Past Examination Papers
Past Examination Papers
Past Examination Papers
Essay Questions
Essay Question 1
Essay Question 2
Identify and comment on the factors which contribute to low creativity in work groups.
Discuss the techniques that managers might use to encourage work groups to be more
(60 marks)
Essay Question 3
In Organisational Behaviour terms how may rewards be classified? Consider the ways
companies can distribute rewards and compare and contrast the newer pay practices
available to companies.
(60 marks)
Note from the Examiner: These answers are skeletal guidelines only. Though they contain
the major points sought, the student's response should provide further insight into many of
the points. Simply repeating the major bullet points does not necessarily demonstrate the
required level of understanding of the subject.
Essay Solution 1
may overlook the pivotal role of training and development, better equipment and technology,
and excessive centralisation of decision making as primary causes of performance
Maximum 8 marks
There are different types of motivational theories. These are classified as content and
process theories of motivation. A content theory of motivation specifies those factors in
individual employees and their work environments which stimulate, direct, sustain, and stop
their behaviour. A content theory of motivation answers the question: What specific needs
cause motivation?' A process theory of motivation explains how behaviour is stimulated,
directed, sustained, or stopped. Process theories explain how motivation occurs. Both types
of theories offer information which can be applied to the problems of motivating employees.
One content theory of motivation is Maslow's hierarchy.
Abraham Maslow believed that motivation could be explained by organising human needs
into five levels. He formulated his motivation theory to address human behaviour in all
settings. His theory was quickly applied to the narrower range of human behaviour in
organisations. Along with definitions and organisational examples, the five levels of Maslow's
hierarchy are:
Self actualisation and personal growth
Ego and self-esteem
Social satisfaction, belongingness
Safety and security
Physiological needs are the lowest level of needs in the hierarchy; they include food
(hunger), water (thirst), shelter (warmth), and sex (reproduction). In today's world these
needs rarely dominate us. Real hunger (starvation) in developed nations is rare. Mostly our
first-level needs are satisfied. Only an occasional experience of a couple of days without
sleep, a day on a diet without food, or a frantic 30 seconds under water reminds us that
these basic needs are still with us. As Maslow notes, physiological needs are basic to our
biological survival and are therefore dominant over psychological needs. Therefore,
physiological needs are often referred to as lower-order needs. Maslow states that
physiological needs must be satisfied first. For example, your concern about a business
meeting will abruptly disappear if you arrive home to see your house in flames. Your
motivational focus will shift dramatically to saving your family.
Safety needs are also called lower-order needs and they are activated next. These needs
relate to protection against danger, threat or deprivation. Once their physiological needs are
met, people want guarantees that their safety needs will be satisfied too. Economic and
physical security are generally embodied in these needs. Safety needs are tied strongly to
physiological needs because meeting safety needs ensures continuity and predictability for
fulfillment of the basic needs.
Maximum 15 marks
All human beings self-actualise in some way. However, only some employees selfactualise on the job.
4. Needs are not usually satisfied completely. Individuals can satisfy more of their lower
order needs that their higher order needs. In organisations lower order needs are
satisfied largely by monetary rewards. In contrast, higher-order needs are satisfied
by social interactions (to meet social and ego needs), and by the design of
meaningful jobs (to meet self-actualisation needs)
An application of needs theory can be seen in employee career issues. For instance, early
career stages are characterised by security concerns and learning organisational values.
After five years or so, employees' concerns shift to the establishment of a professional
identity in the firm and in the chosen profession (external component of ego need) and
autonomy (internal component of ego need). Self-actualisation needs soon materialise as
employees strive to attain their full potential at work.
Senior employees may make organisational contributions which will endure after they leave.
Executives might become mentors or sponsors for younger employees who show
exceptional capacities for noteworthy careers in the organisation. Being a mentor can be a
particularly rewarding self-actualising pathway. Other employees start their own business so
they can obtain more autonomy. Becoming an entrepreneur can sustain self-actualisation
because it reinforces the human desire for self-determination. Experiencing more selfdetermination has important effects on the esteem need. For instance, great success in
one's career leads to greater satisfaction of the internal component of the esteem need and
enhanced intrinsic motivation.
The theory makes it clear that unmet needs are more motivating than needs which have
been satisfied. The implication is that motivation and need satisfaction are anticipatory in
nature. Much of employee job satisfaction is based on the belief that future job situations
have great potential for meeting higher-order needs. Managers must seek to guide and
direct employee behaviour that meets organisational needs and individual needs
simultaneously. The quality of an organisation's motivational programme is determined by
the clarity of pathways between employee performance and rewards which satisfy lower and
higher-order needs.
