CCNP - Iscw 1
CCNP - Iscw 1
CCNP - Iscw 1
Implementing Secure
Converged Wide
Area Networks
Volume 1
Version 1.0
Student Guide
Editorial, Production, and Graphic Services: 07.21.06
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Table of Contents
Volume 1
Course Introduction
Learner Skills and Knowledge
Course Goal and Objectives
Course Flow
Additional References
Cisco Glossary of Terms
Your Training Curriculum
Teleworker Connectivity
Module Objectives
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2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Module Objectives
The MPLS Conceptual Model
Basic MPLS Features
Example: MPLS Concepts
Router Switching Mechanisms
What Are Cisco IOS Platform Switching Mechanisms?
Using Standard IP Switching
What Is CEF Switching Architecture?
MPLS Architecture
Example: Control Plane Components
MPLS Labels
Label Format
Label Stack
Example: Frame Mode MPLS
Label Switch Routers
LSR Component Architecture
Component Architecture of LSR
Component Architecture of Edge LSR
Label Allocation in a Frame Mode MPLS Environment
Example: Label Allocation
Allocating Labels
LIB and LFIB Setup
Label Distribution and Advertisement
Receiving Label Advertisement
Interim Packet Propagation Through an MPLS Network
Further Label Allocation
Receiving Label Advertisement
Populating the LFIB Table
Packet Propagation Across an MPLS Network
Penultimate Hop Popping
Example: Before the Introduction of the PHP
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IPsec VPNs
Module Objectives
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Using DPD and Cisco IOS Keepalive Features with Multiple Peers in the Crypto Map
Configuration Example
Hot Standby Routing Protocol
HSRP Operation
HSRP for Default Gateway at Remote Site
HSRP for Headend IPsec Routers
IPsec Stateful Failover
Restrictions for Stateful Failover for IPsec
IPsec Stateful Failover Example
Backing Up a WAN Connection with an IPsec VPN
Backing Up a WAN Connection with an IPsec VPN: Example Using GRE over IPsec
Configuring Cisco Easy VPN and Easy VPN Server Using SDM
Introducing Cisco Easy VPN
Cisco Easy VPN Components
Remote Access Using Cisco Easy VPN
Describe Easy VPN Server and Easy VPN Remote
Step 1: The VPN Client Initiates the IKE Phase 1 Process
Step 2: The VPN Client Establishes an ISAKMP SA
Step 3: The Cisco Easy VPN Server Accepts the SA Proposal
Step 4: The Cisco Easy VPN Server Initiates a Username and Password Challenge
Step 5: The Mode Configuration Process Is Initiated
Step 6: The RRI Process Is Initiated
Step 7: IPsec Quick Mode Completes the Connection
Cisco Easy VPN Server Configuration Tasks
Cisco Easy VPN Server Configuration Tasks for the Easy VPN Server Wizard
Configuring Easy VPN Server
VPN Wizards
Enabling AAA
Local User Management
Creating Users
Enabling AAA
Starting the Easy VPN Server Wizard
Select Interface for Terminating IPsec
IKE Proposals
Transform Set
Group Policy Configuration Location
Option 1: Local Router Configuration
Option 2: External Location via RADIUS
User Authentication
Option 1: Local User Database
Adding Users
Option 2: External User Database via RADIUS
Local Group Policies
General Parameters
Domain Name System
Split Tunneling
Advanced Options
Xauth Options
Completing the Configuration
Verify the Easy VPN Server Configuration
Monitoring Easy VPN Server
Advanced Monitoring
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Cisco VPN Client Configuration Tasks
Use the Cisco VPN Client to Establish a VPN Connection and Verify the Connection Status
Task 1: Install Cisco VPN Client
Task 2: Create a New Client Connection Entry
Task 3: Configure Client Authentication Properties
Mutual Group Authentication
Task 4: Configure Transparent Tunneling
Routing Table
Task 5: Enable and Add Backup Servers
Task 6: Configure Connection to the Internet Through Dial-Up Networking
Module Summary
Module Self-Check
Module Self-Check Answer Key
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Course Introduction
Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks (ISCW) is an advanced course that
introduces techniques and features enabling or enhancing WAN and remote access solutions.
The course focuses on using one or more of the available WAN connection technologies for
remote access between enterprise sites.
This course includes cable modems and DSL with Network Address Translation (NAT),
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), virtual private networks (VPNs), and network security
using VPNs with IPSec encryption and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) keys. After taking this
course, learners will be able to secure the network environment using existing Cisco IOS
security features, and configure the three primary components of the Cisco IOS Firewall
Feature set: firewall, intrusion prevention system (IPS), and authentication, authorization, and
accounting (AAA). This task-oriented course teaches the knowledge and skills needed to secure
Cisco IOS router networks using features and commands in Cisco IOS software, and using a
router configuration application. ISCW is part of the recommended learning path for students
seeking the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP).
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ISCW v1.03
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ISCW v1.04
Course Goal
The goal of the ISCW course is to expand the reach of
the enterprise network to teleworkers and remote
sites. The theme of implementing a highly available
network with connectivity options, such as VPN and
wireless, is highlighted.
Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks
ISCW v1.05
Upon completing this course, you will be able to meet these objectives:
Describe the remote connectivity requirements for secured access and explain the
alignment of these requirements with Cisco network architectures
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Course Introduction
Course Flow
This topic presents the suggested flow of the course materials.
Course Flow
Day 1
Day 2
Frame Mode
M Requirements
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
IPsec VPNs
Cisco Device
Lab: 4-2
Lab: 5-1
Lab: 3-1
Lab: 6-1
IPsec VPNs
Frame Mode
Lab: 4-3
Cisco Device
M Simulation: 2-1
Frame Mode
IPsec VPNs
Lab: 5-2
Lab: 4-4
Cisco Device
Cisco Device
Lab: 5-3
IPsec VPNs
Lab: 4-1
Lab: 6-2
Cisco IOS Threat
Defense Features
Lab: 6-3
ISCW v1.06
The schedule reflects the recommended structure for this course. This structure allows enough
time for the instructor to present the course information and for you to work through the lab
activities. The exact timing of the subject materials and labs depends on the pace of your
specific class.
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Additional References
This topic presents the Cisco icons and symbols that are used in this course, as well as
information on where to find additional technical references.
Optical Fiber
Router with
ISCW v1.07
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Course Introduction
ISCW v1.08
You are encouraged to join the Cisco Certification Community, a discussion forum open to
anyone holding a valid Cisco Career Certification (such as Cisco CCIE, CCNA, CCDA,
CCNP, CCDP, CCIP, CCVP, or CCSP). It provides a gathering place for Cisco
certified professionals to share questions, suggestions, and information about Cisco Career
Certification programs and other certification-related topics. For more information, visit
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ISCW v1.09
Course Introduction
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Module 1
Network Connectivity
This module describes conceptual network models that affect converged networks and the
services that run on those networks. The module explains the Cisco vision of the Intelligent
Information Network (IIN) and the Cisco Service-Oriented Network Architecture (SONA). The
remote connectivity infrastructure and services is discussed within the Cisco enterprise
architecture, explaining the diversity of access options for branch offices and teleworkers, with
a focus on security.
Module Objectives
Upon completing this module, you will be able to describe the remote connectivity
requirements for secured access and explain the alignment of these requirements with Cisco
network architectures.
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Lesson 1
Describing Network
Conceptual network models that affect converged networks and the services they offer also
affect the integration of remote offices and teleworkers into enterprise networks. This lesson
starts with introducing the Cisco Systems vision of the Intelligent Information Network (IIN)
and the Cisco Service-Oriented Network Architecture (SONA). This architectural framework
shifts the view of the network from a pure traffic transport-oriented view toward a service- and
application-oriented view. The Cisco Enterprise Architecture is explained and aligned with the
traditional three-layer hierarchical network model. Remote connectivity infrastructure and
services options are discussed, and the lesson concludes with an example showing a variety of
advanced technology options for secure access.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the remote connectivity requirements
and their alignment with Cisco network architectures. This ability includes being able to meet
these objectives:
Explain the Cisco conceptual network models, such as Cisco Enterprise Architecture and
the Cisco hierarchical network model
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ISCW v1.01-3
Intelligence across multiple products and infrastructure layers. The intelligence built into
each component of the network is extended network-wide and applies end-to-end.
Active participation of the network in the delivery of services and applications. With added
intelligence within the network devices, the IIN makes it possible for the network to
actively manage, monitor, and optimize service and application delivery across the entire
IT environment.
The described features show that the IIN offers much more than basic connectivity, bandwidth
for users, and access to applications. The IIN offers end-to-end functionality and a centralized,
unified control that promotes true business transparency and agility.
The IIN technology vision offers an evolutionary approach that consists of three phases in
which functionality can be added to the infrastructure as required:
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Integrated services: Once the network infrastructure has been converged, IT resources can
be pooled, and shared or virtualized to flexibly address the changing needs of the
organization. Integrated services help to unify common elements, such as storage and data
center server capacity. By extending virtualization capabilities to encompass server,
storage, and network elements, an organization can transparently use all of its resources
more efficiently. Business continuity is also enhanced because shared resources across the
IIN provide services in the event of a local systems failure.
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ISCW v1.01-4
Cisco SONA uses the extensive product line, services, proven architectures, and experience of
Cisco and its partners to help the enterprises achieve their business goals.
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ISCW v1.01-5
The SONA framework brings forth the notion that the network is the common element that
connects and enables all components of the IT infrastructure. The SONA outlines these three
layers of the IIN:
The networked infrastructure layer: This is where all the IT resources are interconnected
across a converged network foundation. The IT resources include servers, storage, and
clients. The network infrastructure layer represents how these resources exist in different
places in the network, including the campus, branch, data center, WAN, metropolitan-area
network (MAN), and teleworker. The objective for customers in this layer is to have
anywhere and anytime connectivity.
Mobility services
Storage services
Computer services
Services management
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The application layer: This includes business applications and collaboration applications.
The objective for customers in this layer is to meet business requirements and achieve
efficiencies by leveraging the interactive services layer.
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ISCW v1.01-7
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Cisco Enterprise WAN Architecture: Offers the convergence of voice, video, and data
services over a single IP Communications network. This enables the enterprise to costeffectively span large geographic areas. QoS, granular service levels, and comprehensive
encryption options help ensure the secure delivery of high-quality corporate voice, video,
and data resources to all corporate sitesenabling staff to work productively and
efficiently wherever they are located. Security is provided with multiservice VPNs (IPsec
and MPLS) over Layer 2 or Layer 3 WANs, hub-and-spoke, or full-mesh topologies.
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ISCW v1.01-8
The model provides a modular framework that allows flexibility in network design, and
facilitates ease of implementation and troubleshooting. The hierarchical model divides
networks or their modular blocks into the access, distribution, and core layers, with these
Access layer: Used to grant user access to network devices. In a network campus, the
access layer generally incorporates switched LAN devices with ports that provide
connectivity to workstations and servers. In the WAN environment, the access layer at
remote sites or teleworkers may provide access to the corporate network across WAN
Distribution layer: Aggregates the wiring closets, using switches to segment workgroups
and isolate network problems in a campus environment. Similarly, the distribution layer
aggregates WAN connection at the edge of the campus and provides policy-based
The hierarchical model can be applied to any network type, such as LANs, WANs, Wireless
LANs (WLANs), MANs, and VPNs, and to any modular block of the Cisco networking model.
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ISCW v1.01-9
A branch office or remote site typically has fewer users, and therefore needs a WAN
connection with lower requirements in terms of bandwidth and availability.
Remote sites typically connect to the central site and also sometimes connect to some other
remote sites. Telecommuters may also require access to remote sites.
Remote site traffic can vary, but is typically sporadic. The network designer must determine
whether it is more cost-effective to offer either a permanent or on-demand solution.
The remote site must have a variety of equipment, but does not require the same level of
complexity as the central site. Typical WAN technologies used to connect a remote site to the
central site include:
Leased line
Frame Relay
Multiple access options: Remote users will connect to the branch site using various media.
Branch site WANs must allow for multiple media options and simultaneous access by
multiple users. The branch office must also have connectivity to the central or SOHO site.
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Cost: Depending on the traffic types and connectivity requirements, various connectivity
options are typically consideredpermanent or on-demand, public and private networks,
Access control: To prevent unauthorized traffic, routers and firewalls use a set of rules that
permit or deny certain traffic. Access control is commonly applied to router interfaces, and
can be configured to control which data sessions can pass and which will fail.
Secure connectivity: Remote sites and mobile workers can gain secure access to corporate
intranets by using VPN solutions, such as IPsec VPN or MPLS VPN.
Authentication: The remote site must be able to authenticate itself to the central site.
Infrastructure availability: Service providers may not offer certain WAN services in
some regions. This consideration generally becomes more critical as sites are set up in
more remote locations.
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Remote Site
Central site
Branch office
SOHO site
ISCW v1.01-11
A company with multiple sites that vary in size will need a remote network to connect the
various locations. Typical locations include these sites:
Central site: The central site is a large site that is often the corporate headquarters or a
major office. Regional offices, SOHOs, and mobile workers may need to connect to the
central site for data and information. Because users may access the central site via multiple
WAN technologies, it is important that the central site accommodate many types of WAN
connections from remote locations. The central site is often referred to as headquarters, the
enterprise, or corporate.
Branch office: The branch office is an office that generally accommodates employees who
have a compelling reason to be located away from the central site, such as a regional sale.
Branch office users must be able to connect to the central site to access company
information. Branch office is sometimes called remote site, remote office, or sales office.
Branch offices can benefit from high-speed Internet access, VPN connectivity to corporate
intranets, telecommuting capabilities for work-at-home employees, video conferencing, and
economical public switched telephone network (PSTN)-quality voice and fax calls over the
managed IP networks.
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SOHO site: The SOHO site, sometimes referred to as Branch of One, is a small office with
one to several employees, or the home office of a telecommuter. Telecommuters may also
be mobile users, that is, users who need access while traveling, or who do not work at a
fixed company site. Depending on the amount of use and the WAN services available,
telecommuters working from home tend to use dialup and broadband services. Mobile
users tend to access the company network via an asynchronous dialup connection through
the telephone company, or may access the corporate intranet using broadband Internet
service and the VPN client software on their laptops. Telecommuters working from home
may also use a VPN tunnel gateway router for encrypted data and voice traffic to and from
the company intranet. These solutions provide simple and safe access for branch offices or
SOHOs to the corporate network site, according to the needs of the users at the sites.
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ISCW v1.01-12
Internet access is migrating from dialup modems with slow connections to broadband access,
using a variety of technologies with much faster transport speeds. The technology takes
advantage of existing telephone and cable television distribution infrastructures to provide
broadband access to the Internet. While there is no universal definition of broadband, the U.S.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) considers advanced telecom or high speed to be
defined as 200 kbps or greater. Generally, a speed of 128 kbps is adequate for most users.
Broadband can allow remote office staff and SOHO users to connect to the central site at higher
data rates than are available with traditional on-demand technologies.
High-speed broadband access to the Internet through a broadband point of presence (POP) and
then to corporate networks using secure VPNs is a reality for many users in the networked
world today. This broadband access has the potential to directly improve employee
productivity, and to provide a foundation for new voice and video business services over the
Many corporations and educational institutions have instituted broadband solutions for access
by suppliers, customers, and staff. The use of the Internet for secure site-to-site connectivity
using VPNs is increasing (IPsec VPN), especially for less critical traffic.
Broadband access options, in addition to the legacy dedicated circuit-switching and packetswitching technologies, include DSL and cable modems.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
The SONA framework guides the evolution of the enterprise
network towards IIN.
Cisco Enterprise Architecture with a hierarchical network
model facilitates the deployment of converged networks.
There are two typical types of remote locations: branch office
and SOHO site.
Several different possibilities exist as to how to connect
remote locations with the central site: IPsec VPNs, MPLS
VPNs, DSL, or cable.
ISCW v1.01-13
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
Module Summary
Cisco provides several conceptual network models: IIN,
SONA, and Cisco Enterprise Architecture.
Secure remote access is implemented within the Teleworker,
Branch, and WAN architectures of the Cisco Enterprise
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ISCW v1.01-1
Module 2
Teleworker Connectivity
Modern companies employ people from all over the world who live too far from the main
office to be able to commute to work every day. These employees need to connect to the
network at the headquarters to be able to work from their home offices. There are many
different ways to connect the teleworkers to the central office and still provide them both speed
and security.
Module Objectives
Upon completing this module, you will be able to describe and implement teleworker
broadband connectivity. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe the WAN, branch, and SOHO modules that represent remote connections to the
enterprise network
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Lesson 1
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the WAN, branch, and small office,
home office (SOHO) modules that represent remote connections to the enterprise network. This
ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Explain the typical remote connections that an enterprise network has to support
Describe the challenges faced in connecting teleworkers to the enterprise network, and the
solutions that exist to address these challenges
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ISCW v1.02-3
Enterprises require intelligent networks that help them increase application and service
effectiveness, and productivity throughout the WAN. At the same time, intelligent networks
make it possible to migrate disparate enterprise data, voice, and video networks to a converged,
scalable, and dependable IP-based network.
Intelligent networks enable enterprises to reduce costs, because enterprises work globally and
span multiple sites, including, for example, central office (CO), remote sites (regional offices
and branch offices), and teleworkers (SOHO and mobile workers).
The figure illustrates various remote connection topologies that modern enterprise networks
have to support. In some cases, the remote locations connect only to the headquarters (HQ),
while in other cases, remote locations must connect to multiple sites (the SOHO in the figure
connects both to the branch office as well as to the HQ).
The Cisco Enterprise Architecture framework provides solutions to meet all remote
connectivity requirements.
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ISCW v1.02-4
The WAN building block: Used to connect the campus, data center, branch, and
teleworker into an enterprise network.
The data center architecture: Addresses the adaptive and cohesive infrastructure to
adhere to consolidation, business continuance, and security while deploying the serviceoriented architectures, virtualization, and on-demand computing. Management is
simplified, overhead is reduced, and IT easily provides various users (for example,
departmental staff, customers, and suppliers) secure access to resources and applications.
Redundant data centers are deployed providing backup, and server and application loadbalancing allow maximized performance.
The enterprise branch architecture: Head office applications and services (secure access
to voice, mission-critical data, and video applications) are extended to a large number of
remote locations and are available anywhere, anytime. The advanced services such as
security, switching, network analysis, caching, voice, and video are implemented within
integrated services devices, such as the Cisco integrated services routers (ISRs), and can be
deployed when needed. The management, configuration, and monitoring of remote devices
can be done centrally.
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Teleworker Connectivity
The enterprise teleworker architecture: Provides secure delivery of voice and data
services to remote small or home offices over broadband access service, offering
employees a flexible work environment. Centralized management minimizes support
overhead and costs. Integrated security allows easy extension of HQ security policies to the
teleworker. The always-on virtual private network (VPN) allows employees to easily
access authorized services and applications, and the addition of IP phones enhances
productivity by allowing access to centralized IP Communications with voice and unified
The enterprise WAN architecture: Offers voice, video, and data traffic convergence over
a single IP network and addresses secure and proper delivery of corporate voice, video, and
data traffic. This is achieved with the deployment of intelligent quality of service (QoS)
mechanisms, granular service levels, and comprehensive encryption options. Security is
provided by deploying multiservice VPNs based on Multiprotocol Label Switching
(MPLS) or IPsec over Layer 2 and Layer 3 WAN technologies in hub-and-spoke, partialmesh, or full-mesh topologies.
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ISCW v1.02-5
Three of the goals of the Enterprise Architecture framework include the following:
Protection: Helps the enterprise to avoid, mitigate, and rapidly recover from potentially
costly business threats or disruptions by ensuring the continuous access to applications,
services, and data across an entire enterprise network.
Lower the cost of operations: Helps to reduce the management and operational overhead,
and deployment and maintenance expenses.
Growth: Allows for quick, cost-effective addition of new users, branches, applications,
and services. This allows the network to scale and for business to grow to quickly
accommodate emerging technologies and new products.
Traditional private WAN Layer 2 technologies, such as Frame Relay, ATM, and leased
lines, in which the security of the connection depends on the service provider. You should
use strong encryption with IPsec VPNs to strengthen security.
Site-to-site and remote access with IPsec VPNs over the public Internet offer connection
security at a low cost.
Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-7
Provide secure, reliable, manageable employee access to critical network assets and
confidential information.
Cost-effectively extend data, voice, video, and real-time applications over a common
network connection.
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The Challenges
The first consideration that needs to be addressed when connecting the teleworker is the choice
of a suitable access network technology.
The Challenges
Network infrastructure options for network access:
Residential cable
Infrastructure services options:
IPsec VPN: Secures the connection
Security: Defines the overall security policy
Authentication: Defines secure access
QoS: Defines application availability and behavior
Management: Defines the management framework
ISCW v1.02-8
The teleworker typically uses diverse applications such as e-mail, web-based applications,
mission-critical applications, real-time collaboration, voice, video, and videoconferencing,
many of which require a high-bandwidth connection. Therefore, the first factors to consider in a
remote connectivity solution are the access network technology and the bandwidth availability.
Two possible options providing high bandwidth include residential cable and DSL. A modem
dialup connection, because of its low bandwidth, is not sufficient for the teleworker solution.
A further consideration involves infrastructure services options such as the following:
IPsec VPN: Establishes a secure tunnel over the existing broadband connection between
the teleworker remote sites and the central site. Site-to-site VPNs are used to achieve an
always-on transparent VPN connection. Remote access VPNs are used to provide an ondemand secured connection.
Security: Safeguards the corporate network and prevents unguarded back doorsthe
security measures are achieved by deploying firewall, intrusion prevention, and URL
filtering services. Depending on the enterprise corporate secure policy, split tunneling may
be used to share the broadband connection between secured corporate access and unsecured
Internet access at the same time.
Teleworker Connectivity
QoS: Addresses the application availability and behaviorthe QoS mechanisms have to be
used to prioritize the traffic, optimize the use of WAN bandwidth, address the difference in
uplink and downlink speed of broadband connection, and achieve adequate performance for
applications sensitive to delay and jitter, such as voice and video.
Management: Addresses the complexity of support and the loss of corporate control. IT
centrally manages and supports the teleworker connection and equipment, and
transparently configures and pushes security and other policies to the remote devices. Tools
can be used to implement performance and fault management and to monitor service level
agreements (SLAs).
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ISCW v1.02-9
The required home office components are broadband access (cable or DSL), remote VPN
router with QoS functionality, and laptop or desktop, while the optional components are IP
phone, wireless LAN (WLAN) access point, and Cisco video telephony (VT) camera.
Corporate components are a VPN headend router, VPN concentrator or a multifunction security
appliance such as the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA), authentication, and central
management devices for resilient aggregation and termination of the IPsec VPN tunnels.
The optional IP telephony components are Cisco Unified CallManager for call processing,
signaling, and device control; voice gateway for interconnection of traditional phone networks
with VoIP environment; IP phones for voice and added value services; voice messaging
platform for diverse message consolidation; and Cisco Contact Center for advanced call
Teleworker Connectivity
Level of accessibility to
applications and services
Advanced application
support (voice and video)
(best effort)
(full range of QoS
Not adequate
(relies on end user)
(user has control)
(IT driven)
Remote configuration
and management
ISCW v1.02-10
Lower level of accessibility; for example, the inability to deploy and support advanced
applications, such as voice, video, and videoconferencing
The Business-Ready Teleworker solution overcomes all the weak points of the traditional
teleworker solution.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
The Enterprise Architecture framework helps protect,
optimize, and grow the network.
The enterprise WAN provides secure connection of the
enterprise network building blocks.
The Business-Ready Teleworker solution is an always-on,
secure, centrally managed connection to the CO.
Connecting the teleworker means to choose the correct
access network technology and to properly address the
IPsec VPN, security, authentication, QoS, and management
ISCW v1.02-11
For additional information, refer to these resources:
Teleworker Connectivity
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Lesson 2
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe cable technology. This ability
includes being able to meet these objectives:
Define basic terminology and standards organizations that are relevant to cable technology
Explain how digital cable systems use the RF bands for signal transmission
Describe how data services can be delivered over a cable network using an HFC
Explain the combination of technologies and components that make a cable system work
Explain the process for provisioning a cable modem in a TCP/IP-based customer network
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ISCW v1.02-3
The following key terms are commonly used to describe cable technology:
Broadband: Data transmission where multiple pieces of data are sent simultaneously to
increase the effective rate of transmission. In cable systems, the term broadband refers to
the frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) of many signals in a wide radio frequency (RF)
bandwidth over an HFC network, and the capability to handle vast amounts of information.
Community Antenna Television (CATV): The original meaning of the term CATV
changed over the years, so that this term now refers to cable television.
Coaxial cable: The primary medium used to build cable TV systems. Coaxial cable is used
to transport RF signals and has certain physical properties that define the attenuation of the
signal (cable diameter, dielectric construction, ambient temperature, operating frequency).
Tap: Divides the input signal RF power to support multiple outputs. Typically, the cable
operators deploy taps with 2, 4, or 8 portscalled subscriber drop connections.
Amplifier: Device that magnifies an input signal and produces a significantly larger output
Downstream: An RF signal transmission (TV channels, data) from source (headend) to the
destination (subscribers). Downstream is also called a forward path.
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Technical standard for analog TV system
used in North America
Uses a 6-MHz modulated signal
ISCW v1.02-4
NTSC is a North American TV technical standard for analog TV systems. The standard was
created in 1941 and is named after the National Television System Committee formed in 1940.
The standard uses a 6-MHz modulated signal.
PAL is a color encoding system used in broadcast television systems in most of Europe, Asia,
Africa, Australia, Brazil, and Argentina, and uses a 6-MHz, 7-MHz, or 8-MHz modulated
signal. The color difference signals an alternate phase at the horizontal line rate.
SECAM is an analog color TV system used in France and certain Eastern European countries
that uses an 8-MHz modulated signal.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Antenna site
Distribution network
Subscriber drop
ISCW v1.02-6
Antenna site: An antenna site is a location chosen for optimum reception of over-the-air,
satellite, and sometimes point-to-point signals. The main receiving antennas and satellite
dishes are located at the antenna site.
Headend: The headend is a master facility where signals are received, processed,
formatted, and distributed over to the cable networkthe transportation and distribution
network. The headend facility is usually unmanned, under security fencing, and is
somewhat similar to a telephone company central office.
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Subscriber drop: A subscriber drop connects the subscriber to the cable services. The
subscriber drop is a connection between the feeder part of a distribution network and the
subscriber terminal device (for example, TV set, VCR, High Definition TV set-top box, or
cable modem). A subscriber drop consists of coaxial cabling (usually 59-series or 6-series
coaxial cable), grounding and attachment hardware, passive devices, and a set-top box.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Cable Features
This topic describes the features of cable technology.
What Is Cable?
ISCW v1.02-8
What is Cable?
A coaxial cable is a type of wire that consists of a center conductor surrounded by insulation,
and then a grounded shield of braided wire. The shield is designed to minimize electrical and
RF interference.
CATV was developed to solve the problem of poor TV reception with the over-the-air method
(via radio waves), in which a television antenna is required.
In the beginning, the typical cable TV system consisted of a shared antenna (replaced later with
a satellite dish) placed in some high location, to which multiple subscribers connected their
TVs via coaxial cable. The first CATV networks were one-way, consisting of various
amplifiers in cascade compensating for the signal loss of the coaxial cable in series, with taps to
couple video signal from the main trunks to subscriber homes via drop cables.
A CATV system provides television via RF signals transmitted within a sealed coaxial cable
line. The system consists of the headend, the trunk, the neighborhood node, the distribution
cables, and the subscriber drop cables.
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ISCW v1.02-9
The development of cable systems enabled the employment of new servicesthe cable system
is capable of supporting telephony and data services, in addition to analog and digital video
services. With the advent of high-speed data, telephony, and other similar services, larger cable
operators adopted a common practice of keeping various equipment (for example, telephone
switches and cable modem termination systems [CMTSs]) in the same facility, integrating all
types of servicestelephony, data, and analog and digital video services.
A high-speed cable data connection presents a cost-effective solution for accessing the Internet.
Small and medium-size businesses can gain the following benefits from high-speed cable
Internet access:
Interactive television
Public switched telephone network (PSTN)-quality voice and fax calls over the managed IP
Many businesses have employees working from their homes. Such employees need secure
high-speed remote access to the enterprise network with the same level of accessibility as in the
office, and access to the Internet for e-mail communication and use of corporate applications.
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Teleworker Connectivity
DOCSIS is a standard for certification of cable equipment
vendor devices (cable modem and cable modem termination
DOCSIS specifies the physical and MAC layers.
DOCSIS defines RF interface requirements for a data-overcable system.
Cable equipment vendors must pass certification conducted
by CableLabs.
Euro-DOCSIS is a variation adapted for use in Europe.
