Biofilms, Flagella

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Biofilms, flagella, and mechanosensing

of surfaces by bacteria
Robert Belas
Department of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Baltimore County and Institute of Marine and Environmental
Technology, 701 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA

Formation of a bacterial biofilm is a developmental

process that begins when a cell attaches to a surface,
but how does a bacterial cell know it is on or near a
surface in the first place? The phase of this swim-orstick switch is determined by a sensory transduction
mechanism referred to as surface sensing, which
involves the rotating bacterial flagellum. This review
explores six bacterial species as models of flagellar
mechanosensing of surfaces to understand the current
state of our knowledge and the challenges that lie ahead.
A common link between these bacteria is a requirement
for the proper function of the flagellar motor stators that
channel ions into the cell to drive flagellar rotation.
Conditions that affect ion flow act as a signal that,
ultimately, controls the master transcriptional regulatory circuits controlling the flagellar hierarchy and biofilm
Flagellar mechanosensors and the initiation of biofilm
Bacteria are able to live either as independent planktonic
cells or as members of organized surface-attached microbial communities called biofilms, which are composed of
microorganisms and the extracellular matrix-forming
polymers they produce [1]. Formation of a bacterial biofilm
is a developmental process that begins when a cell attaches
to a surface. Biofilms have major clinical relevance because
they provide protective environments against stresses,
immune responses, antibacterial agents, and antibiotics
[2]. Biofilm formation on man-made surfaces (for example,
heat exchangers or the hulls of ships) is the precursor to
colonization by larger macro-organisms that often leads to
decreased efficiency and performance, and increased removal cost [3]. Numerous studies have made it abundantly
clear that biofilm formation is regulated in response to
environmental conditions and cues that vary among different species. Yet, in contrast to our wealth of knowledge
of the events that occur after recognition of a surface
signal, we know relatively little about the mechanisms
used to sense surfaces, and how the surface signal flips the
swim-or-stick switch from a motile to a sessile lifestyle.
How does a bacterial cell know it is on or near a surface?
Corresponding author: Belas, R. (
Keywords: flagella; mechanosensing; MotAB; proton motive force; membrane
potential; FliL.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

It is generally agreed that motility and biofilm development are mutually exclusive events, and a transition from
motility to sessility occurs during the earliest steps in
biofilm development [1,4]. The phase of the switch is
determined by a sensory transduction mechanism termed
surface sensing that often involves the bacterial flagellum
[5]. Thus, flagella are not only required for propulsion but
also have a critical mechanosensory role in surface sensing
and the initial stages of surface adhesion that leads to the
formation of a biofilm [6]. Thus, a long-range goal of
research on biofilm formation is a thorough understanding
of the surface-sensing mechanism, which will allow the
discovery of drugs that inhibit the ensuing response and
thereby prevent biofilm formation.
The goal of this article is to review the state of our
knowledge on the role that flagella have as mechanosensors (see Glossary) of surfaces, and to highlight what we
Bis-(30 50 )-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (C-di-GMP): a secondary
messenger used by many bacteria to regulate biofilm formation. High levels of
c-di-GMP promote biofilms, whereas low levels of c-di-GMP promote motility.
Flagellin: protein subunit that comprises the flagellar filament.
Lateral flagella: flagella that are used for swarming, and that are distributed
around the surface of the cell in some bacteria that also possess polar flagella.
Lateral and polar flagella are encoded by different sets of genes.
Mechanosensor: an organelle, a biological complex, or individual protein that
detects and responds to physical forces exerted by the local environment and
transduces this signal to control the transcriptional machinery.
Membrane potential (DC): the potential (electrical charge) across a bacterial
membrane relative to the fluid outside of the concentration of potassium,
sodium, chloride, and other diffusible ions. DC is one component of proton
motive force. (The second is DpH.)
Polar flagella: flagella used for swimming, and localized to one or both ends of
a rod-shaped bacterium.
Proton motive force (PMF): energy that is generated by the transfer of protons
across a membrane that can be used for a variety of purposes, including
synthesizing ATP. It is composed of the difference in proton concentration
(DpH) and the electrical charge (DC) across a membrane.
Swarming: is a bacterial flagella-dependent motile behavior that allows cells to
move over surfaces in a coordinated manner and expand the population to
new locations. The process of swarming is distinct from swimming in that
swarming is a multicellular process that occurs on solid surfaces or in viscous
liquids, and requires differentiation of a vegetative swimmer cell into a
specialized cell type called a swarmer cell.
Swarmer cell differentiation: morphological change of some bacteria from a
planktonic or vegetative form that moves by swimming in liquid medium to a
form in which the cells move across solid surfaces. Swarmer cell differentiation
results in an increased number of flagella per cell and, in some bacteria, an
alteration in how the flagella are distributed around the cell surface, as well as
a significant elongation of the swarmer cells due to an inhibition of septation.
Two-component regulatory system: in its simplest form, composed of a
membrane-bound sensor histidine kinase protein that senses specific environmental stimuli and its cognate response regulator protein that mediates the
response, frequently through direct binding to DNA and subsequent differential expression of target gene transcription.

