SikaGrout212 Pds
SikaGrout212 Pds
SikaGrout212 Pds
Edition 02.2014/v1
CSC Master FormatTM 03 62 13
SikaGrout 212
SikaGrout 212
Where to Use
Shelf Life
Mix Ratio
5 hrs
6 hrs 30 min
* Fluid consistency compressive strengths are given as minimum guidelines. Pourable and dry pack consistencies will easily
exceed these values.
SikaGrout 212
28 days
41 (5946)
48 (6960)
56 (8125)
*All moulds, mixing tools and powder components were pre-conditioned to the test temperatures. Prepared test specimens were
cast and then cured at the indicated test temperatures until the time of testing.
Liquid/solids ratio (water + Sikacem Accelerator/SikaGrout 212) = 0.18; [4.6 L (1.21 US gal.) of liquid per 25 kg (55 lb) bag of
SikaGrout 212].
SikaGrout 212
Freeze/thaw durability ASTM C666, Procedure A
Relative dynamic modulus
Durability factor
No significant change to specimen
Anchor Bolt Grouting Applications
Water/solids ratio
Mix water
4.15 L (1.1 US gal.)
Pull-Out Results [38 mm (1.5 in) diameter hole]
Hole depth, mm (in)
Load failure, kN (lbf)
125 (5)
78.6 (17 670)
Concrete block split in half
190 (7.5)
108.2 (24 324)
Concrete block split in half
250 (10)
126.4 (28 416)
Concrete block split in half
(Data based on results obtained from pull tests on 15 M, epoxy coated rebars grouted into 30 MPa (4350 psi),
80 10 mm slump, 6 1% air entrained concrete block)
How to Use
Clean Up
Product properties are typically averages, obtained under laboratory conditions. Reasonable variations can be expected
on-site due to local factors, including environment, preparation, application, curing and test methods.
All grease, oil laitance, ice or snow and foreign deposits shall be removed from all surfaces
with which the grout will come in contact.
The concrete foundation shall be roughened to the extent that it does not present a smooth
surface, which would impede the bond of the grout to the foundation. All dust and loose
particles shall be removed by sandblasting, high pressure waterblasting or other suitable
Concrete foundations less than 28 days old shall be kept wet for at least 12 hours, and
older foundations for a minimum of 24 hours before placing grout. All free-standing water
shall be removed from concrete surfaces prior to grouting. All items to be grouted into
place shall be properly positioned and anchored prior to grouting except for anchor bolts
and dowels, which may be placed into the fresh grout if job conditions permit and at the
discretion of the engineer in charge. For grouting of base plates the formwork used to
contain the grout shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and caulked to prevent
leakage of grout. Provisions shall be made at the high points for air to be vented as it is
displaced by grout.
Mix using a heavy duty low-speed drill (300 - 450 rpm) and mixing paddle or in a grout
mixer. The size of the mixer should be appropriate to the volume of grout required. Use a
minimum amount of water consistent with placeability requirements. After all dry product
has been added to the water, continue mixing for 3 minutes. For application greater than
150 mm (6 in) in thickness, add up to 12 kg (26.5 lb) of 10 mm (3/8 in) coarse aggregate.
The aggregate must be non-reactive (reference ASTM C1260, C227, and C289), clean,
well graded, saturated surface dry, have low absorption, high density and comply with
ASTM C33, size number 8 per table 2.
The prepared grout may be pumped or transported to the forms in buckets or wheelbarrows
and deposited without delay. External vibration and agitation of the grout in the forms is
permitted. Grout having been prepared but not placed within 1 hour after preparation shall
be discarded. Prepared grout shall be agitated until use. Several hours after placement of
grout (depending on ambient temperatures) forms may be removed and exposed grout
shoulders may be trimmed or shaped to desired finish.
As per ACI 308 recommendations for cement concrete, curing is required. To achieve
performance consistent with Technical Data, curing must be provided by recognized curing
methods, such as wet burlap covered with white polyethylene film, misting with water, or
approved water-based curing compound, such as Sika Florseal WB 18 & 25. Curing
must commence immediately after placing and finishing. Protect freshly applied grout from
direct sunlight, wind rain and frost.
Clean all tools and equipment immediately after use with water. Once hardened, material
can only be removed manually or mechanically. Wash soiled hands and skin thoroughly in
hot soapy water or use Sika Hand Cleaner towels.
SikaGrout 212
Important: protect stored material from exposure to rain, condensation and high humidity as
moisture may penetrate packaging, causing lumps.
For best results, condition product to 18 to 29C (65 to 84F) prior to mixing and installation. Lower
temperatures may result in slower strength development and longer cure times.
Maintain wet grout, ambient and substrate temperatures between 5 - 32C (41 - 89F) for a period
of 72 hours after placing, unless using Sikacem Accelerator in mix (refer to Technical Data
SikaGrout 212 must be protected from freezing during setting.
Minimum application thickness (neat without additional aggregate): 25 mm (1 in).
Maximum application thickness (neat without additional aggregate): 150 mm (6 in). Thicker
applications are possible with the addition of suitable aggregate. Please contact Sika Canada
Technical Services.
For anchor bolt/dowel grouting, hole diameter should be 25 mm (1 in) greater than bar diameter.
Anchor bolt/bar holes should be pre-dampened for a period of 1 hour prior to grouting. Holes must
be in saturated surface dry (SSD) condition at time of grouting.
Do not use as a patching or overlay mortar or in unconfined areas.
Use only potable water.
Extending with aggregates will reduce compressive and flexural strengths. Dimensions and grading
of aggregates will influence effect on physical properties; pre-testing is recommended.
Health and Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products,
users should refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing physical,
ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
The information, and in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in
good faith based on Sikas current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under
normal conditions, within their shelf life. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that
no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship
whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The
proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users
should always refer to the most recent issue of the Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied
on request or can be accessed in the Internet under
Head Office
601 Delmar Avenue
Pointe-Claire, Quebec
H9R 4A9
Other locations
SikaGrout 212
SikaGrout 212