Topic Page
I. Introduction to PKLITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. PKLITE Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Technical Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5. Software License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PKLITE compresses your files much like PKZIP, but it adds a small
amount of extraction code at the beginning of the executable
file. When you run an application that has been compressed with
PKLITE, the program will automatically be expanded into memory
and run. The compressing process does not change the operation
of the program at all, it merely reduces the disk space required
to store it. No additional memory is needed to run most programs
compressed with PKLITE.
PKLITE also has the ability to expand your files back to their
original size.
PKLITE will run on any IBM PC or compatible with DOS 2.0 or
higher. Running a program that has been compressed with PKLITE
requires a maximum of 4K extra memory overhead to expand the
application in memory. Memory available to the application
remains the same as before it was compressed.
9025 North Deerwood Drive
Brown Deer, WI 53223
If you find PKLITE fast, easy, and convenient to use, you can
become a registered user. As a registered user, you will receive
a diskette with the current version of PKLITE and a printed
manual for the software. You will also receive, when available,
a free upgrade of PKLITE.
Please state the version number of the software you are presently
using. For registration information, including price
information, contact PKWARE at the following location:
9025 North Deerwood Drive
Brown Deer, WI 53223
You are free to use, copy and distribute PKLITE for noncommercial
use IF:
Compressing: attrib.exe
Original Size: 10656 Compressed Size: 6790 Ratio: 36.3
-The commands can be typed using either upper case or lower case.
In the example shown above, PKLITE will compress all of the .EXE
files in the current directory even if internal overlays are
detected. You will not be prompted for confirmation before any
files are compressed. The files will overwrite the original
files since there is no destination directory specified.
If you use the -b option when a file with the same name as the
source file and a .BAK extension already exists at the
destination, it will be overwritten.
You can also retain the original file in its uncompressed state
by specifying a destination file on the command line by using the
[[d:][path] Outfile] option. By using this feature, you rename
the compressed file and retain the source file in its original
In the example shown above, PKLITE will use the extra compression
method to compress TEST.EXE. The compressed file will be located
on the A: drive.
C:\> PKLITE -l
-n Never Compress Files With Overlays or Optimize Relocation Table
In the example shown above, PKLITE will compress all of the .EXE
files in the DATA directory as long as they do not use overlays.
The compressed files will be placed in the C:\DATA\COMP
destination directory.
-o Overwrite Output File if it Exists
This option will compress a file and discard any data appended
after the load image data. This data could be setup information,
overlay data, or debugging information.
The -r option should be used only when you are sure there is
extra data in the file located after the load image data. Only
use this option if you know you will no longer need this extra
data. It may delete overlay or other important data.
This option will assign the current time and date to the file
that you are compressing. If you do not use this option, the
time and date of the compressed file will be set to the time and
date of the original file by default.
This option will expand any files you have compressed with
PKLITE. When you use this option, the file will be returned to
its original size. You can rename and/or relocate a file when
you expand it by using the [[d:][path] Outfile] option on the
command line.
NOTE: The expand option can be used with the following options:
You can also use the -x option along with the -u Update option to
update to the current time and date when expanding a file. (If
you used the -u Update time/date option when you compressed the
program, then when you expand it, it will retain the new time and
date. The time/date does not return to the original value.)
The program does a run time check on the .EXE file, and
in compressed form the error is reported. PKLITE
cannot detect this and compresses the file without any
PIFEDIT.EXE Microsoft Windows PIF editing program.
1 Syntax Error
This error appears when the PKLITE command line you have
entered contains a syntax error. When this occurs, PKLITE
will print the help screen showing all the program options
on the monitor.
The file you have attempted to compress does not have a .EXE
or .COM extension. If the file is in fact an executable
file, you can rename the file with a .EXE or .COM extension
and then compress it.
7 Read error
8 Create error
9 Memory error
The file being compressed and the output file are the same.
When specifying an output file, make sure the output file is
not the same as the input file.
Incorrect: PKLITE pat.exe pat
Correct: PKLITE pat.exe
11 EXE header error
13 Data error