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know and do not know about the molecular mechanism (or

mechanisms) underlying this sensory transduction process. Further information and details of biofilm formation
can be found in several excellent reviews [79].
Structure, function, and regulation of bacterial flagella
Early studies using Escherichia coli found that half of the
transposon insertion mutants deficient in biofilm formation had defects in flagellar functions [10]. Thus, motility
itself, and not chemotaxis, is required to form a biofilm [11].
In the past several years, it has become recognized that
control of the swim-or-stick switch leading to biofilm formation involves the inhibition of flagellar synthesis and
rotation coupled with increased synthesis of the polymers
and structures that are required for long-term attachment
to a surface and biofilm formation: that is, pili, fimbriae,
holdfasts, capsules, and so on. Accordingly, the following
general review of flagellar structure and the regulation of
flagellar assembly is provided. Further detail may be found
in a recent review [8].
Bacteria swim by rotating of one or more rigid helical
flagella. Flagella are extremely effective organelles of locomotion that permit bacteria to achieve speeds exceeding
many cell body lengths per second [12]. Cells are propelled
forward when flagella turn counterclockwise, creating
thrust to propel the cell to run, while changes in course
are affected when one or more flagella turn clockwise to

produce a tumble. Swimming cells can perform chemotaxis by moving up or down chemical gradients, using an
elaborate signaling system that modulates the counterclockwise/clockwise bias of the motors [13].
The flagellum can be subdivided into three substructures that are assembled in a temporal sequence [14]
(Figure 1). The first component to be assembled is the
basal body, which anchors the flagellum to the cell membrane, provides the power for rotation, and secretes the
more distal components. The next component is the hook,
which is connected to the basal body and serves as a flexible
universal joint changing the angle of flagellar rotation. The
third structure is the helical filament, which is composed
primarily of the protein flagellin, one of the most abundant
proteins made by the cell. Hook and filament proteins are
secreted through the basal body, and a substrate specificity
switch ensures that hook proteins are secreted first and
flagellin proteins are secreted thereafter [14]. Synthesis of
the flagellum is an ordered process that is controlled by a
set of hierarchical regulatory checkpoints that ensure
proper synthesis and assembly of the flagellar components
(Box 1).
The rotor in the hook-basal body (HBB) consists of an
axial rod, the FliF (MS) ring (Figure 1), which is embedded
in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the C ring, which is
composed of FliG, FliM, and FliN [14]. Rotation of the HBB
structure is achieved via the motor force generators, MotA




L ring
P ring




Basal body




MS ring





C ring

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Figure 1. Flagellar structure. Simplified diagram showing the main components of the flagellum: the basal body, hook, and flagellar filament. The motor is composed of the
stator (MotA and MotB proteins) and the rotor (C ring, composed of FliG, FliM, and FliN). Ion (H+ or Na+) flow through the MotAB channel provides the power to rotate the
flagellum. On the left side of the diagram is a schematic of the Gram-negative structure, together with YcgR brake, whereas the right side depicts a Gram-positive envelope
and the EpsE clutch protein. Both YcgR and EpsE are functional inhibitors of motor rotation. Abbreviations: IM, inner (or cytoplasmic) membrane; OM, outer membrane; PG,

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Box 1. Regulation of flagellar genes in enteric bacteria
Enteric bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium, serve as useful examples of the hierarchical
control system regulating bacterial flagella. The flagellar regulon of E.
coli and Salmonella is organized into a transcriptional hierarchy that
is based on three promoter classes temporally regulated in response
to assembly [86]. The flagellar master operon flhDC is at the top of this
hierarchy and controls the fundamental decision of whether to
produce flagella. The flhDC operon is expressed from the sole class
1 promoter. The FlhDC proteins form a heteromultimeric complex
(FlhD4C2) that functions as a transcriptional activator to promote s70dependent transcription from the class 2 flagellar promoters [87]. The
class 2 promoters direct transcription of the genes that encode
components of the flagellar C-ring (also known as the motor switch),
export apparatus, basal body, and hook, and are needed for the
structure and assembly of the hook-basal body (HBB). They also
include the gene for the flagellum-specific sigma factor FliA (s28). On
HBB completion, class 3 promoters are transcribed by s28 RNA
polymerase [86], which is specific for flagellar class 3 promoters [88]
encoding later-assembled components, including flagellin. A s28specific anti-sigma factor, FlgM, provides feedback to s28 regarding
the state of flagellar assembly [14]. On HBB completion, FlgM is
secreted from the cell, presumably through the completed HBB
structure, and s28-dependent transcription ensues. In this way, genes
such as the flagellin filament genes, the products of which are needed
after HBB formation, are only transcribed when there is a functional
motor onto which they can be assembled [14].

and MotB, which are anchored around the basal body and
act as stators against the C-ring part of the rotor. MotB is a
membrane protein with a peptidoglycan binding domain,
whereas MotA interacts with FliG. MotA, MotB, and FliG
are specifically involved in torque generation. The MotAB
(or PomAB homolog) complex creates an ion channel (H+ or
Na+ ions), such that ion flow induces a conformational
change in MotA that interacts with the C-terminal domain
of FliG, resulting in torque generation [15]. Thus, rotation
of the flagellar filament is powered through the proton/
sodium motive force (PMF/SMF), and not ATP [12]. The
filament-generated torque powers the cell to swim through
liquid or flagellum-dependent swarming over solid surfaces [8]. Although slight increases in viscosity (by the
introduction of crowding polymers, e.g., Ficoll and dextran)
enhance swimming speed, high viscosity generally
impedes flagellar rotation and performance [16].
As one considers how flagella function to transduce
surface signals into a bacterial cell, FlhDC and other
master regulators of flagellar gene expression [8,14] stand
out as putative checkpoints in the swim-or-stick switch, as
do the major genetic regulators of biofilm formation, such
as RpoS, CsgD, and CpxR [17]. For example, rpoS plays a
key role during biofilm formation because it encodes the
stationary phase sigma factor (sS), which regulates a
number of stress-related genes, including CpxR and CsgD,
that exert strong negative regulation on flagellar class 3
genes [18], including ycgR of E. coli, which encodes a
protein that acts as a monkey wrench that interacts with
the rotor protein FliG to impair rotation [19]. Other proteins that may impair flagellum function in response to the
surface-sensing signal include the Bacillus subtilis homolog of YcgR, YpfA, and B. subtilis EpsE, which acts as a
clutch to decouple the motor stator [20], and CheY of
Rhodobacter sphaeroides, which binds to the motor, acting
as a brake [21]. Adding to the complexity, several of these

