Genetics of Dementia
Genetics of Dementia
Genetics of Dementia
Genetics of dementia
Debby W. Tsuang, MD, MSca,b,c,*,
Thomas D. Bird, MDb,c,d
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the amyloid b (Ab) peptide portion of the amyloid
precursor protein (APP) demonstrating mutation sites associated with familial Alzheimers
disease (positions 670-671 and 717) and hereditary cerebral hemorrhagic amyloidosis of the
Dutch type (positions 692 and 693). The three normally occurring sites for processing this
portion of the APP are also indicated by the a-, b-, and c-secretases. Note that cleavage by the
a-secretase interrupts the Ab peptide, whereas cleavage by only the b- and c-secretases allows
the Ab peptide to remain intact. (From Levy-Lahad E, Bird TD. Genetic factors in Alzheimers
disease. Ann Neurol 1996;40:82940; with permission.)
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of one possible form of the transmembrane proteins encoded
by the presenilin-1 (PS-1) gene on chromosome 14 and presenilin-2 (PS-2) gene on chromosome 1.
This diagram shows eight transmembrane domains, but other congurations remain possible.
Several known mutations are indicated, including PS-1 (lled circles) and PS-2 (open circles).
Not all mutations are shown. The arrow at the top left of the gure points to the Volga German
PS-2 N141I mutation, the rst PS-2 mutation discovered. The arrow at the bottom of the gure
points to a PS-1 mutation (an exon 9 deletion) that is often associated with early spasticity.
nus, which appear relatively early in the course of the disease [23,24]. One
mutation in the PS-1 gene (an exon 9 deletion) is often associated with early
spasticity (see arrow in Fig. 2) [25].
Presenilin 2/chromosome 1 gene
The third AD gene was discovered shortly after the discovery of the PS-1
gene. It was found in FAD kindreds with Volga German (VG) ancestry [26].
These families are ethnic Germans who migrated to Russia but remained
separated from the native Russian population. Many of these families subsequently immigrated to the United States, and eight of these families were
found to have FAD presumably on the basis of a genetic founder eect (ie,
a single common aected ancestor). The presenilin 2 (PS-2) gene was cloned
through its homology with the PS-1 gene [27]. It was also called STM-2
(seven-transmembrane domains), although the exact number of transmembrane domains remains unknown. PS-2 is predicted to encode a 448amino
acid protein that is 67% identical to PS-1 (see Fig. 2). The highest degree of
conservation is within the hydrophobic/transmembrane domains, suggesting
that these regions are important in the normal functioning of the protein.
Furthermore, the genomic similarity between PS-1 and PS-2 suggests that
they arose by duplication. To date, only four or ve mutations in PS-2 have
been discovered, making this the least common known genetic cause of AD
[20]. A single mutation (N141I) occurs in all the reported early-onset VG
pedigrees, which is consistent with the founder eect hypothesis. All PS-2
mutations are also missense mutations.
Clinical features associated with PS-2 mutations have been reported primarily in the VG families. The mean age of onset in these families is
54.9 8.5 years, and mean disease duration is 7.6 3.2 years. Within the
VG families, there is high variability in age of onset, ranging from 40 to
75 years [26]. Ths PS-2 mutation is highly penetrant (>95%). The dementia
in PS-2 AD is clinically and neuropathologically indistinguishable from that
of sporadic AD.