ISCW v1.02-11
Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) is an international standard
developed by CableLabs, a nonprofit research and development consortium for cable-related
technologies. CableLabs tests and certifies cable equipment vendor devices (cable modem
[CM] and CMTS) and grants DOCSIS-certified or Qualified status.
DOCSIS defines the communications and operation support interface requirements for a dataover-cable system and permits the addition of high-speed data transfer to an existing CATV
system. Cable operators employ DOCSIS to provide Internet access over their existing HFC
DOCSIS specifies the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Layers 1 and 2 requirements:
Physical layer: For data signals that the cable operator can use, DOCSIS specifies the
channel widths (bandwidths of each channel)200 kHz, 400 kHz, 800 kHz, 1.6 MHz, 3.2
MHz, and 6.4 MHz. DOCSIS also specifies modulation techniques (the way to use the RF
signal to convey digital data).
There are these three DOCSIS standards currently used, and a fourth standard under
DOCSIS 1.0 was the first standard issued in March 1997, with revision 1.1 following in
April 1999.
DOCSIS 2.0 was released in January 2002, as a result of an increased demand for
symmetric, real-time services such as IP telephony. DOCSIS 2.0 enhanced upstream
transmission speeds and quality of service (QoS) capabilities.
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DOCSIS 3.0 is under development and expected to feature channel bondingenabling the
use of multiple downstream and upstream channels together at the same time by a single
subscriber for increase bandwidth.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-12
When you tune a radio or TV set across the RF spectrum to find different radio stations or TV
channels, the radio or TV is tuned to different electromagnetic frequencies across that RF
spectrum. The same principle applies to the cable system.
The cable TV industry uses the RF portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Within the cable,
different frequencies are used to carry TV channels and data. At the subscriber end, equipment
such as TVs, VCRs, and High Definition TV set-top boxes tune to certain frequencies that
allow you to view the TV channel or, using a cable modem, to receive high-speed Internet
A cable network is capable of transmitting signals on the cable in either direction at the same
time. The following frequency scope is used:
Downstream: Transmitting the signals from the cable operator to the subscriber, the
outgoing frequencies are in the 50-to-860 MHz range.
Upstream: Transmitting the signals in the reverse path from the subscriber to the cable
operator, the incoming frequencies are in the 5-to-42 MHz range.
The downstream frequency range is subdivided into smaller channels as defined by the
frequency plan (6 MHz for DOCSIS, 7 MHz and 8 MHz for Euro-DOCSIS). Between the
upstream and downstream frequency ranges, a guard band exists. The guard band is required
because of the cutoff characteristics of the high-pass and low-pass filtering. The filtering is
needed to ensure that the signal does not spill into the adjacent spectrum.
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In the over-the-air TV broadcast environment, a very-high frequency (VHF) range covering 30to-300 MHz and an ultra-high frequency (UHF) range covering 300-to-3000 MHz are defined.
The cable industry defines the cable TV spectrum for the downstream path as follows:
There is no frequency plan for the upstream path. The cable operator can monitor the frequency
band of the upstream, and place the upstream data signals into clean areas where there is no
interference from noise and other signals. The area between 5 and 15 MHz is usually noisy and
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Teleworker Connectivity
Fiber Benefits
ISCW v1.02-14
Fiber Benefits
The signal from the antenna is reduced when traveling along the cable. In order to boost the
signal, amplifiers are placed approximately every 2000 feet to ensure that all RF signals are
delivered to the user, with enough power to receive all channels within the spectrum (50 to 860
MHz) for analog TV, digital TV, and digital data cable modem services. In a 20-mile plant,
approximately 52 amplifiers would be used. However, the amplifiers have limitationsthey
introduce noise and distortion, and failure of a single amplifier results in disrupted service.
Fiber is used to lessen the number of cable amplifiers throughout the cable plant, and has
several benefits over regular coaxial cable:
Easier to handle
Fiber is used in the cable system for trunk cables, which carry downstream traffic from the
headend to the neighborhood node, at a signal strength above 50 decibels (dB).
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HFC Architecture
The HFC architecture is the evolution of an initial cable system and signifies a network that
incorporates both optical fiber along with coaxial cable to create a broadband network. By
upgrading a cable plant to an HFC architecture, you can deploy a data network over an HFC
system to offer high-speed Internet services and you can serve more subscribers. The cable
network is segmented into smaller service areas in which fewer amplifiers are cascaded after
each optical nodetypically five or fewer. The tree-and-branch network architecture for HFC
can be a fiber backbone, cable area network, superdistribution, fiber to the feeder, or a ring.
HFC Architecture
ISCW v1.02-15
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-16
A headend CMTS communicates with cable modems located in subscriber homes. In addition,
a headend incorporates a computer system with databases for providing Internet services to
cable subscribers.
In a modern HFC network, typically 500 to 2000 active data subscribers are connected to a
certain cable network segment, all sharing the upstream and downstream bandwidth. The actual
bandwidth for Internet service over a CATV line can be up to 27 Mbps on the download path to
the subscriber, and about 2.5 Mbps of bandwidth on the upload path. Considering the cable
network architecture, cable operator provisioning practices, and traffic load, an individual
subscriber can typically reach an access speed of between 256 kbps and 6 Mbps.
When high usage causes congestion, a cable operator has the flexibility to add additional
bandwidth for data services. This is achieved by allocating an additional TV channel for highspeed data, thus doubling the downstream bandwidth available to subscribers. Another option
for increasing the amount of bandwidth available to subscribers is to reduce the number of
subscribers who are served by each network segment. To do that, the cable network is further
subdivided by laying the fiber-optic connections closer and deeper into the neighborhoods.
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ISCW v1.02-18
The figure shows how the different cable technologies work together. Video and data are
delivered to subscribers through the cable system.
In the downstream path, the local headend, which distributes TV signals to subscribers via the
distribution network, receives the TV signals through satellite dishes, antennas, analog and
digital video servers, local programming, and other headends. The CMTS performs modulation
of the digital data into an RF signal. At the headend, the signals are combined onto a coaxial
cable and then passed to the fiber transmitter. The fiber transmitter performs a signal
conversion from RF to light (optical) and sends the signals to a fiber node located in the town
or neighborhood. Further down the distribution network, at the fiber node, a conversion from
light (optical) back to an RF signal is performed, and the RF signal is passed via the coaxial
network comprised of amplifiers, taps, and drops.
At the subscriber end, an RF splitter divides the combined RF signal into video and data
portions. The data portion of the RF signal is received by the cable modem. The cable modem,
tuned to the data RF signal channels, demodulates the data RF signal back into digital data, and
finally passes it to the computer over an Ethernet connection.
In the upstream direction, the cable modem modulates the digital data from the computer over
an Ethernet connection to the data RF signal, and then transmits it at a certain RF and power
level. At the headend, the CMTS, tuned to the data RF channels, demodulates the data RF
signal back to digital data and routes it to the Internet.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-19
Bandwidth available to a subscriber may vary based on how many subscribers use the
service at the same time. The cable operator can resolve this issue by adding RF channels
and splitting the service area into multiple smaller areas.
There is a risk of privacy loss. This can be addressed by encryption and other privacy
features specified in the DOCSIS standard used by most cable modems.
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ISCW v1.02-28
The process of provisioning a cable modem to operate with a host system for Internet services
consists of several steps. The headend where CMTS is located must have operational
provisioning servers, such as DHCP and TFTP servers.
The steps in the initialization and registration are defined by the DOCSIS, and the cable
modems are designed and coded to undertake these steps:
Step 1
Downstream setup: When the cable modem is powered up, it has to scan and lock
the downstream path for the appropriate RF data channel (frequency) for the
physical and data link layers to be established.
Step 2
Upstream setup: The cable modem listens to the management messages received
through the downstream path. The messages include the information on how, where,
and when to communicate in the upstream path, and are used to establish the
upstream physical and data link layers.
Step 3
Step 4
Obtaining IP address: After establishing Layer 1 and Layer 2 connectivity with the
CMTS, the cable modem requests IP configuration parameter information (IP
address, default gateway, and TFTP server) from the DHCP server.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Step 5
Getting the DOCSIS configuration: Next, the cable modem requests a DOCSIS
configuration file from the TFTP server. A DOCSIS configuration file is an ASCII
file created by special DOCSIS editors and includes settings, such as downstream
channel identification, class of service (CoS) settings, baseline privacy settings,
general operational settings, network management information, and vendor-specific
Step 6
Register QoS with CMTS: The cable modem registers, negotiates, and ensures
QoS settings with the CMTS.
Step 7
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
Main cable system components are headend, transportation
network, distribution network, and subscriber drop.
The cable system standards include NTSC, PAL, and SECAM.
The term cable describes the use of a coaxial cable for
signal transmission.
Cable system architecture provides a cost-effective
broadcast architecture cascaded to users.
A cable system supports multiple services: analog and
digital video, voice, and data.
DOCSIS is the cable service interface standard for data
carried across RF interfaces.
The DOCSIS CMTS communicates through channels with
cable modems located in subscriber homes.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.02-29
Summary (Cont.)
An RF spectrum is defined for the downstream and upstream
The HFC architecture consists of fiber and coaxial cabling,
which carry RF signals toward the subscriber.
Fiber is used to overcome the limitations of the trunk coaxial
Users share bandwidth in the service area.
The cable modem provisioning process is defined by
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ISCW v1.02-30
Teleworker Connectivity
For additional information, refer to these resources:
Euro-DOCSIS at
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Lesson 3
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe xDSL technologies. This ability
includes being able to meet these objectives:
Explain CAP and DMT, the competing modulation standards for ADSL signaling
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DSL Features
This topic describes the features of DSL.
What Is a DSL?
ISCW v1.02-3
Several years ago, research by Bell Labs identified that a typical voice conversation over a
local loop only required the use of bandwidth of 300 Hz to 3 kHz. For years the bandwidth
above 3 kHz went unused. Advances in technology allowed DSL to use the additional
bandwidth from 3 kHz up to 1 MHz to deliver high-speed data services over ordinary copper
lines. For example, asymmetric DSL (ADSL) uses a frequency range from approximately 20
kHz to 1 MHz. In order to deliver high-bandwidth data rates to subscribers, a relatively small
change to the existing telephone company infrastructure is required.
DSL is not a complete end-to-end solution, but rather a physical layer transmission technology
similar to dial, cable, or wireless. DSL connections are deployed in the last mile of a local
telephone networkthe local loop. The connection is set up between a pair of modems on
either end of a copper wire extending between the customer premises equipment (CPE) and the
DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM). A DSLAM is the device located at the central office (CO)
of the provider and concentrates connections from multiple DSL subscribers.
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ISCW v1.02-4
The DSL types fall into two major groups, taking into account downstream and upstream
Asymmetrical DSL: Communication in which different transmission speeds are used for
communication between two ends of a network. Downstream speed is typically higher than
The term xDSL covers a number of DSL variations, such as ADSL, high-data-rate DSL
(HDSL), Rate Adaptive DSL (RADSL), symmetric DSL (SDSL), ISDN DSL (IDSL), and
very-high-data-rate DSL (VDSL).
DSL types not using the voice frequencies band allow DSL lines to carry both data and voice
signals simultaneously (for example, ADSL and VDSL), while other DSL types occupying the
complete frequency range can carry data only (for example, SDSL and IDSL). Data service
provided by a DSL connection is always-on.
The data rate that DSL service can provide depends upon the distance between the subscriber
and the CO. The smaller the distance, the higher data rate can be achieved. If close enough to a
CO offering DSL service, the subscriber might be able to receive data at rates of up to 6.1
Mbps out of a theoretical 8.448 Mbps maximum.
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Teleworker Connectivity
DSL Types
This topic describes the various types of DSL.
DSL Variants
DSL variants differ in:
Maximum data rate
Line coding technology
Data and voice support
Maximum distance
ISCW v1.02-6
When discussing the DSL variants, the following properties are compared:
Nature: The nature of DSL is the relation between downstream and upstream speeds.
Synchronous DSL has the same speeds in both directions, while asynchronous DSL has
different downstream and upstream speeds.
Maximum data rate: Defines the maximum speed that can be deployed with a certain type
of DSL.
Line coding technology: Describes the technique used to represent digital signals to be
transported over a copper twisted pair so that the receiver can interpret them accurately.
Data and voice support: Depending on the usage of the available frequency spectrum,
certain DSL types support data and voice simultaneously, while others do not.
Maximum distance: Describes the maximum distance that a certain type of DSL
connection can span.
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Symmetric /
52 M / 13 M
144 k / 144 k
768 k / 768 k
2.3 M / 2.3 M
ISCW v1.02-7
ADSL is designed to deliver more bandwidth downstream than upstream, and supports data and
voice simultaneously over existing copper lines. ADSL is oriented towards residential
subscribers, where usually more bandwidth is required in the downstream for applications such
as downloading music, movies, playing online games, surfing the Internet, or receiving e-mail
with large attachments. The downstream rate ranges from 256 kbps to 8 Mbps, while upstream
speed can reach 1 Mbps.
RADSL refers to ADSL service with a data transmission rate that can be adapted to the local
loop line conditions.
VDSL can provide symmetrical or asymmetrical services. The downstream bandwidth ranges
from 13 Mbps to 52 Mbps. Like ADSL, VDSL also supports data and voice over a single
copper line. The Cisco Long Reach Ethernet (LRE) solution is based on Ethernet over VDSL.
IDSL transmits data digitally (rather than via analog) on a twisted-pair copper telephone line
across existing ISDN lines. IDSL delivers up to 144 kbps of symmetrical bandwidth derived
from two bearer channels (2B at 64 kbps each) plus the signaling channel (D at 16 kbps), thus
being essentially a leased-line ISDN BRI in which there is no D channel. IDSL does not
support voice; it can only carry data, but has an advantage over ISDN in that it is always on.
SDSL delivers 768 kbps both downstream and upstream over a single copper twisted pair.
SDSL technology is proprietary and non-standardized, and can only carry data. The
symmetrical nature of SDSL makes it ideal for commercial use in instances in which the end
user must send large amounts of data employing applications, such as e-mail messaging to
customers with large attachments, uploading of data to corporate servers, or updating web
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Teleworker Connectivity
HDSL delivers 1.544 Mbps or 2.048 Mbps of symmetrical bandwidth over two copper twisted
pairs. Service providers have been using HDSL as a substitute for T1 and E1. Only data can be
carried via HDSL.
G.SHDSL offers symmetrical data rates from 192 kbps to 2.3 Mbps. G.SHDSL is standardized
and developed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to address the worldwide
SDSL market.
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DSL Limitations
This topic describes the distance limitations of DSL.
ISCW v1.02-9
The DSL types are limited in distance and speed. Speed is inversely proportional to distance
longer distance in the local loop means lower maximum speed that a particular DSL connection
supports. The maximum speed that can be achieved by certain DSL connections is also
influenced by various impairments in the local loop that attenuate or distort the signal, such as
the following:
Signal attenuation: Attenuation means signal loss over distance and is determined by the
distance between a subscriber and the CO. The longer the distance, the more attenuation
occurs and therefore lower speeds are achieved.
Bridge tap: A bridge tap is an extra telephone wire with an unterminated cable end which
is connected to the local loop. Such an unterminated tap can cause noise, reflections, and
can radiate power that reduces signal strength and consequently speed. DSL providers
should remove bridge taps before installing a DSL connection.
Load coil: Provisioning of loading coils was a standard procedure to improve plain old
telephone service (POTS) voice quality on longer local loops. It is also called conditioning
the loop. A loading coil is a wrap of wire placed at specific intervals along the local loop to
extend the local loop distance. This creates a low-frequency band pass filter and will thus
cut off, or block, the DSL frequencies. For the DSL to operate, load coils must be removed
from the loop.
Wire gauge: Wire gauge is the thickness of the wire used in the local loop. For higher
speeds, thicker wire is used.
Impedance mismatch: The impedance mismatch in the local loop causes echo, which
results in noise. The impedance mismatch is caused by changes in wire gauge, wire splices,
or corrosion.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Crosstalk: Crosstalk is the interference between two wires in a bundle, caused by electrical
AM radio interference: AM radio frequencies can interfere with a DSL signal, causing
speed reduction. The interference is particularly a problem with in-house wiring, in which
untwisted or poorly twisted wiring exists.
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Max. Distance
[feet / km]
18,000 / 5.46
52 M / 13 M
4,500 / 1.37
144 k / 144 k
18,000 / 5.46
768 k / 768 k
22,000 / 6.7
2.3 M / 2.3 M
28,000 / 8.52
ISCW v1.02-10
The maximum data rate describes the maximum achievable downstream and upstream
bandwidth with the shortest operational distance (distance between the subscriber and the CO).
The maximum operational reach is the maximum achievable distance with the lowest
operational data rate. The relation between bandwidth and distance is inversely related.
ADSL offers greater distance reachability but the achievable speed is degraded as the distance
increases. The maximum distance is limited to approximately 18,000 feet (5.46 km). ADSL2
and ADSL2+ are enhancements to basic ADSL, providing downstream bandwidth of up to 24
Mbps and upstream bandwidth of up to 1.5 Mbps.
VDSL offers the highest operational speed but has the shortest achievable distance. For VDSL
to support the maximum speed of 52 Mbps, the subscriber has to be very close to the COa
range of 1000 feet (300 meters). The maximum operational distance is 4500 feet (1.37 km).
The maximum operating distance of IDSL is limited to 18,000 feet (5.46 km). An IDSL line
can be configured for a speed of 64 kbps, 128 kbps, or 144 kbps. The line coding mechanism
used is two binary, one quaternary (2B1Q), allowing transparent operation through an ISDN
The use of a single twisted pair limits the operating range of SDSL to about 22,000 feet (6.7
The operating range of HDSL is limited to approximately 12,000 feet (3.7 km).
The maximum operational distance supported by G.SHDSL is about 28,000 feet (8.5 km), thus
offering greater reach over other deployed DSL technologies.
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Teleworker Connectivity
This topic describes ADSL technology.
ISCW v1.02-12
ADSL coexists with POTS over the same twisted-pair telephone line. Three information
channels usually exist over the same wiring (depending on the variety of ADSL): a POTS
channel for analog voice if that is desired, a varying-speed duplex channel, and a high-speed
downstream channel. A user can use the phone line and the ADSL connection simultaneously
without adverse effects on either service.
ADSL is characterized by asymmetric data rates, with higher data rates toward the user
(downstream) and lower data rates toward the carrier (upstream).
The distance between the end user and the CO provides the guideline for line speeds.
Downstream, ADSL supports speeds up to slightly more than 8 Mbps. For upstream, the rate is
approximately 1 Mbps. The maximum upstream rate can be provided at distances of up to
18,000 feet (5.486 km) over a one-wire pair without repeaters on an optimized loop. The
maximum downstream speed can be achieved at distances up to 12,000 feet (3.658 km) using
standard 0.6 mm (24-gauge) wire on an optimal loop.
Standardized in 2004, newer ADSL variants offer improvements over regular ADSL:
ADSL2 (ITU G.992.3/4) offers higher downstream rates of up to 12 Mbps for spans of less
than 8000 feet (2.5 km).
ADSL2+ (ITU G.992.5) provides up to 24 Mbps for spans of less than 5000 feet (1.5 km).
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ADSL (Cont.)
ADSL equipment:
ADSL terminal unit-remote (ATU-R)
ADSL terminal unit-central office (ATU-C)
ADSL features three basic line-coding techniques:
Single carrierCAP modulation
Multicarrier with DMT
Multicarrier with G.lite
ADSL operation and performance is influenced by different
ISCW v1.02-13
ADSL service is deployed between ADSL modems at the subscriber and the CO locations. The
CPE ADSL modem is known as the ADSL Transmission Unit-Remote (ATU-R). The CO
modem is also called ADSL Transmission Unit-central office (ATU-C). Special devices called
DSLAMs are located at the COa DSLAM encompasses multiple ATU-Cs.
The basic line-coding techniques associated with ADSL are as follows:
Multicarrier with G.lite: G.lite, also known as splitterless ADSL. G.lite offers slower
speeds but does not require the signals to be split at the subscriber end. It is the most
popular method for the mass market.
The modulation technique used has to correspond with the ADSL CPE and ADSL modems on
the DSLAM and is determined by the service provider.
When dealing with problems in ADSL operation, the following should be checked:
Load coils should be removed from the line for ADSL to operate.
Throughput is reduced when impedance mismatches are present (for example, different
wire gauge used in the line).
Crosstalk from other lines and wiring will degrade the throughput.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-15
The major benefit of ADSL is the ability to provide data services along with voice. When
analog voice is integrated with ADSL, the POTS channel is split off from the ADSL modem by
filters or splitters, which guarantees uninterrupted regular phone service even if ADSL fails. A
user is able to use the phone line and the ADSL connection simultaneously without adverse
effects on either service if filters or splitters are in place.
ADSL offloads the data (modem) traffic from the voice switch and keeps analog POTS
separate from data. Separating voice and data traffic provides fail-safe emergency-call services
for POTS operation. The data channel is established between the CPE modem and the CO
DSLAM. The voice channel is established between the telephone and the voice switch at the
CO premises.
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ISCW v1.02-16
POTS splitters are used to separate the DSL traffic from the POTS traffic. The POTS splitter is
a passive device. In the event of a power failure, the voice traffic will still be carried to the
voice switch in the CO. Splitters may be located at the customer premises but are certainly used
in the CO.
A microfilter is a passive low-pass filter with two ends. One end connects to the telephone, and
the other end connects to the telephone wall jack.
The local loop terminates on the customer premises at the demarcation point in the network
interface device (NID). At the demarcation point where the phone line enters the customer
premises, a device called a splitter is attached to the phone line. The splitter forks the phone
line; one branch provides the original house telephone wiring for the phone, and the other
branch connects to the ADSL modem. In addition, the splitter acts as a low-pass filter, allowing
only the 04 kHz frequencies to pass to or from the phone. Installing the POTS splitter at the
NID requires that a technician go out to the customer site to set up the ADSL service, therefore
most installations today use microfilters.
At the CO, the POTS splitter separates the voice traffic which goes to the voice switch in the
CO and the data traffic which goes to the DSLAM in the CO.
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Teleworker Connectivity
CAP Modulation
ISCW v1.02-18
There are two basic types of modulation techniques associated with ADSL: a single-carrier
CAP, which is proprietary, and multicarrier standardized DMT.
CAP Modulation
CAP is an easily implemented modulation method used in many of the early installations of
CAP modulation creates three separate channels on the wire by dividing the signals into three
distinct bands:
Upstream channel: The range of 25160 kHz is allocated for upstream data traffic.
Downstream channel: The range of 240 kHz to 1.5MHz is allocated for downstream data
traffic. The actual width of the downstream channel (the upper frequency) varies and
depends upon a number of conditions, such as line length or line noise.
The three channels are widely separated to minimize the possibility of interference between the
channels on one line or between the signals on different lines. A single-carrier notation means
that only one frequency band is used to carry either an upstream or downstream channel.
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DMT Modulation
DMT modulation is standardized with ANSI and ITUITU 992.1 (G.dmt), ITU 992.2 (G.lite),
and ANSI T1.413 Issue 2. DMT is the prevailing modulation technique used in modern ADSL
DMT Modulation
ISCW v1.02-19
As with CAP, the DMT modulation technique divides the signals on the wire into separate
channels. The main difference is that DMT does not use only two wide channels for upstream
and downstream data traffic. With DMT, the frequency band is divided into 256 separate 4kHz-wide channels. Channels 6 to 38 are duplex and used for both upstream and downstream
data traffic, and channels 39 and onwards are used only for downstream data traffic. To
compensate for noise, the system constantly monitors each channel. When channel quality
decreases, the system adjusts the number of bits per channel, or if the quality is too impaired,
the signal is shifted to another channel. This system constantly shifts signals among different
channels, searching for the best channels for transmission and reception.
Implementing DMT modulation is more complex than implementing CAP modulation, because
it uses a large number of channels. On the other hand, DMT modulation offers more flexibility
when traversing lines of differing quality.
G.lite is a less complex version of the DMT standard. G.lite uses only half the subchannels
(128) and is thus also known as half-rate DMT. The lower number of channels also determines
a lower maximum downstream speed of 1.5 Mbps and a maximum upstream speed of 640 kbps.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-21
Briefly described using RFC 1483 Bridging, the ADSL CPE bridges the Ethernet frame from
the PC of the end user to the aggregation router, where integrated routing and bridging (IRB) is
used to provide connectivity to the IP cloud. RFC 1483 Bridging has security and scalability
issues, making it unpopular as a deployment architecture. PPPoE and PPPoA are more scalable
and secure, but also more complex for implementation.
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ISCW v1.02-22
The PPP session is established between the subscriber device with PPPoE client support
either an end-user PC with PPPoE client software or the CPE router configured as the PPPoE
clientand the aggregation router.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-23
Either the PC or the router can be the PPPoE client. The figure shows a router as a client.
In the PPPoE architecture, the PPPoE client functionality is used to connect to the ADSL
service. The PPPoE client first encapsulates the end-user data into a PPP frame, and then the
PPP frame is further encapsulated inside an Ethernet frame. The IP address allocation for the
PPPoE client is based on the same principle as PPP in dial mode, which is via IP Control
Protocol (IPCP) negotiation, with Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication. The aggregation router that
authenticates the users can use either a local database on the aggregation router or a RADIUS
authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server.
The PPPoE client functionality can be available as a software PPPoE client application on the
end-user PC. With this model, PPPoE provides the ability to connect a host over a simple
bridging CPE to an aggregation router. A host uses its own PPP stack and the user is presented
with a familiar user interface (using the PPPoE client software) similar to establishing a dialup
connection. Unlike PPPoA, access control, billing, and type of service can be controlled on a
per-user, rather than a per-site, basis.
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ISCW v1.02-24
When deploying PPPoE and DSL, these three options are available in regards to the equipment
used, DSL termination, and PPPoE client functionality:
A router with an internal modem and PPPoE client functionality is used to terminate a DSL
line and establish a PPPoE session. This option is preferable when support of a PPPoE
client software is undesirable. The router can also be a DHCP server, and deploy Network
Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT) to connect multiple users
behind the service provider, using a single ADSL connection and a single PPP username
and password.
An external modem is used to terminate a DSL line, and a router with PPPoE client
functionality establishes a PPPoE session. A router can also act as a DHCP server and
provide NAT and PAT functionality.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-25
PPPoE has two distinct stages (per RFC 2516): a discovery stage and a PPP session stage.
When a PPPoE client (end-user PC or router) initiates a PPPoE session, it must first perform
discovery to identify which PPPoE server can meet the client request. Then, the host must
identify the Ethernet MAC address of the peer and establish a PPPoE session ID. Although PPP
defines a peer-to-peer relationship, discovery is inherently a client-server relationship. In the
discovery process, the PPPoE client discovers an aggregation router (the PPPoE server). There
may be more than one PPPoE server that the PPPoE client can communicate with, based on the
network topology. The discovery stage allows the PPPoE client to discover all PPPoE servers
and then select one.
There are four steps to the discovery stage:
Step 1
Step 2
The PPPoE server (aggregation router) sends a PPPoE Active Discovery Offer
(PADO) packet describing which service it can offer. The destination MAC address
is the unicast address of the client (end-user PC or router).
Step 3
The PPPoE client sends a unicast PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR) packet
to the PPPoE server.
Step 4
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When discovery has been succssfully completed, both the PPPoE client and the selected PPPoE
server have the information that they will use to build their point-to-point connection over the
Ethernet. After the PPPoE session begins, PPP goes through the normal link control protocol
(LCP) and Network Control Protocol (NCP) process.
A PPPoE active discovery terminate (PADT) packet may be sent anytime after a session has
been established to indicate that a PPPoE session has been terminated. Either the PPPoE client
or the PPPoE server may send it.
More information on the PPPoE specification can be obtained in RFC 2516.
Per RFC 2516, the maximum receive unit (MRU) option must not be negotiated to a size larger
than 1492 bytes, because Ethernet has a maximum payload size of 1500 octets. The PPPoE
header is 6 octets and the PPP protocol ID is 2 octets, so the PPP maximum transmission unit
(MTU) must not be greater than (1500 8 =) 1492 bytes.
An Ethernet and PPPoE frame contains one of these Ethertypes:
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-27
PPPoA is a routed solution, unlike RFC 1483 Bridged and PPPoE, in which the CPE is set up
as a bridge, bridging the Ethernet frames from the end-user PC to the aggregator router.
With PPPoA, the CPE routes the packets from the end-user PC over ATM to an aggregation
router. The PPP session is established between the CPE and the aggregation router. Unlike
PPPoE, PPPoA does not require host-based (PPPoE client) software.
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ISCW v1.02-28
With PPPoA, a PPP session is established between the CPE and the aggregation router. The
CPE device must have a PPP username and password configured for authentication to the
aggregation router that terminates the PPP session from the CPE. The aggregation router that
authenticates the users can either use a local database on the aggregation router or a RADIUS
AAA server. The PPPoA session authentication can be based on PAP or CHAP. After the PPP
username and password have been authenticated, IPCP negotiation takes place and the IP
address is assigned to the CPE. After the IP address has been assigned, a host route is
established both on the CPE and the aggregation router. The aggregation router must assign
only one IP address to the CPE, and the CPE can be configured as a DHCP server and use NAT
and PAT to support multiple hosts connected via Ethernet behind the CPE.