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functional regulators of the swim-or-stick switch, for example, YcgR, are controlled or influenced by the secondary
messenger bis-(30 50 )-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) [22]. High intracellular cyclic di-GMP
levels favor settlement, surface attachment, and biofilm
formation, whereas low levels correlate with motility and
planktonic behavior [23].
Making sense of the staggering array of controls on the
swim-or-stick switch requires a reductionist approach. As
such, I have chosen to focus on six models as examples of
flagellar mechanosensing: (in order) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, B. subtilis, Caulobacter crescentus,
Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Proteus mirabilis. It should
be emphasized that bacteria have evolved other mechanisms to sense surfaces that do not directly involve flagella:
for example, the Wsp control circuit of P. aeruginosa
[24,25]. These nonflagellar surface-sensing systems are
only briefly discussed here.
Model systems of flagellar mechanosensing: P.
P. aeruginosa, a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen, is
a biofilm-forming bacterium that uses a single polar flagellum to swim in liquids and swarm over surfaces [26].
Flagellar motility is required to form a biofilm, is controlled
at multiple levels, is regulated by c-di-GMP, and is recognized as a major step leading to lung infections in patients
with cystic fibrosis [27]. P. aeruginosa responds to growth
on agar surfaces by producing c-di-GMP, which stimulates
biofilm formation. C-di-GMP affects the activity of the
master regulator of flagellar gene expression, FleQ, which
inhibits the expression of the pel genes required for biofilm
exopolysaccharide synthesis. FleQ binds to c-di-GMP, and
elevated levels of c-di-GMP in vivo relieve the inhibition of
pel gene expression by FleQ [28]. Transcriptome and proteome measurements of cells in biofilms suggest that
expression of virulence genes is upregulated and swarming
cells are more pathogenic [29].
Viscosity-dependent regulation of flagellar reversal frequency plays a critical part in the swim-or-stick switch of P.
aeruginosa [30,31]. Evidence for this role comes from the
discovery of surface attachment defective (Sad) mutants
that are defective in biofilm formation and have increased
swarming motility [32]. In this category are mutants defective in SadC, a diguanylate cyclase that elevates c-diGMP levels [32]. Strains with defects in SadC show increased flagellar reversal rates in high-viscosity media,
similar to those encountered during either biofilm formation or swarming, but not when swimming in low viscosity
liquids: for example, nutrient broths [30,32]. SadC receives
an unknown environmental signal, perhaps contact with a
surface, and transmits this information to the cytoplasm by
modulating production of c-di-GMP, which affects flagellar
reversals via chemotaxis cluster IV (CheIV cluster) in a
viscosity-dependent fashion, which in turn influences the
production of the Pel biofilm exopolysaccharide [30,32].
BifA, a c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, counters SadC activity by decreasing c-di-GMP levels, suppressing swarming
motility, and decreasing flagellar reversals [33]. It is worth
noting that flagellar reversals are also important in bacterial swimming through semisolid agar: greater reversal

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Surface signal









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Figure 2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wsp surface-sensing system. WspA is

predicted to be a membrane-bound methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein that
detects an unknown signal when grown on a surface. WspB and WspD are CheWlike proteins, WspE is a CheA-like histidine kinase, WspC is a CheR-like
methyltransferase, and WspF is a CheB-like methylesterase. Detection of surface
growth by WspA results in phosphorylation of WspR, increased synthesis of c-diGMP, and triggers biofilm formation. Adapted from Huangyutitham, Guvener, and
Harwood [25].

frequency results in a higher rate of movement due to

changes in direction that prevent the bacteria from becoming trapped in the agar matrix [34]. Adding to the evidence
in favor of a flagellar mechanosensing circuit, cells harboring mutations in one of the flagellar stators, MotAB, retain
wild-type swimming motility yet have defects in biofilm
formation [35].
P. aeruginosa has at least one other surface-sensing
system, the Wsp regulatory circuit (Figure 2), which consists of proteins that are homologs of the chemotaxis
system, including a membrane-bound chemoreceptor
(methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein) homolog, WspA,
and a response regulator protein, WspR, which catalyzes
c-di-GMP synthesis when phosphorylated [36]. WspA
senses surfaces, perhaps by recognizing mechanical stress
associated with a surface or cellcell contact, although the
exact nature of the signal is unknown [24]. Unlike chemotaxis chemoreceptors that localize to the pole of a cell,
WspA forms patches in the cell, whereas WspR localizes as
cytoplasmic clusters, and this clustering is markedly enhanced when cells are grown on a surface [37]. This surface-induced increase in WspR clusters is not affected by
changes in agar concentration, viscosity, or defects that
affect flagella [24], arguing against involvement of a flagellar mechanosensor in Wsp signaling.
Model systems of flagellar mechanosensing: V. cholerae
Flagella and motility are required for biofilm formation by
V. cholerae, the causative agent of cholera [38,39]. Proper
motor rotation is critical in the initial step of biofilm
development [40]. It is thought that the attachment of
the cell body and flagellum to a surface stops the flagellar

