Scikit-Learn Cookbook Sample Chapter
Scikit-Learn Cookbook Sample Chapter
Scikit-Learn Cookbook Sample Chapter
Trent Hauck
Chapter No. 1
"Premodel Workflow"
scikit-learn Cookbook
This book is designed in the same way that many data science and analytics projects play
out. First, we need to acquire data; the data is often messy, incomplete, or not correct in
some way. Therefore, we spend the first chapter talking about strategies for dealing with
bad data and ways to deal with other problems that arise from data. For example, what
happens if we have too many features? How do we handle that? The first chapter is your
guide. The meat of the book will walk you through various algorithms and how to
implement them into your workflow. And finally, we'll end with the postmodel
workflow. This chapter is fairly agnostic to the other chapters and can be applied
to the various algorithms you'll learn up until the final chapter.
Premodel Workflow
This chapter will cover the following topics:
Premodel Workflow
This chapter discusses setting data, preparing data, and premodel dimensionality reduction.
These are not the attractive parts of machine learning (ML), but they often turn out to be
what determines if a model will work or not.
There are three main parts to the chapter. Firstly, we'll create fake data; this might seem
trivial, but creating fake data and fitting models to fake data is an important step in model
testing. It's more useful in situations where we implement an algorithm from scratch, but I'll
cover it here for completeness, and in the event you don't have data of your own, you can just
create it. Secondly, we'll look at broadly handling data transformations as a preprocessing
step, which includes data imputation, categorical variable encoding, and so on. Thirdly,
we'll look at situations where we have a large number of features relative to the number of
observations we have.
This chapter, especially the first half, will set the stage for the later chapters. In order to use
scikit-learn, data is required. The first two sections will discuss acquiring the data; the rest of
the first half will discuss preparing this data for use.
This book is written using scikit-learn 0.15, NumPy 1.9, and pandas 0.13.
There are other packages used as well, so it's advisable that you refer to
the installation instructions included in this book.
Chapter 1
Getting ready
The datasets in scikit-learn are contained within the datasets module. Use the following
command to import these datasets:
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> import numpy as np
From within IPython, run datasets.*?, which will list everything available within the
datasets module.
How to do it
There are two main types of data within the datasets module. Smaller test datasets
are included in the sklearn package and can be viewed by running datasets.load_*?.
Larger datasets are also available for download as required. The latter are not included in
sklearn by default; however, at times, they are better to test models and algorithms due
to sufficient complexity to represent realistic situations.
Datasets are included with sklearn by default; to view these datasets, run datasets.
load_*?. There are other types of datasets that must be fetched. These datasets are
larger, and therefore, they do not come within the package. This said, they are often
better to test algorithms that might be used in the wild.
First, load the boston dataset and examine it:
>>> boston = datasets.load_boston()
>>> print boston.DESCR #output omitted due to length
DESCR will present a basic overview of the data to give you some context.
How it works
When these datasets are loaded, they aren't loaded as NumPy arrays. They are of type Bunch.
A Bunch is a common data structure in Python. It's essentially a dictionary with the keys
added to the object as attributes.
Premodel Workflow
To access the data using the (surprise!) data attribute, which is a NumPy array containing the
independent variables, the target attribute has the dependent variable:
>>> X, y =,
There are various implementations available on the Web for the Bunch object; it's not too
difficult to write on your own. scikit-learn defines Bunch (as of this writing) in the base module.
It's available in GitHub at
There's more
When you fetch a dataset from an external source it will, by default, place the data in your
home directory under scikit_learn_data/; this behavior is configurable in two ways:
The first argument of the fetch methods is data_home, which will specify the home
folder on a case-by-case basis.
See also
The UCI Machine Learning Repository is a great place to find sample datasets. Many of the
datasets in scikit-learn are hosted here; however, there are more datasets available. Other
notable sources include KDD, your local government agency, and Kaggle competitions.
Getting ready
Very similar to getting built-in datasets, fetching new datasets, and creating sample datasets,
the functions that are used follow the naming convention make_<the data set>. Just to
be clear, this data is purely artificial:
>>> datasets.make_*?
Chapter 1
How to do it...
This section will walk you through the creation of several datasets; the following How
it works... section will confirm the purported characteristics of the datasets. In addition
to the sample datasets, these will be used throughout the book to create data with the
necessary characteristics for the algorithms on display.
First, the stalwartregression:
>>> reg_data = d.make_regression()
By default, this will generate a tuple with a 100 x 100 matrix 100 samples by 100 features.
However, by default, only 10 features are responsible for the target data generation. The
second member of the tuple is the target variable.
It is also possible to get more involved. For example, to generate a 1000 x 10 matrix with five
features responsible for the target creation, an underlying bias factor of 1.0, and 2 targets,
the following command will be run:
>>> complex_reg_data = d.make_regression(1000, 10, 5, 2, 1.0)
>>> complex_reg_data[0].shape
(1000, 10)
Classification datasets are also very simple to create. It's simple to create a base classification
set, but the basic case is rarely experienced in practicemost users don't convert, most
transactions aren't fraudulent, and so on. Therefore, it's useful to explore classification on
unbalanced datasets:
>>> classification_set = d.make_classification(weights=[0.1])
>>> np.bincount(classification_set[1])
array([10, 90])
Clusters will also be covered. There are actually several functions to create datasets that can
be modeled by different cluster algorithms. For example, blobs are very easy to create and
can be modeled by K-Means:
>>> blobs = d.make_blobs()
Premodel Workflow
This will look like the following:
How it works...
Let's walk you through how scikit-learn produces the regression dataset by taking a look at
the source code (with some modifications for clarity). Any undefined variables are assumed
to have the default value of make_regression.
It's actually surprisingly simple to follow.
