Oc Need & Importance The Importance of Environmental Sustainability in Festivals and Events
Oc Need & Importance The Importance of Environmental Sustainability in Festivals and Events
Oc Need & Importance The Importance of Environmental Sustainability in Festivals and Events
International Organisations for Standardisation. (ISO 1996) ISO claims its framework provides
for continuous improvements of environmental performance, (ISO, 1998) and it has achieved
worldwide acceptance.
Financial savings has proved to be the major sway towards a greener future, however not only is
being greener the influence but the opportunity for the business to become more sustainable, as
reducing waste and increasing recycling is important to a festivals financial as well as
environmental sustainability. It is also noted there are other beneficial impacts of introducing an
EMS, these benefits include reduced cost of waste management, savings in consumption of
energy and material, lower distribution costs, and an improved corporate image among regulators,
customers and the public