What Men Need in A Partner or HelpMeet

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What Do Men Need in a HelpMeet/Help Mate?

The term Help Meet is derived from the Bile. In its Hebrew form, it appears
21times, and is generally translated as To Help, To Save or To Rescue.
It is also generally accepted to mean Wife or Partner.
Irrespective of the translation or meaning you choose, from a biblical
perspective, it is clear that God in his infinite wisdom wanted a companion for
Adam, not only to compliment him, but to assist him in the task ordained for
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make
a helper suitable for him."
Eve was not designed to be exactly like Adam. She was designed to be a
compliment to him; possessing qualities and attributes different from his, BUT
intended to balance and even out, rather than to contend, compete or cause
In order to answer this question properly, we have to move away from the
competitive and independent mind-set fostered upon men and women by
society, and re-examine the relationship dynamic as God intended it to be.
Simply put, we were created for, and exist for one another.
For the man is not from the woman, but the woman from man. Nor was
man created for woman, but woman for man.
One of the God given purpose of a woman, ANY woman, is to be a Help Meet
Rescuer or Saviour unto her man; and it is a mandate from God.

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Behind every great/ successful Man, there is a Woman.

The above statement is not just a simple saying; but a saying backed by
principles laid down by God. Women have been given an incredible and
prodigious power. It is a power so monumental, that is has the capability to
determine whether a man achieves his purpose or not.
Without the help and support of his Woman, a Man would find it very difficult
indeed to achieve his purpose.
Unfortunately, as human beings, we have subverted Gods plans. Our society
teaches us to believe we are all wise and all knowing, and as such, we have tried
to rewrite God given principles; so that they can fit into our paradigm and mindset. We subsequently educate ourselves out of our innate desires and God given
This is why so many men and woman are not aware of who they are, and the
fact that our purposes are intertwined. We were made for each other; BUT not in
the way we think. Our human minds are simply too feeble to comprehend Gods
plans; and our human wisdom is indeed as foolishness unto God.
The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
Without a doubt, THE right woman has the ability to transform a mans life; and
this is exactly how God planned it.
A man needs someone to meet him at the point where he is deficient; and
God, in His infinite wisdom, created another human being who can do just that.
He then imbued this special person with the qualities and abilities she needs to
meet her man at EXACTLY this point.
In a nutshell, what men need in a helpmeet, mate or partner is totally based
on the way God created them; and the qualities he placed in them. These
qualities are meant to be balanced by the qualities He placed in women. Hence,
women also need the qualities God placed in men. It is all one beautiful intricate
dance designed by an Amazing Creator.

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In a nutshell, men simply need someone who will assist, accept, support, brace
and buttress them in achieving their God given purpose; and HERE are 5 surefire
things a man wants in his Partner, Wife, Mate or HelpMeet.


Men crave respect from their women. They want them to respect their
authority, decisions, leadership and vision.
A man has been ordained the leader of his home by God; and placed as the
head of his wife. Without his wife or partner accepting him in that position, it
will be impossible for him to occupy it.
Men want to lead their relationships and homes; even though they may not
possess inherent leadership qualities. However it is the wifes duty as a
"helper" to help her man lead and help him achieve his purpose.


Men crave acknowledgement from their partners. They want to feel valued
and appreciated. And they want their God given authority and leadership to
be acknowledged in the relationship;


A man without belief in himself will not assume his position and fulfil his
purpose. However, his woman is absolutely key in fostering this belief.
When a woman believes in a man and his abilities, it validates his position
and encourages him to succeed. A leader without anyone who believes in him
is cannot be a leader for long.
Men also crave for the support of their women. An unsupportive helpmeet
is a contradiction. Men want their women to support and reinforce them in
their endeavours. Simply put, they need their women to believe in them.

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This is the single most important need a man requires his Helpmeet/ Mate to
A man is created a King; and his woman has to accept him as such. His
kingdom is his home, family and community. His purpose is to exert
leadership, support, provision, direction and protection in this sphere of
influence. This may be difficult for some women to accept in a society that
fosters exactly the opposite thinking; but it is a God given principle.
Men have a deep innate desire feel needed and valued. This stimulates an
innate protective mechanism in them towards their woman - which
incidentally is meant to fulfil the opposite desire in women to feel protected
and loved.
A man is also created to meet challenges; and that challenge is to be a
Hero to his woman. A man is designed to protect, fend, and care for his
woman; however, he can only do this if he is put in the position to do so.
This is achieved by her being vulnerable, thereby making him feel needed
and indispensable.
A King serves and protects his people - but ONLY because they have
accepted and acknowledged him as their King and Leader.
And lastly, men want a homemaker. They want a woman who will create a
happy home environment for the children and family to grow up in, and a
happy environment for them to come back to after the stress and rigors of
work. Men want a mate who will make the feeding, nurturing and caring of
the family a priority.
Whilst this philosophy may not fit into the reality of the dual income
household of the 21st century according to human comprehension, it does fit
in with Gods plans.
God is NOT a human being that he should change; and his ways are NOT our
Whilst the above is by no means an exhaustive list, for most men and women
who have not succumbed to the conditioning of society, or have been
hoodwinked by political correctness, the points in this list would resonate clearly
with them.

KB Davies

Tel: +44 (0) 203 1294272
Mob: +44 (0) 7958 105267
Mob: +44 (0) 7904 032515

Transformational Power

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