Configuration Management Standard

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The key takeaways are configuration management principles like revision control, change management, and release management.

The main components of configuration management are revision control, change management, and release management.

Change control manages changes to products while revision control manages changes to individual artifacts or documents.


CxOne Standard


November 4, 2002

Advancing the Art and

Science of Commercial
Software Engineering

Configuration Management - CxOne Standard

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 GOALS ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................... 1
1.4 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER CKAS .............................................................................. 1
1.5 RELATIONSHIP TO EXTERNAL STANDARDS .............................................................. 2
1.5.1 SWEBOK.................................................................................................................... 2
1.5.2 IEEE Standards ......................................................................................................... 2

2 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .............................................................................. 3

2.1 HOW TO ALLOCATE CM ACTIVITIES........................................................................ 3
2.2 SYSTEM CM VS. PROJECT CM ................................................................................. 3
2.3 HOW TO MANAGE CM ............................................................................................. 3
3 REVISION CONTROL .................................................................................................. 4
3.1 IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 4
3.2 STORAGE .................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 VERSIONING ............................................................................................................. 4
4 CHANGE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 5
4.1 CHANGE CONTROL VS. REVISION CONTROL ............................................................ 5
4.2 ARTIFACT LIFECYCLE .............................................................................................. 5
4.2.1 Draft Stage................................................................................................................. 6
4.2.2 Accepted Stage........................................................................................................... 6

4.3 EXPLICIT VS. IMPLICIT CHANGE CONTROL............................................................... 7

4.4 CHANGE CONTROL BOARD ...................................................................................... 7
4.4.1 Defects vs. Change Requests ..................................................................................... 7
4.4.2 Preparing Change Requests ...................................................................................... 7
4.4.3 Assessing Impact of Changes..................................................................................... 8
4.4.4 Accepting or Rejecting a Change Request................................................................. 8
4.4.5 Recording a Change Request..................................................................................... 8

5 RELEASE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 9

5.1 TYPES OF RELEASES ................................................................................................. 9
5.2 WHAT MAKES A RELEASE ........................................................................................ 9
5.3 VERSIONING ............................................................................................................. 9

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Configuration Management - CxOne Standard

1 Introduction
This standard defines CxOnes taxonomy for the configuration management CKA, along with
standardized descriptions of configuration management processes.

1.1 Overview
CxOne defines configuration management (CM) as revision control, change management,
and release management for software projects. Although configuration management activities
may seem somewhat disparate, there is a common thread linking them: identifying the state
of project deliverables at a given point in time and ensuring project deliverables are delivered
according to plan (including scope and quality goals).
This is accomplished by identifying and tracking all elements, groups of elements, and versions of those elements (revision control); ensuring that artifacts and deliverables match the
scope of planned and actual work (change management); and providing releases of deliverables that have holistic integrity and support deployment goals (release management).

1.2 Goals
CxOne support for software configuration management focuses on the following goals:

Defining a common terminology.

Distillation of common principles into readily available checklist items.
Provide a resource for information about existing best practices, methodologies, and
Increase productivity by addressing issues in a uniform fashion, reducing common
errors, duplication of effort, and multiple solutions for the same problem.

1.3 Background
CxOne configuration management materials are synthesized from many sources including the
SWEBOK, IEEE software standards, Steve McConnells works, other industry sources and
literature, and Construxs experience with software projects, consulting, and training.

1.4 Relationship to other CKAs

Configuration management activities permeate most software engineering activities. CxOne
focuses on revision control, change management, and release management for the configuration management CKA because they are core CM activities that stand on their own. CxOne
has chosen to define other CM related activities in other CKAs to increase usability.
The planning and management of CM activities is defined as part of the management CKA,
creating builds is part of the construction CKA, and tracing is dealt with where it is most
useful (requirements, design, and quality).

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1.5 Relationship to External Standards

1.5.1 SWEBOK
The CxOne configuration management area has made the following adaptations of the
SWEBOK organization:

Management of the SCM Process is dealt with in the management CKA.


Software Configuration Identification, Control, and Status Accounting have been restructured into revision control and change control.


Software Configuration Auditing is part of the quality CKA.


Release Management and Delivery is part of release management, except for software building which is dealt with as part of the construction CKA.

These changes were made to support a more pragmatic, usable taxonomy for materials.

