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C I R E D 21

International Conference on Electricity Distribution Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011

Paper 0976

Paper No 0976 1/4

Guopei Wu Jianping Gong Yuquan Liu
Guangzhou Power Supply Co., China Guangzhou Power Supply Co., China Guangzhou Power Supply Co., China
South China University of Technology South China University of

The experience on construction and operation of current
Distribution Automation (DA) is summarised in this
paper. A pilot project of DA based on Geographic
Information System (GIS) is conducted and some effective
measures for improving the system are discussed
considering the problems in practice. Due to the large
quantity of distribution devices and frequent changes, a
system interface to achieve graphics models integration
could be utilized to solve the data maintenance problem
for DA and ensure its applicability. An integrated data
maintenance procedure for GIS and DA is proposed to
increase the data accuracy and timeliness. Research on
the operation and maintenance technologies, functional
improvement, as well as advanced application software
development for DA system (DAS) are conducted, and a
customizable DAS is built to satisfy different needs of
distribution application. The results are successfully
applied to a large city distribution networks, which
illuminates its high theoretical and practical engineering
The operating status and load distribution of distribution
networks could be known in a DAS by monitoring the
remote devices and analyzing the system information
available. Therefore, it is possible to discover, forecast,
diagnose, isolate, and handle the system faults,
contingencies timely, and then quick restoration and
large- blackout prevention is achieved. This greatly
increases the security and reliability of the distribution
networks. DA, as a very important part of smart grid, is
worth researching [1-6].
The supply security and reliability for most power users is
the core issue for a regional supply corporation. With
DAS constructed, it is beneficial for increasing the level
of distribution management and power supply reliability.
On the other hands, real-time system monitoring is
available with developed DA technologies, and then it is
possible to decrease the duration and affected areas for
network faults, as well as to increase the supply reliability.
The deeper DA is studied the higher level it could bring
the management, maintenance and overhaul for
distribution systems to [7-9].
According to China Southern Grid (CSG)s requirements,
Guangzhou Power Supply Co. (GPSC) has started the
construction of DA since July 2007. After 3-year
operation, the DA system has been developed to a certain
scale. The host station was completed at the end of 2008.
DA terminal devices are installed from November 2008.
By now, 2475 switch board rooms and 14820 circuit
breakers have been enhanced with automation
functionality. The currents of 7745 distribution
transforms are monitored. Remote metering, remote
signaling and even remote controlling could be
implemented in different areas via optic-fiber or carrier
communication or public communication nets.
According to the plan, the construction of GPSC DA
would fully complete in 2013, and a coverage of 100%
over Guangzhou with DAS classified as Type A, B and C.
At that time, there would be 10184 remote control items,
332.7 thousands of telemetries and 221.8 thousands of
remote signals.
2.1 Overall idea
It is necessary to consider the compatibility, openness,
security, advancement and practicality in the construction
of DA, so as to avoid large-scale reconstruction or even
starting all over. The cost of DA operation could be fully
evaluated to increase the cost-effectiveness.
Reconstruction on host system and remote terminals
could be the focus of the construction of DA. With
economical and convenient communication to obtain data
from distribution measurement system, load controlling
system and dispatching system, real-time status of the
whole distribution networks could be obtained in DAS.
At the same time, all operation management systems
could be creatively integrated into DA and GIS could also
be introduced.
Uniformed platform decentralized structure could be
adopted in DAS. A host station is setup where all remote
terminal data are gathered. Relevant information is
collected from metrology automation, load control,
EMS/SCADA, and then exchanged, processed and
analyzed to provide dynamic data service for other
systems. Different district power supply bureaus could
access the host system by optical fiber to acquire data
needed for daily monitoring and operating tasks.
Automation and information system are upgraded with
IEC61970, IEC61968 standards applied to all system
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International Conference on Electricity Distribution Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011

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2.2 Architecture of DAS in GPSC
The architecture of DAS in GPSC is based on an
integrated platform with 2 layers. Some systems, such as
GIS, dispatching automation, client calling service,
demand-side management, metrology automation and
production control, as well as the quasi-real-time database,
have already been set up in GPSC. On the basis of DA
host station system as well as the quasi-real-time data
platform, an unified distribution network data acquisition
and production management platform, which conforming
with IEC61968 and IEC61970 standards, is built for
information sharing among different related automation or
management systems with safety protective measures
being taken in data exchange. At the same time, different
system may focus on its own application and management.
Therefore, coordination among these systems and unified
maintenance are necessary. The relationship of DAS and
other automation systems are shown in Fig 1.
Host Station of DAS
Safety Zone I
Management Information Zone
Automation System
Outage Management
System (OMS)
Management System
MIS System
Client Service System
Superior Dispatching
Load Controlling
Marketing System
Information Centre
Public Data
Private Data
Security Encryption Measures
Dispatching Data
Vertical Encryption
and Certificate Device
Forward Safety Separator Reverse Safety Separator
Safety Zone Safety Zone
Production Controlling Zone
Enterprise Network or Internet