First, a random array is generated with the size specified when the function is called:
>>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features)
The dot product of X and ground_truth are taken to get the final target values. Bias, if any,
is added at this time:
>>> y =, ground_truth) + bias
The dot product is simply a matrix multiplication. So, our final dataset
will have n_samples, which is the number of rows from the dataset,
and n_target, which is the number of target variables.
Due to NumPy's broadcasting, bias can be a scalar value, and this value will be added to
every sample.
Chapter 1
Finally, it's a simple matter of adding any noise and shuffling the dataset. Voil, we have a
dataset perfect to test regression.
Getting ready
The act of scaling data is extremely useful. There are a lot of machine learning algorithms,
which perform differently (and incorrectly) in the event the features exist at different scales.
For example, SVMs perform poorly if the data isn't scaled because it uses a distance function
in its optimization, which is biased if one feature varies from 0 to 10,000 and the other varies
from 0 to 1.
The preprocessing module contains several useful functions to scale features:
>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> import numpy as np # we'll need it later
How to do it...
Continuing with the boston dataset, run the following commands:
>>> X[:,
>>> X[:,
There's actually a lot to learn from this initially. Firstly, the first feature has the smallest mean
but varies even more than the third feature. The second feature has the largest mean and
standard deviationit takes the widest spread of values:
>>> X_2 = preprocessing.scale(X[:, :3])
>>> X_2.mean(axis=0)
array([ 6.34099712e-17,
>>> X_2.std(axis=0)
array([ 1., 1., 1.])
Premodel Workflow
How it works...
The center and scaling function is extremely simple. It merely subtracts the mean and divides
by the standard deviation:
In addition to a function, there is also a center and scaling class that is easy to invoke,
and this is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the Pipelines mentioned later.
It's also useful for the center and scaling class to persist across individual scaling:
>>> my_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>>[:, :3])
>>> my_scaler.transform(X[:, :3]).mean(axis=0)
array([ 6.34099712e-17, -6.34319123e-16, -2.68291099e-15])
Scaling features to mean 0, and standard deviation 1 isn't the only useful type of scaling.
Preprocessing also contains a MinMaxScaler class, which will scale the data within a
certain range:
>>> my_minmax_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
>>>[:, :3])
>>> my_minmax_scaler.transform(X[:, :3]).max(axis=0)
array([ 1., 1., 1.])
It's very simple to change the minimum and maximum values of the MinMaxScaler class
from its default of 0 and 1, respectively:
>>> my_odd_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-3.14,
Furthermore, another option is normalization. This will scale each sample to have a length of
1. This is different from the other types of scaling done previously, where the features were
scaled. Normalization is illustrated in the following command:
>>> normalized_X = preprocessing.normalize(X[:, :3])
If it's not apparent why this is useful, consider the Euclidian distance (a measure of similarity)
between three of the samples, where one sample has the values (1, 1, 0), another has (3, 3,
0), and the final has (1, -1, 0).
Chapter 1
The distance between the 1st and 3rd vector is less than the distance between the 1st and 2nd
though the 1st and 3rd are orthogonal, whereas the 1st and 2nd only differ by a scalar factor of
3. Since distances are often used as measures of similarity, not normalizing the data first will
be misleading..
There's more...
Imputation is a very deep subject. Here are a few things to consider when using
scikit-learn's implementation.
The other option is to call todense() on the array. However, this is dangerous because the
matrix is already sparse for a reason, and it will potentially cause a memory error.
Premodel Workflow
Getting ready
Creating binary features and outcomes is a very useful method, but it should be used with
caution. Let's use the boston dataset to learn how to create turn values in binary outcomes.
First, load the boston dataset:
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> boston = datasets.load_boston()
>>> import numpy as np
How to do it...
Similar to scaling, there are two ways to binarize features in scikit-learn:
The boston dataset's target variable is the median value of houses in thousands. This
dataset is good to test regression and other continuous predictors, but consider a situation
where we want to simply predict if a house's value is more than the overall mean. To do this,
we will want to create a threshold value of the mean. If the value is greater than the mean,
produce a 1; if it is less, produce a 0:
>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> new_target = preprocessing.binarize(,
>>> new_target[:5]
array([ 1., 0., 1., 1., 1.])
This was easy, but let's check to make sure it worked correctly:
>>> ([:5] >
array([1, 0, 1, 1, 1])
Chapter 1
Given the simplicity of the operation in NumPy, it's a fair question to ask why you will want
to use the built-in functionality of scikit-learn. Pipelines, covered in the Using Pipelines
for multiple preprocessing steps recipe, will go far to explain this; in anticipation of this,
let's use the Binarizer class:
>>> bin = preprocessing.Binarizer(
>>> new_target = bin.fit_transform(
>>> new_target[:5]
array([ 1., 0., 1., 1., 1.])
How it works...
Hopefully, this is pretty obvious; but under the hood, scikit-learn creates a conditional mask
that is True if the value in the array in question is more than the threshold. It then updates
the array to 1 where the condition is met, and 0 where it is not.
There's more...
Let's also learn about sparse matrices and the fit method.
Sparse matrices
Sparse matrices are special in that zeros aren't stored; this is done in an effort to save space
in memory. This creates an issue for the binarizer, so to combat it, a special condition for the
binarizer for sparse matrices is that the threshold cannot be less than zero:
>>> from scipy.sparse import coo
>>> spar = coo.coo_matrix(np.random.binomial(1, .25, 100))
>>> preprocessing.binarize(spar, threshold=-1)
ValueError: Cannot binarize a sparse matrix with threshold < 0
Premodel Workflow
Getting ready
The boston dataset won't be useful for this section. While it's useful for feature binarization,
it won't suffice for creating features from categorical variables. For this, the iris dataset
will suffice.
For this to work, the problem needs to be turned on its head. Imagine a problem where the
goal is to predict the sepal width; therefore, the species of the flower will probably be useful
as a feature.
Let's get the data sorted first:
Now, with X and Y being as they normally will be, we'll operate on the data as one:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> d = np.column_stack((X, y))
How to do it...
