Weekly Log Sample

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Student Teaching Weekly Log

Directions: Answer these three questions each week and email them to your student teaching
supervisor by Sunday evening.


Kaitlyn Scott

Week: 9/2 9/5 (week 2)

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?
This week I had more interaction with my students and didnt spend as much time
sitting back observing. I was able to work with some students one on one as well as with a
few small groups giving them math tests. As a class we corrected a few worksheets and I
let the discussion around the work sheets, as to why the student picked a specific answer.
During planning periods and I helped out the other 1st grade teachers as well by running
copies and sorting worksheets and tests for the next two literacy units. During this weeks
professional development and data team meeting I was given instruction on how to create
the pre-test for the math unit we are going to be beginning. I was able to get the pre-test
written and inline with the objectives and post-test.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were your most challenging
One of my most satisfying experiences this week was working one-on-one with a
few of my students during math centers. I was able to begin creating a connection
with a few of my students and get to create that teacher-student relationship with
them, rather than just being the teacher who sits in the back of the room taking
notes. I was able to watch them work their way through math problem and be able
to help them learn a new math concept
One of the most challenging experiences this week is simply the defiance of a
few of my students. They tend to do their own thing even when they know what is
being expected of them and what they need to be doing. This is something we are
working on as a class, knowing what the right thing to do is and making sure we are
making the best choices.
3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?
This next week my mentor teacher and I are going being co-teaching more. Im excited
to start working with the students more than I have been as well as getting up in front of
the class. We are also going to be working with a few small groups in literacy and math.

Student Teaching Weekly Log

Directions: Answer these three questions each week and email them to your student teaching
supervisor by Sunday evening.


Kaitlyn Scott

Week: 9/8 9/12 (week 3)

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?
This week I was going to begin co-teaching more than just helping out with a few
things in the classroom. My mentor teacher got sick and left half way through the day on
Monday, while this was terrifying at first because I wasnt sure how our afternoon was
going to go, I was able to teach a math lesson with the interactive white board with the
students, as well as getting them ready for specials and dismissal at the end of the day.
Throughout the week I taught a few literacy lessons that consisted of work sheets that
corresponded with their spelling and sight words for the week. This week I also began
giving a math-pretest and helped give and score dictations that needed to be submitted to
the data team.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were your most challenging
One of my most satisfying experiences this week was seeing the math concept
we were working on click for my students. All we long we had been talking about
in addition the order of the addends didnt matter, your answer was going to come
out the same. We used the interactive white board with a few of the lessons as well
as using unifix cubes. By the end of the week all of my students were able to
explain the concept to me and show me how to flip the number sentences.
One of the most challenging experiences this week was doing BRI assessments
with my students. Many of them were becoming frustrated while taking the
assessment and I wanted to so badly to help them through it and guide them to
through sounding out the words, but with the type of assessment it was I just had to
encourage them to try their best and just record with was being read to me along
with the answers to their questions.

3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?

This next week I am going to begin helping with more of the planning and judging how
much my students are going to be able to get done during each lesson and what we should
move to another day to complete. I really like being a part of the planning process and
knowing what is coming up during the week.

Student Teaching Weekly Log

Directions: Answer these three questions each week and email them to your student teaching
supervisor by Sunday evening.

(week 5)

Kaitlyn Scott

Week: 9/22 9/26 (week 5)

1. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?
This week I taught more than I have any of the other weeks. The students have been
taking the FAST assessment, which the teacher or someone who is certified to give the
assessment had to give to the students. While my mentor teacher was giving the FAST
assessment I was able to lead our morning entry work, our literacy block, and our writing
bock. It worked out to be the entire first half of the day. It was a bit of a challenge for not
only me but for the students. The students look to me as another teacher in the classroom,
which is great, however I do things slightly different than my mentor teacher does so that
made it a little more difficult on the students. While I was teaching we had a student get
sick on the front rug so that caused some commotion that I had to redirect and go over
what we do in the classroom when that situation happens.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were your most challenging
My most satisfying experience this week was Friday morning when my students
walked in after they had received their first pen-pal letter from me. So many of
them were so excited to have received actual mail, or to have something in their
classroom mailbox from me that was not homework I was sending home. They
were so excited that I took the time to write them, they were also excited to be able
to write me back. Like we had talked about during seminar on Tuesday, I think they
know that by me sending them each a letter that I genuinely care about them and
want to hear all of the stories they want to share with me.
The most challenging experience was being the lead teacher this week, having
that half day where I was in charge will be a huge help when I start my bell to bell
shortly. I had to be the judge on if my students were getting the concept of the
lesson and also be the judge on time. Trying to plan a head on how long an
assignment would take, or adjusting to make more time for an assignment if my
students didnt get it was a struggle at first. It was a step in the right direction to
help prepare me for my bell-to-bell.