1.5.2 IEEE Standards

IEEE 610 defines configuration management as:
A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to:
identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration
item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing
and implementation status, and verify compliance with requirements.
CxOne material explicitly and implicitly supports IEEE 610, but as noted in the SWEBOK
section some CM issues are supported in other CKAs for usability reasons.

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Configuration Management - CxOne Standard

2 Configuration Management
This section covers global Configuration Management (CM) issues. The top level sections
following this one provide an overview of the revision control, change management, and
release management.

2.1 How to Allocate CM Activities

Since CM activities are spread across project activities, CM is a team sport. How CM activities are split up will vary depending on the needs of a project. How CM goals are accomplished is not as important is that they get done with the appropriate level of detail.

2.2 System CM vs. Project CM

Configuration management sometimes mistakenly focuses on functional system artifacts
(e.g., code). In CxOne configuration management is applied to all project artifacts. As a basic
example, every document and e-mail on the project should be under some form of revision
control in addition to code.

2.3 How to Manage CM

Management of CM activities are usually done through a number of mechanisms, including
selecting processes and assigning staff responsibilities.
Examples of how CM activities can be managed include:

Ensuring the project planning has an appropriate level of CM structure for the project

Explicitly delegating CM activities to appropriate leads

Assigning a CM Lead for a project with complex CM needs

Having one or more Change Control Boards (CCBs) and building project management workflow around the CCBs.

Defining a versioning scheme that fits the projects lifecycle and schedule

Creating intuitive and usable organizational structures for project information

Using traceability to verify consistency between different types of artifacts (e.g., requirements and test cases)

Internal and external audits

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Configuration Management - CxOne Standard

3 Revision Control
Revision control consists of the identification, storage, and management of projects artifacts
and the revisions over time of those artifacts. Projects use revision control to avoid inadvertent changes, determine the state of the system or project at any point in time, enable project
builds, provide support for change control, prevent tampering, etc.
Almost all aspects of revision control are supportable by modern software engineering revision control tools; it does not make sense to attempt software development without this support. CxOne requires a robust revision control tool infrastructure in place.

3.1 Identification
Projects should identify the items under revision control on the project. Identification can be
done in a variety of methods and to different levels of detail. Final selections of these are left
to the project team.
Examples of configuration items include:
Product artifacts such as executable code, source code, user documentation, etc.
Project artifacts such as project plans, work breakdown structures, specifications, test
plans test cases
Acquired elements such as software libraries, COTS packages, and test tools
Examples of identification methods include:
Revision control tools
Standard naming and/or numbering conventions
Self describing organizational structures (e.g., well named folder hierarchies)
Document maps

3.2 Storage
Projects should identify where project artifacts reside and what tools are used to control their
revision history. When appropriate, the project should discuss on how to remove, add, revise,
or recover elements from the library.

3.3 Versioning
Projects will normally have several levels of versioning for artifacts and groups of artifacts.
Revision control software greatly facilitates this process, providing revision history for individual items, and the ability to label, branch, or otherwise identify at a unique point in time
specific artifacts and versions of artifacts.
The versioning of artifacts is often tightly coupled with building the system and release management of the system.

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Configuration Management - CxOne Standard

4 Change Management
Change management consists of the systematic identification, analysis, tracking, and control
of changes to project artifacts. Projects use change management to decrease feature creep,
increase visibility into changes, and understand changes to project scope.
In CxOne, change management has two major components, change control and Corrective
Activity Management (CAM). Change control activities deal with identifying, approving,
and executing changes to artifacts. The change management portion of CAM deals with managing the details associated with proposed changes, ensuring project planning reflects
changes, and managing the execution of approved changes.
This section deals primarily with change control. See CxPattern_CamDatabase and CxPattern_ChangeManagementDatabase for a description of change management in CAM.

4.1 Change Control vs. Revision Control

Revision control focuses on the use of tools that allow changes to a rapidly evolving artifact
to be sequentially captured and retraced, if necessary. This allows an artifact to undergo rapid
development while retaining the safety of backup copies and some measure of control.
Change control focuses on procedures by which changes to an accepted artifact are carefully
proposed, assessed, conditionally accepted, and applied. Change control provides a measure
of stability and safety beyond that of revision control tools.

