CHEM-UA 127: Advanced General Chemistry I: I. The Classical View of The Universe
CHEM-UA 127: Advanced General Chemistry I: I. The Classical View of The Universe
CHEM-UA 127: Advanced General Chemistry I: I. The Classical View of The Universe
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the science of physics and the prevailing view of the universe changed in
a truly profound manner. The change was instigated by a series of key experiments that could not be rationalized
within the existing theory of classical mechanics as laid out by Newton.
Let us recall what classical mechanics implies as a world view. A classical system consisting of N particles is completely
determined by specifying the positions and velocities of all particles at any point in time. See the figure below:
FIG. 1.
Since momentum p = mv, we can also specify each particles positions r and its momentum p. When this is done
for every particle, we have a set of N position vectors r1 , r2 , ..., rN and a set of N momentum vectors p1 , p2 , ..., pN .
In order to follow the system in time, we clearly need to specify how each of the positions and momenta change as
functions of time. This time evolution is given by Newtons second law of motion.
If F1 , F2 , ..., FN are the forces on particles 1, 2,...,N, respectively due to all of the other particles in the system, then
the time dependence of all of the positions and momenta will be given by solving the set of equations of motion
Fi = mi
d2 ri
i = 1, ..., N
In order to solve Newtons equations, all we have to do is specify all of the positions and momenta at one point in
time, say at t = 0, meaning that we have to provide the following vectors r1 (0), ..., rN (0) and p1 (0), ..., pN (0). This is
called specifying the initial conditions. Once we have the initial conditions, then by solving the equations of motion,
we know the time evolution of the system for all time in the future, and we can trace the history of the system
infinitely far in the past.
More important, if we know all of the positions and momenta at all points in time, then the outcome of any experiment
performed on the system can be predicted with perfect precision. Moreover, if the system is initially prepared in exactly
the same way, with the same initial conditions in different repetitions of the experiment, then the same outcome will
result every time.
Finally, since the positions and momenta of a system are continuous and can take on any values, physical quantities
can also have any value since these are always computed from the positions and momenta. In particular, the energy
+ V (r1 , ..., rN )
can take on any value, although once its value is set for a given set of initial conditions, it will not change because
energy is conserved.
Example: Classical Hydrogen. Consider a hydrogen atom with the proton fixed at the origin and the electron a
distance r from the proton. The potential energy is
V (r) =
40 r
40 r3
If we solve Newtons second law for the orbit of the electron, the orbit looks as shown in the figure below:
FIG. 2.
In this section, we will discuss three important experients that ultimately lead to the development of the quantum
theory and a radical change in how we view the universe. In fact, it is not the experiments per se that can be attributed
to this change in world view but rather tha rationalization of these experiments that were proposed by theoreticians.
Thus, here we have an excellent illustration of the important role played by theory. Without the experimental
data, theoreticians might not have considered overthrowing the beautiful structure embodied in classical mechanics.
However, it was ultimately the new theoretical structure introduced to explain the experimental results that lead to
this crucial change.
A. Blackbody radiation
The explanation of this experiment was proposed by the German physicist Max Planck in 1901. Every object emits
energy from its surface in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
Thus, in order to discuss this experiment, we need a little background on electromagnetic waves. Some examples of
waves are:
1. Vibrations of a string
2. Sound waves
3. Electromagnetic (light) waves
4. Water waves
In general, the mathematical form of a wave in motion in one dimension is
A(x, t) = A0 cos
where A0 is the wave amplitude, is its wavelength, and is its frequency. A snapshot of this wave form at t = 0 is
shown in the figure below:
FIG. 3.
FIG. 4.
Thus, is the number of wave crests (maxima) that pass a given point per unit time (e.g. seconds). Thus, the units
of frequency are crests/second or cycles/second = Hz (Hertz), however, it is only the inverse time that is important
in dimensional analysis. Given that the time = 1/ is the time for a wave crest to move a distance , the speed of
the wave is
Visible light, microwaves, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation,... all are forms of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. Maxwells
theory (introduced in the late 19th century) predict that such waves are composed of electric and magnetic fields,
both wave-like and perpendicular to each other. Thus, a free EM wave appears as follows:
FIG. 5.
If the propagation occurs in the x-direction, then the electric and magnetic field components are given by
E(x, t) = E0 cos
B(x, t) = B0 cos
where E B. These expressions for the electric and magnetic fields are solutions of the so-called free-space Maxwell
equations (Maxwells equations are the fundamental equations of the theory of electromagnetism). The speed of the
wave c = is the speed of light c = 2.9979246 108 m/s. Visible light spans 400109m - 700109m or 400-700
nm. The lower end of this range corresponds to red light while the upper end to blue light.
Examples of blackbody radiation include heating elements on electric stoves and incandescent lightbulbs. The intensity
of the radiation depends on the wavelength and on temperature. The solid curves in the figure below show the
blackbody radiation spectrum (as a function of the wavelength of the radiation) for different temperatures:
FIG. 6.
The temperature corresponding to the blue curve is higher than the temperature corresponding to the red curve.
