Masnoon Azkaar and Adeyah For After The Fardh Salah PDF

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Supplication is the essence of worship.



1 Preface

2 How to use this booklet

3 Short Masnoon Azkaar

4 Masnoon Supplications (Ad'eyah)


5 Masnoon Azkaar and Ad'eyah for specific Salahs 40

6 Long Masnoon Azkaar


7 Quranic Recitation



There is no doubt that after the Fardh Salah the
Messenger of Allah
would indulge himself in zikr and
dua. Some of the azkaar and ad'eyah were such that he
would recite them every day, while there were others he
would recite occasionally. He would, at times, recite them
in an audible manner so that the Ummah would be able to
learn these beautiful and beneficial supplications.
Why would he not supplicate to Allah at this time,
when it is Allah Ta'ala's command to engross oneself in
His remembrance and in supplication after the Fardh
The Messenger
has also encouraged his Ummah
to busy themselves in zikr and dua after the Fardh Salah,

as it is a time when supplications are readily accepted.

In every era, the scholars have disagreed concerning
whether the dua after Fardh Salah should be read loudly
or silently, whether it should be read in congregation or
individually, whether one should lift his hands or not.
However, no one has disagreed concerning the issue of
zikr and dua being a Sunnah after every Fardh Salah.
The whole Ummah agrees that reciting zikr and dua
after every Fardh Salah is an established Sunnah of our
beloved Messenger
In your hands is a compendium of those azkaar and
ad'eyah that the Messenger
would recite after the
Fardh Salah.
We as k All ah Ta' al a to a ccep t thi s hu mble
compilation and grant us the ability to practise upon it.
We also ask Him to make it a means of salvation for the
author, his parents, teachers and all those instrumental in
completing this Deeni Ilmi service. Aameen.

How to use this Booklet
Dua is the most potent weapon of a believer. With it
we can never fail; without it we can never succeed. Dua is
a conversation with Allah. It is the most uplifting,
liberating, empowering, and transforming conversation a
person can ever have. We turn to Him because we know
that He alone can lift our sufferings and solve our
Without concentration duas are not heard, and
without conviction they are not answered. Therefore it is
imperative that we understand what we are asking Allah
for. For this reason a translation of all the azkaar and duas
has been produced along with the Arabic text. Those who
do not know how to read Arabic should beg Allah in their
own language (out of salah). Those who can read Arabic,
but do not understand its meanings should ponder over
the translation provided. (See: The Accepted Whispers

and Mufakkirul Islam, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad
Manzur Nu'mani's ( )

The layout of this booklet is to facilitate a flow in the
recitation of the azkaar and ad'eyah. For this purpose the
virtues have been mentioned in the footnotes. Our
beloved teacher Hazrat Mufti Abu Bakr Patni Saheb
( ) instructed us to adopt this style, which was
approved by the last of our elders, the grand mufti and
sublime spiritual trainer, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Ahmed
Khanpuri Saheb ( ).
All the azkaar and ad'eyah may be recited after every
salah. Alternatively, one may recite some after each salah.

In the Name of Allah,
the Beneficent, the Merciful

Short Masnoon Azkaar

1) As-tagh-fi-rul-laah (3x), I beg Allah for forgiveness. (3x)
2) O Allah, You are As-Salaam (Giver of Peace); peace
comes from You alone, blessed are You, O the Majestic
and Benevolent.
3) There is no god except Allah, Alone, without partner,
to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise and He is over
all things omnipotent. O Allah, none can prevent that
which You have willed to bestow and none can bestow
what You have willed to prevent, and no wealthy person's
wealth can save him from Your punishment.
1,2) [Muslim # 591-592, Thawbn] When the Messenger of Allah

had finished his prayer, he would ask for forgiveness three times, and
say (this zikr).
N.B. Some scholars state that it is desirable to recite "Allahu Akbar"
( , Allah is the greatest) immediately after the fardh salah. This is
based on the hadith of Ibn Abbas who said, "I used to
recognise the completion of the Prophet's prayer
by hearing 'takbir'."
[Bukhari # 842] However, most scholars say that "general zikr" is meant
since another wording of the hadith in Bukhari states: "In the lifetime of
the Prophet
it was the custom to recite 'zikr' aloud after the
compulsory congregational salah." [# 841] See:
3) [Bukhari # 844, Mughirah ibn Shubah] The Prophet
used to say

Short Masnoon Azkaar

(this zikr) after ever fardh prayer.