motor, indicating that the bacterium senses the increased

drag on the motor caused by its interaction with the surface
[40]. This suggests that conditions that lead to inhibition of
flagellar motor function are critical to the bacteriums
response to a surface and its initiation of biofilm formation
[41]. A possible mechanism to explain how V. cholerae
senses the inhibition of flagellar rotation is that when
the flagellums rotation is stopped, the decreased ion flow
through the membrane-embedded motor is interrupted.
This results in an increase in membrane potential (DC)
and a hyperpolarized membrane that would be sensed by
putative ion flux sensors in the flagellar basal body or in
the membrane [42]. This hypothesis is supported by the
fact that experimental dissipation of DC blocks transition
from transient to permanent attachment [42,43].
Furthermore, the swim-or-stick switch of V. cholerae
decreases the expression of motility genes while increasing
the expression of genes involved in biofilm formation and
virulence [44]. Reducing motility by inhibiting flagella
rotation through disrupting the SMF using inhibitory
drugs, high media viscosity, or specific mutations results
in an increase in the expression of toxT, a gene encoding a
transcription regulator of the primary virulence factors
[45], suggesting a connection between flagellar motor function and the biofilm phenotype that may involve impairment of Na+ ion flow through the stators and a
disruption of SMF [46].
Model systems of flagellar mechanosensing: B. subtilis
B. subtilis, a Gram-positive, non-pathogenic, spore-forming bacterium, uses flagella to swim in liquid environments
and to swarm over surfaces. When cells come into contact
with a surface, transcription begins of genes that are
required for synthesis of a biofilm matrix. This matrix is
composed of multiple proteins and exopolysaccharides
(EPS), such as those synthesized by the products of the
eps operon [47], and g-poly-DL-glutamic acid (g-PGA),
synthesized by the pgs operon enzymes [48]. Matrix synthesis is controlled by a complex regulatory network that
includes three major transcriptional proteins: Spo0A, ComA, and DegU, the details of which may be found in Box 2
and in a recent review [7].
The B. subtilis flagellum serves a mechanosensory role
in biofilm formation [49]. First, deletion of motB results in
nonmotile cells that produce mucoid colonies due to
increases in pgsB expression and g-PGA synthesis, which
coincide with increases in transcription of aprE and protease activity, all of which are DegUP-dependent processes
[49,50]. Second, disrupting proton flow through the MotAB
stator, and therefore flagellar rotation, increases DegUP
activity [49]. Third, inhibition of flagellar rotation, either
by overexpressing EpsE or by binding flagella with antiHag (flagellin) antibody results in upregulation of degU
and an increase in exoprotease production. Fourth, a
degU32 hy mutation, known to increase DegUP levels
[51], results in highly mucoid colonies with elevated g-PGA
biosynthesis, whereas disruption of DegS in a DmotB
background reverted colonies to a wild-type phenotype.
Therefore, the DegS kinase is required for enhancement
of the DegUP-dependent processes in DmotB cells. The
signal that is detected by the cytoplasmic DegS kinase to

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Box 2. B. subtilis biofilm regulation
Control of Bacillus subtilis biofilm matrix gene expression is under
the control of a complex regulatory network that includes three
major transcriptional proteins: Spo0A, ComA, and DegU [7]. Signals
relayed through this network ultimately trigger expression of the
extracellular biofilm matrix amyloid protein, TasA, and proteins
required for the synthesis of the biofilm matrix exopolysaccharides,
respectively [7]. A third matrix protein, BslA (formerly YuaB), is also
required for biofilm formation [89]. The expression of bslA gene is
activated by phosphorylated DegU (DegUP) [90,91].
The DegSDegU two-component regulatory circuit also acts to
regulate biofilm formation. DegS is a cytoplasmic bifunctional
protein that exhibits kinase and phosphatase activities. As a kinase,
DegS phosphorylates DegU, which acts to control a myriad of
processes involved in biofilm formation, including motility and
assembly of the flagellar basal body [92], as well as synthesis of gPGA [48]. DegU activity is controlled at the level of degU
transcription, through DegU phosphorylation, and by DegUP
activity, and the protein has regulatory activity in both its unphosphorylated and phosphorylated states [92] (Figure 3).
In the absence of appropriate signals, DegS is at a low level and
unphosphorylated, and the level of phosphorylated DegU is also
low. Low levels of DegUP induce flagella biosynthesis and
swarming motility by binding to the promoter region of the fla/che
operon and thereby inducing flagellar gene transcription, which also
requires the activity of two other proteins, SwrA and SwrB, as well
as completion of the flagellar basal body [52].
Elevated levels of DegUP induce synthesis of BslA, leading to
biofilm development, as well as an extracellular protease (AprE;
subtilisin) and g-PGA, all of which are regulated in part by a positive
feedback loop [93]. DegUP inhibits the fla-che promoter for class 2
genes [94], and also indirectly inhibits sD (encoding the flagellar
gene specific sigma factor) by activating the expression of the antisigma factor FlgM [52]. DegUP-dependent activation of FlgM is
essential to inhibit flagellin expression when assembly of the basal
body is disturbed, which results in a non-motile, cell chaining
phenotype [52]. This suggests that the DegSDegU two-component
system may either directly or indirectly senses cell motility, flagellar
assembly, or the status of flagellar motors operation.

