
platelets and red blood cell count; valium and
meditation against CIA spooking and scaring scripts
as well as from beta-wave enhancers, brain
entrainments, and cyclotron heating techniques; and
shielding and jamming against addictive brain
entrainments, stress, and negative subliminal and
hypnotic suggestion using silent sound programming.
For microwave frequencies it states that no defenses
are known other than superconductor shielding.
[ ] 18
Other defensive measures are also listed on the
FFCHS website.
To get government to list the diferent forms of
electromagnetic attack humans could face as well as
the proper defense mechanisms may be as futile as
trying to get government to admit to the human
experimentations they have conducted in the rst
place. Welsh tells us that even if the government did
admit that the U.S. military was conducting
nonconsensual EM experiments on its own forces,
the military could call it a training exercise and that
there is no legal recourse for victims to receive
compensation when these exercises are the cause
of failing or ill health. Veterans who became sick from
nuclear testing, agent orange, or other similar military
endeavors will tell you its hard enough to receive
compensation for those claims through the Veterans
Afairs, much less to receive compensation for
something the government wont even admit to
doing. If history tells us anything there will be a day
when the U.S. government does come clean about
some of the human EM experiments and so-called
training exercises diferent agencies, organizations,
and businesses have conducted in recent times, but
those revelations will come far too late for some, will
eventually be pushed out of view of the collective
memory, and will not provide the right type of
resources f or everyone afected to recei ve
compensation. Thats just one reason why I believe it
is pertinent for those who believe themselves to be
victims of nonconsensual EM experiments or training
exercises to come forth now, so that they can speed
up the delayed process. They will still have to wait in
line though, and those who were exposed to radiation
from the high altitude nuclear testing in the 50s and
60s or from the Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant
meltdown during Operation Tomodachi will tell you its
a long line indeed.
1. Shapiro, Mikhail G. et al. Infrared light excites cells by
changing their electrical capacitance. Nature
Communications 3, Article #736, March 13, 2012. http://
2. The AN/PEQ-2 operator manual has a warning about
laser radiation which says, Exposure to the AN/
PEQ-2As IR lasers inside these NOHDs can cause
irreversible damage to the human eye. Insight
Technology. Operator Manual for the Target Pointer
Illuminator Aiming Light (TPIAL) AN/PEQ-2A (NSN
5855-01-447-8992), July 16, 2009. http://
3. To better understand the magnetic equivalence to an
electrical charge see Hughes, Scott. Lecture 10:
Magnetic Force; Magnetic Fields; Amperes Law,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
Physics, Spring 2004. http://web.mit.edu/sahughes/
4. Although some laboratory studies show Tasers do not
have a signicant effect on the hearts rhythm, few of the
studies done on humans used multiple simultaneous
Taser shots at close range over a one minute time
period. One study published in the journal Circulation
shows that Tasers can cause cardiac arrest and death.
For the abstract see http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/
112.097584.abstract. Also see Nanthakumar,
Kumaraswamy et al. Cardiac stimulation with high
voltage dischargedfrom stun guns, Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 178(11): 1451-1457, May 20, 2008.
5. Phillips, Peter, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton.
Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights, A Study
of the History of US Intelligence Community Human
Rights Violations and Continuing Research in
Electromagnetic Weapons, Sonoma State University,
Project Censored: Media Freedom Foundation, Dec.
2006. Also see Department of Defense. Freedom of
Information Act request by Donald Friedman and letter
received from the Department of the Army, United States
Army Intelligence and Security Command, Fort George
G. Meade, Maryland, Dec. 13, 2006. Case #614F-06.
6. The act of intentionally trying to drive someone crazy is
called gas lighting.
7. Nest. The Nest family is growing, June 20, 2014.
8. Phillips, et al. 2006.
9. U.S. Air Force. High-Power Microwaves, Fact Sheet, Air
Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base, 2002.
http://www.de.afrl.af.mil/pa/factsheets/. This link does not work
even though it is the link provided on the report itself. The
following link was the original url used to nd the report: http://
This link takes viewers to the KAFB library fact sheet section,
but at the top it reads Unknown Fact Sheet with the message
underneath: The requested fact sheet no longer exists or you
do not have access to view it. As of Sept. 6, 2014 the fact
sheet was available through the following link: http://
10. Ibid.
[ ] 19
11. Baker, William L. and Eugene J. Bednarz. Controlled Effects, from Long-Term Challenges, Fourth in a Series of
Articles Addressing Long-Term Challenges from the Air Forces Air Power Theory and Doctrine. AFRLs Directed
Energy Directorate, Kirtland AFB NM, and Munitions Directorate, Eglin AFB FL. http://www.afrlhorizons.com/Briefs/
12. Welsh, Cheryl J.D. Cold War Nonconsensual Experiments: The Threat of Neuroweapons and the Danger it will
happen again.
13. Frese, Mike. About Me, Mike Frese For U.S. Congress, 2014. http://votemikefrese.com/bio/.
14. Clerk of the House of Representatives. Financial Disclosure Report, May 15, 2014, Filing ID #100000647. http://
15. Heinrich, Martin. Email to author.
16. FBI. Law Enforcement Shares Findings of the Investigation into the Washington Navy Yard Shootings, Sept. 25,
2013. http://www.fbi.gov/washingtondc/press-releases/2013/law-enforcement-shares-ndings-of-the-investigation-into-
17. International Telecommunication Union. Nomenclature of the Frequency and Wavelength Bands Used in
Telecommunications, 2000. Recommendation ITU-R V.431-7. https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/v/R-REC-V.
18. NASA. What are the spectrum band designators and bandwidths? Last updated January 9, 2014. Thuy Mai, page
editor. http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/communications/outreach/funfacts/
19. FBI (2013).
20. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Research, Development & Acquisition, PEO Submarines, http://
21. FBI (2013).
22. Vassilatos, Gerry. Secrets of Cold War Technology, Project HAARP and Beyond, Bayside, CA: Borderland Sciences
Research Foundation, 1996. Available from issuu.com at http://issuu.com/scottjenson/docs/gerry_vassilatos_-
23. Welsh (2012).
24. Nuernberg Military Tribunals. Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals, Vol. II. The Medical
Case and The Milch Case Oct. 1946-April 1949. Washington D.C.: Government Printing Ofce. http://www.loc.gov/rr/
25. Ibid
26. Welsh (2012).
27. Shielding, Duncan. Quick reference chart for RADAR neurological reprogramming experiments and kill ratio
statistics: Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance, 2008-2014. https://www.freedomfchs.com/shielding/dr-
[ ] 20
What happened to love?
To destruction at rst sight?
What happened to lust?
To the freaks in
the night?
Not just a party,
A r a g e r , a
An earthquake
from each touch
of our souls,
A heart pumping
and connecting,
Wh o k n o w s
what it means to
be in control?
A frenzy of hate, sadistic rage,
pleasant surprises await.
Smashing between the tectonic plates.
And always feeling great.
Love or lust or psycho dynamic,
Im calm in the panic,
Balancing act of my drastic, fantastic,
egotistical plastic.
Love is something my mind aint
Its real pure emotion, gut feeling -
more than just mind.
Youre the one in the seven billion that
I nd. My Go, Im lucky, I climb into
bed to feel our comfort,
But so blind and dumb to not know
that it would be so short.
Relentless monkeys in the back of my
Trusting me with their lies,
Spinning through life,
Highways and waves crashing in
nuclear tides,
Im ne.
Drinking and typing again.
Strontium beneath my skin.
In my bones,
King not on his throne,
Rebellion in mind.
Overthrow, the broken pieces wont
Humpty Dumpty fell again and again.
The devil had the drunken holograph
stuck in some kind of spin.
Moon reection, alien
d i s s e c t i o n ,
Franciscan deception
for the lying fool.
Sin for the confused
and meager looks for
the spies.
Drunk again in the
blur of life as the
wounded women cry.
Love money more than me?
To hell with family?
At least Im just another statistic now.
In the American dream we drown.
What a waste.
You left such an awful taste.
Now were all stuck in this nasty place.
Somewhere between blind rage and
Whats the lesson?
Dont trust or tell the truth.
Thats ammunition for em. Might as
well just yank your own tooth.
Its just as painful.
But leaving me this way helps no one
but yourself.
G r e e d y ,
nar ci ssi st i c,
psycho, cold
h e a r t e d ,
w o m a n I
t h o u g h t I
Now Im just
Thanks for the
Far less painful than love.
Searching for something,
Im not really quite sure.
Im on the tail of something hot,
But its still not the cure.
I just want an answer,
A truth of some sort.
But all of my searches,
Well, they keep falling short.
So I look for inspiration in the books.
Theyll tell me where to look.
Carl Jung says its synchronicity,
But academics say Im just shing.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Ive fallen for the bait.
More deception and disinfo.
But wait!
The answer is here,
I found it within.
It was always there,
But still they wont listen.
So, to hell with it.
Ive gone shing.
Its time to take those measures now.
We can win somehow.
In the end were more than just slaves
to them.
Were their backbone,
Their function,
Their vital statistic.
They cant be that sadistic.
Or are they? I think they are.
Lets mobilize, make
Action of some sort is
the best plan.
Dont wait around to
get snatched in the
government rapist van.
Or get splattered by
t h a t c o r p o r a t e
Yuzhmash fan.
Its time to take a stand.
Measures are drastic.
We cant sit and do nothing.
Or can you? Will you?
Come on. Get up and do something!
Or, do whatever you choose to.
[ ] 21
ASAT Test complete!
Never will we retreat.
Asymmetrical warfare,
String theory,
Delivery of the big scare.
Info ops.
To get them to hate the cops.
Divide and conquer.
It's the same routine.
Signal down the mind control beam.
Please. Military dont scare me.
In the end we all die.
Thats why theres martyrs,
Celebrated worldwide.
Thats why we all cried.
For the death of a friend,
A loved one, a country,
A community down to the
Control our airspace and our
But you dont control our souls.
I dont need your satellite or
broadcast news,
Why should we emit heat waste,
Or leave that bitter after taste?
So many more options for our civilization to
Not convinced of the purpose of these tales,
Information, space station, of to Mars we sail.
Your lies dont sell.
Give me a real mission for launching these rockets,
Our population needs collaboration and a plan for the
future generations.
Don't want to be remembered in some kids lost locket.
Or end up dead from a nuke that got dropped. . . Ah shit.
By Rick Albright
colors harmonizing
rounding of my thoughts
encircling and oblong
patches of reected light
soothe my senses
in a soft cocoon of brown
swirling and singing
and moving around
It's a comfortable world
Where I like to be
softly laying down
and oating away
without a care
not knowing what's next
it doesn't matter to me
when I'm here inside
my mind
Am I still here?
Alone in my head
oating thoughts
wonder at my minds
information overload,
myelination deprivation,
synapses collapses,
& data displacement.