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Teleworker Connectivity
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
DSL is a family of access technologies for delivering high
bandwidth over regular copper lines at limited distances.
In regards to the downstream and upstream, the DSL can be
symmetrical or asymmetrical.
and G.SHDSL.
The trade-off among various DSL types is distance versus
Different impairments influence the achieved operational
ISCW v1.02-29
Summary (Cont.)
ADSL is designed to coexist with POTS because there is a
POTS splitter at the CO.
Splitters and microfilters are used to separate voice from
data channels.
PPPoE and PPPoA are the most frequently used
encapsulation methods.
The PPPoE client software first encapsulates the end-user
data into a PPP frame, and then the PPP frame is further
encapsulated inside an Ethernet frame.
PPPoA is a routed solution in which the CPE is set up as a
router, and the CPE routes the packets from the PC of the
end user over ATM to an aggregation router.
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ISCW v1.02-30
Lesson 4
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to configure the PPPoE client over DSL. This
ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Configure PAT
Describe how to configure a DHCP server to allocate an IP address to the users behind the
client DSL router
Review the output of various debug and show commands to verify the PPPoE operations
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ISCW v1.02-3
Use the PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) DSL configuration steps listed here in addition to dial-ondemand routing (DDR)-derived commands:
Step 1
Configure the Ethernet interface of the Cisco router with a PPPoE client
Step 2
Create and configure the dialer interface of the Cisco router for PPPoE with a
negotiated IP address and a maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of 1492.
Step 3
Configure Port Address Translation (PAT) on the Cisco router to allow the sharing
of the dynamic public IP address of the dialer interface.
Step 4
Configure the Cisco router to allow it to be the DHCP server for the end-user PCs
behind it.
Step 5
Prior to Cisco IOS software Release 12.2(13)T, you had to first configure a PPPoE virtual
private dialup network (VPDN) group before the steps described above. This was only done
for PPPoE, not for PPP over ATM (PPPoA).
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ISCW v1.02-4
Step 2
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-5
The figure shows the remaining configuration steps for a CPE router acting as the PPPoE
Step 3
Configure PAT.
Step 4
Enable a DHCP server on the router for clients in the customer network.
Step 5
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ISCW v1.02-6
Configuring the CPE as the PPPoE client over an ATM interface is very similar to configuring
it over the Ethernet interface. The only difference is that you configure the ATM interface in
the first step rather than an Ethernet interface.
Use the PPPoE DSL configuration steps listed here in addition to DDR-derived commands:
Step 1
Configure the ATM interface (asymmetric DSL [ADSL] interface) of the Cisco
router with an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) and encapsulation.
Step 2
Create and configure the dialer interface of the Cisco router for PPPoE with a
negotiated IP address and an MTU size of 1492.
Step 3
Configure PAT on the Cisco router to allow the sharing of the dynamic public IP
address of the dialer interface.
Step 4
Configure the Cisco router to allow it to be the DHCP server for the end-user PCs
behind it.
Step 5
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-7
Step 1
Step 2
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ISCW v1.02-8
The figure shows the remaining configuration steps for a CPE router acting as the PPPoE
Step 3
Configure PAT.
Step 4
Enable a DHCP server on the router for clients in the customer network.
Step 5
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Teleworker Connectivity
pppoe enable
ISCW v1.02-10
Configure the Ethernet interface (ADSL interface) of the Cisco router with an ATM PVC and
encapsulation, as follows:
To configure a PPPoE client on an Ethernet interface, use the interface ethernet command
in global configuration mode to enter interface configuration mode.
Finally, specify which dialer interface to use. Use the pppoe-client dial-pool-number
command to bind the Ethernet interface to a dialer interface to set the encapsulation to
PPPoE client.
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ISCW v1.02-11
Teleworker Connectivity
encapsulation ppp
ip address negotiated
ISCW v1.02-13
Use the commands in the table for PPPoE DSL dialer configuration.
Dialer Commands for DSL
ip address negotiated
encapsulation ppp
no cdp enable
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ip mtu mtu_size
ISCW v1.02-14
Use the additional commands in the table for PPPoE DSL dialer configuration.
Additional Dialer Commands for DSL
dialer pool
ip mtu mtu_size
Sets the maximum Ethernet payload size. Reduces the MTU size
from 1500 to 1492, because the PPPoE header plus PPP
protocol ID require eight bytes.
ppp authentication
chap [callin]
Unlike an ISDN DDR configuration, DSL is always on. Therefore, a dialer list is not required
to identify interesting traffic.
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Teleworker Connectivity
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ISCW v1.02-15
Configuration of PAT
This topic describes how to configure addressing translations using PAT.
ISCW v1.02-17
One of the main features of Network Address Translation (NAT) is static PAT, which is also
referred to as overload in Cisco IOS configuration. You can translate several internal addresses
using NAT into just one or a few external addresses by using PAT.
PAT uses unique source port numbers on the inside global IP address to distinguish between
translations. Because the port number is encoded in 16 bits, the total number of internal
addresses that NAT can translate into one external address is, theoretically, as many as 65,536.
PAT attempts to preserve the original source port. If the source port is already allocated, PAT
attempts to find the first available port number. It starts from the beginning of the appropriate
port group, 0511, 5121023, or 102465,535. If PAT does not find a port that is available
from the appropriate port group and if more than one external IP address is configured, PAT
will move to the next IP address and try to allocate the original source port again. PAT
continues trying to allocate the original source port until it runs out of available ports and
external IP addresses.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Configure PAT
NAT overload, commonly referred to as PAT, and PPP and IPCP are popular techniques used
to scale limited addresses.
Configure PAT
access-list ACL_num {permit | deny} protocol source_network
source_wildcard destination_network destination_wildcard
ISCW v1.02-18
Using NAT overload means that you can share the one registered IP address of the public
interface for all the devices behind the PAT router to access the Internet.
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ISCW v1.02-19
The access list will match any source address in the network.
In this example, the Dialer0 interface is the outside interface, and the Ethernet0/0 interface is
the inside interface.
The 10.x.x.x source addresses will be translated using PAT to the Dialer0 IP address. The
Dialer0 interface receives its IP address from the service provider aggregation router using
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Teleworker Connectivity
Enables a DHCP pool for use by hosts and enters DHCP pool
configuration mode.
import all
ISCW v1.02-21
The Cisco IOS DHCP Server feature is a full implementation that assigns and manages IP
addresses from specified address pools within the router to DHCP clients. After a DHCP client
has booted, the client begins sending packets to its default router. The IP address of the default
router should be on the same subnet as the client.
The Cisco IOS DHCP Server was enhanced to allow configuration information to be updated
automatically. Network administrators can configure one or more centralized DHCP servers to
update specific DHCP options within the DHCP pools. The remote servers can request or
import these option parameters from the centralized servers.
To configure a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP Server and enter DHCP pool
configuration mode, use the ip dhcp pool global configuration command.
To import DHCP option parameters into the Cisco IOS DHCP Server database, use the import
all DHCP pool configuration command.
To configure the subnet number and mask for a DHCP address pool on a Cisco IOS DHCP
Server, use the network DHCP pool configuration command.
To specify the default router list for a DHCP client, use the default-router DHCP pool
configuration command. Note that the DHCP server excludes this address from the pool of
assignable addresses.
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ISCW v1.02-22
In this example, a DHCP address pool with the name MyPool is configured. The CPE router
will act like a DHCP server to the hosts, connected to the Ethernet 0/0 interface. Hosts will get
IP addresses from range to with the subnet mask The IP
address is excluded from this range, because it is already used on the router interface.
Hosts will get a default route pointing to the router interface IP address, and other
parameters that the router gets from the aggregation router, such as Domain Name System
(DNS) and Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) setup.
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Teleworker Connectivity
The CPE can use a static default route to reach all remote
ISCW v1.02-24
You can configure a static default route on a Cisco router to allow the router to reach all
unknown destinations toward the dialer interface. In most DSL installations, the CPE will not
be running a dynamic routing protocol to the aggregation router of the service provider.
Therefore, a static default route is required on a Cisco router.
When a PPPoE session has been established between a Cisco router and the aggregation router
of the service provider, the dialer interface IP address is assigned from the service provider
aggregation router via IPCP. The service provider aggregation router will automatically build a
/32 host route to reach the Cisco router dialer interface.
To configure a static default route on a Cisco router, enter global configuration mode and use
the ip route command. The interface in this example is Dialer0 connected to the
external network.
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ISCW v1.02-25
In this example, a static default route points to a Dialer0 interface, which is used for a PPPoE
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-27
To verify proper PPPoE session establishment and PPP authentication, use the debug
commands in the table.
Cisco IOS debug Commands
debug ppp
Prior to Cisco IOS software Release 12.2(13)T, the command used to display the PPPoE
protocol session establishment or shutdown messages was debug vpdn pppoe-events.
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ipconfig /all
ISCW v1.02-28
To verify proper PPPoE configuration, DHCP setup, and NAT configuration, use the
commands in the tables.
Additional Cisco IOS show Commands
show ip nat
ipconfig /all
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-29
15:13:44.091: PPPOE: we've got our pado and the pado timer went off: This is a
unicast reply from a PPPoE server (similar to a DHCP offer).
15:13:44.091: OUT PADR from PPPoE Session: This is a unicast reply that accepts the
After the PPPoE session is established, use the show pppoe session command in order to get
the status.
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Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
ISCW v1.02-30
If CHAP authentication is successful, verify the connectivity from your router toward an IP
address on the Internet.
The DSL connection is established to the ISP router and will stay up permanently. The CHAP
authentication verifies the identity of the remote node using a three-way handshake at the
establishment of the session and periodically during the session.
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Teleworker Connectivity
. :
. : Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Mobile
Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : 6. April 2006 16:36:31
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : 7. April 2006 0:36:31
ISCW v1.02-31
Open the command prompt on the PC and check the IP setup. The output of the ipconfig
command on the PC confirms that the PC has obtained the IP address (, subnet mask
(, default gateway address (, DNS servers ( and,
and WINS server ( from the DHCP server.
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Lease expiration
Hardware address
ISCW v1.02-32
The output shows the mapping between the IP address, assigned to the DHCP client, and the
hardware address (client ID), which belongs to the host. Lease expiration shows how long this
mapping is valid. After expiration, the DHCP server will send a new binding, which can be the
same or a different IP address. Type defines whether the binding was automatically or manually
The client ID is composed from media type, which is Ethernet, with code 01 and MAC address
of the host.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Verify PAT
Check the IP NAT (PAT) translation table on the router. There is an entry in the table, which is
added by the PAT.
Verify PAT
Outside local
Outside global
ISCW v1.02-33
The PAT translation table shows the translations between IP addresses and ports. In this
example, the router translate packets for Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) from
source IP address and port number 512 (inside local) into IP address
and the same port 512 (inside global). Outside local and global IP addresses are the same,
which means that the router changes only the source IP addresses and ports for the packets
going from the customer network to the Internet, and changes destination IP addresses and
ports for the packets going in the opposite direction (from the Internet to the customer
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ISCW v1.02-34
Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-36
With PPPoA, a CPE device encapsulates a PPP session for transport across a DSL access
multiplexer (DSLAM). PPPoA is commonly used in small office, home office (SOHO) and
branch office environments, although it is not limited to them. It has greater flexibility for the
home than the average PPPoE deployment because the customer LAN behind the CPE is under
the complete control of the customer and the CPE acts as a router, rather than a bridge for
PPPoE (where the CPE bridges the PPPoE frame from the end-user PC running the PPPoE
client software).
When you configure PPPoA, a logical interface, known as a virtual access interface, associates
each PPP connection with an ATM virtual circuit (VC). You can create this logical interface by
configuring an ATM PVC or switched virtual circuit (SVC). This configuration encapsulates
each PPP connection in a separate PVC or SVC, allowing each PPP connection to terminate at
the router ATM interface as if received from a typical PPP serial interface.
The virtual access interface for each VC obtains its configuration from a virtual interface
template (virtual template) when the VC is created. Before you create the ATM VC, it is
recommended that you create and configure a virtual template.
Once you have configured the router for PPPoA, the PPP subsystem starts and the router
attempts to send a PPP configure request to the remote peer. If the peer does not respond, the
router periodically goes into a listen state and waits for a configuration request from the peer.
After a timeout, the router again attempts to reach the remote router by sending configuration
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The virtual access interface remains associated with a VC as long as the VC is configured. If
you remove the configuration of the VC, the virtual access interface is marked as deleted. If
you shut down the associated ATM interface, you will also cause the virtual access interface to
be marked as down, and you will bring the PPP connection down. If you set a keepalive timer
for the virtual template on the interface, the virtual access interface uses the PPP echo
mechanism to verify the existence of the remote peer.
These three types of PPPoA connections are supported:
Cisco-proprietary PPPoA
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Teleworker Connectivity
interface Ethernet0/1
no ip address
pppoe enable
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
interface Dialer0
ip mtu 1492
interface ATM0/0
no ip address
dsl operating-mode auto
pvc 1/32
encapsulation aal5mux ppp dialer
dialer pool-member 1
ISCW v1.02-37
The only difference between PPPoE and PPPoA configurations is shown in the configuration
VPDN group is enabled for PPPoE, and the ATM PVC is configured for PPPoE client
encapsulation, but in the PPPoA configuration you have to configure proper ATM
adaptation layer 5 (AAL5) encapsulation on the ATM PVC.
In the PPPoE client configuration, you also have to reduce the dialer interface MTU size
from 1500 to 1492.
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ISCW v1.02-39
Use the dsl operating-mode auto interface configuration command to specify that the router
automatically detect the DSL modulation that the service provider is using and set the DSL
modulation to match.
An incompatible DSL modulation configuration can result in failure to establish a DSL
connection to the DSLAM of the service provider.
Use the pvc interface configuration command to set the virtual path identifier/virtual channel
identifier (VPI/VCI) that is used by the DSL service provider, as shown in the table. Settings
for the VPI/VCI value on the Cisco router must match the configuration on the DSLAM of the
service provider switch configuration. ATM uses the VPI/VCI to identify an ATM VC.
pvc Parameters
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-40
The encapsulation method must correspond with that configured on the aggregation router. The
table shows the encapsulation commands.
Encapsulation Commands
encapsulation aal5mux
ppp dialer
Sets the encapsulation for PPPoA, which uses AAL5 in the MUX
dialer pool-member
Use the dialer pool-member command to specify which dialer interfaces may use the ATM
physical interface on the Cisco router.
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ISCW v1.02-41
The example presents the complete PPPoA configuration with PAT, DHCP services, and static
default routing.
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Teleworker Connectivity
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
Configuring DSL requires global and interface configuration
Enable PPPoE on Ethernet interface with the pppoe enable
command and bind the Ethernet interface to a dialer
Configure the dialer interface with MTU size of 1492 and,
optionally, for PPP authentication.
PAT enables you to use one registered IP address for the
interface to access the Internet from all devices in the
The Cisco IOS DHCP server was enhanced to allow
configuration information to be updated automatically.
ISCW v1.02-42
Summary (Cont.)
Configure a static default route on the Cisco router to allow
the router to reach all unknown destinations toward the
dialer interface.
To verify proper PPPoE configuration, use debug ppp
authentication, show pppoe session, show ip dhcp binding, show
ip nat translations, and ipconfig /all commands.
Configuring a PPPoA connection requires configuration of
ATM and dialer interfaces, PAT, DHCP, and static default
Use the dsl operating-mode auto interface configuration
command to specify that the router will automatically detect
the DSL modulation that the service provider is using, and
will set the DSL modulation to match.
An ATM VCI/VPI pair must be configured to communicate
with the service provider.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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ISCW v1.02-43
Lesson 5
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to verify typical broadband configurations. This
ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Explain the procedure to confirm the correct DSL operating mode on the CPE router ATM
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Layer Troubleshooting
This topic describes the first ADSL troubleshooting stepdetermining which layer of the
ADSL service is failing. There are many reasons why a DSL connection might not function
ISCW v1.02-3
A problem with a nonfunctional ADSL service can reside at Layer 1, Layer 2, or Layer 3.
Troubleshooting of the problem should start by determining which ADSL service layer is
failing. To do that, use a bottom-up approachthat is, start troubleshooting at Layer 1.
The first thing to check is whether the customer premises equipment (CPE) DSL modem has
been successfully trained to the DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM) in the central office (CO). If
it has, then the problem does not persist at Layer 1 and the troubleshooting can proceed to
Layer 2. Otherwise, Layer 1 should be examined in more detail.
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6.0 dB
12.0 dBm
ISCW v1.02-4
Start troubleshooting Layer 1 by verifying whether a Cisco Systems CPE router is trained and
successfully initialized to the DSLAM using the show dsl interface atm command.
When a router is successfully trained to the DSLAM, the modem status field will have the
value Showtime. Along with that value, the command will also display the upstream and
downstream speed in kbps (in the row Speed, the Interleave or Fast columns will have a
nonzero value). If the router is trained, then proceed to Layer 2 examination and
When training is not successful, as shown in this output, the problem persists at Layer 1 and
should be isolated there.
Router#show dsl interface atm 0
Line not activated: displaying cached data from last
Log file of training sequence:
< of the output omitted...>
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Teleworker Connectivity
Layer 1 Issues
This topic describes the steps that are used to determine whether Layer 1 is the cause of the
Layer 1 Issues
Check the ADSL_CD light:
ADSL_CD light is on: Proceed to Layer 2 troubleshooting
ADSL_CD light is off: Continue with Layer 1
Check whether the DSL (ATM) port on the Cisco router is
plugged into the wall jack; if not, connect the port to the wall
jack with a standard telephone cable (4-pin or 6-pin RJ-11
Check the correctness of cable pinouts.
Replace the faulty cable.
Verify with service provider that DSL service has been
ISCW v1.02-6
You can monitor the status of the ATM interface on the router by checking the status of the
Carrier Detect (CD) light on the router front panel:
Next, use the show interface atm privilege level command from the enable mode of the router
to check the status of the ATM interface on the router.
If the ATM interface status is down and the line protocol is down, the router is not seeing a
carrier on the ADSL line. Such a status usually indicates two possible issues:
The active pins on the DSL wall jack may be incorrectthe registered jack-11 (RJ-11)
connector provides an xDSL connection to an external media via a standard RJ-11 6-pin
modular jack.
The service provider may not be providing DSL service on this wall jack.
The Cisco router uses a standard RJ-11 cable to provide the ADSL connection to the wall jack.
The center pair of pins on the RJ-11 cable is used to carry the ADSL signal (pins 3 and 4 on a
6-pin cable, or pins 2 and 3 on a 4-pin cable).
If the correct pins on the wall jack are being used, and the ATM interface is still down and the
line protocol is down, replace the RJ-11 cable between the DSL port and the wall jack.
If the interface is still down and the line protocol is down after you have replaced the RJ-11
cable, contact the service provider to verify that ADSL service has been enabled on the wall
jack that is being used.
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ISCW v1.02-8
The show interface atm command also shows whether the interface is administratively
disabled. If such a case exists, enable the interface by using the no shutdown command under
the interface configuration mode.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-10
At this point of the troubleshooting process, everything that was checked up to now in the
Layer 1 troubleshooting procedure is verified and is operating properly. The next step is to
ensure that the correct DSL operating mode is being used. Check with the service provider
whether the DSLAM supports the particular DSL chipset (for example, Alcatel) and the
configured modulation method of the deployed Cisco CPE DSL router. If the DSL modulation
being used by the service provider is unknown, Cisco recommends use of the default auto
operating mode to autodetect the modulation type.
dsl operating-mode {auto | ansi-dmt | itu-dmt | splitterless}
dsl operating-mode Parameters
Configures the ADSL line to use the ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 mode.
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Layer 2 Issues
This topic describes the steps that are used to determine whether there is a Layer 2 problem.
Layer 2 Issues
Verify that a PVC is in use with the ping atm interface atm
router#ping atm interface atm 0 2 32 seg-loopback
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 53-byte segment OAM echoes, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 58/58/58 ms
received on vpi = 2 vci =32 PPPoA MUX
received on vpi = 2 vci =32 PPPoA MUX
received on vpi = 2 vci =32 PPPoA MUX
ISCW v1.02-12
After establishing that Layer 1 is not an issue, the troubleshooting can continue at Layer 2.
First, check whether a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) is configured at the DSLAM by using
the ping atm interface atm command. This command sends Operation, Administration, and
Maintenance (OAM) F5 loopback packets to the DSLAM. A successful ping designates that a
PVC is configured at the DSLAM.
Next, check whether the correct virtual path identifier/virtual channel identifier (VPI/VCI)
values are configured on the router, by using the debug atm events command. The output
shows the VPI/VCI values that the DSLAM expects. During the debug process, use another
working Internet connection and begin to ping the static IP address assigned by your Internet
service provider (ISP). It is important that the ATM interface status is up, the line protocol is
up, and that the IP address provided by the ISP is being pinged. If there is no output for 60
seconds, debugging the VPI/VCI values is probably incorrect and you should contact ISP
support. Finally, verify the VPI/VCI values and make the necessary changes to the
At the end, turn off debugging by using the undebug all command.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-14
If the correct VPI/VCI values are being used and the PVC is active, then the next step is to
verify that data is being sent and received on the ATM interface.
The show interfaces atm command shows the interface status and counters for incoming and
outgoing packets. If the incoming and outgoing packet counters are incrementing, the router is
receiving and sending packets from the ISP, therefore data is received from the ISP and is also
sent toward the ISP.
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PPP Negotiation
PPP stages:
1. LCP phase
2. Authentication phase
3. NCP phase
Use the debug ppp negotiation command to verify the PPP
negotiation process.
Use the debug ppp authentication command to verify PPP
ISCW v1.02-16
With Layer 1 set up properly, correct VPI/VCI being used, PVC being active, and data being
received and sent, the next step is to ensure that a PPP session is established properly between
the Cisco CPE router and the aggregation router of the service provider. You can observe the
PPP negotiation process by issuing the debug ppp negotiation and debug ppp authentication
PPP session setup goes through three stages:
1. Link control protocol (LCP): A mandatory phase in which parameters to establish,
configure, and test the data-link connection are negotiated.
2. Authentication: In this optional phase, the authentication is performed with the
authentication protocol (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol [CHAP] or
Password Authentication Protocol [PAP]) agreed upon in LCP negotiation.
3. Network Control Protocol (NCP): This mandatory phase is used to establish and
configure different network-layer protocols. The most common Layer 3 protocol negotiated
is IP. The routers exchange IP Control Protocol (IPCP) messages to negotiate options
specific to the IP protocol.
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Teleworker Connectivity
ISCW v1.02-17
In case the PPP session does not come up successfully, there are four main points of failure in a
PPP negotiation:
There is no response from the remote device (aggregation router of the service provider).
IPCP failures.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
DSL troubleshooting starts at Layer 1.
Check whether the modem has trained up with show dsl
interface atm command.
Check the ATM interface status using the show interface atm
Check the administrative state of an ATM interface.
Verify that the DSL operating mode is correct.
Use the ping atm interface atm command to verify that a PVC
is in use.
Use the debug atm events command to verify the VPI/VCI
Verify that data is sent to and received from the service
Determine that the PPP session is set up correctly.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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ISCW v1.02-18
Teleworker Connectivity
Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
Module Summary
Modern enterprise networks have to support various remote
connection topologies, such as branch offices, SOHO, and
Historically, cable referred to the use of coaxial cable for
signal transmission. However, today, it can refer to coaxial
cable, fiber, or a hybrid.
Two of the more popular encapsulation methods used with
ADSL are PPPoE and PPPoA.
A PPPoE session is established between subscriber devices
with PPPoE client support and the aggregation server
(PPPoE server).
ISCW v1.02-1
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ISCW v1.02-2
This module concentrated on teleworkers and the different ways to connect teleworkers to the
enterprise network. The most typical technologies, cable and variants of the DSL, were
described in detail. The module also covered instructions on how to verify the configurations of
broadband connections.
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Teleworker Connectivity
Module Self-Check
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and
solutions are found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
Which Enterprise Architecture Framework building block provides secure data and
voice delivery to remote small and home offices? (Source: Topologies for Facilitating
Remote Connections)
Which two of the following are the infrastructure services challenges that the
teleworker solution addresses? (Choose two.) (Source: Topologies for Facilitating
Remote Connections)
When deploying ADSL, which two line-coding techniques are available? (Choose
two.) (Source: Describing DSL Technology)
Which xDSL variant offers only asymmetrical service, and allows voice and data
coexistence? (Source: Describing DSL Technology)
What is the reason that fiber is used in cable networks? (Source: Describing Cable
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
When configuring a PPPoE client on the Cisco router, on which interface is the MTU
size set to 1492? (Source: Configuring the CPE as the PPPoE or PPPoA Client)
When configuring DSL on a Cisco router, where does the information for the correct
VPI/VCI come from? (Source: Configuring the CPE as the PPPoE or PPPoA Client)
the DSL SP
the DSL modem manufacturer
the local electronics retail store
can be any number that is locally assigned by the customer
When determining whether the Cisco DSL router has trained up successfully, which
command is used? (Source: Verifying Broadband ADSL Configurations)
debug ip packet
debug dsl operation
show dsl train
show dsl interface atm 0
What is the problem if data is sent and received from the provider but there is no IP
connectivity? (Source: Verifying Broadband Configurations)
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Teleworker Connectivity
C, E
B, D
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Module 3
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Module Objectives
Upon completing this module, you will be able to implement and verify frame mode MPLS.
This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe the MPLS conceptual model with data and control planes, and describe the
function of the MPLS label
Describe how labels are allocated and distributed in a frame mode MPLS network, and
describe how IP packets cross an MPLS network
Explain the evolution of MPLS VPNs, and describe MPLS VPN routing and packet flow
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Lesson 1
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the MPLS conceptual model with
data and control planes, and describe the function of the MPLS label. This ability includes
being able to meet these objectives:
Explain the interactions between the control plane and the data plane in an LSR that enable
the basic functions of label switching and forwarding of labeled packets to occur
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VPN Topologies
ISCW v1.03-3
You can connect sites using different topologies. For optimal routing between sites, a full mesh
topology is required. The full mesh topology provides a dedicated virtual circuit between any
two customer edge (CE) routers in the network, but the full mesh solution is very expensive.
For a less expensive solution, you may use partial mesh topology or hub-and-spoke topology,
but routing is not optimal with these solutions. The partial mesh topology reduces the number
of virtual circuits, usually to the minimum number that provides optimum transport between
major sites.
The hub-and-spoke topology is the ultimate reduction within the partial mesh topology. Many
sites (spokes) are connected directly to the central site (or sites), or hub (or hubs), with no
direct connectivity between the spokes. To prevent single points of failure, the hub-and-spoke
topology is sometimes extended to a redundant hub-and-spoke topology.
MPLS virtual private network (MPLS VPN) topology provides optimal routing between sites,
and you need only one connection to the MPLS VPN service provider.
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ISCW v1.03-4
MPLS is a switching mechanism that assigns labels (numbers) to packets, then uses those labels
to forward packets. The labels are assigned at the edge of the MPLS network, and forwarding
inside the MPLS network is done solely based on labels.
Labels usually correspond to a path to Layer 3 destination addresses, similar to IP destinationbased routing. Labels can also correspond to Layer 3 VPN destinations (MPLS VPN) or non-IP
parameters, such as a Layer 2 circuit or outgoing interface on the egress router. This includes
Cisco Systems solutions for transporting Layer 2 packets over an MPLS backbone, such as Any
Transport over MPLS (AToM), quality of service (QoS), or source address.
MPLS is designed to support forwarding of protocols other than TCP/IP. Label switching
within the network is performed in the same manner regardless of the Layer 3 protocol.
In MPLS labeling in larger networks, only the edge routers perform a routing lookup. All the
core routers forward packets based on the labels, which leads to faster forwarding of packets
through the service provider network.
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ISCW v1.03-5
In this example, assume that the Edge-2 router is informed that, in order to reach the
network, it should assign a label of 25 to the packet and forward the packet to the core router.
The core router is informed that when it receives a packet with a label of 25, it should swap that
label with a label of 23 and forward the packet to the Edge-1 router. The actual method used to
inform the routers of these label allocations is discussed later.
In larger networks, the result of MPLS labeling is that only the routers at the edge of an MPLS
network perform a routing lookup. All the core MPLS routers forward packets based on labels.
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ISCW v1.03-7
Because Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) provides the foundation for MPLS switching, it is
important to understand the purpose of CEF and how it functions, and how the network uses
CEF information when forwarding packets.
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ISCW v1.03-8
The following steps occur with process switching and fast switching:
Step 1
When a BGP update is received and processed in the BGP table, an entry is created
in the routing table if it is selected as the best route.