Maximum 25 marks
In relation to criticism of the theory data from research on two different companies suggest
that the hierarchy of needs can be reduced to two levels. The research suggested that a
physiological level existed separately from a second hierarchy which included all the other
needs. Researchers have also found that as managers advance in an organisation, their
needs for security and safety decrease, with a corresponding increase in their social, esteem
and self-actualisation needs. Research studies also indicate that while lower-order needs
become less important as they are satisfied, there is no decline in the importance of higherorder needs as they are satisfied. In other words, employees will strive for status and
autonomy in their work even after experiencing considerable success in these need areas.
In summary, strong evidence supports the view that unless physiological needs are satisfied,
the higher-order needs cannot come into play. As employees move through their careers,
their need patterns shift to consideration for higher-order needs. In early career stages,
employees focus on job security and on developing an accepted position in the organisation,
i.e. social needs directed to belonging. By near mid-career, their attention begins to shift to
recognition, autonomy, and self-development.
Maximum 12 marks
Essay Solution 2
Identify and comment on the factors which contribute to low creativity in work
groups. Discuss the techniques that managers might use to encourage work groups
to be more creative.
(60 marks)
Answers should include the following.
Research evidence suggests that groups are no more risk-oriented than individuals making
decisions alone. Researchers conclude that groups take risks or are cautious depending on
how members value risk in particular decisions. For example, if new product development
team is deciding to scrap a traditional product design, the chances are good that the group
will be very risk-oriented. Product development personnel are supposed to support new and
innovative product designs, so a penchant for risk in such groups would not be unusual. On
the other hand, if a group of physicians make a decision to request more diagnostic tests for
a very sick patient, they will often choose the medical intervention which is least invasive and
most conservative. Physicians believe in the principle of first do no harm; therefore, their
group decision is likely to be conservative.
In general, when group decisions entail issues of employee morale, termination, lay-off, or
other human resources policies, the decisions reached by groups are usually conservative
and risk-avoiding in nature.
Factors which contribute to low group creativity are:
1. The group has no common goal or core focus.
2. No standard method of making decisions is followed.
3. The process of generating ideas is not separated from the evaluation of ideas.
4. Ideas are not evaluated on their own merits. They are evaluated in terms of which
group members suggested them.
5. Ideas do not become the property of the group once they are suggested.
6. Conclusions are an individual product instead of a group product.
7. The group does not perceive members' time as a valuable and scarce resource.
8. Some members do not feel sufficiently at ease to participate and submit their ideas
(they fear derision or reprisal).
9. Some members dominate or deflect the group from its stated purposes.
The list is rather long. It may seem to imply that there is little hope for creativity in work
groups. This is hardly the case. Managers have several means to encourage creativity.
Maximum 20 marks
This technique has been in existence for many years and it continues to prove useful for the
creative generation of alternatives in work groups. The fundamental principle of
brainstorming is the separation of idea generation from idea evaluation. All groups tend to
evaluate the first suggestion made by a member. Brainstorming simply delays such
discussions indefinitely. This is the principle of deferred judgement. By employing this
principle, the group can generate many possible solutions, effects and outcomes without
becoming bogged down in criticising suggestions. The steps for a typical brainstorming
procedure are noted below.
o Assemble the work group and appoint a session leader (not necessarily the manager
This method structures the work group's creative process to minimise verbal interaction
among members. The group, usually no larger than nine, follows a highly structured
procedure which is briefly described below:
o The question under study is posted in front of the group who members silently
generate ideas in writing without looking at the work of others or discussing the
The leader goes around the table and asks each participant to read one idea from his
or her notes. This idea is recorded in some way (computer, flipchart, video tape,
etc.). In a round-robin fashion, all participants present their ideas for recording until
all are shown.
Each idea recorded is discussed in the order it appeared. The leader reads each item
and asks the participants if there are any questions or points needing clarification.
Each member records the ideas on 30 50 cards and rank orders them secretly from
1 to n. The mean average rankings are used as a basis for the group's decision.
The NGT process can end here or the decision may be refined through discussion
and revoting.
The voting patterns can be analysed and reasons examined to see if more accurate
decisions can be made.
A final vote is taken in the same way as in step 4. This vote closes the decision loop
so members experience closure to the NGT process.
Maximum 6 marks
The NGT has advantages over more common and less disciplined group problem-solving
methods. First, idea generation is separated from idea evaluation. Second, balanced
participation occurs and the effects of dominant individuals on group decision-making are
lessened. Third, it ensures the systematic movement towards the aggregation of votes to
determine a preferred outcome. Fourth, a group in any stage of development can use NGT.
