TDS - Fischerscope EDXRF Productline
TDS - Fischerscope EDXRF Productline
TDS - Fischerscope EDXRF Productline
Coating Thickness
Material Analysis
Material Testing
Based on this principle, FISCHER has developed innovative measuring technology for coating thickness measurement, material analysis, micro-hardness
measurement and material testing since 1953. Today,
measuring technology from FISCHER is employed
around the world, where accuracy, precision and
quality is required.
The development of powerful X-ray fluorescence spectrometers began back in 1981, when this technology was still largely unknown in the manufacturing
industry. Very early, Fischer recognized the tremendous potential of this method for coating thickness
measurement and material analysis and started to
develop and manufacture industrial-strength measuring instruments.
The brand name FISCHERSCOPE X-RAY was born.
X-Ray Fluorescence
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (EDXRF) is a measuring method for coating
thickness measurement and material analysis. It is
often used for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the elemental composition of a material
sample and for measuring coatings and coating systems. In industrial environments, this process is now
established and can be utilized optimally using modern equipment.
The Principle
X-ray fluorescence analysis is based on the fact that
the atoms in a material sample are excited by the
primary X-radiation. This removes electrons close to
the core from the inner shells of the atom.
Because the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy is capable of analyzing materials and
measuring thin coatings and coating systems, there
are a variety of applications for this technology.
For example, in the electronics and semiconductor
industries very thin gold coatings must be determined
on contacts, printed circuits or bond wires. In the
watch and jewelry industry and in refineries precise
knowledge about the composition of alloys is
required. When inspecting photoactive layers in the
photovoltaic industry or in quality control and incoming goods inspections exact compliance with material
specifications is important. In the electroplating industry when measuring the coating of mass-produced
parts. Or for trace analysis according to RoHS, e.g.,
in everyday objects and toys. FISCHERSCOPE X-RAY
Spectrometers are optimally suited for these tasks.