Existing as a spectrum
of electromagnetic radiation
dening my individuality,
creating uncertainty about reality.
Maybe I am only my imagination.
I hope I am not being erased.
[ ] 22
Two of this years scariest events are probably the
Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown and the ongoing conict
in Ukraine. Both deal with the horrors associated with loss of
life, disinformation, and the threat of nuclear destruction
and/or annihilation of humans and their environment.
Unfortunately very few people pay any attention to these
events nor put in the energy needed to nd the solutions and
repair the damage thats already been done. In Ukraine a full
scale east-west military confrontation may have
already been avoided. As for Fukushima, well,
things are already out of control. Although
some things can still be done to mitigate the
problems, it will probably take decades
before anything is even close to normal
again, and right now nobody has the
technology or capacity to fully resolve the
environmental and health problems associated
with the meltdown. And thats just one reason why
Ive decided to only focus on the Ukraine issue here,
but thats not to say the two events arent interrelated. In fact
there are quite a few similarities between these events,
particularly when it comes to the disinformation and lies
being circulated throughout the media regarding the two
The intent of this article is to give readers an
idea of the types of problems the oligarchs and
authoritarians are orchestrating or participating in without
the consent of the people they rule or govern. Ukraine is but
just one place in the world where these types of
confrontations and conicts are created, but currently it
seems as though the conict in Ukraine is much more likely
to lead to the needless and immediate loss of innocent and
unwitting lives by other oblivious pawns in this game of
billionaires and brutes then anywhere else in the world,
which is why I am going to outline some of the issues
involved and propose what I believe to be a broad and far
reaching solution that could work for both the short and the
long terms.
First lets get the nuclear stuf out of the way. Theres
no doubt in my mind that further escalations of
the ghting in Ukraine could lead to a nuclear
catastrophe. Remember Chernobyl is in
Ukraine. Nuclear materials and nuclear
expertise is quite available in the eastern
European former Soviet state. For example,
not too long ago, in March 2007, the U.S.
announced it would commit $14 million to
provide the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant
with 42 nuclear fuel assemblies manufactured by the
former CBS Corporation parent company Westinghouse
Electric, a group company of the Toshiba Corporation.
These are the same guys responsible for providing
components to the Fukushima Daichi nuclear reactors that
went into total meltdown following the massive 2011
earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. Of course youd
probably never think there was a problem if you watch CBS
news though. Ha! Ha!
But seriously, the problem goes far beyond the
nuclear energy waste and release of radioactive materials
into the environment. When the Soviet Union broke apart in
Th e c on i c t i n
Ukraine is much more
likely to lead to the needless
and i mmedi at e l os s of
innocent and unwitting lives by
other oblivious pawns in this
game of billionaires and
brutes then anywhere
else in the world.
(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons) - Article by Scott Albright
[ ] 23
1991 Ukraine inherited the third largest nuclear stockpile in
the world, only behind the United States and the Russian
Although a 1994 agreement to transfer those
nuclear weapons over to Russia was omcially deemed a
success, the problem of loose nukes and the nuclear
black market in Ukraine has been a serious problem for the
years before and after the supposed transfer of those
weapons and materials.
A 2012 article in the journal
Perspective on Terrorism by Alex P. Schmid & Charlotte
Spencer-Smith lists more than two dozen incidents of
illegal smuggling and/or selling of nuclear materials from
Ukraine or by persons from Ukraine between 1991 and
According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
website, all nuclear weapons grade material was omcially
removed from Ukraine and either shipped to the U.S. or
Russia in March 2012.
The U.S. Department of Energys
Global Threat Initiative and Russias State Corporation for
Atomic Energy (Rosatom) partnered with Ukraine in the
removal process.
Despite this progress, loose nuclear
materials and nuclear smuggling continue to be a concern
for the international community and a point of contention
for the U.S. and Russia. For example, a May 5, 2014
Security Service of Ukraine press release on the Ukrainian
government websi te sbu.gov.ua, states that the
Counterintelligence Security Service of Ukraine detained
nine people on April 30, 2014 in the Chernivtsi region in
connection to 1.5 kg of radioactive uranium-235 seized by
authorities, who said they could not rule out the possibility
of it being used as a dirty bomb.
And in what appears to
be a disinformation article on The Voice of Russia website,
it states that members of the so-called Right Sector, which
Russian media portrays as Nazi collaborators, were
arrested for attempting to seize the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear
Power Plant, Ukraines largest nuclear power plant, and
according to the Energoatom website, also the largest in
So now that eastern Ukraine is a war zone, its
easy to see why the nuclear stakes could be much higher
than what is regularly being reported.
On May 14, 2014, just days after two Ukrainian
military helicopters were allegedly shot down by pro-
Russian separatists, The Diplomat reported that both
Russia and the United States were conducting large scale
nuclear deployment and deterrent drills within an unusually
close timespan of each other.
According to The Diplomat,
omcials from both countries said the drills were planned
well in advance and both claimed they had nothing to do
with the situation in Ukraine or any other real world
Contradicting this is a quote in the Free Beacon
by former Pentagon nuclear strategist Mark Schneider who
said the Russian exercises appeared intended as a
political message to the west.
In the Free Beacon article
Schneider also says Russia usually holds their nuclear drills
in the fall and that to him the intent of the drills was
nuclear intimidation against NATO over Ukraine.
Despite the fact that these drills, and their intended
purpose, pose a very real threat to species survival and to
the future of humanity as a whole, there was very little
coverage of the drills themselves, and even less interest
among readers who may have stumbled upon an article
about the exercises on the internet. According to data
displayed on The Diplomats website, the nuclear drill
article only received 1,800 shares and a total of two
One of those commenters who uses the
handle Cuupu, which means Siberia in Russian, uploaded
a Russia Today YouTube video to the comment section.
The video shows footage of mass surface to air missile
launches and various other long range missile launches
during Russias May 2014 nuclear drill. The other
commenter who went by the handle Lavrenti, apparently in
reference to the chief of Soviet security under Joseph
Stalin Lavrentiy Beriya, wrote, Russia capable destroy
China three four times. Lavrentis user info includes the
title Mockea, or Moscow, and has a link to the Pravda
website. Pravda means truth in Russian, and is an old state
controlled news agency notoriously known for altering the
truth, history, and reality as a whole. Such commenters
makes one question how large of a dezinformatsiya, or
di si nformati on, campai gn Russi a i s partaki ng i n,
particularly in regard to their nuclear ambitions and military
actions around the Russia-Ukraine border.
As it is with war, the truth has become harder and
harder to recognize. For example, on July 17, 2014 a
Malaysian civilian airliner was allegedly shot down over the
eastern region of Ukraine. According to the new Ukrainian
government, headed by chocolate magnate and oligarch
Petro Poroshenko, the attack was carried out by pro-
Russian separatists or Russian nationals using a modern
Russian surface to air missile. But both the separatists and
Russian authorities are denying any involvement, with
rumors circulating on the internet that it was a false ag
operation done in order to expand the EU/NATO sphere of
inuence, reset the international economic order, and
possibly to justify war with Russia for the benet of the
billionaires and their corporate interests.
Other theories
state the shoot down was staged in order to distract the
worlds attention from the Israeli military ground campaign
in Gaza that started just three days after the plane went
down. Still, others say the shoot down was a false ag
operation carried out by Zionists in order to strengthen
their power grip on the worlds political and economic
order, which is reminiscent of the anti-Zionist campaigns
conducted by KGB operatives in earlier times, including
operation Zarathustra and other similar disinformation
operations used to discredit the so-called enemies of the
Russian state.
It seemed strange to me though that it wasnt until
after the alleged shoot down of Malaysia Airlines ight
MH17 that the media seemed to really begin paying
attention to the problems going on in Ukraine. A quick Go-
[ ] 24
-ogle News search using the term nuclear drill only
turned out a few thousand results, but the search term
Malaysia Airlines shot down Ukraine returns several
million results. Although many online news reports do
discuss the nuclear connection between the current
Ukraine conict, very few provide any signicant
background or detail to provide viewers with a realistic
picture of the threat the world faces from nuclear related
conicts. This is dangerous.
No, we shouldnt all panic and hide under our
desks every ten minutes, but the general public does need
to be aware of the reality of the dangers we face from
nuclear accidents and war. If the people are not informed
than they will not have the information needed to take the
appropriate action in order to help reduce the risk level
they face over conicts like the one in Ukraine. It is my
belief, along with many others, that it was because of the
lack of attention paid to the nuclear industry by the media
and antinuclear organizations after the end of the Cold War
that the nuclear industry became so powerful and such a
problem for the world that it is today. By the early 1980s
the world peace and anti-nuclear movements were already
on the decline, and the large anti-nuclear organizations that
thrived specically because of the nuclear threat humanity
faced during the Cold War became but splinter groups,
many of which would disintegrate completely by the time
the U.S.-Soviet conict had come to an end. Although
there has been some rekindling of interest in nuclear
pacism among global peace groups following the U.S.
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there were virtually no
protests in the United States, Russia, or elsewhere
regarding the recent nuclear drills and even fewer reports in
the media of how activists were pressuring leaders to put
an end to the juvenile-like nuclear tit-for-tat games that
continue to put the worlds population in peril. According to
nuclear pacists and scholars of the anti-nuclear
movement James Downtown and Paul Wehr, Where they
exist together, opportunity and hope can help to keep
activists involved over the long term. But threat, such as
that of nuclear war, can also be a crucial determinant of
activist commitment.
This is but one good reason why
the media should better report the nuclear threats we
actually face in the world today.
I agree with Downtown and Wehr completely and
believe that the mainstream media, nuclear power
company owned or not, has an obligation to make the
public aware of the real threats we face from nuclear wars
and accidents, and that the media should be using their
eforts to not just inform us of these nuclear events, but to
also encourage the public to pressure their leaders to take
the type of actions that will prevent and reduce the risks
associated with these threats. According to Lawrence
Wittner, professor of history and scholar of the the anti-
nuclear movement, if it wasnt for the global protests
against nuclear weapons testing in the 1960s and 70s, the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty may have never been
signed and the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in
Kazakhstan never closed down.
I agree with this
assessment as well and personally believe the media have
an obligation to help revive the antinuclear movement and
that they should place an equal amount of emphasis on the
risks associated with the continued threat of nuclear war
and nuclear accidents in every country they have a
presence in. It is the information and knowledge the media
bring to the worlds citizens that can lead to the type of
large scale social and political actions which bring about
reductions in nuclear inventories, better verication
methods, more transparency, citizen oversight, and
stronger implementation methods of laws and treaties. It is
in the interest of the media to help do this, not only for
moral reasons, but also because the media industry is
made up of real human beings who have real families and
friends who need cared for and who deserve the same
basic right to live without fear of their own annihilation
through nuclear war as do the rest of humanity, to include
the CEOs and board of directors of the largest of these
media companies.
