AFM From DVD Carlson - Thomas - MS
AFM From DVD Carlson - Thomas - MS
AFM From DVD Carlson - Thomas - MS
Thomas Beatty Carlson
Bachelors of Science, Physics, Virginia Commonwealth University 2012
Director: Dr. Jason Reed, Assistant Professor, Physics Department
I wish to express my gratitude to several people. I would like to thank my wife, Angel
for her undying support and faith in me. I wish to thank my children and my parents
for their support and help without question. I wish to my advisor Dr. Jason Reed and
my collaborator Dr. Loren Picco. I also wish to thank my committee members Dr.
Marilyn Bishop and Dr. Christopher. Finally, I want to thank the entire VCU Physics
Department for sharing their knowledge.
Table of Contents
1.1: About this study ............................................................................ 2
2.1: AFM background........................................................................... 4
2.2: Specific applications .................................................................... 6
2.3: Sources of noise in AFM ............................................................... 7
Commercial OPU
3.1: Advantages of the OPU .............................................................. 10
3.2: How the OPU works.................................................................... 11
3.3: Powering the OPU ...................................................................... 14
Imaging Results
5.1: Imaging of DNA samples ............................................................. 22
5.2: Improvements to the imaging process ......................................... 24
Conclusion .......................................................................................... 26
Bibliography ........................................................................................ 29
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Compact Disk
Data Acquisition
Direct Current
Laser Diode
National Instruments
Optical Pickup
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Science at Virginia Commonwealth University.
We examine the design of a high speed atomic force microscope using an optical
pickup from a commercially available compact disc/digital versatile disc drive. An
investigation of the commercial optical pickup is done with the goal of determining how it
can be used for dimensional measurements on nanometer scale. An evaluation of noise
sources, imaging capabilities, and functionality is performed.
This study is part of larger collaborative effort to develop a high speed atomic
force microscope (HSAFM) using a commercial optical pickup (OPU) unit from a
CD/DVD disk drive. This approach is being utilized in only two places throughout
the world (Virginia Commonwealth University and University of Bristol). This
project was performed under the direction of Dr. Jason Reed, Virginia
Commonwealth University.
The AFM is a widely used tool in nano-science. Its purpose is to image and
characterize surfaces on the nanometer scale. The biggest problem facing AFMs
is slow scan speeds. In recent years scientists have begun to approach these
problems, leading to the emerging field of high speed atomic force microscopy
(HSAFM). A major advantage of HSAFM is the extremely fast operating speed.
Using optics system contained within the Optical PickUp (OPU) from a
commercial digital versatile disc (DVD) drive, a system could provide real time
imaging, the opportunity for low cost (under $10) and a compact size
(approximately 40 x 50 x 12 mm). These features are extremely desirable
because they are beneficial to the end user.
The goal of this project was to construct this system in our lab, investigate the
workings of the various components, and evaluate noises in the system. We
then determined the best options for optimization of functionality, noise reduction
and image quality.
AFM Background
The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) uses a cantilever with a sharp probe
at its end to scan the surface of a given sample. In the AFM, the cantilever tip is
brought into close proximity of a sample surface. Once the tip is in range,
interatomic forces between the tip and surface result in a deflection of the
cantilever according to Hookes Law (Binning & Quate, 1986, Vol. 56). Typical
spring constants range between 0.001 to 100 N/m, and deflections of the
cantilever can range from microns to fractions of a nanometer. Typical forces
between the cantilever and sample can range from 10-11 N to 10-6 N. For
comparison, the interaction between two covalently bonded atoms is of the order
of 10-9 N at separations of an angstrom. Therefore, non-destructive imaging is
possible. (Atomic Force Microscopy, E. Meyer. Progress in Surface Science, Vol.
41, pp. 3-49)
AFM images are formed by scanning a sample relative to the probing tip
and then measuring the deflection of the cantilever (in the vertical or z direction),
as a function of the lateral positions (x and y). At small separations, of the order
of an angstrom, the tip of the cantilever is in contact with the sample. In this
mode, repulsion forces allow the surface topography to be traced with high
Currently, the most common method for measuring the deflection of the
cantilever is optical beam deflection. As the cantilever flexes, the light from the
laser is reflected onto the split photo-diode. By measuring the difference signal,
changes in the bending of the cantilever can be measured. The adoption of this
method has been successful, because the sensitivity (better than 0.1 nm) is
sufficient to produce quality imaging.
