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04 Prime University 2 PDF
04 Prime University 2 PDF
The historical records reveal that the position of women in the society
was extremely miserable. Women occupied a very inferior position and
were always oppressed. It was a natural phenomenon and practiced in
every house-whether rich or poor. Shakespeare, the greatest dramatist,
judges who listen to her. When her father questions her about her
marriage she answers forcefully, first pacifying him and then justifying
her disobedience on the very grounds of patriarchal obedience and duty:
My noble father,
I do perceive here a divided duty.
To you I am bound, for life and education;
You are the lord of my duty!
I am hitherto your daughter. But here's my husband,
And so much duty as my mother showd
To you preferring you before her father,
So much I challenge that I may profess
Due to the Moor, my lord.( I.iii.180-89)
Desdemona by her cleverness thus appears obedient in her disobedience.
Shakespeare shows Desdemona's behaviour in her relationship with
Othello before the marriage to be slightly manipulative also. For
Desdemona tells Othello in a very suggestive way after she has fallen in
love with him, as Othello himself relates if I had a friend that loved
her/I should but teach him how to tell my story,/And that would woo
her (I.iii.165-67). However, when she is married she slips into the role
of the submissive wife. Obedient to Othello's every command, she says
to Emilia - after Othello tells her peremptorily 'Get you to bed on
th'instant' - 'we must not now displease him'. At this point Desdemona
becomes more of a stereotype, her identity disappearing as Othello's
jealousy becomes more defined. Her identity diminishes until she fits
into the stereotype of the silent woman. Othello denies her right to a
voice when he soliloquises:
Was this fair paper, this most goodly book,/ Made to write 'whore'
upon? (IV.ii.171-72)
Shakespeare shows Desdemona to be the virtuous character who is
finally vindicated. Desdemona's goodness furthermore is not simply
passive or weak but an act of will. Her refusal to blame Othello for his
terrible treatment of her, when he suspects her of betrayal, must not be
viewed as simple subservience but as a self-willed refusal to accept a
nor the relationship can be stifled within the confines of the patriarchy
of the seventeenth century. The distinctions between masculine and
feminine are blurred - in a sense Antony and Cleopatra swap roles,
continually embracing both their masculine and feminine selves and
thus experiencing a full bonding of souls. As Woodbridge says, 'Antony
and Cleopatra can cross gender boundaries without losing their sex
roles as man or woman'. This swapping of gender roles is rather
shockingly portrayed in the scene in which Cleopatra puts her 'tires and
mantles on him whilst / I wore his sword Phillipan'. (II.v.26-27)
Shakespeare evidently recognises the existence of both masculine and
feminine qualities within females and males.
Cleopatra, unlike Othello and Ophelia, is the dominating force of the
play in terms of theme and also her personal presence. Novy claims that
Antony and Cleopatra is the only tragedy that 'glorifies woman as
actor'. Through his treatment of Cleopatra, Shakespeare provides us
with a 'real' woman rather than a stereotype. Velma Richmond claims
further that in Cleopatra we can find Shakespeare's 'finest embracing of
the feminine'. Cleopatra through the combination of sexual and political
power is a force to be reckoned with.
Cleopatra's sexuality, despite condemnation by the patriarchal men she is referred to as 'strumpet' and 'whore' on various occasions
throughout the play - is unhidden and unrestricted. Her sexual power
over men is conveyed boldly, for example, in her descriptions of her
former conquests 'great Pompey' and 'Broad-fronted Caesar'.
Cleopatra's sexuality is not a thing to be locked up, as in Hamlet and
Othello, but is celebrated as a positive force. Surprisingly, even
Enobarbus, despite his patriarchal views, does on occasions present her
as positively sexual as his unforgettable description of her indicates:
Age cannot wither her,
Nor custom stale her infinite variety. Other women cloy
The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies. For vilest things
Become themselves in her, that the holy priests
Bless she is riggish. (II.ii.276-82)
Refusing to adhere to the stereotypes of patriarchal society, Cleopatra
transforms her natural sexuality into part of her power rather than as a
diminishing of her goodness. So too, Cleopatra insists on fulfilling a
him. We see she has the potential for great love -- she wants to protect
Claudius from the mob, and she cares deeply about Ophelia and
Polonius, and is concerned for Hamlet in the duel even though she has
no idea that it is a trap. It is Gertrude's underlying propensity for
goodness that redeems her. Her men forgive her for her shallow,
sensual nature and her addictions to comfort and pleasure because they
see that she is innocent of premeditation. It is sad but fitting that
Gertrude meets her end drinking from the poisoned goblet, demanding
that she tastes what is in the pretty cup, as trusting as a new-born babe.