Step 2
When the first packet arrives for this destination, the router tries to find the
destination in the fast-switching cache. Because the destination is not in the fastswitching cache, process switching has to switch the packet. A recursive lookup is
performed to find the outgoing interface. If the Layer 2 address is not found in the
cache, an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request is triggered. In this example, if
the destination is in network, the next hop to reach network,
according to BGP, is, and to reach network, the outgoing interface
is Ethernet 0. Finally, an entry is created in the fast-switching cache.
Step 3
All subsequent packets for the same destination are fast-switched, as follows:
The switching occurs in the interrupt code (the packet is processed immediately).
The encapsulation uses a pregenerated Layer 2 header that contains the destination
and Layer 2 source (MAC) address. (No ARP request or ARP cache lookup is
Whenever a router receives a packet that should be fast-switched but the destination is not in
the switching cache, the packet is process-switched. A full routing table lookup is performed,
and an entry in the fast-switching cache is created to ensure that the subsequent packets for the
same destination prefix will be fast-switched.
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ISCW v1.03-9
CEF uses a complete IP switching table, the FIB table, which holds the same information as the
IP routing table. The generation of entries in the FIB table is not packet-triggered but changetriggered. When something changes in the IP routing table, the change is also reflected in the
FIB table.
Because the FIB contains the complete IP switching table, the router can make definitive
decisions based on the information in it. Whenever a router receives a packet that should be
CEF-switched, but the destination is not in the FIB, the packet is dropped.
The FIB table is also different from other fast-switching caches in that it does not contain
information about the outgoing interface and the corresponding Layer 2 header. That
information is stored in a separate table, the adjacency table. This table is more or less a copy
of the ARP cache, but instead of holding only the destination MAC address, it holds the Layer
2 header.
If the router carries full Internet routing (more than 100,000 networks), enabling the CEF
may consume excessive memory. Enabling the distributed CEF will also affect memory
utilization on Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) modules or line cards, because the entire
FIB table will be copied to all VIP modules or line cards.
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MPLS Architecture
This topic describes the main components of the MPLS architecture.
ISCW v1.03-11
To support multiple protocols, MPLS divides the classic router architecture into two major
Control plane: Control plane takes care of the routing information exchange and the label
exchange between adjacent devices.
Data plane: Data plane takes care of forwarding based on either destination addresses or
labels; this is also known as the forwarding plane.
A large number of different routing protocols, such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF),
Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
(EIGRP), Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS), Routing Information Protocol
(RIP), and BGP, can be used in the control plane.
The control plane also requires protocols, such as the label exchange protocols: MPLS Label
Distribution Protocol (LDP) or BGP (used by MPLS VPN).
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is used by MPLS Traffic Engineering to reserve
resources (bandwidth) in the network.
The data plane, however, is a simple label-based forwarding engine that is independent of the
type of routing protocol or label exchange protocol. The Label Forwarding Information Base
(LFIB) table is used to store the label information that the forwarding engine uses to forward
packets. The LFIB table is populated by the label exchange protocol used (LDP, BGP, or
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ISCW v1.03-12
OSPF, which receives and forwards a routing update for IP network
LDP, which receives label 17 to be used for packets with destination address 10.x.x.x. A
local label 24 is generated and sent to upstream neighbors when the packets are destined for
10.x.x.x. LDP inserts an entry into the LFIB table of the data plane, where an incoming
label 24 is mapped to an outgoing label 17.
The data plane then forwards all packets with label 24 through the appropriate interfaces after
swapping label 24 for label 17.
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MPLS Labels
This topic describes the structure of an MPLS label and its format.
MPLS Labels
MPLS technology is intended to be used anywhere,
regardless of Layer 1 media and Layer 2 protocol.
MPLS uses a 32-bit label field that is inserted between Layer
2 and Layer 3 headers (frame mode MPLS).
MPLS over ATM uses the ATM header as the label (cell mode
ISCW v1.03-14
MPLS is designed for use on any media and Layer 2 encapsulation. Most Layer 2
encapsulations are frame-based, and MPLS simply inserts (commonly called imposes) a 32bit label between the Layer 2 and Layer 3 headers (frame mode MPLS).
ATM is a special case where fixed-length cells are used and a label cannot be inserted on every
cell. MPLS uses the virtual path identifier/virtual channel identifier (VPI/VCI) fields in the
ATM header as a label (cell mode MPLS).
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Label Format
The 32-bit MPLS label contains four fields.
Label Format
ISCW v1.03-15
The table describes the fields contained in the 32-bit MPLS label.
32-Bit Label Fields
20-bit label
Bottom-of-stack bit
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Label Stack
A label does not contain any information about the Layer 3 protocol that is being carried in a
packet. A new protocol ID (PID) is used for every MPLS-enabled Layer 3 protocol.
Label Stack
ISCW v1.03-16
Usually, only one label is assigned to a packet. Here are some scenarios in which more than one
label is used:
MPLS VPNs: Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) is used to propagate a second label that
identifies the VPN in addition to the one that is propagated by LDP to identify the path.
MPLS TE: MPLS traffic engineering (TE) uses RSVP to establish Label Switched Path
(LSP) tunnels. RSVP propagates labels that are used to identify the tunnel LSP in addition
to the one that is propagated by LDP to identify the underlying LSP.
MPLS VPNs combined with MPLS TE: Three or more labels are used to identify the
VPN, tunnel LSP, and the underlying LSP.
These Ethertype values are used to identify Layer 3 protocols with most Layer 2
Unlabeled IP unicast: PID = 0x0800 identifies that the frame payload is a classic unicast
IP packet.
Labeled IP unicast: PID = 0x8847 identifies that the frame payload is a unicast IP packet
with at least one label preceding the IP header. The bottom-of-stack bit indicates when the
IP header actually starts.
Labeled IP multicast: PID = 0x8848 identifies that the frame payload is a multicast IP
packet with at least one label preceding the IP header. The bottom-of-stack bit indicates
when the IP header actually starts.
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ISCW v1.03-17
The ingress edge router performs these tasks after it receives an IP packet:
If the outgoing interface is enabled for MPLS and if a next-hop label for the destination
exists, it assigns and inserts a label between the Layer 2 frame header and the Layer 3
packet header. The router then changes the Layer 2 Ethertype value to indicate that this is a
labeled packet.
Other routers in the core simply forward packets based on the label.
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ISCW v1.03-19
LSR and Edge LSR are only used in this context in the RFC. Cisco refers to LSR as the
general class of router running MPLS. What the RFC refers to as LSR, Cisco calls a P
router; what the RFC refers to as Edge LSR, Cisco calls a provider edge router (PE router).
LSRs and edge LSRs are usually capable of doing both label switching and IP routing. Their
names are based on their positions in an MPLS domain. Routers that have all interfaces enabled
for MPLS are called LSRs because they mostly forward labeled packets. Routers that have
some interfaces that are not enabled for MPLS are usually at the edge of an MPLS domain
autonomous systems (ASs). These routers also forward packets based on IP destination
addresses and label them if the outgoing interface is enabled for MPLS.
For example, an edge LSR receives a packet for destination, imposes label 21, and
forwards the frame to the LSR in the MPLS backbone. LSR swaps label 21 with label 25 and
forwards the frame. The edge LSR removes label 25 and forwards the packet based on IP
destination address
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Functions of LSRs
Control plane
Exchanges routing information
Exchanges labels
Data plane
ISCW v1.03-21
Forward packets (data plane): Frame mode MPLS forwards packets based on the 32-bit
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ISCW v1.03-22
LDP populates the LFIB table in the data plane that is used to forward labeled packets.
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ISCW v1.03-23
A received IP packet is forwarded based on the IP destination address and sent as a labeled
A received labeled packet is forwarded based on the label; the label is changed (swapped)
and the labeled packet is sent.
A received labeled packet is forwarded based on the label; the label is removed and the IP
packet is sent.
A received labeled packet is dropped if the label is not found in the LFIB table, even if the
IP destination exists in the IP forwarding tablealso called the FIB.
A received IP packet is dropped if the destination is not found in the IP forwarding table
(FIB table), even if there is an MPLS label-switched path toward the destination.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
MPLS is a switching mechanism that uses labels to forward
packets. The result of using labels is that only edge routers
perform a routing lookup; all the core routers simply forward
packets based on labels assigned at the edge.
MPLS consists of two major components: control plane and
data plane.
MPLS uses a 32-bit label field that contains label,
experimental field, bottom-of-stack indicator, and TTL field.
LSR is a device that forwards packets primarily based on
Edge LSR is a device that labels packets or removes labels
from packets.
Exchange routing information and exchange labels are part
of the control plane, while forward packets is part of the data
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ISCW v1.03-24
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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Lesson 2
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how labels are allocated and
distributed in a frame mode MPLS network, and describe how IP packets cross an MPLS
network. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe how PHP improves MPLS performance by eliminating routing lookups on egress
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ISCW v1.03-3
Label allocation and distribution in a Unicast IP routing network and MPLS functionality,
including label allocation and distribution, can be divided into these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Local labels are generated. One locally unique label is assigned to each IP
destination found in the main routing table and stored in the Label Information Base
(LIB) table.
Step 3
Local labels are propagated to adjacent routers, where these labels might be used as
next-hop labels (stored in the Forwarding Information Base [FIB] and Label
Forwarding Information Base [LFIB] tables to enable label switching).
Step 4
Every label switch router (LSR) builds its LIB, LFIB, and FIB data structures based
on received labels.
The LIB, in the control plane, is the database used by Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)
where an IP prefix is assigned a locally significant label that is mapped to a next-hop label
that has been learned from a downstream neighbor.
The LFIB, in the data plane, is the database used to forward labeled packets. Local labels,
previously advertised to upstream neighbors, are mapped to next-hop labels, previously
received from downstream neighbors.
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The FIB, in the data plane, is the database used to forward unlabeled IP packets. A
forwarded packet is labeled if a next-hop label is available for a specific destination IP
network. Otherwise, a forwarded packet is not labeled.
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ISCW v1.03-4
As a starting point for this example, the IGP has converged and the FIB table on router A
contains the entry for network X that is mapped to the IP next-hop address B. However, at this
time, a next-hop label is not available, which means that all packets are forwarded in a
traditional way (as unlabeled packets).
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Allocating Labels
Routers generate labels regardless of other routers (asynchronous allocation of labels).
Allocating Labels
ISCW v1.03-5
Although any of the routers could be first to generate a label, for this example it is assumed that
router B is the first router to generate the label. Router B generates a locally significant and
locally unique label (for this example, 25), and assigns it to IP network X.
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ISCW v1.03-6
The LIB table is used to maintain the mapping between the IP prefix (network X), the assigned
label (25), and the assigning router (local).
The LFIB table is modified to contain the local label mapped to the forwarding action. In this
case, the action is untagged because no label for network X has been received from a neighbor.
The untagged action is used until the next-hop label is received from the downstream neighbor
(router C in this case).
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ISCW v1.03-8
MPLS adds a new piece of information that must be exchanged between adjacent routers. There
are two possible approaches to propagating this additional label information between adjacent
Extending the functionality of existing router protocols requires much more time and effort
because of the large number of different routing protocols. This first approach also causes
interoperability problems between routers that support the new functionality and those that do
not. Therefore, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) selected the second approach. The
LDP in the control plane exchanges labels and stores them in the LIB.
The figure illustrates the next step after a local label has been assigned. Router B propagates
this label, 25, to all adjacent neighbors where this label can be used as a next-hop label. The
allocated label is advertised to all neighbor LSRs, regardless of whether the neighbors are
upstream or downstream LSRs for the destination.
Because router B cannot predict which routers might use it as the downstream neighbor,
router B sends its local mappings to all LDP neighbors.
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ISCW v1.03-9
Label 25, received from LSR B, is stored in the LIB table as the label for network X.
Label 25 is attached to the IP forwarding entry in the FIB table to enable the MPLS edge
functionality (incoming IP packets are forwarded as labeled packets).
The local label in the LFIB table is mapped to outgoing label 25 instead of the untagged action
(incoming labeled packets can be forwarded as labeled packets).
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ISCW v1.03-10
Step 2
The packet is forwarded based on the information found in the FIB table on router
Step 3
Label 25, found in the FIB table, is used to label the packet and it is forwarded to the
next-hop router, router B.
Step 4
Router B must remove the label because LSR B has not yet received any next-hop
label (the action in the LFIB is untagged).
Step 5
Router A performs an IP lookup (Cisco Express Forwarding [CEF] switching), whereas router
B performs a label lookup (label switching) in which the label is removed and a normal IP
packet is sent out of router B. This functionality allows MPLS to continue packet forwarding
even though label distribution is not complete.
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ISCW v1.03-11
The figure illustrates how an LDP update, advertising label 47 for network X, from router C is
sent to all adjacent routers, including router B.
Router D also advertises a label for network X. Since network X is directly connected to router
D, it sends an implicit null label for this network. Because of this, the pop action for network X
is used on router C, using a Penultimate Hop Popping (PHP) function. The packet sent to router
D will not be labeled.
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ISCW v1.03-12
Router E has allocated label 26 for network X, and has received a label from router B (label 25)
and a label from router C (label 47) for network X.
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ISCW v1.03-14
An IGP is used to populate the routing tables in all routers in an MPLS domain. LDP is used to
propagate labels for these networks. Each router determines its own shortest path by IGP.
LDP, which propagates labels for the networks, adds labels into the FIB and LFIB tables. Only
those labels that come from the next-hop router are inserted into the LFIB table.
Router B has already assigned a label to network X and created an entry in the LFIB. The
outgoing label is inserted in the LFIB after the label is received from the next-hop LSR.
After router C advertises label 47 to adjacent routers, the LSP tunnel for network X has two
hops. The steps in establishing the LSP or LSP tunnel from router A to network X are as
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Router C received an implicit null label for network X from router D. Label 47 is
therefore mapped to the pop action.
In the figure, label distribution is from right to left, and packet forwarding is from left to right.
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ISCW v1.03-16
An incoming IP packet is forwarded by using the FIB table, and can be sent out as an IP packet
or as a labeled IP packet. But an incoming labeled packet is forwarded by using the LFIB table
and sent out as a labeled IP packet. If a router did not get a label from the next-hop router, the
label is removed and an unlabeled IP packet is sent.
The figure illustrates how IP packets are propagated across an MPLS domain. The steps are as
Step 1
Step 2
Router A labels a packet destined for network X by using the next-hop label 25
(CEF switching by using the FIB table).
Step 3
Router A sends the packet toward network X with the MPLS label 25.
Step 4
Step 5
Router B forwards the packet to router C (label switching by using the LFIB table).
Step 6
Step 7
Router C forwards the unlabeled packet to router D (label removed by using the
LFIB table).
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ISCW v1.03-18
PHP optimizes MPLS performance by reducing the number of table lookups on the egress
When the downstream router realizes that it is the final node in the label switched path, it can
distribute the label value of 3 to the upstream router at the time the path is established. The
upstream router makes the next-hop determination for the packet based on the inbound label it
receives and forwards the packet without a label. This allows the downstream node to perform
a single lookup.
A pop label is encoded with a value of 3 for LDP. This label instructs upstream routers to
remove the label instead of swapping it with label 3. The display in the LIB table of the router
will be imp-null rather than the value of 3.
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ISCW v1.03-19
The check marks show which tables are used on individual routers. The egress router in this
example must do a lookup in the LFIB table to determine whether the label must be removed
and if a further lookup in the FIB table is required.
PHP removes the requirement for a double lookup to be performed on egress LSRs.
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ISCW v1.03-20
The term pop means to remove the top label in the MPLS label stack instead of swapping it
with the next-hop label. The last router before the egress router, therefore, removes the top
PHP slightly optimizes MPLS performance by eliminating one LFIB lookup at the egress edge
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
Every LSR assigns a label for every destination in the IP
routing table.
Although labels are locally significant, they have to be
advertised to directly reachable peers.
Outgoing labels are inserted in the LFIB after the label is
received from the next-hop LSR.
Packets are forwarded using labels from the LFIB table rather
than the IP routing table.
PHP optimizes MPLS performance (one less LFIB lookup).
ISCW v1.03-21
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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Lesson 3
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the steps that are required to
successfully implement MPLS. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe the procedure for configuring frame mode MPLS on a Cisco IOS router
Enable MPLS on a frame mode interface as a step in implementing frame mode MPLS
Configure the MTU size in label switching as a step in implementing frame mode MPLS
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ISCW v1.03-3
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
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Configuring IP CEF
This topic describes how to configure IP CEF.
ISCW v1.03-5
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ip cef [distributed]
ip route-cache cef
ISCW v1.03-6
To enable CEF operation on an interface after the CEF operation has been disabled, use the ip
route-cache cef command in interface configuration mode. The ip route-cache cef command
does not have any parameters.
When standard CEF or distributed CEF operations are enabled globally, all interfaces that
support CEF are enabled by default.
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Monitoring IP CEF
To display entries in the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) or to display a summary of the
FIB, use the show ip cef command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
Monitoring IP CEF
ISCW v1.03-7
(Optional) Displays the FIB entries for all the specific destinations
type number
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ISCW v1.03-9
Enable Tag Distribution Protocol (TDP) or Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) on the interface
by using either tag switching or label switching. You enable the support for MPLS on a device
by using mpls ip global configuration command, although this should be on by default, and
then individually on every frame mode interface that participates in MPLS processes.
MPLS support is enabled by default in Cisco routers. MPLS can be disabled using the no mpls
ip interface configuration command. You must configure MPLS individually on every frame
mode interface that will participate in MPLS using the mpls ip command in interface
configuration mode. After enabling MPLS on the interface, you must select the label
distribution protocol using the mpls label protocol command in interface configuration mode.
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mpls ip
ISCW v1.03-10
To run MPLS on the interface, you must explicitly enable it and afterwards select the LDP.
TDP is Cisco proprietary protocol. Depending on the Cisco IOS version, when issuing a show
running-config command, the mpls ldp commands will show up as tag-switching commands.
The default MPLS label distribution protocol changed from TDP to LDP. If no protocol is
explicitly configured by the mpls label protocol command, LDP is the default label
distribution protocol.
You can save the LDP configuration commands by using the mpls ip form of the command
rather than the tag-switching form. Previously, commands were saved using the tag-switching
form of the command, for backward compatibility.
To enable label switching of IP version 4 (IPv4) packets on an interface, use the mpls ip
command in interface configuration mode. The mpls ip command does not have any
This command starts LDP on all interfaces on a Cisco router. To select TDP, you have to use
mpls label protocol tdp command, globally or per interface.
By default, label switching of IPv4 packets is disabled on an interface.
To select which label distribution protocol will be used on an interface, use the mpls label
protocol command in interface configuration mode.
mpls label protocol [tdp | ldp | both]
mpls label protocol Parameters
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LDP is the default protocol on Cisco IOS software Release 12.4(3) and later. In the older
releases, TDP was the default protocol.
For backward compatibility, using the mpls syntax will be entered as tag-switching syntax
in the configuration by the Cisco IOS software.
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ISCW v1.03-11
You must globally enable CEF switching, which automatically enables CEF on all interfaces
that support it.
Non-backbone (non-MPLS) interfaces have an input ACL that denies TCP sessions on the
well-known port number 711 (TDP uses TCP port 711). If using LDP, filter on UDP port 646,
(LDP uses UDP port 646). This is just as a precaution because without the mpls ip command
on the interface, LDP cannot be established on Serial 3/1.
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ISCW v1.03-12
When combining Cisco routers with equipment of other vendors, you may need to use standard
LDP. TDP can be replaced by LDP on point-to-point interfaces. However, you can also use
both protocols on shared media if some devices do not support TDP.
Label switching is more or less independent of the distribution protocol, so there should be no
problem in mixing the two protocols. TDP and LDP are functionally very similar, and both
populate the Label Information Base (LIB) table.
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ISCW v1.03-14
Optionally, you may change the maximum size of labeled packets. Because of the additional
label header, increase the MTU on LAN interfaces to prevent IP fragmentation.
The MPLS MTU size has to be increased on all routers attached to a LAN segment. The default
MTU size on the LAN segments is 1500 bytes. The size of the MPLS MTU depends on the
application you are running with MPLS. When you are using pure MPLS in the backbone,
MTU size will increase for one label header only to 1504 bytes. When you are implementing
MPLS VPN, MTU size has to increase for two label headers to 1508 bytes. With MPLS VPN
with Traffic Engineering (TE), the MTU size should increase for three label headers to 1512
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ISCW v1.03-15
One way of preventing labeled packets from exceeding the maximum size (and being
fragmented as a result) is to increase the MTU size of labeled packets for all segments in the
Label Switch Path (LSP) tunnel. The problem will typically occur on LAN switches, where it is
more likely that a device does not support oversized packets (also called jumbo frames or,
sometimes, giants or baby giants). Some devices support jumbo frames, and some need to be
configured to support them.
Label switching increases the maximum MTU requirements on an interface because of the
additional label headers.
The interface MTU is automatically increased on WAN interfaces, but not on LAN interfaces.
Because MTU is not automatically increased on LAN interfaces, you have to increase it
manually using mpls mtu command.
To set the per-interface MTU for labeled packets, use the mpls mtu interface configuration
mpls mtu bytes
mpls mtu Parameter
MTU in bytes
The minimum MTU is 64 bytes. The maximum depends on the type of interface medium.
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ISCW v1.03-16
The MPLS MTU size has to be increased on all routers attached to a LAN segment (routers B
and C). Additionally, the LAN switch (Cat6000) that is used to implement switched LAN
segments needs to be configured to support jumbo frames.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
MPLS configuration tasks include configuring IP CEF, tag
switching, and setting MTU size.
CEF is configured globally.
Use the mpls ip command to enable MPLS on an interface
To set MTU for labeled packets, use the mpls mtu interface
configuration command.
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ISCW v1.03-17
Lesson 4
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to explain the evolution of MPLS VPNs, and
describe MPLS VPN routing and packet flow. This ability includes being able to meet these
Explain MPLS VPN architecture, and how it improves on the traditional methods of
overlay and peer-to-peer VPN
Describe the components of an MPLS VPN and how they are interconnected to enable
enterprise network connectivity between sites
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VPN Taxonomy
ISCW v1.03-3
VPN Taxonomy
There are several different virtual networking concepts present in the data communications
VLANs allow you to implement isolated LANs over the same physical infrastructure.
Virtual private dialup networks (VPDNs) allow you to use the dial-in infrastructure of a
service provider for private dialup connections.
VPNs allow you to use the shared infrastructure of a service provider to implement your
private networks. There are basically these two implementation models:
Overlay VPNs, including technologies such as X.25, Frame Relay, ATM for Layer 2
Overlay VPN, and Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) and IPsec for Layer 3
Overlay VPN.
Peer-to-peer VPNs, implemented with routers and respective filters, with separate
routers per customer, or with the MPLS VPN technology.
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VPN Models
VPN services can be offered based on two major
Overlay VPNs, in which the service provider provides virtual
point-to-point links between customer sites
Peer-to-peer VPNs, in which the service provider participates
in the customer routing
ISCW v1.03-4
In the Layer 1 overlay VPN implementation, the service provider sells Layer 1 circuits (bit
pipes) implemented with technologies such as ISDN, digital service level zero (DS0), E1, T1,
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), or SONET. The customer is responsible for Layer 2
encapsulation between customer devices and the transport of IP data across the infrastructure.
A Layer 2 VPN implementation is the traditional switched WAN model, implemented with
technologies such as X.25, Frame Relay, ATM, and Switched Multimegabit Data Service
(SMDS). The service provider is responsible for transport of Layer 2 frames between customer
sites, and the customer is responsible for all higher layers.
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ISCW v1.03-5
The customer needs to connect three sites to Site A (central site, or hub) and orders
connectivity between Site A (hub) and Site B (spoke), between Site A and Site C (spoke), and
between Site A and Site D (spoke). The service provider implements this request by providing
three permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) across the Frame Relay network.
The implementation displayed in this example does not provide full connectivity; data flow
between spoke sites is through the hub.
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Layer 3 Routing
From the Layer 3 perspective, the provider network (P-network) is invisible to the customer
routers, which are linked with emulated point-to-point links. The routing protocol runs directly
between customer routers that establish routing adjacencies and exchange routing information.
ISCW v1.03-6
The service provider is not aware of customer routing and has no information about customer
routes. The responsibility of the service provider is simply point-to-point data transport
between customer sites.
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Peer-to-Peer VPNs
ISCW v1.03-7
For example, if you need to have full mesh connectivity between four sites, you will need a
total of six point-to-point links or VCs. To overcome this drawback and provide the customer
with optimum data transport across the service provider backbone, the peer-to-peer VPN
concept was introduced. Here, the service provider actively participates in customer routing,
accepting customer routes, transporting those customer routes across the service provider
backbone, and finally propagating them to other customer sites.
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ISCW v1.03-8
Overlay VPNs are well-known and easy to implement from both customer and service
provider perspectives.
The service provider does not participate in customer routing, making the demarcation
point between service provider and customer easier to manage.
Optimum routing between customer sites without any special design or configuration
Easy provisioning of additional VPNs or customer sites, because the service provider
provisions only individual sites, not the links between individual customer sites.
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Peer-to-peer VPN:
The service provider participates in customer routing.
The service provider becomes responsible for customer
PE routers carry all routes from all customers.
The service provider needs detailed IP routing knowledge.
ISCW v1.03-9
Layer 2 overlay VPNs require a full mesh of VCs between customer sites to provide
optimum intersite routing.
All VCs between customer sites have to be provisioned manually, and the bandwidth must
be provisioned on a site-to-site basis (which is not always easy to achieve).
The IP-based Layer 3 overlay VPN implementations (with IPsec or GRE) incur high
encapsulation overheadranging from 20 to 80 bytes per transported datagram.
The major drawbacks of peer-to-peer VPNs arise from service provider involvement in
customer routing, such as the following situations:
The service provider becomes responsible for correct customer routing and for fast
convergence of the customer network (C-network) following a link failure.
The service provider PE routers have to carry all customer routes that were hidden from the
service provider in the overlay VPN model.
The service provider needs detailed IP routing knowledge, which is not readily available in
traditional service provider teams.
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ISCW v1.03-10
Customers have to share the same global address space, either using their own public IP
addresses or relying on provider-assigned IP addresses. In both cases, connecting a new
customer to a peer-to-peer VPN service usually requires IP renumbering inside the Cnetworkan operation most customers are reluctant to perform.
Peer-to-peer VPNs based on packet filters also incur high operational costs associated with
packet filter maintenance and performance degradation because of heavy use of packet filters.
Peer-to-peer VPNs implemented with per-customer PE routers are easier to maintain and can
provide optimum routing performance, but they are usually more expensive because every
customer requires a dedicated router in every point of presence (POP). Therefore, this approach
is usually used if the service provider has only a small number of large customers.
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ISCW v1.03-12
The MPLS VPN architecture offers service providers a peer-to-peer VPN architecture that
combines the best features of overlay VPNs (support for overlapping customer address spaces)
with the best features of peer-to-peer VPNs.
The following describes these characteristics:
PE routers use a separate virtual routing table for each customer, resulting in perfect
isolation between customers.
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MPLS VPN terminology divides the overall network into a customer-controlled part (the Cnetwork) and a provider-controlled part (the P-network).
ISCW v1.03-13
Contiguous portions of the C-network are called sites and are linked with the P-network via
customer edge (CE) routers. The CE routers are connected to the PE routers, which serve as the
edge devices of the P-network. The core devices in the P-network, the provider routers, provide
transport across the provider backbone and do not carry customer routes.
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PE Router Architecture
The architecture of a PE router in an MPLS VPN is very similar to the architecture of a POP in
the dedicated PE router peer-to-peer model. The only difference is that the whole architecture is
condensed into one physical device.
PE Router Architecture
ISCW v1.03-14
Each customer is assigned an independent routing table, or virtual routing and forwarding
(VRF) table that corresponds to the dedicated PE router in the traditional peer-to-peer model.
Routing across the provider backbone is performed by another routing process that uses a
global IP routing table.
Cisco IOS software implements isolation between customers via VRF tables. The whole PE
router is still configured and managed as a single device, not as a set of virtual routers.
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ISCW v1.03-16
Although VRFs provide isolation between customers, the data from these routing tables still
needs to be exchanged between PE routers to enable data transfer between sites attached to
different PE routers. Therefore, a routing protocol is needed that will transport all customer
routes across the P-network, while maintaining the independence of individual customer
address spaces.
The best solution to the customer route propagation issue is to run a single routing protocol
between PE routers that will exchange all customer routes without the involvement of the P
routers. This solution is scalable. These are some of the benefits of this approach:
The number of routing protocols running between PE routers does not increase with an
increasing number of customers.
The next design decision to be made is the choice of the routing protocol running between PE
routers. Given that the total number of customer routes is expected to be very large, the only
well-known protocol with the required scalability is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
Therefore, BGP is used in MPLS VPN architecture to transport customer routes directly
between PE routers.
