Chapter 16 Answers To Exercises
Chapter 16 Answers To Exercises
Chapter 16 Answers To Exercises
Exercise Solutions
The amount of production capacity to reserve is:
Q* = F-1 (p*, , ) = NORMINV(p*, , )
p* = 1-(5/10) = 0.5
NORMINV(0.5, 250, 100) = 250 units
Worksheet 16-1 presents this solution.
Just as in the case of the previous problem:
Q* = F-1 (p*, , ) = NORMINV(p*, , )
p* = 1-(4/8) = 0.5
NORMINV(0.5, 400000,150000) = 400,000
But since the manufacturer only sends 100,000 to the retailer, the amount to be sent to the high
service channel is the minimum of 100,000 and 400,000. So only 100,000 units are sent to the
high service channel.
Worksheet 16-2 presents this solution.
= 0.5
Cw Cs 3 3
O* = NORMINV(s*, c, c) = NORMINV(0.5, 20000, 10000) = 20000
s* =
So, the total size of the contracts that the manager should sign is 20,000 square feet
O = NORMINV(0.5, 0.15(100000 + O), (0.6(0.15)(10000 + O)).
The problem is solved by using solver by maximizing O subject to the restriction that O =
NORMINV(0.5, 0.15(100000 + O), (0.6(0.15)(10000 + O)).
O = 17,647 square feet
So, the total space that the manager should sign contracts for is 17,647 square feet
Worksheet 16-3 presents this solution
The amount of trucking capacity the manager should save for the spot market is given by:
Q* = F-1 (p*, , ) = NORMINV(p*, , )
p* = 1-(0.1/0.13) = 0.23
NORMINV(0.23, 60000, 20000) = 45,274 units
Worksheet 16-4 presents this solution.
The size of the annual contract the manager should sign is given by:
Q* = F-1 (p*, , ) = NORMINV(p*, , )
p* = 1-(0.5/0.7) = 0.29
NORMINV(0.29, 500000, 150000) = 415,108 square feet
Worksheet 16-5 presents this solution.
Unconstrained case:
Decision variables:
p1 = price that NatBike should charge customized segment
p2 = price that NatBike should charge standard segment
Maximize profit : (p1-200)(20000-10 p1) + (p2-200)(40000-30 p2)
Subject to:
(20000-10 p1) +(40000-30 p2) <= 400000 (this capacity will solve the unconstrained problem)
p1, p2 >= 0
Solving this problem results in p1 = $1,100 and p2 = $766.7 and a profit of $17,733,333
Worksheet 16-6 presents the solution to this problem using Solver. Note that this is a nonlinear
Constrained case:
The only difference for the constrained case is that we change the capacity constraint as shown
(20000-10 p1) +(40000-30 p2) <= 20000
Solving this problem results in p1 = $1,250 and p2 = $916.7 and a profit of $16,833,333
The only change that we make here is with respect to the production costs as shown in bold.
Unconstrained case:
Decision variables:
p1 = price that NatBike should charge customized segment
p2 = price that NatBike should charge standard segment
Maximize profit : (p1-300)(20000-10 p1) + (p2-200)(40000-30 p2)
Subject to:
(20000-10 p1) +(40000-30 p2) <= 400000 (this capacity will solve the unconstrained problem)
p1, p2 >= 0
Solving this problem results in p1 = $1,150 and p2 = $766.7 and a profit of $16,858,333
Worksheet 16-7 presents the solution to this problem using Solver. Note that this is a non-linear
Constrained case:
The only difference for the constrained case is that we change the capacity constraint as shown
(20000-10 p1) +(40000-30 p2) <= 20000
Solving this problem results in p1 = $1,287.5 and p2 = $904.2 and a profit of $16,102,083
Worksheet 16-7 presents the solution to this problem using Solver. Note that this is a nonlinear
In this case we allow for acquiring additional capacity at a cost
Decision variables:
p1 = price that NatBike should charge customized segment
p2 = price that NatBike should charge standard segment
c = additional capacity to acquire
Maximize profit : (p1-200)(20000-10 p1) + (p2-200)(40000-30 p2) 25c
Subject to:
(20000-10 p1) +(40000-30 p2) <= 20000 + c
p1, p2, c >= 0
Solving this problem results in p1 = $1,112.5 and p2 = $779.2 and a profit of $17,589,583
Worksheet 16-8 presents the solution to this problem using Solver. Note that this is a nonlinear
Fixed price model:
Decision variables:
p = price charged during entire season for each swimsuit
Maximize revenue: p(2000-10p) + p(2000-20p) + p(2000-30p) = p(6000-60p)
Subject to:
(2000-10p) + (2000-20p) + (2000-30p) <= 5000
p >= 0
Solving this problem results in p = $50 and total revenue of $150,000
Solving this problem results in p1 = $120, p2 = $70, p3 = $53.33 and the total revenue is $87,333.
Worksheet 16-9 presents the solution to this problem using Solver. Note that this is a nonlinear