4) There is no god except Allah, Alone, without partner,
to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise and He is over
all things omnipotent. There is no might nor power
except with Allah. There is no god except Allah, and we
worship none except Him. For Him is all favour, grace,
and glorious praise. There is no god except Allah, and we
are sincere in faith and devotion to Him, although the
disbelievers detest it.
5) Allah is the Greatest, the amount of even and odd
(prayer), (the amount) of Allah's complete, pure and
blessed words. (3x) There is no god except Allah. (3x)

4) [Muslim # 594, Abdullah ibn Zubair] The Prophet

used to say
(this zikr) after the salam of every salah.
5) [Ibn Abi Shaibah 15/129 Ibn Umar] Whoever says (this zikr) thrice
after every salah and when he goes to sleep, it will be a means of light
(nur) for him in his grave , light on the plain of resurrection and light on
the Sirat (bridge) until they see him into Jannah (or until he enters


(3x) (3x)

6) How perfect is Allah the Supreme, and I praise Him.
There is no might nor power except with Allah, the High,
the Supreme.

[ Masnoon Supplications]
7) My Lord, save me from your punishment on the day
You raise (or gather) Your servants.
8) O Allah, forgive me what I did earlier and what I did
later; what I did secretly and what I did publicly; and
whatever You know more than I. You are Al-Muqaddim
(the One who brings close) and Al-Muak-khir (the One
who banishes). There is no god except You.

6) [Ibn Sunni # 129, Anas] Whoever recites (this zikr) thrice after salah
he will stand up (from his place of salah) forgiven.
7) [Muslim # 709, Baraa ibn Aazib] When we used to perform salah
behind the Messenger of Allah
we used to like to be on his right side.
He would then face us. I heard him saying (this dua).
8) [Muslim # 771, Ali ibn Abi Talib] The Messenger of Allah
used to
read this (dua) after salam.



[ Masnoon Supplications]

9) O Allah, I seek Your protection from cowardice, and I
seek Your protection from stinginess, and I seek Your
protection from reaching debilitating old age, and I seek
Your protection from the tribulations of this world and
the punishment of the grave.
10) O Allah, help me in Your remembrance, in gratitude
to You, and in reaching excellence in Your worship.
11) O Allah, I beg You to enable me to do good deeds, to
shun bad deeds, and to love the poor. And when You plan
tribulations for Your servants, cause me to die without
being put to trial.
9) [Bukhari # 6374, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqaas] Sa'd advised his sons to seek
refuge (in Allah) with these words which the Prophet
used to seek
refuge with. [Tirmithi #3567] Sa'd used to teach his sons these words just
as the maktab teachers teach the little children, saying, 'The Prophet

used to seek refuge with these words at the end of salah.'

10) [Abu Dawud # 1522, Muaz] The Messenger of Allah

(Muadh) by the hand and said "O Muadh, by Allah I have great love for
you. I (sincerely) advise you O Muadh, do not ever fail to say (this dua) at
the end of salah. Muadh advised Sunaabihi likewise and Sunaabihi
advised Abu Abdir Rahmaan.
11) [Tirmithi # 3233, Ibn Abbas] 'My Lord Exalted, Most High came to
me last night. He said 'O Muhammad, when you perform salah then say
(this dua).'


12) O Allah, I seek Your protection from disbelief,
poverty and the punishment of the grave.
13a) O Allah, forgive my sin, make my home ample for
me, and bless me in my sustenance.
13b) O Allah, forgive my sin, make my matters easy, and
bless me in my sustenance.
13c) O Allah, put in order for me my religion, and open my
heart (to Islam and good character), and bless me in my

12) [Nasai # 1347, Abu Bakrah] The Messenger of Allah

used to read
this (dua) after every salah.
13a) [Tabrani in Dua # 656, Abu Musa] The Messenger of Allah
that this dua does not leave out any goodness.
b) [Ibn Abi Shaibah # 29865, as a statement of Abu Musa]
c) [Ahmed 4:399, Abu Musa]


14) O Allah, forgive my sins and accept my repentance.
Indeed You are the One who accepts repentance, the
Most Forgiving. (100x)
15) Lord of Jibreel, Mikaeel and Israfeel, protect me from
the heat of the Fire and the punishment of the grave.
16) O Allah, forgive all of my sins and mistakes. O Allah,
invigorate me, assist me, and guide me to pious deeds and
morals. Certainly no one guides to righteousness and
morals, and no one protects from evil acts except You.