Apolipoprotein E
The APOE gene was initially identied as a genetic risk factor in AD by
genetic linkage analysis of late-onset FAD pedigrees [28]. Because APOE
was known to be present in amyloid plaques and neurobrillary tangles,
these observations made APOE a plausible candidate gene. A strong allelic
association between APOE e4 and AD was established in 1993 [29,30]
and was rapidly conrmed in autopsy-proven sporadic and familial lateonset AD cases. AD risk associated with APOE is dose dependent
[29,31]. The presence of the e4 allele seems to modify the age of onset of
AD [32]. Compared with the most common APOE genotype (e3/e3), odds
ratios range from 2.8 to 4.4 for AD subjects with one e4 allele compared
with normal controls; the odds ratio increases from 7.0 to 19.3 for subjects
with two e4 alleles [33,34]. These risk estimates are not as strongly observed
in blacks or Hispanics (reviewed by Farrer et al [33]), although Hispanics
with an e4 allele and blacks who are e4 homozygous remain at increased
risk for developing AD [35]. Studies suggest a dierent e4 allele eect in
men than in women. In men, only e4/e4 homozygotes have a younger age
of onset; whereas one e4 allele is sucient to reduce the age of onset in
women [36]. The APOE e4 risk seems to be more pronounced in women
[32]. This study reported that women with the e4/e4 genotype (approximately 1% of the general population) have a 40% risk of developing AD
by the age of 73 years. Not all studies support these ndings, however. In
addition, several studies suggest a reduced frequency of the APOE e2 allele
in AD patients [37,38].
Apolipoprotein E genetic testing in Alzheimers disease
APOE genotyping is not recommended in asymptomatic persons without
dementia, because the presence or absence of e4 is not highly predictive of
future AD. Individuals with an e4 allele may not develop AD, whereas those
without an e4 allele sometimes develop AD. Some have advocated APOE
testing as an adjunct in the diagnostic evaluation of demented persons
[39]. A community-based study suggests that such testing only adds a small
amount of certainty to diagnostic accuracy [40].
Fig. 3. The Huntingtons disease (HD) gene on chromosome 4. Genetic markers are indicated
at the top of the gure. D4S10 was the initial marker linked to HD. The bold lines indicate the
HD gene, which was called Interesting Transcript-15. This novel gene contains highly
polymorphic trinucleotide repeats, (CAG)n, at the 5 end of the HD gene. Individuals with
symptomatic HD have more than 36 CAG repeats at this locus. (Courtesy of Elisabeth
Almqvist, PhD, Stockholm, Sweden).
the observation that a disease becomes more severe and appears earlier with
each successive generation. As in other trinucleotide repeat disorders, this is
a result of the unstable expansion of the CAG trinucleotide repeats when the
disorder is passed from parent to ospring. In addition, paternal HD alleles
are more likely to undergo signicant expansion than maternal alleles,
resulting in the observation that those individuals with larger repeat sizes are
more likely to have aected fathers.
Frontotemporal dementia
Clinical features
Initially, Pick described a clinical syndrome with dementia, progressive
aphasia, and frontal cortical atrophy [72]. Neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions
(Pick bodies) were observed later in neuropathologic studies of some cases.
Because most patients with dementia and prominent frontal lobe dysfunction
do not have Pick bodies, confusion has reigned in the nosology of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Terminology has included Picks disease, Pick complex, non-AD dementia, disinhibition-dementia-parkinsonism-amyotrophy
complex, and frontal lobe degeneration with spinal motor degeneration.
In the 1970s, clinical and pathologic studies helped to solidify consensus
diagnostic criteria for FTD [7375]. Specically, the discovery of genetic
mutations in some FTD families with taupathies (eg, FTD, parkinsonismlinked to chromosome 17 [FTDP-17]) has resulted in new diagnostic categories (see below).
Typically, the clinical presentation of FTD includes personality or behavioral change (often disinhibition) with a relatively intact memory. Later in the
course of disease, there may be marked confusion, mutism, and parkinsonian
features. There are at least three subtypes of FTD, including progressive
11 years younger than in other dementia patients [77]. There are clearly a
few large families with multiple aected individuals in which FTD seems
to segregate in a highly penetrant and autosomal dominant fashion. The
success of gene identication (see below) in families with atypical dementia
not only conrmed the genetic basis of FTD but established it as a distinct
clinical and pathologic entity.
Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism-linked to chromosome 17
The rst systematic linkage study of FTD families mapped the causative
gene to chromosome 17 [81]. Subsequently, many other families with FTDlike features also showed linkage to the same region. Interestingly, several
other clinically distinct syndromes also mapped to 17q21-22, including parkinsonism [82] and schizophreniform features [83].
At the consensus meeting on chromosome 17-linked dementia in 1996,
these syndromes were classied as FTD and FTDP-17 [84]. Even though
many clinical dierences exist, pathologic similarities between the various
syndromes include tau protein aggregates in the absence of amyloid plaques.