trigger phosphorylation of DegU is unknown, but regulation of flgM by DegU-P suggests that the DegSDegU twocomponent system may either directly or indirectly sense
the completion state of the flagellum [52].
Further evidence comes from a recent report by the Kearns
laboratory [50]. In a screen for mutations that reduced
mucoidy in a motA mutant, they found a class of transposon
insertions that disrupted proteins involved in the assembly of
the flagellar filament (FliD, FliT, and FlgL), suggesting that
disruption of filament cap assembly (and hence flagellum
function) reduces g-PGA synthesis. Although the precise roles
of FliD, FlgL, and FliT remain unclear, the underlying message is that the B. subtilis flagellar stator regulates g-PGA
synthesis and biofilm formation [50].
How does DegS sense the lack of flagellar rotation or
incomplete flagellum assembly? Several scenarios are conceivable (Figure 3). First, similar to E. coli YcgR [19], DegS
could directly interact with cytoplasmic components of the
flagellar motor to act as a brake. Second, DegS may interact indirectly through a protein component of the basal
body, such as the stator-associated transmembrane protein FliL, which is part of the P. mirabilis surface-sensing
mechanism [53]. Third, inhibited flagellar rotation is likely
to cause changes in DC or cellular energy status due to
restricted proton (ion) flux through the MotAB stators [42],
and this change may be sensed by DegS. Restriction of

Trends in Microbiology xxx xxxx, Vol. xxx, No. x

Surface signal

Increased motor torque

Disrupon of basal body




PdegU DegU






gM yvyG gK gL



sigD swrB

a/che operon


Swarming molity

(Low DegUP)
TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure 3. Inhibition of flagellum rotation increases biofilm formation and

decreases swarming motility in Bacillus subtilis. Loss of motility or disruption of
assembly of the flagellum results in an unknown signal (hashed arrow) that
upregulates the DegSDegU two-component system, leading to increase in
DegUP, BslA, g-PGA, and subtilisin (AprE), and a decrease in fla/che operon
expression. Conversely, unphosphorylated DegU, along with SwrA and SwrB,
increases expression of the fla/che operon leading to flagellar synthesis and
swarming motility. Lines with arrowheads indicate positive effects, whereas T-end
lines indicate inhibitory effects. Promoters are shown as small square-angled
arrows. Adapted from Belas [6].

rotation and the resulting torque on the flagellar motor

could also induce stress in the cell wall, as described for the
E. coli Rcs and Cpx surface-sensing circuits [54,55].
Model systems of flagellar mechanosensing: C.
The freshwater, Gram-negative alphaproteobacterium C.
crescentus has a dimorphic life cycle resulting from an
asymmetric cell division, during which a motile swarmer
cell is born to a stalked, non-motile cell [56]. The smaller
swarmer cell, which possesses a polar flagellum that is
colocalized with one to seven pili, is motile and capable of
chemotaxis. Flagellum-driven motility and adherence mediate the initial reversible adhesion by overcoming surface
electrostatic repulsion [57]. The larger stalked cell possesses a polar stalk that attaches it to a substrate through
a polysaccharide-based holdfast, an N-acetylglucosaminecontaining polysaccharide. This permits formation of a
stable biofilm [57,58].
The transition from motile to sessile phase of C. crescentus swarmer cells is the result of interplay between pili

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Surface signal

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Figure 4. Flagellar mechanosensing in Caulobacter crescentus involves inhibition of flagellar rotation, resulting in just-in-time production of the holdfast polysaccharide
adhesin. From left to right: swimming swarmer cells possess a single flagellum and polar pili. As a cell nears a surface, surface contact results in the rapid pili-dependent
arrest of flagellum rotation and concurrent stimulation of polar holdfast adhesive polysaccharide (depicted here as a red cone) and ultimately the formation of a stalk cell.
Green circular arrows indicate rotating flagellum; red circular arrows indicate rotation is inhibited. Adapted from Kirkpatrick and Viollier [62].

and flagellum rotation: for example, on encountering a

surface with an ensuing inhibition of flagellar rotation,
Caulobacter immediately produces holdfasts and attaches
[59]. Evidence suggests that initial cell tethering occurs via
the flagellum, with holdfast synthesis beginning 1 to 2
minutes after the swarmer cell encounters a surface
(Figure 4). Pili do not have a major role in initial tethering
to surfaces, but instead mediate the transition from reversible to irreversible adhesion by stopping flagellum rotation
and the resulting activation of the holdfast synthesis machinery [59].
Inhibition of the flagellar motor is involved in C. crescentus biofilm development. Li et al. [59] used Ficoll and
dextran, which reduce the solvent volume available to
cells, thus obstructing flagellar rotation. Addition of these
polymers resulted in rapid inhibition of flagellar rotation
and holdfast synthesis. The same effect was observed with
DpilA cells, indicating that alternative methods of blocking
flagellar rotation are sufficient for stimulation of holdfast
production, presumably by bypassing the need for pilimediated initial attachment and jamming of the flagellum
Polar polysaccharide and holdfast synthesis is a conserved phenomenon among alphaproteobacterial species
[60]. Therefore it may not come as a surprise that surfacecontact-mediated flagellar mechanosensing has also been
observed in other alphaproteobacteria, such as Asticcacaulis biprosthecum and Agrobacterium tumefaciens [59]. In
each of these species, a single cell responds to initial
contact with a surface by triggering just-in-time adhesion
production that leads to biofilm formation [59].
We currently do not know the mechanism by which
inhibition of flagellar rotation triggers holdfast production,
but several possibilities exist. One possible pathway
may involve FliL, an inner membrane component of the