Nonetheless, the anxieties manifested in Macbeth and Hamlet suggest
that women, perhaps even Elizabeth, cannot acceptably overcome the
patriarchal system. The state of women in power is not the way things
ought to be. Scholar James Emerson Phillips emphasizes how
Shakespeare advocates a return to unquestionably patriarchal systems to
restore harmony: Although it claims its heroic victim, the evil power is
in none of the great Shakespearean tragedies allowed to emerge
triumphant at the end of the play. Claudius is killed and Fortinbras
restores order to the kingdom of Denmark; Malcolm is restored to his
rightful throne and civil peace returns to Scotland at the death of
Macbeth. Shakespeares resolutions do not suggest positive
involvement of women within the political structure. In fact, the
resolution comes with the ablution of women from the political realm.
Thus, Shakespeares drama reflects the Elizabethan world. Within the
plays Hamlet and Macbeth, one sees potential conflicts arising from
female ambition for sovereign power and corruption of the politic body
through corruption of the female sovereign body. In both plays,
Shakespeare mirrors anxiety from within the Elizabethan culture
relating to the existence of and dependence upon a female monarch.
Also, both plays end with the diminution of female sovereign authority
and an apparent return to a state of normalcy within a more traditional,
patriarchal framework. This return to patriarchy represents both
Shakespeares political resolution and the Elizabethan cultural desire.
In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare's Juliet is a headstrong and intelligent
character in spite of her young age, though she often seems timid to the
audience because of her young age. She is considered by many to be
the true hero of the play, acting as a sounding board and a balance
against the impulsive Romeo. It is Juliet who sets the boundaries of
behavior in her relationship with Romeo. She allows him to kiss her,
she pledges her commitment before him, and it is she who suggests
their marriage. Juliet's forgiveness of Romeo after he kills Tybalt
indicates her mature nature in contrast to his passionate impulsiveness.
Furthermore, Juliet lies and clandestinely subverts her family's wishes,
a truly rebellious action against traditional Italian society.
When reading King Lear, we may ask ourselves: Are female characters
stereotyped? Do we have to ascertain Cordelia as the representative of
goodness and her sisters as evil women?
At the beginning of the play, Lears daughters behave in very different
ways. King Lear wants to divide his kingdom in three parts. But to
decide which part will correspond to each daughter he proposes a lovetest. The better part will correspond to the daughter who tells him the
most beloved for her. Gonerill and Regan flatter Lear by means of
complex, long and exaggerated speeches:
Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter;
Dearer than eyesight, space and liberty;
And prize me at her worth. In my true heart
I find she names my very deed of love; (I.i.54-70)
In the same way, Cordelias turn of speaking in the love-test is
characterized by its simplicity, sincerity and plainness: I love your
Majesty/According to my bond; nor more nor less. (I.i.91-92)
According to feminist critics, Cordelias negative attitude to flatter Lear
can be interpreted as an opposition to Lears authority. She does not
want to be ruled by patriarchy. Her response is a passive one. Silence,
the only possible way of subversion for upper-class women of the
Middle Ages. However, when Cordelia reappears in the fourth act she
is no longer a transgressor, but an obedient daughter to Lear. Cordelias
plainness and sincerity is fully emphasised when she asserts the reason
of her being cast away: And such a tongue/As I am glad I have not,
though not to have it/Hath lost me in your liking. (I.i.230-32)
About Cordelia we should notice that she only appears at the beginning
and at the end of the play but she is absent in the rest of the play. It is a
clear example of the prototypical Shakespearean woman: absent,
silent or dead. Cordelia is characterised by her silent and obedient
attitude; her sisters, on the other hand, have a full power of speech. This
is seen as a fault. According to feminist critics this is explained in the
sense that they are defying male authority. They will no longer be ruled
by their father. Lears Fool will be the reporter to the audience of Lears
being treated badly by his daughters: The hedge-sparrow fed the
cuckoo so long,/That it had its head bit off by its young. (I.iv.213-15)
Lear is puzzled. He has lost power over his kingdom and also over his
daughters. He becomes a servant of his daughters, a man without a will.
