Systematic Layout Planning
Systematic Layout Planning
Systematic Layout Planning
Abstract: The paper presents an application of the SLP (System Layout Planning) method for establishing, in
an efficient manner, the layout of a productive enterprise. A case study is described in the paper, referring to a
factory designated for manufacturing steel almirah. The phases of the SLP method application are described in
the paper together with the presentation of one particular product given as example. The optimal solution of the
productive systems layout is selected by analyzing three possible identified alternatives.
Plant layout
The efficiency of production depends on how well the various machines; production facilities and
employees amenities are located in a plant. Only the properly laid out plant can ensure the smooth and rapid
movement of material, from the raw material stage to the end product stage. Plant layout encompasses new
layout as well as improvement in the existing layout. It may be defined as a technique of locating machines,
processes and plant services within the factory so as to achieve the right quantity and quality of output at the
lowest possible cost of manufacturing. It involves a judicious arrangement of production facilities so that
workflow is direct.
A plant layout can be defined as follows: Plant layout refers to the arrangement of physical facilities
such as machinery, equipment, furniture etc. with in the factory building in such a manner so as to have quickest
flow of material at the lowest cost and with the least amount of handling in processing the product from the
receipt of material to the shipment of the finished product. According to Riggs, the overall objective of plant
layout is to design a physical arrangement that most economically meets the required output quantity and
quality. According to J. L. Zundi, Plant layout ideally involves allocation of space and arrangement of
equipment in such a manner that overall operating costs are minimized.
Plant layout is an important decision as it represents long-term commitment. An ideal plant layout
should provide the optimum relationship among output, floor area and manufacturing process. It facilitates the
production process, minimizes material handling, time and cost, and allows flexibility of operations, easy
production flow, makes economic use of the building, promotes effective utilization of manpower, and provides
for employees convenience, safety, comfort at work, maximum exposure to natural light and ventilation. It is
also important because it affects the flow of material and processes, labour efficiency, supervision and control,
use of space and expansion possibilities etc.
1.4 Essentials
An efficient plant layout is one that can be instrumental in achieving the following objectives:
a) Proper and efficient utilization of available floor space
b) To ensure that work proceeds from one point to another point without anydelay
c) Provide enough production capacity.
d) Reduce material handling costs
e) Reduce hazards to personnel
f) Utilise labour efficiently
g) Increase employee morale
Improvement in Layout Design using SLP of a small size manufacturing unit: A case study
h) Reduce accidents
i) Provide for volume and product flexibility
j) Provide ease of supervision and control
k) Provide for employee safety and health
l) Allow ease of maintenance
m) Allow high machine or equipment utilization
n) Improve productivity
1.5 Types Of Layout
As discussed so far the plant layout facilitates the arrangement of machines, equipment and other
physical facilities in a planned manner within the factory premises. An entrepreneur must possess an expertise to
lay down a proper layout for new or existing plants. It differs from plant to plant, from location to location and
from industry to industry. But the basic principles governing plant layout are more or less same. As far as small
business is concerned, it requires a smaller area or space and can be located in any kind of building as long as
the space is available and it is convenient. Plant layout for Small Scale business is closely linked with the
factory building and built up area main.:types of layout
(a) Product or line layout
(b) Process or functional layout
(c) Fixed position or location layout
(d) Combined or group layout
SLP is an acronym of Systematic Layout Planning which is a technique established by Richard Muther.
(Muther, 1961) It is a step-by-step planning procedure allowing users to identify, visualize, and rate the various
activities, relationships, and alternatives involved in a layout project. The three fundamental areas of the
technique are relationships, space and adjustment. The sub-contents of the relationship area are collection of
input data, flow of materials, activity of relationships and relationship diagrams. The sub-contents of the space
area are space requirements, space available and space relationship diagrams. The sub-contents of adjustment
area are modifying considerations, practical limitations and evaluation and final selection. This technique
combines quantitative measurement of materials movement with non-flow considerations such as noise, fumes,
temperature, supervision, communications, personnel comfort and movement. Its major advantage is that it
clearly documents the logic of the layout and easily allows input from all levels of staff.
2.1 Five Important Elements
The basis and entry points for the research of plant layout problems can be generalized into five
important elements according to the SLP method. These five elements are the key to the solution. They are:
The product element includes the end product, raw materials, machining components and projects of
the service. All the information is provided by 10 the production guideline and design menu. This element is the
key factor affects the composition and relationship of all the facilities, equipment categories and material
handling way.
The quantity element indicates the amount of production, supply, utilization or service workload. All
the information is provided by production statistics and design menu, and represented by piece, weight, volume
and price. This element affects the layout scale, equipment amount, handling workload and construction area.
In fact, the route element is the achievement of technological process design. It can be represented by
plant layout diagram, process route diagram, process flow chart and so on. It affects the relationship among
every work unit, material handling route and warehouse and store location.
S-supporting service
The service element indicates public and ancillary service which includes tools, maintenance,
propulsion, deliveries, and certain railway lines, health stations, changing rooms, canteens and toilets. This kind
of element is provided by professional designers from each specific field. The service department supports the
production system and somehow reinforces the production efficiency. The area of service department can be
larger than the area of production department sometimes.
