Contact: Phone: Email: Date
Contact: Phone: Email: Date
Contact: Phone: Email: Date
Mr Steven King
01444 477590
4th November 2014
Dear Sir/Madam
Mid Sussex Ref:
Planning Inspectorate
Land At:
Appeal By:
Start Date:
I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in
respect of the above site. The appeal follows the refusal of planning permission 13/03818/
OUT by this Council. The appeal will be determined on the basis of an inquiry. The
procedure to be followed is set out in the Town and Country Planning Appeals (Determination
by Inspectors) (Inquiries Procedure) (England) Rules 2000. You will be advised of the date
and venue when the arrangements have been finalised.
We have forwarded all the representations made to us on the application to the Planning
Inspectorate and the appellant. These will be considered by the Inspector when determining
the appeal.
You may make comments, or modify/withdraw your previous representation on this appeal to
the Planning Inspectorate in a number of ways:
Your representation must reach the Planning Inspectorate not later than 3rd December
2014. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and
will be returned. All representations must quote the Planning Inspectorates Reference APP/
D3830/A/14/2226987 / .
The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge your letter unless you specifically ask them
to do so. They will, however, ensure that your letter is passed on to the Inspector dealing