But perhaps this is the problem -
people just arent thinking about humanity, but rather just
their own personal survival and the future of their wealth,
which of course brings us to the Ukraine oligarch issue.
Its clear that we love our billionaires and oligarchs
- in Ukraine, Russia, and yes, the United States as well.
The one per center billionaire club seems to be so popular
that we cant help but to keep putting them in power. Viktor
Yanukovych, Ukraines former president who was ousted
by popular protest earlier this year, was himself a bit of an
oligarch, due much in part to his ability to swindle state
Allegations of Yanukovychs corruption include a
personal takeover of the state owned Mezhyhiriya, a 340
acre piece of land near the Dnieper river formerly used as a
dacha for leaders of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist
More than $9 million was spent on ttings and
additions to Yanukovychs Mezhyhiriya residence alone.
Despite Ukrainians disapproval of Yanukovychs corruption,
they had no problem electing Petro Poroshenko as
Yanukovychs replacement, an oligarch listed as the
seventh richest man in Ukraine today.
Petro Poroshenko,
U k r a i n e s 7 t h
richest person, has
fought to secure a
nancial deal with
the EU which set
events into motion
t h a t c o u l d v e
started a nuclear
P h o t o C r e d i t :
W i k i m e d i a
[ ] 25
As of July 22, 2014 Petro Poroshenkos net worth
was valued at $1.4 billion by Forbes, placing him at number
1,283 among Forbes list of the worlds billionaires.
He is
the owner of the chocolate company Roshen, has interests
in a holding company called UkPromInvest, and is the
owner of the former government opposition television
channel 5 that helped oust Yanukovych from power.
Yanukovych, Poroshenko also has a large mansion along
the Dnieper. And like Yanukovych, Poroshenko has tted
his mansion with expensive amenities and additions, while
out on the streets thousands of poverty stricken Ukrainians
can barely aford to buy one of Poroshenkos chocolates.
Its not that Poroshenko is all that popular though.
The Maidan protests were in part about getting people like
him out of power, but like many people in the U.S.,
Ukrainians werent necessarily voting for Poroshenko when
they elected him president, they just thought he was the
least threatening of the scoundrels they had to choose
from. Besides, if the oligarchs were saying it was better to
obtain their credit or pay their debts to EU banks rather
than Russian ones, than what could the common person
do about it? Everyone knows the billionaires will do what
they want anyway, no matter what the nancially average
population thinks. When oligarchs like Poroshenko came
out against Yanukovych it was pretty much over for the
Moscow-l eani ng presi dent , j ust as t he Obama
administration hopes will happen to Russian president
Vladimir Putin after his billionaire inner-circle friends
become isolated from the global market through tougher
economic sanctions and international political pressure,
something Im not so condent will happen anytime soon.
But just like Yanukovych, Putin cant survive politically
without the help of the oligarchs who keep Russias
economy rolling from the top down. Because the sanctions
are aimed specically at these people and the nancial
institutions they run, it is possible that Putin could lose the
support he needs if Russias largest banks and richest
businessmen are closed of from the rest of the western
world, but Russia has a lot of friends outside the western
world and Putins oligarchs wont stop doing business with
those friends any time soon. Important economic allies to
Russia include Brazil, India, China, and South Africa,
collectively known as BRICS. Since the U.S. and Europe
imposed sanctions on Russian omcials, businessmen, and
enterprises all of the BRICS countries have continued to do
business with Russia, including China whose omcials
recently signed of on a huge oil deal with Putin and his
oligarch friends.
One of the rst hit with U.S. sanctions was
Gazprombank, a bank which has interests or holds assets
in the defense, energy, mining, machine building, and
media sectors, among others. A 2010 Gazprombank report
states, The Bank is the support bank for the nuclear
power sector of the Russian Federation and holds
leading positions with cash ow processing for a number
of enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation
According to ROSATOMs 2012 annual
report, Due to the operating specics of Rosatom
business and the need to protect classied information,
information on current activities of the Russian nuclear
weapons complex is not disclosed.
The report does say
though that the company fullled 100 percent of state
orders by the nuclear weapons complex.
Gazprombank is undeterred by U.S. sanctions
though and has its own army of spin doctors to ease any
anxiety among investors, making it dimcult to determine
what type of real efect sanctions will have on Putins
actions in Ukraine, his leadership role at home, or on the
energy and weapons industries as a whole. A July 17, 2014
Gazprombank press release headline reads US Sanctions
will not Afect Financial and Operational Stability of
Of course with the high level of
disinformation being circulated its impossible to know if
anything in the media regarding the Ukraine issue is true or
not, but we can at least tell that those hit by sanctions
notice them enough to provide some type of reaction so
that we know they are at least a bit annoying. However,
with economic and information warfare anything can
happen. Who knows how deep Gazprombanks
investments go into Putins global disinfo campaign.
According to the banks website, Gazprombank owns 100
percent of Gazprom Media Group, which has holdings or
interests in high speed internet, television, publishing,
advertising, and radio broadcasting.
With such close ties
to the state and the media, energy, and weapons
industries, theres little doubt that the banks media group
directly or indirectly employs hundreds, if not thousands, of
the so-called internet trolls hired by Russian public
relations rms to spread rumors and lies to legitimize state
policy and discredit any opposition.
With such an army of
spin doctors Russia can rewrite their own version of history
and push it the world over, making the sanctions appear to
be more of a bump in the road than a thorn in the side.
One infamous Russian spin doctor hit by U.S.
sanctions is Vladislav Surkov, a high dollar businessman
and the former Deputy Prime Minister to Putin.
to a 2013 Jamestown Foundation article, Surkov was
considered to be a mastermind of the strategy of pre-
empting a revolution by means of sponsoring various pro-
Putin youth movements and quasi-non-governmental
organizations (NGO), dividing and manipulating the
opposition, as well as employing modern technologies of
disinformation and deception in the omcial propaganda.
Surkovs sacking by Putin earlier last year came as a bit of
surprise considering his close relationship to the president,
but perhaps thats because Putin and his former KGB
colleagues have another job for him in Crimea or Donetsk
that requires some type of anonymity, but then again
speculating about the reasons he was sacked only adds to
the entropic miix of propaganda, rumors, half truths, and
lies being digitally spewed out across the cyber world. Of
course thats exactly what people like Surkov want, but by
now most know the Russians arent alone in this disiinfo-
[ ] 26
-rmation war. U.S. media groups are just as engaged in the
muckraking, framing, and nger pointing propaganda as
Russias billionaire media barons.
On July 24, 2014 CNN reported that one of their
freelance reporters, Anton Skiba, was captured outside a
hotel in Donetsk, Ukraine and being held by pro-Russian
In the same article CNN reported that the U.S.
State Department had issued a statement saying they had
evidence Russia was ring artillery at Ukrainian military
posts from across the border. When using the term Russia
res artillery Ukraine, in CNNs website search box,
several relevant articles are populated in the results list.
Interestingly, a search on CNNs website for any stories on
either Russia or the U.S. May 2014 nuclear drills returned
no related results. Thats strange, as CNN was initially
launched in 1980 by Ted Turner, the multi-billionaire media
magnate who took time out from building his Turner
Broadcasting System empire in 2001 to establish the
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI).
Part of NTIs mission is to
build trust and transparency to help fulll the goals of the
Non-Proliferation Treaty and to reduce the risk of nuclear,
biological, and chemical weapons use and proliferation,
something CNN failed to do by not reporting on the May
nuke drills.
Another donor to NTI whose work seems to
contradict the initiatives mission includes Fred Iseman,
former features editor for Hearst and founder of CI Capital
Partners, a private equity company which invests in
government services and defense, military armored
vehicles, logistics, aerospace, manufacturing, businesses
services, and other similar ventures.
Like most of the
other NTI donors, such as Peter G. Peterson, chairman and
co-founder of The Blackstone Group, Iseman is also a
member of the Council of Foreign Relations.
interesting fact is that under the umbrella of Petersons
Black Stone Group, the worlds largest investor and asset
manager BlackRock was founded. According to the
BlackRock website, the company manages $4.32 trillion in
Some of those assets include the iShares Global
Nuclear Energy ETF, which seeks to track the investment
results of an index composed of global equities in the
nuclear energy sector.
None of the iShare Global
Nuclear Energy ETF holdings were in Russian or Ukrainian
companies, but Tokyo Electro Power Co. Inc. did make the
Billionaire created foundations such as the Carnegie
Corporation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the Google
Foundation are also donors to the NTI, a non-prot
whose donors seem to prot more from the production of
nuclear related products than they do from the reduction of
But we wont even go into the details of all the
media baron billionaires inner workings in the U.S. There
simply isnt enough room here to outline the muck and
hypocrisy in its entirety. So lets go back to Ukraine for a
minute. Besides Poroshenko, there are a number of other
important Ukrainian oligarchs whove used their nancial
holdings to push a political agenda by means of media
acquisition and information dissemination. One such
oligarch is Jewish banker Ihor Kolomoisky, the regional
governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, an area with a
population of 3.3 million. Kolomoisky is a controlling
shareholder and supervisory board member of PrivatBank
and a major shareholder and board member of Ukrnafta,
the largest oil and natural gas extracting, processing and
supplying company in Ukraine.
Hes also held interests in
Ukrainian media, having controlled UNIAN news agency
while also purchasing several TV channels in 2010.
According to Forbes, Kolomoiskys net worth was valued at
$1.7 billion in July 2014.
Like Poroshenko, Kolomoisky is
outspoken in his opposition to the pro-Russian separatists
in the east.
The Wall Street Journal reports that
Kolomoisky has even vowed to take on the separatists by
ofering a $10,000 bounty for any pro-Russian militant
captured with a gun.
Within Kolomoiskys region is Yuzhmash, an old
Soviet era nuclear, space research, and machine building
facility turned Ukrainian missile & rocket production site.
The rocket producers biggest customer is, you guessed it,
Russia, but because of the ghting and recent defense and
technology related export bans related to the Ukraine
conict the company has cut back on employees,
signicantly reducing their output.
But a 2013 Bloomberg
article reports that Kolomoiskys PrivatBank was increas-
ing credit to large businesses by 10 to 15 percent for the
year, to include PO Yuzhmash, one of the banks largest
So despite any losses in Yuzhmash rocket sales
to Russia in the short term, the company is backed by
Kolomoiskys credit line and his position as regional
governor, giving Kolomoisky leverage not only over the
companys nancial decisions, but also, it would seem, as
a potential nancial benefactor of arms deals to people
from both sides of the same war. Perhaps hes even
already brought in some prot from Russias ring of
Yuzhmash made rockets during Putins May 2014 nuclear
drill, or perhaps the prot will come later when Russia is
willing to pay even more money for rocket components in
order to meet the goals of their military modernization plan.
