Fable - Walkthrough
Fable - Walkthrough
Fable - Walkthrough
Version 2.00, Last Updated 2006-02-08 View/Download Original File
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Fable: The Lost Chapters - Completist's Guide
(A 100% [plus] completion FAQ)
Version 2.00
By Ron Hiler
| A. Table of Contents |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Introductory Material***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Table of Contents.................................................[FABLETOC]
B. Legal.............................................................[FABLELEG]
C. Contact Information...............................................[FABLECON]
D. Introduction....................................................[FABLEINTRO]
E. The Path of the Hero.............................................[FABLEPATH]
F. Player Statistics............................................[FABLESTATSTOP]
F1. Health....................................................[FABLESTATS01]
F2. Will......................................................[FABLESTATS02]
F3. Armor.....................................................[FABLESTATS03]
F4. Gold......................................................[FABLESTATS04]
F5. Renown....................................................[FABLESTATS05]
F6. Alignment.................................................[FABLESTATS06]
F7. Attractiveness............................................[FABLESTATS07]
F8. Scariness.................................................[FABLESTATS08]
F9. Class.....................................................[FABLESTATS09]
F10. Age......................................................[FABLESTATS10]
F11. Weight...................................................[FABLESTATS11]
G. Player Attributes............................................[FABLEATTRSTOP]
G1. Strength..................................................[FABLEATTRS01]
G2. Skill.....................................................[FABLEATTRS02]
G3. Will......................................................[FABLEATTRS03]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Walkthrough***-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H. Birthday Gift................................................[FABLEBDAYGIFT]
I. Guild Training (Childhood).................................[FABLEGUILDCHILD]
J. Melee Combat Test...........................................[FABLEMELEETEST]
K. Guild Training (Teen).......................................[FABLEGUILDTEEN]
L. Wasp Menace......................................................[FABLEWASP]
M. Maze's Information...........................................[FABLEMAZEINFO]
M1. The Sick Child...........................................[FABLESICKCHILD]
Version List.................................................[FABLEVERSION]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Introductory Material***--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/XXXXXXXX\
| B. Legal |
The only sites currently allowed to host this guide are:
If you are not on this list, contact me and I will add your site to it. The
only reason I ask is so that I can maintain a list of sites with the FAQ so
that when I update something, the new version can be properly distributed to
everyone. Failure to get my permission before posting my FAQs will result in
your site being blacklisted. Please see the contact information below for
instructions on getting in touch with me.
(c) Copyright Ron Hiler 2006. All rights reserved.
This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide (in
part or whole) on any site without prior permission or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
| C. Contact Information |
as such, will not be able understand what you are saying. I'll simply ignore
any messages that I can't easily read (I have too many projects going on to
spend time deciphering gibberish!)
If you ask me a question where the answer is already found in the guide, I may
or may not answer it, depends on my mood and work schedule. Otherwise, I should
answer any questions or concerns you may have. All submissions and thoughts for
improving the guide are encouraged and gratefully accepted.
| D. Introduction |
I'm a completist. That is to say, when I play a game, I want to see and
experience everything the designers put into the game to be seen and
experienced. If there comes a point in a game where I find out (that for
whatever reason) I cannot see some aspect of the game, that's generally around
the time I lose interest, and the game gets shelved. What can I say, it's an
affliction. However, I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who has this
particular disease. Many people out there share this same problem that I have.
For those of you who want to see and do it all, this guide is written for you.
Read on, and enjoy yourself. One word of warning, there may be spoilers
contained within this guide. If you don't want to read the spoilers, why are
you reading a guide in the first place? But I'll try not to give away anything
that you wouldn't already see at that point in the game anyway. For that
matter, I'll try not to give anything away at all. I'm deliberately going to be
terse in describing the story missions, and the focus will be on strategies for
beating the mission rather than describing what happens. But I'm not going to
make any promises; there may be the occasional slip of a plot line here and
I'm not going to go over the keyboard controls like some FAQs do. This, in my
opinion, is nothing more than FAQs padding, done by authors to make their FAQs
KB numbers bigger without having to do any real writing. I have no time or
patience for that sort of thing; read the manual, that's what it's there for.
There's plenty of actual relevant information to go over in Fable without
putting in a bunch of useless nonsense that you can easily find in the manual.
As I was writing this guide, I ran through the game in very nearly the exact
order I describe. So I know it's entirely possible to complete the game using
my order. However, don't feel like you're bound to the exact same order I went
in. If you want to change things up, be my guest! Just don't skip over
something and forget to come back to it! Inevitably, someone is going to ask
"Why did you do X before Y?" or "Doing this before that is better because...".
The order I've put stuff in is the order I did them in; there's no better
reason I can give. I tried to strike a balance between keeping the core story
missions moving forward, doing the optional quests (silver and bronze), and
doing the optional stuff. I make no promises or presumptions that my order is
the best possible way to complete the game, it's just one way to do it.
Those funny codes on the right side of the table of contents are search codes.
It took a lot of tedious effort to put them in for you, so don't let them go to
waste! They're very easy to use. Double click on the code inside the brackets,
hit Control-C, then hit Control-F, then Control-V, then the return key. You
will instantly be taken to the correct place in the guide.
One last thing before we get to the interesting stuff. I'm not going to talk
about cheat codes. They don't interest me, and therefore I don't know anything
about them (seriously, I don't even know how to activate them). To me, there's
little point in playing with a cheat code on. The only time I consider them
valid to use is if you are stuck on something so frustrating that the
alternative is to delete the game from your hard drive. Otherwise, I fail to
see the point. I'm also not going to use anything I consider exploit-ish. These
are things in the game that are legal, but were not intended (in my opinion) to
be used by the designers in quite the way they are being used (for example,
there is a way to make a whole lot of money without any effort by taking
advantage of the simplistic economic model used in the game, essentially making
money a non-factor in the game from very early on. This is, in my view, an
exploit). Sometimes it's a bit of a grey area. Use your own judgment on that
stuff and do it however you like (it is, after all, your game), but I won't be
describing them here.
A couple of minor notes. The first involves alignment points. It is very easy
to rack up negative points by simply punching villagers. Using this method, it
is entirely possible to max out your negative alignment before ever leaving the
first village. Similarly, you can earn positive alignment points by taking out
the random creatures (wasps, bandits, etc.) that wander around the landscape.
If you need extra positive or negative alignment points, feel free to use these
methods to your heart's content.
The other thing I wanted to mention was the "Hero Save". You can, any time you
like, save your hero stats without saving the state of the world, which allows
you to rack up equipment, money, fame, experience points and pretty much
anything about your hero, then reload the world again and grab the exact same
things from the exact same actions (doing quests over again and so on). In the
words of Buddy the evil super-genius, "lame, lame, lame, lame, lame!" Do this
if you like, it's your game after all, but I'm writing this guide using the
assumption that you are not doing this (you can and should use the "world save"
function, though, this is the equivalent of a normal save in any other game.
Unfortunately the world save is not available until after you complete the
Heroes' Guild training, so be sure to set aside a good couple of hours to get
to that point, because you can't save the game before then).
The layout of this guide is presented such that Gold quests (the required
quests) get their own section (lettered F, G, H, and so on), while Silver and
Bronze quests (optional quests) are in subsections of the Gold quests under
which they'll be started (they will be presented as F1, F2, F3, and so forth,
and will be double underlined). Additionally, each section of the map you enter
while completing your journey will get a sub-section and will have a single
underline (I will not, however, list areas that you are just passing through on
the way to somewhere else, I will only list those areas where you actually have
to do something or if it's your first time there). Additionally, there are many
mini-quests in the game that don't show up in your quest book, these are
generally received by talking with the people standing around (they have green
dots on the mini-map). These sort of mini-quests are not given their own
section, but are described directly in the text, as they will generally only
require a paragraph or two of explanation to complete. Hopefully this will make
it obvious what you are trying to accomplish at any given point in the guide.
Okay, enough exposition from me, let's get to the good stuff.
| E. The Path of the Hero |
The game of Fable presents a couple of fairly unique difficulties for the
completist, in that you have basically three choices on how to proceed through
the game, and depending on which way you select to play, you will by necessity
miss some of the game. On the one hand, you can play as a warrior pure and
true, taking only the helpful quests and doing only good deeds. If this is your
calling, you should ignore any quest or action that will give you negative
alignment points. On the other hand, you can choose the dark side, and skip any
quests or actions that will give you positive alignment points.
The problem with the above two options is that it forces you to skip certain
parts of the game, which runs contrary to the nature of the completist. Your
third option is to go with moderation. This will allow you to see as much of
the game as possible with one play-through. This is the path that will be taken
by this guide. You should note, though that there are certain quests and
actions that are "mutually exclusive", and as such, there are certain
combinations of things in the game you simply cannot see with a single
The super secret fourth option is to just play the game through twice, once as
a good character, and once as an evil one. This will allow you to see the
entire game (to be honest, it really isn't all that much different even playing
the two extremes).
In any event, due to the nature of the game, it is nearly impossible to play
the game as a pure good or pure evil character. The simple act of defending
yourself against an attack of bandits gives you good alignment points whether
you want them or not, and it is similarly very difficult to get through the
game without picking up a couple of evil alignment points here and there.
| F. Player Statistics |
Let's take a look at your character's statistics. Some will be familiar to you
if you've played role playing games before, while others are more unique to
Fable. Most of these can go up or down, depending on your actions in the game,
but a couple can only go up.
F1. Health
When your health reaches zero, you die and have to reload the game from a
previous save point. If you have a resurrection phial, it will be used up and
you'll return to full health and will. Your current health can be raised up to
its maximum level by drinking health potions. Your maximum health can be
permanently raised by spending experience points on Health, or by quaffing
Elixir of Health potions.
F2. Will
Your will bar measures the amount of mana you have to use on spells. When you
run out of will, you cannot cast any more spells. Your current will level can
be raised up to its maximum level by drinking will potions. Your maximum will
level can be permanently raised by spending experience points on Magic Power,
or by quaffing Elixir of Will potions.
F3. Armor
This value is a combination of the individual pieces of armor you are wearing.
You can pull up this value by going into your inventory and clicking on the
Clothing section. The total value will appear in the upper left of the window.
Obviously, the higher it is the better.
F4. Gold
Does this really need an explanation? The more you have the more stuff you can
buy. Generally, gold won't be a problem as you advance through the game. The
only possible exception to this is when you want to buy and upgrade marriage
houses and when you are donating to the Temple of Avo. Otherwise, you should
pretty much always have enough to get the things you want, presuming you are
following this guide.
F5. Renown
Renown can only go up, it will never drop. You gain renown by performing
quests. As you gain trophies from quests, you can also raise your renown by
showing them off to bystanders.
F6. Alignment
This is one of the more interesting statistics in the game. As you perform
actions in the game, your alignment will shift up and down. People's reaction
to you will vary depending on your alignment, from adoration to terror. On the
higher ends of the alignment scale, your appearance will shift (from angelic to
F7. Attractiveness
How good looking you are. This attribute will vary depending on what clothes
you are wearing and what tattoos you have bought.
F8. Scariness
Very similar to Attractiveness, Scariness is also affected by your dress and
tattoos. Both of these attributes have an effect on people's reactions to you.
F9. Class
Your class is a combination of your title (which you can purchase or earn)
combined with an adjective that depends on your renown and a description of
your character based on his favorite weapon. For example, if you mostly use a
sword and have a completely full renown bar and have earned the Paladin title
from the Temple of Avo, your class would be "Legendary Warrior called Paladin".
When you exit the Heroes' Guild as an unknown, your starting class will be
"Unsung Apprentice called Chicken Chaser".
F10. Age
Your age is not based on time spent in game. You will age at the Heroes' Guild
to a teenager in the course of the game. After that, you will age roughly 0.7
years every time you use the experience spending platform in the Heroes' Guild.
Your age will stop at 65, and you cannot die of old age. There are two times in
the game you can reduce your age (by up to 10 years each time), once at the
Temple of Avo, and once at the Chapel of Skorm.
F11. Weight
This is entirely a cosmetic statistic (in fact, it's a bit hard to even notice
the difference between a slim character and an obese one, but whatever). It has
no effect in game except the one time you need to get through a particular
demon door.
There are various other statistics that are kept track of for you by the game.
Generally, they are not so important. If you are interested in seeing them,
simply open up the Hero Status->Personality page in your menu.
| G. Player Attributes |
G1. Strength
The following attributes can be found under the Strength heading when you are
purchasing attributes on the experience spending platform.
-------Your physique controls a modifier to the amount of damage you inflict with
melee weapons. The higher your physique, the more damage you are going to do
with each hit. Heavy weapons require a minimum physique level to wield,
depending on the particular weapon class.
-----This one should be obvious. With each level of health you buy, your maximum
health increases.
--------This is a sort of natural armor. Toughness controls a modifier to the amount of
damage you sustain when you are hit. The higher your toughness, the less damage
you will take when you are hit.
G2. Skill
The following attributes can be found under the Skill heading when you are
purchasing attributes on the experience spending platform.
----The more speed you have, the higher your rate of fire with a ranged weapon will
be. In addition, you will swing faster with melee weapons as well.
-------The accuracy attribute controls a modifier to the amount of damage you inflict
with ranged weapons. The higher your accuracy, the more damage you are going to
do with each hit.
----Guile has an effect on merchant prices. The higher your guile, the less things
are going to cost you in the stores, and the more you can sell those same items
back to the merchants. If you are going to make money from trading, you need to
increase your guile to a decent level. In addition, as your guile goes up,
people are less likely to notice you, which makes stealing things a lot easier.
G3. Will
The following attributes can be found under the Will heading when you are
purchasing attributes on the experience spending platform.
Attack Spells
------------The Attack Spell suite consists of the following spells. Each spell can be
raised up to level four.
Enflame - All opponents near you are engulfed in flames and knocked to the
Fireball - Throw a ball of flame at a single opponent.
Battle Charge - Uses your own person as a ram, knocking opponents in front of
you to the ground.
Multi Strike - Doubles the number of strikes per attack with a melee weapon.
Lightning - Hit an opponent (or two) with electricity.
Divine Fury - Area of effect attack that damages all nearby foes.
Infernal Wrath - Damage nearby opponents by calling forth flames from the
Surround Spells
--------------The Surround Spell suite consists of the following spells. Each spell can be
raised up to level four.
Force Push - Creates a force wave that pushes all nearby foes back with
damaging force.
Turncoat - turns an opponent into an ally by controlling their mind.
Slow Time - Everything except the caster moves in slow motion. A must have.
Drain Life - Transfers health points from an opponent to the caster.
Summon - summons a creature from the netherworld as an ally for the caster.
Physical Spells
--------------The Physical Spell suite consists of the following spells. Each spell can be
raised up to level four.
Physical Shield - Protects the caster in a force field that lasts as long as
the caster has mana. Does not drain mana directly, but the
caster's mana level will drop whenever he gets hit.
Berserk - Temporarily gives the caster massive strength and speed.
Assassin Rush - Teleports the caster behind a foe in the blink of an eye.
Heal Life - Heals the caster and any nearby ally.
Ghost Sword - an ethereal blade is summoned from the netherworld that will
fight on behalf of the caster.
Multi Arrow - When this spell is active, all ranged attacks are doubled.
Magic Power
----------This one should be as obvious as Health. With each level of health you buy,
your maximum will power increases.
| H. Birthday Gift |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - None
Money - None
Renown - None
Boasts - None
After you create a new profile, start a new game, and watch all the opening
scenes, you will immediately be presented with your very first quest, given to
you by your father. You need to buy your little sister a birthday present.
You start the game as a young boy in your hometown of Oakvale. You won't be
collecting much in the way of equipment in this area; in fact, most likely
you'll just come away with a little bit of gold.
------Not too surprisingly, you'll be spending the entirety of the Birthday Gift
quest in your home town of Oakvale. You need to come up with a birthday present
for your little sister, but unfortunately, you're a bit short of funds at the
moment. But good old Dad is willing to pay you a gold piece for each good deed
you do.
Hit the M key to get a close-up of your surroundings. You'll see the flashing
gold icon (which is your father, he's a gold icon on the map because he
advances the gold quest). You'll also see a lot of green dots on the map. These
are people who have something interesting to say to you. Press M again to close
the map.
Before we go anywhere, go into your house (the open door just behind Dad). To
the right are a couple of beds, and on the bookshelf you can find your sister's
diary (hit Tab to access it). It may seem a bit evil to be reading it, but
apparently you don't get any negative alignment points for it, and it does
provide a bit of back-story, so go ahead and read it. There are a couple of
other shelves and cabinets in the house, but nothing that contains anything
else of interest.
Walk south then east to get to the town (in the middle area). The first person
you need to find is the merchant (he's on the south side of the town, and
should be fairly easy to locate, he's the guy with the handle-bar mustache).
Walk up to him, and when he turns green, hit the Tab key to talk to him. Aha,
we have a more concrete goal now, we just need to earn a bit of gold first.
There's another green dot in town, a woman standing in front of a weapon shop
(just a bit north of the merchant). Go talk to her, it seems she can't find her
Run back up the hill to the west, and look behind one of the houses to find the
missing husband and his "friend". And here we come to the point where you
should make a decision on how you are going to proceed in the game, because
this is the first point at which your actions will affect your alignment. If
you take the bribe from the man, you get one gold piece and earn 2 negative
alignment points. Whether you take the bribe or not, you should return to the
woman and tell her what her husband is up to (unless you are going for the
totally evil character). This gives you 2 positive alignment points and one
good deed to turn into Dad.
If you open up your map, you will see a green dot in a secluded area to the
southeast. Go there, the guy will approach you and ask you for a favor. Once
you are standing guard, you are taunted by a small boy to break nine barrels
(the very thing you are supposed to be guarding). Again, you have a choice
here. You can stay put and earn 2 positive alignment points and a good deed. Or
you can break all 9 barrels with your fists (three will have beetles in them,
but they are easy to take down, the last will have a gold piece in it). Doing
so earns you two negative alignment points. If you can break all 9 and get back
to the starting point before the man returns, you earn both sets of alignment
points as well as the good deed and the gold piece. There is a timer bar in the
upper left corner just under your good deed counter that will let you know how
long you have until the man gets back.
Now find another green dot that corresponds to a little girl Emily. She'll be
wandering around somewhere on the path between the town and the path that leads
east of the town (she's pretty much the only green dot that is moving around).
She seems to be missing her teddy bear.
Continue east of the end of that path, where there are two more green dots.
There's a small boy being terrorized by a bully. You can use the space bar to
target and hit either one of them. Hitting the bully will give you two positive
alignment points, the teddy bear, and a good deed. Hitting the little boy will
give you two negative alignment points and the teddy bear. Note that if you are
going for an evil aligned character, the little boy makes a great punching bag.
You can hit him over and over, and every couple of hits you'll get two more
negative alignment points added to your score. You can also hit any of the
townsfolk for two negative points per punch, but you have to retarget them
after each hit.
At this point you really have to make a decision. Up until now, if you didn't
mind the alignment changes, you could do any of the various options in one form
or another. Here, you cannot. Your dilemma comes in the form of the teddy bear.
You can return it to Emily, for which you will get another good deed and two
positive alignment points, or you can give it to the bully, which will net you
two negative alignment points and a gold piece. Your call.
Note if you've done any bad deeds, you will probably get harassed by the town
guards. Don't worry, at this stage of the game, they are all bark and no bite
(this won't be true later on, though). It can be kind of amusing when they list
off all the bad things you have done.
You've now completed all the deeds you can in town. If you've done any good
deeds (there's a good deed counter under your mini-map if you're not really
sure), go see your father to get one gold per deed (up to four). If you did all
four good deeds and two bad deeds, you can have as much as six gold pieces at
this point. In any event, you should have at least three gold (no matter how
you got them). Head back to the merchant and buy his chocolate. Then head north
to where your sister is (she's in a field near the northern gate). Give her the
chocolate. You can search the scarecrow if you like, though there's nothing
interesting there.
