ESUMC News 11-16-14

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Out Reach

Thank you to all who participated in our Chili Cook-off and Apple
Baking contests. You were all great sports and no one went hungry
due to your yummy contributions. Congrats to our winners: Ana
Price, Jason Gullstrand, Sue Mertz, Lizzy Mayers, and Jackie Durney.

Card Shower for Esther Neely

Esther Neely, wife of Rev. Robert Neely, who was senior pastor at
ESUMC in the 1970s, is losing her battle with cancer. She is ready to
go home to be with the Lord, but in her last few weeks on earth,
would enjoy hearing from those she has known and loved throughout
the years. Cards and notes may be sent to her at 271 Pine Cone Ct.,
Bath, Pa. 18014.

A BIG thank you to all who volunteered to help make our Fall
Harvest Celebration such a fun and successful event!! Without you
this event would not have been possible!
Stay tuned for our next Fun and Fellowship event, you wont want
to miss it!!!
Fun & Fellowship Team
Youth Ministry FundraiserHoliday Pie Sale: Youth will be
selling Thanksgiving pies after all three services on Sunday
November 23rd, in Fellowship Hall. Many different varieties and
sizes will be available. Pickup your pie on November 23rd, and help
support Youth Missions!
The will be no SWAT meeting for the months of November and
December due to the Holidays. However, if you have time to spare
and would like to help with some projects around the church, feel
free to contact Bruce Johnson at the church office x18. The next
official SWAT meeting will be January 26, 2014. Many thanks for all
the new volunteers who signed up.
Christian Overcomer's Fundraiser
In an effort to help the Christian Overcomer's ministry and some
people in underprivileged countries, I would like to request your
assistance in helping them out. The goal is to collect gently used
shoes. I know that sounds strange but once collected they will be
distributed to countries like Haiti, Uganda, Bolivia and several more.
Please ask your friends and family members to help us collect these
shoes and you can put them in a collection box I have placed in
Oberholtzer Hall. Thanks for your help and if you have any
questions, please call Dennis Wilkens at 570-421-0391.

Stephen Ministry

For where two or three are gathered together in my

name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
Jesus promised to be with us! When a Stephen Minister
meets with their care receiver, it is a great comfort to know
that Jesus is present too! He brings his transforming love,
peace, healing and comfort. If you have a need or
concern, or know someone who may benefit from having a
Stephen Minister, please contact Peggy Strack, 570-4213280, ext. 23.
Thank You for Wearing Your Name Tag!
Today we continue to get to know each other by wearing stick
on name tags on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month. When
you put your first and last name on the name tag, you help others
get to know you and members of your family. As we get to know
each other, we will grow in our love and concern for each other,
and we will become the body of Christ that He intends for us to
be! Thank you!

Volunteers Needed for Breakfast with St. Nicholas
The annual Breakfast with Santa is being changed to Breakfast with
St. Nicholas. We are bringing more of a focus on the birth of Jesus
to the event, which will take place on Saturday, Dec 13th from 9:00
a.m. to 12 Noon. Children can visit with St. Nicholas, make crafts,
play games and hear stories. Breakfast will be served, and the UMW
will hold their gift and bake sales. Vendors have been eliminated.
Many volunteers are needed, especially decorating leader! Please
contact Pat Braun at home (570-424-5481) or cell (570-269-5043).
Volunteer Needed to Organize ESUMC Salvation Army Bell
Ringing at Kmart: Please dont let this wonderful volunteer
opportunity leave ESUMC. It only requires a once a year
commitment. If interested, please call Maria at the church office
(570) 421-3280.
Youth Ministry News:
Sr. High Bible Study meets every Monday Night from 6:30 8:30
pm: This is a bible study for Sr. High students (9th-12th grades) who are
looking to get deeper into their faith, and grow stronger as a disciple of
Christ. We will have girls and guys combined bible study for three weeks,
followed by girls and guys separate discussions in the fourth week of every
JAM Jr. High Afterschool Program meets every Thursday
from 2:45 5:00 pm. Information and Permission forms are
available on the church website ( and in the youth
room. Each week following the JAM program is a free
Fellowship Meal for all students (from 5-6 pm), followed by Jr. High
Boys and Jr. High Girls Bible studies (from 6-7:30 pm).
Sports Ministry meets on Sundays 5:30 6:30 pm: Join with
other boys and girls for a time of sports and recreation. Games that
will be played include Dodgeball, basketball, soccer, ultimate
Frisbee, and kickball. Open to all 6th 12th grade students.
Youth Praise Band will be meeting to practice this Sunday, from
5:30 6:30 pm in the youth room.

Youth Worship meets every Sunday evening. Youth will be

gathering to fellowship, worship, and participate in biblical
teachings from 7:00 8:30 pm every Sunday night.
ALL-NIGHTER Event: Friday November 21st. The all-nighter
event is run by a group called Word of Life. We will be meeting
at the church on Friday after school and using the church vans to
drive down to Philadelphia. The all-nighter includes going to a
76ers game, a gospel presentation, and all-night fun activities. We
will be returning to the church at approximately 8:00/8:30 am on
Saturday, November 22nd. Cost for the event is $50 per person.
Adult leaders for this trip will be Scott Kuhnle, Michelle Dodoo, and
John and Kelli Mercurio. Please email Scott if you would like to
signup. This event is open to all youth in 6th 12th grades.
FRIENDS!!! There will be lots of fun and games, but there
will also be a GOSPEL PRESENTATION at this event.
Youth Ministry Dodgeball Tournament (Fundraiser and
Outreach Event) will be held in Fellowship Hall on Friday evening
December 5th, from 7:00 9:30 pm. $10 per person includes
double elimination dodgeball tournament, pizza, water, and soda.
Invite your friends!! YOUTH AND ADULTS ARE WELCOME
TO PLAY!! Each Team will be made up of 5 people (No more
than 3 adults/parents per team). If you do not have a 5 person
team, just show up and we will guarantee you a team to play on.
Childrens Ministry News:
Acolytes are needed for the 11 a.m. service. If you are in 2nd-5th
grades and would be interested in serving during the 11 a.m.
service, please email Mrs. O'Brien
Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
Rehearsals for the Pageant will be held today, from 10:45- 11:15
am for students in Kindergarten- 12th grade.

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