Lear is unable to accept this dependence and he gets mad, he cannot
accept that he has lost his male authority over them. But Lears
daughters have a cruel and evil side as the martyrdom inflicted on
Gloucester demonstrates. In the seventh scene of the third act, Cornwall
and Regan pluck out his eyes. Before the martyrdom, Gloucester will
qualify the daughters as monsters, evil creatures:
Because I would not see thy cruel nails/ Pluck out his poor old eyes;
nor thy fierce sister/ In his anointed flesh stick boarish fangs.
(III.vii.55-57) Albany, Gonerills husband, will put it clear in his
Tigers, not daughters, what have you performd?
A father, and a gracious aged man,
Whose reverence the head-luggd bear would lick,
Most barbarous, most degenerate! have you madded.
However, evil will not go unchecked any more, Albany foretells that
something will stop the chaos going on, and if that does not happen
somebody should stop it by destroying the monsters: Regan and
If that the heavens do not their visible spirits
Send quickly down to tame these vile offences,
It will come,
Humanity must perforce prey on itself,
Like monsters of the deep. (IV.ii.46-50)
Thus, according to Shakespeares text, Gonerill and Regan are clearly
represented as demons, monsters, anything but human. They are
responsible for the chaos going on and of the disruption of the state.
They are the enemies of the mankind and must be destroyed. Women at
power can only bring disgrace, however a saviour will come. And that
saviour will be a sanctified woman: Cordelia. For me, she is a
redeeming woman, though for some critics like McLuskie, this is a
restoration of patriarchy, but in my opinion Cordelia works as
redemption of the feminine, she is a balance between her sisters.
In scene IV Cordelia reappears. She is in the French camp near Dover.
She asks her soldiers to search for his father, whose daughters have
turned him mad. Despite Lears attitude towards her, she does not show
anger, hate or any other bad feeling for him, but forgiveness and love.
No blown ambition doth our arms incite /But love, dear love, and our
aged fathers right / Soon may I hear and see him! (IV.v.27-29)
In her words Cordelia appears a pure, chaste, innocent woman, i.e., a
saint or sanctified woman. In the seventh scene of the fourth act
Cordelia and Lear are reunited and reconciled. Cordelia is again
contrasted with her sisters:
O my dear father! Restoration hang
Thy medicine on my lips; and let this kiss
Repair those violent harms that my two sisters
Have in thy reverence made! (IV.vii.26-29)
I agree with feminist critics like McLuskie in that Cordelias return is a
restoration of patriarchy, of the old order. But this cannot be wholly
reduced to male power. Cordelia has also power, she has a group of
soldiers under her command. She is autonomous and does not need the
King of France to command her soldiers. Cordelias sisters low
passions will arrive at their limit in their clash for Edmund, as the
following quotes demonstrate:
I never shall endure her: dear my Lord, / Be not familiar with her.
I had rather lose the battle than that sister/ Should loosen him and
me.- Goneril. (V.i.18-19)
The reader notices that these sisters met their end tragically. Their lust
for Edmund destroys them. Thus, Cordelias return brings changes: evil
is destroyed; however she has not found a better end. Cordelia is later
strangled to death in the jail, and from that shock Lear breathes his last
later. Albany and Edgar are horrified, Cordelia was the symbol of a new
future, but now a dark future appears before them. What is the place of
women in King Lear? All of them die at the end. There is no distinction
in that for demonised or sanctified women. Thus, we cannot claim that
there is a complete division of women in the play.
According to some critics like Coppelia Kahn women are seen as a
positive force. Thus Lear is redeemed by means of a loving nonpatriarchal relationship with Cordelia. But McLuskie thinks this is only
a restoration of patriarchy. In my opinion, though I agree with
McLuskie in considering King Lear an anti-feminine play, I do not
think that Cordelias function is a restoration of the old order. She is a
balance against her sisters.
Shakespeare realizes that throughout the history of mankind, women
have always been at a disadvantageous position socially, economically
and politically. Through strong female characters, Shakespeare has
delineated gender issues. He has given a comprehensive view of life
with equal emphasis on both male and female characters. His female
characters show the social stigmas they have undergone during that
time. He has portrayed his personal admiration for intelligent, strong
women, using virtues and strength he gives his female characters. So
we can say that Shakespeare should be considered one of the pioneers
of feminist movement. Actually, through representation of women
characters in the tragedies, he wants the elimination of gender
discrimination and advocates the true liberation of women in society.
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