Leave the field to trigger a cut scene. When they're done, run up the path
(there is only one way you can go, and yes, you have to run through the burning
bridge). When you reach your house, you trigger another cut scene (a long one),
after which you automatically get a new quest in a new area. Note that the game
will auto-save here, so if you need to quit before the world save becomes
available, at least you can pick up again from this point.
| I. Guild Training (Childhood) |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - Birthday Present
Money - None
Renown - None
Boasts - None
You're relocated to the Heroes' Guild, and immediately you are given another
Gold quest, whether you want it or not. You will be spending a few years here
and pick up quite a bit of inventory, so be prepared.
Heroes' Guild
------------You're in the guild of Heroes now. When you get here, you are automatically
given a money bag to hold your coins. You are woken up and told to report to
the Guild master at the melee ring. Before we do that, let's explore the
grounds a bit. In true Role Playing Game form, we're going to take everything
that isn't nailed down. Go up the stairs to your right (as you start the game).
On the second floor are three dorm rooms (including yours and Whisper's).
Search the shelves in all three rooms to find three books and a tattoo card (A
Love Story, Three Haikus by Miko the Bard, The Tale of Maxley, and a Kryndon
Tattoo card).
(An important note about books: We are collecting these books for a reason, as
they are part of a quest to get one of the silver keys. However, depending on
how you do things, you are also going to receive one of two hats, a bright
wizard hat or a dark wizard hat (these are mutually exclusive, you cannot get
both). Except for the alignment modifier and their look, there is no difference
between the two hats. Which hat you get depends on the order you donate your
books to a school teacher in Bowerstone South, and unfortunately, you don't get
to pick the order. The only way you have of controlling which hat you get is to
manage which books you have in your inventory. If you decide you want the
bright wizard hat, go ahead and grab all the books as I've suggested. If you
want the dark wizard hat, you should ignore all the books in the Heroes' Guild
for now. The first book you should pick up will be in Bowerstone South. Once
you have collected your dark wizard hat, you should return to the guild and
grab all the books. Eventually you have to give a total of 25 books to the
school to get the silver key).
Go back down the stairs the way you came and find the library (it's on the
northwest side of the map room, the door is under one of the stairways). Here
you will find a plethora of books. As you search the shelves, you should find
another 11 books for your collection. Get ready, this is quite a list. You
should find: The Pale Balverine, The Hierarchy of Weapons, Creatures of Albion
Books I, II, and III, The Arena, The Dragons, The Tale of Twinblade, The
Northern Wastes, The Old Kingdom, and The Other Land. You should read these
books (you can find them under Hero Status - Logbook - Books in the Escape
Menu) to get some useful information and back-story for the game.
Leave the library and go back into the map room. As you come out of the
library, there will be two doors to your left that lead into the dining hall.
Past those is another door to the guild merchant. Head that way (you can't buy
anything here yet) and out the other entrance (past the crates). You will then
enter the guild cloister. If you stay under the covered walkway, you will come
to Maze's tower. Head upstairs, where you'll interrupt a meeting between Maze
and Scythe. After the short cut scene ends, check Maze's shelves to find two
more books (A History of the Guild and Jack of Blades). Don't worry, Maze
doesn't mind if you take them.
Head back downstairs into the gardens again. Cross the bridge to the west.
Before we talk to the guild master, let's collect some apples. There are a
total of 7 cooking apples lying about on the grounds. One is just past the
bridge, near the statue. One can be found southwest of there near a chest (that
you can't open yet). Another is just south of the straw dummies that surround
the oak tree near the chest. There are four more near the entrance to Guild
Woods (to the east).
Armed with our newfound produce, open up your map and look for the green dot
to the northeast, in the servant's quarters. Talk to the green highlighted
woman twice, first to accept the mini-quest, and then to get your reward.
She'll take four of your apples, but in return you'll get a blueberry pie, not
a bad trade!
Open up your map again and take careful note of the other green dot and the
purple marker (which is a demon door). Make sure you know the quickest way
between these two points, then go and talk to the green highlighted apprentice.
As soon as you finish talking to him, run (by holding down the right mouse
button) to the door (you don't need to talk to the door, just get to the land
area right in front of it) and back to the apprentice in under 50 seconds to
finish this challenge. You get 25 gold for completing this quest.
Okay, there's nothing else to get at this point, so it's finally time to talk
to the guild master, whom you will find on your mini-map as the flashing gold
icon. Step into the melee ring and just follow his directions, there's nothing
to this one. At one point you will be given your first weapon, a stick. When
you're done, you'll get an experience orb, but nothing else.
At this point you will receive a new Gold Quest, which you must complete before
you can move on with the Guild Training quest.
| J. Melee Combat Test |
Heroes' Guild
------------Return to the guild and find the guild master in the map room. Talk to him to
begin your final exam.
Guild Woods
----------Head into the woods for your final exam. Just follow the instructions, there's
not a lot to say here. In fact, from here until you've graduated, the game is
pretty linear. Just follow the directions you're given. The first bit is to
show your worthiness to be a hero to Maze. When you're done with him, leave the
woods to trigger a new cut scene.
Heroes' Guild
------------When the scene ends, you are automatically given two new items, a Villager
Outfit (which is really four pieces of clothing) and a guild seal. You've
graduated, but there's one more formality to go through before we can finally
save the game. Learn how to spend your experience points on the experience
spending platform. I'm not going to give specific instructions on how to spend
your experience points, that's entirely up to you, but I will suggest you
concentrate your first few sets of points on strength based attributes so that
you are best equipped to survive the coming battles. Once you've completed this
task, you have officially completed the long and somewhat tedious Guild
Training mission. You are given several items for completing this quest,
including 2 resurrection phials, a lamp, 2 health potions, a will potion, and
an apple pie. And now, at last, you can finally save the game. Do so now
(remember to use World Save, not Hero Save to save your progress in the world).
| L. Wasp Menace |
(Howl) in the bookshelves, and an Elixir of Life in the chest. Grab all these
items and return to the guild. You may want to use the Elixir to boost your
health bar a bit.
Lookout Point
------------There's nothing to do in the guild (unless you want to buy something from one
of the two merchants or spend some experience points), so just head out the
front door to Lookout Point.
Once you reach the outside, a person will come up to you and implore you to
hurry to the picnic area where the wasp attack is happening. After you are done
talking with him, follow him up the hill (note that there is a title vender
here, but it's probably not worth it to change your title just yet, unless you
really can't stand everyone calling you Chicken Chaser). When you get to the
top of the hill, talk to the two people here (they are both green dots on your
mini-map). Pick whichever path you like (it should be pretty obvious which is
the good path and which is the evil one). Fart or belch at the appropriate
person to get them to leave. In either case, both people end up leaving and you
collect 20 alignment points.
Just opposite where these two guys were standing you will notice some thorny
bushes. Take them out with your sword and follow the path to get your first
silver key.
Picnic Area
----------Alright, you've probably heard enough of the pesky guy screaming for help by
now. Follow him over to the picnic area and start slaying wasps with the
katana. When the queen shows up, hit her with your lighting blast or crossbow.
Repeat as she spawns more wasps until the battle ends and you save the day.
Completion of this quest gives you your first trophy, the Wasp Queen's Head.
You can earn a bit of extra renown once the queen is dead by showing off her
head to the three guys standing here. Just open your inventory and use the head
(it's under Items - Trophy), make sure all three people are in front of you,
and hit the tab key.
Once you're done with this, clean the place out. There are several items on the
picnic tables, including five green apples, two apple pies, a health potion,
and a standard beard card.
Return to the guild. You can run there manually, but it's a lot easier to just
hold down the G key until you teleport there.
Heroes' Guild
------------Once back in the map room, you'll run into Briar Rose. More on her later. As it
turns out, there are no quests on the board for you to take, but the guild
master does let you know that Maze is looking for you.
| M. Maze's Information |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - Wasp Menace
Money - 0
Renown - 0
Boasts - None
Bowerstone South
---------------Head to the city of Bowerstone (go to Lookout Point, then take a north into the
city). You'll have a short chat with the guard before you are free to move
about the city. In actual fact, you have a fairly limited set of places you can
wander around in Bowerstone just now (Bowerstone South and Bowerstone Quay, to
be exact). The northern parts of Bowerstone are still closed to you at the
moment. No matter, there's still plenty to do in town.
First off, you may as well take care of Maze. Talk to him (he will be the
flashing gold icon on your mini-map) and pick up some interesting information
about the day of the attack on Oakvale. That was easy enough.
But before we leave, let's grab a few things and pick up a couple of optional
M1. The Sick Child
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Guild Training
Money - 2,000
Renown - 200
Boasts - None
Shortly after you talk with Maze, you'll likely be accosted by a little girl
that wants you to follow her. Go ahead and follow the girl to her mom, who will
give you this optional quest.
M2. The Book Collection
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Guild Training
Money - 0
Renown - 100
Boasts - None
Next, head the to green dot on the northwest side of the map (as long as it is
during school hours, otherwise you'll have to wait until school gets in).
You'll find Mr. Gout, the teacher, lecturing his class. Talk to him to grab the
book collection quest.
You may as well start handing the teacher the books now. Each book comes with a
lecture, so it can be a little bit tedious (you eventually have to give him 25
books in total!). We'll start with what you've gotten so as to break it up a
bit. It may take a few days to get through all of the books in your inventory
(as you can only do a few before class gets out), but that's okay, in between
giving the teacher the books, you can do a few other things around Bowerstone.
For instance, there's the locked cellar door around the back of the pub. The
door is actually on a timer, and opens for only a few seconds right around
10:00 P.M. The easiest way to hit the correct time is to stand in front of the
cellar door, teleport back to the guild (so that you have a recall point at the
door), then run to Lookout Point and watch the statue. As the statue rotates
around toward Bowerstone, click on it until you get the message that it is
pointed at the city. As soon as you see this, activate your teleport again and
select the recall option. You will be standing right in front of the cellar
door. Open it up.
Tavern Cellar
------------Inside you will find a Leather Chest piece. Once you've gotten inside the
cellar, the door will remain open for you for a while, though there's not
really much reason to go back inside.
Bowerstone South
---------------Another thing you can do in between giving books to the teacher is to collect
the various inventory items around town. Be warned, this will give you some
negative alignment points for stealing and vandalism. Check all the open
houses' bookshelves for some good stuff. The list of items you can collect is
pretty long. In the various barrels to be found around town, you will get 2
golden carrots, a red meat, a harvest tattoo, a book (The Sock Method), 2 apple
pies, a golden harvest tattoo, 2 tofu, a health potion, a crunchy chick, and a
The houses are only slightly more difficult, in that some of them are
closed at certain times of the day, making them a bit difficult to get into. On
your left as you come into the city from lookout point is a two story tailor
shop (only open during business hours) which contains a book (The Repentant
Alchemist) and a silver key (upstairs on the balcony). Continue following the
houses on your left (you'll pass the blacksmith area) to another two story
house, which will only be open in the morning. Inside is an apple pie, 100
gold, a style card (The Pudding Basin), a health potion, and an Ages of Might
Continue to the next house (it's where the teacher lives) to find 2 books (The
Guild of Zeroes and You Are Not a Bad Person), a Dark villager shirt, trousers,
and boots, a health potion, and 50 gold. The next house on your path you can't
get into yet (it's a marriage house, more on that later on) and then the
Continuing on, the next house will be a shop (the barber shop), where you will
find an apple pie and a style card (Ponytail) upstairs. Next along the way is
the blacksmith's house, where you'll find a Seachaos tattoo, a book (Eyes of a
Killer), and 50 gold. Continuing on your path you'll pass the tavern (nothing
to grab in here just now), and a final two story house, where you can pick up
50 gold, a Normal haircut style card, a health potion, a regular beard style
card, and a book (Windbreaker Rule Book). Whew, that was a lot of stuff to
collect, and you've picked up a fair number of negative alignment points along
the way. Ah, well.
Note that you should try to collect the house and barrel items when
being watched, because if anyone sees you "borrowing" these things,
incur a fine. If this happens, just teleport out for a bit and wait
fine to be forgiven (it takes 1 minute for vandalism (e.g. breaking
barrels) and 3 minutes for theft).
Another note. Once you have at least 3 guile, you can steal some more style
cards off the table of the Barber shop. These include Bald, the Buzz, Clean
Shave, Long Beard, Normal Beard, Normal Haircut, The Pudding Basin, and the
Sheriff Mustache. It's up to you if you want to spend the experience points to
get your guile up to this level or not, since all of these cards can be gotten
from other places, it's not required that you steal them. You could also try to
shoplift from the shops. I'm not going to cover that, however (shoplifting is
pretty difficult to pull off consistently, and not really worth the trouble
since you can get all the items you can shoplift a lot easier in other places).
Make absolutely sure that before you leave Bowerstone, you buy two things from
the merchant (the one outside near the gate). You are going to need a fishing
pole and a spade to uncover some of the hidden items around the world, and this
is a good place to get the equipment to do that. (In a bit you are going to get
a free fishing rod, so if you would prefer to save your 50 gold and wait, feel
free. Just don't forget to come back and pick up the fishing spots you are
going to miss once you get it. Definitely do pick up the spade, though. There
isn't a free spade coming for a long while, and you don't want to try to do all
the digging all across the world right at the end of the game. To be honest,
money is such a non-issue in this game, you are really better off just buying
both the rod and spade right now).
After you've given the school a few books, you will get either a bright wizard
hat or a dark wizard hat (the bright hat requires 6 good aligned books, while
the dark hat requires 6 evil aligned books). Which books are which doesn't
really matter. If you skipped the books in the Guild, collecting books around
Bowerstone will give you enough to get the dark wizard hat. Otherwise, you will
get the light wizard hat. We don't have the entire collection of 25 books the
teacher wants yet, so we'll leave this quest active (once you've given him all
the books you can) for now.
There are a couple of other green dots on the map. One is just the guard that
refuses you entrance to Northern Bowerstone. Nothing we can do with this guy
yet. The other green dot will lead you to a card game (Card Pairing). This is
nothing more than a timed game of concentration. You win if you can finish the
pairings in 30 seconds or less. More importantly, if you finish in 26 seconds
or less, you get Briar Rose Doll. It's a pretty tough time to achieve (and you
can't even cheat since Bowerstone doesn't allow magic), but just keep at it and
you'll get it eventually. Note that the escape key can be a big help (flip over
4 cards, hit escape, write them down, and repeat until you know the entire
board. Hopefully you still have enough time to flip over the pairs). Once
you've gotten the doll, there's no reason to play this game again (unless you
are really good at it and need to make some money for some reason).
M3. Collect the Hero Dolls
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Guild Training
Money - 0
Renown - 0
Boasts - None
When you get the first doll, a new green dot will appear on the map. This
one of the school children, and he will seek you out if you don't go find
first. He'll tell you that the teacher is a collector of these dolls, and
you find a complete set (seven of them), it seems likely a trade might be
the cards, as apparently he has an ultra-rare doll. Cool. Like the book
collecting quest, this is a long term quest that we can't finish just yet
this dratted teacher is high maintenance!).
Bowerstone Quay
--------------Well, that's quite enough of Bowerstone South, don't you think? Let's move into
Bowerstone Quay. There's not nearly as much to do here. First, you'll notice
two green dots on the mini-map. The one nearer the entrance is the witch you
need to speak with in order to advance the Sick Child quest, so go ahead and do
that now. You can also search the scarecrow behind her to find a Crunchy Chick.
M4. Beardy Baldy
Heroes' Guild
------------Okay, as long as we're here, we may as well grab the gold quest that the Guild
Master keeps harping on about. Go to the map table. You have an option of one
of two mutually exclusive quests to perform. You can either protect or attack
the orchard farm. Attacking it will give you slightly more money. Naturally,
there's going to be an effect on your alignment, depending on which one you
decide to perform. Once you have one of the two quests, run over to where the
demon door is and look for some ripples in the pool. You should catch a blue
mushroom here. That's two.
The Guild Woods
--------------Head into the woods now. You will see a new green dot. Talk to Cyril and accept
his letter for Myra. As long as we're here, take a look in the pool near where
you killed the bandits for another fishing place. Fish here to grab your third
silver key.
Greatwood Entrance
-----------------Well, we've about accomplished everything we can in the area right around the
guild, time to branch out a little bit. Head into Lookout Point and go south to
the Greatwood Entrace (just follow the flashing gold icon if you're not sure
where to go). On the way through Lookout Point, grab a boast or two, if you
like (or you could have already done this when you took the quest in the first
In the Greatwood, you'll be taunted by Whisper, who will have taken the
opposite quest from you. No matter, you've beaten her once, doing so again
shouldn't prove to be a problem.
Anyway, head to the southeast corner of the map (it looks like a path out of
the area, but in fact there is no exit there). You'll find three Health
Potions, a Will Potion, and a chest that holds a Will Master's Elixir. Not a
bad haul!
Notice on your map that along the path from Lookout Point is another alcove
area. You won't immediately find anything in there, but if you are there right
around eleven to noon, a chest will appear (the place ought to be fairly
obvious) from which you can take a Piercing Augmentation. In my experience, the
chest won't appear if you are watching the square area. The best way to find it
is to use the teleportation trick. Stand in front of where the chest will
appear and teleport yourself to the guild. Then go to Lookout Point and watch
the statue. When you see the message that it is pointing at Greatwood, recall
to the chest, at which point you can open it up.
Finally, on the southern side of the map, look for a circle of mushrooms, which
is actually a digging spot. Use your spade here to find a golden carrot. Now,
before we head over to Orchard Farm, let's take a quick detour to Fisher Creek.
Fisher Creek
-----------When you come into this area, the fisher will be under attack. Take down the
wasps, and you'll immediately be given a new bronze quest, not to mention a new
fishing pole.
N1. Fishing Lessons
Quest Type - Bronze
Leave the area, then return to enter the fishing contest. Talk to the guy to
enter the contest, then throw your line into the river (no need to find a
ripple, we're actually looking for a normal fish here). You want to get one
that is at least 50 grams (I have never failed to get one that was at least 50
grams by just fishing off the end of the pier a time or two, so this shouldn't
be a problem). Once you have this, show it to the fisherman to claim your
reward (a Fisherman Hat, The Rod of Champions, and another silver key (you
should now have 5 in all)). Note that this is one of those very annoying quests
that never leaves your "Current Quests" list. There are a few of these in the
game. Once you've gotten all three rewards, there is no need to worry about
this quest further, though you can pick up some spare cash any time you beat
your previous score, if you like.
Greatwood Lake
-------------Return to the Greatwood Entrance, and from there enter Greatwood Lake. If you
take the path to the right, you'll come across a broken bridge and, more
importantly, your sixth silver key. Return the way you came and cross the good
bridge. You'll have a small fight, and once you're done, make sure to hit the
chest. Note that this is a Silver Key chest, and requires 5 silver keys to
open. Fortunately, you don't use up your keys when you open a chest, so don't
worry on that account. Inside you will find an Elixir of Life. A little further
on you'll find a health potion on the ground near the big ball statue. Continue
to Orchard Farm.
Orchard Farm
-----------When you get here, a short cut scene will play. When it's done, you'll have
three waves of three bandits each to fight (if you are doing the Protection of
Orchard Farm quest) followed by a battle with Whisper. Beat the tar out of the
entire group, and at the end of it you'll get Whisper's Brooch (that'll teach
her to mess with you, or will it?).
If, on the other hand, you are attacking the farm, you have four waves of three
guards each to take down. You and your two thief friends must snatch three
crates from the barn. When you're done with this task, Whisper finally shows up
(a bit late, isn't she?). Again, beat her into submission and take her Brooch.
Silly woman.