Convert the text columns to three features:
>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> text_encoder = preprocessing.OneHotEncoder()
>>> text_encoder.fit_transform(d[:, -1:]).toarray()[:5]
array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.]])
How it works...
The encoder creates additional features for each categorical variable, and the value returned
is a sparse matrix. The result is a sparse matrix by definition; each row of the new features has
0 everywhere, except for the column whose value is associated with the feature's category.
Therefore, it makes sense to store this data in a sparse matrix.
text_encoder is now a standard scikit-learn model, which means that it can be used again:
>>> text_encoder.transform(np.ones((3, 1))).toarray()
array([[ 0., 1., 0.],
[ 0., 1., 0.],
[ 0., 1., 0.]])
Chapter 1
There's more...
Other options exist to create categorical variables in scikit-learn and Python at large.
DictVectorizer is a good option if you like to limit the dependencies of your projects
to only scikit-learn and you have a fairly simple encoding scheme. However, if you require
more sophisticated categorical encoding, patsy is a very good option.
Another option is to use DictVectorizer. This can be used to directly convert strings
to features:
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
>>> dv = DictVectorizer()
>>> my_dict = [{'species': iris.target_names[i]} for i in y]
>>> dv.fit_transform(my_dict).toarray()[:5]
array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.]])
patsy is another package useful to encode categorical variables. Often used in conjunction
with StatsModels, patsy can turn an array of strings into a design matrix.
This section does not directly pertain to scikit-learn; therefore,
skipping it is okay without impacting the understanding of how
scikit-learn works.
Premodel Workflow
Getting ready
There's another way to work with categorical variables. Instead of dealing with the categorical
variables using OneHotEncoder, we can use LabelBinarizer. This is a combination of
thresholding and working with categorical variables.
To show how this works, load the iris dataset:
>>> from sklearn import datasets as d
>>> iris = d.load_iris()
>>> target =
How to do it...
Import the LabelBinarizer() method and create an object:
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
>>> label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer()
Now, simply transform the target outcomes to the new feature space:
>>> new_target = label_binarizer.fit_transform(target)
Let's look at new_target and the label_binarizer object to get a feel of what happened:
>>> new_target.shape
(150, 3)
Chapter 1
>>> new_target[:5]
array([[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0]])
>>> new_target[-5:]
array([[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1]])
>>> label_binarizer.classes_
array([0, 1, 2])
How it works...
The iris target has a cardinality of 3, that is, it has three unique values. When
LabelBinarizer converts the vector N x 1 into the vector N x C, where C is the
cardinality of the N x 1 dataset, it is important to note that once the object has been
fit, introducing unseen values in the transformation will throw an error:
>>> label_binarizer.transform([4])
ValueError: classes [0 1 2] mismatch with the labels [4] found in the
There's more...
Zero and one do not have to represent the positive and negative instances of the target
value. For example, if we want positive values to be represented by 1,000, and negative
values to be represented by -1,000, we'd simply make the designation when we create
>>> label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer(neg_label=-1000, pos_label=1000)
>>> label_binarizer.fit_transform(target)[:5]
array([[ 1000, -1000, -1000],
[ 1000, -1000, -1000],
[ 1000, -1000, -1000],
[ 1000, -1000, -1000],
[ 1000, -1000, -1000]])
Premodel Workflow
Getting ready
The first thing to do to learn how to input missing values is to create missing values. NumPy's
masking will make this extremely simple:
To unravel this a bit, in case NumPy isn't too familiar, it's possible to index arrays with other
arrays in NumPy. So, to create the random missing data, a random Boolean array is created,
which is of the same shape as the iris dataset. Then, it's possible to make an assignment
via the masked array. It's important to note that because a random array is used, it is likely
your masking_array will be different from what's used here.
To make sure this works, use the following command (since we're using a random mask,
it might not match directly):
>>> masking_array[:5]
array([[False, False, False, False],
[False, False, False, False],
[False, False, False, False],
[ True, False, False, False],
[False, False, False, False]], dtype=bool)
>>> iris_X [:5]
array([[ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2],
[ 4.9, 3. , 1.4, 0.2],
Chapter 1
[ 4.7,
[ nan,
[ 5. ,
How to do it...
A theme prevalent throughout this book (due to the theme throughout scikit-learn) is reusable
classes that fit and transform datasets and that can subsequently be used to transform unseen
datasets. This is illustrated as follows:
>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> impute = preprocessing.Imputer()
>>> iris_X_prime = impute.fit_transform(iris_X)
>>> iris_X_prime[:5]
array([[ 5.1
, 3.5
, 1.4
[ 4.9
, 3.
, 1.4
[ 4.7
, 3.2
, 1.3
[ 5.87923077, 3.1
, 1.5
[ 5.
, 3.6
, 1.4
How it works...
The imputation works by employing different strategies. The default is mean, but in total
there are:
mean (default)
scikit-learn will use the selected strategy to calculate the value for each non-missing value in
the dataset. It will then simply fill the missing values.
For example, to redo the iris example with the median strategy, simply reinitialize impute
with the new strategy:
>>> impute = preprocessing.Imputer(strategy='median')
>>> iris_X_prime = impute.fit_transform(iris_X)
>>> iris_X_prime[:5]
Premodel Workflow
5. ,
3. ,
If the data is missing values, it might be inherently dirty in other places. For instance, in the
example in the preceding How to do it... section, np.nan (the default missing value) was
used as the missing value, but missing values can be represented in many ways. Consider
a situation where missing values are -1. In addition to the strategy to compute the missing
value, it's also possible to specify the missing value for the imputer. The default is Nan,
which will handle np.nan values.