14) [Ibn Abi Shaibah # 29876, an Ansari man] I heard the Messenger

saying (this dua) 100 times after salah.

15) [Nasai # 1345, Aishah] A Jewish woman entered unto me and said:
'The torment of the grave is because of urine.' I said: 'You are lying.' She
said: 'No, it is true; we cut our skin and clothes because of it. ' The
Messenger of Allah
went out to pray and our voices became loud. He
said: 'What is this?' So I told him what she had said. He said: 'She spoke
the truth.' After that day he never offered any prayer except that he said
(this dua).
16) [Tabrani in Sagheer # 610, Abu Ayyub] I never performed salah
behind the Messenger
except that I heard him say (this dua) after he



17) O Allah, put in order for me my religion, which You
have made as a means of protection (for me). Put in order
for me my material world, in which You have made my
livelihood. Put in order for me my hereafter, to which
You have made my return. O Allah, I seek protection in
Your pleasure from Your anger. I seek protection in Your
forgiveness from Your wrath. And I seek protection in
You from You. O Allah, none can prevent what You have
willed to bestow and none can bestow what You have
willed to prevent, and no wealthy person's wealth can
save him from Your punishment.
18) O Allah, I beg You for every good, that of which I
know and that of which I know not. And I seek protection
in You from every evil, that of which I know and that of
which I know not.
17) [Tabrani in Dua # 653, Suhaib] K'ab Ahbaar said, we found in the
Tawrah that Dawud
used to recite (this dua) after he turned from
salah. Suhaib said that the Messenger of Allah
also used to turn from
salah with this dua.


18) [Tabrani in Dua # 655, Jabir ibn Samurah] When the Messenger of
completed his salah he would say (this dua).

19) I seek forgiveness from Allah, the One whom there is
no god but Him, the Living, the Sustainer, and I turn in
repentance to Him.
20) O Allah, I beg of You steadfastness in religious affairs.
I beg You for determination to follow the guidance. I beg
You to enable me to show gratitude for Your bounties and
to worship You with the best devotion. I beg of You a
truthful tongue and a sound heart. I seek forgiveness from
You for what You know (of my sins). I beg of You the
good that only You know; and I seek Your protection from
the evil of all that only You are aware of.

19) [Tabrani in Awsat # 7738, Baraa ibn Aazib] Whoever says (this dua)
after salah will be forgiven, even if he fled from the army. [Ibn Sunni #
126, Muaz] Whoever says (this dua) thrice after Fajr and thrice after Asr,
his sins will be wiped out, even if it is as (much as) the foam of the ocean.
20) [Ahmed 4:125, Shaddaad ibn Aws] The Messenger of Allah

taught them (the Sahabah) this dua, which they used in salah or after
salah. N.B. Most narrations do not have the words: 'after salah'.


21a) O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment
of the Fire, the punishment in the grave, the test of life
and death, and the evil of the false Messiah (Dajjal).
21b) I seek refuge in Allah from the torment of the grave. I
seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the Fire. I
seek refuge in Allah from trials both open and hidden. And
I seek refuge in Allah from the tribulation of the one-eyed

21a) [Abu Awaanah # 2078, Abu Hurairah] The Prophet

used to say
(this dua) after ever fardh prayer.
b) [Ahmed 1:293, Ibn Abbas] The Prophet of Allah
used to seek
refuge from four things after salah.


22) O Allah, I seek Your protection from knowledge that
is of no benefit, a heart that is not humble, a soul that is
not satisfied and a supplication that is not heard. O Allah
I seek refuge in You from these four.
23a) I testify that there is no god except Allah, the
Compassionate, the Merciful. O Allah, relieve me of all
worry and grief.
23b) In the Name of Allah, the One whom there is no god
but Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful. O Allah,
relieve me of all worry and grief.
23c) In the Name of Allah, the One whom there is no god
but Him, the Compassionate, the Merciful. O Allah,
relieve me of all sorrow and grief.