Either way, Kolomoisky is in a position to at least throw in
some pretty decent size bargaining chips that can either
raise the stakes further or help to bring about a political
deal that could help end the conict and even get the
START treaty back on track.
Yuzhmash produces and sells landing gear,
casting, and dye forging products, defense related rockets,
and space and launch vehicles, including those for the
Russian R-36M/SS-18 Satan intercontinental ballistic
missile. The missile can be seen ring of during the May
2014 nuclear drills on an RT YouTube video.
The Satan is
the longest range ICBM in the world and is capable of
carrying ten Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle (MIRV)
[ ] 27
nuclear warheads, or just one really, really big one.
It is
the most destructive missile in Russias arsenal and one
that Yuzmash already has orders to maintain for Russias
military modernization program, so its not one that Putin
would like to be seen in the control of other countries,
particularly those that are western friendly, or among the
faction of the billionaires who may decide to raise the costs
of components at a later date. But giving up Yuzhmash and
building a new facility inside Russia wouldnt b e
economical either.
Accordi ng to a Federati on of
American Scientists report on the Satan
missile, Manufacturing of SS-18s in Russia
would be expensive, and could require 5 to
7 years of design work to begin at least
tests at a cost of 8-10 billion rubles.
Because of the strategic value of such a
missile production site it is easy to see
why Russia would be interested in
controlling the place it is located, but
Yuzhmash probably wont be handed
over so easily, unless Putin
b e l i e v e s t h e
o f
a r e
g r e a t e r
than the costs.
Onl i ne rumors suggest
there have been some behind the
scene deals though in which Ukraine
will agree to provide Russia with
access to its defense industry in
exchange for Russia forgiving the
Ukrainian natural gas debt. So
there is still optimism that Putin will
stop short of a full scale invasion
of Ukraine, but he does seem to b e
eyeing the country with much m o r e
vigor than some of the other f r o z e n
bor der coni ct s he or hi s p r e d e c e s s o r s
initiated within eastern Europe. Its still anybodys guess as
to how far the pro-Russian separatists will go or how
many of them already have local nancial backing. After all,
Ukraine is not just a weapons making state, it is also a
natural gas corridor between eastern and western Europe
and it is a country full of nuclear related facilities and
experts in the eld.
Also in Kolomoiskys Dnipropetrovsk Region is the
state owned Eastern Mining and Processing Complex, the
only enterprise in Ukraine engaged in the mining of
uranium ore and the production of a uranium oxide
It is the largest such complex in Europe,
wi th i ts headquarters l ocated i n Zhovty Vody,
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Mining and the supply of raw
materials for energy production are at the heart of
Kolomoiskys Ukranaft operation, a company that is listed
a s a ma j or c l i e nt of t he Rus s i a n c ompa ny
Stroygazmontazh, otherwise known as the SGM Group.
SGM specializes in the construction of industrial facilities,
trunk pipelines, gas and oil processing plants, and
development of gas and oil elds. Stroygazmontazh and
Ukranafts operations include pipelines, energy production
facilities, and processing plants in Crimea and along the
Ukraine-Russia border where the Dnieper-Donets Basin
According to the USGS, the basin contains 1.6
billion barrels of oil and 59 trillion cubic feet of gas within a
total single petroleum system.
And of course Kolomoisky
isnt the only one interested in proting from the raw
materials within his region and along
the Dnieper-Donets basin.
I n
o n t h e
southern tip
of the Dnieper-
Donets and j ust
e a s t o f
Dni propetrovsk, l i ves
Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraines
richest billionaire - an oligarch
w h o o n c e s u p p o r t e d
Yanukovych who is now
reportedly enlisting his
3 0 0 , 0 0 0 s t r o n g
workforce to patrol the
st reet s al ongsi de
p r o - Ki e v p o l i c e
omcer s.
For bes
l i st s his net worth at $12.2 billion
and Bloomberg at $13.2 billion. He started out
selling coal to steel mills, factories, and power plants with
business partner Akhat Bragin, a man who was accused of
being a crime boss before being killed in a 1995 explosion
at his Donetsk soccer clubs stadium.
After Bragins
death Akhmetov took over ownership of the team, some of
whose members have refused to return to Donetsk since
the ghting broke out in the area. Besides playing his
Donetsk soccer team against their Russian rivals,
Akhmetovs other dealings with Russia include the 2010
System Capital Management (SCM) purchase of Russias
Ukrainian unit of the Renaissance Credit Group based in
At the time the unit had 31 bank branches and
was Ukraines 104th biggest bank by assets. Akhmetovs
SCM was most likely also conducting high-dollar business
transactions with various Russian enterprises from 2004 to
2009, a time when Ukrainian outward foreign direct
investment (OFDI) in Russia increased from $94.6 million to
$165.5 million.
The only other country to have higher
Ukrainian OFDI for that same time period was Cyprus, the
country where Akhmetovs SCM Holdings Limited is locat-
, S
l - N
. L
[ ] 28
-ed. Akhmetov owns 99% of the holding company which
belongs to the SCM Group and holds corporate rights of
all assets of the Group except for Ukraine-based SCM
managing company.
Besides owning the Donetsk
Shakhtar soccer club and SCM, Akhmetov also owns over
a hundred other companies, including steel mills, coal
mines, chemical plants, power stations, banks, insurance
companies, and media outlets, all together generating
$23.5 billion in revenue in 2012.
Like Kolomoiskys
Ukranaft, its likely that Akhmetovs companies are not only
compet i t or s t o Rus s i an compani es s uch as
Stroygazmontazh, but also major clients.
Stroygazmontazh is a supplier of pipelines to
Gazprom and is owned by Arkady Rotenberg, a close
advisor to Vladimir Putin and one of the rst individuals to
make the U.S. sanctions list. Like Kolomoisky, Akhmetov,
and Ukraines second richest billionaire, Victor Pinchuk,
Rotenberg is Jewish, which makes the disinformation
campaign about the conict having something to do with a
Communist-Fascist ideological battle seem a bit amusing
at the least. However it does give some credence to the
conspiracy theorists ideas about the Ukraine conict
having to do with a larger Zionist agenda that is
somehow tied into the Israeli Russian Jewish population
and their activities in the Middle East. The fact that the
billionaires tied to these conicts are Jewish is a neat little
coincidence, but hardly worth calling it a conspiracy of
Zionists. Its clear that the interests of these billionaires is
mostly money, however the political and social implications
of their power strokes can denitely be associated with a
cultural and perhaps even a moral (or non-moral)
upbringing that clearly inuences not only local, regional,
and global economics, but also the day-to-day lives of
those who are forced to work and live in the environments
created by these billionaires. So perhaps their is a bit of
Zionism going on, but its denitely not to the extent that
the world is going to give its full support to a global Jewish
agenda any time soon. And with people like Rotenberg,
whose success is reliant upon a government which
disdains religion of all types, it is clear that religion is not
the immediate concern of the billionaires geo-political
agenda, but rather just a tool used to either divide and
conquer or to opiate the masses with. But while everybody
else is busy ghting each other and being duped by the
social opiates of the day, the billionaires continue to rake in
huge prots from the nancial and economic wars being
fought over energy and defense.
Rotenbergs wealth has only risen since falling into
Putins inner circle, and surely Moscow will see sanctions
on him as a reason to contract out even more deals with
the man, wether its to build pipelines or to secure
weapons deals. Only a long term assessment of the
sanctions will provide any reality based idea of the efect
they are having on the oligarchs, as contracts of that sort
could take many years to fulll. As of July 30, 2014
Rotenbergs net worth was listed by Forbes at $3.7 billion,
perhaps falling slightly from before the time sanctions were
imposed, but not enough to make much of a dent in his
fortune. These controlled conicts and economic wars, no
matter how individualized they become, do not benet the
general populace, but rather just the billionaires who are
engaged in them - they keep getting richer while the poor
and middle class keep getting poorer or are killed of in the
oligarchs wars. For instance, Rotenberg is owner of TPS
Aviation, a Russian aviation company that supports
programs which produce military ghters and trainers,
military helicopters, military transports, military surveillance
and bombers, military ordinance programs, military aviation
support, and aerospace rocket and space programs.
these products become more in demand during war time,
and as export bans and nanci al sancti ons are
implemented, these products become more valuable,
helping to enrich those who provide credit lines to the
companies making these types of products.
Ismael Hossein-zadeh, Professor Emeritus
of Economics at Drake University, explains in an
Information Clearinghouse article that Ukraine is a
managed conict, mostly among the nancial elite who
tend to benet from a managed conict more than they
would from direct military intervention, however such direct
intervention is usually always left on the table. But,
Hossein-zadeh writes, Even then, however, all eforts are
made (by the major capitalist powers) to make such military
interventions controlled or manageable, that is, limited
to local or national levels. While controlled wars tend to
safeguard the fortunes of war proteers and military
spending (mainly the military-security-industrial complex
and major banks), they would not cause paralysis of
international nancial markets.
I agree that such limited
or controlled wars do help to keep the oligarchs money
safe by providing more investment opportunities at higher
returns without the added risk involved with direct military
intervention. Just think of Halliburton and all the contracts
they received in Iraq. Now imagine the prots they would
have made if they could be contracted out private
investment rms rather than having to go through the
military. Imagine if they didnt have to worry about military
rules and conventions. Not only would they be able to work
more freely and independently of any oversight, but there
would be less risk involved in their operations, lowering
insurance and other combat related costs signicantly.
Surely U.S., Ukrainian, and Russian businessmen are all
ocking to the Ukraine investment portal opened up by the
economic sanctions and ongoing unrest. Eventually more
pipelines will need to be erected or repaired, buildings and
roads will need rebuilt, mining and energy production will
need to be secured, stabilized, or ramped up, and
weapons & munitions that are used will need replaced or
maintained. No businessman or woman, no matter what
country they are supposedly loyal to, will overlook such
potentially high yielding investment opportunities. Thats
what drives them - prot, not ideology.
As of the time of this writing it does not appear as
though U.S. or EU sanctions on Russia will have a dramatic
[ ] 29
impact on the countrys economy or even on the wealth of
the individual businesses and businessmen being targeted
by the sanctions, but the debate is still open. German Vice
Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel thinks the sanctions will have an
efect on the Russian economy. In an online Voice of
America article Gabriel is quoted as saying, I think they
will very quickly show an efect, because the Russian
economy is not in a good shape and of course those who
are afected by [the sanctions], the Russian oligarchs,
wont want their opportunities to move, and their
investment of money freely in Europe, to be limited.
Russias foreign ministry has said the sanctions are
destructive and that they will only lead to further
aggravation of U.S.-Russia relations.
directions sanctions take us, it is clear that the billionaires
will continue to be billionaires and those middle class and
poor individuals who ght for their most favorite oligarchs
brand of wealth-driven ideologies will continue to be
maimed, mutilated, and killed in these wars, no matter how
controlled or managed they appear.