To see an example of this, modify iris_X to have -1 as the missing value. It sounds crazy,
but since the iris dataset contains measurements that are always possible, many people
will fill the missing values with -1 to signify they're not there:
>>> iris_X[np.isnan(iris_X)] = -1
>>> iris_X[:5]
array([[ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2],
[ 4.9, 3. , 1.4, 0.2],
[ 4.7, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2],
[-1. , 3.1, 1.5, 0.2],
[ 5. , 3.6, 1.4, 0.2]])
There's more...
pandas also provides a functionality to fill missing data. It actually might be a bit more flexible,
but it is less reusable:
import pandas as pd
iris_X[masking_array] = np.nan
iris_df = pd.DataFrame(iris_X, columns=iris.feature_names)
iris_df.fillna(iris_df.mean())['sepal length (cm)'].head(5)
Chapter 1
Name: sepal length (cm), dtype: float64
To mention its flexibility, fillna can be passed any sort of statistic, that is, the strategy is
more arbitrarily defined:
>>> iris_df.fillna(iris_df.max())['sepal length (cm)'].head(5)
Name: sepal length (cm), dtype: float64
Getting ready
This is the first section where we'll combine multiple data processing steps into a single step.
In scikit-learn, this is known as a Pipeline. In this section, we'll first deal with missing data
via imputation; however, after that, we'll scale the data to get a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of one.
Let's create a dataset that is missing some values, and then we'll look at how to create
a Pipeline:
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> import numpy as np
>>> mat = datasets.make_spd_matrix(10)
>>> masking_array = np.random.binomial(1, .1, mat.shape).astype(bool)
>>> mat[masking_array] = np.nan
>>> mat[:4, :4]
array([[ 0.56716186, -0.20344151,
nan, -0.22579163],
nan, 1.98881836, -2.25445983, 1.27024191],
[ 0.29327486, -2.25445983, 3.15525425, -1.64685403],
[-0.22579163, 1.27024191, -1.64685403, 1.32240835]])
Premodel Workflow
How to do it...
Without Pipelines, the process will look something like the following:
>>> from sklearn import preprocessing
>>> impute = preprocessing.Imputer()
>>> scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>> mat_imputed = impute.fit_transform(mat)
>>> mat_imputed[:4, :4]
array([[ 0.56716186, -0.20344151, -0.80554023, -0.22579163],
[ 0.04235695, 1.98881836, -2.25445983, 1.27024191],
[ 0.29327486, -2.25445983, 3.15525425, -1.64685403],
[-0.22579163, 1.27024191, -1.64685403, 1.32240835]])
>>> mat_imp_and_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(mat_imputed)
array([[ 2.235e+00, -6.291e-01,
1.427e-16, -7.496e-01],
[ 0.000e+00,
1.158e+00, -9.309e-01,
[ 1.068e+00, -2.301e+00,
2.545e+00, -2.323e+00],
[ -1.142e+00,
5.721e-01, -5.405e-01,
Notice that the prior missing value is 0. This is expected because this value was imputed
using the mean strategy, and scaling subtracts the mean.
Now that we've looked at a non-Pipeline example, let's look at how we can incorporate
a Pipeline:
>>> from sklearn import pipeline
>>> pipe = pipeline.Pipeline([('impute', impute), ('scaler', scaler)])
Take a look at the Pipeline. As we can see, Pipeline defines the steps that designate the
progression of methods:
>>> pipe
Pipeline(steps=[('impute', Imputer(axis=0, copy=True, missing_
values='NaN', strategy='mean', verbose=0)), ('scalar',
StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True))])
This is the best part; simply call the fit_transform method on the pipe object.
These separate steps are completed in a single step:
>>> new_mat = pipe.fit_transform(mat)
>>> new_mat [:4, :4]
array([[ 2.235e+00, -6.291e-01,
[ 0.000e+00,
1.158e+00, -9.309e-01,
[ 1.068e+00, -2.301e+00,
[ -1.142e+00,
5.721e-01, -5.405e-01,
Chapter 1
We can also confirm that the two different methods give the same result:
>>> np.array_equal(new_mat, mat_imp_and_scaled)
Later in the book, we'll see just how powerful this concept is. It doesn't stop at preprocessing
steps. It can easily extend to dimensionality reduction as well, fitting different learning methods.
Dimensionality reduction is handled on it's own in the recipe Reducing dimensionality with PCA.
How it works...
As mentioned earlier, almost every scikit-learn has a similar interface. The important ones
that allow Pipelines to function are:
To be specific, if a Pipeline has N objects, the first N-1 objects must implement both fit and
transform, and the Nth object must implement at least fit. If this doesn't happen, an error
will be thrown.
Pipeline will work correctly if these conditions are met, but it is still possible that not every
method will work properly. For example, pipe has a method, inverse_transform, which
does exactly what the name entails. However, because the impute step doesn't have an
inverse_transform method, this method call will fail:
>>> pipe.inverse_transform(new_mat)
AttributeError: 'Imputer' object has no attribute 'inverse_transform'
Once a proper Pipeline is set up, it functions almost exactly how you'd expect. It's a series
of for loops that fit and transform at each intermediate step, feeding the output to the
subsequent transformation.
Premodel Workflow
To conclude this recipe, I'll try to answer the "why?" question. There are two main reasons:
The first reason is convenience. The code becomes quite a bit cleaner; instead of
calling fit and transform over and over, it is offloaded to sklearn.
The second, and probably the more important, reason is cross validation. Models
can become very complex. If a single step in Pipeline has tuning parameters, they
might need to be tested; with a single step, the code overhead to test the parameters
is low. However, five steps with all of their respective parameters can become difficult
to test. Pipelines ease a lot of the burden.
Getting ready
PCA is a member of the decomposition module of scikit-learn. There are several other
decomposition methods available, which will be covered later in this recipe.
Let's use the iris dataset, but it's better if you use your own data:
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> iris_X =
How to do it...
