RA 3844 Salient Points
RA 3844 Salient Points
RA 3844 Salient Points
To create a system of owner-cultivatorship and economic family-size farm as basis of
Philippine agriculture.
Prominent Features
1. Share Tenancy System to Agricultural Leasehold System
2. BILL OF RIGHTS for agricultural workers
3. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) serves as machinery for acquisition and
distribution of agricultural land
4. Land Bank as the financial arm of the agrarian reform program.
Leasehold Relation
Established by operation of
on the landholding
orally or in writing,
be ejected therefrom
expressly or impliedly.
Personally chosen by the lessee one (1) month prior to his death or permanent incapacity
from the following:
1. Surviving spouse
2. Eldest direct descendant by consanguinity
3. Next eldest descendant/s in order of age
Failure to Choose: Priority will be according to the order enumerated.
4. Commission of a crime by the lessor or his representative against the lessee or any
member of his immediate family;
5. Voluntary surrender due to more advantageous circumstances.
Bill of Rights
1. Right to self-organization
2. Right to engage in concerted activities
3. Right to minimum wage
4. Right to work for not more than eight (8) hours
5. Right to claim for damages for death or injuries sustained while at work
6. Right to compensation for personal injuries, death, illness
7. Right against suspension or lay-off
8. Right of pre-emption
9. Right of redemption
10. Right to a home lot
Agricultural Lessee
To have peaceful
possession and
enjoyment of the
from a different
To manage and
Cultivating an
farm without
knowledge and
To mechanize all
consent of the
phase of farm
landholding is
sufficient in size)
Employment of a
attend to issuance
of quedans or
(Exemption: in
harvesting or threshing.
case of
Prescriptive Period
Three (3) years reckoned from the time the cause of action accrued.
Agricultural Lessor
Keep the lessee
Dispossessing the lessee
Inspect and observe
in peaceful
cultivation and
cultivation of
payment of taxes.
To keep intact
their contract.
Propose change of use
or crops planted (Court
will settle disagreement
ejected due to
existing at the
time the
3rd persons.
other agricultural
leasehold was
entered into
To require the lessee to
lessees authorization.
Discourage or interfere
practices (financial
Mortgage expected
After the prohibitory period, disposition or sale may be made only in favor of persons
qualified to acquire economic-sized farms.
Hereditary Succession
1. To prescribe, repeal and alter its own by-laws to determine its operating policies, and
to issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary;
2. To adopt, alter and use a corporate seal;
3. To hold, purchase, acquire and own real and personal property, introduce necessary
improvements thereon to enhance and develop their social and economic values, and
to sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the same;
4. To sue and be sued, make contracts, negotiate and secure loans from both local and
foreign sources. Before undertaking any such credit operation, the bank, through the
Secretary of finance, shall request the opinion, in writing, of the Monetary Board on the
monetary implications of the contemplated action. All loans from foreign sources shall
be subject to approval by the President of the Philippines shall be fully guaranteed by
the Philippine Government;
5. To grant short, medium and long term loans advances against security of real estate
and/or other acceptable assets for the establishment, development or expansion of
agricultural, industrial, home building or home financing projects and other productive
6. To finance and/or guarantee the acquisition, under P.D No. 85 dated December
25,1972, of farm lots transferred to tenant-farmers pursuant to P.D No. 27 dated
October 21, 1972.
7. To underwrite, hold, own purchase, acquire, sell, mortgage, dispose or otherwise
invest or reinvest in stocks, bond, debentures, securities and other evidence of
indebtedness of other corporations and of the government or its instrumentalities
which are issued for or in connection with any project or enterprise;
8. The provision of any law to the contrary notwithstanding, to guarantee acceptance(s),
credits, loans, transactions or obligations of any persons, co-partnership, association
or corporation in favor of any financing or banking institution whether foreign or
domestic; Provided, that the proceeds of such acceptances, credits, loans, transactions
or obligations are utilized or earmarked for the development and/ or expansion of
agriculture and industry;
9. To borrow from, or rediscount notes, bills of exchange and other commercial papers
with, the Central Bank. The rate of interest to be charged and the conditions on such
It shall have all the powers and prerogatives inherent in to the CFI/RTC.