Fig. 1 Relation of DAS and other automation systems
With centralized data acquisition, higher requirements are
necessary for the host station. The DAS in GPSC is one
of the largest in China with large number of distribution
switchgears. The scale of the distribution networks in
GPSC is enlarging, so does the monitoring scope of DAS,
which requires the DAS could be expanded sustainably in
long-term and with the ability to access large amounts of
distribution network terminal. The acquired real-time data
in the host station system would be up to more than
700,000, which leads to higher stability and data
processing requirements for the DA host station system
2.3 Main problems in DA construction and
(1) Data maintenance for DAS
There are many devices in an extra-large distribution
networks. Therefore, new or upgraded devices are
frequently introduced into the DAS, which leads to a
burden in data maintenance for DAS. How to guarantee
the construction and maintenance of DAS to adapt to the
rapid development and changes in distribution networks
might be the biggest problems encountered.
The upgrade of the power distribution networks could be
very frequent, and the procedure to introduce automation
terminals in a project, for example, construction of a new
substation, into DAS is very complicated. It may include
the check and adjustment for the access scheme, network
graphics drawing in host station, and data import and
maintenance in DAS. In addition, the time limit for a
project is often very urgent and many departments and
scheme modification may be involved in the project. So,
it is really a challenge to access the automation terminals
in DAS. How to finish the access of DA devices quickly
and ensure the accuracy of images and data is a key issue
in construction and operation of DA.
(2) Advanced applications
The parameters of every power devices and their
topologic relation are also available in DAS, which makes
the real-time monitoring of the operating states of power
distribution equipment possible. How to, on the basis of
the existing SCADA of distribution networks, fully
develop the advanced applications of DAS to satisfy the
requirements in distribution operation and management is
a very important work in the further development of DAS.
3.1 Integrated data maintenance technologies for
In order to reduce the workload in system maintenance
and to keep the consistency, some principles for system
maintenance are established in GPSC, for instance, at the
beginning of design for the DA host system, the principle
with a single interface for image and data maintenance, i.e.
the shared data could be only modified in one automation
system, is determined. All the information is integrated
based on IEC61970, IEC61968 CIM standards and SVG
graphic criterion, which assures the consistency,
timeliness and accuracy for the data of distribution
networks. Then, data share in different automation
systems is possible.
All the images of network model come from the GIS
system and dispatching automation system. Based on
CIM/XML and SVG criterion requirement, the export of
images and models could be done in DAS. Quasi-real-
time data platform is used as the center of images, models
and data, and all relevant data could be connected to
eliminate information islands. According to the
requirements for equipment models in DA, the models of
equipment at or under 10kV, which would be integrated
with the models of GIS as the whole distribution network
model, is split from the main power grid models on the
quasi-real-time data platform, and some relevant norms
are design to eliminate the naming inconsistency of the
equipment on the border between main grid and
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International Conference on Electricity Distribution Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011