So it seems that unless you are a billionaire you
probably wont have much say in the outcome of the
Ukraine conict, but that doesnt mean the conict has to
go on, nor does it mean the billionaires will continue to
support the wars they prot from. But what is the solution?
How can we get the billionaires to stop supporting
managed conicts and wars, disinformation campaigns,
weapons procurement programs, and environmentally
hazardous energy production plans? Protests, boycotts,
name and shame campaigns, worker strikes, and apathy/
ignoring the situation hasnt seemed to be very efective in
reining in the oligarchs and their destructive behavior, but
who knows how deep the greed and devastation would be
without such oppositional activities. And those arent the
only options either. Pinchuks success in educating his
companies employees about the dangers of joining the
separatist movement is but one example we can take from
the old playbook. Unfortunately hes forcing these workers
to take sides by ofering payment and other incentives to
those who patrol the streets alongside Pro-Kiev police
omcers, but such forceable actions can be a good rst
step in managing the conict and preventing an
escalation in separatist hostilities toward the Ukrainian
population. More needs to be done though to bring the
workers, separatists, foreign agents, and international
oligarchs to the negotiating table, which is where citizen
journalism and social media come into play.
Its clear by the amount of disinformation being
distributed across the internet, radio, and television that
the major media networks cant be trusted to provide an
accurate and realistic description of the situation in
Ukraine. Despite being considered credible sources by
much of the worlds population because of their long term
durability, these mega-media outlets are anything but
credible and need to be checked by individuals brave
enough to take on the job of reporting the truth and
following the money. More investigative nancial reporting
needs to be done regarding the wealth of the worlds
oligarchs. Its easy to nd out how much these billionaires
are worth and the type of companies they own, but its
much more dimcult to see exactly how that wealth is
generated and where it comes from, especially when tied
to state-run banks and weapons making facilities.
What I propose is that citizen journalists,
alternative news outlets, social media bufs, and various
other non-prots, educational foundations, and social
justice organizations create a global media co-op where
they share a percentage of their sponsorship and delegate
dut i es vi a a l oosel y managed non-hi erarchi cal
organizational network. Such a co-op will help to nance
those reporters and journalists who would otherwise be
unable to aford to take on the duties of government,
media, and oligarch watchdogs. Such a co-op would also
make it much harder for the major networks to get away
with any disinformation campaigns being paid for by
government agents and shady PR rms, as there would be
more eyes on the ground looking for the inaccuracies and
false reports. Just educating the populace about the
nancial gains of oligarchs during wartime should have a
signicant efect, but that education must extend into the
ranks of the military who are carrying out the orders of
those oligarchs. If the people doing all the ghting
understood more about the racket of war, and how they are
the ones who lose the most in such a racket, than perhaps
they would be less likely to participate in those wars.
Overcoming the indoctrination programs force fed to
members of the military is not something that can be
accomplished over night though, so still more eforts need
to be undertaken to reduce the prospect of war, weapons
proliferation, and war proteering in the short term.
In Ukraine there are already eyes in the sky
providing satellite imagery and video footage of the
situation on the ground, but if the lead up to the Iraq war
debacle is anything to learn from, than we know that these
eyes cannot be trusted when they are owned or operated
by people in the defense and mainstream media industries.
To be more efective, ownership and operation of these
eyes must be diversied to include citizen journalists and
the average layperson so that a larger quantity and a
diferent quality of perspectives is provided to those on the
ground, in and outside of Ukraine. Theres no reason live
satellite imagery of the contested regions in Ukraine and
along its eastern border arent already fed to an open and
easily accessible website. The technology available today
is completely capable of providing the type of imagery
necessary to pinpoint the parties responsible for carrying
out hostile activities on the ground, including those who
red upon and took down Malaysian Airlines ight 17. Why
those images have yet to surface are beyond me. Since
that type of imagery is not being made available to the
public in its entirety than that job of creating a transparent
and open environment regarding the hostilities in the area
must fall upon the average layperson. Obviously it is very
expensive to operate the type of satellites that can provide
[ ] 30
for this type of transparent and instantaneous sort of
situation report, however there are other options.
Alternatives include using low cost drones and crude
remote ying machines armed only with video cameras.
For those who see themselves and the countries they live
in being drawn into a conict they dont want or need to
participate in, it becomes all the more important that the
truth be told, so that nobody else is duped into joining a
dangerous and unnecessary war over money, weapons,
and resources. The people who feel this way should, in my
opinion, start sending toy helicopters, planes, remote
control cars, and other remote objects equipped with video
cameras that they can send into the contested regions so
as to get more views of those engaged in the hostilities in
order to provide a more accurate description of the
situation. Equipping a remote control airplane with a
camera that sends live video footage back via wi-
connecti on i s not undoabl e for even the most
technologically deprived. Those operating such devices
should send them in with the expectation that they will be
shot down. When they are blown out of the sky the people
viewing the imagery can at least have a better idea of
where the hostilities are actually taking place and who is
responsible for carrying out such violent acts. Without
being able to place responsibility on the hostile actors it is
impossible to take any type of efective measures against
them to prevent such future acts. It is well known that
people behave much diferently when they are being
observed, so lets really start to observe those who are
carrying out the crimes in Ukraine and work towards
maki ng those observati ons more of a behavi or
modication tool for changing those actors into peaceful
participants rather than using it for propaganda and
information warfare.
Also, although the Ukraine problem is being
downplayed and considered a managed conict, as is
the nuclear threat emanating from it, there is no reason why
the media shouldnt highlight the dangers this conict
poses in a more robust and rounded way. Arms control
advocates should see the nuclear threat as an opportunity
to ramp up negotiations over nuclear delivery system
reductions and nuclear energy security, not an excuse for
throwing in the towel and saying the nuclear arms race and
Cold War is back on. No, the U.S. and Russia have
signicantly reduced their nuclear stockpiles over the last
three decades, and although nuclear energy is becoming
more protable, the Fukushima disaster has reminded the
world once again of the problems such energy production
Why not use the Ukraine conict as a catalyst to
bri ng Russi an ci ti zens cl oser to thei r Ameri can
counterparts? Why not revive the anti-nuclear movement
by actually reporting on the nuclear threats stemming from
Ukraine? Those who say there is not a problem need not
forget Chernobyl. As author of The Enemy Within Jay M.
Gould explains, the Chernobyl disaster was a major
changing point in history, being a strong inuential factor in
the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gould writes that in a
single cataclysmic moment, Chernobyl revealed the Soviet
rulers massive deception of the Soviet population, which
gave rise to the wave of civil disorder that continues
Ukraine already had a nuclear disaster once.
Political and economic instability in the region increases
the probability that such a disaster could happen again,
accident or not. To me thats reason enough to take action,
but being that I am on the other side of the world and am
not a billionaire myself there is not much else I can do other
than to write this article.
Perhaps more attention should be given to how to
resolve the conict rather than just outlining the problems,
but it seems to me that the problem in Ukraine is one that
keeps repeating throughout history, and is one that we
need to be continually reminded of. Without those
reminders even less people will be interested in learning
how those problems can have a global efect. Without
outlining the problem and just ignoring the situation even
fewer people will take to the streets to protest and place
pressure on their oligarch leaders to put an end to the
madness. But protest is what started this whole mess you
say, so how can that help? Because protest is powerful,
thats why. Protest is what swept Yanukovych out of power
and it was protest that brought the problems of corruption
and nancial greed to the forefront. Such protest need not
be a workers rights protest, nor an anti-Communist or anti-
capitalist protest, but rather a pro-peace protest. Its hard
to send in agents and agitators into a peaceful crowd to
stir up trouble, especially if that crowd is in the millions,
synchronizing their activities on a global scale. And global
protest in not out of line for the situation at hand.
Gene Sharps How Nonviolent Struggle Works
provides strategies and techniques for utilizing nonviolent
social movements against military opponents. Sharp
writes, Against opponents using military means, always
confront them indirectly by nonviolent means, so that their
repression can be made to rebound against them to
undermine their power position.
In all, Sharp lists 198
methods of nonviolent action. To date, only governments
and big business are openly partaking in the economic
sanctions imposed over the Ukraine crisis, however if one
follows Sharps strategies for nonviolent economic
intervention than perhaps an even broader set of sanctions
should be set in place by the global peace, anti-nuclear,
and pro-economic equality movements that have evolved
and taken on new shapes and sizes over the last few
decades. Combined, these movements have the power to
inuence global events at a rapid rate, and when their
shared goals are actively pursued in reaction to specic
events, like those taking shape in Ukraine, then immediate
results can often be achieved. Some of the economic
interventions Sharp recommends include reverse strikes,
(working to excess), stay-in strikes (occupation of work
site), nonviolent land seizure, deance of blockades,
politically motivated counterfeiting, preclusive purchasing,
seizure of assets, dumping, selective patronage, alternative
markets, alternative transportation systems, and alternative
[ ] 31
economic institutions.
Such economic interventions can
create dramatic change when global activists and other
interested parties work together to determine the desired
outcome of each type of intervention, and then proceed to
efective implementation of their strategy. For instance,
Russia and the U.S. may already be implementing some of
these strategies as part of their own economic warfare
techniques, but it may come as quite a surprise when both
sides see their plans backring because of the indirect
intervention measures taken by global activists. Scenarios
of this sort include the large scale use of bit coins or other
non-standard currency not regulated by government. Wide
scale use of such currencies have the potential to
undermine the value of global nancial holdings of
billionaires, which would require them to rethink their own
investments. A seizure of assets operation could include
the peti ti oni ng for changes i n
economi c pol i cy whi ch requi re
billionaires to pay higher taxes in
order to provide the necessary public
goods which can enable regional
peace and political stability (i.e.
nuclear waste prevention and clean
up funds, arms for jobs campaigns,
and cultural & educational programs
promoting diversity, cooperation, and
collaboration). The billionaires are not
to be shunned from such actions
either, as not all billionaires and
oligarchs are war proteers or corporate despots. And their
involvement adds a new dynamic that can help reshape
future events in dramatic ways.
Sharp lists six actions holders of nancial
resources can make to help inuence events through
economic noncooperation. Those actions include
withdrawal of bank deposits, refusal to pay fees, dues,
and assessments, refusal to pay debts or interest,
severance of funds and credit, revenue refusal, and refusal
of a governments money.