Since = c/, we can also use the frequency to characterize the radiation spectrum.
Classical mechanics predicts that the intensity I of emitted radiation at frequency is given by
I() =
8kB T 2
where kB is Boltzmanns constant, kB = 1.38066 1023 J/K. The classical curves in the above figure are obtained
by setting = c/ in this expression:
I() =
8kB T
and are shown as the dashed curves in the figure. Note that as 0, I , which is known as the ultraviolet
In the classical theory, blackbody radiation is modeled as the radiation emitted from oscillating charged particles at
the objects surface. These oscillations are produced by the thermal motions of the charged particles. If we treat each
particle as a simple harmonic oscillator, then we can easily understand how Planck was able to explain blackbody
A simple harmonic oscillator is described by a Hookes law force
F = k(x x0 )
where the force F arises from the displacement x from the equilibrium position x0 of a charged particle attached to
a spring. Here k is the spring constant, which measures the stiffness of the spring.
FIG. 7.
k(x x0 )2
and is known as the phase angle. Its value is determined by the initial position x(0) and initial momentum p(0) of
the oscillator. The energy
+ k(x x0 )2
can take on any value, as determined by the initial conditions, but once its value is set, it does not change over time
because energy is conserved.
Plancks ingenious idea was to propose the following radical hypothesis: What if the energy E could not take on just
any value but only certain discrete values called quanta of energy. He suggested that higher frequency motion meant
higher energy. By the way, in classical mechanics, the energy is only determined by the amplitude of the oscillator,
not the frequency. Thus, he proposed that the energy quanta be multiplies of the frequency
E n
where n is an integer n = 0, 1, 2, .... The constant of proportionality needed to give energy units he called h, which is
now known as Plancks constant. Thus, the discrete energy values were proposed to be determined by
E = nh
Since there are many oscillating charged particles, we need to consider a very large number of identical oscillating
systems. At Plancks time, it was known that the probability that a collection of identical systems at the same
temperature T but starting from different classical initial conditions would have an energy E was proportional to the
Boltzmann factor
probability eE/kB T
Let us recall the definition of a probability. Generally, given N possible events 1 , ..., N , the probability that an event
n will occur is defined to be
probability that n occurs P (n ) =
Planck applied this formula to his quantized energy values. Let the event n be a measurement of the energy of the
system at temperature T that yields an energy E = nh. The probability of such an event, according to the above
formula is
enh/kB T
probability = P nh/k T
n=0 e
Note that if we sum both sides over n, we must get 1. That is, the sum over n is the probability of finding the system
with any allowable energy, which, of course, must be 1. The denominator is of the form
eh/kB T
and since 0 < exp(h/kB T ) < 1, it follows that the sum is nothing more than a geometric series for which the
following summation formula applies
rn =
E= P
nh/kB T
n=0 e
These sums can be worked out (with a lot of algebra not presented here) with the result
eh/kB T 1
From this average energy formula, Planck was able to show that the intensity of emitted radiation from the blackbody
would be given by
I() =
8h 3
T 1
or using = c/
I() =
3 ehc/kB T 1
Plotting this curve as a function of yields the solid lines in the radiation spectra shown above.
By fitting this expression to the experimental data, he was able to determine a value for h, which is now accepted to
be h = 6.6208 1034 Js. Plancks formula actually reduces to the classical formula in the limit that the difference
between successive quantized energy values E = h is small compared to kB T , i.e.
kB T
When this is true, the exponential can be approximated using the formula ex 1 + x, so that
eh/kB T 1 +
kB T
In this case
8h 3
c3 1 + h/kB T 1
8h 3 kB T
8kB T 2
Plancks proposed theory about energy quantization was able to explain the blackbody radiation spectra, yet it
constituted a radical departure from classical physics.
The photoelectric effect was explained by Albert Einstein in 1905. When light impinges on a metal surface, it is
observed that for sufficiently high frequency light, electrons will be ejected from the surface as shown in the figure
FIG. 8.
Classical theory predicts that energy carried by light is proportional to its amplitude independent of its frequency,
and this fails to correctly explain the experiment.
Einstein, borrowing Plancks hypothesis about the quantized energy of an oscillator, suggested that light comes in
packets or quanta with energy E given by Plancks formula with n = 1
E = h
Since, according to both Planck and Einstein, the energy of light is proportional to its frequency rather than its amplitude, there will be a minimum frequency 0 needed to eject an electron with no residual energy. The corresponding
energy is
h0 =
where is called the work function of the metal, and it is an intrinsic property of the metal. In general, if > 0 , an
electron will be ejected with some residual kinetic energy. If the electron has momentum p leaving the surface, then
this kinetic energy is p2 /2me , and because energy is conserved, we have the relation
h = +
The left side is the energy of the impinging light, and the right side if the sum of the minimum energy needed to
extract an electron and the residual kinetic energy it has when leaving the surface.
The strange implication of this experiment is that light can behave as a kind of massless particle now known as a
photon whose energy E = h can be transferred to an actual particle (an electron), imparting kinetic energy to it,
just as in an elastic collision between to massive particles such as billiard balls.