22) [Tabrani in Dua # 1369] The Messenger

used to supplicate with
(this dua) after the salawaat.
23a) [Ibn Sunni # 112, Anas] After the Messenger
completed his
salah, he would wipe his forehead with his right hand and say (this dua).
b) [Tabrani in Awsat # 3178]
c) [Tabrani in Awsat # 2499]


24) O Allah, our Lord and the Lord of all things, I am a
witness that You alone are the Lord, You have no
partners. O Allah, our Lord and the Lord of all things, I
am a witness that Muhammad is Your servant and
Messenger. O Allah, our Lord and the Lord of all things, I
am a witness that the servants are all brothers. O Allah,
our Lord and the Lord of all things, Make me and my
family sincere to You at all times, in this world and in the
Hereafter. O One Who is Magnificent and Generous, hear
and accept. Allah is greater (than all things), the greatest. O
Allah, The Lord of the heavens and earth. Allah is greater
(than all things), the greatest. Allah is sufficient for me,
and what a great protector is He. Allah is greater (than all
things), the greatest.

24) [Abu Dawud # 1508, Zaid ibn Arqam] The Messenger of Allah
used to say (this Dua) after salah.


25) O Allah, do not disgrace me on the D ay of
Judgement, and do not disgrace me on the day of agony,
because he whom You disgrace on that day is the
disgraced one.
26a) O Allah, make the last part of my life its best. O
Allah, make my final action Your pleasure. O Allah make
the day I meet You my best day.
26b) O Allah, make the last part of my life its best, and
the last deed my best (one). And make the day I meet You
my best day.

25) [Ibn Sunni # 128, U'badah ibn Saamit] The Messenger of Allah

used to supplicate with these words every time he made salam (after
26a) [Tabrani in Awsat # 9411, Anas] My place of standing was (directly)
behind the Messenger of Allah
. When he made salam he used to say
(this dua).
b) [Ibn Sunni # 121]


27) O Allah, grant Muhammad

the status of wasilah,

instill in the hearts of the chosen ones his love, and grant
him position among those of the highest rank and his
remembrance among those close to You.
28) O Allah, I seek Your protection from actions that
would humiliate me, companions who would ruin me,
false hopes that would make me heedless, poverty that
would lead to forgetfulness, and wealth that would lead
me to exceed the bounds (of Shariah).

27) [Ibn Sunni # 132, Abu Umaamah] Whoever recites (this dua) after
every fardh salah will be entitled to intercession on the Day of Judgment
and Jannah will be incumbent for him.
28) [Bazzaar in Musnad: Kashful Asraar # 3102, Anas] The Messenger of
did not perform a fardh salah ever, except that he said (this dua)
when he faced us.


29) O Allah, my God and that of Ibrahim, Ishaq, Yaqub,
and God of Jibreel, Mikaeel and Israfeel (Peace be upon
them), I beseech You to accept my dua, as I am
distressed; to guard me in my faith, as I am hemmed in by
trying circumstances; to extend Your mercy to me, as I
am delinquent; and to ward away poverty from me, as I
am destitute.
30) O Allah, I beg You to forgive my sins. I seek Your
guidance for what is right in my affairs. I turn to You in
repentance, so please accept it. O Allah, You are my Lord,
so let my yearning be for You, grant me contentment in
my heart, and bless me in what You have provided for
me. Accept my deeds for verily You are my Lord.
29) [Ibn Sunni # 138, Anas] There is no slave that spreads his palms after
every salah and says (this dua), except that it is binding on Allah not to
return him empty handed.
N.B. In the chain of this Hadith there is a narrator by the name of Abul
Aziz. Imam Ahmed has accused him of lying. However this dua does not
contain anything contrary to the laws of Shariah. Since one may
supplicate in his/her own words, using the above ones will also be
permissible. For details on this issue refer to .