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distribution networks. Based on SVG standard, single line
diagrams (SLD) exported from GIS, together with the
models of main grid from EMS, are merged on the quasi-
real-time data platform. So, images and models could be
shared among different automation systems. Besides, an
incremental refreshing mechanism is designed for
upgrading and keeping data consistency.
3.2 Data maintenance procedures of DAS
(1) Data quality control of DA
In the construction of DA and its integrated data
maintenances, it is necessary to ensure the data accuracy.
DA brings higher requirements for the accuracy of all
automation systems, particularly the nomination,
affiliation and topology relation of devices in GIS. Due to
some difference between GIS and DA in models, image
and application, some new requirements might be
proposed to solve the data quality problem as the GIS is
the source of images and models for distribution devices.
By establishing GIS input criterion, GPSC developed
some checking routines for topology relationship, device
nomination to ensure data accuracy. When some errors
exist in device name and its affiliation, GIS is not allowed
to publish image and model. The service would be
restored after deleting old devices or modifying related
device properties.
(2) Timeliness control of data maintenance
It is necessary to ensure the timeliness in data
communication when integrated data maintenance method
is adapted for different systems. Both technical and
management measures could be taken to ensure to
transmit the graphics and models of data in time.
In the construction or device upgrading of distribution
network, in order to ensure that the DA could obtain the
relevant information before field test, it is regulated that
GIS should publish images and models during the joint
trail procedure instead of installation completed.
Accordingly, a debug state of SVG images is added for
publishing images and models for field test, and after
installation, updating SVG images are provided to ensure
the timeliness and the accuracy of distribution data. A
real-time incremental transmitting mechanism is also
adapted for publishing models, thus the timeliness of
splitting, integrating and importing of the models is
3.3 Data maintenance for DAS in GPSC
The GIS, DA and quasi-real-time data platform have been
integrated and analyzed since April 2009 in GPSC. With
some test on GIS, the data quality problem, such as
unreasonable syntax and inconsistency in type description,
as well as the image problem, such as system pixel
staggering and character overlap, are solved. Then some
data exchange specifications are established.
By enacting criterion for data exchange between GIS and
DA, data input criterion and digital communication
procedures of GIS are specified, which, with CIM/XML
standard and SVG image solutions, makes the integrated
data maintenance for DA system be possible. By now, the
DA has imported over 3000 SLD from GIS over 11
districts in Guangzhou.
4.1 Customizable vital power supply system
To satisfy the high reliability requirement of some
particular power users in certain scenario, it is needed to
provide higher quality monitoring for distribution devices.
Thus, new requirements arise. Using integrated device
model and topology, as well as the operating and device
information from EMS, DMS, GIS, and field automation
grid, main distribution topology is joined together to form
a unified grid data platform. On this platform, new
functions are developed to achieve source track and risk
evaluation over the networks. For particular needs, data
quality could be improved by optimizing the display and
DA functions according to the requirements. Customers
could select their interested content and functions to
customize the DA system.
Some high requirements for power supply are raised in
the 16
Asian Games. A monitoring system based on DA
system for the Games is built in GPSC. The network
modeling conforms to the IEC61970 CIM/CIS
international standard, so application interconnection is
available. CORBA intermediates are selected to
encapsulate operating system and hardware platform,
which provides good environment for distributed
operation and interface development. Combining with the
highly reliability of power supply for the Asian Games,
power assets in both transmission and distribution
networks are effectively integrated and some management
functions are enhanced, which provides power supply
with technically support during the Games.
The relative information and data from transmission and
distribution automation systems are merged in the Asian
Games monitoring system, which provides a global real-
time monitoring for power supply devices ranged from
500kV to 10kV, and even 380V. During the 16
Games, the risk level varied as the requirements for
reliable power supply in different scenario. This provided
operators of vital power supply with timely and correct
information to backtrack the power source with full
topology of distribution networks. The supply path could
also be displayed with the Asian Games gyms as centers,
which greatly help the operation manager to send out
dispatching commands.
4.2 Distributed energy access
Following the concept of low-carbon economy, the
demand of distributed energy access has been increasing
as well. According to the features and capacity of
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International Conference on Electricity Distribution Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011

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different distributed energy, a flexible way of accessing is
acquired. Both network and distributed energy
management departments need to monitor the network
states neighbor to the access point, though different
contents are focused. Therefore, the interior automation
systems of EMS, DMS should be joined and flexibly
tailored on a uniform data platform, according to their
own demands.
In order to enhance the level of access for DGs, it is
necessary to launch research on distribution load
forecasting and distributed generation access. Combining
with the requirements of network access of distributed
generation, customer energy storage, mobile energy
storage, real-time load connection and VAR/voltage
control could be achieved by strengthening the functions
of DAS.
4.3 Rapid restoration system
Rapid restoration technology is used to reduce the
duration of outage and improve the reliability of power
supply. A collaborative rapid restoration mechanism built
on the basis of uniform power grid model, asset models
and GIS could achieve rapid diagnosis, isolation and
Through a uniform topology model, the backtracking
route of power supply is built up from 380V to 500kV,
which could identify quickly the position of faults.
By programmatic dispatch, wide-area spare power
automatic switching, remote relay protection, smart black-
start auxiliary decision techniques, power supply could be
restored as soon as possible through quick operating-
mode switch and fault isolation. Network security
constraints after faults are also calculated automatically to
provide full auxiliary restoration decision functionality.
Based on the real-time data and topologic analysis, risk
and fault could be identified and some real-time
simulation could be done. With these results, some
measures for risk control could be established, and then
risk forecast and controlling decision are available.
In this paper, the current DA construction and operation
experience is summarized, and the idea of DA
construction basing on GIS is proposed. Combining the
real problems encountered during the practical
construction and operation, some effective solutions were
proposed as followed:
(1) According to the features of distribution devices,
which are large quantity, frequent change, system
interfaces for integrated image-model maintenance
and auto-incremental publishing are used to solve DA
data maintenance problem to ensure applicability.
(2) Integrated data maintenance procedures for GIS and
DAS are built to improve maintenance accuracy and
(3) Taking advantage of uniform network device model
and topology, a network data platform is built to
flexibly customize the automation system according to
deferent demands so as to implement the distributed
energy access and satisfied the requirements in power
supply insurance and rapid restoration system.
(4) The practice of Guangzhou DAS, Asian Games
monitoring system and the research of DG access in
this paper are successful and contain high theoretical
and engineering value.
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