There are a few things you can get while you're here. There's a chest around
the back of the barn that contains a Jet (a type of gem). In the small pond is
a fishing spot where you can fish up an Elixir of Life. Check over in the lake
to the east to find two more fishing spots (you'll get a Coron Visor Tattoo
card and another silver key, one of these spots is not so easy to find, it's
off of a pier near the orchard). Make sure to check around all the fruit
baskets, where you will find no less than 8 green apples.
N3. Hidden Booty Hunt
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Guild Training
Money - 0
Renown - 100
Boasts - None
Returning back along this path you will come across another treasure chest
(watch to your right as you come through the fence) to find Treasure Clue #5
(actually your first clue, there will be six in all). This activates the bronze
quest. Note that there is a digging spot near the barn, but even if you find
it, DO NOT dig here yet (you probably won't since it doesn't actually activate
the spade quick-icon). Digging here prematurely will seriously cripple the item
buried here. You'll be back for it later, don't worry.
Behind the house is a grave. Digging there will reveal an Upper Dress. The only
other thing to do in this area is to actually get inside the house. We'll get
inside in a bit. For now, teleport back to the Guild and check the map table.
There are two quests available, a Silver and a Gold (there is another Silver
quest, Hobbe Cave, but most likely you don't yet have the renown to take this
quest, so we'll do it later). For now, take the silver quest, the Hobbe Killing
N4. Hobbe Killing Contest
Quest Type - Silver
Prereqs - Protect / Attack Orchard Farm
Money - 900
Renown - 200
Boasts - No Protection, Without a Scratch, Fist Fighter, Humble Whisper
Orchard Farm
-----------Take this quest and recall back to Orchard farm. When you get there, you'll
find Whisper (look who's back!). Your job is to kill more Hobbes than she does.
Sounds easy, but Whisper tends to cheat a lot by kill stealing. You'll probably
need a better weapon or use a spell like Time Slow to get the edge over her. No
matter how you do it, make sure that when the counter reaches zero, you have
more kills that she does to win the competition. When you do, you get a Hobbe
Tooth trophy, as well as some extra money and renown.
Lookout Point
------------Run or teleport back to Lookout Point, where you will find a new green dot
awaiting your arrival. It seems a merchant needs an escort to the farm. Agree
to the mini quest and head toward the farm. Keep the bandits off the merchant
as you go through Greatwood Entrance. The more damage the merchant takes, the
less reward you will receive. When you get to the farm, be sure to follow the
merchant to the farm house. This is the only time in the game when the door to
the farm will be open. Go inside to pick up a couple of books (The Rotten Apple
and Making Friends).
| O. Trader Escort |
When you come down the path, the bandit will ask you for 400 gold to pass.
As if.
Lock on to him and show him what a really bad idea it is to mess with a hero of
your caliber with your favorite weapon or spell. When he's done, move on to the
bandit camp just ahead. When you've cleared this area, you will see red dots to
your north and south. Take out the three to your south first for best
experience results. Finally, you will be taking out the camp in the north,
where the bandit leader is hiding. Beat them into a smoky mist. Watch out for
the exploding barrels.
Inside the two chests in the northern camp you will pick up a Flame
Augmentation and 500 gold. Take the path to the southwest of the camp to find
several barrels (3 health potions, 2 will potions, an apple pie, and a red
meat). Inside the chest you will come across a Steel Pickhammer.
Continue along the path toward your destination. Just before you reach the next
exit, you will come across a demon door. It seems he wants you to do an evil
deed in front of him. There's a couple of ways to go about this, but the
easiest is the crunchy chick route. Unfortunately, you don't yet have enough,
so we'll come back to this shortly. For now, continue to the next section.
Greatwood Cullis Gate
--------------------Good news, there's a Cullis Gate here (hence the name of the region), so you
now have a quick means of getting to this point. Other than that, there is
actually very little of interest in this area. There is a fishing spot where
you can catch a moonfish near the exit to the Greatwood Caves.
Greatwood Caves
--------------Cut through the brambles here to find a will potion and a red meat lying on the
ground, but don't go into the caves just yet. Talk to the door. This one wants
to see your combat multiplier go up a bit before he'll open up. Once again,
we'll come back for this one a little later.
Darkwood Entrance
----------------Ah, here are our lost traders. About time. A short way down the path you'll
come across a third trader. Allow him to join, or not, as you will. In the
barrels you'll pick up a Will Potion and a red meat, and there's a treasure
chest that contains a resurrection phial. Just for coming into this area, you
have picked up a new bronze quest.
O2. Chapel of Skorm
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Guild Training
Money - 0
Renown - 0
Boasts - None
Ignore this one for the moment and continue into the marshes.
Darkwood Marshes
---------------First things first. Take out the Balveriene. Once that's done, talk to the
door. His challenge is not all that tough, but it's probably a bad idea to take
it while you've got the traders in tow, so unfortunately, this is another one
we'll have to wait on. For the moment, continue on into the swamp.
Just before you get into the water, there's a chest to your left. Open it to
grab a Jet. Take down the spoors (lightning works well here) and continue
Darkwood Lake
------------There will be a bandit attack on the traders when you come into this area. Beat
it off. To your left is an alcove with a couple of barrels (a green apple and
an apple pie) and a chest (Leather Boots). There will be another attack as you
reach the waters, and in larger numbers, so be careful to protect your charges.
Once that's beaten off, there's a chest with 250 gold for you to plunder to
your right. There's another chest in this area, but it's a 15 key silver chest,
so we'll have to wait on opening it for now.
There will be a few more attacks from bandits as you move through this section,
but nothing you can't handle by now. Toward the south end, you'll find a rock
with a hole in it. Pull out your bow and shoot through the hole to find your
eighth silver key. Continue on.
Darkwood Camp
------------When you come into the camp, the traders will move ahead into the alcove to the
east and heal themselves up. Go in yourself and talk to the merchant (there are
three, you are looking for the one that sells produce). You want to purchase
all of his available crunchy chicks. The two chests contain a resurrection
phial and a steel axe. The two barrels have a Dark Vortex Tattoo and a Will
Potion. There is a blackjack dealer here if you feel like playing a game or
two. There's no reward for this one beyond the money. Upgrade your weapons and
probably still need to get your multiplier up to 28, and two, the caves are
going to be just crawling with Hobbes, who are quite happy to attack the boy
and kill him if you have him in tow. It's pretty difficult to complete this
mission unless you clear the caves first, the boy has a nasty tendency to get
killed before you get out of the area. So head out the door and start clearing
the caves.
There's going to be a lot of fighting. Your best (and final) chance to get a
combat multiplier of 28 will be in the Hobbe Cave Entrance, which is just going
to be swarming with Hobbe. Kill 'em all, and teleport to the door as soon as
you get that 28 value.
So, you've opened the demon door (if not, don't despair, there is still hope).
Obviously you can go in once it's open, but for now you may want to return for
the boy. Work your way back down to the focus chamber and finish off that nymph
to release the boy. Before you leave the focus chamber, look around for a
circle of mushrooms. Digging there will reveal a silver key. It should now be a
relatively easy walk back to Rose Cottage (if the boy does suffer any damage,
you may want to heal him if you picked up the Heal Life spell, after all that
work, and you definitely do not want him to die on you now).
Rose Cottage
-----------Once you reach Rose Cottage, talk to granny, quest over (you will pick up a
Hobbe Head trophy). If you go inside her house, you can pick up a Will Potion
and a book (A Hero's Journey II).
If you missed any stuff along the way during this quest (most likely you were
in a hurry in order to keep your combat multiplier high), go ahead and grab it
now (except the main chamber treasure chests, which will no longer be there).
One last comment: What if you still couldn't get that door open? You have a
couple of options. After the Hobbe Cave quest is over, a rock troll will spawn
at the cave entrance from time to time. You only need to reach a multiplier of
14 (since you don't have to change areas) to get that door open, and that troll
is your best shot. Also, the Hobbe caves will have quite a lot of Hobbes in
them once the quest is done, so you may be able to work your multiplier up to a
high enough level.
The Butterfly House
------------------Inside the demon door at the Greatwood Caves is the Butterfly house, which has
a chest. Inside the chest is the cutlass Bluetane. Congratulations, this is
your first Legendary Weapon! With a damage of 165, you almost certainly want to
equip this blade now.
Darkwood Marshes
---------------When you're done in the Butterfly House, return to the cave entrance, and go
through the Darkwood Entrance to the Darkwood Marshes. Here's another door we
skipped while escorting the traders. With your new sword, this should be a
piece of cake. Talk to the door and accept his challenge, then beat the tar out
of the five waves of Hobbes that attack. When that's done, go inside.
Darkwood Sanctum
---------------Inside this area you'll find chest (big surprise, right?). Open it up to get a
full set of Dark Will users clothes (Dark Boots, Gloves, Upper and Lower
Barrow Fields
------------Continue making your way south (just follow the gold flashing icon) until you
reach Barrow Fields again (yes, you can teleport if you like, but you may as
well pick up the experience along the way, up to you, though). Once again,
there's a demon door here to contend with. Lucky for us, we came prepared for
this one as well. Head for the door, then open up your inventory.
Go to the produce section and drag the red meat icon down to one of your hot
keys. Hit it a few times, and then talk to the door again (if you're not fat
enough yet, eat a few more). That's all it takes to gain entrance to this
protected area.
The Old Kingdom Spring
---------------------Inside this rather pleasant area, you find a chest that contains a Will
Master's Elixir.
------Welcome back to your hometown! Everything is more or less as you left it, the
town has been rebuilt, and you now have a lot more access to the buildings than
you did when you were a boy. When you come in, a short cut-scene will play. It
seems like you still may have a few lingering issues.
Once you have control again, the first thing you are going to notice is that
there are about four thousand green dots on the map. Yipes! Don't worry though;
we'll get to them all.
First off, we may as well talk to Maze (he's the gold flashing icon) and get
our gold quest done. With that out of the way, make your way into the pub and
talk to the Dawkins, the game master. We're going to advance the doll quest
now, so get ready to play some coin golf. To win, you must complete all four
holes in 13 shots or less, but to get a doll (this one is of Whisper) you need
to get a better score than that (I got mine with 11 shots, and 13 is definitely
too many, so the cutoff is somewhere between 11 and 12 to get the doll). Once
you've got the doll, you can go behind the counter to smash three barrels
(health potion) and raid the cabinets (you'll find a book, The Sock Method, and
a Firis Head Tattoo). This will almost certainly get you into trouble, so
teleport out for a bit until the guards calm down, and then return
(alternatively, if you've picked up the "Apologize" expression by now, you can
use it to immediately get your fine forgiven).
There's another fight ring here, down by the barns (where, as a boy you guarded
the guys stock). Come here after about 10:00 P.M. to win the second level
championship. While you are over here, there's a digging spot in one of the
barns that will net you a Balverine Skull Tattoo.
P2. Chicken Kicking Competition
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Guild Training
Money - 0
Renown - 0
Boasts - None
Talk to the
want you to
the chicken
brings up a
green dot guy near the southeastern side, by the beach. He will
take care of a little ghost problem. Run down to the beach where
kicking competition is set up to find the ghost. Talk to him, which
whole new bronze quest.
He'll give you the location of his hidden treasure. Just before you leave,
check out the shack on the beach to find a treasure chest that contains an oak
crossbow. Now that you've got that, go to the western beach (you have to go
through town to get there) where the dock is. The treasure is buried to the
left of where the dock begins (as you are looking out to sea). There is no
obvious marking, so just watch your quick icons to see when the spade symbol
pops up. Once you have the treasure, you need to find the ghost's wife.
Fortunately, she's right on the beach where you are. Give her the gold. While
you are here, there's a treasure chest on the beach (assassin's boots) and a
barrel (apple pie). Once you have these, return to the pirate and let him know
you've taken care of his wife. He'll give you the location of even more
treasure, which is yours to keep.
Once the ghost is gone, talk to the guy who started this quest again. He'll
thank you and head down to the beach. Talk to him down there to start the
contest. If you want all three prizes, you'll need to enter the contest three
times. Here is what you get:
50 - 145 points: A Cock-A-Doodle-Do expression
150 - 245 points: A silver key
250 or more points: A chicken hat
Getting the top prize will require you have a physique of around 4 or so. If
nothing else, you need to get that key (should be your 12th key). Note that
this is one of those quests that never leaves your logbook. Once you have the
quest, it will always be in your book. While it may be a bummer for bookkeeping
purposes, you can always make some money by getting over 50 points.
On the east side of the map, north of the beach, you'll find Myra (over by the
well). You should give her the letter you've been carrying for her all this
time. She'll give you a reply letter in return. You almost have that fourth
mushroom now.
Up near the entrance to Memorial Garden, you'll find a grave (just past the
mercenary). Digging here will net you 500 gold. There is also a chest near here
(south of the merc, in the glade of trees) here that contains a resurrection
phial. Speaking of chests, remember where you found the cheating husband? Check
in that area for another chest that contains 250 gold.
Now let's talk about the houses. We're up on the hill, so we'll start there.
Begin with the house where the chest is, and you'll find two books (Making
Friends and a Hero's Journey III), as well as a Health Potion. The next house
up the street contains The Trials of Aarkan, a Dark Lower Dress, and a Short
Hair style card.
The next house up the street is your old boyhood house. You should buy it now,
assuming you can afford it (5,000 gold). You can even fix it up a little (2,500
gold, 3,500 gold, and 5,000 gold), but don't spend every dime you have. You
need to keep a bit in reserve to buy a wedding ring and a couple of gifts
(perfume or roses will do). Across the street you'll find a Will Potion and a
Youngster Style haircut card.
Head down the hill into the town proper. We've already sacked the inn, so move
on to the houses near the Memorial Garden exit. In the first house, you'll pick
up a book (The Oakville Raid) which you should find an interesting read. The
house next door contains a Dark Upper Dress and a Will Potion. In the two story
house across the street, you will find three books (The Ugly Guide, Windbreaker
Rule Book, and The Sock Method) as well as a Spiral Dementia Tattoo card. You
will find a Health Potion in the final house.
With that, we've completed Oakvale (that wasn't too bad, was it?). Head over to
Memorial Garden.
Memorial Garden
--------------There are three digging spots here, assuming you've completed the ghost quest
in Oakvale. Dig under the axe of the statue to get your 13th silver key and an
obsidian greataxe. Two of the graves are also digging spots, where you'll pick
up a golden carrot and a health potion.
Guild Woods
----------Teleport back to the guild. As long as you are here, grab the next gold quest,
and then run over to the woods to deliver Mrya's reply to Cyril. He will hand
over the fourth mushroom!
| Q. Find the Bandit Seeress |
are already married). Once the candidate asks for the ring, just use it, and
just like that, you are married. Congratulations!
Now, if you want to have sex with your wife, a bit more work is needed. It is
even more important to make sure you are in your best clothing. Flirt and give
many gifts to your partner. Eventually, her aura will turn from blue to green,
which is the cue to interact with her. After a brief cut-scene (no you don't
get to see anything), you will have had your first encounter. This is good, as
there's a certain demon door that has a particular requirement about sex, so we
are going to want to get our sex count up anyway. May as well be doing it with
the wife, eh?
Anyway, back to the task at hand. We were looking for the Seeress. Head for the
Clifftop Path (the entrance is a cave opening near the dock).
Clifftop Path
------------Now, if the bandits see you, they'll shut the gate. If that happens, kill the
three of them and wait for the gate to reopen (it doesn't take long). Three
more bandits will appear, and this whole process repeats. You'll most likely
have to kill a wave or two of bandits before you get near the gate, where you
will find a couple of barrels in which you will pick up a Health Potion and a
Harion shoulder tattoo card. Once you've secured these, retreat back to the
rock a little ways back and use it as cover to hide from the next patrol. If
you time it right, none of the three will see you and you'll have a free run at
the open gate.
Abandoned Road
-------------Once you are past the gate, there's another short cut-scene, where you learn a
bit of interesting information. Seems like you may need a bit of clothing.
Anyway, start making your way up the path. You'll come across several chests
that contain the very clothing you will need (Boots, Shirt, Trousers, Bandana,
and Gloves). Convenient! The last chest (near the demon door) has a
Resurrection Phial in it. Also, be sure to check the barrels (the first set
contain a Will and Health potion, and the second set contain a Health potion,
an Ages of Skill potion, and 250 gold. The final barrel just has some tofu in
You can't get through the demon door yet, so just make sure you have on the
bandit outfit and head into Twinblade's camp.
Twinblade's Camp
----------Talk to the gate guard, who will let you into the compound. When you are
inside, the first order of business is to find the three merchants. One of them
has a good supply of crunchy chicks, so make sure you own at least 10 of them,
we'll need them for one of the demon doors we skipped earlier. There are some
barrels up near the traders, though they don't contain anything.
On the other side of the small pond are another couple of barrels (Health and
Ages of Will Potions) as well as a chest with 500 gold. Also, in the dirt patch
in front of the chest is a digging spot that will get you another silver key.
Another couple of barrels in the tavern area have a Red Meat and a Health
Potion. Once you are sure you have dealt with all the loot lying around, it's
time to deal with the green dots. There is one standing by the back gate that
is of interest. He tells you that you need a pass to get through this gate.
There's a couple of ways to get this pass. One is to buy it off one of the
bandits for 1,000 gold (he's one of the green dots on the mini-map). However,
don't bother. You are going to win it off the gamesmaster.
The gamesmaster is in the tavern area. Talk to him and win his game, it's not
all that difficult to pull off. Slightly trickier, though, is that you can win
another hero doll here (Twinblade) if you can beat the game in under 20
seconds. If you are having a lot of trouble, just cast Slow Time before talking
to the gamesmaster, and you will have a very easy time of it winning the doll.
Twinblade's Elite Camp
---------------------Look around for a bit. There's a few barrels to open up (in total, you will get
an Ages of Might potion, a carrot, 3 green apples, tofu, 100 gold, and a Health
potion). The bandits will grumble a bit when you break the barrels, but don't
otherwise seems to mind. Be careful of the exploding barrel. In addition, there
are two treasure chests, in which you will pick up a Resurrection Phial and a
pair of Assassin's Trousers. Leaning against one of the tents (west of the
group of assassins) is a steel greatmace.
That takes care of the items you can pick up, now we come to the quest. First
off, if you follow the gold icon, you will come to a gate, where another guard
blocks your way. There are a couple of possible ways to get by this guard. But
we'll come to that in a minute. First off take a look to the north of the
blocked gate. Notice anything familiar up here? That's right, it's a new fight
Wait until around midnight for the fight club to show up, then go through the
usual motions to beat the tar out of everyone and win the level 3 certificate.
Now, as to that gate. You have two options for getting through. One way is to
talk to the group of assassins and pay their 2,000 gold fee to create a
distraction. Easy, if a bit expensive.
The second way is a little more involved and a little more dangerous. On the
southwest side of the camp you will find two prisoners being guarded by a
particularly nasty looking guard. Kill this guard (but try to make sure no one
else sees you do this, you don't want the entire camp coming after you at
once). An easy way to take him out is to stand up near the hostages, wait for
the guard to get near, cast slow time, then hit him with a bit of lightning.
Finish him off with the sword or bow as needed. Once he's down, you'll get the
key to the cages. Let the hostages go, which provides another distraction to
get you through the gate, free of charge.
Twinblade's Tent
---------------You're in for a little bit of a fight now, although, with your super awesome
cutlass Bluetane, it's really not all that difficult. Twinblade is difficult to
damage except with flourishes. However, there is a short time, after he sticks
his weapons into the ground, when you can freely hit him in the back. Anyway,
it doesn't really take all that much to finish him off. Use your healing
potions and resurrection phials as needed.
There's a cut-scene, which I won't describe in the interest of not putting in
too many spoilers, after which, you have a choice to make. You can show mercy
to Twinblade and let him live, or you can kill him. Note that the latter option
will result in a massive fight as the entire group of bandit gawkers attack you
at once. Good luck with that.