First, import the decomposition module:
>>> from sklearn import decomposition
Chapter 1
Compared to other objects in scikit-learn, PCA takes relatively few arguments. Now that the
PCA object is created, simply transform the data by calling the fit_transform method,
with iris_X as the argument:
>>> iris_pca = pca.fit_transform(iris_X)
>>> iris_pca[:5]
array([[ -2.684e+00, -3.266e-01,
[ -2.715e+00,
[ -2.890e+00,
1.373e-01, -2.471e-02,
[ -2.746e+00,
3.111e-01, -3.767e-02,
[ -2.729e+00, -3.339e-01, -9.623e-02,
Now that the PCA has been fit, we can see how well it has done at explaining the variance
(explained in the following How it works... section):
>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_
array([ 0.925, 0.053, 0.017, 0.005])
How it works...
PCA has a general mathematic definition and a specific use case in data analysis. PCA finds
the set of orthogonal directions that represent the original data matrix.
Generally, PCA works by mapping the original dataset into a new space where the new column
vectors of the matrix are each orthogonal. From a data analysis perspective, PCA transforms
the covariance matrix of the data into column vectors that can "explain" certain percentages
of the variance. For example, with the iris dataset, 92.5 percent of the variance of the
overall dataset can be explained by the first component.
This is extremely useful because dimensionality is problematic in data analysis. Quite often,
algorithms applied to high-dimensional datasets will overfit on the initial training, and thus
loose generality to the test set. If most of the underlying structure of the data can be faithfully
represented by fewer dimensions, then it's generally considered a worthwhile trade-off.
To demonstrate this, we'll apply the PCA transformation to the iris dataset and only
include two dimensions. The iris dataset can normally be separated quite well using
all the dimensions:
>>> pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2)
>>> iris_X_prime = pca.fit_transform(iris_X)
>>> iris_X_prime.shape
(150, 2)
Premodel Workflow
The usefulness of two dimensions is that it is now very easy to plot.
The separability of the classes remain even after reducing the number of dimensionality by two.
We can see how much of the variance is represented by the two components that remain:
>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum()
There's more...
The PCA object can also be created with the amount of explained variance in mind from
the start. For example, if we want to be able to explain at least 98 percent of the variance,
the PCA object will be created as follows:
>>> pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=.98)
>>> iris_X_prime =
>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum()
Since we wanted to explain variance slightly more than the two component examples, a third
was included.
Chapter 1
Getting ready
To compare PCA and factor analysis, let's use the iris dataset again, but we'll first need to
load the factor analysis class:
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import FactorAnalysis
How to do it...
From a programming perspective, factor analysis isn't much different from PCA:
>>> fa = FactorAnalysis(n_components=2)
>>> iris_two_dim = fa.fit_transform(
>>> iris_two_dim[:5]
[-1.33914102, -0.00509715],
[-1.40258715, -0.307983
[-1.29839497, -0.71854288],
Premodel Workflow
Compare the following plot to the plot in the last section:
Since factor analysis is a probabilistic transform, we can examine different aspects such
as the log likelihood of the observations under the model, and better still, compare the log
likelihoods across models.
Factor analysis is not without flaws. The reason is that you're not fitting a model to predict
an outcome, you're fitting a model as a preparation step. This isn't a bad thing per se, but
errors here compound when training the actual model.
How it works...
Factor analysis is similar to PCA, which was covered previously. However, there is an important
distinction to be made. PCA is a linear transformation of the data to a different space where
the first component "explains" the variance of the data, and each subsequent component is
orthogonal to the first component.
For example, you can think of PCA as taking a dataset of N dimensions and going down to
some space of M dimensions, where M < N.
Chapter 1
Factor analysis, on the other hand, works under the assumption that there are only M
important features and a linear combination of these features (plus noise) creates the
dataset in N dimensions. To put it another way, you don't do regression on an outcome
variable, you do regression on the features to determine the latent factors of the dataset.
Getting ready
Life would be so easy if data was always linearly separable, but unfortunately it's not.
Kernel PCA can help to circumvent this issue. Data is first run through the kernel function
that projects the data onto a different space; then PCA is performed.
To familiarize yourself with the kernel functions, it will be a good exercise to think of
how to generate data that is separable by the kernel functions available in the kernel PCA.
Here, we'll do that with the cosine kernel. This recipe will have a bit more theory than the
previous recipes.
How to do it...
The cosine kernel works by comparing the angle between two samples represented in the
feature space. It is useful when the magnitude of the vector perturbs the typical distance
measure used to compare samples.
As a reminder, the cosine between two vectors is given by the following:
cos ( ) =
This means that the cosine between A and B is the dot product of the two vectors normalized
by the product of the individual norms. The magnitude of vectors A and B have no influence on
this calculation.
Premodel Workflow
So, let's generate some data and see how useful it is. First, we'll imagine there are two
different underlying processes; we'll call them A and B:
import numpy as np
A1_mean = [1, 1]
A1_cov = [[2, .99], [1, 1]]
A1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(A1_mean, A1_cov, 50)
Chapter 1
By visual inspection, it seems that the two classes are from different processes, but separating
them in one slice might be difficult. So, we'll use the kernel PCA with the cosine kernel
discussed earlier:
>>> kpca = decomposition.KernelPCA(kernel='cosine', n_components=1)
>>> AB = np.vstack((A, B))
>>> AB_transformed = kpca.fit_transform(AB)
Visualized in one dimension after the kernel PCA, the dataset looks like the following:
Premodel Workflow
How it works...
There are several different kernels available as well as the cosine kernel. You can even write
your own kernel function. The available kernels are:
poly (polynomial)
There are also options contingent of the kernel choice. For example, the degree argument will
specify the degree for the poly, rbf, and sigmoid kernels; also, gamma will affect the rbf
or poly kernels.
The recipe on SVM will cover the rbf kernel function in more detail.
A word of caution: kernel methods are great to create separability, but they can also cause
overfitting if used without care.
Getting ready
Truncated SVD is different from regular SVDs in that it produces a factorization where the
number of columns is equal to the specified truncation. For example, given an n x n matrix,
SVD will produce matrices with n columns, whereas truncated SVD will produce matrices
with the specified number of columns. This is how the dimensionality is reduced.