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Route Distinguishers
MPLS VPN architecture differs from traditional peer-to-peer VPN solutions in the support of
overlapping customer address spaces.
Route Distinguishers
Question: How will information about the overlapping
subnetworks of two customers be propagated via a single
routing protocol?
Answer: Extend the customer addresses to make them
The 64-bit RD is prepended to an IPv4 address to make it
globally unique.
The resulting address is a VPNv4 address.
VPNv4 addresses are exchanged between PE routers via
BGP that supports address families other than IPv4
addresses is called multiprotocol BGP (MPBGP).
ISCW v1.03-17
With the deployment of a single routing protocol, BGP, to exchange all customer routes
between PE routers, an important issue arises: how can BGP propagate several identical
prefixes belonging to different customers between PE routers?
The only solution to this dilemma is the expansion of customer IP prefixes with a unique prefix
that makes them unique even if they had previously overlapped. A 64-bit prefix called the RD
is used in MPLS VPNs to convert non-unique 32-bit customer IPv4 addresses into 96-bit
unique addresses that can be transported between PE routers.
The RD is used only to transform non-unique 32-bit customer IP version 4 (IPv4) addresses
into unique 96-bit VPN version 4 (VPNv4) addresses (also called VPN IPv4 addresses).
VPNv4 addresses are exchanged only between PE routers; they are never used between CE
routers. The BGP session between PE routers must therefore support the exchange of
traditional IPv4 prefixes and the exchange of VPNv4 prefixes. A BGP session between PE
routers must support multiple protocols, so an MPBGP session is established.
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ISCW v1.03-18
Customer route propagation across an MPLS VPN network is done using this process:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
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ISCW v1.03-19
Step 4
The receiving PE routers strip the RD from the VPNv4 prefix, resulting in an IPv4
Step 5
The IPv4 prefix is forwarded to other CE routers within an IPv4 routing update.
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ISCW v1.03-20
The only function of the RD is to make overlapping IPv4 addresses globally unique.
Because there has to be a unique one-to-one mapping between RD and VRFs, the RD
could be viewed as the VRF identifier in the Cisco implementation of an MPLS VPN.
The RD is configured at the PE router as part of the setup of the VPN site. The RD is not
configured on the CE and is not visible to the customer.
Simple VPN topologies require only one RD per customer, raising the possibility that the RD
could serve as a VPN identifier. This design, however, would not allow implementation of
more complex VPN topologies, such as when a customer site belongs to multiple VPNs.
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All sites of one customer need to communicate.
Central sites of both customers need to communicate with VoIP gateways
and other central sites.
Other sites from different customers do not communicate with each other.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.03-21
The figure illustrates the need for a more versatile VPN indicator than the RD. The connectivity
requirements of the VoIP service are as follows:
The central sites of different customers subscribed to the VoIP service need to
communicate with the VoIP gateways to originate and receive calls in the public voice
network, and also with other central sites to exchange inter-company voice calls.
Additional security measures have to be put in place at central sites to ensure that the
central sites exchange only VoIP calls with other central sites. Otherwise, the corporate
network of a customer could be compromised by another customer who is using the VoIP
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Connectivity Requirements
The connectivity requirements of the VoIP service are illustrated in the figure.
ISCW v1.03-22
Three VPNs are needed to implement the desired connectivity: two customer VPNs (customer
A and customer B) and a shared VoIP VPN, related as follows:
Central site A participates in the customer A VPN and in the VoIP VPN.
Central site B participates in the customer B VPN and in the VoIP VPN.
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Route Targets
The RD (again, a single entity prepended to an IPv4 route) cannot indicate that a site
participates in more than one VPN. A method is needed in which a set of VPN identifiers can
be attached to a route to indicate its membership in several VPNs.
Route Targets
Some sites have to participate in more than one VPN.
The RD cannot identify participation in more than one VPN.
RTs were introduced in the MPLS VPN architecture to
support complex VPN topologies.
RTs are additional attributes attached to VPNv4 BGP routes
to indicate VPN membership.
ISCW v1.03-23
RTs were introduced into the MPLS VPN architecture to support the requirements for multiVPN membership.
RTs are attributes that are attached to a VPNv4 BGP route to indicate its VPN membership.
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ISCW v1.03-24
When the VPNv4 routes are propagated to other PE routers, those routers need to select the
routes to import into their virtual routing tables. This selection is based on import RTs. Each
virtual routing table in a PE router can have a number of configured import RTs that identify
the set of VPNs from which the virtual routing table is accepting routes.
In overlapping VPN topologies, RTs are used to identify VPN membership. Advanced VPN
topologies (for example, central services VPNs) use RTs in more complex scenarios.
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ISCW v1.03-26
CE routers should not be MPLS VPN-aware; they should run standard IP routing software.
PE routers must support MPLS VPN services and traditional Internet services.
To make the MPLS VPN solution scalable, P routers must not carry VPN routes.
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CE Router Perspective
The MPLS VPN backbone should look like a standard corporate backbone to the CE routers.
ISCW v1.03-27
The CE routers run standard IP routing software and exchange routing updates with the PE
routers, which appear to them as normal routers in the C-network.
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ISCW v1.03-28
Configuring routing protocol on the CE site is very simple. The customer has no information on
VRFs configured on the provider site. Customer configuration is the same configuration as if
routing between two devices in the C-network.
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ISCW v1.03-29
The standard design rules used for enterprise BGP backbones can be applied to the design of
the C-network.
The P routers are hidden from the customer view; the internal topology of the BGP backbone is
therefore transparent to the customer.
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P Router Perspective
From the P router perspective, the MPLS VPN backbone looks even simplerthe P routers do
not participate in MPLS VPN routing and do not carry VPN routes.
ISCW v1.03-30
The P routers run only a backbone Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) with other P routers and
with PE routers, and exchange information about core subnetworks and loopbacks. BGP
deployment on P routers is not needed for proper MPLS VPN operation; it might be needed,
however, to support traditional Internet connectivity that has not yet been migrated to MPLS.
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PE Router Perspective
The PE routers are the only routers in MPLS VPN architecture that see all routing aspects of
ISCW v1.03-31
IPv4 VPN routes with CE routers via various routing protocols running in the VRF tables
of the PE.
Core routes with P routers and other PE routers via core IGP
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ISCW v1.03-32
These steps describe the stages of routing information flowfrom the IPv4 routing updates
entering the MPLS VPN backbone through their propagation as VPNv4 routes across the
Step 1
PE routers receive IPv4 routing updates from the CE routers and install them in the
appropriate VRF table.
Step 2
The customer routes from VRF tables are exported as VPNv4 routes into MPBGP
and propagated to other PE routers.
Step 3
The PE routers receiving MPBGP updates import the incoming VPNv4 routes into
their VRF tables based on RTs attached to the incoming routes and on import RTs
configured in the VRF tables.
Step 4
The VPNv4 routes installed in the VRF tables are converted to IPv4 routes and then
propagated to the CE routers.
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ISCW v1.03-34
You can use an MPLS label stack to tell the egress PE router what to do with the VPN packet.
When using the label stack, the ingress PE router labels the incoming IP packet with two labels:
The top label in the stack is the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) label for the egress PE
router. This label guarantees that the packet will traverse the MPLS VPN backbone and
arrive at the egress PE router.
The second label in the stack is assigned by the egress PE router and tells the router how to
forward the incoming VPN packet. The second label could point directly toward an
outgoing interface, in which case the egress PE router would perform label lookup only on
the VPN packet. The second label could also point to a VRF table, in which case the egress
PE router would first perform a label lookup to find the target VRF table and then perform
an IP lookup within the VRF table.
Both methods are used in Cisco IOS software. The second label in the stack points toward an
outgoing interface whenever the CE router is the next hop of the VPN route. The second label
in the stack points to the VRF table for aggregate VPN routes, VPN routes pointing to a null
interface, and routes for directly connected VPN interfaces.
The two-level MPLS label stack satisfies these MPLS VPN forwarding requirements:
The P routers perform label switching on the LDP-assigned label toward the egress PE
The egress PE router performs label switching on the second label (which it has previously
assigned), and either forwards the IP packet toward the CE router or performs another IP
lookup in the VRF table pointed to by the second label in the stack.
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Penultimate Hop Popping (PHP), the removal of the top label in the stack on the hop prior to
the egress router, can be performed in frame-based MPLS networks.
ISCW v1.03-35
In these networks, the last P router in the Label Switch Path (LSP) tunnel pops the LDP label,
as previously requested by the egress PE router through LDP, and the PE router receives a
labeled packet that contains only the VPN label. In most cases, a single label lookup performed
on that packet in the egress PE router is enough to forward the packet toward the CE router.
The full IP lookup through the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) is performed only once, in
the ingress PE router, even without PHP.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
There are two major VPN paradigms: overlay VPN and peerto-peer VPN.
MPLS VPN architecture combines the best features of the
overlay and peer-to-peer VPN models.
BGP is used to exchange customer routes between PE
Routes are transported using IGP (internal core routes), BGP
IPv4 (core Internet routes), and BGP VPNv4 (PE-to-PE VPN
PE routers forward packets across the MPLS VPN backbone
using label stacking.
ISCW v1.03-36
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
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Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
Module Summary
MPLS is a switching mechanism that uses labels to forward
MPLS consists of two major components: control plane and
data plane. The control plane exchanges routing information
and labels, while the data plane forwards packets or cells.
Every LSR assigns a label for every destination in the IP
routing table. Although labels are locally significant, they
have to be advertised to directly reachable peers. Packets are
forwarded using labels from the LFIB table rather than the IP
routing table.
MPLS configuration tasks include configuring IP CEF, tag
switching, and setting MTU size.
MPLS VPN architecture combines the best features of the
overlay and peer-to-peer VPN models. PE routers forward
packets across the MPLS VPN backbone using label
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.03-1
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Module Self-Check
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and
solutions are found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
Which three of these statements are true? (Choose three.) (Source: Introducing MPLS
The LDP is the responsibility of the _____. (Source: Introducing MPLS Networks)
Which two of these statements are true? (Choose two.) (Source: Introducing MPLS
data plane
forwarding plane
system plane
control plane
How many bits does the MPLS label header consists of? (Source: Introducing MPLS
control plane
ground plane
data plane
routing plane
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Which two tables contain label information? (Choose two.) (Source: Assigning MPLS
Labels to Packets)
An incoming IP packet is forwarded by using the FIB table, and can be sent out
as an IP packet or as a labeled IP packet.
An incoming IP packet is forwarded by using the FIB table, and can be sent out
only as an IP packet.
An incoming IP packet is forwarded by using the FIB table, and can be sent out
only as a labeled IP packet.
An incoming IP packet is forwarded by using the LIB table, and can be sent
out as an IP packet or as a labeled IP packet.
Which of these statements best describes PHP? (Source: Assigning MPLS Labels to
An IP forwarding table resides on the data plane, LDP runs on the control
plane, and an IP routing table resides on the data plane.
An IP forwarding table resides on the data plane, LDP runs on the control
plane, and an IP routing table resides on the control plane.
An IP forwarding table resides on the control plane, LDP runs on the control
plane, and an IP routing table resides on the data plane.
An IP forwarding table resides on the control plane, LDP runs on the control
plane, and an IP routing table resides on the control plane.
main IP routing table
BGP table
LDP neighbor table
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Router#ip cef
Router>ip cef
Router(config)#ip cef
Router#mpls ip
Router>ip mpls
Router(config)#ip mpls
Router(config-if)#mpls ip
The MPLS MTU is increased to _____ to support 1500-B IP packets and MPLS stacks
up to three levels deep. (Source: Implementing Frame Mode MPLS)
Which VPN type does not require the SP to participate in customer routing? (Source:
MPLS VPN Technology)
Which two network elements are contained in the provider network? (Choose two.)
(Source: MPLS VPN Technology)
P device
CE device
PE device
CE router
customer core router
Which well-known routing protocol can scale to a very large number of routes?
(Source: MPLS VPN Technology)
In which two ways do MPLS VPNs support overlapping customer address spaces
between different customers? (Choose two.) (Source: MPLS VPN Technology)
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
A, C, D
A, C
A, D
A, C
A, D
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Module 4
IPsec VPNs
Virtual private networks (VPNs) use advanced encryption techniques and tunneling to permit
organizations to establish secure, end-to-end, private network connections over third-party
networks, such as the Internet or extranets.
Cisco offers a wide range of VPN products, from VPN-optimized routers and firewalls to
dedicated VPN concentrators that are used to create VPN solutions that meet the requirements
of any organization.
This module describes the fundamental terms used with IPsec VPNs, and describes different
types of IPsec VPNs and their configurations in detail. Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
tunnels and Cisco VPN Client for Windows are also introduced.
Module Objectives
Upon completing this module, you will be able to describe and configure a site-to-site IPsec
VPN. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe the fundamental concepts, technologies, and terms used with IPsec VPNs
Describe the procedure to configure a site-to-site IPsec VPN with preshared key
authentication using SDM, and explain the resulting CLI configurations
Describe the procedure to configure and verify a Cisco Easy VPN Server and an IPsec
VPN, configured with Cisco Easy VPN, using SDM to support remote access VPNs
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Lesson 1
Understanding IPsec
Components and IPsec
VPN Features
This lesson describes the protocols and standards required to enable secure communication
using IPsec. To successfully design and implement a virtual private network (VPN)
deployment, you must understand IPsec basic functionality and the protocols used.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the fundamental concepts,
technologies, and terms used with IPsec VPNs. This ability includes being able to meet these
Describe the IPsec protocol and its basic functions, and the advantages of IPsec VPNs
versus other types of VPNs
Explain the differences and the functionality between symmetric and asymmetric
encryption algorithms
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IPsec Overview
This topic describes the IPsec protocol and its basic functions, and the advantages of IPsec
VPNs over other types of VPNs.
What Is IPsec?
IPsec is an IETF standard that employs cryptographic
mechanisms on the network layer:
Authentication of every IP packet
Verification of data integrity for each packet
Confidentiality of packet payload
Consists of open standards for securing private
Scales from small to very large networks
Is available in Cisco IOS software version 11.3(T) and later
Is included in PIX Firewall version 5.0 and later
ISCW v1.04-3
IPsec provides a mechanism for secure data transmission over IP networks, ensuring
confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data communications over unprotected networks
such as the Internet. IPsec encompasses a suite of protocols and is not bound to any specific
encryption or authentication algorithms, key generation technique, or security association (SA).
IPsec provides the rules while existing algorithms provide the encryption, authentication, key
management, and so on.
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RFC 2408: Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
RFC 2410: The NULL Encryption Algorithm and Its Use With IPsec
RFC 2539: Storage of Diffie-Hellman Keys in the Domain Name System (DNS)
RFC 3070: Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) over Frame Relay
RFC 3301: Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP): ATM access network extensions
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
Data integrity
Replay detection
ISCW v1.04-4
Data confidentiality: The IPsec sender can encrypt packets before transmitting them
across a network, thereby preventing anyone from eavesdropping on the communication. If
intercepted, the communications cannot be read.
Data integrity: The IPsec receiver can authenticate packets sent by the IPsec sender to
ensure that there has been no alteration to the data during transmission.
Data origin authentication: The IPsec receiver can authenticate the source of the IPsec
packets sent. This service is dependent upon the data integrity service.
Anti-replay: Anti-replay protection verifies that each packet is unique, not duplicated.
IPsec packets are protected by comparing the sequence number of the received packets and
a sliding window on the destination host, or security gateway. A packet whose sequence
number is before the sliding window is considered late, or a duplicate. Late and duplicate
packets are dropped.
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IPsec Protocols
The IPsec standard provides a method to manage authentication and data protection between
multiple peers engaging in secure data transfer. IPsec includes a protocol for exchanging keys,
called Internet Key Exchange (IKE) and two IPsec IP protocols, Encapsulating Security
Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH).
IPsec Protocols
IPsec uses three main protocols to create a security
Internet Key Exchange (IKE):
Provides framework for negotiation of security parameters
Establishment of authenticated keys
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP):
Provides framework for encrypting, authenticating, and
securing of data
Authentication Header (AH):
Provides framework for authenticating and securing of
ISCW v1.04-5
IKE: Provides a framework for the negotiation of security parameters and establishes
authenticated keys. IPsec uses symmetrical encryption algorithms for data protection,
which are more efficient and easier to implement in hardware than other types of
algorithms. These algorithms need a secure method of key exchange to ensure data
protection. The IKE protocols provide the capability for secure key exchange.
ESP: Provides a framework for encrypting, authenticating, and securing of data. ESP is a
security protocol, which provides data privacy services and optional data authentication,
and anti-replay services. ESP encapsulates the data to be protected. The ESP protocol is
mainly used in the IPsec.
RFC 2401 defines the architecture for IPsec, including the framework and the services
provided. RFC 2401 also defines how the services work together and how and where to use
them. Other RFCs define individual protocols. Beyond these protocols are the
implementation specifics, such as the exact encryption algorithm and the key length used for
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IPsec VPNs
IPsec Headers
IPsec provides authentication, integrity, and encryption via the insertion of one or both of two
specific headers, AH or ESP, into the IP datagram.
IPsec Headers
ISCW v1.04-6
The AH provides authentication and integrity checks on the IP datagram. Authentication means
the packet was definitely sent by the apparent sender. Integrity means the packet was not
The ESP header provides information that indicates encryption of the datagram payload
contents. The ESP header also provides authentication and integrity checks.
AH and ESP are used between two hosts. These hosts may be end stations or gateways.
AH and ESP provide services to transport layer protocols such as TCP and User Datagram
Protocol (UDP). AH and ESP are Internet protocols and are assigned numbers 51 (AH) and
50 (ESP) by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
AH and ESP solutions require a standards-based way to secure data from eavesdropping and
modification. IPsec has a choice of different encryptions (Data Encryption Standard [DES],
Triple Data Encryption Standard [3DES], Advanced Encryption Standard [AES]) so that users
may choose the strength of their data protection. IPsec also has several hash methods to choose
from (Hash-based Message Authentication Code [HMAC], Message Digest 5 [MD5], Secure
Hash Algorithm 1 [SHA-1]), each giving different levels of protection.
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Peer Authentication
When conducting business long distance, you need to know who is at the other end of the
phone, e-mail, or fax. The same is true of VPN networking. The device on the other end of the
VPN tunnel must be authenticated before the communications path is considered secure.
Peer Authentication
ISCW v1.04-7
Username and password: Uses the predefined usernames and passwords for different
users or systems.
One Time Password (OTP) (Pin/Tan): A stronger authentication method using passwords
that are generated for each authentication.
Biometric: Biometrics usually refers to technologies for measuring and analyzing human
body characteristics such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial
patterns, and hand measurements, especially for authentication purposes.
Preshared keys: A secret key value that is manually entered into each peer and used to
authenticate the peer.
Digital certificates: Use the exchange of digital certificates to authenticate the peers.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-9
To implement a VPN solution with encryption, the periodic changing of encryption keys is
necessary. Failure to change these keys makes the network susceptible to brute force attacks.
IPsec solves this problem with the IKE protocol, which uses two other protocols to authenticate
a peer and generate keys. The IKE protocol uses a mathematical routine called a DiffieHellman exchange to generate symmetrical keys to be used by two IPsec peers. IKE also
manages the negotiation of other security parameters, such as data to be protected, strength of
the keys, hash methods used, and whether packets are protected from replay. IKE uses UDP
port 500.
IKE negotiates an SA, which is an agreement between two peers engaging in an IPsec
exchange and consists of these required parameters necessary to establish successful
Oakley: A key exchange protocol that defines how to acquire authenticated keying
material. The basic mechanism for Oakley is the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm.
You can find the standard in RFC 2412: The OAKLEY Key Determination Protocol.
Skeme: A key exchange protocol that defines how to derive authenticated keying material,
with rapid key refreshment.
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IKE Features
IKE automatically negotiates IPsec SAs and enables IPsec secure communications without
costly manual preconfiguration. (An SA is an agreement between two peers and consists of all
required parameters necessary to establish successful communications)
IKE includes these features:
Eliminates the need to manually specify all of the IPsec security parameters at both peers
IPsec VPNs
IKE Phases
IKE is executed in two phases to establish a secure communication channel between two peers.
IKE Phases
Phase 1:
Authenticate the peers
Negotiate a bidirectional SA
Main mode or aggressive mode
Phase 1.5:
Mode config
Phase 2:
IPsec SAs/SPIs
Quick mode
ISCW v1.04-10
IKE Phase 1
Phase 1 is the initial negotiation of SAs between two IPsec peers. Optionally, phase 1 can also
include an authentication in which each peer is able to verify the identity of the other. This
conversation between two IPsec peers can be subject to eavesdropping with no significant
vulnerability of the keys being recovered. Phase 1 SAs are bidirectional; data may be sent and
received using the same key material generated. Two modes are available for phase 1 SA
negotiations: main mode or aggressive mode.
IKE Phase 2
Phase 2 SAs are negotiated by the IKE process (ISAKMP) on behalf of other services such as
IPsec, which need key material for operation. Because the SAs used by IPsec are unidirectional,
separate key exchanges are needed for data flowing in the forward direction and the reverse
direction. The two peers have already agreed upon the transform sets, hash methods, and other
parameters during the phase 1 negotiation. Quick mode is the method used for the phase 2 SA
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IKE Modes
IKE can use main mode, aggressive mode, or quick mode.
IKE Modes
ISCW v1.04-11
Main Mode
In the main mode, an IKE session begins with the initiator sending a proposal or proposals to
the responder. These proposals define which encryption and authentication protocols are
acceptable, how long keys should remain active, and whether perfect forward secrecy should be
enforced. Multiple proposals can be sent in one offering. The first exchange between nodes
establishes the basic security policy. The responder chooses the appropriate proposal and sends
it to the initiator. The next exchange passes Diffie-Hellman public keys and other data. All
further negotiation is encrypted within the IKE SA. The third exchange authenticates the
ISAKMP session. Once the IKE SA is established, IPsec negotiation (quick mode) begins.
Aggressive Mode
The aggressive mode squeezes the IKE SA negotiation into three packets, with all data required
for the SA passed by the initiator. The responder sends the proposal, key material, and
identification, and authenticates the session in the next packet. The initiator replies by
authenticating the session. Negotiation is quicker, and the initiator and responder ID pass in
Quick Mode
The quick mode IPsec negotiation is similar to an aggressive mode IKE negotiation, except
negotiation must be protected within an IKE SA. Quick mode negotiates the SA for the data
encryption and manages the key exchange for that IPsec SA.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-13
There are some additional functions that can be delivered by IKE, which are used to verify if
the peer device is still active, to pass IPsec through Network Address Translation (NAT)
devices, or to exchange additional configuration parameters.
Dead peer detection (DPD) and Cisco IOS keepalives function on the basis of a timer. If the
timer is set for 10 seconds, the router will send a hello message every 10 seconds (unless, of
course, the router receives a hello message from the peer). The benefit of IOS keepalives and
periodic DPD is earlier detection of dead peers. However, IOS keepalives and periodic DPD
rely on periodic messages that have to be sent with considerable frequency. The result of
sending frequent messages is that the communicating peers must encrypt and decrypt more
The default operation of DPD is on-demand. With on-demand DPD, messages are sent on
the basis of traffic patterns. If a router has no traffic to send, it never sends a DPD message.
If a peer is dead and the router never has any traffic to send to the peer, the router will not
find out until the IKE or IPsec SA has to be rekeyed (the liveliness of the peer is unimportant
if the router is not trying to communicate with the peer).
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NAT Traversal
A standard IPsec VPN tunnel will not work if there are one or more NAT or Port Address
Translation (PAT) points in the delivery path of the IPsec packet.
ISCW v1.04-14
The IPsec VPN tunnel will not work if there are no port numbers in the IPsec headers that can
be used to create and maintain translation tables. The Layer 4 port information is encrypted and
therefore cannot be read.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-15
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Incompatibility between IPsec ESP and PAT: If PAT found a legislative IP address and
port, it would drop the ESP packet. To prevent an ESP packet drop, UDP encapsulation is
used to hide the ESP packet behind the UDP header. Therefore, PAT treats the ESP packet
as a UDP packet, processing the ESP packet as a normal UDP packet.
Incompatibility between checksums and NAT: In the new UDP header, the checksum
value is always zero. This value prevents an intermediate device from validating the
checksum against the packet checksum, thereby resolving the checksum issue because
NAT changes the IP source and destination addresses.
Incompatibility between fixed IKE destination ports and PAT: PAT changes the port
address in the new UDP header for translation and leaves the original payload unchanged.
UDP Encapsulated Process for Software Engines: Transport Mode and Tunnel Mode
ESP Encapsulation
After the IPsec packet is encrypted by a hardware accelerator or a software crypto engine, a
UDP header and a non-IKE marker (which is eight bytes in length) are inserted between the
original IP header and ESP header. The total length, protocol, and checksum fields are changed
to match this modification.
NAT keepalives can be used to keep the dynamic NAT mapping alive during a connection
between two peers. NAT keepalives are UDP packets with an unencrypted payload of one
byte. By default, there are no NAT keepalives sent.
IPsec VPNs
Mode Configuration
ISCW v1.04-16
The mode configuration option is heavily used for Easy VPN. Easy VPN allows remote clients
to receive security policies from an Easy VPN Server, minimizing configuration requirements
at the client.
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Easy VPN
Cisco Easy VPN greatly simplifies VPN deployment for remote offices and teleworkers. The
Cisco Easy VPN solution centralizes VPN management across all Cisco VPN devices, thus
reducing the management complexity of VPN deployments.
Easy VPN
Dynamically updated:
Central services
and security
Offload VPN
function from
local devices
Client and
network extension
Centralized control:
and security
policy pushed at
the time of the
VPN tunnel
ISCW v1.04-17
Cisco Easy VPN Remote: The Cisco Easy VPN Remote component allows Cisco IOS
routers, Cisco PIX Security Appliances, Cisco VPN 3002 hardware clients, and the Cisco
VPN Client to receive security policies upon a VPN tunnel connection from a Cisco Easy
VPN Server, minimizing configuration requirements at the remote location. This costeffective solution is ideal for remote offices with little IT support or for large customer
premises equipment (CPE) deployments where it is impractical to individually configure
multiple remote devices. This feature makes VPN configuration as easy as entering a
password, which minimizes local IT support, increases productivity, and lowers costs.
Cisco Easy VPN Server: The Cisco Easy VPN Server allows Cisco IOS routers, Cisco
PIX Security Appliances, and Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrators to act as VPN headend
devices in site-to-site or remote-access VPNs, where the remote office devices are using the
Cisco Easy VPN Remote feature. This feature pushes security policies defined at the
central site to the remote VPN device, helping to ensure that those connections have up-todate policies in place before the connection is established. Additionally, a device enabled
with the Cisco Easy VPN Server can terminate VPN tunnels initiated by mobile remote
workers running the Cisco VPN Client software on PCs. This flexibility allows mobile and
remote workers to access critical data and applications on their corporate intranet.
IPsec VPNs
Extended Authentication
Xauth is based on the IKE protocol. Xauth allows authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) methods to perform user authentication in a separate phase after the IKE authentication
phase 1 exchange.
ISCW v1.04-18
Xauth does not replace IKE. IKE allows for device authentication while Xauth allows for user
authentication, which occurs after IKE device authentication. A user authentication option can
be a generic username and password, Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP),
OTPs, or Secure Key (S/Key).
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ESP and AH
This topic describes the two protocols used for IPsec and IPsec modes.
ESP and AH
IPsec protocols:
ESP uses IP protocol number 50
AH uses IP protocol number 51
IPsec modes:
Tunnel or transport mode
Tunnel mode creates a new IP header
Transport mode authenticates the whole packet
ISCW v1.04-20
ESP: The ESP header (IP protocol 50) forms the core of the IPsec protocol. This protocol,
in conjunction with an agreed-upon encryption method or transform set, protects data by
rendering it undecipherable. This protocol protects only the data portion of the packet. It
can optionally also provide for authentication of the protected data.
AH: The other part of IPsec is formed by the AH protocol (IP protocol 51). The AH does
not protect data in the usual sense by hiding the data, but it adds a tamper-evident seal to
the data. It also protects fields in the IP header carrying the data, including the address
fields of the IP header. The AH protocol should not be used alone when there is a
requirement for data confidentiality.
IPsec has two methods of forwarding data across a network: tunnel mode and transport mode,
which differ in their application as well as in the amount of overhead added to the passenger
packet, as follows:
Tunnel mode: Tunnel mode works by encapsulating and protecting an entire IP packet.
Because tunnel mode encapsulates or hides the IP header of the packet, a new IP header
must be added for the packet to be successfully forwarded. The encrypting devices
themselves own the IP addresses used in this new header. These addresses can be specified
in the configuration in Cisco IOS routers. Tunnel mode may be employed with either ESP
or AH or both. Tunnel mode results in an additional packet expansion of approximately 20
bytes because of the new IP header.