In any case, make sure to grab all your hard earned loot. In the tent you will
find 2 health potions and 2 red meat in the barrels, as well as three treasure
chests (a Resurrection Phial and 750 gold). Also, check the path that runs
north of the fight area to find another chest with a diamond in it.
Leave the camp to finish the quest and collect your reward (including a new
trophy, the Bandit Seal). The guildmaster will chatter at you like a magpie for
a while, after which you ought to save the world state (no need to go through
all that again!). The end result of all this chatter is that you get a new
quest card.
| R. Maze's Request |
Teleport back to Twinblade's camp and make your to his tent, where you will
find a new green dot to talk to. This is the assassin. Interesting plot twist,
eh? Alright, if you draw your weapon near him, the assassin will give you a
counter offer. Refuse it, and he'll up the price.
So here's the deal. If you end up killing the assassin, you will get good
points, and if you kill the guard, you will get evil points. Whichever way your
alignment choice takes you, that's the way you ought to play this. For the most
money, accept the 2,500 from the assassin and then kill him (you will pick up
an assassination contract for doing this, which isn't really a trophy, more
like proof that you've eliminated the assassin). You'll get a few evil points
for this, but get more good points for the kill (not to mention a cool 2,500
gold). Then return to the guard and collect your 1,000 gold.
Bowerstone South
---------------Teleport back over to Bowerstone. You should have a nice bit of cash, so go
ahead and buy the house for 1,500 (if you hadn't already). You can even upgrade
it three times (500, 700, and 1,400 gold) if you like. You do NOT, however,
want to take a wife in Bowerstone. That privilege will be going to a specific
person later on. While you are here, make sure you haven't picked up any new
books the teacher still wants (probably not, but it doesn't hurt to make sure).
The Arboretum
------------Teleport over to the Greatwood Cullis Gate, then move north into Greatwood
Gorge. Talk to the demon door. Now eat 10 or so crunchy chicks in front of the
door (the easiest way to do this is to move the icon from your inventory list
down into one of the hotkey spots). Talk to the door again to pass through into
the Arboretum. Inside you can take out your aggressions on a bunch of thorny
bushes, but the real goal of being here is to open up the chest. Inside you
will find Wellow's Pickhammer. It's a nice enough legendary weapon, though not
as good as your cutlass.
While we
your way
find the
chest in
are down in the general area, let's tie up a couple of lose ends. Make
south and west into Darkwood. When you reach Darkwood Lake, you should
entrance to the Bordello is now open (there's also a 15 silver key
front of the entrance, but alas, we are one key short at the moment).
creepy place. Enter the house, at which point a barrier will block the front
door and you get into a short fight (this will be of no challenge to you).
After the fight, the barrier in front of the door dissipates, and something odd
happens at the grave site around back. In the house you will find an Ages of
Skill Potion, a Tallin Clan leg tattoo, a ruby inside a chest, a dusty notebook
(which you probably ought to read), a normal beard card, an Ages of Will
Potion, and finally a Sharpening Augmentation inside another chest (this last
chest requires 10 silver keys, which fortunately we have).
Back outside you should dig at the grave site, which will net you a Deathlicon
tattoo. Also around the back of the house is a scarecrow that contains a Tallin
Clan Arm tattoo. You cannot get into the cellar at this point, so let's leave
that for now.
Go over by the demon door. You can't open it yet, but next to it is a fishing
spot that will give up your fifteenth silver key (you'll likely have to kill
the two nymphs so you can fish in peace).
Darkwood Lake
------------Remember that 15 silver key chest we had to ignore? Let's go back there and
grab it now that we have enough keys (use your recall to get back there
quickly). Otherwise, unfortunately, there's not an easy way to get back to that
point (teleporting to Barrow Fields and working your way north is most likely
your best bet). Anyway, make your way to the Lake. You will find the chest
right near the entrance to the (former) bordello. Inside you will find Arken's
Crossbow. This is a legendary weapon, and much better than your current ranged
weapon, so go ahead and equip it.
Heroes' Guild
------------Teleport back to the guild. You probably have a whole mess of experience to
spend, so go ahead and do that if you like. When you're done, check the map
table to pick up a couple of silver quests.
R2. Trader Massacre
Quest Type - Silver
Prereqs - Find the Bandit Seeress
Money - 5,000
Renown - 400
Boasts - No Protection, Without a Scratch, Fist Fighter, Keep Bandit Alive,
Timed Quest
R3. Trader Rescue
Quest Type - Silver
Prereqs - Find the Bandit Seeress
Money - 5,000
Renown - 400
Boasts - No Protection, Without a Scratch, Fist Fighter, Don't Kill Anyone,
Timed Quest
Despite their names, these quests are not mutually exclusive, you can do them
both (and pick up a cool 10,000 gold, not bad). The only reason not to do so is
if you have a particular alignment you are going after and don't want to pick
up the positive or negative alignment points.
Once you are done with that, go talk to Maze in his tower. He'll give you a new
quest (he actually tells you he leaves the quest on the map table, but in fact
Further on you should find a chest behind some brambles with an obsidian
greathammer inside, and a bit beyond that you will see another chest (along the
northern path) with chainmail gauntlets. The treasures are getting a little
more interesting now!
Anyway, the stones have four letters on them, I, T, H, and S. Now, you could
try to guess the door's name from these letters, there are only three or four
possibilities. However, the temple is just down the road, so let's go there and
find out what the name actually is.
The Temple of Avo
----------------There isn't much here to loot, except a chest near the temple. Inside you'll
discover a Resurrection Phial. So that just leaves the green dots.
One dot is the guy with the name of the door. You can give him a ruby if you
like (and have one), or just try to work out the name yourself. Your call.
S1. The Sword in the Stone
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Find the Bandit Seeress
Money - 100
Renown - 100
Boasts - None
There's another group of men up by a sword that's been stuck into a rock. When
you finish talking to a few of them, try to pull it out yourself. You won't be
able to. Then open up your hero and check your experience page. You need to
raise your Physique by 5, your Health by 2, and your Toughness by 3 from
whatever it is currently in order to get that sword out (however, the max stats
are all 7, so if you cannot reach those levels, you just have to max them out,
and it'll count just as well). Note the values you have to achieve. The next
time you are spending experience, you should try to get them up high enough to
reach the required level. Anyway, with the name of the door in hand (or not)
return to the Witchwood Stones.
Witchwood Stones
---------------Alright, on to opening the door. If you are guessing, you may have noticed
there is one particular word you could spell out that is profane. This will not
let you into the door, but it will spawn two balverines for you to fight. So be
careful with that. It shouldn't take you long to work out the code. You don't
have to talk to the door after each attempt, you'll know immediately once you
get the right word.
Witchwood Cavern
---------------Talk to the archaeologist for a brief time. There's a fair bit of stuff in here
to take with you, including a ruby, a sapphire, and red meat in the barrels,
chainmail leggings, a resurrection phial, and a health augmentation in three
chests (the last one requires 15 silver keys), three books lying on the ground
(A Love Story, Creatures of Albion Book I, and The Sock Method), and finally, a
Howl Tattoo card in the bookshelf.
| T. White Balverine |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - Find the Archaeologist
Money - 6,200
Renown - 800
Boasts - No Protection, Without A Scratch
Teleport back to the guild and pick up the next gold quest, defending the
people of Knothole Glade from balverines. Spend you experience if you like
(remember about the sword quest and work on those strength attributes). Then
teleport back to the Witchwood Cullis gate.
The area will probably have some balverines wandering around in it. Kill 'em
all. In the next area (Witchwood Stones), you will be approached by a guy who
says his wife is in trouble. You can follow him, but it's a trap. Teach the
bandits the folly of trying to trap a hero of your caliber. Down the road the
guy waits (by the treasure chest). Kill him, or not, your call. Either way,
you'll get a resurrection phial out of the deal. Continue on, and just run
through the Temple of Avo, there's nothing of interest to us here at this
Witchwood Lake
-------------As you come in, you'll see two barrels in front of you. Inside is a Will Potion
and tofu. Also there's a Power Mustache Style card on the ground in front of
them. Continue on the road until you see the gargoyle statue. To the left of
the statue is a digging spot that will give you another silver key.
When you get to the intersection, head south. You'll find a treasure chest
(Flame Augmentation) and across the road in the pond is a fishing spot (Will
Master's Elixir).
Knothole Glade
-------------When you come in, watch the cut-scene, then start
three or four have gone down, the gates will open
fight the White Balverine until it goes away. You
talk to the wife of the last guy who hunted white
Before we do that, head back out of the gate to the demon door. This one is
very easy. After you talk to him, pull out your Arken's Crossbow and give him
one right between the eyes. He'll open up without any fuss.
The Hidden Corpse
----------------Inside the glade is another chest (surprise!). Inside you'll find an Elixir of
Life. Cool. Return to the glade.
Knothole Glade
-------------Head for the houses on the southwest side of town, where you are supposed to
talk to the wife of that guy. When you get there, you'll need to fend off
another attack. The wife will give you a silver augmentation. Don't worry, you
don't really need to use it if you don't want. After you get the prize, another
attack comes, which you'll have to fend off.
Witchwood Lake
-------------Return to the lake. You'll see the white balverine down by the pond. This is
will call in
and keep an eye on
to finish off the
Head as a trophy.
Knothole Glade
-------------Talk to the mayor to claim your reward. Once you do, the mayor will give you an
extra bonus, you get a book and letter from your sister. You should probably
read over both of these items.
Notice there's another fight ring here. When the fighters gather (at the usual
time) you need to speak with the leader again to join the battle (in this case,
the leader is the cheif of the town). Beat the tar out of all the contestants
until you emerge victorious. This is the final club, and winning this one gives
you the fight club trophy. Congratulations! You are now considered the Albion
ultimate fist fighter champion!
Now go out the gate. Past the woodcutting shack, watch to your right for a very
subtle path (this path does appear on the map, but you will have a hard time
seeing it unless you use the M key, at which point it should be pretty clear
where it is). At the end of this path is a chest with an emerald inside.
Okay, let's talk about the things you can pick up inside this little hamlet. Go
to the gate and face into the town. We'll start to your left, at the armor
shop, and work our way around the town counterclockwise.
There's nothing to be found in the armory, but in the next shop over (the
tattoo parlor), there's a chest with 1,000 gold inside. If you have enough
Guile, you could also steal the style cards off the table (there are Dorgon,
The Eyes of Skorm, Gryphonite, Howl, Poison Web, Seacorpse tattoos, as well as
a Remove Tattoo card if you want to get rid of one). In the three barrels you
will find 3 red meats.
Continuing into the town, follow the path to the left down to the barn area
where you first saw the White Balverine. Two of the barns are empty, but the
third has a chest with a ruby in it.
Keep following the left "wall", and you'll pass the fight ring and make your
way into the tavern. Nothing in either of these places. However, the next house
up has a Red Widow tattoo card in the cabinet at the back. Once you have that,
go back outside and follow the edge of the house to a circle of plants. Dig
there to get your eighteenth silver key.
The next house on your path is the Marital house. If you buy it (9,000 gold)
then do two upgrades (4,000 and 6,000 gold) one of the cabinets will have a
book in it (Making Friends). The third and final upgrade (if you should chose
to get it) will cost you another 6,000 gold.
The next house is a two story affair (it's the chief's place). Upstairs you
will find a chest with chainmail boots inside. At the next house over, you'll
find another book (The Balverine Slayer) in a cabinet. The next building over
is a general shop, but it has nothing in it.
You should now be making your way back toward the northern side of town. The
next house will not hold any loot, but in the one after that you will score a
Seachaos Leg tattoo card and 500 gold.
If you bought the marriage home, you can pick up a wife here (it's quite okay
for you to have more than one wife, as long as they are in different towns).
You'll get a bit of a dowry as well.
One final thing to do here. Visit the tavern area again and look for the
gamesmaster. This is a very easy game, you just have to sort the cards from
lowest to highest (aces are low) within 35 seconds. Cake. However, you can pick
up a Scarlet Robe hero doll if you can manage it within 20 seconds, which is
significantly harder (naturally). Magic is allowed in this town, so if you
can't quite get it, just cast slow time before talking to the gamesmaster and
you should have no problem.
Okay, we've done what we can here. Teleport back to the Heroes' Guild, and pick
up the Arena Quest. Go ahead and spend some experience if you like. When you
are ready, teleport back to Knothole Glade, then run through Witchwood Lake (be
careful of the Rock Troll that will sometimes spawn), and thence into the
| U. The Arena |
The idea is to get through all 8 rounds without leaving. If you do leave, it
incurs a significant monetary penalty, so try to stay in the ring for the
duration. Doing so will net you 28,600 gold in total (plus sundry amounts from
whatever drops). Note that every time you get the crowd happiness bar (with the
clapping hands on the top right of the screen) to full, they will drop a red
rose, so be sure to pick those up!
Rounds 1 and 2 are not at all difficult. In Round 3, you may want to think
about turning on your physical shield, as those white balvarines are tough.
Once you're past those, you have a fairly easy round against the undead. From
Round 5 on, I had my physical shield up and was quaffing will potions quite
often. Keep out your cutlass and keep that shield up, and you won't have too
much trouble.
In the final round, your best bet is to put away the sword and pull out Arken's
Crossbow. When the scorpion stops moving around, hold the attack button down
for a few seconds. You can easily hit him for 300 points at a shot while
dodging that underground spike thing he throws out every once in a while. When
he spawns those mini scorpions, pull out your cutlass again and one-shot them.
Repeat as needed until he goes down.
Then we come to the super secret ninth round. Not too much to say about this
one, except try to keep your shield up. You don't need to get her health bar
down all the way, just about half. At that point you will have won the battle.
Now you have a choice, evil or good. It should be fairly obvious which is
which. The evil choice will net you an additional 10,000 gold. If you chose
good, just walk out the door to end the arena experience. Winning the arena
championship will net you the Champion Seal trophy and the King Scorpion Sting
When you get out of the arena (after a few cut scenes), you'll be back at the
entrance. Make sure to talk to one of the people out here (a bald guy, probably
standing with two of his friends near the arena entrance) to get a chainmail
helmet. Also, as soon as you get out of the Arena, you automatically will pick
up the next gold quest.
| V. Finding Theresa Again |
your Hero Status Page and check the Personality section. Take a look at the top
bar that shows your alignment. Hopefully you are either fully good or fully
evil at this point. If not, start working toward that goal (whichever way is
In any event, head back to the guild once you finish the arena (or selling your
gems in Oakvale). There's a couple of silver quests on the table for you to
pick up that will make you a bit of cash. Grab them both.
V1. Break the Siege
Quest Type - Silver
Prereqs - The Arena
Money - 5,000
Renown - 450
Boasts - No Protection, Without a Scratch, Fist Fighter, Solo Mission, Kill
V2. Lost Trader
Quest Type - Silver
Prereqs - The Arena
Money - 2,600
Renown - 150
Boasts - None
Abandoned Road
-------------We'll start with the latter quest first, since it's pretty easy. Teleport over
to Oakvale (note that if you allowed Whisper to live in the Arena, she will be
here in the tavern. Talk to her if you want to get her farewell speech), then
run over to the Clifftop Path, and then to the Abandoned Road. Once you get
there, a trader will approach you and ask you to save his brother. Simply work
your way to the other side of the area to find him, taking out bandits as you
go. Once you get there, the brother will follow you, and it's a simple matter
of working your way back to the first guy again. Once you get there, you pick
up a quick 2,600 gold, and more importantly, a second clue to the buried
treasure quest.
Knothole Glade
-------------For the second quest, teleport over to Knothole Glade. There'll be a bit of a
cut-scene. Once you are ready (and really, what exactly are you waiting for?),
talk to the guard. You're job is to kill the bandits before the leader escapes.
For the leader to escape, one of the bandits has to get past you to free him,
at which point he will slowly make his way back to the camp. You must kill all
the bandits before this happens to succeed in this quest. Make sure you do not
accidentally kill the bandit leader, as this will cause you to fail the quest
(he needs to be in good shape for his hanging!). Once this quest is complete,
you will pick up another 5,000 gold.
Teleport back to the guild. Around this time you'll get a message from the
guildmaster that there's a contract out on your life. Swell. Also, he may
mention something about an archery competition. We'll get back to that later
V3. Assassin Attacks
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Break the Siege
Money - 100
Renown - 100
Boasts - None
Orchard Farm
-----------For now, leave the guild toward Lookout Point, and then move into the Greatwood
Entrance. If you take the route into Orchard Farm, you'll find it's been
barricaded. That's odd. It looks like we'll have to go around the other way, so
return to Greatwood Entrance, and move south into Greatwood Lake. Then take the
back way into Orchard Farm. Talk to the farmer (who is now a green dot) to see
what's up.
V4. Ghost Granny Necklace
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - The Arena
Money - 500
Renown - 200
Boasts - None
Talk to the ghost around back (she'll show up on your mini-map as a green dot).
Then head back into Greatwood Lake. There will be only one red dot on the map
now, so go do what you do best and kill him. This will net you the necklace.
Return it to the farmer to collect your small reward (yeah, it isn't much, but
it's what the poor guy has). Then talk to Granny one last time.
V5. Archery Competition
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - Break the Siege
Money - 100
Renown - 100
Boasts - None
Knothole Glade
-------------There is now an archery competition open just outside of Knothole Glade. You
want to win this competition at least twice. The first time will net you a new
treasure clue. The second time you will get a new trophy (Silver Arrow Trophy).
Subsequent times will get you gems of varying worth. Note that the Archery
Competition is one of those quests that never leaves your log book, you can
come back and participate as often as you like.
To win the competition, you must beat your high score. The first time you play,
your high score will be based on the score you got during guild training, so
hopefully you didn't get it too high! It's a good idea to just get the score
you need, then wait out the clock. That way you don't put your high score too
far out of reach.
When you are done, head for the exit toward Witchwood Lake. Let's take care of
a couple of these so-called assassins now. As you cross the bridge (before you
leave the Knothole Glade area), you will encounter your first assassin attack.
Take him down and get a hero doll of yourself! Unfortunately, this doll doesn't
count in the Hero Doll Collection quest, but it's cool to have nonetheless.
Make your way (or just teleport) to Witchwood Cullis gate. There you will run
across your second assassin. Killing this one will get you nothing better than
a health potion. You will need to run over to the focus stone (the path to the
south) to make him appear.
Those are the only two assassins we can hunt for now, so let's teleport over to
Barrow Fields, and run over to Grey House to talk to sis. Once you're done with
that, return to the guild to pick up your next gold quest.
| W. Rescue the Archaeologist |
normal barrels. Work your way to the exit, where you will come upon Windmill
Windmill Hill
------------First off, check the scarecrow to find a Trader Style Moustache card. A little
further on, in a pond on your right is a fishing spot with a wedding ring in
it. Nice.
Continue on to the first house. In the yard on the left side you will find a
circle of flowers. Digging there will produce your next silver key. There is
nothing on the scarecrow or in the house, though the two barrels in front of it
contain a couple of carrots. There's another three barrels along the side of
the house, but they are empty. On the other side of the fence, beside the road,
are two more barrels (Will potion and 500 gold). Continue to the last house to
fight the Summoner.
Note that when you get here (possibly earlier), you will encounter your third
assassin. He will be carrying a book (Eyes of a Killer), presuming this is the
third assassin kill you've met. When you're done with all the enemies, head
upstairs to find a chest (Resurrection Phial). Inside the house portion of the
windmill are five more barrels (red meat, 100 gold, a will potion, and an Ages
of Might potion).
Behind the windmill are four more barrels (an apple pie, a golden carrot, a
green apple and 100 gold) and a chest (a treasure clue!). You should also see a
circle of flowers, which will yield another silver key by digging there. When
you are done here, continue on to Gibbet Woods.
Gibbet Woods
-----------Believe it or not, there is absolutely nothing to collect here in Gibbet Woods.
Make your way through it and continue on to Prison Path.