Here, we'll again use the iris dataset so that you can compare this outcome against the
PCA outcome:
Chapter 1
How to do it...
This object follows the same form as the other objects we've used. First, we'll import the
required object, then we'll fit the model and examine the results:
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
>>> svd = TruncatedSVD(2)
>>> iris_transformed = svd.fit_transform(iris_data)
>>> iris_data[:5]
array([[ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2],
[ 4.9, 3. , 1.4, 0.2],
[ 4.7, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2],
[ 4.6, 3.1, 1.5, 0.2],
[ 5. , 3.6, 1.4, 0.2]])
>>> iris_transformed[:5]
array([[ 5.91220352, -2.30344211],
[ 5.57207573, -1.97383104],
[ 5.4464847 , -2.09653267],
[ 5.43601924, -1.87168085],
[ 5.87506555, -2.32934799]])
Premodel Workflow
How it works...
Now that we've walked through how TruncatedSVD is performed in scikit-learn, let's look at
how we can use only scipy, and learn a bit in the process.
First, we need to use linalg of scipy to perform SVD:
>>> from scipy.linalg import svd
>>> D = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4]])
>>> D
array([[1, 2],
[1, 3],
[1, 4]])
>>> U, S, V = svd(D, full_matrices=False)
>>> U.shape, S.shape, V.shape
((3, 2), (2,), (2, 2))
The matrix that is actually returned by TruncatedSVD is the dot product of the U and
S matrices.
If we want to simulate the truncation, we will drop the smallest singular values and
the corresponding column vectors of U. So, if we want a single component here,
we do the following:
>>> new_S = S[0]
>>> new_U = U[:, 0]
array([-2.20719466, -3.16170819, -4.11622173])
There's more...
TruncatedSVD has a few miscellaneous things that are worth noting with respect to
the method.
Chapter 1
Sign flipping
There's a "gotcha" with truncated SVDs. Depending on the state of the random number
generator, successive fittings of TruncatedSVD can flip the signs of the output. In order to
avoid this, it's advisable to fit TruncatedSVD once, and then use transforms from then on.
Another good reason for Pipelines!
To carry this out, do the following:
>>> tsvd = TruncatedSVD(2)
>>> tsvd.transform(iris_data)
Sparse matrices
One advantage of TruncatedSVD over PCA is that TruncatedSVD can operate on sparse
matrices while PCA cannot. This is due to the fact that the covariance matrix must be computed
for PCA, which requires operating on the entire matrix.
Getting ready
With DictionaryLearning, the idea is that the features are a basis for the resulting
datasets. In an effort to keep this recipe short, I'll assume you have idis_data and
iris_target ready to go.
How to do it...
First, import DictionaryLearning:
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import DictionaryLearning
Premodel Workflow
Then transform every other data point so that we can test the classifier on the resulting data
points after the learner is trained:
>>> transformed = dl.fit_transform(iris_data[::2])
>>> transformed[:5]
array([[ 0.
, 6.34476574, 0.
[ 0.
, 5.83576461, 0.
[ 0.
, 6.32038375, 0.
[ 0.
, 5.89318572, 0.
[ 0.
, 5.45222715, 0.
We can visualize the output. Notice how each value is sited on the x, y, or z axis along with the
other values and 0; this is called sparseness.
If you look closely, you can see there was some training error. One of the classes was
misclassified. Only being wrong once isn't a big deal, though.
Next, let's fit (not fit_transform) the testing set:
>>> transformed = dl.transform(iris_data[1::2])
Chapter 1
The following screenshot shows its performance:
Notice again that there was some error in the classification. If you remember some of the
other visualizations, the blue and green classes were the two classes that often appeared
close together.
How it works...
DictionaryLearning has a background in signal processing and neurology. The idea is
that only few features can be active at any given time. Therefore, DictionaryLearning
attempts to find a suitable representation for the underlying data, given the constraint that
most of the features should be 0.
Getting ready
In this section, we'll show off some more of Pipeline's power. When we used it earlier to
impute missing values, it was only a quick taste; we'll chain together multiple preprocessing
steps to show how Pipelines can remove extra work.
Premodel Workflow
Let's briefly load the iris dataset and seed it with some missing values:
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
>>> import numpy as np
>>> iris = load_iris()
>>> iris_data =
>>> mask = np.random.binomial(1, .25, iris_data.shape).astype(bool)
>>> iris_data[mask] = np.nan
>>> iris_data[:5]
array([[ 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, nan],
[ nan, 3. , 1.4, 0.2],
[ 4.7, 3.2, 1.3, 0.2],
[ 4.6, 3.1, 1.5, 0.2],
[ 5. , 3.6, nan, 0.2]])
How to do it...
The goal of this chapter is to first impute the missing values of iris_data, and then perform
PCA on the corrected dataset. You can imagine (and we'll do it later) that this workflow might
need to be split between a training dataset and a holdout set; Pipelines will make this easier,
but first we need to take a baby step.
Let's load the required libraries:
>>> from sklearn import pipeline, preprocessing, decomposition
Now that we have the classes we need, we can load them into Pipeline:
>>> pipe = pipeline.Pipeline([('imputer', imputer), ('pca', pca)])
>>> iris_data_transformed = pipe.fit_transform(iris_data)
>>> iris_data_transformed[:5]
array([[ -2.42e+00, -3.59e-01, -6.88e-01, -3.49e-01],
[ -2.44e+00, -6.94e-01,
[ -2.94e+00,
2.45e-01, -1.85e-03,
[ -2.79e+00,
4.29e-01, -8.05e-03,
[ -6.46e-01,
7.54e-01, -5.19e-01]])
This takes a lot more management if we use separate steps. Instead of each step requiring a
fit transform, this step is performed only once. Not to mention that we only have to keep track
of one object!