Some of these aggregates have similar morphology to the neurobrillary
tangles (NFTs) seen in AD. Because tau is a major component of NFTs and
the tau gene is located in the critical region, it has been considered an important candidate gene for FTDP-17. After some failed attempts to identify
mutations in this gene, the rst tau mutation was identied in a family with
familial presenile dementia with psychosis [85] and was conrmed in additional studies [86,87]. This mutation (V337M) is located in exon 12 of the
tau gene (Fig. 4). Since then, more than 20 tau mutations have been identied in FTDP-17 families [88,89]. Other families not linked to chromosome
17 have been identied, however, and linkage to chromosome 3 has been
reported in one such family [90]. The causative gene in this family is yet
to be identied.
Tau gene
The modied product of the tau gene is a major component of NFTs seen
in AD. The tau gene is large, with 100,000 base pairs of DNA and 15 exons.
It also exhibits complex splicing (see Fig. 4). There are commonly six alternatively spliced isoforms of the tau gene involving exons 2, 3, and 10. All but
one of the currently identied mutations aect microtubule binding domains. Most of these mutations are missense, appearing in the coding regions as well as in the noncoding regions (introns). Some mutations are
believed to cause disease by producing functional changes that interfere with
the normal binding of microtubules, whereas other mutations appear to
change the ratio of tau isoforms in the brain (3 and 4 repeat tau). The discovery of tau mutations in families with FTDP-17 has conrmed the fact that
genetics plays a role in a subgroup of FTD cases. More work needs to be
done to determine the range of tau mutations in FTD and related disorders.
Fig. 4. The tau gene on chromosome 17 has a complex genomic structure with more than 15
exons spread over 100,000 base pairs of genomic DNA (top of gure). It undergoes complex
dierential splicing. Exons 2, 3, and 10 are alternatively spliced, making up six commonly
alternatively spliced isoforms of the tau gene. The large bold arrow points to the rst tau
mutation (V337M) associated with frontotemporal dementia, which was discovered in exon 12.
(Courtesy of Parvoneh Poorkaj, PhD, Seattle, WA).
Fig. 5. The human prion diseases include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, kuru, GerstmannStraussler-Scheinker disease, and fatal familial insomnia. The animal prion diseases include
scrapie, transmissible mink encephalopathy, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Because
these diseases all share the property of transmissibility and the characteristic pathologic nding
of spongiform changes, they are often collectively referred to as transmissible spongiform
ataxia, and myoclonus. The age of onset is in the 50s and 60s, with the disease duration ranging from 9 months to 4 years. The electroencephalogram
shows generalized slowing rather than periodic triphasic waves. Neuropathologic ndings include diuse spongiform degeneration in the cerebral
cortex and basal ganglia with relative sparing of the thalamus.
Alternatively, in families with the same D178N mutation but with
methionine at position 129, the phenotype is that of FFI. These patients
often present with insomnia and dysautonomia. They may later show signs
of ataxia, dysarthria, myoclonus, and pyramidal tract dysfunction. In the
later stages, patients exhibit complete insomnia, dementia, rigidity, dystonia, and mutism. The duration of illness is short (mean 13 months).
Neuropathologically, FFI is characterized by neuronal loss and astrocytic gliosis preferentially aecting the thalamus. At least 21 families with FFID178N mutations have been reported [106]. It is unclear why the codon
129 genotype dramatically inuences the phenotype associated with the
D178N mutation, but it presumably aects the three-dimensional structure
of PrP.
Another phenotype, the GSS syndrome, is caused by several dierent
mutations in the PRNP gene [107]. Clinical symptoms include early ataxia,
dementia, dysphagia, dysarthria, and hyporeexia. Patients with GSS are
more likely to exhibit ataxia than patients with CJD. Conversely, patients
with CJD are more likely to have dementia and myoclonus. Clinical symptoms often overlap, however, and do not always breed true within families.