Prison Path
----------When you get to prison path, you may want to forgo collecting loot, as you have
a limited amount of time once you reach this area to rescue the archaeologist.
You need to get down to the docks, and the resistance is formidable. Work your
way down (I found Slow Time to be invaluable here) and take down the entire
enemy force. Once again, another assassin will be lurking in this area, so be
on the watch for him (this should be your fourth). When you've rescued the
archaeologist, you will be rewarded with another 7,000 in gold and a Minion's
Helmet trophy. Once you've freed the prisoner, it's time to collect your loot.
I'll presume you are starting at the bottom and coming back up, since you no
doubt ran as fast as you could to save the archaeologist.
There's plenty around here to pick up. At the end of the dock is a chest with a
silver augmentation inside. At the top of the dock are four barrels (a
resurrection phial, a health potion, and a will potion). At the top of the
first hill you'll find two more barrels with a moonfish and an emerald in them.
When you reach the top of the first set of steps, you'll find more barrels (red
meat, Ages of Might potion, and a will potion). Just before the exit, you will
come across one final barrel with a health potion inside.
By the way, completing the previous quest automatically gets you a brand new
gold quest.
going to talk to the prisoner and begin the "investigating the mayor"
going to court Lady Grey, ending with giving her a necklace.
going to complete the investigation of the mayor.
going to beat the tar out of Thunder and claim the damsel.
Now, there are several ways to make this shorter. You could skip step 1 and
complete steps 2 and 4 (this seals the prisoner's fate). If you really, really
want to save the prisoner, you can. You just have to complete steps 1 and 3,
then refuse the offer of marriage. However, it means you cannot ever enter the
demon door at Grey Manor, nor will you get the 15,000 gold dowry for marrying
the Lady. (You will, however, still be able to get inside the manor, saving the
prisoner will make you the mayor, and thus give you access to the manor and all
the goodies within). Or, you could complete just steps 1 and 3, then accept the
marriage offer (this will automatically put you into step 4, which, once you
complete, gives you all the benefits of marriage to the Lady).
A lot of choices. Take your pick. I will assume we are doing steps 1 to 4 in
the order they are presented, but feel free to ignore the paragraphs that
aren't relevant to your decision.
A NOTE TO XBOX PLAYERS: You can seriously wreck your game if you do these
quests in the wrong order. If you are going to pursue the investigation of the
mayor quest, DO NOT defeat Thunder and marry the Lady Grey. If you are married
to Lady Grey, then choose to cover up the murder, you will confuse the game and
permanently turn off your guild seal, leaving you without the ability to
teleport. This is an XBox only glitch; in the PC version of the game they have
fixed this issue. In any case, I have written this guide to be safe for either
platform, and you can safely follow the method described here if you like. Just
be aware that if you cannot teleport at the end of these two quests, you have
done something wrong, and will need to reload from a previous save (without
your teleport ability, you cannot complete the game).
X1. Investigating the Mayor
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - The Arena
Money - 100
Renown - 150
Boasts - None
X2. Mayor's Invitation
Quest Type - Bronze
Prereqs - The Arena
Money - 100
Renown - 150
Boasts - None
Hmmm, a green dot, but the two traders are not green-auraed. And they seem to
have some sort of secret. Go around behind them. Once you are behind the tree,
activate sneak mode (the Caps Lock key), then get right behind them on the
other side of the wall. Interesting conversation, eh?
Head to the spot on the beach they mentioned (the beach with the dock). Grab
the necklace with your spade, and teleport back to Bowerstone, and give the
necklace back to the Lady. This concludes the second step of our dealings with
the mayor, so it's on to step 3.
Step 3: Investigate the Mayor
Barrow Fields
------------If you are going to investigate the mayor, under no circumstances should you
enter Bowerstone Jail at this point, or you will lose the opportunity to finish
this quest. Instead, we need to go back to Barrow Fields (talk to the guy in
the jail cell in Bowerstone North again if you've forgotten why).
When you get to the Fields, you will notice a new green-dot here. Go talk to
the guy and he'll tell you what to do. Head for Grey House.
Grey House
---------Follow the instructions from the guy over at Barrow Fields. If you are standing
in the right place near the barn, you should see the lamp icon appear in the
hot key list. Hit it three times to trigger a cut-scene. Then head for the
Grey House Cellar
----------------Once you are inside and get past the cut-scene, pick up the parchment. Lady
Grey will show up. And now you have a choice. If you've been following this
guide, your best bet is to accept the marriage proposal and cover up the
murder. This will then trigger the fourth (and last) step for marrying Lady
Grey, which is the battle with Thunder.
On the other hand, you can decline the offer and expose the mayor.
save the prisoner in Bowerstone North, and you'll be made mayor in
place. This will give you access to the Manor (with the silver key
the silver key), but you won't get the 15,000 gold dowry, nor will
into the Lost Garden.
This will
the Lady's
chest and
you ever get
For the PC version of the game only: If you are already married to Lady Grey,
when you pick up the letter, she will confiscate it. That's pretty much the end
of the road for this mission.
For the XBox Version of the game only: I will say this one more time, because
it bears repeating. If you are already married to Lady Grey, you must NOT cover
up the murder. You HAVE to expose the mayor. Unfortunately, this means you will
lose out on the 15,000 gold dowry and the legendary weapon in the Lost Garden.
But the alternative is that you cannot complete the game. Once again, DO NOT
cover up the murder in the XBox version of the game if you are already married
to Lady Grey. This will deactivate your guild seal and permanently turn off all
cullis gates, and prevent you from finishing the game.
In any event, make sure to check the chest for a Will Master's Elixir, and the
barrels for two health potions and a will potion. When you are done here,
teleport back to Bowerstone.
Step 4: Defeat Thunder
Head into Bowerstone Jail. This time, Thunder will be there to greet you. He
tells you to meet him at the bike racks during recess, er, at Headman's Hill.
Make your way to Windmill Hill, then in to Gibbet Woods. From there, you have
two entrances into Headman's Hill, but one you can't go through at this point.
Take the other.
Headsman's Hill
--------------Now comes the fight. Thunder cheats, so be ready. He will block pretty much any
attack except a flourish, so make sure to use them. Also, Slow Time is a
lifesaver here. Back away when he does his lightning thing to try to stay out
of its range.
When you get him to about half health, you will both fall down the ravine,
where the fight will continue. At about a quarter health, Thunder will flee
into the cave. Follow him there.
Headsman's Cave
--------------This will be the final battle. As Thunder gets near the end of his health bar,
he gives up and concedes the Lady (not to mention you get his helmet as a
trophy). Cool. While you are here, make sure to check out the 15 silver key
chest for a Mana augmentation. Head back out to Headman's Hill.
Headsman's Hill
--------------In the pond in front of you, you can fish to catch another silver key (nice,
that's number 22). Talk to the door, which will let you through if and only if
you have already defeated Thunder.
We didn't get a chance to loot Headsman's Hill yet, so return there to find a
chest with a Flame augmentation in it. Then teleport back to Bowerstone and
talk to the Lady Grey again. Accept the marriage proposal. This is going to net
you 15,000 gold and access to the mansion (just behind where the Lady Grey has
been hanging out).
Lady Grey's Bedroom
------------------Enter there now and make your way to the bedroom. There you will find a 15
silver key chest that contains the Legendary Katana Hiryu. This is a better
weapon than your trusty Bluetane, so be sure to equip it once you've left town.
Also, check the bed to pick up your 23rd silver key.
If you would like to have sex with your new wife, wait in the manor until dusk,
then enter the bedroom at which point she should be there. Then do a few flirt
maneuvers (flirt, arm pump, and so on) and give her a gift or two. That ought
to get you into her pants. It does take a bit of doing and a pretty high
attractiveness rating, so be sure to wear your best outfit.
Now that we've married the Lady Grey, we now have access to the demon door at
Grey House. Teleport yourself over to Barrow Fields then run over Grey House.
Kill some undead (your bow is a nice weapon for this job), and then go talk to
the demon door.
The Lost Garden
--------------Use lightning to blow out the fungus guardians in front of your prize. In the
chest, you will find a Ronok the Axe.
We will now deal with the temples. In order to do this next part, you ought to
have at least 50K of gold and your alignment bar needs to be maxed out (either
good or evil). What you do next depends on your alignment. If your alignment
bar is at pure good, head for the Chapel of Skorm (it's in the Darkwood Area).
If your bar is pure evil, head for the Temple of Avo (in the Witchwood Area).
Since most people will be good at this point, I will start at the Chapel. If
you went to the Temple first, skip this section and do the next one, then come
back to this one.
Chapel of Skorm
--------------When you get to the Chapel, save the game! Note that there is a chest around
back that holds an assassin shirt. Once you've got that, teleport to Oakvale
and hire the mercenary near the entrance to Memorial Garden. Then recall back
to the temple. Teleport to Witchwood Stones, make your way to the Temple of Avo
and hire the merc there. Recall once again back to the temple. You now have two
mercs following you. At this point, you need to wait until midnight (use a
If you continue along that path, you'll see another enclosure to your left with
a digging spot (Yaggoth Sonnog), where you will pick up Nostro's sword. There
is a crypt nearby (down some stairs, Scoran Daith) that will net you another
silver key.
Next to the crypt is a marker for the Sutter family. Two of the members (James
and Katie) have interesting things to dig up, including a silver key and 250
gold. Head up the incline to find a buried health potion (the Knepp grave).
Just before the bridge you'll find another grave (James Corun) with a digging
spot that will yield 1,000 gold.
At the other end of the bridge you'll see a series of four graves. Tobias
Morn's grave contains a health potion, and another right next to it will give
you a will potion. In the river over which you just passed, you'll find a
fishing spot that will yield up Nostro's Shield.
In another crypt (Lady Fylorn, behind you from your fishing spot) you will
uncover Nostro's armor. Head up the hill. Behind some thorny bushes you'll find
a treasure chest with a fishing rod in it.
Head into the last crypt and talk to old Nostro twice. This will allow you
access through the demon door.
Old Graveyard Path
-----------------In the first part of the area, undead will spawn continuously until you reach a
point where you hear a voice that tells you that you aren't welcome here. Well,
duh. Kill undead until you get bored with them, then make your way to that
Continue on, after you cross the bridge, there's a treasure chest to your right
(Resurrection Phial). Just before the final exit from this area is another
chest that holds a Silver Augmentation.
Circle of the Dead
-----------------Before you enter the light, there are two chests to open (a 10 silver key chest
and a regular one. The regular one is tucked away behind a wall). You will pick
up a Piercing augmentation and a resurrection phial from these chests. When you
are ready, enter the light. Some easy undead will appear, but you can only hit
them when you are in the circle. Once they are down, three more appear. They
are also cake, and work in the same way. When you've defeated them, the way
forward is revealed. This completes the Graveyard Path quest (and gives you a
new trophy to show off, the Undead Hand), and also automatically gives you the
next gold quest.
| Y. Rescue Scarlet Robe |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - The Graveyard Path
Money - 0
Renown - 0
Boasts - None
Underground Chamber
As soon as you enter, you'll begin the next gold quest. Otherwise, nothing to
see here. Move on.
Underground Tunnel
-----------------There is nothing very interesting in the tunnel where you start, so move on to
the central chamber. As you are probably getting pretty used to by now, you
will be under constant attack by undead through this area, so be on your guard.
In the middle chamber are five barrels (Ages of Will potion and a Pudding Basin
style card). If you head for the dead end passage to the northwest, you will
find some barrels (2 green apples, and apple pie, and a red meat) in the
passageway. At the end chamber is one of those very annoying nymphs to kill
along with all the undead, but you'll pick up a resurrection phial from the
chest and 2 health potions and an apple pie from the barrels.
The undead will be particularly annoying down the last passage to the gold
marker. Make your way to the door (the barrels here are all of the explosive
variety) and on to the next section.
Cliffside Path
-------------The first room you are in is pretty safe, but things will quickly degenerate
once you move out of the starting area. There are two paths you can take to the
next door. If you take the southern one in to the water, you will have a red
nymph to fight (man I hate those things). Take her out. There are two treasure
chests here. One in a little alcove to the south will give you a dark chainmail
helm. The other (up on the island hill) will give you a sharpening
augmentation. This last one will trigger a spawn of undead, but nothing that
should cause you any concern.
Continue on. Do not move into the ending area yet, but move down the other path
back the way you came. You will come across another chest to your right that
holds a Lightning augmentation in it. There is also a circle of mushrooms in
the same area that will yield another silver key (that's number 27, you've
almost got them all!).
Return to the ending area. Before you leave through the next door, check the
back alcove for a chest holding another resurrection phial. As you approach the
door to leave, you'll get hit with a trap. Deal with it, then move into the
next area.
Underground Passage
------------------Thankfully, no more undead in this next area. But now the guards are going to
be after you. There's nothing in the first passageway, so make your way to the
next chamber. Take the western (dead end) passageway. At the end you'll get a
resurrection phial from the chest and two health potions from the table.
Along the next passage are three barrels (red meat, a green apple, and 250
gold). In the big chamber in the back, along with quite a few guards, you will
find two chests (an Obsidian Katana and a Dark Leather Chest piece), and a ton
of barrels (Tofu, 2 health potions, moonfish, 3 will potions, a green apple,
red meat, carrot, fish, 500 gold, and an Ages of Might potion).
Torture Chamber
--------------Hi Mom! Only one way to go from here. Release the prisoner and move out.
Bargate Prison: Cell Block One
-----------------------------Well, this bites! You just completed the last quest, and now you've been given
a new gold quest
| Z. Prison Escape |
There is a Somrune Tattoo card on the shelf, but again, it's probably best to
leave this for now, we'll get it later. Then go into sneak mode (caps lock key)
to grab the combo for the books. Watch the bars on the right side of the screen
to keep track of your noise level and amount of time you have left.
So, which book? There are three to choose from. Select the wrong one and it's a
visit to the torture chamber for you, not to mention another year in prison (if
this happens to you, don't sweat it, there's always the race next year).
I believe (but don't quote me on this) that the first book you select (no
matter which one it is) will be the wrong book, and you'll be spending another
year in jail. The second time you come here, you will succeed in grabbing the
prison key.
Anyway, presuming you have the key, it's back to the holding cell for you. Open
the gate. In an open cell on the other side are three barrels, where you can
pick up a stick. In another closed cell is a barrel with a red meat. It's
probably not a bad idea to release the prisoners. If nothing else, they'll be a
distraction for the guards.
Bargate Prison: Courtyard
------------------------You can check out the other cellblocks if you like. Cellblock two has caved
in, but there's a style card lying on the ground (Small Moustache). In cell
block three you'll find a barrel (health potion) and a chest (Plate boots).
Head back into the courtyard and make a run for the torture chamber (with the
gold flashing icon).
Alright, we need to return to the prison to get our stuff. Return to the
courtyard and head up the stairs. At the top, head to the right (not up the
second flight of stairs) to find the door to the barracks.
Prison Barracks
--------------In the various chests, you will find a complete set of Guard clothing, not to
mention your entire inventory! Be sure and check the shelves for a couple of
tattoo cards (Harion shoulder and arm tattoos). The barrels have an Ages of
despite what he says, you don't abandon all your remaining bronze quests.
| AB. Return to Hook Coast |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - Return to Hook Coast
Money - 20,000
Renown - 4,000
Boasts - None
The guild has changed a bit, huh? There's a health potion both right where you
start and over near where the shop was, and if you go up the stairs, you'll
find a resurrection phial on the balcony. When you are prepared, head into the
library to trigger the start of the next quest.
When you go through the Guild Caves, there's an Oak bow lying there for your
use. You shouldn't need it. When you're ready, enter the focus chamber.
First, take out the Minions. No big deal there. Now comes the first part of the
battle with Jack. I used a combination of Slow Time and flourishes to beat Jack
down. After he gets down to about half a bar, he'll hover above the
battlefield. At this point, just pull out your Skorm bow and shoot him as the
opportunity presents itself. You should be able to take him down in five or six
shots. Just watch out for the minions. Defeat of Jack gets you his mask as a
Now comes your choice. Wield the Sword of Aeons and either kill your sister (to
keep the weapon) or drop it into the flux to destroy it. Your call. If you
destroy the weapon, you will be able to pick up a replacement soon enough.
| AE. The Prophets of the Fire Heart |
If you've gotten the bronze quest, head into the guild and check Maze's tower
for clues about the sword. Once you've picked up the clues, head downstairs and
claim the sword. Cake.
Teleport over to Hook Coast. Head up to the top of the lighthouse and place the
heart. Now you need to take down a few Summoners while it powers up. Do your
best to ignore the minions in favor of the Summoners, since they are actually
the ones hurting the heart. Once all three are down, the quest ends and you
pick up a Map to Lost Bay as the next trophy. We also move on to the next
section of the game, not to mention the next gold quest.
| AG. The Oracle of Snowspire |
Quest Type - Gold
Prereqs - The Ship of the Drowned
Money - 0
Renown - 4,000
Boasts - None
Lost Bay
When you get here, check the boarded up house. Inside are three barrels in
which you will recover a diamond and a Furite Swirl Torso tattoo card. Upstairs
is a chest with a resurrection phial inside. Continue down the path to find a
gravesite. You can dig here to pick up your 29th silver key. Further on down
this path is another chest. Amazingly, you don't have enough silver keys to get
it open! It requires 30 keys (every key in the game). Just remember where it is
so we can come back to it.
The fishing spot near this chest will yield a Life Elixir. Return to the dock
and head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, take a left to find another
chest with a Holy Warrior's Helm inside. Continue up and fight the ice troll
thing. Then pass through into the next section.
Northern Foothills
-----------------Just to your left as you come in, you'll find a poor unfortunate soul who has
dropped a few useful items (the book "Creatures of the North", a red meat, and
a health potion). Very close to this is a fishing spot where you will pick up
an Elixir of Life. Just before the steps is a chest with an Ages of Will potion
inside. You can barely walk three steps without falling over loot in this area!
Continue upward, where you'll have to take on a few Minions. Watch to the right
for a grave, where you can dig up a Furite Stripe Face tattoo card. Where the
path splits, you will find a treasure chest with a health augmentation in it.
You cannot go into Necropolis just yet, so instead head the other way (toward
the gold flashing icon) to Archon's Shrine. You'll have to fight another ice
troll before you go through.
Archon's Shrine
--------------Head down the path and cross the frozen pond to your left. You should find a
treasure chest here with Orken's Club inside. Return and cross over the other
frozen pond. On the other side, watch for a hidden path to the right. At the
bottom, you will see the river. Fish here for an Elixir of Life.
Go to the central building and watch the short cut-scene. If you head down the
path toward Archon's Folly, you'll run across a chest with a Daemon Warrior
Helm inside. Return to the central building and head for Snowspire Village. But
before you get there, take the small path toward the lake to find a fishing
spot that will get you a Will Master's Elixir. Then head into the village.
Snowspire Village
----------------When you get into the village, you will speak with Scythe. Once you are done
with him, take a little time to look around the village. Snowspire is a pretty
large town, and it sprawls a bit. So we'll start at the gate near the cullis
portal, looking into the village. There are three buildings on this lower tier.
To your left is a two story home. On the ground floor you will uncover a Fire
Assassin shirt, a Lionhead Tattoo card, and a Furite Flame Back tattoo card.
Upstairs you will find a health potion.
Across the street is the tailor shop. There is nothing in here to grab (unless
you want to steal things off the table), but it is here you should pick up a
full suit of bright platemail armor. This will set you back around 18,000 gold
or so, but you should have that much at this point. You need this armor to get
through one of the remaining demon doors in the game.
In the tavern, you will pick up a Furite Funeral Face tattoo. You should make
sure to talk to the gamesmaster downstairs to play coin golf. Win this
While you are at it, make sure to grab the loot that is lying around. If you
take a left where the path splits, you will find a chest just behind the alter
thing. Inside you will pick up an Ages of Skill potion.