Improvement in Layout Design using SLP of a small size manufacturing unit: A case study
The time element refers to when and how long the production is, in which includes the operating time
of every procedure. According to the time 11 requirement, we can estimate the amount of the equipment,
required area and the number of staff Certainly, besides the above five elements, the other related ones are
needed to be gathered to finish the final layout design as well. But P and Q are the basis for any other
characteristics, conditions and elements. To get the most optimal system layout design, it is necessary to firstly
make a structured and detailed analysis and calculation according to the comprehensive and accurate original
data of these five elements. Then draw a variety of forms, mathematical and graphical models based on the
calculation to present the core idea in an easy, obvious and clear way.
2.2 Stage Structure
The structure of the SLP method is divided into four stages which are shown in the following.
Improvement in Layout Design using SLP of a small size manufacturing unit: A case study
main task during this period is making the conclusion and management summary for the construction,
installation and commissioning of the whole project.
2.3 Procedures
The methodology is summarized in graph format in Figure 2 which is created originally from Richard
Muther and simplified by the following researchers such as Gmez. The overall procedures are consisted by
three parts which are analysis, search and selection.
Case study
Case study is conducted at Rajasthan Steel Industries (RSI) Chittorgarh. This company produces steel
almirah at its manufacturig facility which is situated at Chamtikheda in Chittorgarh.the company sells its
products through its own showroom which is situated in chittorgarh.RSI main production shop which is situated
in Chamtikheda is of 60'x40' in size.
The machines which are used in producing steel almirah are
1.shearing machine
folding machine
press welding machine
5.pipe bending machine
Improvement in Layout Design using SLP of a small size manufacturing unit: A case study
6.bench grinder machine
7.flexible grinder
8.portable drilling machine
9.gas welding kit
3.1 The main process and their sequence
1.cutting operations
pressing and folding operations
4.fitting operations
5.painting and coating operations
6.glassfitting and packing
3.2 Present Layout
Presently the major operations like cutting, pressing and folding, welding and fitting are performed in
the one area of building which is approximately 30X30 size. Although company have sufficient space to locates
individual operations in separate areas. But according to company due to unavailability of skilled staff,
intermittent order flow it is unable to arrange separate areas for each operations.
Due to lack of systematic layout various problems which were encountered by company
a) Unefficient utilization of available floor space
b) Delay in operations as same floor space is used
c) Unefficient utilization of production capacity.
d) Increase in material handling costs
e) Increase hazards to personnel
f) Unable to utilise labour efficiently
h) Increasing chances of accidents
i) Volume and product un flexibility
j) Difficulty in supervision and control
k) Employee safety and health problems
l) Maintenance difficulties
m) Poor equipment utilization
n) Reduction in productivity
These all factors leads to lower the productivity and consequently increases the final cost of its product.
Since the competition in steel furniture industry is very tough. If company reduces its product cost by adopting
good and systematic layout ,this will make the product more competitive in market and increase its marketshare.
Improvement in Layout Design using SLP of a small size manufacturing unit: A case study
Knowing the space necessities for each one of the involved activities, the total needed area must be
compared to the available land surface. In the considered case dimensions of the available land surface is 2160
sq. feet so there exist enough space for build the intended layout in the limits of considered location.
Step 4
Accordingly to the routes and activities relational diagrams, previously obtained and mentioned above,
there have been proposed different alternatives of layout Three of such proposed alternative solutions are shown
in Fig.
In order to select the optimal alternative solution for the productive enterprises layout, an evaluation
for each of the alternatives, in relation with all the involved factors,was developed.
The main factors that have been considered to identify the optimal layout distribution, together with
their weight values, are presented in Table 2
Growth easiness
Materials flow easiness
Optimum use of the space
Facility of control and supervision
Facility of installations maintenance
Flexibility of the factory plan
Proximity of places with workers or machine shared
Working conditions
Table 2. The considered factors and their weight
The weight of each factor took value from 1 to 10 and has been assigned accordingly to the importance given to
them, in correspondence to the agreement levels and the point awarded, as it can be seen in Table.3
Improvement in Layout Design using SLP of a small size manufacturing unit: A case study
Agreement Level
Growth easiness
Materials flow easiness
Optimum use of the space
Facility of control and supervision
Facility of installations maintenance
Flexibility of the factory plan
Proximity of places with workers or machine shared
Working conditions
Total Result
The paper presents an application of the SLP (System Layout Planning) method for establishing, in an
efficient manner, the layout of a productive enterprise. A case study is described in the paper, referring to a
factory designated for manufacturing steel almirah The phases of the SLP method application are described in
the paper, together with the presentation of one particular products given as example. The optimal solution of
the productive systems layout is selected by analyzing three possible identified alternatives.
The case study of SLP at this company illustrate that small and medium firms can successfully layout and re-layout
their facilities with this easy to use technique. The results arrived from SLP does not completely satisfy all but it clearly
shows why decisions are made. This study shows that SLP process was as valuable as the final layout .
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