Recently it has been shown that using the optical pickup from a
commercial CD/DVD ROM drive is sufficiently sensitive for detecting deflections
of a cantilever tip down to an atomic step (HWU, Kuang-Yuh HUANG, &
HWANG, 2006, Vol. 45, No. 3B). This implies that under certain conditions the
optical system in the CD/DVD pickup has a sensitivity level comparable to that of
the beam deflection method in terms of the displacement measurement of the
Specific Applications
A primary concern in our lab is the investigation of biological materials
such as DNA and other molecular complexes. AFM is a useful technique for
observing DNA. As an example, the AFM can be used to image DNA molecules
and DNAenzyme interactions. AFM images of static DNAenzyme interactions
give information about enzyme locations on DNA (Hansma, 1996). Measured
heights of DNA in AFM have been reported to vary from 0.5 to 1.9 nm in air.
Thus we wanted to make our system sensitive enough to detect variations in
height on this scale.
High speed techniques allow for the possibility of exploring molecular and
cellular dynamics in real time. Time resolution is critical factor limiting the use of
AFM in live cell studies. Recently scientists have used AFM provide images of
the chemical bonds between atoms. In some situations, imaging can depict how
a molecules structure changes during a reaction (Sanders, 2013).
Another possible area of interest will be nanoparticles. Particles on the
nanometer scale have unique optical, electronic, and structural properties that
are not available in either isolated molecules or bulk solids. Nanoparticles are
in AFM systems can also arise in part due to thermal Brownian vibration of the
cantilever. Brownian motion is random motion that results from collisions with
atoms or molecules in a surrounding gas or liquid. The noise in the our detection
system must be less than that of the thermal noise in order to obtain thermal
noise limited performance. Our detection system must ensure that the noise floor
is sufficiently low as to allow us to observe the thermally excited resonance peak
of the cantilever, an example can be seen in figure 2.3-1. A high noise floor will
conceal the presence of resonance peak and make quality measurements
FIGURE 2.3-1: Example of thermal spectra showing the resonance peak for the AFM
in large part, the result of two processes. The first produces thermal noise
effects. Thermal noise, also known is Johnson noise is due the result of electrons
moving about in a resistive material. The second is well known as shot noise.
Shot noise is due to random fluctuations in direct current circuits. As current
flows through a device, there are random fluctuations in the transit time of
electrons. Current flow also causes the random emission of electrons emitting
from material surfaces. Both of these factors contribute to the effect of shot
noise. It is noted that thermal noise is generated in active and passive
components, while shot noise comes only from active components, such as a DC
power supply (Vergers, 1987).
Though it is possible for us to measure the overall RMS noise from our
electronic circuitry, we cannot predict all of the sources of noise. Improper
grounding of circuits and other equipment plugged into the same circuit can pose
potential noise problems. Using quality components can be an effective means of
reducing circuit noise. Many components are made of materials best known for
their low noise qualities. Shielding our setup, electrically isolating our setup from
other laboratory equipment, and reducing wire length, a source of electronic
cross-coupling, can all be effective ways to reduce noise.
Micro and nano-scale measurement experiments can be severely
hampered by small vibrations. For example, many optical applications require a
laser with a spot size of just a few microns. If the position of this spot is critical to
system performance, such as its position on the tip of a cantilever, then
vibrations with amplitudes in the micron range can inevitably cause experimental
FIGURE 3.2-1: Laser path through the OPU (Science Blogs, 2012)
FIGURE 3.2-2: Laser light focused on the disc surface (Science Blogs, 2012).
In the return path, light reflected from the surface passes back through the
lens and the quarter wave plate where it is now 90 degrees out of phase with the
incoming light. This keeps the incoming and outgoing light beams from interfering
with each other. The detection of the focusing condition of the laser beam on the
optical disk adopts the astigmatic method, which uses a cylindrical lens as a
beam-shaping device (F. Quercioli, 1997). When the laser beams are perfectly
focused on the disk surface, the laser spot is circular, and evenly centered on the
four photo-detectors (AD) as seen in Figure 3.2-3. When the disk surface is
slightly higher or lower than the focus of the laser beam, the laser spot on the
central quadrant sensors becomes more elongated. The shape change of the
laser spot on the photo-detector is detected by the Focus Error Signal (FES).
FIGURE 3.2-3: FES versus defocus distance. The corresponding light spot
projected on the photodiode is shown at three different defocus distances.
(HWU, Kuang-Yuh HUANG, & HWANG, 2006, Vol. 45, No. 3B)
The FES returns linear displacement information from the disk, which is given by
the following equation:
where SA, SB, SC, and SD are the output voltage of each quadrant respectively, as
shown in Figure 3.2-3. Plotting the FES as the laser passes through the focus
region results in an S-shaped curve as seen in the figure. The linear region of
this S-curve allows us to determine displacement of the cantilever as a linear
function of the FES. The detectable displacement range of the Phillips OPU66.50
D is 6.5 m. The focus point is 3.25 m about the center of the beam
The first goal of the HSAFM setup is detection of the thermally excited
resonance peak of the cantilever. We used the Bruker MSNL-10 scanning probe.