When global activist
movements team up with billionaires to consider the
specic outcomes they desire by implementing these
actions and strategies an even greater potential for change
is achieved than if all billionaires are treated as opponents
or fence sitters. This is clearly not the case. There are
factions among the billionaires and those factions can be
exploited for securing the peace. It is my belief that war
and conict only serve the interests of the minority of
billionaires, not all of them. I dont think every billionaire
wants to increase their chances of being killed in a nuclear
war by using their power to push for more violence in
Ukraine or other similar places where an escalation of the
conict can lead to a direct U.S.-Russia military
Maybe the threat of human annihilation from
nuclear war is not as great as it was during the Cold War,
but more countries do have more nuclear weapons and
access to more nuclear materials then ever before, and
that is a problem that the world needs to respond to, not
just the oligarchs and so-called nuclear experts. During the
Occupy Wall Street protests there was global solidarity that
lead to the creation of the website Occupy Together, which
was international in scope and did allow for the
synchronizing of activist ventures without regard to
borders. Of course the Occupy movement is not a new
movement, but just a reinvention of an old movement that
began building momentum in U.S. modern times during the
1999 World Trade Organization protests in Seattle. In my
opinion, and from my experience of knowing people who
participated in those protests, they were not orchestrated
by any pro-Communist or anti-American organization. They
were protests against the corporate greed among the
worlds wealthiest CEOs and the damage that greed has
done to the Earth and its global inhabitants.
Such prot est i s not a new
phenomenon. It was in the same
spirit of protest against greed that the
French Revolution was launched and
the Boxer Rebellion carried out.
Peasant upri si ngs are common
throughout history, but middle class
and low income peoples rarely rise to
power during such uprisings, no
matter what people are led to believe.
Lenin and Trotsky were not peasants
and Mao Zedong, although born into
a peasant family, was well enough of
to be able to travel the country and attend school - not
something most poor peasant farmers in China were able
to do at the time. Barack Obama may have been a
community organizer, but he never truly experienced what
it was like to live in the ghetto, and Putin is just as KGB as
Bush is CIA - hardly clubs for the common layperson, no
matter how common or average they make themselves to
appear on TV. And its not that people are corrupted once
they come to power, those who want that type of power
are already corrupted, at least in todays global political
environment. There simply is no way for the average
person to get into those positions of power without money,
as nobody can aford to run for or be appointed to national
omce unless they are backed by wealthy groups and
individuals or are millionaires or billionaires themselves. Its
just that simple, so dont think of it as an Orwellian Animal
Farm type of situation, as its not necessarily about taking
over government or corporate omces as much as it is
about taking over ones own independent agency and
using it to create positive collaboration and collective
impact. Sure, for some its about taking over the wealth of
the 1%, but a more equitable global distribution of the
wealth is just one benet from such collaboration. Peace,
economic stability, social & cultural development, and
greater planning capabilities are but just a few other
benets cooperation can bring. It is still possible to be
powerful without being in powerful positions. Together we
can make a diference.
[ ] 32
1. See Jasper, William F. Ukraine Behind the Headlines: Disinformation, Manipulation, Propaganda, WTFRLY.com/
International News Daily, March 11, 2014 http://wtfrly.com/2014/03/11/ukraine-behind-the-headlines-disinformation-
manipulation-propaganda/#.U-5sP7xdX74. Also see Wilcox, Richard. WHO Lies Refuted: Physicians Group Predicts
100,000+ Fukushima Cancer Incidences/Deaths, rense.com, March 14, 2013. http://rense.com/general95/
wholies.html. Notice that neither of these articles come from the usual mainstream so-called credible sources of
information news outlets.
2. Westinghouse. Company Overview. http://www.westinghousenuclear.com/News_Room/company_overview.shtm.
3. National Threat Initiative. Ukraine - Nuclear, last updated June 2014. http://www.nti.org/country-proles/ukraine/
4. See Council on Foreign Relations. Loose Nukes, last updated January 1, 2006. http://www.cfr.org/weapons-of-
5. Schmid, Alex P. and Charlotte Spencer-Smith. Illicit Radiological and Nuclear Tramcking, Smuggling and Security
Incidents in the Black Sea Region since the Fall of the Iron Curtain - an Open Source Inventory, Perspectives on
Terrorism, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2012). http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/schmid-illicit-
6. Nuclear Threat Initiative. Eliminating Nuclear Materials, NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index developed with The
Economist Intelligence Unit, http://ntiindex.org/progress-challenges/eliminating-nuclear-materials/. (Note: The
Economists assets are managed by BlackRock)
7. Ibid.
8. Press SAT Ukraine. Security Service seized from illegal tramc in hazardous radioactive substance, May 2014. http://
www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=124766&cat_id=39574 (translated by Google Translator).
9. Energoatom. Zaporizhzhya NPP, 2014. http://www.energoatom.kiev.ua/en/nuclear_plants/npp_zp/info.
10. Keck, Zachary. Russia, US Conduct Nuclear Weapon Drills, The Diplomat, May 14, 2014. http://thediplomat.com/
2014/05/russia-us-conduct-nuclear-weapon-drills/. Besides the helicopters being shot down, ghting had spread to
the infamous Russian arms export port city of Odessa, where a petrol bomb was supposedly the cause of a large re
that killed 31 people. See Tsvetkova, Maria. Dozens die in Odessa, rebels down Ukraine helicopters, Reuters, May
2, 2014. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/02/us-ukraine-crisis-idUSBREA400LI20140502.
11. Ibid.
12. Gertz, Bill. U.S. to Conduct Strategic Bomber Exercise, Free Beacon, May 11, 2014. http://freebeacon.com/
13. Ibid.
14. Keck, Zachary. Russia, US Conduct Nuclear Weapons Drills, The Diplomat, May 14, 2014.
15. For further reading on Russian dezinformatsiya operations see Pacepa, Ion Mihai and Rychlak, Ronald J.
Disinformation, Washington D.C.: Wind Books, 2013. Of particular interest is how the new Ukrainian government is
being framed as Nazis by media spin doctors, just as Pacepa claims many Catholic priests were framed as Nazis by
Russian intelligence following WWII. According to Pacepa, these framings are at the heart of Russian dezinformatsiya.
16. For more see Dyer, Jay. MH17: Malaysian Airlines False Flag Straight Out of BBCs Sherlock, 21st Century Wire,
July 21, 2014. http://21stcenturywire.com/2014/07/21/mh17-malaysian-airlines-false-ag-scripting-straight-out-of-
17. Pacepa (2013).
18. Downtown, James Jr. and Paul Wehr. Persistent Pacism: How Activist Commitment is Developed and Sustained.
University of Colorado, Boulder. http://www.colorado.edu/conict/persistent_pacism.htm.
19. Lawrence S. Wittner, Confronting the bomb: a short history of the world nuclear disarmament movement (Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2009), 110. Also see Wittner, Disarmament movement lessons from yesteryear, Bulletin of
the Atomic Scientists, Jul. 27, 2009. http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op- eds/disarmament-movement-
lessons-yesteryear and Wittner, The Power of Protest, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, July/August (2004): 25. See
Michael Parks, Soviets protest nuclear tests, Manila Standard, Mar. 27, 1989. http://news.google.com/newspapers?
id=i48VAAAAIBAJ&sjid=awsEAAAAIBAJ&pg=2828,4392416&dq=semipal atinsk+protests&hl=en and Observer-
Reporter, Thousands protest nuclear testing, Oct. 22, 1989. http://news.google.com/newspapers?
id=1nViAAAAIBAJ&sjid=C3cNAAAAIBAJ&pg=3371,7034620&dq=semipal atinsk+protests&hl=en. Also see Daryl G.
Kimball, Twenty Years After the Closure of Semipalatinsk the Case for the Test Ban Treaty is Stronger Than Ever,
Arms Control Association, prepared remarks, Sept. 8, 2011. http://www.armscontrol.org/events/Twenty-Years-After-
Closure-of-Semipalatinsk-the-Case-for-the-Test-Ban- Treaty.
[ ] 33
20. Some media companies may benet nancially from nuclear disasters and the decommissioning and clean up eforts
that takes place afterward, but the long term costs of a nuclear accident or use of a nuclear weapon usually outweigh
any benets those companies may see in the short term.
21. Matlack, Carol. Ukraines Elite: Living in Luxury, All Across Europe, Bloomberg Businessweek, February 25, 2014.
22. Leshchenko, Sergii. Yanukovych, the luxury residence and the money trail that leads to London, Open Democracy,
June 8, 2012. http://www.opendemocracy.net/od-russia/serhij-leschenko/yanukovych-luxury-residence-and-money-
23. Ibid.
24. Topol, Sarah A. The Chocolate King Who Would Be President, Ukraine just had a revolution to oust sleazy oligarchs.
Why is it about to elect one as its leader? Politico Magazine, May 22, 2014. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/
25. Forbes. The Worlds Billionaires, #1279 Petro Poroshenko, July 22, 2014. http://www.forbes.com/prole/petro-
26. Topol, Sarah A. The Chocolate King Who Would Be President, Ukraine just had a revolution to oust sleazy oligarchs.
Why is it about to elect one as its leader? Politico Magazine, May 22, 2014. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/
2014/05/the-chocolate-king-who-would-be-president-106998.html#.U8ykpoBdV18. For more on Poroshenkos media
interests and the media purge under Yanukovych see Mykhelson, Oleksandr. Media & Acquisitions, The Ukrainian
Week, July 8, 2013. http://ukrainianweek.com/Politics/83970.
27. Ibid. For more on Poroshenkos media interests and the media purge under Yanukovych see Mykhelson, Oleksandr.
Media & Acquisitions, The Ukrainian Week, July 8, 2013. http://ukrainianweek.com/Politics/83970.
28. Rosatom. 2011 Public Annual Report, State Atomic Energy Corporation. http://www.rosatom.ru/en/resources/
29. Gazprombank. US Sanctions will not Afect Financial and Operational Stability of Gazprombank, July 17, 2014.
30. Gazprom-Media. About Us. http://www.gazprom-media.com/en/about.
31. See for example UkrainianWinnipeg. 22 acts of disinformation. The Russian media on Ukraine, June 9, 2014. http://
32. Clover, Charles. Kremlin spin-doctor pays price for protests, Financial Times, December 27, 2011. http://
33. Baev, Pavel K. What Surkovs Ousting Signies About Russias Course in Syria, Jamestown Foundation, May 13,
2013. http://www.jamestown.org/regions/middleeast/single/?tx_ttnews%5Bpointer%5D=6&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news
34. For example see Greenwald, Glenn. How Covert Agents Inltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy
Reputations, The Intercept, February 24, 2014.
35. Watson, Ivan, Sara Sidner and Victoria Butenko. U.S. has evidence that Russia is ring into Ukraine. CNN, July 24,
2014. http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/24/world/europe/ukraine-malaysia-airlines-crash/.
