Homework 10: Day: Tuesday November 4, 2014 Time: 11:54:59pm
Homework 10: Day: Tuesday November 4, 2014 Time: 11:54:59pm
Homework 10: Day: Tuesday November 4, 2014 Time: 11:54:59pm
Homework 10
This assignment is due by:
Day: Tuesday November 4, 2014
Time: 11:54:59pm
Rules and Regulations
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct is taken very seriously in this class. Homework assignments are
collaborative. However, each of these assignments should be coded by you and only you. This
means you may not copy code from your peers, someone who has already taken this course, or
from the Internet. You may work with others who are enrolled in the course, but each student
should be turning in their own version of the assignment. Be very careful when supplying your
work to a classmate that promises just to look at it. If he/she turns it in as his own you will
both be charged.
We will be using automated code analysis and comparison tools to enforce these rules. If you
are caught you will receive a zero and will be reported to Dean of Students.
Submission Guidelines
1. You are responsible for turning in assignments on time. This includes allowing for unforeseen
circumstances. If you have an emergency let us know IN ADVANCE of the due time supplying
documentation (i.e. note from the dean, doctors note, etc). Extensions will only be granted to those
who contact us in advance of the deadline and no extensions will be made after the due date.
2. Make sure that you submit and demo your assignment by the last demo date of the class. We will not
demo anyone past that date, and all unfinished homework assignments will receive a score of zero.
General Rules
1. In addition any code you write (if any) must be clearly commented and the comments must be
meaningful. You should comment your code in terms of the algorithm you are implementing we all
know what the line of code does.
2. Although you may ask TAs for clarification, you are ultimately responsible for what you
3. Please read the assignment in its entirety before asking questions.
4. Please start assignments early, and ask for help early. Do not email us the night the assignment is due
with questions.
5. If you find any problems with the assignment it would be greatly appreciated if you reported them
to the author (which can be found at the top of the assignment). Announcements will be posted if
the assignment changes.
Submission Conventions
All files you submit for assignments in this course should have your name at the top of the file as a
comment for any source code file, and somewhere in the file, near the top, for other files unless
otherwise noted.
When preparing your submission you may either submit the files individually to T-Square or you may
submit an archive (zip or tar.gz only please) of the files (preferred). You can create an archive by
right clicking on files and selecting the appropriate compress option in on your system.
If you choose to submit an archive please don't zip up a folder with the files, only submit an
archive of the files we want. (See Deliverables).
Do not submit compiled files that is .class files for Java code and .o files for C code. Only
submit the files we ask for in the assignment.
Do not submit links to files. We will not grade assignments submitted this way as it is easy to
change the files after the submission period ends
1. Images You must use 3 distinct images in your game.
a. A title screen sized 240x160
b. A game over screen sized 240x160
c. A third image which will be used during game play. The width of this image
may not be 240 and the height of this image may not be 160.
d. All images (that is the image file that you have ran CS2110ImageTools.jar on,
the .png/.bmp/.jpg etc file) should be included in your submission as well.
2. You must also implement drawImage3 with DMA. The prototype and explanation is
explained later in the assignment
3. You will maintain mostly the same project structure as for your previous homeworks,
but will create a new myLib.h file that will contain the declarations for things defined
in myLib.c. You will then include this file where needed instead of copying the
declarations themselves into each file. Feel free, and it is good practice, to put related
code into their own .c/.h files. Remember that function and variable definitions should
not go in header files, just prototypes and extern variable declarations.
4. You should use Structs to display at least three different objects on the screen at once.
5. Button input should visibly and clearly affect the flow of the game.
6. You still need to have moving objects, etc.
7. You should implement some form of object collision, usually to help progress your
game. There are many ways you can make some sort of collision detection, feel free to
ask the TAs for help with it.
8. 2-Dimensional movement of at least one entity, be it a players avatar or an enemy.
9. Try to avoid tearing of the image implement a function that waits for vBlank, as was
demonstrated in lecture, to make the game run smoother. DMA will also help.
10. Use text to show progression in your game. Use the example files that were provided
for you during lecture, and you can look into it more in Tonc:
a. Check Tonc for more help on this: http://www.coranac.com/tonc/text/text.htm
b. You may also look at the lecture slides
11. Include a readme.txt file with your submission that briefly explains the game and the
12. Creativity and sophistication the more time you put into this, the better the grade.
As a requirement you must use at least 3 images in your game and you must draw them all
using drawImage3. We have provided a tool that will make this task easier for you
CS2110ImageTools.jar Jar available on T-Square
CS2110ImageTools.jar Jar available on T-Square > Resources / GBA
CS2110ImageTools.jar reads in, converts, and exports an image file into a format the gba
can read .c/.h files! It also supports resizing the images before they are exported.