As such, family members with the same PRNP mutation may have either
phenotype. GSS is always considered to be solely genetic and often has a
longer disease duration than CJD. Neuropathologically, GSS is distinct from
CJD in that GSS is characterized by the presence of large multicentric PrPcontaining amyloid plaques with variable spongiform changes.
The most common mutation associated with GSS is the P102L mutation.
More than 30 aected families in the Northern Hemisphere have been
described to date [108]. This was the rst mutation to be formally linked
to a human prion disease and is the causative mutation originally described
by Gerstmann, Straussler, and Scheinker [109].
The clinical and neuropathologic characteristics of these families are indistinguishable from those of sporadic CJD. Interestingly, when infected brain
tissue from CJD E200K patients was injected into primates, the disease was
transmitted in most trials, but transmission has not been demonstrated in
other families with dierent mutations [110]. This nding is similar to the
results observed in experiments using brain tissue from sporadic CJD cases.
Mitochondrial disorders
Mitochondrial disorders are clinically diverse and are dened by structural or functional abnormalities in the mitochondria or mitochondrial DNA
(mtDNA). Because mtDNA has a poorly developed repair system, mutations are rarely repaired. Although infrequent, an increasing number of
mtDNA mutations have been described in several neurologic disorders. The
characteristics of inherited mitochondrial disorders include maternal inheritance, heteroplasmy, mitotic segregation, and the threshold eect. Because
mtDNA is almost exclusively maternally inherited, all mtDNA mutations
are passed on by mothers. Because of the clinical heterogeneity associated
with mitochondrial disorders, analysis of large families is often necessary
to establish the pattern of maternal inheritance. Heteroplasmy refers to the
mixture of both mutant and wild-type molecules within mitochondria. In
normal cells, all mtDNA molecules are identical. As heteroplasmic cells
undergo cell division, the proportions of mutant and normal mtDNA allocated to daughter cells shift. As a result, some clinical symptoms may
improve as a child ages. Mitotic segregation explains the markedly dierent
levels of mutant mtDNA in members of the same family as well as among
dierent tissues in a single individual. The threshold eect is the observation
that a certain level of mutant mtDNA must be achieved before a cell
expresses a defect. Variability in onset and severity of clinical manifestations
results from a changing balance between the energy supply and oxidative
demands of dierent organ systems.
Mitochondrial disorders have been implicated in prevalent neurodegenerative disorders (eg, AD, PD) as well as in aging itself, but the evidence is
controversial. Aging is associated with an increase in mtDNA mutations.
These are not specically germline mutations but accumulating mutations
that may increase over time in any organ, including the brain. The precise
eects of these mutations are not known. These mutations are not genetically
transmitted to the next generation but may cause dysfunction of the organs in
which they occur. It has been hypothesized that several dierent mutations
may ultimately contribute to functional impairment. There is evidence that
mtDNA mutations may be involved in neurodegenerative conditions such
as AD. In AD, it is postulated that mtDNA mutations may lower the oxidative eciency of critical neuronal populations early in life [111]. An increase
in oxidative damage to mtDNA in AD brains has been reported. In addition,
younger AD patients (<75 years old) are more likely to have an increased
level of common mtDNA mutations than age-matched controls. Nevertheless, the data need to be conrmed. It remains unclear whether these observations are the consequences of the disease or whether they contribute to the
pathophysiology. Screening for mtDNA mutations is not recommended for
any neurodegenerative conditions until these frequency of these mutations
is better established [112].
Many neurodegenerative diseases are exceedingly complex disorders
(Fig. 6). In the past decade, we have made tremendous advances in our under-
Fig. 6. This diagram demonstrates the concept that the Alzheimers disease (AD) phenotype (as
well as the other neurodegenerative conditions) is phenotypically heterogeneous. On the left are
the four known genetic factors associated with AD. There are likely other early-onset as well
as late-onset genes yet to be discovered. On the right are four potential nongenetic causes of
AD that presently remain speculative. In summary, the bottom arrow shows that most cases of
AD in the general population may be the result of a complex interplay between environment,
genetic predisposition, and aging.
The authors thank Lillian DiGiacomo, BA, and Charisma Eugenio,
BS, for their editorial assistance and Molly Wamble, BA, for her technical
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