It is time efficient and members find the process to be satisfying.
On the negative side, the NGT is highly formalised and its repeated use can lead to member
perceptions of ritualistic decision-making. Second, groups with stable membership find the
technique effective as well as new groups or project groups. Lastly, the group's formal leader
must develop a norm which encourages a systematic approach to group creativity so as not
to suppress participation.
Maximum 6 marks
Delphi Technique
This method can be used to make group decisions when members cannot attend a meeting.
It is a method for gathering systematically written judgements from members using a set of
sequentially modified questionnaires interspersed with summaries of results from previous
rounds of information gathering from members. The technique was developed by the Rand
Corporation as a way of forecasting future events of national and international importance .
The technique takes considerable time and effort to complete. In using it, members of the
group may not know the other group members and it requires a central co-ordinating
mechanism to manage the alteration, transmission, and summarisation of questionnaire
data. The Delphi technique follows these steps:
o Each
o All the data generated in step 1 are sent to a centrally located individual who is
Evidence indicates that Delphi groups can be more effective than groups which do not follow
a disciplined problem-solving procedure. It has been found that average performance was
higher for Delphi groups than for undisciplined groups both working on a comparable
problem-solving task.
Delphi groups eliminate the effects of dominant personalities on group decision-making.
They also eliminate the effects of perceived member status on group decision-making.
Lastly, Delphi groups are quite different from nominal groups as Table 6.7 shows.
Maximum 6 marks
Delphi Groups Differ from Nominal Groups. Delphi groups are composed of members who
are unaware of other groups. Delphi groups are made up of members who never meet faceto-face. They are reliant on a central processing unit which collects, collates and feeds back
Nominal groups are composed of members who know each other. These groups are
designed to reach a decision more quickly and they are more likely to have status and
dominance effects.
Maximum 6 marks
Essay Solution 3
In Organisational Behaviour terms how may rewards be classified? Consider the ways
companies can distribute rewards and compare and contrast the newer pay practices
available to companies.
(60 marks)
Answers should include the following.
Rewards can be classified into intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are
associated with the job itself. Work with high intrinsic value includes judges, doctors, design
engineers and architects. The duties which fall into this category involve varied and
significant work skills. Some examples are:
o being personally responsible for a meaningful part of the work
o carrying out duties which lead to personal development and competencies
Extrinsic rewards are not connected with job content but are given to employees by
supervisors, peers, work groups and external organisations such as trade unions. Extrinsic
rewards are associated with short cycle time jobs and limited to behaviour specific to the job.
Extrinsic rewards can be broken down into direct compensation, indirect compensation, and
non-financial rewards. Examples are:
o salary, bonuses, performance related pay, profit related pay, share options and
Rewards strongly influence employees' effort and performance levels. Equity theory shows
how employees at all levels compare their efforts and rewards to the efforts and rewards of
other employees. Any perceived inequity of these will lead to levels of dissatisfaction and
demotivation. How the rewards are perceived can easily outweigh the actual rewards
distributed by the organisation. Expectancy theory of motivation also impacts on the
employees' perception of rewards. If the employee perceives a weak link between
performance and rewards then the rewards will not function as motivators. Correctly
classifying organisational rewards can safeguard against turbulent and inaccurate employee
perception of rewards.
Behavioural scientist have proposed that intrinsic rewards are more important than extrinsic
rewards in influencing motivation and performance. Studies have found that intrinsic rewards
can undermine extrinsic or vice versa. These investigations show the importance of
separating the types so that one cannot contaminate the other when causes of
dissatisfaction are being investigated. There seems to be greater motivational value in
building as many rewards as possible into the job itself (intrinsic rewards ). For example
involving employees in goal setting will lead to valued intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Finally
organisations have much more control over extrinsic rewards. How rewards are distributed
can be communicated in a published policy statement. This can reinforce the company
culture and define the relationship between performance and rewards.
All organisations are interested in the effective distribution of extrinsic rewards. A variety of
guidelines for distributing rewards have been developed by organisations. The common
factors that organisations use to distribute direct compensation are:
Assessing the performance or absence of performance occupies numerous
people in any organisation. When rewards are allocated on this basis, then
performance becomes a motivator. The discussion on the design of performance
appraisal systems focused exclusively on this important relationship.
Maximum 15 marks
In the interest of minimising turnover and hiring costs, organisations frequently
decide to reward effort. This is often done to prevent new employees from
will end the section with a brief look at very new and untested pay systems which
are drawing the attention of researchers and managers.