flagellar basal body that has been proposed to act as a

sensor, because flagella formed by a Caulobacter DfliL
mutant cannot rotate [61]. Alternatively, a transient
change in DC might signal holdfast production in Caulobacter through an indirect mechanism [62].
Model systems of flagellar mechanosensing: the
swarming bacteria V. parahaemolyticus and P. mirabilis
Flagella are not only used for swimming through liquids but
are also required for swarming motility over solid surfaces.
Although many species swarm (defined in this review as a
motile biofilm), including Aeromonas, Azospirillum, B. subtilis, E. coli, Rhodospirillum, Rhizobium, Salmonella, Serratia, and Yersinia, only a few (two notable examples are V.
parahaemolyticus and P. mirabilis) do so after a surfaceinduced physiological differentiation that results in an elongated, highly flagellated swarmer cell [63]. Although there
are numerous differences between the two species, the
common feature uniting V. parahaemolyticus and P. mirabilis is the requirement for a flagellar mechanosensor that
detects the presence of a surface and relays that information
to induce swarmer-cell-dependent gene expression. The
following summarizes the data leading to this conclusion.
Physical conditions that inhibit flagellar rotation induce
swarmer cell differentiation. V. parahaemolyticus produces two types of flagella: a constitutively synthesized,
single, polar, sheathed flagellum driven by SMF and surface-induced, swarmer-cell-dependent, lateral flagella that
number in the hundreds to thousands per cell and whose
motors rotate by PMF [64]. It is the polar flagellum that
acts as a flagellar mechanosensor, with evidence coming
from experiments showing that: (i) induction of lateral
flagella synthesis is signaled by physiological conditions
that inhibit polar flagellar rotation [65,66]; (ii) anti-flagellin antiserum is capable of tethering flagella together, and

TIMI-1096; No. of Pages 11

thereby preventing their rotation, triggers differentiation
of V. parahaemolyticus swarmer cells; (iii) the sodiumchannel-blocking drug phenamil, which poisons the energy
source that drives polar (but not lateral) flagellar rotation,
induces swarmer cell differentiation [66]; (iv) mutations
that cause defects in swimming motility by the polar
flagellum induce transcription of lateral flagellar genes
in liquid; and (v) mutants with defects in the motor stator
proteins induce swarmer cell differentiation [67]. Together, these results suggest that when the rotation of the polar
flagellum of V. parahaemolyticus is reduced (for example,
as it comes into contact with a surface), the cell senses and
responds to this signal by inducing synthesis of swarmer
cells. The identity of the signal is currently not known. The
cue may be torque or external force on the motor, which is
then sensed by an unknown mechanism, but the results
from perturbing ion flow using phenamil or through construction of stator mutants argue that what is being sensed
is a reduction or change in sodium ion flux. The V. parahaemolyticus surface-signaling pathway is also not known,
but is likely to be mediated through the s54-dependent
master regulator, LafK, which controls transcription of the
lateral flagella (laf) genes [67].
P. mirabilis, a Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae that is
often associated with urinary tract infections [68], synthesizes a single type of flagella, such that vegetative swimmer cells possess four to eight peritrichous flagella,
whereas differentiated swarmer cells are elongated and
hyperflagellated (in a similar way to V. parahaemolyticus).
Similar to V. parahaemolyticus, P. mirabilis swarmer cell
differentiation is triggered by physical conditions that
inhibit the rotation of the peritrichous flagella of the
swimmer cell [69]. Agar surfaces, viscous liquids, and
antibodies specific to flagellar proteins, such as flagellin,
all induce differentiation and are thought to increase
torque on the motor [69]. Correct flagellar assembly is also
required for differentiation, and certain flagellar mutations result in constitutive swarmer cell elongation
[69,70]. In general, mutations in P. mirabilis flagellar
genes result in cells that do not differentiate and do not
swarm, but there are exceptions: mutations in fliL, fliG,
and to a lesser extent fliF, result in the inappropriate
production of swarmer-like cells (referred to as pseudoswarmer cells) in noninducing conditions: for example,
broth [69]. The production of a pseudoswarmer cell suggests that these mutants are defective in their response to
a surface and behave as though they are always on a
surface [53]. Thus, the P. mirabilis flagellum functions
as a mechanosensor of the surface signal.
The P. mirabilis surface signal ultimately affects the
flagellar master regulator, FlhD4C2, encoded by flhDC, the
transcription of which is upregulated during swimmer-toswarmer cell differentiation and the onset of swarming
motility [71]. Regulation of flhDC is complex and involves a
myriad of controls; however, only a few of these regulatory
circuits have been shown to interact with the P. mirabilis
surface-sensing pathway and are discussed next.
Both lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and O-antigen play a
part in P. mirabilis surface sensing [70,72]. Evidence
includes the observation that, when placed on solid surfaces, cells with mutations in waaL (rfaL), encoding