36. CNN Library. Ted Turner Fast Facts, updated March 21, 2014. http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/10/us/ted-turner-fast-
37. Nuclear Threat Initiative. About, accessed August 2, 2014. http://www.nti.org/about/.
38. Bloomberg. Company Overview of CI Capital Partners LLC, Bloomberg Businessweek, viewed August 2, 2014.
39. Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster, accessed August 2, 2014. http://www.cfr.org/about/
40. BlackRock. Who We Are, 2014. http://www.blackrock.com/corporate/en-us/about-us.
41. iShares by BlackRock. iShares Global Nuclear Energy ETF, July 31, 2014. http://www.ishares.com/us/products/
42. Ibid.
43. Forbes. Prole: Igor Kolomoisky, Forbes, 2014. http://www.forbes.com/prole/igor-kolomoisky/. Note: There are a
number of diferent spellings for Ihor Kolomoisky, including Igor for the rst name and Kolomoyski, Kolomoiskyi,
Kolomoyskyi, and Kolomoyskyy for the last name.
44. Mykhelson, Oleksandr. Media & Acquisitions, The Ukrainian Week, July 8, 2013. http://ukrainianweek.com/Politics/
45. Forbes. The Worlds Billionaires - #1046 Ihor Kolomoyskyy, Forbes, July 26, 2014. http://www.forbes.com/prole/
[ ] 34
46. Baczynska, Gabriela. Jewish Oligarch Spends Millions on Militia To Hold Onto Ukraine Province, The Jewish Daily
Forward, May 23, 2014. http://forward.com/articles/198812/jewish-oligarch-spends-millions-on-militia-to-hold/. Also see
Rudenko, Olga. Billionaire Kolomoisky takes over in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, blasting Putin and Yanukovych, Kyiv
Post, March 3, 2014. http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/billionaire-kolomoisky-takes-over-in-dnipropetrovsk-
oblast-criticizing-putin-and-yanukovych-338261.html. One commenter on this article who goes by the handle Rearose
Aguilar wrote, ODESSA KILLING-HE WAS INVOLVED? The comment insinuates that Kolomoisky was somehow
responsible for the Odessa violence, which made me wonder if this commenter was part of some larger disinformation
campaign. When I clicked on the commenters handle I was directed to the Rearose Aguilar Facebok page. On the
Facebook page there are numerous references to Vladimir Putin, Mother Russia, and other pro-Russian content. This
doesnt necessarily mean Aguilar is a paid Russian internet troll, but the fact that the Kyiv Post shows this person as a
top commenter makes me suspicious.
47. Cullison, Alan. Ukraines Secret Weapon: Feisty Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, The Wall Street Journal, June 27, 2014.
48. Grove, Thomas. In east Ukraine, arms maker walks ne line between Kiev and Moscow, The Globe and Mail, May
27, 2014. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/in-east-ukraine-arms-maker-walks-ne-line-between-kiev-and-
49. Choursina, Kateryna and Daryna Krasnolutska. Privatbank to lift 2013 Corporate Lending 15%, CEO Says,
Bloomberg, March 6, 2013. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-06/privatbank-to-lift-2013-corporate-lending-15-
50. Yuzhmash. Products, 2014. http://www.yuzhmash.com/. Information Resistance. Dmitry Tymchuk: On the Question of
YUZHMASH Technology, April 9, 2014. http://sprotyv.info/en/news/994-dmitry-tymchuk-question-yuzhmash-
technology. For RT video see YouTube. Video: Russia test-launches missiles during planned military drills May 8,
2014, Uploaded by KCsFieryFurnace JesusInTheFireWithMe, May 8, 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
51. FAS. R-36M/SS-18 SATAN, updated July 29, 2000. http://fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/icbm/r-36m.htm.
52. Ibid.
53. Nuclear Fuel. The state owned Eastern Mining and Processing Complex, 2009-2012. http://www.nfuel.gov.ua/en/
54. Ibid.
55. Stroygazmontazh. Projects, http://www.ooosgm.com/projects/ AND Ukrnafta. Map of Assets, http://
56. Ulmishek, Gregory F. Petroleum Geology and Resources of the Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine and Russia, USGS,
2001. http://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/2201/E/.
57. Kravchenko, Stepan and Henry Meyer. Ukraines Top Oligarch Walks a Fine Line, Bloomberg Businessweek, July
10, 2014. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-10/in-ukraine-separatist-war-rinat-akhmetov-walks-ne-line.
58. Ibid.
59. Krasnolutska, Daryna. Akhmetovs SCM Buys Ukraine Unit of Russias Renaissance Credit, Bloomberg, December
24, 2010. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-24/akhmetov-s-scm-buys-ukraine-unit-of-russia-s-renaissance-
60. Kononov, Oleksiy, Outward FDI from Ukraine and its policy context, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable
International Investment, Columbia FDI Files, November 8, 2010. http://ccsi.columbia.edu/les/2014/03/
61. System Capital Management. SCM Holdings Ltd., November 1, 2012. http://www.scmholding.com/en/about-us/scm-
62. Kravchenko, Stepan and Henry Meyer. Ukraines Top Oligarch Walks a Fine Line, Bloomberg Businessweek, July
10, 2014. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-07-10/in-ukraine-separatist-war-rinat-akhmetov-walks-ne-line.
63. TPS Aviation. Production Programs Supported with Parts & Components, http://www.tpsaviation.com/pages/
64. Hossein-Zadeh, Ismael. A World War Between Classes, Not Countries, Information Clearinghouse, 2014. http://
65. VOA News. Russia Lashes Out at Latest Western Sanctions, Voice of America, July 30, 2014. http://
66. Ibid.
67. The College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln offers a Drone
Journalism Lab which explores how drones could be used for reporting. See Drone Journalism Lab. About the
Lab, http://www.dronejournalismlab.org/about.
[ ] 35
68. See Bracken, Paul. The Second Nuclear Age, Strategy, Danger, and the New Power Politics. Times Books, 2012.
Bracken says there is no threat of a nuclear war between Russia and the U.S., which is exactly why I think it is
pertinent for the media to highlight the threats that do exist while they are in the forefront of current affairs. Without the
threat of nuclear war there is less of an incentive for the nuclear opposition to speak out and inuence policy, but if the
media highlights the other nuclear threats that do exist than more people should come forward to confront the
problems associated with these threats, without having to deal with the emotional anxieties attached to nuclear war,
which is a good thing. Bracken breathes hope into an otherwise dismal and dark subject, although he is perhaps a bit
too nonchalant on the subject for me. In my opinion some urgency should be noted before another Fukushima,
Chernobyl, or Hiroshima-size disaster occurs.
69. Sharp, Gene. How Nonviolent Struggle Works, The Albert Einstein Institution, 2013. http://www.aeinstein.org/wp-
70. Ibid.
71. Ibid.
WWII-era propaganda posters at the National Nuclear Museum in Albuquerque. Photos by Emma Leiby.
[ ] 36
By Rick Albright
Every one of us
has a cosmos
of their own
inside their self
where thoughts
are charted as
neurons re and
axons myelinate
so we can become
who we are.
The universe can
not contain us
-because -
we wish to be
whatever we wish to feel
whatever we wish to see
is possible using
[ ] 37
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Visit the Zazzle product pages throughout this issue to shop for the coolest
items around, or purchase a digital copy of this mag, buy one of the books
listed within, visit the Distracted Masses website and click on ads, donate, or
submit an inquiry about how to place an ad in the next issue.
Your support will provide the incentive for those at Distracted Masses to keep
investigating the most important issues of the day.
According to several news
reports, on December 29, 2011 a U.S.
Embassy sta# member and 3 U.S.
Mari nes pi cked up a group of
prostitutes. One of the prostitutes was
Romilda Aparecida Ferreira. According
to statements released by her lawyer,
Ferreira was pushed out of a moving
vehicle by one of the Marines and run
over after some type of argument
ensued inside the vehicle. Ferreira
su#ered from a broken collarbone, two
broken ribs, and a punctured lung from
the incident. In publicly released
statements former U.S. Defense
Secretary Leon Panetta admitted the
guilt of these men.
The following article is about a
Freedom of Information Act request
put in to nd out the name(s) of the
Marine(s) responsible for Ferreiras
su#ering, the punishment for their
crimes, and where those men are now
and the positions and rank they hold if
they are still in the military. In addition,
a request was put in to nd all the
names and ranks of Marines and
Sailors and the punishment they
received for committing sex crimes, to
include pandering to a prostitute,
under the Uniform Code of Military
Justice (UCMJ).
According to the Associated
Press, the Obama administration has
done little to improve its record of
releasing information to the public
under the Freedom of Information Act.
In a report released mid-March the AP
noted the government cited national
security to withhold information a
record 8,496 times - a 57 percent
increase over a year earlier and more
than double Obamas rst year.
T h e r e p o r t s a y s t h e
information returned to requestors is
being censored more than ever before,
and that important information is not
being provided fast enough for its
analysis and distribution to be relevant
to events making headlines. In other
words, the i nformati on i s bei ng
withheld until the public conscious is
focused somewhere else. As an
independent student researcher ling
an FOIA request, I too found it
frustrating to have to wait as long I did
to hear a response. By the time I did
get an email back it was too late, as
the paper I needed the information for
had already been handed in and
graded, and the semester had come to
a close.
The response I nally did
receive was dated Jan. 16, 2014,
some 48 days after my initial FOIA
request. The response came via email
from an FOIA analyst who, instead of
pr ovi di ng any answer s t o my
questions, asked me a few questions
of her own. She wrote, Specically, is
there an Arti cl e 134 vi ol ati ons
(specic) you are looking for? There
are 53 diferent Article 134 violations.
Are you referring specically to Article
134 (Pandering and Prostitution)?
At the time I was in the middle
of a move and wasnt able to read my
emails regularly. Although I was
looking at my inbox a couple times a
week, I somehow missed this email,
so the analyst assumed I was just not
When I was able to nally nd
my missed emails I noticed another
one from the same FOIA analyst, this
one dated Jan. 23, 2014. In the email it
stated my request would not be
processed properly until clarication
is made regarding the type of
violations I was interested in receiving
information about. I thought I had
made this clear in my original request,
as I had asked for records of all U.S.
Marines who have been convicted of
Article 134 and 120 under the UCMJ
from 2007 to the present.
Until I receive a response,
the analyst wrote in her email, your
request will be on hold. If, after
January 31, 2014, I have not heard
back from you I will close your
At this point I only had eight
days to respond before my case would
be closed even though the analyst had
taken over a month and a half to
respond to my initial request. Of
course I still hadnt found these buried
emails because of the move, and by
the time I could get to them I didnt
think it mattered much anyway since
my paper was already handed in and
al so publ i shed on my websi te,
www.balancingjustice.com. But Im a
persistent person and thought why not
pursue my request? Since I had
published the paper online, at the very
least I could update what I had there.
So when I was nally able to
answer the analysts questions via a
Feb. 16 email I was determined, yet I
st i l l had expect at i ons of more
disappointment. On Feb. 18, 2014 my
expectations were conrmed when I
received a response saying, Case
2014F000163 was closed. You will
need to submit your new request using
the "FOIA On-Line" tool. Once you
have gotten to the website - just follow
the instructions to load your request
into the system. Thank you and have a
good day.