30) [Ibn Abi Shaibah # 29878, Rabee] Umar
dua) after he turned away from his salah.

used to read (this

31) O Allah, I beg You for that which will necessitate
Your mercy, and that which will make certain for me
Your Forgiveness. I ask You for a share in every piety,
and for safety from all sins. O Allah, I beg You for
attainment of Paradise, and for protection from Hell. O
Allah, do not leave me a sin without forgiving it, a worry
without removing it, or a need without fulfilling it.
32) With the praise of Allah I do turn, and my faults I do
confess. I seek refuge with Allah from the evil of what I
perpetrate. O Turner of hearts, turn my heart to what You
love and approve of.

31) [Ibn Abi Shaibah # 3115, Husain] After completing salah Ibn Masud
used to say (this dua).
32) [Abdur Razzaq # 3198, Laith] After completing salah Abu Dardaa
used to say (this dua).


33) Your light is complete, so You guided, and for You is
all praise. Your forbearance is magnificent, so You
forgave, and for You is all praise. You spread Your hands
and You gave, so for You is all praise. Our Lord, Your
face is most noble, Your status is the most glorious. Your
gift is the most superior and pleasant. Our Lord, when
You are obeyed You give, and when You are disobeyed
You forgive. You answer the distressed, remove the
harm, cure the sick, and rescue from trouble. You accept
repentance and forgive the sin of whom You wish. No
one can repay Your favours and no statement can count
Your blessings.

33) [Ibn Abi Shaibah # 29867, Aasim ibn Dhamurah] Ali

to say (this dua) after salah.




Masnoon Azkaar and Ad'eyah for specific Salahs

34) After the Sunnah of Fajr: O Allah, Lord of Jibreel,
Israfeel, Mikaeel and Muhammad the Prophet, I seek
refuge in You from the Fire. (3x)
35) After Fajr : O Allah, I beg of Y ou beneficial
knowledge, deeds that will be accepted and sustenance
that is pure.
36) After Fajr: O Allah, with Your help I defend, attack
and fight (in Your cause).

34) [Ibn Sunni # 103, Usamah ibn Umair] He performed the two sunnah
rakat of Fajr and the Messenger of Allah
performed two short rakats
close to him. He heard him
reciting (this dua) thrice while sitting.
35) [Ahmed 6:294, Umm Salamah] The Prophet
used to say (this dua)
after the Fajr prayer.
36) [Ibn Sunni # 117, Suhaib] The Messenger of Allah
was moving
his lips after the Fajr prayer, so I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah! You were
moving your lips in a manner that you never did. What was it that you
were saying?' He replied, 'I read (this dua).'


Masnoon Azkaar and Ad'eyah for specific Salahs

After the Sunnah of Fajr


After Fajr

After Fajr

37) After Fajr: O Allah, grant me Your special guidance,
confer upon me Your grace, shower me with Your
favours, and send down upon me Your blessings.
38) After Fajr: I testify that there is no god except Allah,
alone with no associate, one god, and independent. He
has not taken a wife nor a son. And there is no one equal
to Him.
39) After Fajr: There is no god except Allah, alone with
no associate, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise
and He is over all things omnipotent.

37) [Tabrani in Dua # 733, Anas] A man came to the Prophet

said, 'O Prophet of Allah! Benefit me, but do not mention too much, for I
am an old man that forgets.' He replied, 'I will teach you a dua that you
should beseech Allah with, thrice every time you perform the morning
prayer. He will protect you from vitiligo, insanity, leprosy and stroke. He
will open the eight gates of Jannah with it.'
38) [Ibn Sunni # 136, Tamim Daari] Whoever recites (this zikr) after
salaatul Fajr, Allah will record 40,000 good deeds for him.
39) [Nasai in Kubra # 9860, Abu Ayyub] Whoever recites (this zikr) at
the end of salaatul Fajr he will get the reward equal to freeing four slaves
from the offspring of Ismaeel .


