Hescom Solar

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Consumer guidelines for Grid

connectivity of Solar Rooftop

PV systems on Net-metering

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Solar energy is a clean, pollution free and renewable source of energy. Karnataka
being located between 1140' and 1827' North latitude and the geographic
position favours the harvesting and development of solar energy.
Karnataka state is blessed with about 240 to 300 days of sunny days with solar
radiation of range 3.86.4 kWh/sq.m. (Summer - 5.1- 6.4 kWh/sq.m/ day,
Monsoon - 3.5 - 5.3 kWh/sq.m/day and Winter - 3.8 - 5.9 kWh/sq.m/day).
The Government of Karnataka has announced the Solar policy 2014-21, grid
connected solar rooftop system under net-metering basis forms an integral part of
the policy. The applications are invited from HESCOM consumers who wish to
install grid-connected Solar rooftop PV systems under net-metering scheme.
Please refer the Schematic diagram of Solar RTPV system on net-metering. In gridconnected solar PV systems, the DC solar energy produced by the solar panels is
converted to AC (alternating current) by a solar grid inverter. The output of the
solar grid inverter connected to the distribution switch board of the building
through bi-directional meter.
Generated energy from the SRTPV system is first consumed (self-consumption) by
the loads of the building (lights, fans, appliances, etc.). If the SRTPV generated
energy is more than the building loads consume, the surplus energy will
automatically be exported to the HESCOM distribution network (the grid). If there
is less solar energy generated than the loads of the building requirement, the
shortfall energy will be drawn from the grid (energy import).

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Application Process


Applicant downloads the
application form from

Applicant submits the filled
up Application form along
with Application fee at
O&M Sub-dvn

HESCOM shall
provide suggestions
and reasons for
rejection of


Utility Review Process

HESCOM performs general
screening of application

If, Application form

fails to clear general

If, Application form clears
general screening,
HESCOM will ask for
technical details

If, Application form

fails to clear technical
screening relevant

HESCOM performs
technical verification
submitted by applicant


HESCOM approves for
installation of SRTPV
system with a direction to
procure bi-directional meter
and to sign PPA and to
submit other docs


AEE of O&M S/D, /EE of

O&M Dvn will sign
Interconnection agreement
with consumer

Installation and Commissioning

Applicant installs SRTPV
system and intimates
HESCOM by submitting
CR with required docs and
inspection reports by AEE,


After verification of CR &
docs, AEE, S/D or EE,
DVN issues approval letter
for synchronizing

Utility shall provide

suggestions and
reasons for failure

Commissioning &
synchronizing will be
conducted by AEE, MT div
& AEE / EE, after testing
SRTPV system


If the rooftop facility

fails to clear the
Commissioning test

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1. The interested applicants of domestic, commercial, educational institutions,
industrial establishments etc, who are consumers of HESCOM can
download the Application forms from HESCOM website www.hescom.co.in
2. The fee payable are as follows:

Capacity of proposed SRTPV

Upto and inclusive of 5.0 kWp
Above 5.0 kWp and below 50
kWp (67 Hp/59 kVA)
Above 50 kWp (67 Hp/59 kVA)
and upto 500 kWp









3. The applicant is required select a reputed system installer to install the

SRTPV System, who have experience in design, supply and installation of
SRTPV system.
4. The list of approved vendors for meters is available in HESCOM website.
5. Inverters of MNRE approved manufacturers shall be used. The list of
approved vendors for inverter is MNRE approved inverter manufacturers
which is available in HESCOM/ MNRE website. Only those inverters which
meet all required IEC standards /IS shall be eligible for installation as per
the Format 5.
6. List of MNRE Channel Partners is available in HESCOM/MNRE website.
7. After installation of SRTPV system, AEE, O&M Sub-division, HESCOM is the
inspection authority for SRTPV systems upto 10kWp and above 10kWp,
Chief Electrical Inspectorate, Government of Karnataka is the inspecting
authority to meet safety standards.
8. The Applicant has to procure bi-directional meter from any of the approved
vendors of HESCOM as per CEA guidelines. The vendor list of bi-directional
meters will be uploaded shortly in HESCOM website.
9. The rooftop/terrace must have easy access.
10. The applicant should be the owner of the property or authorized person. If
the property is in the name of the Company, Trust, Co-operatives /
partnership firms, then authorization shall be assigned to a person for
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correspondence, paperwork, execution of various agreements, etc. Such

person must be authorized by the management of the organization. In case
of partnership firms, the authorized signatory must be one of the partners,
to whom written consent has been given by the other partners.
11. The authorization Format - 1A/1B and self-certification Format - 1C can be
downloaded from the website.

If consumer is not availed subsidy, shall furnish self-certification for not

availing subsidy from MNRE.

13. Application registered is not transferable.

14. HESCOM shall not be held responsible for any legal disputes between the
applicant and SRTPV system installer arising out of the contract.
15. Net metered energy means: The difference of meter readings of energy
injected by the SRTPV system into the grid (export) and the energy drawn
from the grid for use by the seller (import) recorded in the bi-directional
16. The tariff for injecting surplus energy by rooftop installation will be as per
the prevailing tariff determined by KERC from time to time. (At present the
tariff is Rs.9.56 per unit for installations without subsidy and Rs.7.20 per
unit for installations with subsidy upto 31st March 2018).
17. In case the installed (also read proposed) capacity of the SRTPV system is
higher than the sanctioned load of the consumer, which may consequently
requires an upgradation in the infrastructure (service line, meter with CT (if
required), transformer upgradation (if required)), the consumer will have to
upgrade at his/ her/ its own cost under prevailing conditions of deposit
contribution work. For further information regarding upgradation of
infrastructure can be obtained from AEE(Ele,), O&M, sub-division Office,
18. The list of documents to be furnished along with the application are:
a. Copy of the latest Electricity bill.
b. Authorization letter Format-1A in case of Company/Trust/Cooperatives/ Partnership and Format -1B for Partnership firms.
c. Copy of the Subsidy sanction letter from MNRE/ self-certification for
not obtaining MNRE subsidy Format -1C.
19. Interconnection voltages as per KERC:

