The Metamorphosis of Raju in R K Narayan
The Metamorphosis of Raju in R K Narayan
The Metamorphosis of Raju in R K Narayan
looking for advice and guidance. Raju on the other hand is tempted to play the role of the
swami because it was in his nature to get involved in other peoples interest and
Raju satisfies the demand of villagers of Mangala. He feels disconcerted by the devotion
of the peasants, who believes that a superior soul has come to live near their village.
Ironically Rajus old habit of offering guidance to others when he was a tourist guide
asserts itself when he wants to be honest this time. The special attention of the villagers
makes him feel uncomfortable and so he wonders if he could device somemeans of
escape from the company. His circle of devotees inevitably widens because he is
believed to have worked a miracle on Velans stepsister. Consequently it becomes a daily
practice of Velan and his fellow villagers to bring food for the swami and the result is that
men, women and children come to have darshan of him large number.
The affection and devotion of the peasants transform Raju to such an extent that he
assumes the role of a spiritual guide: his bear now caressed his chest, his hair covered
his back and around his neck he wore a necklace of prayer breads. He even assures
himself that he has become an authentic saint. Their devotion to him was unquestionable.
As the narrator tells us Raju felt moved by the recollection of the big crowd of women
and children touching his feet. He felt moved by the thought of their gratitude.
The unshakeable faith of the people of Mangala transforms Raju into an instrument of
their will so that he feels naturally inclined to fast for their survival. When he is called
upon to fast by his devotees, and thus to bring rains to the parched land, he realizes that,
he had worked himself into a position from which he could not get out. He makes an
attempt to confess to Velan all about his notorious past. But Velans rustic discipline
towards him is so deep that he refuses to believe him.
Then Raju become aware about the fact that something has changed within himself: if
by avoiding food I should help the trees bloom, and the grass grow, why not do it
thoroughly? For the first time in his life he has making an earnest effort, for the first
time he has learning the thrill of full application, outside money and love, for the first
time he ha doing a thing in which he was not personally interested. It reveals the
spiritual achievement of Raju. He is aware that the whole countryside is now in a happy
ferment because a great soul had agreed to go through the trial and he feels a moral duty
not to insult the villagers faith in him and so he becomes absorbed into communal
archetype. As a Saviour he is expected to stand in knee deep water to look the skies,
and utter the payer lines for two weeks completely fasting during the period-and so the
rains would come down provided the man who performed it was a pure soul. Was a great
Thus Raju spends his days muttering prayers as a result of his indubitable liberation from
his ego, and it is revealed by his words- I am only doing what I have to do; that is all.
My likes and dislikes do not count-until on the eleventh day when he collapses with the
prophetic declaration that it is raining in the hills. The novel thus concludes in the
magnitude of his spiritual gain.