After Fajr

After Fajr

After Fajr

40) After Fajr: Subhaanallah (100x), Glory be to Allah.
Laa ilaaha illallah (100x), There is no god except Allah.
41) After Fajr: Glory and praise be to Allah. I beg Allah
for forgiveness. Verily He is most pardoning. (70x)
42) After Fajr & Maghrib: O Allah, protect me from the
Fire. (7x)
43) After Fajr & Maghrib: There is no god except
Allah, alone with no associate, to Him belongs all
sovereignty and praise. He gives life and death, and He is
over all things omnipotent. (10x)
40) [Nasai # 1354, Abu Hurairah] Whoever recites (this zikr) at the end of
the morning prayer, his sins will be forgiven even if they equal the foam
of the ocean.
41) [Ibn Sunni # 141, Dhahhak Juhani] After the Messenger

the Fajr salah he would read (this dua) while sitting 70 times and say that
70 in exchange for 700 (rewards).
42) [Abu Dawud # 5079, Muslim ibn Harith] 'When you complete salaatul
Maghrib then say (this dua) seven times. If you say this and happen to die
on that night, safety from the fire of Hell will be written for you. Say this
as well when you perform Fajr; if you happen to die on that day, safety
from the fire of Hell will be written for you.' One narration says, '(This
should be read) before you speak to anyone.'
43) [Tirmithi # 3474, 3534, Abu Zarr, Amarah ibn Shabib] Whoever
remains sitting after salaatul Fajr and recites this zikr ten times before
speaking (to anyone), ten good deeds will be written for him, ten sins will


(100x) After Fajr

After Fajr

After Fajr & Maghrib
After Fajr & Maghrib


be erased from his account, he will be raised ten stages, he wil l be
protected throughout the day from every harm, he will be protected from
Shaitaan and and no sin will catch him on that day unless he commits
shirk with Allah ('catch him': i.e. Allah will give him the ability to repent
and He will forgive him. This guarantee does not apply to shirk). The
second narration mentions reciting it ten times after the Maghrib salah.

44) After the Sunnah of Maghrib: O Turner of hearts,
keep my heart steadfast on Your religion.
45) After Witr: Subhaanal Malikil Qud-doos (3x) Glory
be to the Sovereign, the Pure. One will recite it loudly
the 3rd time along with elongating the word 'doos'.

Long Masnoon Azkaar

46 a ) Su b h a a n a ll a h ( 33 x ), G l o ry be t o A ll a h.
Alhumdulillah (33x), Praise be to Allah. Allahu Akbar
(33x), Allah is the greatest.
46b) Subhaanallah (33x), Alhumdulillah (33x), Allahu
Akbar (34x).
44) [Ibn Sunni # 658, Umm Salamah] After completing his Maghrib salah
the Messenger
would enter (the house) and perform two short rakats
and then read (this dua) in his supplication. I asked: 'O Messenger of
Allah! Do you fear something on our hearts?' He replied: 'There is no
human but his heart is between two fingers of the fingers of Allah, the
Exalted. If it remains straight He keeps it straight, and if it deviates He
sends it astray.'
45) [Nasai # 1732, 1741, Adbur Rahman ibn Abzaa] The Messenger of
used to recite in Witr: Surah A'laa, al-Kafiroon and Ikhlaas. And
when he said the Taslim he would say (this zikr) three times, raising his
voice the third time. In the second narration it states: "Elongating the
words the third time."


After the Sunnah of Maghrib

After Witr
One will recite the 3rd time loudly and with madd.

Long Masnoon Azkaar

(33x) (33x)
(33x) (33x)
46a) [Bukhari # 843, Abu Hurairah] The poor from amongst the Sahabah
expressed their grief to the Prophet
that the rich Sahabah
had surpassed them in doing good deeds due to their financial advantage.
The Prophet

instructed them to recite these words with which they

would reach their wealthy brothers (in reward). No one else would be able
to excel them except those who also recited this.
b) [Muslim # 596, Ka'b ibn Ujrah] Whoever recites this zikr after every
fardh salah will not be disappointed (by its results).