System Capacity
Upto & inclusive 5 kWp
Above 5 kWp to upto 50 kWp
Above 50 kWp & above upto 500 kWp

240 Volts
415 Volts
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20. If, the existing power supply of the consumer is of single phase and wishes
to apply for three phase SRTPV system, installation shall be sanctioned
from AEE, O&M Sub-division before applying. Otherwise the application will
be rejected.
21. The nodal point of contact for Solar RTPV program shall be the AEE,
O&M Sub-division HESCOM.
22. The Technical, safety, grid connectivity standards are to be followed as per
the technical standards enclosed with Format 5.
23. HESCOM personnel reserve the right to inspect the entire plant routinely at
any time as per the distribution code approved by KERC.
24. The consumer shall pay the Electricity tax and other statutory levies,
pertaining to SRTPV generation, as levied from time to time.
25. The Applicant shall install the meter of SRTPV system and bi-directional
meter in separate meter boxes in the same proximity or at a suitable place
in the premises accessible for the purpose of recording the reading.
26. Solar meter reading will be taken for statistical purpose only and not for
27. In regard, of any queries/complaints/information, the Applicant/Consumer
can contact the AEE, O & M Sub-division / Solar Help Desk at DSM
section, Corporate office, HESCOM
28. Subsidy:
The Applicant can avail MNRE subsidy of 30% on the capital cost
of the Solar rooftop PV systems.
For availing subsidy, MNRE guidelines and standards are to be
followed, details obtained from MNRE website www.mnre.gov.in
MNRE subsidy shall be availed through KREDL or by any of MNRE
channel partners.
29. Dispute Resolution:
All the disputes between the SRTPV consumer and HESCOM arising out of
or in connection with the agreement shall be first tried to be settled through
mutual negotiation. The parties shall resolve the dispute in good faith and
in equitable manner. In case of failure to resolve the dispute, either of the
parties may approach the appropriate Forum of law.

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1. The Applicant shall submit the filled-in Application along with the necessary
documents to jurisdictional O&M, Sub-division office, HESCOM.
2. On submission of Application form to concerned AEE, Sub-divisional office, will
perform general screening and register the application with acknowledgment to
the Applicant.
3. After revenue verification, the Application shall be sent to concerned Section
officer / Asst. Executive Engineer/ Executive Engineer, O&M HESCOM as per
delegation of powers for Technical feasibility report.
4. After obtaining the Technical feasibility report, AEE, O & M Sub-division will
seek Technical details of the Equipments / components proposed to be used in
the SRTPV system from Applicant.
5. The Applicant at his liberty to select a reputed system, installer, to gather
technical information of SRTPV system and furnish the technical details of PV
modules, Inverters and other equipments of the SRTPV system, proposed to be
installed at the roof of the applicant within 30 days to the concerned
O&M Sub-divisional office for technical screening as per the Format 5.
6. On clearing of Technical screening, Approval letter for installation work of
SRTPV system will be issued to the Applicant by the AEE/EE, O&M HESCOM
as per delegation of powers.
7. After completion of installation work of SRTPV system, the work completion
report is to be submitted by Applicant to AEE/EE O&M, HESCOM with the
following documents:

Copy of receipt of facilitation fee paid.

Approved drawings and approval for Commissioning from Chief
Electrical Inspectorate (CEI), GoK (for capacity above 10kWp).
Test Certificate of bi-directional meter from MT division, HESCOM.
Copy of Power Purchase Agreement on Rs.200/- stamp paper with
Work completion report from system Installer as per the Format 6A.
Facing sheet of Bank pass book containing details of Name of the
Bank, Type of account, Account No, Name of the Branch, IFSC code
The maximum time frame for completion of installation work in
all respect by the applicant is 180 days.

8. Applicant shall take clearance/approval from AEE, O&M, HESCOM upto

10kWp and for above 10 kWp, Chief Electrical Inspectorate, GoK will inspect
the installation to meet safety standards.
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9. After verification of all documents and completion reports submitted by the

Applicant, AEE/EE will issue sanction letter for testing and commissioning of
SRTPV system.
10. The testing, commissioning and synchronization of the SRTPV system shall be
carried out by the concerned Sub-divisional/Divisional Engineer along with MT
staff/Section Officer.
11. During the period of synchronization of the SRTPV system with HESCOM grid,
the HESCOM personnel shall inspect, calibrate and seal the bi-directional
12. The concerned AEE/EE O&M will issue letter for synchronization of the SRTPV

Billing and Payment:

1. HESCOM will issue monthly electricity bill for the net metered energy on the
scheduled date of meter reading.
2. In case, the exported energy is more than the imported energy, HESCOM shall
pay for the net energy exported after self-consumption as per Tariff agreed in
the agreement within 30 days of issue of bills duly adjusting the fixed charges
and electricity dues if any and credited to the bank account through NEFT.
3. In case, the exported energy is less than the imported energy, the SRTPV
consumer shall pay HESCOM for the net imported energy as per the prevailing
retail supply tariff determined by the Commission from time to time.

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Single Line Diagram of Rooftop Facility

DC surge protection device

DC Fuse

Solar PV array

DC disconnect Switch

DC combiner box


DC to AC
Grid tied Inverter

DC distribution box




Relay operated


AC disconnect

AC surge
Protection device
AC distribution box

To consumer


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