You may run the program from the command line by changing directory to where you
downloaded CS2110ImageTools.jar, then telling Java to run the jar file, like this:
cd ~/Downloads
// Or whatever you downloaded it
java -jar CS2110ImageTools.jar
CS2110ImageTools.jar will give you a graphical interface to load image files and save their
converted .c/.h files.
The output of this program will be a .c file and a .h file. In your game you will #include the
header file. In the header file it contains an extern statement so any file that includes it will be
able to see the declarations given in the .c file CS2110ImageTools.jar exported.
Inside the exported .c file is an 1D array of colors which you can use to draw to the screen.
For instance take this 4x3 image courtesy of GIMP
When this file is exported here is what the array will look like
const unsigned short example[12] =
// first row red, green, blue, green
0x001f, 0x03e0, 0x7c00, 0x03e0,
// white, red, blue, red
0x7fff,0x001f, 0x7c00, 0x001f,
//white, blue, red, blue
0x7fff, 0x7c00, 0x001f, 0x7c00,
The number of entries in this 1D array is 12 which is 4 times 3. Each row from the image is
stored right after the other. So if you wanted to access coordinate (row = 1, col = 3) then you
should get the value at index 7 from this array which is red.
DMA / drawimage3
In your game you must use DMA to code drawImage3.
DMA stands for Direct Memory Access and may be used to make your rendering code run
much faster.
If you want to read up on DMA before Bill/Tom goes over this in class (Tuesday) you may
read these pages from tonc.
http://www.coranac.com/tonc/text/dma.htm (Up until 14.3.2).
If you want to wait then you can choose to implement drawImage3 without DMA and then
when you learn DMA rewrite it using DMA. However your final answer for drawImage3
must use DMA.
As for restrictions on DMA. You must not use DMA to do one pixel copies (Doing this
defeats the purpose of DMA and is slower than just using setPixel!).
Solutions that do this will recieve no credit for that function
The prototype and parameters for drawImage3 are as follows.
/* drawimage3
* A function that will draw an arbitrary sized image
* onto the screen (with DMA).
* @param r row to draw the image
* @param c column to draw the image
* @param width width of the image
* @param height height of the image
* @param image Pointer to the first element of the image.
void drawImage3(int r, int c, int width, int height, const
u16* image)
// @todo implement :)
Protip: if your implementation of this function does not use all of the parameters that are
passed in then YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Here is a hint for this function. You should know that DMA acts as a for loop, but it is done
in hardware. You should draw each row of the image and let DMA handle drawing a row of
the image.
Two things to note for now
1. Do not use floats or doubles in your code. Doing so will SLOW your code down GREATLY.
The ARM7 processor the GBA uses does not have a Floating Point Unit which means
floating point operations are SLOW and are done in software, not hardware. If you do need
such things then you should look into fixed point math (google search).
2. Do not do anything very intensive, you can only do so much before the GBA can't update
the screen fast enough. You will be fixing this problem in the next assignment.
I STRONGLY ADVISE that you go ABOVE AND BEYOND on this homework. PLEASE
do not just clutter your screen with squares that run around with no meaning in life
such submissions will lose points. Make some catchy animations, or cut scenes! These games
are always fun to show off after the class, you can even download emulators on your phone to
play them. Also, remember that your homework will be partially graded on its creative
properties and work ethic. You are much more likely to make your TAs very happy and to
have a better demo/grade if you go above and beyond what is required.
You may research the GBA Hardware on your own. You can read tonc (available at
http://www.coranac.com/tonc/text/), however you may not copy large swaths of code, only
use it as a reference.
The author assumes you are using his gba libraries, which you are not and may not.
If you want to add randomness to your game then look up the function rand in the man pages.
Type man 3 rand in a terminal.
C coding conventions:
1. Do not jam all of your code into one function (i.e. the main function)
2. Split your code into multiple files (have all of your game logic in your main file, library
functions in mylib.c with declarations in mylib.h, game specific functions in game.c)
3. Comment your code, comment what each function does. The better your code is the better
your grade!
Here the inputs from the GameBoy based on the keyboard for the default emulator vbam
(mednafen is different):
GameBoy | Keyboard
| Enter
Select | Backspace
| Z
| X
| A
| S
| Left Arrow
| Right Arrow
| Up Arrow
| Down Arrow
Holding the space bar will make the emulator run faster. This might be useful in testing, but
the player should never have to hold down space bar for the game to run properly and
furthermore there is no space bar on the actual GBA.
You can learn more about button inputs on this site:
Makefile (your modified version)
and any other files that you chose to implement
Or an archive containing ONLY these files and not a folder that contains these files. DO NOT
submit .o files as these are the compiled versions of your .c files, you can type make clean to
remove those files.
Note: make sure your code compiles with the command:
make vba
Make sure to double check that your program compiles, as you will receive a zero (0) if your
homework does not compile.
Good luck, and have fun!