The MSNL-10 contains six cantilevers with varying degrees of force constants,
ranging from 0.01 N/m to 0.6 N/m and resonant frequencies that range from 7
kHz up to 125 kHz. The back of the cantilever is coated with reflective gold,
which returns a high percentage of the incident light. Cantilever C was chosen
for measurement of the thermal peak. Its resonance frequency is 7 kHz and the
spring constant is 0.01 N/m. The thermally excited amplitude of the cantilever
motion was measured to be 2 nm using a Polytec OFV-5000 laser Doppler
FIGURE 4.1-1: Bruker MSNL-10 scanning probe (A) cantilever C, 305 m long
and 17 m wide at its end (B) tip radius is nominally 2 nm (Bruker Corporation).
The initial set up and testing did not yield the desired results. A review of
the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) motion spectrum revealed a higher than
desired noise floor and a high number of frequency spikes, seen in figure 4.1-2.
The strength of the FES was also observed to be too small at 20 mV peak-topeak vs. the expected 200 mV peak to peak signal.
Issues related to noise were hypothesized to be the result of several
factors, the first of which is electrical noise inherent in the building that houses
our laboratory. Considerable crosstalk was found between our system and other
electronic equipment in close proximity. A weak signal can arise from poor
reflectivity. Thus the transparency of the polycarbonate film on which the
cantilever was mounted was questioned. Laser noise was also considered as a
possible factor. A highly unstable resonance peak was observed with the LDC
current set at 72 mA, near the laser diode maximum current rating of 80mA. The
spectral noise floor increased rapidly when LDC currents moved above 64 mA.
curve (refer to figure 3.2-3) from 20 mV to 40 mV. The results can be seen in
figure 4.2-1.
Because we were not able to see the thermally excited resonance peak
after the initial improvements, further mitigation was required. The use of battery
power for the DAQ revealed a faulty DAQ power supply, which was replaced.
This led to an orders of magnitude reduction in the noise floor from
peak voltage of the S-curve now spanned 280mV, vs. 40 mV previously. This is
in the expected range. In addition, we observed the elimination of most of the
unidentified noises with characteristic frequencies
Imaging Results
To perform imaging using the HSAFM system, custom VIs are used to
acquire deection signals in a continuous time series. Images based on the
information from the deflection signal are then displayed on screen. Because
biological materials are an area of interest in our lab, samples of DNA are
prepared for imaging. Samples are deposited on MgCl2-derivatized mica
substrates by fluid shear flow and washed three times with purified water before
being blown dry for 30 seconds (Jason Reed, 2012). The sample is set atop a
Mad City Labs HS2 x-y nano-positioning scanning stage (Mad City Labs Inc.,
2014) operated in closed loop mode. The fast scan direction (parallel to
cantilever) is set to a frequency of 100 Hz. Initial data sampling rates were set at
200 kHz, more than sufficient for collecting data.
Initial imaging using the current system was able to detect aperiodic
features on the surface of the sample. Figure 5.1-1 shows the topographic
images of features formed on the surface of the sample during its fabrication.
These are most likely salt crystals formed during sample deposition of DNA from
a dilute salt solution. Some salt and impurities bind to the mica and are not
washed off. The same sample has been imaged with other AFMs in our lab and
the particles appear similar in shape. The scanning stage amplitudes of 3 V and
6 V correspond to a scan area of 3 and 6 microns in (a) and (b) respectively.
Diameters range from 100 to 500 nm with the OPU, currently. The height is not
calibrated, and the height can only be estimated based on the size of these
objects as seen on in other AFM images.
The dark patches seen around the objects are artifacts of bad fitting in the
image flattening algorithms, which use polynomial line fitting (S. A. Tsaftaris,
2008). This can introduce a non-existent valley like deviation of the background.
The surface was further scanned for DNA. However, only additional salt
crystals were found, seen in figure 5.1-1. In both cases, smaller scan sizes
increased the size of the feature on the viewing screen and larger scan sizes
decreased the size of the same feature, confirming that imaging is actually
line. The vertical resolution of the image can be increased by increasing the
number of scan lines in the image.
The number of pixels per line was increased from 1000 to 2000, and the
number of lines of resolution from 50 to 125. The sampling rate of the cantilever
deflection signal was increased from 200 kHz to 1 MHz. A new sample was also
prepared in same manner as the previous sample. A scan of several regions of
the new sample showed improved image quality, evidenced by resolution of finer
structured details in surface-bound salt crystals. The amplitude of the scanning
stage was set to 6 V, corresponding to a scan area of 6 microns. The two
images below show features of relatively high spatial frequency, which indicates
good quality scanning based on our observations with these samples on other
AFMs. However we were ultimately unable to identify DNA using these settings
with our current setup.
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