IPsec VPNs
Transport mode: Because packet expansion can be a concern during the forwarding of
small packets, a second forwarding method is also possible. IPsec transport mode works by
inserting the ESP header between the IP header and the next protocol or the Transport layer
of the packet. Both IP addresses of the two network nodes whose traffic is being protected
by IPsec are visible. This mode of IPsec can sometimes be susceptible to traffic analysis.
However, because there is no additional IP header added, the result is less packet
expansion. Transport mode can be deployed with either ESP or AH or both. This mode
works well with Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) because GRE already hides the
addresses of the end stations by adding its own IP header.
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ISCW v1.04-21
You can achieve AH authentication by applying a keyed one-way hash function to the packet,
creating a hash or message digest. The hash is combined with the text and transmitted. Changes
in any part of the packet that occur during transit are detected by the receiver when it performs
the same one-way hash function on the received packet and compares the value of the message
digest that the sender has supplied. The fact that the one-way hash also involves the use of a
symmetric key between the two systems means that authenticity is guaranteed.
ESP provides confidentiality by encrypting the payload. The default algorithm for IPsec is 56bit DES. Cisco products also support the use of 3DES for stronger encryption.
You can use ESP alone or in combination with AH. ESP with AH also provides integrity and
authentication of the datagrams. First, the payload is encrypted. Next, the encrypted payload is
sent through a hash algorithm: MD5 or SHA-1. The hash provides origin authentication and
data integrity for the data payload.
Alternatively, ESP may also enforce anti-replay protection by requiring that a receiving host set
the replay bit in the header to indicate that the packet has been seen.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-22
AH works as follows:
Step 1
Step 2
The hash is used to build an AH header, which is appended to the original packet.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
The peer router extracts the transmitted hash from the AH header.
Step 6
The peer router compares the two hashes. The hashes must exactly match. Even if
one bit is changed in the transmitted packet, the hash output on the received packet
will change and the AH header will not match.
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ESP Protocol
Between two security gateways, the original payload is well protected because the entire
original IP datagram is encrypted. An ESP header and trailer are added to the encrypted
payload. With ESP authentication, the encrypted IP datagram and the ESP header or trailer are
included in the hashing process. Lastly, a new IP header is appended to the front of the
authenticated payload. The new IP address is used to route the packet through the Internet.
ESP Protocol
ISCW v1.04-23
When both ESP authentication and encryption are selected, encryption is performed first before
authentication. One reason for this order of processing is that it facilitates rapid detection and
rejection of replayed or bogus packets by the receiving node. Prior to decrypting the packet, the
receiver can authenticate inbound packets. By doing this, it can detect the problems and
potentially reduce the impact of denial of service (DoS) attacks.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-24
Transport mode protects the payload of the packet, higher layer protocols, but leaves the
original IP address in the clear. The original IP address is used to route the packet through the
Internet. ESP transport mode is used between two hosts. Transport mode provides security to
the higher layer protocols only.
ESP tunnel mode is used between a host and a security gateway or between two security
gateways. For gateway-to-gateway applications, rather than load IPsec on all the computers at
the remote and corporate offices, it is easier to have the security gateways perform the IP-in-IP
encryption and encapsulation.
In the IPsec remote access application, ESP tunnel mode is used. At a home office, there may
be no router to perform the IPsec encapsulation and encryption. In the example in the figure,
the IPsec client running on the PC performs the IPsec IP-in-IP encapsulation and encryption. At
the corporate office, the router de-encapsulates and decrypts the packet.
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ISCW v1.04-26
VPN data is transported over the public Internet. Potentially, this data could be intercepted and
modified. To guard against this, each message has a hash attached to the message. A hash
guarantees the integrity of the original message. If the transmitted hash matches the received
hash, the message has not been tampered with. However, if there is no match, the message was
The HMAC is used for message authentication and integrity check. HMAC can be used with
any iterative cryptographic hash function, for example, MD5 or SHA-1, in combination with a
secret shared key. The cryptographic strength of HMAC depends on the properties of the
underlying hash function. HMAC also uses a secret key for calculation and verification of the
message authentication values. MD5 and SHA-1 are examples of such hash functions.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-27
MD5 creates a 128-bit hash, while SHA-1 creates a 160-bit hash. In the case of SHA-1, only 96
bits of this hash are used for IPsec.
The initialization vector (IV) is used as an initial value to start creating a hash.
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ISCW v1.04-29
The purpose of encryption is to make data unreadable for everyone except those specified. A
mathematical function is applied to the plain text and converts it to an encrypted cipher. These
two types of mathematical functions are used:
Symmetric Encryption: Symmetric encryption was the only option prior to 1976, when
asymmetric encryption was introduced. With symmetric encryption, the sender and the
receiver use the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt the message. This secret key is
exchanged between the peers in a secret manner and must stay secret.
Asymmetric Encryption: In 1976, a new idea was introduced into the field of
cryptography. This idea allows the use of different keys for encryption and decryption.
Even knowing one of the keys will not allow a hacker to deduce the second key. One key is
used to encrypt the message, while the other key is used to decrypt the message. It is not
possible to encrypt and decrypt with the same key.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-30
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Security Level
Work Factor
RC4, SHA-1
AES-128, SHA-256
AES-192, SHA-384
AES-256, SHA-512
ISCW v1.04-31
The algorithms listed in the table are all symmetric encryption algorithms. Work factor (O)
represents the strength of the algorithm. In addition to these encryption algorithms, there are
other encryption algorithms available, such as the following:
SEAL: A stream cipher developed by Phillip Rogaway and Don Coppersmith. Version 3
was published in September 1997. SEAL is patented in the United States by IBM.
Skipjack: A block cipher developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and published
in June 1998.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-32
DES is now considered to be insecure for many applications, mainly due to the 56-bit key size
being too small. DES keys have been broken in less than 24 hours. There are also some
analytical results that demonstrate theoretical weaknesses in the cipher. The algorithm is
believed to be secure in the form of Triple DES, although there are theoretical attacks. In recent
years, the cipher has been superseded by the AES.
In some documentation, DES is referred to as the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA).
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ISCW v1.04-33
3DES is defined as performing a DES encryption, then a DES decryption, and then a DES
encryption again.
3DES has a key length of 168 bits (three 56-bit DES keys), but it has an effective key size of
112 bits.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-34
The cipher was developed by two Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen,
and submitted to the AES selection process under the name Rijndael. AES is not exactly the
same as the original Rijndael because Rijndael supports a larger range of block and key sizes;
AES has a fixed block size of 128 bits and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits, whereas Rijndael
can be specified with key and block sizes in any multiple of 32 bits, with a minimum of 128
bits and a maximum of 256 bits.
Up to 2005, no successful attacks against AES have been recognized. The NSA reviewed all
the AES finalists, including Rijndael, and stated that all of them were secure enough for U.S.
government nonclassified data. In June 2003, the U.S. government announced that AES may be
used for classified information. This marks the first time that the public has had access to a
cipher approved by NSA for top secret information. It is interesting to note that many public
products use 128-bit secret keys by default.
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ISCW v1.04-35
The Diffie-Hellman key agreement was invented in 1976 during collaboration between
Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, and was the first practical method for establishing a
shared secret over an unprotected communications channel. The method was followed shortly
afterwards by RSA, named after its designers: Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman.
RSA is an algorithm for public key encryption and was the first algorithm known to be suitable
for signing as well as encryption, and one of the first great advances in public key
The security of the RSA cryptosystem is based on two mathematical problems: the problem of
factoring very large numbers, and the RSA problem. Full decryption of an RSA cipher text is
thought to be impossible because both of these problems are difficult, and no efficient
algorithm exists for solving them. No polynomial-time method for factoring large integers on a
classical computer has yet been found, but it has not been proven that none exists.
As of 2005, the largest number factored by general-purpose methods was 663 bits long, using
state-of-the-art distributed methods. RSA keys are typically 10242048 bits long.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-36
The Diffie-Hellman public key algorithm states that if user A and user B exchange public keys
and a calculation is performed on their individual private key and on the public key of the other
peer, the end result of the process is an identical shared key. The shared key will be used to
encrypt and decrypt the data.
Security is not an issue with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Although someone may know a
users public key, the shared secret cannot be generated because the private key never becomes
public knowledge.
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ISCW v1.04-37
The Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a public key exchange method that provides a way for two
IPsec peers to establish a shared secret key that only they know, although they are
communicating over an insecure channel.
With Diffie-Hellman, each peer generates a public and private key pair. The private key
generated by each peer is kept secret and never shared. The public key is calculated from the
private key by each peer and is exchanged over the insecure channel. Each peer combines the
public key of the other peer with its own private key, and computes the same shared secret
number. The shared secret number is then converted into a shared secret key. The shared secret
key is never exchanged over the insecure channel.
The following steps explain the Diffie-Hellman process:
Step 1
The Diffie-Hellman process starts with each peer generating a large prime integer, p
and q. Each peer sends the other its prime integer over the insecure channel. For
example, peer A sends p to peer B. Routers select a minimum value from p and q, to
determine a common p value. Each peer then uses the p value to generate g, a
primitive root of p.
Step 2
Each peer generates a private Diffie-Hellman key: peer A generates XA and peer B
generates XB.
Step 3
Each peer generates a public Diffie-Hellman key. The local private key is combined
with the prime number p and the primitive root g in each peer to generate a public
key, YA for peer A and YB for peer B. The formula for peer A is YA = g ^ XA mod p.
The formula for peer B is YB = g ^ XB mod p. The exponentiation is computationally
Step 4
The character ^ denotes exponentiation (g to the power of XA); mod denotes modulus.
IPsec VPNs
Step 5
Each peer generates a shared secret number (ZZ) by combining the public key
received from the opposite peer with its own private key. The formula for peer A is
ZZ = (YB ^ XA) mod p. The formula for peer B is ZZ = (YA ^ XB) mod p. The ZZ
values are identical in each peer. Anyone who knows p or g, or the Diffie-Hellman
public keys, cannot guess or easily calculate the shared secret valuelargely
because of the difficulty in factoring large prime numbers.
Step 6
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PKI Environment
This topic describes the public key infrastructure (PKI).
PKI Environment
ISCW v1.04-39
A PKI provides a hierarchical framework for managing digital security attributes of entities that
will engage in secured communications. In addition to human users, there are encryption
gateways, secure web servers, and other resources that require close control of identity and
A PKI consists of these entities:
Digital certificates, which contain information such as the certificate validity period, peer
identity information, encryption keys that are used for secure communications, and the
signature of the issuing CA
PKI provides customers with a scalable, secure mechanism for distributing, managing, and
revoking encryption and identity information in a secured data network. Every entity (a person
or device) participating in the secured communications is enrolled in the PKI in a process in
which the entity generates an RSA key pair (one private key and one public key) and has their
identity validated by a trusted entity (also known as a CA or trust point).
IPsec VPNs
After enrolling in a PKI, each peer (also known as end host) in a PKI is granted a digital
certificate that has been issued by a CA. When peers must negotiate a secured communication
session, they exchange digital certificates. Based on the information in the certificate, a peer
can validate the identity of another peer and establish an encrypted session with the public keys
contained in the certificate.
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Certificate Authority
A CA, also known as a trustpoint, manages certificate requests and issues certificates to
participating network devices. These services, managing certificate requests and issuing
certificates, provide centralized key management for the participating devices and are explicitly
trusted by the receiver to validate identities and to create digital certificates. Before any PKI
operations can begin, the CA generates its own public key pair and creates a self-signed CA
certificate; thereafter, the CA can sign certificate requests and begin peer enrollment for the
Certificate Authority
The trust basis of a PKI system
Verifies user identity, issues certificates by binding identity
of a user to a public key with a digital certificate
Revokes certificates and publishes CRL
In-house implementation or outsourcing
ISCW v1.04-40
You can use a CA provided by a third-party CA vendor, or you can use an internal CA, which
is the Cisco IOS Certificate Server.
IPsec VPNs
Multiple CAs provide users with added flexibility and reliability. For example, subordinate
CAs can be placed in branch offices while the root CA is at the office headquarters. Also,
different granting policies can be implemented per CA, so you can set up one CA to
automatically grant certificate requests while another CA within the hierarchy requires each
certificate request to be manually granted.
Scenarios in which at least a two-tier CA is recommended are as follows:
Large and very active networks in which a large number of certificates are revoked and
reissued. A multiple tier CA helps to control the size of the CRLs.
When online enrollment protocols are used, the root CA can be kept offline with the
exception of issuing subordinate CA certificates. This scenario provides added security for
the root CA.
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X.509 v3 Certificate
Certificates can be used for the large-scale use of public key cryptography. Securely
exchanging secret keys among users becomes impractical for large networks.
X.509 v3 Certificate
ISCW v1.04-41
A certificate may be revoked if it is discovered that its related private key has been
compromised, or if the relationship between an entity and a public key, embedded in the
certificate, is discovered to be incorrect or has changed; this might occur, for example, if a
person changes jobs or names. A revocation is a rare occurrence, but that possibility means that
when a certificate is trusted, the user should always check its validity. You can check its
validity by comparing it against a CRLa list of revoked or cancelled certificates. Ensuring
that such a list is up-to-date and accurate is a core function in a centralized PKI. To be
effective, the certificate must be readily available to anyone and must be updated frequently.
The other way to check certificate validity is to query the CA using the Online Certificate
Status Protocol (OCSP) to know the status of a specific certificate.
The structure of a X.509 v3 digital certificate is as follows:
Serial Number
Algorithm ID
Not Before
Not After
IPsec VPNs
Extensions (Optional)
Certificate Signature
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ISCW v1.04-42
Certificate enrollment occurs with these steps between the end host requesting the certificate
and the CA:
Step 1
The end host generates an RSA key pair and requests the public key of the CA.
Step 2
Step 3
The end host generates a certificate request and forwards it to the CA (or the RA, if
applicable). The CA receives the certificate enrollment request, and, depending on
your network configuration, one of the following options occurs:
Step 4
After the request is approved, the CA signs the request with its private key.
Step 5
The CA returns the completed certificate to the end host. The end host writes the
certificate to a storage area such as NVRAM.
Step 6
The end host uses the certificate for communication with other communication
IPsec VPNs
PKI Credentials
PKI credentials, such as RSA keys and certificates, can be stored in a location other than
NVRAM, the default location on the router.
PKI Credentials
How to store PKI credentials:
RSA keys and certificates
Cisco 871, 1800, 2800, 3800 Series router
Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T image
Cisco USB eToken
A k9 image
ISCW v1.04-43
Selected Cisco platforms now support Smartcard technology in a Universal Serial Bus (USB)
key form (also known as an Aladdin USB eToken key). An eToken provides secure
configuration distribution and allows users to store VPN credentials for deployment.
Before you can use an eToken, you should have the following system requirements:
A Cisco 871 router, Cisco 1800 Series, Cisco 2800 Series, or a Cisco 3800 Series router
At least a Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T image running on any of the supported platforms
An eToken is a Smartcard with a USB interface. The eToken can securely store any type of file
within its available 32-KB storage space. Configuration files that are stored on the eToken can
be encrypted and accessed only via a user PIN. The router will not load the configuration file
unless the proper PIN has been configured for secure deployment of router configuration files.
After you plug the eToken into the router, you must log into the eToken; thereafter, you can
change default settings, such as the user PIN (default: 1234567890) and the allowed number of
failed login attempts before future logins are refused (default: 15 attempts).
After you have successfully logged into the eToken, you can copy files from the router on to
the eToken via the copy command. By default, after the eToken is removed from the router, all
associated RSA keys are removed; IPsec tunnels are not torn down until the next IKE
negotiation period.
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This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
IPsec provides a mechanism for secure data transmission
over IP networks.
The IKE protocol is a key management protocol standard
used in conjunction with the IPsec standard.
IKE has some additional functions: DPD, NAT traversal,
encapsulation in UDP packet, config mode, and Xauth.
The two IP protocols used in the IPsec standard are ESP and
For message authentication and integrity check, an HMAC is
The two types of encryption are symmetric encryption and
asymmetric encryption.
PKI provides customers with a scalable, secure mechanism
for distributing, managing, and revoking encryption and
identity information in a secured data network.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-44
IPsec VPNs
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Lesson 2
Implementing Site-to-Site
IPsec VPN Operations
This lesson describes how to successfully design and implement an IPsec virtual private
network (VPN) between Cisco routers and explains the five steps of IPsec configuration.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe IPsec site-to-site VPN operations.
This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe the configuration to define the IPsec transform set, the crypto ACL, and the
crypto map
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ISCW v1.04-3
The goal of IPsec is to protect data with the necessary security and algorithms. The figure
shows only one of two bidirectional IPsec security associations (SAs). IPsec operation can be
broken down into five primary steps:
Step 1
Interesting traffic initiates the IPsec process: Traffic is deemed interesting when
the VPN device recognizes that the traffic you want to send must be protected.
Step 2
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Phase 1: IKE authenticates IPsec peers and
negotiates IKE SAs during this phase, setting up a secure communications channel
for negotiating IPsec SAs in Phase 2.
Step 3
IKE Phase 2: IKE negotiates IPsec SA parameters and sets up matching IPsec SAs
in the peers. These security parameters are used to protect data and messages that are
exchanged between endpoints.
Step 4
Data transfer: Data is transferred between IPsec peers, based on the IPsec
parameters and keys stored in the SA database.
Step 5
IPsec tunnel termination: IPsec SAs terminate through deletion or by timing out.
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ISCW v1.04-4
The policy is used to determine what traffic needs to be protected and what traffic can be sent
in the clear. For every inbound and outbound datagram, there are two choices: apply IPsec, or
bypass IPsec and send the datagram in clear text. For every datagram protected by IPsec, the
system administrator must specify the security services applied to the datagram. The security
policy database specifies the IPsec protocols, modes, and algorithms applied to the traffic. The
services are then applied to traffic destined to each particular IPsec peer. With the VPN Client,
you use menu windows to select connections that you want secured by IPsec. When interesting
traffic transits the IPsec client, the client initiates the next step in the process, negotiating an
IKE Phase 1 exchange.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-5
The main mode has three two-way exchanges between the initiator and receiver:
First exchange: The algorithms and hashes used to secure the IKE communications are
negotiated and agreed upon between peers.
Second exchange: Uses a Diffie-Hellmann exchange to generate shared secret keys and
pass nonces, which are random numbers sent to the other party, signed, and returned to
prove their identity. The shared secret key is used to generate all the other encryption and
authentication keys.
Third exchange: Verifies the identity of the other side by authenticating the remote peer.
The main outcome of the main mode is a secure communication path for subsequent exchanges
between the peers. Without proper authentication, it is possible that you might establish a
secure communication channel with a hacker who will steal your sensitive material.
In the aggressive mode, fewer exchanges are done and with fewer packets. Most of the actions
occur during the first exchange: the IKE policy set negotiation; the Diffie-Hellmann public key
generation; a nonce, which the other party signs; and an identity packet, which can be used to
verify the identity of the other party via a third party. The receiver sends everything back that is
needed to complete the exchange. The only action left is for the initiator to confirm the
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IKE Policy
When trying to make a secure connection between host A and host B through the Internet, IKE
security proposals are exchanged between router A and router B. The proposals identify the
IPsec protocol being negotiated (for example, Encapsulating Security Payload [ESP]). Under
each proposal, the originator must delineate which algorithms are employed in the proposal (for
example, Data Encryption Standard [DES] with Message Digest 5 [MD5]). Rather than
negotiate each algorithm individually, the algorithms are grouped into sets, called IKE
transform sets. A transform set describes which encryption algorithm, authentication algorithm,
mode, and key length are proposed. These IKE proposals and transform sets are exchanged
during the IKE main mode first exchange phase. If a transform set match is found between
peers, the main mode continues. If no match is found, the tunnel is torn down.
IKE Policy
ISCW v1.04-6
In the figure, Router A sends IKE policies 10 and 20 to Router B. Router B compares its IKE
policies, policy 15, with those received from Router A. In this instance, there is a match: Router
As policy 10 matches Router Bs policy 15.
In a point-to-point application, each end may only need a single IKE policy defined. However,
in a hub and spoke environment, the central site may require multiple IKE policies defined to
satisfy all the remote peers.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-7
After the group negotiations are completed, the shared secret key is calculated, SKEYID. The
shared secret key, SKEYID, is used in the derivation of three other keys: SKEYID_a,
SKEYID_e, and SKEYID_d. Each key has a separate purpose. SKEYID_a is the keying
material used during the authentication process. The SKEYID_e key is the keying material
used in the encryption process and the SKEY_d key is keying material used to derive keys for
non-Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (non-ISAKMP) SAs. All four
keys are calculated during IKE Phase 1.
In the example, User A and User B each establishes their own private key, and from the private
key they calculate their public keys, which are exchanged. From their own private key and the
public key of the other peer, they calculate a shared secret key which is used for encryption and
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ISCW v1.04-8
Preshared keys: A secret key value entered into each peer manually, used to authenticate
the peer
RSA signatures: Uses the exchange of digital certificates to authenticate the peers
RSA encrypted nonces: Nonces (a random number generated by each peer) are encrypted
and then exchanged between peers. The two nonces are used during a peer authentication
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-9
IKE Phase 2 has one mode, called quick mode. Quick mode occurs after IKE has established
the secure tunnel in Phase 1. Quick mode negotiates a shared IPsec transform, derives shared
secret keying material used for the IPsec security algorithms, and establishes IPsec SAs. Quick
mode exchanges nonces that are used to generate new shared secret key material and to prevent
replay attacks from generating bogus SAs.
Quick mode is also used to renegotiate a new IPsec SA when the IPsec SA lifetime expires.
Quick mode is used to refresh the keying material used to create the shared secret key based on
the keying material derived from the Diffie-Hellmann exchange in Phase 1.
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ISCW v1.04-10
In the example, Router A sends IPsec transform set 30 and 40 to Router B. Router B compares
its set, transform set 55, with those received from Router A. In this instance, there is a match.
The Router A transform set 30 matches the Router B transform set 55. These encryption and
authentication algorithms form an SA. The transform set 40 on router A is not used.
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IPsec VPNs
Security Associations
When security services are agreed upon between peers, each VPN peer device enters the
information in a Security Policy Database (SPD). The information includes the encryption and
authentication algorithm, destination IP address, transport mode, key lifetime, and so on. This
information is referred to as the SA. An SA is a one-way logical connection that provides
security to all traffic traversing the connection. Because most traffic is bidirectional, two SAs
are required: one for inbound traffic and one for outbound traffic. The VPN device indexes the
SA with a number, a Security Parameter Index (SPI). Rather than send the individual
parameters of the SA across the tunnel, the source gateway, or host, inserts the SPI into the ESP
header. When the IPsec peer receives the packet, it looks up the destination IP address, IPsec
protocol, and SPI in its security association database (SAD), and then processes the packet
according to the algorithms listed under the SPD.
Security Associations
SA database:
Destination IP
Protocol (ESP or
Security policy
Key lifetime
ISCW v1.04-11
The IPsec SA is a compilation of the SAD and SPD. SAD is used to identify the SA destination
IP address, IPsec protocol, and SPI number.
The SPD defines the security services applied to the SA, encryption and authentication
algorithms, and mode and key lifetime.
For example, in the corporate-to-bank connection, the security policy provides a very secure
tunnel using Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1),
tunnel mode, and a key lifetime of 28,800. The SAD value is, ESP, and SPI-12.
For the remote user accessing e-mails, a less secure policy is negotiated using DES, MD5,
tunnel mode, and a key lifetime of 28,800. The SAD values are a destination IP address of, ESP, and SPI-39.
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SA Lifetime
To maintain adequate security, you should change the SA and keys periodically.
SA Lifetime
Data transmitted-based
ISCW v1.04-12
There are two parameters of an SA lifetime: type and duration. The first parameter is lifetime
type. How is the lifetime measured? Is it measured by the number of bytes transmitted or the
amount of time transpired? The second parameter is the unit of measure: kilobytes of data or
seconds of time. For example, a lifetime could be based on 10,000 kilobytes of data transmitted
or 28,800 seconds of time expired. The keys and SAs remain active until their lifetime expires
or until some external eventthe client drops the tunnelcauses them to be deleted.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-13
Interesting traffic is encrypted and decrypted according to the security services specified in the
IPsec SA.
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ISCW v1.04-14
An SA can time out when a specified number of seconds has elapsed or when a specified
number of bytes has passed through the tunnel. When the SAs terminate, the keys are also
discarded. When subsequent IPsec SAs are needed for a flow, IKE performs a new Phase 2,
and, if necessary, a new Phase 1 negotiation. A successful negotiation results in new SAs and
new keys. New SAs are usually established before the existing SAs expire, so that a given flow
can continue uninterrupted.
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IPsec VPNs
Configuring IPsec
This topic describes the tasks to configure IPsec.
ISCW v1.04-16
Step 1
Step 2
Define the IPsec transform set. The definition of the transform set defines the
parameters used for the IPsec tunnel, such as encryption and integrity algorithms.
Step 3
Create a crypto access control list (ACL). The crypto ACL defines which traffic
should be sent through the IPsec tunnel.
Step 4
Create a crypto map. The crypto map maps the previously configured parameters
together and defines the IPsec peer device.
Step 5
Apply the crypto map. The crypto map is applied to the outgoing interface of the
VPN device.
Step 6
Configure an ACL and apply it to the interface. Usually there are some restrictions
on the interface which is used for VPN traffic, such as blocking all traffic which is
not IPsec or IKE.
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ISCW v1.04-18
The first step when configuring a site-to-site IPsec VPN is establishment of ISAKMP policy.
The figure shows the configuration of the ISAKMP parameters. In the example, preshared
authentication is used with the key SeCrEt to the IPsec peer.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-20
The next step when configuring a site-to-site IPsec VPN is configuration of an IPsec transform
set, a crypto access list, and a crypto map. The configuration defines the crypto ACL. This
ACL states a permit entry for the traffic which should be sent into the IPsec tunnel. If packets
are not matching, they are just not encrypted but they are not dropped.
After the parameters are defined, they are mapped with the crypto map configuration. The
crypto map (for example, VPN_To_R2) maps the configured ACL with the transform set
(IPsec parameters). Additionally, it defines the IP address of the IPsec peer.
Crypto map entries created for IPsec pull together the various parts used to set up IPsec SAs,
including the following:
Where IPsec-protected traffic should be sent (who the remote IPsec peer is)
What IPsec security should be applied to this traffic (selecting from a list of one or more
transform sets)
Crypto map entries with the same crypto map name (but different map sequence numbers) are
grouped into a crypto map set.
All IP traffic passing through the interface in which the crypto map is applied is evaluated
against the applied crypto map set. If a crypto map entry sees outbound IP traffic that should be
protected and the crypto map specifies the use of IKE, an SA is negotiated with the remote peer
according to the parameters included in the crypto map entry.
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ISCW v1.04-22
In the last part of the IPsec configuration, the crypto map is applied to the interface. The crypto
map is placed on the outgoing interface of the VPN tunnel. The example also shows static route
configuration for packets to be sent into the tunnel.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-24
In a typical scenario, using only IPsec VPN on the router interface, any traffic not passing the
secured IPsec VPN would be blocked. To block traffic, you can define an ACL and apply it to
all incoming packets on your IPsec interface. Usually you have to enable only the IPsec
protocols (protocol 50 for ESP or protocol 51 for Authentication Header [AH]) and IKE (User
Datagram Protocol [UDP] port 500).
If there is any dynamic routing done on the interface, do not forget to permit the routing traffic.
The IPsec NAT Traversal feature is required for passing the IPsec traffic through devices using
Network Address Translation (NAT) or Port Address Translation (PAT). This is accomplished
by wrapping (encapsulating) the IPsec packet with a UDP header.
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Router1#show access-lists
access-list 102 permit ahp host host
access-list 102 permit esp host host
access-list 102 permit udp host host eq isakmp
ISCW v1.04-25
Ensure that your ACLs are configured so that ISAKMP, ESP, and AH traffic is not blocked at
interfaces used by IPsec. ISAKMP uses UDP port 500, ESP is assigned IP protocol number 50,
and AH is assigned IP protocol number 51. In some cases, you might need to follow these steps
to add a statement to the ACLs on the perimeter router to explicitly permit this traffic:
Step 1
Examine the current ACL configuration at the perimeter router to determine if it will
block IPsec traffic.
Step 2
Add ACL entries to permit IPsec traffic. To do this, copy the existing ACL
configuration and paste it into a text editor.
The example in the figure represents an ACL where AH, ESP, and ISAKMP protocols are
permitted between two hosts. The protocol keyword of esp equals the ESP protocol (number
50), the keyword of ahp equals the AH protocol (number 51), and the isakmp keyword equals
UDP port 500.
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IPsec VPNs
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
IPsec operation includes these steps: Initiation by interesting
traffic of the IPsec process, IKE Phase 1, IKE Phase 2, data
transfer, and IPsec tunnel termination.
To configure a site-to-site IPsec VPN: Configure the ISAKMP
policy, define the IPsec transform set, create a crypto ACL,
create a crypto map, apply crypto map, and configure ACL.