Cafeteria-Style Fringe Benefits
In this system employees select a package of fringe benefits designed for their
individual needs. Also called flexible benefits packages, these programmes are
designed to match the demographic characteristics of an organisation's work
force. In the plan, management places upper limits on how much the organisation
is willing to spend on fringe benefits. Some employees take all of the fringes in
cash while others purchase specialised medical coverage and other benefits
consistent with their needs.
Lump-Sum Pay Systems
These plans allow employees to decide how they receive their pay during the
coming year. Plans range from weekly pay cheques to one large cheque at the
beginning of the year. The lump sum is treated as an advance which the
employee earns throughout the year with his labour. If an employee leaves the
job before year end (and has received a lump sum payment), the unearned
portion must be paid back to the employer. The lump-sum programme does
generate administrative problems and it is no system for organisations with cash
flow problems. However, such plans do give employees greater flexibility for
making salary investment decisions.
Skill-Based Compensation
They reward employees for learning new skills. These system provide pay rises
and bonuses for the number of new skills employees can master. This form of
compensation leads to a work force with greater skill levels and
interchangeability. Some organisations have adopted this approach while
preserving merit-based rewards which recognise achievement on the job. These
systems can lead to the creation of more challenging work which expands the
available intrinsic rewards. Skill-based compensation is playing a more important
role in organisations that are using self-managed teams to perform work. Teams
only become highly successful and cost effective if employees are thoroughly
cross-trained. To encourage the rapid acquisition of cross-member job skills by
employees in self-directed teams, organisations often use one-time bonuses to
reward employees who rapidly acquire the skills necessary to build a fully crosstrained self-directed work team.
Accumulating Time Off
The time-off feature is attractive to most employees. The concept is built into
most holiday programmes which use a formula to determine days off with pay
based on seniority. A variation of this programme would be a time-off reward
based on levels of job performance. Employees are allowed to accumulate timeoff credits. These credits can be turned in for time off with pay. Such
programmes can be applied without loss of product or service quantity or quality
The All-Salaried Team
In many organisations, executives and managers are paid salaries while nonmanagers receive hourly wages. By paying all employees a salary, the
organisation hopes to improve loyalty, commitment and self-esteem in the work
force. Teamwork and cohesiveness are promoted by the practice of paying
everyone a salary. This pay system does eliminate some annoyances for
employees. For instance, time clocks can be eliminated and status symbols
become less apparent in the organisation. However, such pay systems may, over
time, cause a de-emphasis in innovation and creativity which are primarily
individual-based behaviours. This scheme reflects our earlier discussion of the
effects of across-the-board pay rises. Because the all salaried team concept
tends to reinforce teamwork and co-operation, some employees who wish to get
ahead by out-performing their colleagues may be put off by a pay system that
tends to ignore individual contributions.
Maximum 20 marks
Open-Salary Information
Pay secrecy can obscure the actual relationships between performance and
rewards. This effect was noted in Module 3 in our discussion of the managerial
implications of equity theory. If reasons for pay rises are poorly understood,
employees are likely to believe the pay system produces unfair results. In making
judgements about his pay in relation to others under conditions of pay secrecy,
the employee often underestimates his own pay relative to co-workers while they
often overestimate their efforts relative to co-workers. Further, they overestimate
the pay of their superiors and underestimate their rewards. Pay secrecy
exaggerates pay perceptions and creates the condition of chronic, perceived
distributive injustice. Managers may not want to make individual pay decisions
public, but open salary information can increase the motivation benefits of pay.
Open salary information usually involves publishing 1) ranges for pay rises, 2) the
number of pay grades, 3) organisational guidelines on the meaning of
performance levels, and 4) policies on bonuses and fringe benefits. Thus, opensalary information aligns employees' perceptions of pay fairness with accepted
relationships between performance and rewards.
Differences between New pay Practices
Pay practice
Design issues
fringe benefits
satisfaction with
pay and benefits
Cost of
Educated work
force that is very
Lump-sum pay
satisfaction with
pay, greater
visibility and status
of raises
Cost of
administration and
cash flow effects
same, complaints
about rises
of pay based on
Accumulating time
satisfaction, links to
appraisal system
The all-salaried
Some employees
prefer hourly wage,
blurs link between
performance and
Open climate,
emphasis on
teamwork, limited
use of piece-work
pay systems
Increased job
satisfaction, greater
trust and
motivation, better
Maximum 25 marks
Open climate,
dependable pay
brackets, pay
based on