4.2 Artifact Lifecycle

Change control oversees the revision of artifacts that have achieved a certain level of completeness and are designated for change control by project plans. Change control ensures that
changes during a software project occur in a defined, visible, and controlled fashion.
The artifact CM lifecycle from initial concept to final release is shown below in Figure 1-1.
ac n
tif tio
A r ep

and Acceptance

Accepted Stage

Changes made
informally using
revision control

Changes through
change control



t i f ed
Ar etir

Draft Stage

Figure 1-1: Artifact CM Lifecycle

The artifact (which may be any project artifact including a document, source code, binary
component, art work, etc.) begins life in a draft stage. As the artifact develops, changes are

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made informally and work progresses using revision control. When the artifact reaches an
expected state of completeness, it undergoes review and acceptance. Once accepted, the artifact is considered baselined and enters the formal change control stage where all changes
need to be approved by the Change Control Board (CCB).
Not all artifacts are explicitly placed under change control. Many artifacts like source code
are implicitly placed under change control because the upstream artifacts they need to remain
consistent with are under change control. CxOne defines explicit change control as direct
control by the CCB and implicit change control as control through upstream artifacts.
Once released the artifact enters a maintenance stage. How the maintenance stage is handled
is very dependent on the project, organization, and artifact in question. Eventually an artifact
is retired, which normally means it is no longer in use (or at least no longer supported).

4.2.1 Draft Stage

During the draft stage the artifact is undergoing frequent and rapid change before it becomes
stable. At this stage, it is inappropriate to apply change control to the artifact since the overhead of controlling changes merely obstructs efficient creation of the artifact. However, this
stage of development may comprise a significant body of work that needs some level of identification, storage robustness and coordinate beyond sitting on someones local storage, which
is what revision control provides. Revision control provides automated support for saving and
restoring versions of project artifacts such as documents and computer source code without
the burden of a formal change process.
An informal determination should be made by the engineer(s) working on the artifact as to
when to place the artifact under revision control. Normally the revision control overhead
should be low enough to have artifacts be placed in revision control very close to their inception. Since formal change control is not occurring at this stage, it is the responsibility of each
engineer to use prudent judgment and professional practice to store revisions of the artifact at
appropriate intervals.

4.2.2 Accepted Stage

Once formative development is complete, the artifact will go through formal acceptance. The
determination of this point in the development process will be defined in the configuration
management plan. An artifact accepted into change control is often referred to as baselined.
The artifact is now called a revision instead of a draft. Subsequent changes to the artifact
are under the control of the Change Control Board (CCB).
Acceptance includes review of the artifact to determine if it is ready for change control. The
CCB will determine if anyone besides the engineer(s) is necessary to determine that the artifact is ready for change control.
Artifacts that are in the Accepted stage still utilize revision control tools and procedures.

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4.3 Explicit vs. Implicit Change Control

Due to the overhead involved, it doesnt make sense to place all artifacts under control of the
CCB. It often makes sense to place only up-stream, high leverage, and critical documents
under the CCB, letting the CCB indirectly control changes to the downstream artifacts.
For instance, on most projects the CCB is unlikely to make direct decisions about whether
changes will be made to specific source code files. However, changes to those source code
files will be indirectly controlled by CCB actions on other project artifacts like the requirements or design.
The CM plan determines which artifacts will be placed directly under change control. These
artifacts are said to be under explicit change control. The CM plan may also call out artifacts
that are being indirectly controlled by the CCB, or those artifacts may be inferred from the
explicit change control artifacts. Either way, such artifacts are referred to as being under
implicit change control. Implicit change control usually captures most artifacts on a project,
but if there are artifacts that are intended to not be under explicit or implicit change control
they should be called out in the CM plan.

4.4 Change Control Board

The change control board (CCB) is responsible for processing change requests. The CCB will
make the final determination of changes to artifacts under change control. The CCB will solicit input from affected stakeholders and then make prioritization decisions based on that
input. The CCB will involve all appropriate stakeholders when making decisions.
Larger or more complex projects may need multiple change control boards for different areas,
or a hierarchy of change control boards to deal with varying detail and impact of issues.
In all cases, the structure and use of the CCB should be driven by balancing an appropriate
level of control with a minimization of overhead.

4.4.1 Defects vs. Change Requests

Defects are not normally processed by the CCB, but on some projects this may be appropriate. There can often be a blurry line between some defects and change requests, so projects
should be aware of this and plan appropriately. CxPattern_DefectManagementDatabase describes an appeal mechanism where a defect can be appealed to the CCB.