46c) Subhaanallah (33x), Alhumdulillah (33x), Allahu
Akbar (33x), Laa ilaaha illal laahu, wahdahu, laa
shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku wa lahul Hamdu, wa huwa
'alaa kulli shay-in qadeer. (Once)
46d) Subhaanallah (10x), Alhumdulillah (10x), Allahu
Akbar (10x).
46e) Subhaanallah (25x), Alhumdulillah (25x), Allahu
Akbar (25x), Laa ilaaha illal laah (25x).
c) [Muslim # 597, Abu Hurairah] Whoever recites (this zikr) at the end of
every salah, his sins will be forgiven even they equal the foam of the
d) [Bukhari # 6329, Abu Hurairah] Similar to (a). [Tirmithi # 3410,
Abdullah ibn Amr] The Messenger
said: 'There are two characteristics
over which a Muslim man does not guard, except that he enters Jannah.
And indeed, they are easy, and those who act upon them are few: He
glorifies Allah at the end of every prayer ten times and praises Him ten
times and extols His greatness ten times. He said: I have seen t he
Messenger of Allah counting them with his hand. He said: 'So this is 150
with the tongue, and 1500 on the Scale. When you go to bed, you glorify
Him, extol His greatness, and praise Him 100 times, so this is 100 with
the tongue and 1000 on the Scale. Which of you performs 2500 evil deeds
in a single day and night?' They asked: 'How could we not guard over
them?' He said: 'Satan comes to one of you when he is in his saIah and
says: 'Remember such and such, remember such and such,' until he turns
and perhaps he will not do it. And he comes to him and he is lying down
and makes him sleepy until he falls asleep.'


(33x) (33x)

(10x) (10x)
(25x) (25x)
(25x) (25x)
e) [Ibn Khuzaimah # 752, Zaid ibn Thabit] An Ansari Sahabi was advised
to recite this zikr (in this manner) via a dream; the Prophet
said: Do
(it in that manner).

46f) Allahu Akbar (11x), Alhumdulillah (11x), Laa ilaaha
illal laah (11x), Subhaanallah (11x).
46g) Allahu Akbar, wa Subhaanallah, wal-hamdulillah, wa
Laa ilaaha illal laahu, wah-dahu, Laa shareeka lahu, wa
Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah (100x).
47) Laa ilaaha illal laahu, wahdahu, laa shareeka lahu,
lahul Mulku wa lahul Hamdu, wa huwa 'alaa kulli
shay-in qadeer (10x).

f) [Bazzar # 6133, Ibn Umar] The Prophet

ordered his companions
to recite this after every salah.
g) [Ahmed 5:173, Abu Zarr] Whoever recites this after every fardh salah,
(even) if his sins amount to the foam in the ocean, it will erase them.
N.B. Ibn Rajab Hambali advised that one may practise on any of the
above azkaar, however it is best to use the sequence that adds up to 100
since those hadiths are the most authentic.
47) [Tabrani in Kabir # 4092, Abu Ayyub] Whoever recites this zikr ten
times after his salah, Allah will write for him ten good deeds, wipe out
from his account ten sins, elevate him ten stages, they will equ al (in
reward to) freeing ten slaves and they will be a means of protection for
him from Shaitaan until the evening; whoever says this in the evening it
will protect him likewise until the morning.


(11x) (11x)
(11x) (11x)




Quranic Recitation

A'udhu billaahi minash shaitaanir rajeem.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Qul huwal lahu Ahad. Allahus Samad. Lam yalid walam

yulad. Walam yakul lahu kufuwan Ahad. (1 or 10x)
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Qul a'udhu bi-Rabbil falaq. Min sharri maa khalaq.
Wamin sharri ghaasiqin 'idha waqab. Wamin sharrin
naffaathati fil 'uqad. Wamin sharri haasidin 'idha hasad.

48) [Abu Dawud # 1423, Aqabah ibn Aamir] The Messenger commanded
me to recite the muawwizaat after ever salah. [Abu Ya'laa # 1794, Jabir]
Whichever Muslim recites surah Ikhlas ten times after every fardh salah
and dies with Iman will be allowed to enter Jannah from whichever door
he chooses, and he will be married to whichever maiden of Jannah (hur)
he pleases.


