Priyanka Dharamshi Bangalore 2.00 Yrs
Priyanka Dharamshi Bangalore 2.00 Yrs
Priyanka Dharamshi Bangalore 2.00 Yrs
Priyanka K. Dharamshi
My Career Objective:
Work Experience:
Projects Undertaken:
Newsletter App:
This app is an elegant and powerful PDF viewer for easy reading.
Platform & Tools: iOS 4 for iPad and Xcode IDE on MAC OS X
Duration : 2 months
Features worked on:
Projects Undertaken:
Platform & Tools: iOS 4 for iPad and Xcode IDE on MAC OS X
Duration : 6 months
Mundu Radio:
Mundu Radio is an Internet Radio Streaming application for iPhone/iPod Touch) .The Radio
application fetches streamed radio stations and plays them.
Platform & Tools: iOS 4 and Xcode IDE on MAC OS X.
Duration : 4 months
This application synchronizes contact information between iPhone devices, other handheld
devices which support SyncML and desktops.The synchronized data is stored onto a cloud on
the Internet and can be retrieved by the users anytime using their handheld devices or desktops.
Platform & Tools: iOS 4 and Xcode IDE on MAC OS X
Duration : 3 months
Duration : 2 months
Features worked on:
Bug fixing in existing code.
Vcard modifications for new fields in newer versions of Blackberry devices.
Worked on PIM (Personal Information Management) APIs native to Blackberry devicesContacts,Tasks (ToDo list), Notes
Application UI
Academic Projects:
Linux Bluetooth application for a Conference Room/ Class Room environment:
The application allows the presenter (teacher) and attendees (students) to have resource sharing
options using the short-range, inexpensive Bluetooth protocols.
The application has the following features:
File sharing, Attendance Tracker ,Chat session ,Send Queries ,Quiz session
The project was carried out as an internship at Geodesic Ltd.
Platform and tools : Ubuntu 8.04, QT and C programming language
Developing MS Paint equivalent Application:
The project was undertaken as a part of the 6th semester coursework for Computer Graphics. It
involves developing a GUI in C that would provide an interaction like MS Paint.
Implementation of UNIX Shell:
The project was undertaken as a part of 5th semester coursework for UNIX and Shell
Programming. The project involved developing a shell that implemented a sub-set of commands
from the standard Korn Shell. A total of 20 commands were implemented.
Personal Details:
Date of Birth
Resume of Priyanka Dharamshi