Continue straight until you hit the river. Right in front of you (you should
see a collapsed bridge) is a fishing spot. Fish here to pick up your 30th (and
final) silver key. There is a demon door to your left, but do not, under any
circumstances, give him your keys! We'll come back to this guy in a while.
Heading back the other way, you will find a Big Beard style card and a health
potion lying in front of a statue. There's a balverine guarding the bridge so
take him down. Once you are done digging up graves on this side of the river,
go ahead and cross over to the other side.
To the right, as you come off the bridge, is a chest with a Mana augmentation
inside. Go the other way down the dead end path. There are two chests to open
here. The 25 silver key chest holds a complete set of Archon's Battle armor.
This is the best armor in the game, so you should definitely put it on. The
other chest (up the stairs) holds an Ages of Might potion.
When you are all done over here, head over to the courtyard (the round area).
An ice troll will spawn here. When you are done with him, make sure to
backtrack to the tomb to pick up Furite Swirl back tattoo card, a Furite arm
tattoo card, and an Ages of Will potion that are all lying on the ground next
to the corpse.
You should have one last green dot on your mini-map, and own 3 of
you need. Let's go get that last one. Pfft, you call this a trap?
care of the four boneheads, then pick up your fourth tablet. Once
four, you'll get a new trophy (the Summoner's Gauntlet) and a new
| AH. The Oracle's Knowledge |
the 4 tablets
Please. Take
you have all
quest card.
Snowspire Village
----------------The game gets pretty linear from here on out. Go talk to Scythe at the Oracle.
This gives you yet another quest card.
| AI. The Souls of Heroes |
If you take the good way for this quest, head over to the Arena. Things are not
looking so good here. Anyway, work your way to the Arena Anteroom, where you
can pick up a couple of health potions, a couple of will potions, and a crunchy
chick up from the vender's stall. When you're ready, enter the Arena proper.
You'll take on six waves of various monsters. It's pretty protracted fight, but
not likely anything you're going to have a lot of trouble with. Use your health
potions as needed, and hopefully you have all 9 resurrection phials available
as well. Some of the comments Jack makes are actually pretty funny.
| AL. Killing Briar Rose |
weapon you prefer (I prefer Skorm's bow myself). He'll go down without too much
fuss. Just watch out for the annoying Minions and Summoners Jack will
spawn to try to distract you.
Once he's done, either keep or destroy the mask (if you keep it, you can never
take it off again).
Congratulations, you've beaten Fable the Lost Chapters! Note that you can
continue to play, but you must watch the entire credits. If you hit escape you
will be taken to the load screen. It does take a while, so go grab a cup of
coffee or something while you wait.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***Appendices***-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What follows are basically the appendices. I hope you find them useful.
| AQ. Experience Cost Charts |
I will list here the experience cost, by level, for each character attribute
and spell in the game. All attributes have 7 levels, and all spells have 4. In
total, to max out every attribute and spell it will cost 1,908,000 experience.
AQ1. Strength
| Physique
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 500
| 500
| 2
| 1,200
| 1,700
| 3
| 3,000
| 4,700
| 4
| 9,000
| 13,700
| 5
| 24,000
| 37,700
| 6
| 45,000
| 82,700
| 7
| 86,000
| 168,700
| Health
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 400
| 400
| 2
| 1,000
| 1,400
| 3
| 2,500
| 3,900
| 4
| 6,000
| 9,900
| 5
| 13,500
| 23,400
| 6
| 28,000
| 51,400
| 7
| 58,000
| 109,400
| Toughness
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 350
| 350
| 2
| 900
| 1,250
| 3
| 1,800
| 3,050
| 4
| 4,800
| 7,850
| 5
| 9,000
| 16,850
| 6
| 19,000
| 35,850
| 7
| 38,000
| 73,850
Grand Total Experience Cost for Strength: 351,950
AQ2. Skill
| Speed
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 350
| 350
| 2
| 800
| 1,150
| 3
| 1,800
| 2,950
| 4
| 4,600
| 7,550
| 5
| 8,700
| 16,250
| 6
| 21,400
| 37,650
| 7
| 42,000
| 79,650
| Accuracy
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 400
| 400
| 2
| 1,100
| 1,500
| 3
| 2,900
| 4,400
| 4
| 8,000
| 12,400
| 5
| 20,500
| 32,900
| 6
| 39,000
| 71,900
| 7
| 81,000
| 152,900
| Guile
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 350
| 350
| 2
| 900
| 1,250
| 3
| 2,200
| 3,450
| 4
| 5,000
| 8,450
| 5
| 10,500
| 18,950
| 6
| 27,400
| 46,350
| 7
| 52,000
| 98,350
| Magic Power
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 500
| 500
| 2
| 1,200
| 1,700
| 3
| 2,800
| 4,500
| 4
| 6,200
| 10,700
| 5
| 11,500
| 22,200
| 6
| 25,000
| 47,200
| 7
| 54,000
| 101,200
(A note on spell experience. Some spell costs will be slightly modified
depending on your alignment. The costs shown here are base costs, and may end
up being slightly different than what you will see. Usually the differences are
not that dramatic). Spells that have an alignment dependent variable cost are
denoted with an asterisk (*) after the spell name.
Attack Spells
| Enflame
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 3,500
| 3,500
| 2
| 8,100
| 11,600
| 3
| 22,000
| 33,600
| 4
| 58,000
| 91,600
| Fireball
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 500
| 500
| 2
| 4,500
| 5,000
| 3
| 17,800
| 22,800
| 4
| 54,000
| 76,800
| Battle Charge
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 750
| 750
| 2
| 5,400
| 6,150
| 3
| 17,500
| 23,650
| 4
| 52,000
| 75,650
| Multi Strike
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 1,200
| 1,200
| 2
| 4,680
| 5,880
| 3
| 15,700
| 21,580
| 4
| 43,500
| 65,080
| Lightning
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 0
| 0
| 2
| 5,760
| 5,760
| 3
| 18,200
| 23,960
| 4
| 48,000
| 71,960
Grand Total experience costs for Attack Spells: 381,090
Surround Spells
| Force Push
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 600
| 600
| 2
| 3,600
| 4,200
| 3
| 12,600
| 16,800
| 4
| 40,000
| 56,800
| Turncoat*
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 3,200
| 3,200
| 2
| 6,500
| 9,700
| 3
| 16,000
| 25,700
| 4
| 45,000
| 70,700
| Slow Time
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 2,000
| 2,000
| 2
| 6,580
| 8,580
| 3
| 18,800
| 27,380
| 4
| 47,500
| 74,880
| Drain Life*
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 2,800
| 2,800
| 2
| 6,800
| 9,600
| 3
| 16,500
| 26,100
| 4
| 44,000
| 70,100
| Summon*
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 1,800
| 1,800
| 2
| 5,030
| 6,830
| 3
| 14,400
| 21,230
| 4
| 46,000
| 67,230
Grand Total experience costs for Surround Spells: 339,710
Physical Spells
| Physical Shield*
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 900
| 900
| 2
| 5,350
| 6,250
| 3
| 17,700
| 23,950
| 4
| 45,500
| 69,450
| Berserk*
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 1,600
| 1,600
| 2
| 6,210
| 7,810
| 3
| 20,500
| 28,310
| 4
| 51,000
| 79,310
| Assassin Rush
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 400
| 400
| 2
| 2,700
| 3,100
| 3
| 8,100
| 11,200
| 4
| 20,000
| 31,200
| Heal Life*
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 2,300
| 2,300
| 2
| 5,850
| 8,150
| 3
| 15,900
| 24,050
| 4
| 49,000
| 73,050
| Ghost Sword
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 2,500
| 2,500
| 2
| 6,300
| 8,800
| 3
| 17,200
| 26,000
| 4
| 51,500
| 77,500
| Multi Arrow
| Level | Cost
| Total Cost |
| 1
| 1,000
| 1,000
| 2
| 5,140
| 6,140
| 3
| 19,500
| 25,640
| 4
| 47,000
| 72,640
Grand Total experience costs for Physical Spells: 403,150
Grand Total experience costs for all Will-based skills and spells: 1,225,150
| AR. Silver Key Locations |
Here is a list of every silver key in the game and where they can be found. I
am presenting them in the order you will pick them up, presuming you are
following the guide.
| Key Number | Area
| Location / Method
| 1
| Lookout Point
| Behind briars
| 2
| Bowerstone South
| Balcony
| 3
| The Guild Woods
| Fishing spot
| 4
| Fisher Creek
| Fishing spot
| 5
| Fisher Creek
| Fishing competition
| 6
| Greatwood Lake
| At the broken bridge
| 7
| Orchard Farm
| Fishing spot
| 8
| Darkwood Lake
| Fire arrow through rock
| 9
| Ancient Cullis Gate | Fishing spot
| 10
| Rose Cottage
| Digging spot (circle of flowers)
| 11
| Focus Chamber
| Digging spot (circle of mushrooms) |
| 12
| Oakvale
| Chicken kicking competition
| 13
| Memorial Garden
| Digging spot (under statue axe)
| 14
| Twinblade's Camp
| Digging spot (near chest)
| 15
| Grey House
| Fishing spot
| 16
| Witchwood Stones
| Fishing spot
| 17
| Witchwood Lake
| Digging spot (near gargoyle statue) |
| 18
| Knothole Glade
| Digging spot (circle of plants)
| 19
| Bowerstone South
| Book collection quest
| 20
| Windmill Hill
| Digging spot (farm yard)
| 21
| Windmill Hill
| Digging spot (behind windmill)
| 22
| Headman's Hill
| Fishing spot outside of demon door |
| 23
| Lady Grey's Bedroom | In the bed
| 24
| Lychfield Graveyard | Fishing spot (near entrance)
| 25
| Lychfield Graveyard | Crypt
| 26
| Lychfield Graveyard | Digging spot (James Sutter's Grave) |
| 27
| Cliffside Path
| Digging spot (near chest)
| 28
| Hook Coast
| Lighthouse bookshelf
| 29
| Lost Bay
| Digging spot (grave)
| 30
| Necropolis
| Fishing spot
| AS. Silver Key Chest Locations |
This is a list of every silver key chest in the game. I am presenting these in
the order you will open them (not when you first find them), presuming you are
following along with the guide.
| Chest | Area
| # Keys | Contents
| 1
| Greatwood Lake
| 5
| Elixir of Life
| 2
| Hobbe Cave
| 5
| Will Master's Elixir
| 3
| Grey House
| 10
| Sharpening Augmentation
| 4
| Darkwood Lake
| 15
| Arken's Crossbow
| 5
| Witchwood Stones
| 15
| Health Augmentation
| 6
| Headsman's Cave
| 15
| Mana Augmentation
| 7
| Lady Grey's Bedroom | 15
| The Katana Hiryu
| 8
| Circle of the Dead | 10
| Piercing Augmentation
| 9
| Heroes' Guild
| 20
| Murren Greathammer
| 10
| Hook Coast
| 15
| Murren Greataxe
| 11
| Necropolis
| 25
| Full set of Archon's Battle Armor
| 12
| The Lost Bay
| 30
| The Avenger plus one of each gem
| AT. Hero Doll Locations |
This is a list of all nine hero dolls that can be found in the game. Collect
yours today! I am presenting these in the order you will obtain them, presuming
you are following along with the guide.
| Doll
| Area
| Method to Obtain
| Briar Rose
| Bowerstone South
| Win Card Pairs in < 28 seconds
| Whisper
| Oakvale
| Win Coin Golf in 10 strokes or less |
| Twinblade
| Twinblade's Camp
| Win Memory game in < 20 seconds
| Scarlet Robe | Twinblade's Camp
| Win Card Ordering in < 20 seconds
| Thunder
| The Arena Anteroom | Purchase from Merchant
| You
| Witchwood Lake
| Kill first assassin
| Maze
| Hook Coast
| Score at least 30 in Shove Ha'Penny |
| Scythe
| Snowspire Village | Win Coin Golf in 10 strokes or less |
| Jack of Blades | Bowerstone South
| Turn in seven dolls to the teacher |
| AU. Demon Door Locations |
Here is every demon door in the game. Once again, these are presented in the
order you will open them, presuming you are following along with the guide.
| Door
| Area
| Method to Open
| 1
| Heroes' Guild
| Turn on lamp
| 2
| Rose Cottage
| Give it a gift
| 3
| Dakrwood Marshes
| Battle the guardians of the door
| 4
| Greatwood Caves
| Have a combat multiplier > 14
| 5
| Barrow Fields
| Be overweight
| 6
| Greatwood Cullis Gate | Perform an evil deed
| 7
| The Darkwood Bordello | Have sex more than 10 times
| 8
| Witchwood Stones
| Figure out the door's name
| 9
| Knothole Glade
| Hit with arrow
| 10
| Headsman's Hill
| Defeat Thunder
| 11
| Grey House
| Be married to Lady Grey
| 12
| Lychfield Graveyard | Return equipment to Nostro
| 13
| Lookout Point
| First defeat of Jack of Blades complete |
| 14
| Abandoned Road
| Wear various outfits
| 15
| Necropolis
| Hand over your silver keys
| AV. Teacher Book Locations |
| Book
| Alignment | Locations
| The Arena
| Good
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Balverine Slayer
| Good
| Knothole Glade (House)
| Creatures of Albion Book I | Good
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| Good
| Witchwood Cavern (Ground)
| Creatures of Albion Book II | Good
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| Creatures of Albion Book III | Good
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Dragons
| Good
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| Good
| Hook Coast (Tavern)
| Eyes of a Killer
| Evil
| Bowerstone South (House)
| Evil
| Third Assassin (Assassin attack) |
| Evil
| Twinblade's Camp (Merchant)
| Evil
| Hook Coast (Merchant)
| The Guild of Zeroes
| Evil
| Bowerstone South (House)
| Evil
| Witchwood Cullis Gate (Barrel) |
| Jack of Blades
| Heroes' Guild (Maze's Quarters) |
| A Love Story
| Good
| Heroes' Guild (Bedroom)
| Good
| Witchwood Cavern (Ground)
| Making Friends
| Good
| Library Arcanum (Table)
| Good
| Orchard Farm (House)
| Good
| Oakvale (House)
| Good
| Oakvale (Merchant)
| Good
| Bowerstone North (Merchant)
| Good
| Hook Coast (Merchant)
| The Northern Wastes
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Oakvale Raid
| Evil
| Oakvale (House)
| The Old Kingdom
| Good
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Other Land
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Pale Balverine
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Repentant Alchemist
| Evil
| Bowerstone South (Armor Shop)
| The Sock Method
| Evil
| Bowerstone South (Barrel)
| Evil
| Oakvale (House)
| Evil
| Oakvale (Tavern)
| Evil
| Witchwood Cavern (Ground)
| Evil
| Hook Coast (Tavern)
| Evil
| Oakvale (Merchant)
| Evil
| Bowerstone North (Merchant)
| Evil
| Hook Coast (Merchant)
| The Tailor's Tragedy
| Good
| Bowerstone North (House)
| The Tale of Maxley
| Heroes' Guild (Bedroom)
| The Tale of Twinblade
| Evil
| Heroes' Guild (Library)
| The Trials of Aarkan
| Good
| Oakvale (House)
| The Ugly Guide
| Evil
| Oakvale (House)
| Evil
| Twindblade's Camp (Merchant)
| Evil
| Knothole Glade (Merchant)
| Evil
| Hook Coast (Merchant)
| Windbreaker Rule Book
| Evil
| Bowerstone South (House)
| Evil
| Oakvale (House)
| Evil
| Oakvale (Merchant)
| Evil
| Twinblade's Camp (Merchant)
| Evil
| Hook Coast (Merchant)
| You Are Not A Bad Person
| Evil
| Bowerstone South (House)
| Evil
| Darkwood Camp (Merchant)
| Evil
| Oakvale (Merchant)
| Evil
| Bowerstone North (Merchant)
| Evil
| Hook Coast (Merchant)
| AW. Weapon Statistics |
AW1. Cleaver
Class: Light
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Scimitar
| 20
| 400
| None
| Iron Cleaver
| 30
| 138
| None
| Steel Cleaver
| 41
| 413
| 1 open
| Obsidian Cleaver
| 82
| 2,145
| 2 open
| Master Cleaver
| 124
| 19,181
| 3 open
| The Cutlass Bluetane | 165
| 40,425
| Lightning
AW2. Longsword
Class: Light
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Longsword
| 30
| 150
| None
| Steel Longsword
| 45
| 450
| 1 open
| Obsidian Longsword | 90
| 2,340
| 2 open
| Master Longsword | 135
| 20,925
| 3 open
| The Harbringer
| 198
| 44,100
| Sharpening, Piercing
| The Avenger
| 180
| 44,100
| Lightning, Flame
| Sword of Aeons
| 230
| 126,250 | Health, Mana, Experience
| Avo's Tear
| 230
| 126,250 | Health, Mana, Experience
AW3. Katana
Class: Light
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Katana
| 32
| 163
| None
| Steel Katana
| 49
| 488
| 1 open
| Obsidian Katana
| 98
| 2,535
| 2 open
| Master Katana
| 146
| 22,669
| 3 open
| The Katana Hiryu | 214
| 47,775
| Sharpening, Flame
AW4. Greatsword
Class: Heavy
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Greatsword
| 48
| 238
| None
| Steel Greatsword
| 71
| 713
| 1 open
| Obsidian Greatsword | 142
| 3,705
| 2 open
| Master Greatsword | 214
| 33,131
| 3 open
| Solus Greatsword
| 314