Quranic Recitation

o o
(1 or 10x) o

o o
o o

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Qul a'udhu bi-Rabbin naas. Malikin naas. Elahin naas.
Min sharril was-waasil khan-naas. Al-ladhee yuwas wisu
fee sudurin naas. Minal jin-nati wan naas.
49) Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa hu, Al-hayyul Qayyum, laa
ta'khu-dhu-hu sinataw wa laa nawm, lahu maa fis
sa-maa-waa-ti wamaa fil ardh, man dhal-ladhi yash-fa'u
'indahu illaa bi-idhnih, ya'lamu maa bayna ay-dihim wa
maa khal-fahum, wa laa yuhituna bi-shay-im min 'ilmihi
'illaa bimaa shaa, wasi'a kur-siy-yu-hus sa-maa-waa-ti
waal ardh, walaa ya-oodu-hu hif-zuhu-maa wa huwal
'aliyyul 'azeem.

49) [Nasai in Amal # 100, Abu Umamah] Whoever recites this ayah after
every fardh salah, nothing will prevent him from entering Jannah besides
[Tabrani in Kabir # 2733, Hasan ibn Ali] Whoever recites this ayah after
every fardh salah, will be in the protection of Allah until the next salah.


o o
o o



Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Al-Hamdu lillaahi Rabbil 'aa-lameen. Ar-Rah-maanir

Raheem. Maaliki yaw-mid-deen. Iy-yaa-ka na'budu
wa-iy-yaa-ka nas-ta'een.

Ih-di-nas siraatal mustaqim.

Sira tal lad he ena an - 'am - ta ' ala y- him g hay - ri l

magh-doo-bi 'alay-him walad daal-leen. (1:1-7)
Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa hu, Al-hayyul Qayyum, laa
ta'khu-dhu-hu sinataw wa laa nawm, lahu maa fis
sa-maa-waa-ti wamaa fil ardh, man dhal-ladhi yash-fa'u
'indahu illaa bi-idhnih, ya'lamu maa bayna ay-dihim wa
maa khal-fahum, wa laa yuhituna bi-shay-im min 'ilmihi
'illaa bimaa shaa, wasi'a kur-siy-yu-hus sa-maa-waa-ti
wal ardh, walaa ya-oodu-hu hif-zuhu-maa wa huwal
'aliyyul 'azeem. (2:255)
50) [Ibn Sunni # 125, Ali] Allah took an oath that no servant of His would
recite these verses except that he will make Jannah his abode, regardless
of his actions and cause him to dwell therein; He will look at him with a
protective sight seventy times every day and fulfil seventy of his needs
daily, the least of which is forgiveness; He will protect him from every
enemy and assist him against them and nothing will prevent him from


o o


entering Jannah except death.
N.B. Some scholars have considered this hadith a fabrication, however,
Hafiz Eraqi, Ibn Hajr Asqalani, Allamah Suyuti, Ibn Arraaq and Shaikh
Tahir Patni rejected this notion. And Allah Ta'ala knows best.

Sha-hidal-laahu an-nahu Laa ilaaha illa huwa wal
Malaa-i-ka-tu wa ulul 'ilmi qaa-i-mam bil qist. Laa
ilaaha illaa huwal 'azee-zul Ha-keem. (3:18)
Qu-lil-laa-hum-ma Maa-likal mulki Tu'til mulka man
ta-shaa-u wa tan-zi-ul mulka mim-man ta-shaa-u wa tu
'izzu man ta-shaa-u wa tu zillu man ta-shaa-u biya-di-kal khair, in-naka 'alaa kulli shay-in qadeer. (3:26)
Too-li-jul lai-la fin-nahaa-ri wa too-li-jun na-haa-ra fil
lai-li wa tukh-ri-jul haiy-ya minal may-yi-ti wa tukh-ri-jul
may-yita minal haiy-yi wa tar-zu-qu man ta-shaa-u bi
ghaiy-ri hisaab. (3:27)


51) Glorified be your Lord, the Lord of Honour and
Power. (He is free) from what they attribute unto Him.
(180) And peace be on the Messengers. (181) And praise
be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. (37:182)

51) [Ibn Sunni # 119, Abu Saeed Khudri] When The Prophet
complete his salah, he would say (this zikr) before or after the salam.
[Tabrani in Kabir 5:211, Abdullah ibn Arqam] Whoever says (this zikr)
thrice after every salah, he has certainly amassed a great reward.
[Tafsir Ibn Abi Hatim # 18322, Sha'bi] Whoever wishes to receive a full
share of rewards on the Day of Judgement should say (this zikr) at the end
of his sessions when he intends to stand.



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