4.4.2 Preparing Change Requests

Change requests should have as much information as possible gathered before they are presented to the CCB. CxOne recommends utilizing a database to record, store, and track change
The submitter of each change request should incorporate some type of cost/benefit analysis,
normally as much as the submitter is capable of providing. The level or rigor of this analysis
will depend on the nature of the project and the size of the request. The estimated impact to

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the project in terms of schedule, cost, risk, or other factor should be estimated, along with the
estimated benefit of making the change.
The CCB will use this information as a starting point and ensure that all stakeholders are
informed of the change and agree with the cost/benefit analysis.

4.4.3 Assessing Impact of Changes

Once a change request has been submitted to the CCB, the change request is circulated to
those stakeholders that the CCB identifies as being impacted by the change. These stakeholders are responsible for producing or verifying estimates of the impact and benefits of
implementing the proposed change, and for estimating the impact or effect of not completing
the change.
The CCB may reject a proposed change out-of-hand if it determines that the cost of assessing
the impact outweighs its perceived benefit. In the interest of efficiency, the CCB may decide
to queue a series of change requests to be processed as a group. This will depend upon the
frequency and importance of change requests as determined by the CCB.
Proposed changes should conform to CxCheck_ChangeRequest.

4.4.4 Accepting or Rejecting a Change Request

Once the impact of the proposed change to the entire project is assessed, the CCB must make
a decision whether to accept or reject the change request. The CCB needs to reach a unanimous decision on a change request to move forward. This decision will be reached by balancing the costs and benefits of a change request.
If accepted, the change request must be prioritized in relation to other development work
making the necessary trade-offs between time, function, and effort. CCB will determine
where a change requests priority fits in relation to work already underway or scheduled.

4.4.5 Recording a Change Request

Regardless of whether a change is approved or rejected, the following information is recorded
in the change request database and made available to the party submitting the change proposal (and any other interested parties that desire to monitor the progress of the artifact):

The date, description, and party submitting the change request.

The estimated impact of the change on schedule, cost, and/or risk
The date when the change was accepted or rejected.
If accepted, the overall impact on the project schedule, cost, and risk (which includes the
effects of any mitigating strategies and their descriptions).
If rejected, the reason for rejection.
The CCB will provide notification of meetings and their agenda and disseminate the results
of its actions. Interested parties may elect to attend the CCB meeting in order to represent
their interests. The CCB retains the right to evaluate and make a determination on all change
requests in private before opening them up for public debate.

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5 Release Management
Release management consists of the identification, packaging, and delivery of the elements of
the product to an external or internal customer.
Identification determines what is released the customer, e.g., user documentation, executables, release notes, etc. Packaging determines the form in which it is released, e.g., zip file vs.
install program. Delivery determines how it is released to the customer, e.g., shrink-wrap
vs. web download, etc.

5.1 Types of Releases

Projects may have many different types of releases to different audiences. Releases are normally tied to project milestones. They may be consumed by internal audiences (e.g., quality
control releases) or by external ones (e.g., product release at the end of a project).

5.2 What makes a Release

A release is when a project makes an explicit effort to identify, marshal, and deliver a set of
artifacts. What constitutes a release is defined by the unique needs of each project.
Releases always have:

Deliverables These are the intended deliverables defined for the release. They could
range from initial project documentation to gold master images for a product.

Releases also usually include some form of:

Versioning Releases normally have one or more versions that represent a particular
configuration of release deliverables.

Release Documentation Information about the release delivered apart from the deliverables. Often used to capture deviations between the planned and actual release.

Deployment Support If necessary or appropriate, setup or deployment software or

instructions, hardware and software requirements, resource requirements, etc.

Release Map Formal releases use this to describe the physical contents of the release and any other pertinent CM information related to the release.

5.3 Versioning
Versioning allows the deliverables that make up a release to be managed and for differences
in system deliverable configuration over time to be communicated.
Versioning at the revision control level allows for proper identification of artifacts to be released. There may also be versioning to control different versions of sub-systems that are put
together to make a final release version. There is usually a global release version which defines a snapshot of the state of all artifacts that make up a release. There may be customer

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release versions that communicate interpretability to customers. There may be marketing

versions that communicate product information to the marketplace.
Many software products also require internal operational versioning that allows the software
to correctly interact with different versions of itself in the field, or allow for identification of
deployed states as part of customer support or maintenance. This sort of product versioning
needs to be identified as part of release management, but may also be tightly coupled to the
behavior of the product itself (e.g., communication protocol versioning, where the software
needs to make functional decisions based on the version) or to a critical support function like
product marketing (e.g., how does the version of this product fit with our product families).

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