Chapter 1
How it works...
Hopefully it was obvious, but each step in Pipeline is passed to a Pipeline object via a list of
tuples, with the first element getting the name and the second getting the actual object.
Under the hood, these steps are looped through when a method such as fit_transform
is called on the Pipeline object.
This said, there are quick and dirty ways to create Pipeline, much in the same way there was
a quick way to perform scaling, though we can use StandardScaler if we want more power.
The pipeline function will automatically create the names for the Pipeline objects:
>>> pipe2 = pipeline.make_pipeline(imputer, pca)
>>> pipe2.steps
[('imputer', Imputer(axis=0, copy=True, missing_values='NaN',
strategy='mean', verbose=0)),
('pca', PCA(copy=True, n_components=None, whiten=False))]
This is the same object that was created in the more verbose method:
>>> iris_data_transformed2 = pipe2.fit_transform(iris_data)
>>> iris_data_transformed2[:5]
array([[ -2.42e+00, -3.59e-01, -6.88e-01, -3.49e-01],
[ -2.44e+00, -6.94e-01,
[ -2.94e+00,
2.45e-01, -1.85e-03,
[ -2.79e+00,
4.29e-01, -8.05e-03,
[ -6.46e-01,
7.54e-01, -5.19e-01]])
There's more...
We just walked through Pipelines at a very high level, but it's unlikely that we will want to
apply the base transformation. Therefore, the attributes of each object in Pipeline can be
accessed from a set_params method, where the parameter follows the <parameter's_
name>__<parameter's_parameter> convention. For example, let's change the pca
object to use two components:
>>> pipe2.set_params(pca_n_components=2)
Pipeline(steps=[('imputer', Imputer(axis=0, copy=True,
missing_values='NaN', strategy='mean', verbose=0)),
('pca', PCA(copy=True, n_components=2, whiten=False))])
Premodel Workflow
Notice n_components=2 in the preceding output. Just as a test, we can output the same
transformation we already did twice, and the output will be an N x 2 matrix:
>>> iris_data_transformed3 = pipe2.fit_transform(iris_data)
>>> iris_data_transformed3[:5]
array([[-2.42, -0.36],
[-2.44, -0.69],
[-2.94, 0.24],
[-2.79, 0.43],
[-0.65, 0.89]])
Getting ready
So, let's use some regression data and walkthrough how Gaussian processes work in scikit-learn:
>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
>>> boston = load_boston()
>>> boston_X =
>>> boston_y =
>>> train_set = np.random.choice([True, False], len(boston_y),
p=[.75, .25])
Chapter 1
How to do it
Now that we have the data, we'll create a scikit-learn GaussianProcess object. By default,
it uses a constant regression function and squared exponential correlation, which is one of
the more common choices:
>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess
>>> gp = GaussianProcess()
>>>[train_set], boston_y[train_set])
GaussianProcess(beta0=None, corr=<function squared_exponential
at 0x110809488>, normalize=True,
optimizer='fmin_cobyla', random_start=1,
random_state=<mtrand.RandomState object
at 0x10b9b58b8>, regr=<function constant
at 0x1108090c8>, storage_mode='full',
theta0=array([[ 0.1]]), thetaL=None, thetaU=None,
That's a formidable object definition. The following are a couple of things to point out:
beta0: This is the regression weight. This defaults in a way such that MLE is used
for estimation.
corr: This is the correlation function. There are several built-in correlation functions.
We'll look at more of them in the following How it works... section.
normalize: This defaults to True, and it will center and scale the features.
This would be scale is R.
Okay, so now that we fit the object, let's look at it's performance against the test object:
>>> test_preds = gp.predict(boston_X[~train_set])
Premodel Workflow
Let's plot the predicted values versus the actual values; then, because we're doing regression,
it's probably a good idea to look at plotted residuals and a histogram of the residuals:
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7), nrows=3)
>>> f.tight_layout()
>>> ax[0].plot(range(len(test_preds)), test_preds,
label='Predicted Values');
>>> ax[0].plot(range(len(test_preds)), boston_y[~train_set],
label='Actual Values');
>>> ax[0].set_title("Predicted vs Actuals")
>>> ax[0].legend(loc='best')
>>> ax[1].plot(range(len(test_preds)),
test_preds - boston_y[~train_set]);
>>> ax[1].set_title("Plotted Residuals")
>>> ax[2].hist(test_preds - boston_y[~train_set]);
>>> ax[2].set_title("Histogram of Residuals")
Chapter 1
How it works
Now that we've worked through a very quick example, let's look a little more at what some of
the parameters do and how we can tune them based on the model we're trying to fit.
First, let's try to understand what's going on with the corr function. This function describes
the relationship between the different pairs of X. The following five different correlation
functions are offered by scikit-learn:
({ { }
Linear, on the other hand, is just the dot product of the two points in question:
K = x Tx {}
Another parameter of interest is theta0. This represents the starting point in the estimation
of the the parameters.
Once we have an estimation of K and the mean, the process is fully specified due to it being a
Gaussian process; emphasis is put on Gaussian, a reason it's so popular for general machine
learning work.