Trends in Microbiology xxx xxxx, Vol. xxx, No. x

O-antigen ligase, and wzz (cld), encoding a chain-length

determinant for O antigen, do not activate flhDC and the
flagellar gene cascade [72]. It is believed that loss of Oantigen or perturbation of LPS composition or structure
creates cell envelope stress, which is sensed by the Rcs
phosphorelay regulatory circuit [73].
The enteric bacterial Rcs phosphorelay is more complicated than the canonical two-component system; it is a
phosphorelay that consists of the outer membrane activator protein RcsF, the hybrid sensor kinase RcsC, the
histidine phosphotransferase RcsD, the response regulator
RcsB, and the transcription factor RcsA. Via an unknown
mechanism, RcsF senses signals external to the cell and
relays that information through the outer membrane to
RcsC, which initiates the phospho-cascade. The result is
phosphorylated RcsB [54]. In complex with RcsA, phosphorylated RcsB binds a DNA site downstream of the
flhDC promoter, inhibiting transcription [74]. Mutations
in P. mirabilis RcsD result in precocious swarming (that is,
swarming motility initiates earlier than in the wild type)
and a pseudoswarmer phenotype, implicating the Rcs
pathway in surface sensing [75].
Work by the Rather laboratory has implicated two other
proteins, UmoB and UmoD, in the pathway that leads from
the external signals to the sensor kinase RcsC [72,73]. The
four Umo (upregulator of the master operon) proteins
(UmoAD) are associated with the cell envelope [76]. They
were discovered in a search for suppressors of the swarming
defect that results from mutation in the flgN flagellar chaperone, and increase transcription of flhDC [76]. The UmoB
homolog, yrfF (encoding IgaA), is involved in the Rcs signal
transduction pathway of Salmonella and Serratia marcescens
[63,77]. The homolog of UmoD is E. coli ycfJ, a gene of
unknown function that is upregulated in E. coli biofilms [78].
Figure 5 depicts a potential model of surface contact and
sensing that integrates the flagellar mechanosensor and
accounts for LPS and O-antigen involvement in Rcs-dependent regulation of flhDC transcription [73]. In this
model, FliL, which is part of the flagellar mechanosensor
pathway [53], interacts with the Umo proteins, probably
UmoA. Surface contact interactions with LPS and/or Oantigen trigger conformational changes in the outer membrane that result in decreased activity of RcsF and/or
increased activity of UmoD. This results in activation of
UmoB by two mechanisms, direct activation by UmoD and
reduced activity of RcsF, an inhibitor of UmoB [73]. The
activated form of UmoB then inhibits the Rcs phosphorelay, resulting in reduced levels of phosphorylated RcsB
and derepression of the flhDC operon. Thus, P. mirabilis
may have two mechanisms to sense a surface: a flagellar
mechanosensor and a surface contact sensor working
through the Rcs stress response to activate flhDC.
FliL and its role in flagellar mechanosensing
Homologs of FliL are found in nearly all flagellated bacterial species, frequently as the first gene in a class 2 operon,
fliLMNOPQR, which includes genes for the motor/switch
( fliMN) and the export apparatus ( fliOPQR). FliL is a
small inner membrane protein (P. mirabilis FliL is a
160-amino-acid, 18.2 kDa protein), with a single transmembrane helix located in the N-terminal domain

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Trends in Microbiology xxx xxxx, Vol. xxx, No. x










Surface signal




TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure 5. Surface-sensing in Proteus mirabilis. Conditions that inhibit flagellar rotation induce surface-dependent swarmer cell differentiation mediated by FliL, a flagellar
protein thought to be associated with the MotAB stator. The role played by FliL is unknown, but it may empower the motor, perhaps through modulating ion flow. The
signal mediated through FliL involves UmoA, which upregulates flhDC, encoding the flagellar master regulator, FlhD4C2, the activity of which is required for swarming and
swarmer cell differentiation. A second nonflagellar mechanosensing circuit has been proposed that senses cell wall stress or perturbations through lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) and O-antigen changes, mediated by WaaL, UmoD, and UmoB. Both mechanosensors are likely to control the activity of the Rcs regulatory circuit, which in turn
inhibits flhDC expression. Abbreviations: IM, inner (or cytoplasmic) membrane; OM, outer membrane; PG, peptidoglycan. Unbroken lines indicate interactions determined
by empirical tests, broken lines are hypothetical interactions, arrowheads indicate positive effects, whereas T-end lines indicate inhibitory effects.

(NTD), such that the NTD is in the cytoplasm, whereas the

C-terminal domain (CTD) is in the periplasm [69,79,80].
Despite its ubiquity, FliL is poorly conserved among species, with only 51% identity between the FliL proteins of P.
mirabilis and Salmonella.
In C. crescentus and Silicibacter sp. TM1040, mutations
in fliL result in nonswimming cells [61,81], whereas fliL
defects in enteric bacteria have only minor effects on
swimming but prevent swarming motility over agar, in
part caused by a failure of the flagellar rod to withstand
higher torque encountered on the agar surface [53,79]. This
implies that FliL must reside close to the flagellar HBB,
and this is borne out from the results of cryo-electron
tomography showing that FliL is located close to the
HBB and in association with the MotAB stators in Borrelia
burgdorferi [82]. Evidence supporting an interaction between FliL and the stators comes from fliL mutations in R.
sphaeroides, where loss of FliL inhibits swimming. This
defect can be overcome by suppressor mutations that map
to a domain of MotB that is known to increase PMF [80].
Furthermore, Partridge and Harshey recently demonstrated that overexpressing MotAB together with FliL allows
Salmonella to swarm over agar surfaces that prevent wildtype swarming [83].
These observations suggest that FliL enhances the
output of the stators or controls the flow of ions through
the motor during times of increased flagellar torque when