| 69,825
| Flame, Sharpening, 1 open
| The Bereaver
| 285
| 69,825
| Health, 2 open
AW5. Axe
Class: Light
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Axe
| 30
| 125
| None
| Steel Axe
| 38
| 375
| 1 open
| Obsidian Axe
| 75
| 1,950
| 2 open
| Master Axe
| 112
| 17,438
| 3 open
| Ronok the Axe
| 165
| 36,750
| Sharpening, Silver
AW6. Greataxe
Class: Heavy
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Greataxe
| 40
| 200
| None
| Steel Greataxe
| 60
| 600
| 1 open
| Obsidian Greataxe | 120
| 3,120
| 2 open
| Master Greataxe
| 180
| 27,900
| 3 open
| The Murren Greataxe | 240
| 58,800
| Piercing
AW7. Mace
Class: Light
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Mace
| 30
| 113
| None
| Steel Mace
| 34
| 338
| 1 open
| Obsidian Mace
| 68
| 1,755
| 2 open
| Master Mace
| 101
| 15,694
| 3 open
| The Dollmaster's Mace | 135
| 33,075
| Mana
AW8. Greatmace
Class: Heavy
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Greatmace
| 42
| 213
| None
| Steel Greatmace
| 64
| 638
| 1 open
| Obsidian Greatmace
| 128
| 3,315
| 2 open
| Master Greatmace
| 191
| 29,644
| 3 open
| The Sentinus
| 255
| 62,475
| Silver, Piercing
AW9. Pickhammer
Class: Light
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Pickhammer
| 30
| 100
| None
| Steel Pickhammer
| 30
| 300
| 1 open
| Obsidian Pickhammer | 60
| 1,560
| 2 open
| Master Pickhammer
| 90
| 13,950
| 3 open
| Wellow's Pickhammer | 120
| 29,400
| 2 Piercing
AW10. Greathammer
Class: Heavy
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Iron Greathammer
| 48
| 238
| None
| Steel Geathammer
| 68
| 675
| 1 open
| Obsidian Greathammer | 135
| 3,510
| 2 open
| Master Greathammer
| 202
| 31,388
| 3 open
| Murren Greathammer
| 270
| 66,150
| Experience, Piercing
AW11. Longbow
Class: Ranged
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Yew Longbow
| 60
| 150
| None
| Oak Longbow
| 90
| 450
| 1 open
| Ebony Longbow
| 130
| 1,820
| 2 open
| Master Longbow
| 180
| 23,040
| 3 open
| Skorm's Longbow
| 264
| 54,720
| Lightning, Sharpening
AW12. Crossbow
Class: Ranged
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Crossbow
| 20
| 170
| None
| Yew Crossbow
| 80
| 200
| None
| Oak Crossbow
| 110
| 550
| 1 open
| Ebony Crossbow
| 150
| 2,100
| 2 open
| Master Crossbow
| 200
| 25,600
| 3 open
| Arken's Crossbow
| 220
| 50,160
| Silver, Flame, Piercing
AW13. Other
| Weapon
| Damage
| Value
| Slots
| Stick
| 20
| 5
| None
| Frying Pan
| 100
| 20
| 4 open
| Orkon's Club
| 140
| 100
| None
| AX. Clothing Modifiers |
AX1. Head
| Item
| Armor | Value | Attract | Scare | Alignment |
| No Hat
| 38
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Chicken Hat
| 50
| 105 | -13
| -52 | 0
| Bright Wizard Hat
| 50
| 105 | +5
| -13 | +10
| Dark Wizard Hat
| 50
| 105 | +5
| -13 | -10
| Fisherman Hat
| 50
| 105 | +10
| -5
| 0
| Redhead Wig
| 50
| 105 | +5
| -13 | 0
| Bandit Bandanna
| 52
| 71
| -18
| +18 | -18
| Guard Hat
| 58
| 105 | 0
| 0
| 0
| Pimp Hat
| 58
| 105 | +20
| -5
| 0
| Jack of Blades Mask
| 58
| 105 | -26
| +26 | -156
| Chainmail Helmet
| 83
| 742 | -10
| +10 | 0
| Bright Chainmail Helmet
| 83
| 790 | -10
| +10 | +12
| Dark Chainmail Helmet
| 83
| 780 | -10
| +10 | -12
| Holy Warrior Helm
| 100 | 742 | -10
| +10 | +5
| Daemon Warrior Helm
| 100 | 742 | -10
| +10 | -5
| Archon's Battle Helmet
| 111 | 742 | -10
| +10 | 0
AX2. Hands
| Item
| Armor | Value | Attract | Scare | Alignment |
| No Gloves
| 38
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Dress Gloves
| 41
| 13
| 0
| -5
| 0
| Bright Dress Gloves
| 41
| 13
| +2
| -5
| +3
| Dark Dress Gloves
| 41
| 13
| +2
| -2
| -3
| Apprentice Gloves
| 50
| 21
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Assassin Gloves
| 50
| 135 | 0
| +5
| -2
| Fire Assassin Gloves
| 50
| 135 | 0
| +5
| -2
| Villager Gloves
| 50
| 21
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Bright Villager Gloves
| 50
| 25
| +2
| 0
| +1
| Dark Villager Gloves
| 50
| 24
| 0
| +2
| -1
| Will User's Gloves
| 50
| 148 | +2
| +2
| 0
| Will User's Bright Gloves
| 50
| 160 | +5
| 0
| +4
| Will User's Dark Gloves
| 50
| 155 | 0
| +5
| -4
| Bandit Gloves
| 52
| 71
| -5
| +5
| -5
| Guard Gloves
| 58
| 105 | -7
| -7
| 0
| Leather Gauntlets
| 66
| 127 | -5
| 0
| 0
| Bright Leather Gauntlets
| 66
| 150 | -2
| 0
| +2
| Dark Leather Gauntlets
| 66
| 144 | -2
| +2
| -2
| Chainmail Gauntlets
| 83
| 742 | -2
| +2
| 0
| Bright Chainmail Gauntlets
| 83
| 780 | 0
| +2
| +3
| Dark Chainmail Gauntlets
| 83
| 770 | -2
| +5
| -3
| Plate Gauntlets
| 100 | 1,980 | +5
| +5
| 0
| Bright Plate Gauntlets
| 100 | 2,040 | +5
| +2
| +5
| Item
| Armor | Value | Attract | Scare | Alignment |
| No Shirt
| 153 | 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Upper Dress
| 166 | 50
| 0
| -31 | 0
| Bright Upper Dress
| 166 | 46
| +15
| -31 | +21
| Dark Upper Dress
| 166 | 41
| +15
| -15 | -21
| Apprentice Upper Robe
| 200 | 84
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Hooded Apprentice Robe
| 200 | 84
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Assassin Shirt
| 200 | 540 | 0
| +26 | -13
| Fire Assassin Shirt
| 200 | 540 | 0
| +26 | -13
| Villager Shirt
| 200 | 84
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Bright Villager Shirt
| 200 | 96
| +13
| 0
| +7
| Dark Villager Shirt
| 200 | 92
| 0
| +13 | -7
| Will Upper Robe
| 200 | 593 | +13
| +13 | 0
| Will Bright Upper Robe
| 200 | 631 | +26
| 0
| +20
| Will Dark Upper Robe
| 200 | 630 | 0
| +26 | -20
| Bandit Shirt
| 210 | 282 | -18
| +18 | -18
| Guard Shirt
| 235 | 419 | -7
| -7
| 0
| Leather Chest Piece
| 266 | 507 | -26
| 0
| 0
| Bright Leather Chest
| 266 | 545 | -13
| 0
| +10
| Dark Leather Chest
| 266 | 535 | -13
| +13 | -10
| Chainmail Shirt
| 333 | 2,967 | -5
| +5
| 0
| Bright Chainmail Shirt
| 333 | 3,070 | 0
| +5
| +6
| Dark Chainmail Shirt
| 333 | 3,050 | -5
| +10 | -6
| Plate Chest Piece
| 400 | 7,920 | +26
| +26 | 0
| Bright Plate Chest Piece
| 400 | 8,050 | +26
| +13 | +26
| Dark Plate Chest Piece
| 400 | 8,010 | +13
| +26 | -26
| Archon's Battle Chest Piece | 444 | 7,920 | +26
| +26 | 0
AX4. Legs
| Item
| Armor | Value | Attract | Scare | Alignment |
| No Trousers
| 134 | 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Lower Dress
| 145 | 44
| 0
| -15 | 0
| Bright Lower Dress
| 145 | 50
| +7
| -15 | +10
| Dark Lower Dress
| 145 | 48
| +7
| -7
| -10
| Apprentice Lower Robe
| 175 | 74
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Assassin Trousers
| 175 | 473 | 0
| +15 | -7
| Fire Assassin Shirt
| 175 | 473 | 0
| +15 | -7
| Villager Trousers
| 175 | 74
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Bright Villager Trousers
| 175 | 82
| +7
| 0
| +4
| Dark Villager Trousers
| 175 | 80
| 0
| +7
| -4
| Will Lower Robe
| 175 | 519 | +7
| +7
| 0
| Will Bright Lower Robe
| 175 | 535 | +15
| 0
| +12
| Will Dark Lower Robe
| 175 | 530 | 0
| +15 | -12
| Bandit Trousers
| 184 | 284 | -5
| +5
| -5
| Guard Trousers
| 205 | 366 | -7
| -7
| 0
| Leather Leggings
| 233 | 443 | -15
| 0
| 0
| Item
| Armor | Value | Attract | Scare | Alignment |
| No Boots
| 19
| 0
| -10
| -10 | 0
| Apprentice Boots
| 25
| 11
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Assassin Boots
| 25
| 68
| 0
| +5
| -2
| Fire Assassin Boots
| 25
| 68
| 0
| +5
| -2
| Villager Boots
| 25
| 11
| 0
| 0
| 0
| Bright Villager Boots
| 25
| 12
| +2
| 0
| +1
| Dark Villager Boots
| 25
| 12
| 0
| +2
| -1
| Will User's Boots
| 25
| 74
| +2
| +2
| 0
| Will User's Bright Boots
| 25
| 82
| +5
| 0
| +4
| Will User's Dark Boots
| 25
| 80
| 0
| +5
| -4
| Bandit Boots
| 26
| 35
| -5
| +5
| -5
| Guard Boots
| 29
| 52
| -2
| -2
| 0
| Leather Boots
| 33
| 63
| -5
| 0
| 0
| Bright Leather Boots
| 33
| 70
| -2
| 0
| +2
| Dark Leather Boots
| 33
| 69
| -2
| +2
| -2
| Chainmail Boots
| 41
| 371 | -2
| +2
| 0
| Bright Chainmail Boots
| 41
| 395 | 0
| +2
| +3
| Dark Chainmail Boots
| 41
| 390 | -2
| +5
| -3
| Plate Boots
| 50
| 990 | +5
| +5
| 0
| Bright Plate Boots
| 50
| 1,025 | +5
| +2
| +5
| Dark Plate Boots
| 50
| 1,020 | +5
| +2
| -5
| Archon's Battle Boots
| 55
| 990 | +5
| +5
| 0
| AY. Hairstyle Modifiers |
AY1. Haircuts
| Style
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness |
| The Buzz
| 36
| -50
| 0
| Plaits
| 36
| -50
| -50
| The Pudding Basin
| 38
| 0
| -50
| Bald
| 44
| +50
| -50
| Youngster Style
| 50
| 0
| 0
| Short Hair
| 65
| +50
| 0
| Ponytail
| 66
| 0
| +50
| Normal Haircut
| 85
| +50
| +50
| The Warrior Stripe
| 85
| -50
| +50
AY2. Facial Hair
| Style
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness |
| Big Beard
| 24
| -48
| 0
| Tramp Beard
| 24
| -48
| 0
| Trader Style Mustache
| 25
| -49
| -49
| Standard Beard
| 30
| -48
| -48
| Working Mustache
| 39
| 0
| -49
| Clean Shave
| 40
| 0
| 0
| Foreign Mustache
| 47
| -49
| +49
| Long Beard
| 54
| -48
| +48
| Small Mustache
| 54
| 0
| +49
| Mutton Chop Beard
| 62
| +48
| 0
| Strip Beard
| 63
| 0
| +48
| Regular Beard
| 64
| +48
| 0
| Power Mustache
| 67
| +49
| -49
| Normal Beard
| 82
| +48
| +48
| Sheriff Mustache
| 88
| +49
| +49
| AZ. Tattoo Modifiers |
AZ1. Face
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Coron Visor
| 32
| 0
| +25
| 0
| Snowspire Blacksmith
| 40
| +5
| -5
| 0
| Snowspire Innkeeper
| 40
| +5
| -5
| 0
| Doublearrow
| 44
| +12
| -12
| 0
| Arrow Tongue
| 46
| +12
| -12
| 0
| Arrowhead
| 46
| +12
| -12
| 0
| Seacorpse
| 47
| -25
| +25
| -25
| Coron Mask
| 50
| 0
| +25
| 0
| Autumn Leaves
| 54
| -20
| +20
| -20
| Spiral Dementia
| 57
| 0
| +20
| -20
| Somrune
| 58
| +20
| 0
| 0
| Snowspire Guard
| 60
| +10
| -10
| 0
| Snowspire Slinger
| 60
| +10
| -10
| 0
| Howl
| 62
| -51
| +51
| 0
| Snowspire Archer
| 75
| +15
| -15
| 0
| Snowspire Swordsman
| 75
| +15
| -15
| 0
| Furite Flash
| 100 | -20
| +20
| 0
| Furite Funeral
| 100 | -35
| +35
| 0
| Furite Stripe
| 100 | -35
| +35
| 0
| Snowspire Axeman
| 100 | +20
| -20
| 0
| Snowspire Spearman
| 100 | +20
| -20
| 0
| Snowspire Crossbowman
| 150 | +25
| -25
| 0
| Snowspire General
| 250 | +30
| -30
| 0
| Snowspire Commando
| 500 | +40
| -40
| 0
AZ2. Chest
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Lopion
| 35
| +10
| 0
| +10
| Balverine Skull
| 38
| -10
| +10
| -10
| Kryndon
| 43
| +10
| -10
| +10
| Valiance
| 45
| +10
| +10
| +10
| Dark Vortex
| 46
| 0
| +10
| -10
| Gryphonite
| 51
| +15
| +15
| 0
| Gryphon
| 66
| +15
| +15
| 0
| Big Blue Box
| 1,000 | +30
| -20
| +45
| Lionhead
| 1,000 | +30
| -20
| +45
AZ3. Torso
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Coron Wave
| 30
| +5
| +5
| 0
| Froydian
| 34
| +10
| 0
| +10
| Ruon Peak
| 40
| +10
| 0
| +10
| Furite Deathead
| 100 | -25
| +25
| 0
| Furite Swirl
| 100 | -25
| +25
| 0
AZ4. Stomach
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Coron Birth
| 38
| +5
| 0
| 0
| Furite Flame
| 100 | -25
| +25
| 0
AZ5. Shoulder
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Karlan Wings
| 41
| +10
| 0
| 0
| Harion
| 45
| +10
| 0
| 0
AZ6. Back
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Coron Dawn
| 30
| +5
| +5
| 0
| Coron Night
| 33
| +5
| +5
| 0
| Coron Dusk
| 34
| +5
| +5
| 0
| Four Spades
| 37
| +5
| 0
| 0
| Deathlicon
| 44
| -10
| +10
| -10
| The Eyes of Skorm
| 45
| -10
| +40
| -40
| The Eyes of Avo
| 46
| +10
| -40
| +40
| Firis Head
| 48
| 0
| +10
| -10
| Dorgon
| 49
| +15
| +15
| 0
| Harvest
| 52
| +15
| 0
| +15
| Golden Harvest
| 64
| +35
| 0
| +35
| Fire Monkey
| 69
| +51
| 0
| +51
| Balvarine
| 100 | +30
| +30
| 0
| Dragon
| 100 | -20
| +40
| -20
| Furite Deathead
| 100 | -30
| +30
| 0
| Furite Flame
| 100 | -30
| +30
| 0
| Furite Swirl
| 100 | -30
| +30
| 0
| Big Blue Box
| 1,000 | +30
| -20
| +45
| Lionhead
| 1,000 | +30
| -20
| +45
AZ7. Arm
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Vambrace
| 32
| 0
| 0
| +5
| Seachaos
| 34
| -5
| +5
| -5
| Tallin Clan
| 38
| 0
| +5
| -5
| Red Widow
| 44
| +10
| +10
| 0
| Harion
| 46
| +10
| 0
| 0
| Furite
| 100 | -10
| +10
| 0
AZ8. Leg
| Tattoo
| Value | Attractiveness | Scariness | Alignment |
| Tallin Clan
| 36
| 0
| +5
| -5
| Seachaos
| 39
| -5
| +5
| -5
| Poison Web
| 45
| +10
| +10
| 0
| Furite War
| 100 | -25
| +25
| 0
| BA. Merchant Locations and Stock |
What follows is a list of every merchant in the game and what they have for
sale, with the exception of the wandering merchants (I may try, in the future,
to include these as well, though they can be a bit tricky to track down).
BA1. Oakvale (Child)
| Merchant
| Base Cost
| Items
| 3
BA2. Heroes' Guild (After Childhood)
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
| 10
Green Apple
| 4
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Beer Keg
| 46
Cider Crate
| 52
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Villager Gloves
| 21
Leather Gauntlets
| 127
Assassin Gloves
| 135
Chainmail Gauntlets
| 742
Plate Gauntlets
| 1,980
Villager Shirt
| 84
Leather Chest Piece
| 507
Villager Trousers
| 74
Leather Leggings
| 443
Chainmail Leggings
| 2,596
Plate Leggings
| 6,930
Villager Boots
| 11
Leather Boots
| 64
Will User's Boots
| 74
Chainmail Boots
| 371
Plate Boots
| 990
| Weapons
Iron Pickhammer
| 100
Iron Mace
| 113
Iron Axe
| 125
Iron Cleaver
| 138
Iron Katana
| 163
Iron Greataxe
| 200
Iron Greatmace
| 213
Iron Greathammer
| 225
Iron Greatsword
| 238
Steel Pickhammer
| 300
Steel Mace
| 338
Steel Axe
| 375
Obsidian Mace
| 1,755
Obsidian Longsword
| 2,340
Obsidian Greatmace
| 3,315
Master Longsword
| 20,925
Master Greatmace
| 29,664
Master Greatsword
| 33,131
Yew Crossbow
| 200
Oak Longbow
| 450
Oak Crossbow
| 550
Ebony Longbow
| 1,820
Ebony Crossbow
| 2,100
Master Longbow
| 23,040
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phial
| 500
| 10
Green Apple
| 4
| 6
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Grain Sack
| 25
Flour Sack
| 35
BA3. Lookout Point
| Hero Title Vendor
| Base Cost
| Title
Chicken Chaser
| 40
| 60
| 100
| 200
| 200
| 250
| 260
| 280
| 450
| 600
| 600
| 1,000
BA4. Bowerstone South
| Blacksmith
| Base Cost
| Weapons
Iron Pickhammer
| 100
Iron Mace
| 113
Iron Axe
| 125
Iron Cleaver
| 138
Iron Longsword
| 150
Iron Katana
| 163
Iron Greataxe
| 200
Iron Greatmace
| 213
Iron Greathammer
| 225
Iron Greatsword
| 238
Steel Pickhammer
| 300
Steel Mace
| 338
Steel Axe
| 375
Steel Longsword
| 450
Obsidian Pickhammer
| 1,560
Obsidian Cleaver
| 2,145
Obsidian Greatsword
| 3,705
Master Pickhammer
| 13,950
Master Axe
| 17,438
Yew Longbow
| 150
Yew Crossbow
| 200
Oak Longbow
| 450
Oak Crossbow
| 550
Ebony Longbow
| 1,820
| Tailor
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Chainmail Helmet
| 742
Dress Gloves
| 13
Villager Gloves
| 21
Leather Gauntlets
| 127
Dark Leather Gauntlets
| 144
Bright Leather Gauntlets
| 150
Chainmail Gauntlets
| 742
Plate Gauntlets
| 1,980
Upper Dress
| 50
Villager Shirt
| 84
Leather Chest Piece
| 507
Dark Leather Chest Piece
| 535
Bright Leather Chest Piece
| 545
Chainmail Shirt
| 2,967
Plate Chest Piece
| 7,920
Lower Dress
| 44
Villager Trousers
| 74
Leather Leggings
| 443
Dark Leather Leggings
| 460
Bright Leather Leggings
| 465
Chainmail Leggings
| 2,596
Plate Leggings
| 6,930
Villager Boots
| 11
Assassin Boots
| 68
Leather Boots
| 63
Dark Leather Boots
| 69
Bright Leather Boots
| 70
Will User's Boots
| 74
Chainmail Boots
| 371
Plate Boots
| 990
| Marketkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phial
| 500
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
| 120
Fake Wedding Ring
| 200
Wedding Ring
| 900
Green Apple
| 4
| 6
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Grain Sack
| 25
Flour Sack
| 35
Cider Crate
| 52
Fishing Rod
| 50
| 200
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
| 10
Green Apple
| 4
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Beer Keg
| 46
Cider Crate
| 52
| Barber
| Base Cost
| Style
The Buzz
| 36
The Pudding Basin
| 38
Clean Shave
| 40
| 44
Long Beard
| 54
Strip Beard
| 63
Normal Beard
| 82
Normal Haircut
| 85
Sheriff Moustache
| 88
Note that this is the`barber's base inventory. She will also be able to offer
you any cuts that you are carrying style cards for.