After resubmitting a new request in
which I tried to be as specic as
possible so as not to avoid the same
run-around procedure as earlier, some
of the information I wanted was nally
sent to me. Although the information
came through in a bit more timely
fashion than before, I still did not get
By A.K.
[ ] 39
everything I asked for. I received the following email response to my
new FOIA request on March 4, 2014:
Please nd the attached documents pertaining to your FOIA
request 2014-003131. If you have any questions or concerns please
let me know.
Attached to the email were two spreadsheets of names, ranks,
pleas, ndings, convictions, and sentencing of sailors and Marines
stationed at U.S. military installations across the globe. I had requested
the information for years 2007 to the present, but did not receive
information from 2007 or 2009. Most of the names were duplicated
throughout the two spreadsheets, making it dimcult to quantify the
number of people charged with sexual misconduct.
Interestingly, there was a signicant increase in the number of
Marines and sailors receiving a court martial for sexual misconduct
involving articles 134 or 120 between the years 2008 and 2010. For
2008 one spreadsheet indicated nine Marines received a court martial,
but only ve names were listed, while the other spreadsheet listed six
diferent names for the same year, none of them the same as those on
the rst. No data was given for 2009 on either spreadsheet. And then
for 2010 some 220 Marines are listed on one spreadsheet as receiving
a court martial for ofenses involving articles 134 or 120. On the other
spreadsheet 85 names are listed. For 2011 277 Marines are listed in
one spreadsheet and 89 in the other. In 2012 there were 212, and in
2013 there were 267 Marines charged with sexual misconduct
involving articles 134 or 120 on just the rst spreadsheet.
Of particular interest is the fact that I never received the rst
names of the listed Marines, and in one case a note was left that reads
hide details for Galyon, JLGaly. This Marines plea for an article 134
charge was Not Guilty, nding Withdrawn. Strange indeed.
Hopefully one day our government will stop hiding the details all
together. Until then well just have to keep digging for the truth
FOIA Runaround Continued . . .
Praying Mantizoid
Reusable Water Bottle
[ ] 40
Medical doctor Marc Siegel tells
us in his book False Alarm, The Truth
About the Epidemic of Fear that people
can fall ill and social problems escalate
when the media present news events in
a way which generate fear and anxiety.
He says it is important to remember that
there will always be terrible things
happening all over the world, and that
when the media report on these things
the audience needs to be aware that
there is likely no reason to immediately
start worrying about them. Siegel
explains that this constant worrying can
have very damaging consequences for
individuals and society at large. I agree
with Siegel completely, and think he
provides plenty of evidence in his book
to show why this is true, but what he fails
to also explain is how a lack of reporting
on these terrible things can also be just
as a damaging, and even more so in
cases where reporting can help aid in
protection or prevention against those
terrible things. Nor does he mention that
when there is such a failure of reporting,
or when there is an abundance of
misreporting and contradictory reports,
that mass fear-based reaction, as well as
non-action, can also occur. In the case of
the medias reporting on the nuclear
meltdown at Fukushima Daichi we have
seen a mix of all these types of reporting,
or lack thereof, which has utterly
confused the public as how to best react
to such an event.
The Fukushima Daichi nuclear
plant triple meltdown, which occurred
after a 9.0 earthquake and massive
tsunami hit the Honshu coast and
knocked out power at the plant March
11, 2011, has unleashed a torrent of
media activity which continues to debate
the severity of the accident to this day.
On one end of the debate there are
reports of increased thyroidism as far
away as the west coast of the United
States, lesions in polar bears in Alaska,
predictions of dramatic increases in
cancer rates worldwide, bans of sh
imports from Japan in South Korea and
el sewhere, i ncreased deat h and
destruction of sea life, and suicides,
tumors, and lawsuits - all stemming from
the Fukushima nuclear disaster. On the
other end of the reporting the media are
telling us the government and so-called
experts say the consequences from the
Fukushima drift and fallout are nothing to
worry about. They say all the radiation
and heavy metals from Fukushima found
in kelp, tuna, milk, and other sources of
nutrients for humans and animals is so
minimal that it will have no efect on our
health or environment. They say the
l evel s are t oo l ow t o make any
diference, and we should just keep on
eating that tuna and probably forget the
whole mess that is still going on over
there all together, so we can focus on
more important issues, like ghting a war
in Syria or talking about some celebritys
So what should the public do
when there are such contradictory
reports, particularly when both sides of
the reporting are citing nuclear experts,
scientists, and eye witnesses who all
sound like they know what they are
talking about? What I did was study,
study, study. I read as many of the media
reports I could nd about the situation. I
studied EPA reports, left-wing and
alternative online media, conservative
news media, foreign media, bloggers,
FDA reports, TEPCO press releases,
books and articles about other nuclear
disasters, tests, industrial accidents, and
leaks such as those at Chernobyl, Three
Mile Island, Diablo Canyon, WIPP, the
Trinity Test site, and the Nevada and
Pacic nuclear testing grounds. I looked
over military documents, read books
about the medias handling of these
events, and looked around in my own
environment and compared my past
experiences with what was going in
Japan. I analyzed all this and came to
the conclusion that . . . were not being
tol d the whol e truth about what
happened at the Fukushima Daichi
nuclear plant. What were dealing with, I
believe, is an Agent Orange style cover-
up, but on a much, much larger scale.
RADIOACTIVE PLANET: Fukushima Media Fallout
By Scott Albright
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The following article explains
just a few of the reasons I believe this
is so, and why I think the world over
needs to begin converting the entire
nuclear industry, including energy and
defense, into humanitarian, medical,
and sustainable energy industries
operated and managed by qualied
civilian oversight organizations and
corporate, government, and NGO
part nershi ps t hat have enough
experience in industry conversion to
start engineering the shift immediately.
Envi r onment al i st s, sci ent i st s,
academics, and activists have been
saying to shut down the nuclear
industry for decades already because
of thei r own research i nto the
destruction of life caused by nuclear
weapons use and testing, industrial
accidents, and the general waste the
industry creates. The thousands of
protestors who showed up in New
York to demand an end to dirty energy
and corporate waste prior to the U.N.
environment summit proves there is
huge support i n the U. S. , and
wo r l d wi d e , t o s t o p f u r t h e r
contamination of the earth by big
industry, including those industries
proting from nuclear energy and
defense. In my opinion, Fukushima put
the last nail in the comn, but the
nuclear industry is still proting and
expanding in to all kinds of new realms
and activities even as I write this. So
let me explain why I think we continue
to be misled about the real dangers of
the nuclear industry and why we
should all be paying more attention.
On Dec. 19, 24, 25, and 27,
2013 TEPCO workers reported seeing
steam rising from Unit 3 at the
Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant. A Jan.
1, 2014 RT article reported that
TEPCO was not explaining why the
steam was occurring, and that, Unlike
the other ve reactors, reactor 3 ran
on mi xed core contai ni ng both
uranium fuel and mixed uranium and
plutonium oxide, or MOX nuclear fuel.
The Reactor 3 fuel storage pond still
houses an estimated 89 tons of the
plutonium-based MOX nuclear fuel
composed of 514 f uel rods.
Immediately following the reports of
the steam an online press release was
issued by a so-called Turner Radio
Network, which said the west coast of
the United States should immediately
prepare for emergency measures
should the reactor blow and go into
total meltdown. Soon after, the press
release was debunked and the Turner
Radio Network owner labeled as a
racist by tons of online news writers
who said there was nothing too
unusual about the steam and that the
Turner Radi o Network was j ust
sensationalizing the event to attract
viewers to its site, to increase fear, or
for some other personal interest. By
that time TEPCO had put out its own
report detailing where the steam was
coming from, explaining that it was
most l i kel y due t o r ai n wat er
evaporating near the hot shield plug of
the primary containment vessel.
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Spacetime Alien Clock
Only $24.95
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Drone journalism is a scary thought to some. The right
to privacy is the rst thing most people worry about when
it comes to news reporters operating remote aircraft, but
do the drawbacks of drone journalism outweigh the
benets? That question was asked on the Drone
Journalism Lab website when discussing the
airspace closure and restrictions placed
on journalists in Ferguson, Missouri
whe r e pr ot e s t or s ha v e be e n
demanding the arrest of police omcer
Darren Wilson who gunned down 18-
year-old Mike Brown in early
August. The author of the
website article writes:
Do rules restricting the
airspace in the interests of pilot
safety apply if theres no pilot to
keep safe? Speci cal l y i n
Ferguson, if gunre closed the
airspace, can a news organization choose to risk their
drone getting shot by someone on the ground?
And, how much does the publics right to know weigh
in here? What are the ethics here? Is there an argument for
a journalist to violate the TFR to report on a news event
that is being blocked from the public view?
Of Course There Is. Who doesnt think otherwise? It
would be silly to think diferently, but drone journalism
probably wont be accepted so easily anytime soon, even
if the drones are quieter than the news helicopters already
in use. My guess is though that drones will be used more
and more as time goes on, and not just by mainstream
media outlets, but by citizen journalists, hobbyists,
emergency workers, and many many others. I believe we
should embrace the movement, but that it should be well
regulated with signicant oversight procedures in place to
prevent misuse of these technologies. When information
access is denied, what other options do journalist have?
Crawling Ant Productions
Distracted Magazine is an experimental publication
created by Crawling Ant Productions, a web design,
presentation, and research business solution for
individuals and small organizations. To learn more
about products and services provided by
Cr awl i ng Ant Pr oduct i ons v i s i t
sometime in the near future. The
Crawling Ant Productions website is
currently under construction but
s h o u l d b e u p a t s o me
ambiguous later date. Thanks
for your support!
Donations are now being taken
at the Di stracted Masses
website. All donations help to
support future production of this magazine and research in
the social sciences and creative arts. Donations of $20 or
more will get you the next print issue of Distracted
Masses. Just leave your shipping address during the
donation process. Ask about other goodies and
merchandise available through donation at the Distracted
Masses website contact page. Your contributions help
independent media to thrive, while also giving artists,
writers, and reporters a chance to express a unique
perspective on the discoveries and creations of our time.
Visit www.distractedmasses.weebly.com to learn more.
About Distracted Masses
Distracted Masses is the creation of Scott Albright,
an independent researcher and freelance journalist living in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. Scotts goal is to create a fun,
unique, and academic magazine for audiences of all ages
and walks of life. Future issues are dependent on the time
and resources available to contributors, so if you like what
you see make a donation or contribute to the cause.
Drone Journalism & Free Speech
Stressed Magazine wants to hear your story.
Send poems, articles, insight, letters to the
editor, videos, photos, and anything else you
want to share with the world at http://
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Crawling Ant Productions @ 2014
Randy Rambo
James Houston
Rick Albright
Crawling Ant Productions
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Is drone journalism the future of news media?
Image by By Jrg Vollmer (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via
Wikimedia Commons
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