cells contact and interact with a surface. Indeed, several of

the flagellar mechanosensor model systems discussed earlier are affected by ion flow through the motor. Perhaps
FliL acts as a governor or an ion flow regulator during
times of increased motor torque to limit and control the
flow of ions through the motor, thereby preventing hyperpolarization of the membrane. However, the function of
FliL is likely to be more complicated than this; recent
reports [84,85] indicate that the stators of E. coli change
their structure in response to changes in external load
imposed on the motor, irrespective of the presence or
absence of FliL [85], thus putting the true function of FliL
into question. Further research is needed to resolve the
interaction of FliL and the stator.
FliL may have additional, species-specific functions. For
example, P. mirabilis FliL uniquely displays viscositydependent functions, indicating that the protein has a
direct role in the surface-sensing pathway [53]. FliL defects
affect the induction of swarming-dependent proteins [69]
and prevent viscosity-dependent sensing of surfaces and
viscosity-dependent transcription [53]. Notable among the
genes affected by FliL defects is umoA. Increased expression of umoA is apparent in P. mirabilis fliL-knockout
mutations, including strains in which only the CTD of FliL
is mutated [53]. This implicates the periplasmic domain of
FliL in surface sensing. The pathway leading from FliL to
UmoA is unknown, as are the downstream components of

TIMI-1096; No. of Pages 11

the P. mirabilis surface-sensing pathway that lead ultimately to FlhD4C2.
Concluding remarks and future directions
How does a bacterium know it is in contact with a
surface? Hopefully, the examples provided in this review
offer one answer, if not the answer: they use a flagellar
mechanosensor. These mechanosensors utilize the rotating flagellum and are able to detect subtle changes in
the function of their motors during surface contact.
However, although prevalent in many bacterial species,
flagellar mechanosensing is not the only means used to
detect and respond to surfaces. Obviously, not all surfacesensing pathways directly involve flagella or their
function, and nonmotile bacteria form biofilms without
the need for flagella. For this reason, I included at least
two examples of non-flagellum-mediated surface sensing
(the P. aeruginosa Wsp surface-sensing circuit and the
P. mirabilis LPS/O-antigen circuit). With that caveat
out of the way, I firmly believe that a better understanding of the surface-sensing function of the flagellar nanomachine is critical to our understanding of biofilm
In contemplating how flagellar mechanosensing function, two features stand out in the model systems described
here. The first is that surface sensing takes place at the
level of the flagellar stators, and second, surface contact
seems to alter the flow of ions through the stators and
perturb PMF or one of its components, DC and DpH. Such
changes could result in a hyperpolarized membrane and/or
acidification of the cytoplasm (in the case of increased
unabated proton flow into the cell). Understanding the
molecular mechanisms the cell uses to detect and respond
to a hyperpolarized membrane or to cytoplasmic acidification resulting from stator impairment is a high priority
that offers great potential for future research on flagellar
mechanosensory systems.
Many questions remain to be answered (Box 3). What
cellular components (proteins, regulatory RNAs, small
molecule effectors, and so on) constitute the surface-sensing pathway? What is the signal sensed by WspA or the P.
mirabilis LPS/O-antigen surface-sensing circuit? For species that have multiple means of sensing a surface (for
example, P. aeruginosa SadC and Wsp surface-sensing
circuits), how is the hierarchy of biofilm control orchestrated? Do the pathways converge or remain separate, controlling separate and unique components needed to initiate
biofilm formation?
I am of the opinion that study of the flagellums function
in sensing and response to surfaces is crucial for understanding biofilm development, for the development of
strategies to prevent biofilm formation, and in the fabrication of stealth surfaces that go undetected by the flagellar mechanosensor. Using mechanosensing flagella as a
model provides a tractable system to understand surface
sensing that will have implications beyond flagellated
bacteria, given the central role of the proton-driven motors
identified in this review. Moreover, although the flagellar
motor is the best-understood nanomachine, one big mystery is the mechanism by which ion flow generates rotational force. Gaining a better understanding of the

Trends in Microbiology xxx xxxx, Vol. xxx, No. x

Box 3. Outstanding questions

 Do other motile bacteria with less apparent phenotypes use their
flagella as surface sensors?
 How is inhibition of flagellar rotation coupled to transcriptional
control of biofilm formation?
 Does FliL sense motor rotation or ion flow? If so, how?
 What component(s) of the flagellar motor and/or basal body does
FliL interact with?
 What proteins are in the pathway leading from FliL to the
regulatory proteins that control biofilm formation?
 Is FliL involved in surface sensing of Caulobacter crescentus,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and other
 How does DegS sense the lack of flagellar rotation or incomplete
flagellar assembly? Is FliL involved?
 What alternative mechanisms transduce inhibition of flagellar
rotation to induce biofilm formation?
 What factors control the lateral placement of Wsp clusters in P.
 How are other known surface-sensing systems, that is, the CpxR
envelope stress system [18,95,96], CsgD, CsrA, RpoS, and so on,
interconnected to flagellar rotation surface sensing?
 What mechanisms are involved in repressing flagellar mechanosensing of a surface, thereby permitting bacteria to leave a

flagellar mechanosensor is certainly a step in the right

direction towards answering this question.
The author wishes to thank Gladys Alexandre, Yves Brun, Daniel
Kearns, Linda McCarter, and Alan Wolfe for their useful comments on an
earlier version of this manuscript, and two anonymous reviewers for their
helpful suggestions. This work was supported by grants from the US
National Science Foundation (MCB-0919820 and IOS-0842331).

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