BA5. Darkwood Camp
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Dark Villager Gloves
| 24
Leather Gauntlets
| 127
Dark Leather Gauntlets
| 144
Dark Plate Gauntlets
| 2,020
Dark Villager Shirt
| 92
Leather Chest Piece
| 507
Dark Leather Chest
| 535
Assassin Shirt
| 540
Dark Villager Trousers
| 80
Leather Leggings
| 443
Dark Leather Leggings
| 460
Dark Villager Boots
| 12
Guard Boots
| 52
Leather Boots
| 63
Dark Leather Boots
| 69
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phial
| 500
Fake Wedding Ring
| 200
| 450
| 700
Green Apple
| 4
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Crunchy Chick
| 35
Beer Keg
| 46
You Are Not A Bad Person
| 200
| 200
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Weapons
Iron Axe
| 125
Iron Katana
| 163
Iron Greatsword
| 238
Steel Pickhammer
| 300
Steel Mace
| 338
Steel Axe
| 375
Steel Cleaver
| 413
Steel Longsword
| 450
Steel Katana
| 488
Steel Greataxe
| 600
Steel Greathammer
| 675
Obsidian Pickhammer
| 1,560
Obsidian Axe
| 1,950
Obsidian Cleaver
| 2,145
Master Greataxe
| 27,900
Yew Longbow
| 150
Yew Crossbow
| 200
Oak Longbow
| 450
Oak Crossbow
| 550
Ebony Longbow
| 1,820
Ebony Crossbow
| 2,100
| Items
Flame Augmentation
| 1,450
BA6. Barrow Fields
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
| 120
Green Apple
| 4
| 12
Apple Pie
| 15
| 40
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Weapons
Steel Cleaver
| 413
Steel Longsword
| 450
Steel Katana
| 488
Obsidian Pickhammer
| 1,560
Obsidian Axe
| 1,950
Obsidian Cleaver
| 2,145
Oak Longbow
| 450
Oak Crossbow
| 550
BA7. Oakvale (Adult)
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phial
| 500
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
| 120
| 600
| 700
Wedding Ring
| 900
Green Apple
| 4
| 6
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Grain Sack
| 25
Crunchy Chick
| 35
Flour Sack
| 35
| 40
Beer Keg
| 46
Cider Crate
| 52
Fishing Rod
| 50
| 200
You Are Not A Bad Person
| 200
The Sock Method
| 200
Making Friends
| 200
Windbreaker Rule Book
| 200
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Red Rose
| 20
Green Apple
| 4
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
| 40
Beer Keg
| 46
| Armourer
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Chainmail Helmet
| 742
Bright Chainmail Helmet
| 790
Dress Gloves
| 13
Bright Dress Gloves
| 15
Villager Gloves
| 21
Bright Villager Gloves
| 25
Leather Gauntlets
| 127
Will User's Gloves
| 148
Bright Leather Gauntlets
| 150
Chainmail Gauntlets
| 742
Bright Chainmail Gauntlets
| 780
Plate Gauntlets
| 1,980
Upper Dress
| 50
Bright Upper Dress
| 55
Villager Shirt
| 84
Bright Villager Shirt
| 96
Leather Chest Piece
| 507
Bright Leather Chest Piece
| 545
Will Upper Robe
| 593
Chainmail Shirt
| 2,967
Bright Chainmail Shirt
| 3,070
Plate Chest Piece
| 7,920
Lower Dress
| 44
Bright Lower Dress
| 50
Villager Trousers
| 74
Bright Villager Trousers
| 82
Leather Leggings
| 443
Bright Leather Leggings
| 465
Lower Will Robe
| 519
Chainmail Leggings
| 2,596
Bright Chainmail Leggings
| 2,650
Plate Leggings
| 6,930
Villager Boots
| 11
Bright Villager Boots
| 12
Leather Boots
| 63
Bright Leather Boots
| 70
Will User's Boots
| 74
Chainmail Boots
| 371
Bright Chainmail Boots
| 395
Plate Boots
| 990
| Weapons
Iron Pickhammer
| 100
Iron Longsword
| 150
Iron Katana
| 163
Iron Greatmace
| 213
Iron Greathammer
| 225
Iron Greatsword
| 238
Steel Pickhammer
| 300
Steel Mace
| 338
Steel Axe
| 375
Steel Cleaver
| 413
Steel Longsword
| 450
Steel Katana
| 488
Steel Greataxe
| 600
Steel Greatmace
| 638
Steel Greathammer
| 675
Steel Greatsword
| 713
Obsidian Pickhammer
| 1,560
Obsidian Mace
| 1,755
Obsidian Axe
| 1,950
Obsidian Cleaver
| 2,145
Obsidian Longsword
| 2,340
Obsidian Katana
| 2,535
Obsidian Greataxe
| 3,120
Obsidian Greatsword
| 3,705
Yew Longbow
| 150
Yew Crossbow
| 200
Oak Longbow
| 450
Oak Crossbow
| 550
Ebony Longbow
| 1,820
Ebony Crossbow
| 2,100
| Items
Piercing Augmentation
| 2,100
BA8. Twinblade's Camp
| Trader
| Base Cost
| Weapons
Iron Greataxe
| 200
Iron Greatsword
| 238
Steel Axe
| 375
Steel Cleaver
| 413
Steel Longsword
| 450
Steel Greatmace
| 638
Steel Greatsword
| 713
Obsidian Pickhammer
| 1,560
Obsidian Mace
| 1,755
Obsidian Axe
| 1,950
Obsidian Cleaver
| 2,145
Obsidian Longsword
| 2,340
Obsidian Katana
| 2,535
Obsidian Greataxe
| 3,120
Obsidian Greatmace
| 3,315
Obsidian Greathammer
| 3,510
Obsidian Greatsword
| 3,705
Yew Longbow
| 150
Oak Longbow
| 450
Ebony Longbow
| 1,820
Ebony Crossbow
| 2,100
| Items
Flame Augmentation
| 1,450
| Trader
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phial
| 500
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
Fake Wedding Ring
| 200
| 450
Green Apple
| 4
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Grain Sack
| 25
Crunchy Chick
| 35
Beer Keg
| 46
Cider Crate
| 52
Fishing Rod
| 50
| 200
Eyes of a Killer
| 200
The Ugly Guide
| 200
Windbreaker Rule Book
| 200
| Trader
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Dark Chainmail Helm
| 780
Dark Villager Gloves
| 24
Guard Gloves
| 105
Assassin Gloves
| 135
Dark Leather Gauntlets
| 144
Dark Chainmail Gauntlets
| 770
Dark Plate Gauntlets
| 2,020
Dark Villager Shirt
| 92
Assassin Shirt
| 540
Dark Leather Chest
| 535
Dark Chainmail Shirt
| 3,050
Dark Plate Chest Piece
| 8,010
Dark Villager Trousers
| 80
Dark Leather Leggings
| 460
Assassin Trousers
| 473
Dark Chainmail Leggings
| 2,620
Dark Plate Leggings
| 7,020
Dark Villager Boots
| 12
Assassin Boots
| 68
Dark Leather Boots
| 69
Dark Chainmail Boots
| 390
Dark Plate Boots
| 1,020
BA9. Darkwood Bordello
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
| 10
Green Apple
| 4
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Beer Keg
| 46
Cider Crate
| 70
BA10. Knothole Glade
The merchants in Knothole Glade have a tendency to be glitchy. Very often one
of them will not show up in the game. This has happened to me every single time
I played through the game (twice I didn't have a blacksmith, and once the
general shopkeeper was missing. I've also had reports that the tattooist can go
on an extended vacation). But don't stress too much if you don't see one of
them, they're not carrying anything that is game critical.
| Blacksmith
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Chainmail Helmet
| 742
Dark Chainmail Helm
| 780
Dark Dress Gloves
| 13
Villager Gloves
| 21
Dark Villager Gloves
| 24
Will User's Dark Gloves
| 155
Chainmail Gauntlets
| 742
Dark Chainmail Gauntlets
| 770
Plate Gauntlets
Dark Plate Gauntlets
Dark Upper Dress
Villager Shirt
Dark Villager Shirt
Will Dark Upper Robe
Chainmail Shirt
Dark Chainmail Shirt
Plate Chest Piece
Dark Plate Chest Piece
Guard Trousers
Dark Lower Dress
Villager Trousers
Dark Villager Trousers
Will Dark Lower Robe
Chainmail Leggings
Dark Chainmail Leggings
Plate Leggings
Dark Plate Leggings
Bright Plate Leggings
Villager Boots
Dark Villager Boots
Will User's Dark Boots
Chainmail Boots
Dark Chainmail Boots
Plate Boots
Dark Plate Boots
Bright Plate Boots
| Weapons
Obsidian Pickhammer
Obsidian Mace
Obsidian Axe
Obsidian Cleaver
Obsidian Longsword
Obsidian Katana
Obsidian Greataxe
Obsidian Greatmace
Obsidian Greathammer
Obsidian Greatsword
Master Pickhammer
Master Mace
Master Axe
Master Longsword
Master Katana
Master Greataxe
Master Greatsword
Ebony Longbow
Ebony Crossbow
Master Longbow
Master Crossbow
| Items
Flame Augmentation
Lightning Augmentation
Sharpening Augmentation
| Tattooist
| Base Cost
| Style
The Eyes of Skorm Tattoo
| 45
Poison Web Tattoo
| 45
Seacorpse Tattoo
| 47
Dorgon Tattoo
| 49
Howl Tattoo
| 62
Remove Tattoos
| 200
Note that this is the base inventory. He will also be able to offer you
any tattoos that you are carrying style cards for.
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
| 10
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Beer Keg
| 46
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phials
| 500
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
| 120
Fake Wedding Ring
| 200
| 600
| 800
Wedding Ring
| 900
Green Apple
| 4
| 6
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Grain Sack
| 25
Crunchy Chick
| 35
| 40
Beer Keg
| 46
| 200
The Ugly Guide
| 200
BA11. Arena Entrance
| Hero Title Vendor
| Base Cost
| Title
| 150
| 160
| 250
| 350
| 500
BA12. Arena Anteroom
| Merchant
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Dark Chainmail Helmet
| 780
Bright Chainmail Helmet
| 790
Leather Gauntlets
| 127
Dark Chainmail Gauntlets
| 770
Bright Chainmail Gauntlets
| 780
Plate Gauntlets
| 1,980
Dark Plate Gauntlets
| 2,020
Bright Plate Gauntlets
| 2,040
Leather Chest Piece
| 507
Dark Chainmail Shirt
| 3,050
Bright Chainmail Shirt
| 3,070
Plate Chest Piece
| 7,920
Dark Plate Chest Piece
| 8,010
Bright Plate Chest Piece
| 8,050
Leather Leggings
| 443
Dark Chainmail Leggings
| 2,620
Bright Chainmail Leggings
| 2,650
Plate Leggings
| 6,930
Dark Plate Leggings
| 7,020
Bright Plate Leggings
| 7,040
Leather Boots
| 63
Dark Chainmail Boots
| 390
Bright Chainmail Boots
| 395
Plate Boots
| 990
Dark Plate Boots
| 1,020
Bright Plate Boots
| 1,025
| Weapons
Steel Pickhammer
| 300
Steel Greathammer
| 675
Steel Longsword
| 450
Steel Katana
| 488
Obsidian Axe
| 1,950
Obsidian Longsword
| 2,340
Obsidian Katana
| 2,535
Obsidian Greatsword
| 3,705
Master Mace
| 15,694
Master Axe
| 17,438
Master Cleaver
| 19,181
Master Katana
| 22,669
Master Greataxe
| 27,900
Master Greathammer
| 31,388
Oak Longbow
| 450
Ebony Longbow
| 1,820
Ebony Crossbow
| 2,100
Master Longbow
| 23,040
Master Crossbow
| 25,600
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phials
| 500
| 6
| 12
Red Meat
| 14
Crunchy Chick
| 35
Thunder Hero Doll
| 200
Sliver Augmentation
| 1,650
Piercing Augmentation
| 2,100
Sharpening Augmentation
| 2,600
BA13. Bowerstone North
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Dress Gloves
| 13
Dark Dress Gloves
| 14
Bright Dress Gloves
| 15
Will User's Bright Gloves
| 160
Upper Dress
| 50
Dark Upper Dress
| 54
Bright Upper Dress
| 55
Guard Shirt
| 419
Will Bright Upper Robe
| 640
Lower Dress
| 44
Dark Lower Dress
| 48
Bright Lower Dress
| 50
Will Bright Lower Robe
| 535
Will User's Bright Boots
| 82
| Weapons
Obsidian Longsword
| 2,340
Obsidian Katana
| 2,535
Master Pickhammer
| 13,950
Master Cleaver
| 19,181
Master Longsword
| 20,925
Master Katana
| 22,669
Master Greatsword
| 33,131
Solus Greatsword
| 69,825
Master Longbow
| 23,040
Master Crossbow
| 25,600
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phials
| 500
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
| 120
Black Rose
| 300
| 550
| 600
| 700
| 800
Wedding Ring
| 900
Green Apple
| 4
| 6
| 12
Apple Pie
| 15
Red Meat
| 14
| 18
| 35
Flour Sack
| 35
Fishing Rod
| 50
Thunder Hero Doll
| 200
The Sock Method
| 200
Making Friends
| 200
You Are Not A Bad Person
| 200
Doll of You
| 250
Health Augmentation
| 45,000
Note that
game that
this fish
the shopkeeper here and in Hook Coast are the only merchants in the
have the mysterious 18 gold fish. I have no idea what significance
has over the normal 12 gold fish. Could this have some bearing on the
(and probably non-existant) Singing Sword? Only Peter knows.
Villager Gloves
| 21
Bright Villager Gloves
| 25
Will User's Gloves
| 148
Will User's Dark Gloves
| 155
Plate Gauntlets
| 1,980
Dark Plate Gauntlets
| 2,020
Villager Shirt
| 84
Bright Villager Shirt
| 96
Will Upper Robe
| 593
Will Dark Upper Robe
| 630
Plate Chest Piece
| 7,920
Dark Plate Chest Piece
| 8,010
Villager Trousers
| 74
Will Lower Robe
| 519
Will Dark Lower Robe
| 530
Plate Leggings
| 6,930
Dark Plate Leggings
| 7,020
Villager Boots
| 11
Dark Villager Boots
| 12
Bright Villager Boots
| 12
Will User's Boots
| 74
Will User's Dark Boots
| 80
Plate Boots
| 990
Dark Plate Boots
| 1,020
| Weapons
Master Pickhammer
| 13,950
Master Mace
| 15,694
Master Axe
| 17,438
Master Cleaver
| 19,181
Master Longsword
| 20,925
Master Katana
| 22,669
Master Greataxe
| 27,900
Master Greatmace
| 29,644
Master Greathammer
| 31,388
Master Greatsword
| 33,131
Master Longbow
| 23,040
Master Crossbow
| 25,600
| Items
Lightning Augmentation
| 1,550
Sliver Augmentation
| 1,650
Piercing Augmentation
| 2,100
Sharpening Augmentation
| 2,600
Mana Augmentation
| 45,000
Experience Augmentation
| 50,000
| Shopkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
Resurrection Phials
| 500
| 10
Red Rose
| 20
| 120
| 450
| 550
| 700
Wedding Ring
| 900
| 6
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
| 18
Grain Sack
| 25
Flour Sack
| 35
Fishing Rod
| 50
| 200
The Sock Method
| 200
Making Friends
| 200
You Are Not A Bad Person
| 200
Eyes of a Killer
| 200
The Ugly Guide
| 200
Windbreaker Rule Book
| 200
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Will Potion
| 70
Health Potion
| 80
| 10
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
Beer Keg
| 46
BA15. Snowspire
| Charity Worker
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Villager Shirt
| 84
Bright Villager Trousers
| 82
| Weapons
Iron Cleaver
| 138
Steel Mace
| 338
| Items
Health Potion
| 80
Green Apple
| 4
Grain Sack
| 25
Flour Sack
| 35
Crunchy Chick
| 35
| 40
Cider Crate
| 50
In theory, the more expensive stuff you donate to the charity worker, the more
interesting items she'll have in stock. I never saw any sign of this, but it
could be true. The above list represents her starting stock, and I never saw it
change to matter how many legendary weapons I gave her.
| Innkeeper
| Base Cost
| Items
Green Apple
| 4
| 10
Red Meat
| 14
Apple Pie
| 15
| Tailor
| Base Cost
| Clothing
Guard Hat
| 105
Redheat Wig
| 105
Dark Dress Gloves
| 14
Guard Gloves
| 105
Dark Plate Gauntlets
| 2,020
Bright Plate Gauntlets
| 2,040
Dark Upper Dress
| 54
Guard Shirt
| 419
Dark Plate Chest Piece
| 8,010
Bright Plate Chest Piece
| 8,050
Dark Lower Dress
| 48
Guard Trousers
| 366
Dark Plate Leggings
| 7,020
Bright Plate Leggings
| 7,040
Guard Boots
| 52
Dark Plate Boots
| 1,020
Bright Plate Boots
| 1,025
| Blacksmith
| Base Cost
| Weapons
Master Pickhammer
| 13,950
Master Mace
| 15,694
Master Axe
| 17,438
Master Cleaver
| 19,181
Master Longsword
| 20,925
Master Katana
| 22,669
Master Greataxe
| 27,900
Master Greatmace
| 29,644
Master Greathammer
| 31,388
Master Greatsword
| 33,131
Master Longbow
| 23,040
Master Crossbow
| 25,600
| Items
Flame Augmentation
| 1,450
Lightning Augmentation
| 1,550
Sliver Augmentation
| 1,650
Piercing Augmentation
| 2,100
Sharpening Augmentation
| 2,600
Health Augmentation
| 45,000
Mana Augmentation
| 45,000
Experience Augmentation
| 50,000
| BB. Marriage Houses |
| Purchase | Upgrade 1 | Upgrade 2 | Upgrade 3 |
| Location
| Price | Price | Price | Price |
| Bowerstone South
| 1,500 | 500
| 1,400
| Oakvale
| 5,000 | 2,500
| 3,500
| 5,000
| Knothole Glade
| 9,000 | 4,000
| 6,000
| 6,000
| Hook Coast
| 29,000 | 7,000
| 9,000
| 11,000
| Snowspire Villiage
| 25,000 | 7,500
| 12,500
| 15,000
| BC. Conclusion |
Well, that's the end of the game, and not coincidentally, also the end of this
walkthrough. I hope you have found it useful and informative (but without
giving too much away). I knew when I started this would be a lot of work (which
I really didn't have time for), but it was something that just hit me that I
felt I had to do. I am, overall, fairly pleased with the results (though to be
sure there are a few areas I'm not happy with, but I suppose anyone who creates
a large project will be unhappy with some part of it). Now that I've gotten it
out of my system, I can move on with other projects :)
Once again, if you have a correction or suggestion for improving the guide,
please contact me and let me know. While the bulk of the work is over, I will
update this guide as needed, and I will always be grateful for any suggestions
on improving this document.
| BD. Acknowledgements |
Naturally, I have to thank Lionhead Studios for putting together one of the
better role playing games I have played in a long time.
Of course, I also have to give a shout-out to all the Fable guide writers on
the web, without whom it would have been nearly impossible to compile all this
information together (references follow).
I have to give a big "Thanks!" to Beth Hansen, who provided the list of wares
for the blacksmith in Knothole Glade when I just couldn't get the guy to show
up for work.
And last, but not least, to you, the reader, for allowing me to guide you on
the journey that is Fable. If you have suggestions for the improvement of this
guide, or you see anything I missed or that is inaccurate, please don't
hesitate to contact me about it.
| BE. References |
Fable FAQs/Walkthrough (Fable the Lost Chapters, Xbox Edition) Version 1.0, (c)
2005, Daniel Perez (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/fable_tlc.txt)
Lady Grey Courtship FAQ (Fable, Xbox Edition) Version 2.5.1, (c) 2004, Phillip
Meris (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/fable_x_lady_grey.txt)
Legendary Weapons Guide (Fable, Xbox Edition) Version 1.6, (c) 2006,
Silver Keys/Chests FAQ (Fable the Lost Chapters, PC Edition) Version 1.0, (c)
2005, Alan Catozella
Temple Reward FAQ (Fable, Xbox Edition) Version 1.1, (c) 2004, Christopher
Santiago (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/file/fable_temple_rewards.txt)
Weapon FAQ (Fable, Xbox Edition) Version 1.1, (c) 2005, Shane
| BF. Version List |
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