Let's use a different regr function, apply a different theta0, and look at how the
predictions differ:
gp = GaussianProcess(regr='linear', theta0=5e-1)[train_set], boston_y[train_set]);
linear_preds = gp.predict(boston_X[~train_set])
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
Premodel Workflow
label='Residuals Original', color='b', alpha=.5);
>>> ax.hist(linear_preds - boston_y[~train_set],
label='Residuals Linear', color='r', alpha=.5);
>>> ax.set_title("Residuals")
>>> ax.legend(loc='best')
Clearly, the second model's predictions are slightly better for the most part. If we want to sum
this up, we can look at the MSE of the predictions:
>>> np.power(test_preds - boston_y[~train_set], 2).mean()
>>> np.power(linear_preds - boston_y[~train_set], 2).mean()
There's more
We might want to understand the uncertainty in our estimates. When we make the
predictions, if we pass the eval_MSE argument as True, we'll get MSE and the predicted
values. From a mechanics standpoint, a tuple of predictions and MSE is returned:
>>> test_preds, MSE = gp.predict(boston_X[~train_set], eval_MSE=True)
>>> MSE[:5]
array([ 11.95314572,
6.0287539 , 29.20844347,
Chapter 1
So, now that we have errors in the estimates (unfortunately), let's plot the first few to get an
indication of accuracy:
>>> f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5))
n = 20
rng = range(n)
ax.scatter(rng, test_preds[:n])
ax.errorbar(rng, test_preds[:n], yerr=1.96*MSE[:n])
As you can see, there's quite a bit of variance in the estimates for a lot of these points. On the
other hand, our overall error wasn't too bad.
Premodel Workflow
Getting ready
Within the gaussian_process module, there is direct access to many of the correlation
functions or regression functions. This means that instead of creating the GaussianProcess
object, we can just create this object through a function. If you're more familiar with objectoriented code, this is basically a class method at the module level.
In this chapter, we'll march through most of the functions and show their results on example
data. Do not stop at these examples if you want to get more familiar with the behavior of the
various covariate functions. Hopefully, you're still using IPython (or the notebook).
Since this doesn't expose anything thing new mathematically, we'll just show how to do it.
How to do it
First, we'll import some basic regression data:
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
>>> X, y = make_regression(1000, 1, 1)
>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process import regression_models
First up is the constant correlation function. This will comprise a constant and more
for completeness:
>>> regression_models.constant(X)[:5]
array([[ 1.],
[ 1.],
[ 1.],
[ 1.],
[ 1.]])
Chapter 1
Another option is the squared exponential correlation function. This is also the default for the
GaussianProcess class:
>>> regression_models.linear(X)[:1]
array([[ 1., 0.38833572]])
>>> regression_models.quadratic(X)[:1]
array([[ 1., 0.38833572, 0.15080463]])
How it works
Now that we have the regression function, we can feed it directly into the GaussianProcess
object. The default is the constant regression function, but we can just as easily pass it in a
linear model or a quadratic model.
Getting ready
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is often an unsung hero in machine learning.
Underneath many algorithms, there is SGD doing the work. It's popular due to its simplicity
and speedthese are both very good things to have when dealing with a lot of data.
The other nice thing about SGD is that while it's at the core of many ML algorithms
computationally, it does so because it easily describes the process. At the end of the day,
we apply some transformation on the data, and then we fit our data to the model with
some loss function.
How to do it
If SGD is good on large datasets, we should probably test it on a fairly large dataset:
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> X, y = datasets.make_regression(int(1e6))
# Just in case the 1e6 throws you off.
>>> print "{:,}".format(int(1e6))
Premodel Workflow
It's probably worth gaining some intuition about the composition and size of the object.
Thankfully, we're dealing with NumPy arrays, so we can just access nbytes. The built-in
Python way to access the object size doesn't work for NumPy arrays. This output be system
dependent, so you may not get the same results:
>>> print "{:,}".format(X.nbytes)
To get some human perspective, we can convert nbytes to megabytes. There are roughly
1 million bytes in an MB:
>>> X.nbytes / 1e6
Well, isn't that tidy, and fairly tangential, for what we're trying to accomplish; however,
it's worth knowing how to get the size of the objects you're dealing with.
So, now that we have the data, we can simply fit a SGDRegressor model:
>>> from sklearn import linear_model
>>> sgd = linear_model.SGDRegressor()
>>> train = np.random.choice([True, False], size=len(y), p=[.75, .25])
>>>[train], y[train])
SGDRegressor(alpha=0.0001, epsilon=0.1, eta0=0.01,
fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.15,
learning_rate='invscaling', loss='squared_loss',
n_iter=5, penalty='l2', power_t=0.25, random_state=None,
shuffle=False, verbose=0, warm_start=False)
So, we have another "beefy" object. The main thing to know now is that our loss function is
squared_loss, which is the same thing that occurs during linear regression. Also worth
noting is that shuffle will generate a random shuffle of the data. This is useful if you want to
break a potentially spurious correlation. With fit_intercept, scikit-learn will automatically
include a column of ones. If you like to see more through the output of the fitting, set
verbose to 1.
Chapter 1
We can then predict, as we previously have, using scikit-learn's consistent API:
You can see we actually got a really good fit. There is barely any variation and the histogram
has a nice normal look.
How it works
Clearly, the fake dataset we used wasn't too bad, but you can imagine datasets with larger
magnitudes. For example, if you worked in Wall Street on any given day, there might be two
billion transactions on any given exchange in a market. Now, imagine that you have a week's
or year's data. Running in-core algorithms does not work with huge volumes of data.
The reason this is normally difficult is that to do standard gradient descent, we're required to
calculate the gradient at every step. The gradient has the standard definition from any third
calculus course.
The gist of the algorithm is that at each step we calculate a new set of coefficients and
update this by a learning rate and the outcome of the objective function.
In pseudo code, this might look like the following:
>>> while not_converged:
w = w learning_rate*gradient(cost(w))
Premodel Workflow
The relevant variables are as follows:
learning_rate: This shows how big a step to take at each iteration. This might
be important to tune if you aren't getting a good convergence.
cost: This is the squared error for regression. We'll see later that this cost function
can be adapted to work with classification tasks. This flexibility is one thing that
makes SGD so useful.
This will not be so bad, except for the fact that the gradient function is expensive. As the
vector of coefficients gets larger, calculating the gradient becomes very expensive. For each
update step, we need to calculate a new weight for every point in the data, and then update.
The stochastic gradient descent works slightly differently; instead of the previous definition
for batch gradient descent, we'll update the parameter with each new data point. This data
point is picked at random, and hence the name stochastic gradient descent.
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