National Skill Development Policy 12th Plan
National Skill Development Policy 12th Plan
National Skill Development Policy 12th Plan
accounts for India having worlds youngest work force with a median age way below that of
China and OECD Countries. Alongside this window of opportunity for India, the global
economy is expected to witness a skilled man power shortage to the extent of around 56
million by 2020. Thus, the demographic dividend in India needs to be exploited not only
to expand the production possibility frontier but also to meet the skilled manpower
requirements of in India and abroad.
To reap the benefits of demographic dividend, the Eleventh Five Year Plan had favored
the creation of a comprehensive National Skill Development Mission.
As a result, a
comprehensive action plans and activities which would promote PPP models of financing
skill development.
The three-tier structure has laid the institutional foundations for a more proactive role of
public (Centre plus States) and private and third sector interactions and interfaces for
harnessing the benefits of demographic dividend. It has also been able to focus on skill
development through the creation of a coordinating mechanism. It has also made the issue
of skill development as an important agenda for the Governments at Centre as well as
development. In this regard, various challenges on skill development that merit attention in
the remaining years of the current Plan and the Twelfth Five Year Plan are presented below:
1) Governments preoccupation with providing and financing training has led to overlook
its role in one key area- disseminating information about the availability and
effectiveness of training programs. An important role that the Employment Exchanges,
NCVT and the SCVTs could play is dissemination of information on the nature and
quality of training particularly with respect to enrollment, institutional capacity,
completion information and graduate follow-up data from all registered vocational
institutions. This will enable the government and the stakeholders to see whether the
system is responding to employers needs and devise policies accordingly.
2) Whilst industry associations and individual employers are beginning to show interest
involving themselves in the development and management of the ITIs, their
involvement in the vocational training system is still at a nascent stage. Involvement of
employers in management will see a major spurt only if the governments is willing to
provide institutions greater autonomy.
State treasuries and hence, the training providers have very little financial incentive to
improve efficiency and cater to the market requirements. Therefore, there is a need to
re look at the funding of skill development activities.
6) Vocational training institutes should be given greater freedom in terms of resource
generation (sale of production or service activities, consultancy) and in utilizing the
proceeds for not only cost recovery but also incentivizing those who generate revenues.
Developing Efficient and Fair Labor Markets for All Categories of Workers.
In 2004-05, the total employment in the country was estimated at 459.1 million out of
which 56.8 percent of workforce belonged to self employment, 28.9 percent to casual labor,
and 14.3 percent to regular wages. About 8 percent of the total work force in India is
employed in the organized sector, while the remaining 92 percent are in the non-formal
sector. Employment needs to be generated in all the sectors, namely primary, secondary,
and territory.
The quality of employment in organized sector is generally high though the scope of
additional employment generation in this sector is rather limited. Significant employment
generation is taking place in tertiary sector, particularly, in services industries.
employment and small business continue to play a vital role in this regard. It is, therefore,
necessary to promote main employment generation activities like (a) agriculture, (b) labor
intensive manufacturing sector such as food processing, leather products, textiles (c)
services sectors: trade, restaurants and hotels, tourism, construction and information
technology and (d) small and medium enterprises.
To develop efficient and fair labor markets for workers belonging to both organized and
unorganized sector, the following areas require attention:
1) While flexibility (in term of size and type of workforce, duration of work and location of
workplace) is required by employers to adjust to the changing market conditions, the
workers need to be provided with basic security (in term of statutory compensation in
the event of closure or retrenchment or layoff, unemployment allowance, retraining and
redeployment facilities, access to social security).
This may require amendments to Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and Contract Labor
(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and strengthening of social security schemes for
both organized (like Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana, facilities being provided by
ESIC and EPFO etc.) and Unorganized (like Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna, Aam Admi
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Bima Yojana, Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme, newly announced
Swabalamban Pension Scheme etc.) sector workers.
2) Conditions of service for contract /casual workers need to improve.
3) Better enforcement of Labor Laws and Regulations and strengthening of the
competencies of the labor administration.
4) Simplification and rationalization of labor laws without compromising the interest of
5) Observance of core labor standards.
In the context of mitigating adverse impact of global economic slowdown, ILO has evolved
Global Job Pact placing employment protection and creation at the heart of revival
strategy through stimulus packages etc., which needs to be examined.
employment for the exceptionally large labor force that is still working in agriculture.
Achieving and sustaining such growth and higher employment will require a boost in
industrial and services growth, spurred by SMEs.
Several factors constrain the growth and competitiveness of Indian SMEs. Lack of access to
adequate and timely financing is especially critical. Without it, borrowing becomes more
expensive and profit margins are reduced, holding back the establishment of new units and
the consequent increase in job creation.
The financing constraints can be attributed to a combination of factors that include policy,
legal and regulatory framework (bankruptcy and contract enforcement), institutional
weaknesses (absence of good credit appraisal), and lack of reliable credit information on
It is, therefore, essential that regulations be made stable, predictable, and promote
competition and investment.
discouraging employment.
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