To define an IKE policy, use the crypto isakmp policy global
configuration command.
To define an acceptable combination of security protocols
and algorithms used for IPsec, use the crypto ipsec transformset global configuration command.
To apply a previously defined crypto map set to an interface,
use the crypto map interface configuration command.
Configure an ACL to enable the IPsec protocols (protocol 50
for ESP or 51 for AH) and IKE protocol (UDP/500).
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ISCW v1.04-26
Lesson 3
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the procedure to configure a site-tosite IPsec VPN with preshared key authentication using SDM, and explain the resulting
command-line interface (CLI) configurations. This ability includes being able to meet these
Describe the components that will be configured by the SDM site-to-site VPN wizard
Explain how to select a transform set and associate additional transform sets as required
Explain how to complete the configuration by viewing the settings in the Summary window
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ISCW v1.04-3
About Your Router: This section displays the hardware and software configuration of the
There are two important icons in the top horizontal navigation bar:
The Monitor icon enters the page where the status of the tunnels, interfaces, and device
can be monitored.
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ISCW v1.04-4
SDM simplifies router and security configuration through the use of intelligent wizards to
enable customers and partners to quickly and easily deploy, configure, and monitor a Cisco
access router.
SDM is designed for resellers and network administrators of small- to medium-sized
businesses, who are proficient in LAN fundamentals and basic network design but have little or
no experience with the Cisco IOS CLI, or may not be security experts.
SDM also assists advanced users. It contains several time-saving tools, such as an access
control list (ACL) editor, VPN crypto map editor, Cisco IOS CLI preview, and many more.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-5
Use the SDM wizards to provide a quick deployment. A suggested workflow is given in the
lower part of the screens to guide untrained users through the process.
Begin with configuring LAN, WAN, firewall, intrusion prevention system (IPS), and VPN, and
finish with a security audit.
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Individual IPsec
ISCW v1.04-6
Click the Configure icon in the top horizontal navigation bar to enter the
configuration page.
Step 2
Click the VPN icon in the left vertical navigation bar to open the VPN page.
Step 3
Here you can create two types of site-to-site VPNs: classic and Generic Routing Encapsulation
(GRE) over IPsec.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-8
The VPN wizards of the SDM use two sources to create a VPN connection:
Other components are created by the VPN wizards during the step-by-step configuration
process. Some components must be configured before the wizards can be used (for example,
Public Key Infrastructure [PKI]).
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ISCW v1.04-9
The figure illustrates the VPN navigation bar, which contains two major sections:
Site-to-Site VPN
Main components:
Optional components:
The VPN Key Encryption Settings window appears if the Cisco IOS image on your
router supports Type 6 encryption, also referred to as VPN key encryption. You can
use this window to specify a master key to use when encrypting VPN keys, such as
preshared keys, Easy VPN keys, and Xauth keys. When encrypted, these keys will
not be readable by someone viewing the router configuration file.
The VPN wizards are used to simplify the configuration of individual VPN components. The
individual IPsec components section can be used later to modify some parameters that may
have been misconfigured during the VPN wizard step-by-step configuration.
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IPsec VPNs
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-11
Use a web browser to connect to an HTTP server of a router. Select the VPN wizard by
choosing Configure > VPN > Site to Site VPN. To create and configure a classic site-to-site
Step 1
Click the Create a Site to Site VPN radio button and click the Launch the selected
task button.
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Step 2
ISCW v1.04-12
Step 3
Click the Next button to configure the parameters of the VPN connection.
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IPsec VPNs
Quick Setup
The first of the two wizard modes is the quick setup, which requires a single window to
complete the configuration of the VPN.
Quick Setup
ISCW v1.04-13
Outside interface
Authentication method:
Traffic to encrypt:
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ISCW v1.04-14
A window opens, summarizing all the parameters of the site-to-site VPN connection that you
configured. Click the Back button if you wish to change any of the parameters, or the Finish
button to apply the parameters.
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IPsec VPNs
Step-by-Step Setup
The second of the two wizard modes is the step-by-step wizard, which requires multiple steps
to configure the VPN connection.
Step-by-Step Setup
Multiple steps are used to configure the VPN
Defining connection settings: Outside interface, peer
address, authentication credentials
Defining IKE proposals: Priority, encryption algorithm,
HMAC, authentication type, Diffie-Hellman group, lifetime
Defining IPsec transform sets: Encryption algorithm, HMAC,
mode of operation, compression
Defining traffic to protect: Single source and destination
subnets, ACL
Reviewing and completing the configuration
ISCW v1.04-15
IKE proposals: IKE proposal priority, encryption algorithm (Data Encryption Standard
[DES], Triple Data Encryption Standard [3DES], Advanced Encryption Standard [AES], or
Software Encryption Algorithm [SEAL]), Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
(Secure Hash Algorithm 1 [SHA-1] or Message Digest 5 [MD5]), IKE authentication
method (preshared secrets or digital certificates), Diffie-Hellman group (1, 2, or 5), and
IKE lifetime
IPsec transform sets: Encryption algorithm (DES, 3DES, AES, or SEAL), HMAC (SHA1 or MD5), mode of operation (tunnel or transport), and compression
Traffic to protect: Defining single source and destination subnets, or an ACL for more
complex VPNs
The last task of the step-by-step wizard is reviewing and completing the configuration.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Connection Settings
This topic describes how to identify the IP address or host name of the remote site that will
terminate the VPN tunnel, how to specify the router interface to use, and how to enter the
preshared key that both routers will use to authenticate each other.
Connection Settings
ISCW v1.04-17
Choose the outside interface for towards the IPsec peer over the untrusted network.
Step 2
Step 3
Choose the authentication method and specify credentials. Use long and random
preshared keys to prevent brute-force and dictionary attacks against IKE.
Step 4
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IPsec VPNs
IKE Proposals
This topic explains how SDM sets IKE policies.
IKE Proposals
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-19
Step 2
If you want to use a custom IKE proposal, define it by clicking the Add button and
specifying the required parameters:
Encryption algorithm
Diffie-Hellman group
IKE lifetime
Step 3
When you are finished with adding IKE policies, click the Next button to proceed to
the next task.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Transform Set
This topic describes how to select a transform set and associate additional transform sets to the
VPN connection.
Transform Set
ISCW v1.04-21
Step 2
If you want to use a custom IPsec transform set, define it by clicking the Add button
and specifying these parameters:
Encryption algorithm
Mode of operation
Optional compression
Step 3
When finished, click the Next button to proceed to the next task.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-23
Step 1
Click the Protect all traffic between the following subnets radio button.
Step 2
Define IP address and subnet mask of the local network where IPsec traffic
Step 3
Define IP address and subnet mask of the remote network where IPsec traffic is sent.
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ISCW v1.04-24
To specify an IPsec rule that defines the traffic types to be protected, follow these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Click the ... button on the right to choose an existing ACL or create a new one.
Step 3
If an ACL you would like to use already exists, choose Select an existing rule
(ACL) option. If you would like to create a new ACL, choose Create a new
rule(ACL) and select option.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-25
When creating a new ACL to define traffic that needs protection, you will be presented with a
window listing the created access rule entries. To create a new rule, follow these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
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ISCW v1.04-26
Step 2
Each rule entry defines one pair of source and destination addresses or networks.
Step 3
Optionally, you can provide protection for individual Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) Layer 4 protocols by selecting the required protocol radio box (TCP or UDP)
and the required port numbers. If the rule applies to all IP traffic, leave the default
radio button setting (IP).
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-28
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ISCW v1.04-29
At the end of the step-by-step setup, the wizard presents a summary of the configured
parameters. Click the Back button to go back and modify the configuration in case you have
made a mistake. Click the Finish button to complete the configuration.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-30
You can click the Test Tunnel button to run a test to determine the configuration correctness of
the tunnel. You can also click the Generate Mirror button to generate a mirroring
configuration that is required on the other end of the tunnel. This is useful if the other router
does not have SDM and you have to use the CLI to configure the tunnel.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-31
To see all IPsec tunnels, their parameters, and status, follow this procedure:
Step 1
Step 2
Click the VPN Status icon in the left vertical navigation bar.
Step 3
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
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IPsec VPNs
Advanced Monitoring
The basic Cisco IOS web interface also allows you to use the web interface to enter Cisco IOS
CLI commands to monitor and troubleshoot the router.
Advanced Monitoring
Advanced monitoring can be performed using the default Cisco IOS HTTP server interface.
Requires knowledge of Cisco IOS CLI commands.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-32
The table lists two of the most useful show commands for determining the status of IPsec VPN
show Commands
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
You should use a terminal to connect to the Cisco IOS router if you want to use debugging
commands to troubleshoot VPN connectivity.
ISCW v1.04-33
The debug crypto isakmp EXEC command displays detailed information about the IKE Phase
1 and Phase 2 negotiation processes.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
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IPsec VPNs
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
SDM is a GUI and one of its features is to provide simplified
management of security mechanisms on Cisco IOS routers.
SDM can manage various types of site-to-site VPNs.
SDM can be used to implement a simple site-to-site VPN in
three ways:
Using the quick setup wizard
Using the step-by-step wizard
Configuring individual VPN components
Upon completing the configuration, the SDM converts the
configuration into the Cisco IOS CLI format.
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ISCW v1.04-34
Lesson 4
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to explain GRE encapsulations, operations, and
configurations. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Describe GRE
Describe the components that will be configured by the SDM site-to-site VPN secure GRE
tunnel wizard
Explain how to configure a backup GRE-over-IPsec tunnel that the router can use when the
primary tunnel fails
Explain how to configure the IPsec transform set using the SDM wizard
Explain how to configure dynamic or static routing over the GRE and IPsec tunnel
Explain how to complete the configuration by viewing the settings in the Summary window
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-3
GRE is a tunneling protocol initially developed by Cisco that can encapsulate a wide variety of
protocol packet types inside IP tunnels, creating a virtual point-to-point link to Cisco routers at
remote points over an IP internetwork.
Routing protocols are often used across the tunnel to enable dynamic exchange or routing
information in the virtual network.
The multiprotocol functionality is provided by adding an additional GRE header between the
payload and the tunneling IP header.
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
RFC 1701 and RFC 2784, describing a general-purpose GRE that can also be used by nonIP protocols in the transport network
RFC 1702, describing how GRE can be used to transport arbitrary Layer 3 payloads over IP
RFC 3147, describing GRE over Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) networks
RFC 4023, describing Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) encapsulation inside GRE
ISCW v1.04-4
GRE encapsulation uses a protocol type field in the GRE header to support the encapsulation of
any Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Layer 3 protocol.
GRE itself is completely statelessit does not include any flow control mechanisms, by
GRE also does not include any strong security mechanisms to protect its payload.
The GRE header, together with the tunneling IP header, creates at least 24 bytes of additional
overhead for tunneled packets.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
GRE flags: The GRE flags are encoded in the first two octets. Bit 0 is the most significant
bit, and bit 15 is the least significant bit. Some of the GRE flags include the following:
Checksum Present (bit 0): If the Checksum Present bit is set to 1, the optional
Checksum field is present in the GRE header.
Key Present (bit 2): If the Key Present bit is set to 1, it indicates that the optional
Key field is present in the GRE header.
Sequence Number Present (bit 3): If the Sequence Number Present bit is set to 1,
it indicates that the optional Sequence Number field is present in the GRE header.
Version Number (bits 1315): The Version Number indicates the GRE
implementation version. A value of 0 is typically used for basic GRE
implementation. Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) uses Version 1.
Protocol Type: The Protocol Type field contains the protocol type of the payload packet.
In general, the value will be the Ethernet protocol type field for the packet. For IP, the
hexadecimal value of 0x800 is used. This field enables the GRE to tunnel any OSI Layer 3
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ISCW v1.04-5
Tunnel checksum: Used to detect packet corruption. This option is not used often because
checksums are also used on other layers in the protocol stack, typically to ensure the
accuracy of the GRE packets.
It can be used for basic plaintext authentication of packets, in which only the two
GRE endpoints share a secret number that enables the tunnel to operate properly.
However, anyone in the packet path can easily see the key and be able to spoof
tunnel packets.
A more common usage of the tunnel key is when two routers want to establish
parallel tunnels sourced from the same IP address. The tunnel key is then used to
distinguish between GRE packets belonging to different tunnels.
Tunnel sequence number: To ensure that GRE packets are accepted only if they arrive in
correct order.
Cisco IOS also supports a proprietary keepalive mechanism that can be used to detect failures
in the GRE tunnel path or detect a failed GRE peer.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-6
The sample configuration illustrates a basic GRE tunnel configuration built with SDM between
a pair of routers. The virtual point-to-point connection is configured with the IP subnet Both routers use the IP address of their outbound interface as tunnel sources. The
two routers must be configured by mirroring IP addresses (that is, the tunnel source on one
router must be specified as the tunnel destination on the other router).
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-8
The main function of GRE is to provide powerful yet simple tunneling. It supports any OSI
Layer 3 protocol as payload, for which it provides virtual point-to-point connectivity. It also
allows the usage of routing protocols across the tunnel.
The main limitation of GRE is that it lacks strong security functionality. It only provides basic
plaintext authentication using the tunnel key, which is not secure, and tunnel source and
destination addresses. A reasonably secure VPN requires these characteristics that are not
provided by GRE:
Data integrity assurance that is not vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and spoofing
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IPsec VPNs
IPsec Characteristics
IPsec was designed to provide the tunneling characteristics that GRE lacks:
Confidentiality through encryption using symmetric algorithms (for example, Triple Data
Encryption Standard [3DES] or Advanced Encryption Standard [AES])
Data source authentication using Hash-based Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) (for
example, Message Digest 5 [MD5] or Secure Hash Algorithm 1 [SHA-1])
IPsec Characteristics
IPsec provides what GRE lacks:
Confidentiality through encryption using symmetric
algorithms (e.g., 3DES or AES)
Data source authentication using HMACs (e.g., MD5 or
Data integrity verification using HMACs
IPsec is not perfect at tunneling:
Older Cisco IOS software versions do not support IP
multicast over IPsec
IPsec was designed to tunnel IP only (no multiprotocol
Using crypto maps to implement IPsec does not allow the
usage of routing protocols across the tunnel
IPsec does not tunnel IP protocols; GRE does
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-9
IPsec, however, was primarily intended to provide the above services to IP traffic only. The
development of Cisco IOS software is removing the limitations, but multiprotocol support will
always require an additional tunneling protocol.
The usage of crypto maps does not provide a virtual interface in which an address can be
configured and a routing protocol can be run to dynamically exchange routing information.
Cisco IOS software Release 12.4(4)T and newer can now encrypt multicast using a crypto
map and an access list. Older software required GRE tunneling to provide support for
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-10
The hub-and-spoke topology minimizes the management overhead associated with the
maintenance of the IPsec tunnels. Also, most enterprises have concentric traffic patterns, thus
are not interested in managing more tunnels than necessary.
GRE over IPsec is typically used to provide an emulated WAN (by using GRE) over an
untrusted transport network (for example, the Internet) in which communication is protected
using IPsec.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-11
The top figure shows the tunnel mode in which both tunneling technologies (IPsec and GRE)
introduce their own tunnel IP header. The bottom figure illustrates the usage of transport mode
in which IPsec reuses the IP header of the packet that it is protecting, and thus reduces the
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ISCW v1.04-13
Use a web browser to connect to an HTTP server of a router. Click the Configure
icon in the top horizontal navigation bar to enter the configuration page.
Step 2
Click the VPN icon in the left vertical navigation bar to open the VPN page.
Step 3
Step 4
Click the Create Site to Site VPN tab in the section on the right.
Step 5
Click the Create a Secure GRE tunnel (GRE over IPSec) radio button.
Step 6
Click the Launch the selected task button to start the wizard that will guide you
through the configuration steps.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-14
The first window that the wizard displays gives a brief overview of GRE and its benefits when
combined with IPsec.
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ISCW v1.04-15
The figure illustrates these configuration steps for implementing a GRE tunnel:
Step 1
The GRE tunnel source IP address is taken from a configured interface or manually
specified. It must still be a valid IP address configured on one of the interfaces on
the router. Also, define the tunnel destination IP address.
Step 2
Define the inner IP address and subnet mask that are applied to the virtual point-topoint link.
Step 3
Optionally, enable Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) to let the router determine the
maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual interface using Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP). ICMP unreachables must be permitted by all filters and
firewalls in the path between the two tunnel endpoints to allow PMTUD to work.
Step 4
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-17
Optionally, you can create a second GRE tunnel that will be used in case the primary tunnel
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Define the inner IP address and the subnet mask for the logical tunnel interface.
Step 4
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ISCW v1.04-19
After the GRE tunnel parameters have been defined, the wizard proceeds with the configuration
of IPsec-specific parameters:
Click the radio button for the desired authentication method:
Step 1
Step 2
Preshared keys
Digital certificates
If preshared keys are used for authentication, then specify a long and random
preshared secret.
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IPsec VPNs
IKE Proposals
This topic describes the procedure to configure Internet Key Exchange (IKE) using the SDM
IKE Proposals
ISCW v1.04-21
Use a predefined IKE policy, or click the Add button to create a custom IKE policy. You can
also modify the existing policies by selecting them and clicking the Edit button.
When finished, click the Next button to proceed to the next task.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Encryption algorithm: DES, 3DES, AES
HMAC: SHA-1 or MD5
Authentication method: preshared secrets or digital certificates
Diffie-Hellman group: 1, 2, or 5
IKE lifetime
ISCW v1.04-22
Encryption algorithm (most commonly 3DES or AES; you can also use Software
Encryption Algorithm [SEAL] to improve crypto performance on routers without hardware
IPsec accelerators; DES is no longer advised because it can be broken in a relatively short
IKE lifetime
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
Transform Set
This topic describes the procedure to configure the IPsec transform set using the SDM wizard.
Transform Set
ISCW v1.04-24
When creating IPsec transform set, you should use the same set of algorithms as with the
configured IKE policy, following this procedure:
Step 1
Step 2
If you want to use a custom IPsec transform set, define it by clicking the Add button
and specifying these parameters:
Step 3
Encryption algorithm
Mode of operation
Optional compression
When finished, click the Next button to proceed to the next task.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Routing Information
This topic explains how to configure dynamic or static routing over the GRE and IPsec tunnel.
Routing Information
ISCW v1.04-26
A GRE tunnel supports multicast across the addressed point-to-point link. Static routing is
typically used for simple stub sites with a single GRE over IPsec tunnel. With more complex
topologies in which sites are using backup tunnels or have multiple IP subnets, you should
enable a routing protocol to dynamically distribute the routing information as well as detect
failures and reroute to backup tunnels.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-27
Disable split tunneling by choosing the Tunnel all traffic option, which results in a default
route pointing into the tunnel.
Alternatively, you can choose the Do split tunneling option, and specify the IP address and
subnet mask of the destination that is reachable through the tunnel. All other destinations are
reachable by bypassing the tunnel.
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ISCW v1.04-28
The figure illustrates the steps for configuring EIGRP across the tunnel:
Step 1
Step 2
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-29
The figure illustrates the steps to configure OSPF across the tunnel:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
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ISCW v1.04-31
ISCW v1.04-32
IPsec VPNs
At the end, the wizard will present a summary of the configured parameters. You can go back
to correct the configuration in case you have made a mistake. Click the Finish button to
complete the configuration.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-33
You can also run a test to determine the configuration correctness of the tunnel, or generate a
mirroring configuration that is required on the other end of the tunnel. This is useful if the other
router does not have SDM and you have to use the command-line interface (CLI) to configure
the tunnel.
To test the tunnel, follow this procedure:
Step 1
Click the Configure icon in the top horizontal navigation bar to enter the
configuration page.
Step 2
Click the VPN icon in the left vertical navigation bar to open the VPN page.
Step 3
Choose the Site to Site VPN wizard from the list in the middle section.
Step 4
Click the Edit Site to Site VPN tab in the section on the right side.
Step 5
Step 6
IPsec VPNs
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Step 7
ISCW v1.04-34
Click the Start button and wait until the test is completed. For each failed task, the
reason and recommended actions to resolve the issue are listed in the bottom part of
the window.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-35
To see all IPsec tunnels, their parameters, and status, follow this procedure:
Step 1
Step 2
Click the VPN Status icon in the left vertical navigation bar.
Step 3
IPsec VPNs
Advanced Monitoring
The basic Cisco IOS web interface also allows you to use the web interface to enter Cisco IOS
CLI commands to monitor and troubleshoot the router.
Advanced Monitoring
show interfaces
Lists interface and the statistics
including the statistics of tunnel
Advanced monitoring can be performed using the default Cisco IOS HTTP server interface.
Requires knowledge of Cisco IOS CLI commands.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-36
The table lists three of the most useful show commands to determine the status of IPsec VPN
show Commands
To display all current IKE SAs, use the show crypto isakmp sa
command in EXEC mode. QM_IDLE status indicates an active
show interfaces
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
You should use a terminal to connect to the Cisco IOS router if you want to use debugging
commands to troubleshoot VPN connectivity.
ISCW v1.04-37
The debug crypto isakmp EXEC command displays detailed information about the IKE Phase
1 and Phase 2 negotiation processes.
IPsec VPNs
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
GRE is a multiprotocol tunneling technology.
SDM can be used to implement GRE over IPsec site-to-site
Backup tunnels can be configured in addition to one primary
Routing can be configured through the tunnel interfaces:
Static for simple sites
OSPF or EIGRP for more complex sites (more networks,
multiple tunnels)
Upon completing the configuration, the SDM converts the
configuration into the Cisco IOS CLI format.
ISCW v1.04-38
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Lesson 5
Configuring High-Availability
This lesson describes some of the possible designs used to provide a highly-available IPsec
virtual private network (VPN). The lesson describes the backup peer option that uses Hot
Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) to provide redundant devices, and stateless failover and
HSRP with Stateful Switchover (SSO) to provide stateful failover for IPsec VPN sessions.
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the procedure to configure VPN
backup interfaces. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
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ISCW v1.04-3
IPsec-based VPNs provide connectivity between distant sites using an untrusted transport
network. Network connectivity consists of links, devices, or sometimes just paths across
networks whose topology is not known. Any of these components can fail, making the VPN
IPsec VPNs requiring high availability should be designed and implemented with redundancy
in order to survive failures.
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The figure illustrates an implementation of IPsec in which maximum failover is configured.
ISCW v1.04-4
Two access links are used on both ends to mitigate a failure of any access link.
The remote site is configured with two remote peers in case any one of them fails.
Both sites use two VPN gateways to mitigate local device failures.
Multiple independent paths are used between remote sites to mitigate an unknown failure
anywhere in any of the paths.
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IPsec VPNs
Failure Detection
The figure illustrates the usage of HA mechanisms to detect failures and reroute to secondary
Failure Detection
ISCW v1.04-5
Failures in the IPsec path are typically detected using one of these two mechanisms:
Dead peer detection (DPD), which is a native Internet Key Exchange (IKE) mechanism
similar to old proprietary IKE keepalives.
Alternatively, any routing protocol running across the IPsec tunnel will detect failures
using the hello mechanism of the routing protocol.
Detecting failures of local devices is typically achieved by using the Cisco-proprietary HSRP.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is a standardized version of HSRP, and Gateway
Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) is a protocol that can provide load balancing across all the
devices in the failover group (all devices are active).
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ISCW v1.04-6
DPD also has an on-demand approach. The contrasting on-demand approach is the default.
With on-demand DPD, messages are sent on the basis of traffic patterns. For example, if a
router has to send outbound traffic and the liveliness of the peer is questionable, the router
sends a DPD message to query the status of the peer. If a router has no traffic to send, it never
sends a DPD message. If a peer is dead and the router never has any traffic to send to the peer,
the router will not find out until the IKE or IPsec security association (SA) has to be rekeyed
(the liveliness of the peer is unimportant if the router is not trying to communicate with the
peer). On the other hand, if the router has traffic to send to the peer, and the peer does not
respond, the router will initiate a DPD message to determine the state of the peer.
In Cisco IOS software Release 12.2(8)T, the Cisco proprietary keepalives were replaced
with standard DPD. Two peers may still use proprietary keepalives if one of them has an
older Cisco IOS software release.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-8
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Configuration Example
The figure illustrates a sample configuration where DPD is enabled with a 10-second frequency
and a 3-second retry frequency.
Configuration Example
ISCW v1.04-9
The crypto map is configured with a backup peer that will be used when DPD determines that
the primary peer is no longer responding.
When the crypto isakmp keepalive command is configured, the IOS software negotiates
the use of proprietary IOS keepalives or standard DPDs, depending on which protocol the
peer supports.
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IPsec VPNs
DPD is a keepalive scheme that allows the router to query the liveliness of its IKE peer.
Use the periodic keyword to configure your router so that DPD messages are forced at regular
intervals. This forced approach results in earlier detection of dead peers than with the ondemand approach. If you do not configure the periodic option, the router defaults to the ondemand approach.
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ISCW v1.04-11
HSRP Operation
A large class of legacy hosts that do not support dynamic router discovery are typically
configured with a default gateway (router). Running a dynamic router discovery mechanism on
every host may not be feasible for a number of reasons, including administrative overhead,
processing overhead, security issues, or lack of a protocol implementation for some platforms.
HSRP provides failover services to these hosts.
Using HSRP, a set of routers works in concert to present the illusion of a single virtual router to
the hosts on the LAN. This set of routers is known as an HSRP group or a standby group. A
single router elected from the group is responsible for forwarding the packets that hosts send to
the virtual router. This router is known as the active router. Another router is elected as the
standby router. In the event that the active router fails, the standby router assumes the packetforwarding duties of the active router. Although an arbitrary number of routers may run HSRP,
only the active router forwards the packets sent to the virtual router.
To minimize network traffic, only the active and standby routers send periodic HSRP messages
after the protocol has completed the election process. If the active router fails, the standby
router takes over as the active router. If the standby router fails or becomes the active router,
another router is elected as the standby router.
On a particular LAN, multiple hot standby groups may coexist and overlap. Each standby
group emulates a single virtual router. The individual routers may participate in multiple
groups. In this case, the router maintains separate state and timers for each group.
Each standby group has a single, well-known MAC address as well as an IP address.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-12
To ensure that a single device failure can be mitigated, the default gateway points to an HSRP
virtual IP address, thus ensuring that the default IP gateway is always present.
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ISCW v1.04-13
Devices behind the headend VPN routers can find the return path toward remote sites using one
of these two mechanisms:
HSRP on the inside interface, configured similarly to the HSRP on the outside interface
Reverse Route Injection (RRI) to inject remote networks into an Interior Gateway Protocol
(IGP) and distribute it to other routers in the network
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-15
Stateless failover means that when there is a failure, a tunnel will typically go down and will
have to be reestablished.
To provide a stateful failover, a pair of devices must run in a virtually identical environment
(same hardware, software, configuration, and so forth) and exchange live information about
IPsec SAs.
Both the active and standby devices must run the identical Cisco IOS software release, and
both the active and standby devices must be connected via hub or switch.
Only the VPN Acceleration Module (VAM), VPN Acceleration Module 2 (VAM2), and
AIM-VPN/HPII hardware encryption accelerators are supported.
Only box-to-box failover is supported; that is, intrachassis failover is currently not
WAN interfaces between the active (primary) router and the standby (secondary) router are
not supported. HSRP requires inside interfaces and outside interfaces to be connected via
Load balancing is not supported; that is, no more than one device in a redundancy group
can be active at any given time.
Stateful failover of IPsec with Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is not supported.
IKE keepalives are not supported. Enabling this functionality will cause the connection to
be torn down after the standby router assumes ownership control. However, DPD and
periodic DPD are supported.
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IPsec idle timers are not supported when used with stateful failover.
A stateful failover crypto map applied to an interface in a virtual routing and forwarding
(VRF) instance is not supported. However, VRF-aware IPsec features are supported when a
stateful failover crypto map is applied to an interface in the global VRF.
Stateful failover is not compatible or interoperable with the State Synchronization Protocol
(SSP) version of stateful failover (which is available in Cisco IOS software
Release 12.2YX1 and Cisco IOS software Release 12.2SU).
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-16
Stateful failover for IPsec, introduced in Cisco IOS software Release 12.3(11)T, enables a
router to continue processing and forwarding IPsec packets after a planned or unplanned outage
occurs. Customers employ a backup (secondary) router that automatically takes over the tasks
of the active (primary) router if the active router loses connectivity for any reason. This process
is transparent to the user and does not require adjustment or reconfiguration of any remote peer.
Stateful failover for IPsec is designed to work in conjunction with SSO and HSRP. HSRP
provides network redundancy for IP networks, ensuring that user traffic immediately and
transparently recovers from failures in network edge devices or access circuits. That is, HSRP
monitors both the inside and outside interfaces so that if either interface goes down, the whole
router is deemed to be down and ownership of IKE and IPsec SAs is passed to the standby
router (which transitions to the HSRP active state). SSO allows the active and standby routers
to share IKE and IPsec state information so that each router has enough information to become
the active router at any time. To configure stateful failover for IPsec, you should enable HSRP,
assign a virtual IP address, and enable the SSO protocol.
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ISCW v1.04-17
In the figure, the crypto map redundancy is configured with the stateful keyword, which
requires HSRP to be configured in combination with SSO. The right part of the configuration
example shows how the HSRP profile named VPNHA is configured to exchange IPsec state
with the other HSRP router using Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) on source and
destination port 12345.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-19
The figure illustrates a scenario in which the WAN is backed up by an IPsec VPN. A failure of
the primary permanent virtual circuit (PVC) should result in the two sites rerouting onto the
IPsec VPN. This can easily be achieved if the same routing protocol, which is used in the
WAN, is also deployed over the IPsec VPN. IGP metric tuning (for example, interface delay
for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [EIGRP] or per-interface Open Shortest Path
First [OSPF] cost) can be used to influence the primary and backup path selection.
In order to run an IGP across an IPsec tunnel, you should use GRE over IPsec which
provides a virtual point-to-point link. Alternatively, you can use a newer method in which
virtual interfaces are used with native IPsec (no additional GRE headers are used).
An alternative is to use native IPsec and configure floating static routes (that is, routes with
high administrative distance and, optionally, that are locally redistributed using a very high
cost) for VPN destination that point to the Internet. A lost route from the WAN will result in
the usage of the floating static route towards the Internet in which a crypto map will capture
and encrypt the traffic.
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IGP used to
detect PVC
Reroute to GRE
over IPsec tunnel
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-20
The VPN links, however, are configured with longer delay to influence the EIGRP process to
prefer the primary WAN link as long as it is functional.
IPsec VPNs
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
High availability requires two components:
Redundant device, links, or paths
High availability mechanisms to detect failures and
Native IPsec can be configured with backup peers in crypto
maps in combination with DPD.
HSRP can be used instead of backup peers.
IPsec stateful failover can augment HSRP to minimize
downtime upon head-end device failures.
IPsec VPNs can be used as a backup for other types of
ISCW v1.04-21
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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Lesson 6
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the procedure to configure and verify
a Cisco Easy VPN Server and an IPsec VPN, configured with Cisco Easy VPN, using SDM to
support remote access VPNs. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
Explain the general operation of Cisco Easy VPN including its benefits and the role of each
of its components
Describe the functionality provided by Cisco Easy VPN Server, explain the concept of
dynamic crypto maps, and describe the functionality provided by Easy VPN Remote
List the steps required to configure Cisco Easy VPN Server using SDM
Describe each of the steps required to configure Cisco Easy VPN Server using SDM
Explain how to configure the IPsec transform set using the SDM wizard
Describe the locations where Easy VPN group policies can be stored
Describe the locations where user records for Xauth can be stored
Explain how to complete the configuration by viewing the settings in the Summary window
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ISCW v1.04-3
Cable modems, xDSL routers, and other forms of broadband access provide high-performance
connections to the Internet, but many applications also require the security of VPN connections
that perform a high level of authentication and that encrypt the data between two particular
endpoints. However, establishing a VPN connection between two routers can be complicated
and typically requires tedious coordination between network administrators to configure the
VPN parameters of the two routers.
The Cisco Easy VPN Remote feature eliminates much of this tedious work by implementing
the Cisco Unity Client protocol, which allows most VPN parameters to be defined at a
Cisco IOS Easy VPN Server. This server can be a dedicated VPN device, such as a Cisco VPN
3000 Concentrator, a Cisco PIX Firewall, or a Cisco IOS router that supports the Cisco Unity
Client protocol.
After the Cisco Easy VPN Server has been configured, a VPN connection can be created with
minimal configuration on an Easy VPN Remote client, such as a Cisco 800 Series router or a
Cisco 1700 Series router. When the Easy VPN Remote initiates the VPN tunnel connection, the
Cisco Easy VPN Server pushes the IPsec policies to the Easy VPN Remote client and creates
the corresponding VPN tunnel connection.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
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The Cisco Easy VPN Remote feature provides for automatic management of these details:
Authenticating usersthat is, ensuring that users are who they say they areby
usernames, group names, and passwords
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-4
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ISCW v1.04-5
Cisco 831, Cisco 836, Cisco 837, Cisco 851, Cisco 857, Cisco 871, Cisco 876, Cisco 877,
and Cisco 878 routers: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(8)T or later release. Cisco 800
Series routers are not supported in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(7)XR, but they are
supported in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(7)XR2.
Cisco 1700 Series: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(8)T or later release.
Cisco 2600 Series: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(8)T or later release.
Cisco 7100 Series VPN routers: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(8)T or later release.
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IPsec VPNs
Cisco 7200 Series routers: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(8)T or later release.
Cisco 7500 Series routers: Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(8)T or later release.
Cisco PIX 500 Series: Cisco IOS Software Release 6.2 or later release.
Cisco VPN 3000 Series: Cisco IOS Software Release 3.11 or later release.
The Cisco Unity Client protocol does not support Authentication Header (AH) authentication,
but it does support Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP).
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ISCW v1.04-7
When an Easy VPN Remote client initiates a connection with an Easy VPN Server gateway,
the conversation that occurs between peers generally consists of these steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
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IPsec VPNs
If a preshared key is to be used for authentication, the VPN Client initiates aggressive
mode. When preshared keys are used, the accompanying group name entered in the
configuration GUI (ID_KEY_ID) is used to identify the group profile associated with this
VPN Client.
If digital certificates are to be used for authentication, the VPN Client initiates main mode.
When digital certificates are used, the organizational unit field of a distinguished name is
used to identify the group profile.
ISCW v1.04-8
Because the VPN Client may be configured for preshared key authentication, which initiates
IKE aggressive mode, you should change the identity of the Cisco IOS VPN device via the
crypto isakmp identity hostname command. This action does not affect certificate
authentication via IKE main mode.
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ISCW v1.04-9
To reduce the amount of manual configuration on the VPN Client, ISAKMP proposals include
every combination of encryption and hash algorithms, authentication methods, and DiffieHellman group sizes.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-10
ISAKMP policy is global for the Easy VPN Server and can consist of several proposals. In the
case of multiple proposals, the Easy VPN Server will use the first match, so you should always
have your most secure policies listed first.
Device authentication ends and user authentication begins at this point.
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If the Easy VPN Server is configured for Xauth, the VPN client
waits for a username/password challenge:
The user enters a username/password combination.
The username/password information is checked against
authentication entities using AAA.
All Easy VPN Servers should be configured to enforce user
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-11
The information that is entered is checked against authentication entities using authentication,
authorization, and accounting (AAA) protocols such as RADIUS and TACACS+. Token cards
may also be used via AAA proxy.
VPN devices that are configured to handle remote VPN clients should always be configured to
enforce user authentication.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-12
The remaining system parameters (IP address, Domain Name System [DNS], split tunnel
attributes, and so on) are pushed to the VPN client at this time using mode configuration. The
IP address is the only required parameter in a group profile; all other parameters are optional.
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ISCW v1.04-13
RRI ensures that a static route is created on the Cisco Easy VPN Server for the internal IP
address of each VPN client.
It is recommended that you enable RRI on the dynamic crypto map when per-user IP
addresses are used and when more than one Easy VPN Server is used. Redistributing RRI
routes into an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) allows the server site to properly find the
return path to the clients.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-14
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ISCW v1.04-16
Configuring Easy VPN Server functionality using the SDM consists of two parts:
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IPsec VPNs
Cisco Easy VPN Server Configuration Tasks for the Easy VPN
Server Wizard
This section describes how the Easy VPN Server wizard guides you through the configuration
ISCW v1.04-17
The Easy VPN Server wizard guides you through a set of steps which includes the
configuration of these parameters:
Local group policies (such as name, preshared secret, DNS servers, and split tunneling)
IPsec transform set (for example, encryption algorithm, HMAC, and mode of operation)
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ISCW v1.04-19
Use a browser to connect to the Easy VPN Server router, where you can follow the link to the
Before starting with the configuration, you should prepare a VPN design and prepare these
parameters required for the configuration:
You should also install these prerequisite services, depending on the chosen design:
CA installation and configuration if the public key infrastructure (PKI) is used for
authentication. The router should also be enrolled with the CA to get the CA certificate and
the identity certificate of the router that can later be used to enable PKI for the VPN.
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IPsec VPNs
VPN Wizards
The VPN configuration page lists VPN wizards that help implement different type of IPsecbased VPNs. Select the Easy VPN Server page.
VPN Wizards
ISCW v1.04-20
Step 1
Click the Configure icon in the toolbar at the top of the window.
Step 2
Click the VPN icon in the Tasks toolbar on the left side of the window.
Step 3
Choose the Easy VPN Server option in the middle part of the window.
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Enabling AAA
If you have not configured AAA, the wizard will ask you to configure it.
Enabling AAA
ISCW v1.04-21
If AAA is disabled on the router, you have to configure it before Easy VPN Server
configuration begins. To do so, follow this procedure:
Step 1
Click the Enable AAA link at the bottom of the Create Easy VPN Server tab.
Step 2
A warning window opens, warning you to configure a user account with privilege
level 15 before enabling AAA. Click OK to the warning window.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-22
Step 1
Click the Additional Tasks icon in the Tasks toolbar on the left side of the window.
Step 2
Click the User Accounts/View option under the Router Access option in the middle
part of the window.
Step 3
Click Add in the top right side of the window to add a user.
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Creating Users
An Add an Account window opens.
Creating Users
ISCW v1.04-23
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
You should assign this user to have the SDM administrative role by selecting the
SDM_Administrator (root) option in the View Name drop-down menu.
Step 5
Click View Details to review the details of the currently chosen role. When done,
click OK.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 7
If the enable secret password is not configured on your router, you will be asked to
enter the enable secret password.
Step 8
Click OK.
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IPsec VPNs
Enabling AAA
This section describes how to enable AAA.
Enabling AAA
ISCW v1.04-24
Finally, you can return to the Easy VPN Server wizard and enable AAA services:
Step 1
Click the Enable AAA link on the Create Easy VPN Server tab to enable AAA
Step 2
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ISCW v1.04-25
Once the AAA services are enabled, click Launch Easy VPN Server Wizard on the Create
Easy VPN Server tab to start the Easy VPN Server wizard.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-26
The Interface and Authentication window opens. Here you can select the outside interface
toward the IPsec peer over the untrusted network:
Step 1
Select the interface in the Interface for this Easy VPN Server drop-down menu.
Step 2
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IKE Proposals
This topic describes the procedure to configure IKE using the SDM wizard.
IKE Proposals
ISCW v1.04-28
When configuring IKE proposals, you can use the IKE proposal predefined by SDM or add a
custom IKE proposal specifying these required parameters:
Encryption algorithm (Data Encryption Standard [DES], Triple Data Encryption Standard
[3DES], Advanced Encryption Standard [AES], or Software Encryption Algorithm
IKE lifetime
After selecting the interface for terminating IPsec, configure the IKE proposals:
Step 1
Step 2
An Add IKE Policy window opens. Enter IKE parameters and click OK when you
are done.
Step 3
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IPsec VPNs
Transform Set
This topic describes the procedure to configure the IPsec transform set using the SDM wizard.
Transform Set
ISCW v1.04-30
Optional compression
The next step in configuring an Easy VPN Server is configuration of a transform set:
Step 1
In the Transform Set window, select a transform set in the Select Transform Set
drop-down menu.
Step 2
Step 3
An Add Transform Set window opens. Enter IPsec transform set parameters and
click OK.
Step 4
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ISCW v1.04-32
The figure illustrates the page on which you select the location where Easy VPN group policies
will be stored:
Local means that all the groups will be in the router configuration in NVRAM.
RADIUS means that the router will use RADIUS server for group authorization.
RADIUS and local means that the router will also be able to look up policies stored in a
AAA server database reachable via RADIUS.
In the Group Authorization and Group Policy Lookup window, click the Local radio
button in the Method List for Group Policy Lookup section.
Step 2
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-33
Step 1
In the Group Authorization and Group Policy Lookup window, click the RADIUS
radio button in the Method List for Group Policy Lookup section.
Step 2
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ISCW v1.04-34
Step 2
Specify the IP address of the server, RADIUS authorization port, and RADIUS
authentication port (use ports 1645 and 1646 for Cisco Secure Access Control
Server [ACS], and ports 1812 and 1813 for other RADIUS servers).
Step 3
Step 4
Click OK.
When you are back on the Group Authorization and Group Policy Lookup window, click Next
to continue.
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IPsec VPNs
User Authentication
This topic describes the locations where you store user records for Xauth.
ISCW v1.04-36
The figure illustrates the page on which you select the location where user records for Xauth
will be stored.
Step 1
Step 2
Click the Local Only radio button. The Local Only option means that all users will
be in the router configuration in NVRAM.
Step 3
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Adding Users
This section describes how to configure VPN users.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-37
A User Accounts window opens. Follow this procedure to add a new user account:
Step 1
Click Add.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click OK.
Step 6
When you are back on the User Authentication (XAuth) window, click Next to continue.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-38
Follow these steps to store the user records to a RADIUS and local user database:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Alternatively, you can select a previously configured AAA authentication template by clicking
the Select an existing AAA method list radio button.
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ISCW v1.04-40
The figure illustrates the page on which local group policies can be configured.
In the Group Authorization and User Group Policies window, click Add to add a group policy.
You can skip this step if you intend to store group policies on an AAA server (useful when you
are managing a large number of VPN servers).
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IPsec VPNs
General Parameters
This section describes how to set general parameters.
General Parameters
ISCW v1.04-41
Use the General tab to configure the minimum required parameters for a functional group
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Specify an IP address pool from which addresses will be taken and assigned to
clients. You have these two options:
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ISCW v1.04-42
Select the DNS/WINS tab to configure the DNS and WINS servers:
Step 1
You should specify any internal DNS servers that may be required by clients in
order to be able to resolve hostnames that are only reachable inside the VPN.
Step 2
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IPsec VPNs
Split Tunneling
You should keep split tunneling disabled (default) to prevent any compromised client PC from
becoming a proxy between the Internet and the VPN.
Split Tunneling
ISCW v1.04-43
If, however, split tunneling is required, you should complete one of the following two
configuration options on the Split Tunneling tab:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
In the Add a Network window, define protected networks (all other destinations will
be reachable by bypassing the tunnel).
Step 5
Click OK.
Alternatively, click the Select the Split tunneling ACL radio button to use an existing ACL or
create a new ACL to configure split tunneling.
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Advanced Options
This section describes how to configure advanced options.
Advanced Options
ISCW v1.04-44
On the Client Settings tab, you can also define a list of backup servers that will be pushed to the
Step 1
Click Add.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
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IPsec VPNs
Xauth Options
This section describes how to configure user authentication.
Xauth Options
ISCW v1.04-45
Configure user authentication using Xauth with these additional options on the XAuth Options
Step 1
Select the Group Lock check box to statically tie a user to a VPN group where
users will have to use group name as part of the Xauth username.
Step 2
Select the Save Password check box to allow user to save the password in the VPN
Step 3
Type the maximum number of concurrent logins to prevent multiple users from
sharing the same account at the same time to the Maximum Logins Allowed Per
User field.
Step 4
Click OK.
When you are back on the Group Authorization and User Group Policies window, click Next to
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ISCW v1.04-47
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ISCW v1.04-48
IPsec VPNs
The wizard will present a summary of the configured parameters. You can go back to correct
the configuration in case you have made a mistake. Otherwise, click Finish to apply the
configuration to the router.
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2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-49
Once the Easy VPN Server configuration is created, you can run a test to determine the
configuration sanity of the tunnel:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-50
Start the test by clicking Start in the VPN Troubleshooting window. The status of each tested
activity should be Successful.
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ISCW v1.04-51
Use the monitoring page to display the status of the tunnel and the currently logged-in users.
Step 1
Select the Monitor icon in the toolbar at the top of the window.
Step 2
Click the VPN Status icon in the Tasks toolbar at the left side of the window.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Verify the client connections in the Client Connections in this Group section.
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IPsec VPNs
Advanced Monitoring
The basic Cisco IOS web interface also allows you to use the web interface to enter Cisco IOS
command-line interface (CLI) commands to monitor and troubleshoot the router.
Advanced Monitoring
Advanced monitoring can be performed using the default Cisco IOS HTTP server interface.
Requires knowledge of Cisco IOS CLI commands.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-52
The table lists two of the most useful show commands to determine the status of IPsec VPN
show Commands
To display all current IKE SAs, use the show crypto isakmp sa
command in EXEC mode. QM_IDLE status indicates an active
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
You should use a terminal to connect to the Cisco IOS router if you want to use debugging
commands to troubleshoot VPN connectivity. The debug crypto isakmp command displays
detailed information about the IKE Phase 1 and Phase 2 negotiation processes.
debug radius
ISCW v1.04-53
To display messages about IKE events, use the debug crypto isakmp command in EXEC
To debug the authentication and authorization of Easy VPN tunnels, you can use the commands
listed in the table.
debug Commands
debug aaa
debug aaa
debug radius
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IPsec VPNs
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
Cisco Easy VPN consists of two components: Easy VPN
Server and Easy VPN Remote.
Cisco Easy VPN Server can be configured using SDM.
If you are using a local IP address pool, you need to
configure that pool for use with Easy VPN.
AAA is enabled for policy lookup.
ISAKMP policies are configured for VPN clients.
ISCW v1.04-54
Summary (Cont.)
The steps for defining group policy include configuring the
Policy profile of the group that will be defined
Preshared key
DNS servers
WINS servers
DNS domain
Local IP address pool
Verify the Easy VPN operation.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
ISCW v1.04-55
For additional information, refer to these resources:
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager Version 2.2 Users Guide at:
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IPsec VPNs
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Lesson 7
Upon completing this lesson, you will be able to describe, configure, and verify the Cisco VPN
Client on a Windows PC. This ability includes being able to meet these objectives:
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ISCW v1.04-3
Complete these tasks to configure the Cisco VPN Client for Easy VPN Remote access:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
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ISCW v1.04-5
To enable Microsoft Windows operating systems to use native IPsec, add IPsec client software
that supports it. The Cisco VPN Client software can be used to achieve that.
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-6
This topic describes how to install the VPN Client on your PC and includes the following:
If you have not removed a previously installed VPN Client, when you execute the
vpnclient_en.exe command or vpnclient_en.msi command, an error message displays. You
must uninstall the previously installed VPN Client before proceeding with the new installation.
To remove a VPN Client installed with MSI, use the Windows Add/Remove Programs located
in the control panel. To remove a VPN Client installed with InstallShield, choose Start >
Programs > Cisco Systems VPN Client > Uninstall Client.
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Preshared keysthe IPsec group to which the system administrator assigned you. Your
group determines how you access and use the remote network. For example, it specifies
access hours, number of simultaneous logins, user authentication method, and the IPsec
algorithms that your VPN Client uses.
Certificatesthe name of the certificate that you are using for authentication.
Optional parameters that govern VPN Client operation and connection to the remote
ISCW v1.04-7
You can create multiple connection entries if you use your VPN Client to connect to multiple
networks (though not simultaneously) or if you belong to more than one VPN remote access
To create a new connection entry, start the VPN Client by choosing Start > Programs > Cisco
Systems VPN Client > VPN Client and follow this procedure:
Step 1
The VPN Client application starts and displays the advanced mode main window. If
this is not the case and the simple mode window is displayed, choose Options >
Advanced Mode or press Ctrl-M.
Step 2
Click the New icon in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can choose New in the
Connection Entries menu. The VPN Client displays a form.
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-8
Step 3
Enter a unique name for this new connection in the Connection Entry field. You
can use any name to identify this connection; for example, Engineering. This name
can contain spaces, and it is not case-sensitive.
Step 4
Enter a description of this connection in the Description field. This field is optional,
but it helps further identify this connection; for example, Connection to Engineering
remote server.
Step 5
Enter the host name or IP address of the remote VPN device that you want to access
in the Host field.
Step 6
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Authentication options:
Group preshared secrets (group name and group secret)
Mutual authentication (import CA certificate first; group name and secret)
Digital certificates (enroll with the CA first; select the certificate)
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-9
Group Authentication
The network administrator usually configures group authentication for you. If this is not the
case, complete this procedure:
Step 1
Step 2
In the Name field, enter the name of the IPsec group to which you belong. This
entry is case-sensitive.
Step 3
In the Password field, enter the password (which is also case-sensitive) for your
IPsec group. The field displays only asterisks.
Step 4
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-10
To use mutual group authentication, you need a root certificate that is compatible with the
central-site VPN installed on your system:
Step 1
Your network administrator can load a root certificate on your system during
installation. When you select the Mutual Group Authentication radio button, the
VPN Client software verifies whether you have a root certificate installed.
Step 2
If you do not have a root certificate installed, the VPN Client prompts you to install
one. Before you continue, you must import a root certificate.
When you have installed a root certificate (if required), follow the steps for group
Certificate Authentication
For certificate authentication, click the Certificate Authentication radio button and choose the
name of the certificate you are using from the menu. If the field reads No Certificates
Installed and is shaded, then you must enroll for a certificate before you can use this feature.
The procedure for certificate authentication varies according to the type of certificate you are
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On by default.
NAT-T enables IPsec and IKE over a standard UDP port 4500,
allowing the VPN Client to be behind a NAT or PAT device.
2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISCW v1.04-11
Transparent tunneling allows secure transmission between the VPN Client and a secure
gateway through a router serving as a firewall, which may also be performing Network Address
Translation (NAT) or Port Address Translation (PAT). Transparent tunneling encapsulates
Protocol 50 (Encapsulating Security Payload, or ESP) traffic within UDP packets and can allow
both Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) and Protocol 50
to be encapsulated in TCP packets before they are sent through the NAT or PAT devices or
firewalls. The most common application for transparent tunneling is behind a home router
performing PAT.
The VPN Client also sends keepalives frequently, ensuring that the mappings on the devices are
kept active.
Not all devices support multiple simultaneous connections. Some devices cannot map
additional sessions to unique source ports. Be sure to check with the vendor of your device to
verify whether this limitation exists. Some vendors support Protocol 50 PAT (IPsec
passthrough), which might let you operate without enabling transparent tunneling.
To use transparent tunneling, the central-site group in the Cisco VPN device must be
configured to support it. For an example, refer to the Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Manager
> Configuration > User Management > Groups > Add > IPsec tab (or refer to VPN 3000
Series Concentrator Reference Volume 1: Configuration, or Help in the VPN 3000
Concentrator Manager browser). Follow this procedure to use transparent tunneling:
Step 1
Step 2
Select a mode of transparent tunneling, over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or over
TCP. The mode that you use must match the mode used by the secure gateway to
which you are connecting. Either mode operates properly through a PAT device.
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IPsec VPNs
Multiple simultaneous connections might work better with TCP, and if you are in an
extranet environment, TCP mode is preferable. UDP does not operate with stateful
firewalls, so in this case, you should use TCP.
Using IPsec over UDP (NAT/PAT)
To enable IPsec over UDP (NAT or PAT), click the IPsec over UDP (NAT/PAT) radio button.
With UDP, the port number is negotiated. UDP is the default mode.
Using IPsec over TCP (NAT/PAT/Firewall)
To enable IPsec over TCP, click the IPsec over TCP radio button. When using TCP, you must
also enter the port number for TCP in the TCP port field. This port number must match the port
number configured on the secure gateway. The default port number is 10000.
Allowing Local LAN Access
In a multiple-network interface card (NIC) configuration, local LAN access pertains only to
network traffic on the interface on which the tunnel was established. The Allow Local LAN
Access parameter gives you access to the resources on your local LAN (printer, fax, shared
files, or other systems) when you are connected through a secure gateway to a central-site VPN
device. When this parameter is enabled and your central site is configured to permit it, you can
access local resources while connected. When this parameter is disabled, all traffic from your
client system goes through the IPsec connection to the secure gateway.
To enable this feature, check the Allow Local LAN Access check box; to disable it, uncheck
the check box. If the local LAN that you are using is not secure, you should disable this feature.
For example, you would disable this feature when you are using a local LAN in a hotel or
A network administrator at the central site configures a list of networks at the client side that
you can access. You can access up to 10 networks when this feature is enabled. When the
Allow Local LAN Access feature is enabled and you are connected to a central site, all traffic
from your system goes through the IPsec tunnel except traffic to the networks excluded from
doing so (in the network list).
When this feature is enabled and configured on the VPN Client and permitted on the centralsite VPN device, you can see a list of the local LANs available by looking at the routing table.
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Routing Table
The Statistics window provides information about the following:
Tunnel details
Routing table
Personal firewall
Routing Table
ISCW v1.04-12
Step 2
Select the Route Details tab from the Statistics dialog box.
The routing table shows local LAN routes that do not traverse the IPsec tunnel, and secured
routes that do traverse the IPsec tunnel to a central-site device. The routes in the local LAN
routes column are for locally available resources.
This feature works on only one NIC, the same NIC as the tunnel.
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IPsec VPNs
ISCW v1.04-13
To enable backup servers from the VPN Client, click the Backup Servers tab and complete
these steps:
Step 1
Check the Enable Backup Servers check box. This box is not checked by default.
Step 2
Step 3
Enter the host name or IP address of the backup server, using a maximum of 255
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ISCW v1.04-14
Use a dial-up connection to your Internet service provider (ISP) to connect to the
Step 2
Use the VPN Client to connect to the private network through the Internet.
To enable and configure this feature, check the Connect to Internet via dial-up check box.
This box is not checked by default.
You can connect to the Internet using the VPN Client application in either of the following
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IPsec VPNs
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this lesson.
You can install the VPN Client on your system through either
of two different applications: InstallShield and MSI.
Connection entries include:
The VPN device (the remote server) to access
Preshared keys
Optional parameters
Authentication methods include:
Group authentication
Mutual group authentication
Certificate authentication
ISCW v1.04-15
Summary (Cont.)
Transparent tunneling allows secure transmission through a
router serving as a firewall, which may also be performing
Access to local LAN resources can be made available.
The private network may include one or more backup VPN
servers to use if the primary server is not available.
You can connect to the Internet using the VPN Client
application in either of the following ways:
Microsoft Dial-Up Networking
A third-party dial-up program, usually from your ISP
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ISCW v1.04-16
For additional information, refer to these resources:
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for the sole use by Cisco employees for personal study. The files or printed representations may not be
used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
IPsec VPNs
Module Summary
This topic summarizes the key points that were discussed in this module.
Module Summary
The IKE protocol is a key management protocol standard
used in conjunction with the IPsec standard.
IPsec is used to create secure remote access VPNs.
GRE is used to support non-IP protocols.
GRE can be run inside IPsec for added security.
SDM is an easy-to-use Internet browser-based device
management tool that is embedded within the Cisco IOS 800
3800 Series access routers at no cost.
SDM has a unique Security Audit wizard that provides a
comprehensive router security audit.
ISCW v1.04-1
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ISCW v1.04-2
This module described the fundamental terms used with IPsec VPNs, and describes different
types of IPsec VPNs and their configurations in detail. Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
tunnels and Cisco VPN Client for Windows are also introduced.
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IPsec VPNs
Module Self-Check
Use the questions here to review what you learned in this module. The correct answers and
solutions are found in the Module Self-Check Answer Key.
At which OSI layer does IPsec operate? (Source: Understanding IPsec Components and
IPsec VPN Features)
Which IPsec mode adds a new IP header to the packet? (Source: Understanding IPsec
Components and IPsec VPN Features)
Which security mechanism does GRE include to protect its payload? (Source:
Configuring GRE Tunnels over IPsec)
only preconfigured
preconfigured or custom
only custom
ACLs can be used to define which traffic needs protection. (Source: Configuring IPsec
on a Site-to-Site VPN Using SDM)
only preconfigured
preconfigured or custom
only custom
What kind of IPsec transform sets can be used when configuring IPsec site-to-site VPN
using SDM? (Source: Configuring IPsec on a Site-to-Site VPN Using SDM)
What kind of IKE proposals can be used when configuring IPsec site-to-site VPN using
SDM? (Source: Configuring IPsec on a Site-to-Site VPN Using SDM)
aggressive mode
tunnel mode
transport mode
main mode
quick mode
The same SA is used for inbound and outbound traffic. (Source: Implementing Site-toSite IPsec VPN Operations)
physical layer
data link layer
network layer
transport layer
session layer
presentation layer
application layer
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used in commercial training, and may not be distributed for purposes other than individual self-study.
Which mechanism does native IPsec use to detect failure of the remote peer? (Source:
Configuring High-Availability Options)
Which two components comprise Cisco Easy VPN? (Choose two.) (Source:
Configuring Cisco Easy VPN and Easy VPN Server Using SDM)
Which three methods can be used for user authentication? (Choose three.) (Source:
Implementing the Cisco VPN Client)
single-user authentication
group authentication
mutual group authentication
certificate authentication
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IPsec VPNs
B, D
B, C, D
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