3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?

This next week I am going to be able to teach more math than I have these past few
weeks. The students GO MATH workbook can be a bit overwhelming for them at times
with all the content that has to be covered so my mentor teacher and I are working
together to try and find other ways to engage them in math that doesnt necessarily require
their GO MATH workbook. It is a learning experience for not only me but my mentor
teacher as well.

Student Teaching Weekly Log

Directions: Answer these three questions each week and email them to your student teaching
supervisor by Sunday evening.


Kaitlyn Scott

Week: 10/27 10/31(week 10)

2. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?
This week was my second week of bell-to-bell teaching. By the middle of the week I
was finally getting into the groove of being the teacher in charge in the room. Amongst
teaching and writing the lesson plans for the week I was also planning our fall party for
our classroom. We had a few behavior issues in our room this week, students that havent
been much of a problem at all this semester, who began acting out or not even doing their
work at all. I had sit down with these students and connect with them and try to get their
behavior back on track and see why they were acting out.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were your most challenging
My most satisfying experience this week was receiving compliments from other
teachers in the building on how well I was doing during my bell-to-bell teaching. I
received compliments from 3 different teachers throughout the week on how
impressed they were and what a fantastic job I was doing. It was so rewarding to
from other educators in the building that I was doing a great job, it reaffirmed my
faith in myself and also gave me more confidence throughout the week.
My most challenging experience this week was making time to get all of our
lessons/ activities done. At the beginning of the week it was not much of a problem
because I could always move things to the next day, however by doing this it
pushed us more behind the next day. On Friday we had our fall party so I was even
shorter on time than usual. Lesson planning was more challenging this week
because I had to really think through each lesson and see what things we could omit
and which lessons needed to have more time spent on them.
3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?
This upcoming week will be my third week of bell-to-bell. Our class has not done much
with their literacy centers and giving the students time to explore on their own so my
focus this week will be scheduling time for them to be able to working through these

Student Teaching Weekly Log

Directions: Answer these three questions each week and email them to your student teaching
supervisor by Sunday evening.


Kaitlyn Scott

Week: 11/3 11/7(week 11)

3. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?
This week was the first that I finally felt in the groove during my bell-to-bell teaching.
Everything seemed to flow and I felt as though I had more confidence teaching all day
than over the last two weeks. I did all the lesson planning for the week, I also felt that I
finally got the grasp of which activities took more importance over others. In the middle
of the week I also changed up the seating chart. The students had vision tests this week
and there were a few students that didnt pass so we had to make sure that they had sears
up closer to the front of the room.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were your most challenging
My most satisfying experience this week was being able to sit down with the
principal and chat with him for a while. We were talking to make sure that we had a
time set up for our mock interview and he complimented me on how well I was
fitting in with the staff and that everyone viewed me as another 1st grade teacher. A
few of the other teachers also mentioned how weird it will be when I am done for
the semester since I have been there since the first day of school. It was uplifting to
hear that I was being viewed as another educator in the building and also receive
compliments on how I was doing.
My most challenging experience this week was during our math block almost
every day. We are nearing the end of the chapter and the concept that is being
taught is proving to be very difficult for some of the students. A few of my students
were becoming very frustrated with themselves and me because it was not clicking.
It was almost heartbreaking to see the frustration on their faces. We slowed down
and backed up the one day and went step by step on each problem. Im hoping with
some extra practice next week as well it will begin to become a little clearer for
3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?
This upcoming week is my final week of bell to bell. My mentor teacher and I are going
back to co-planning so that she can start to take back control of the classroom. This week
will also be a review week for our last chapter of literacy. We are going to be completing
some activities and other lessons that we did not get a chance to do during the chapter.

Student Teaching Weekly Log

Directions: Answer these three questions each week and email them to your student teaching
supervisor by Sunday evening.


Kaitlyn Scott

Week: 11/10 11/4(week 12)

4. How did you spend your time this week? What responsibilities did you have?
This week was my final week of bell-to-bell teaching. I cannot believe how fast it went
by and how smoothly it went. This was the part of the semester I had the most anxiety
about at the beginning of the semester and when the time came to take over the classroom
things went a lot better than I had prepared myself for, it was almost second nature for me.
With this week being my final week of teaching full time I began to wrap up some of the
activities and lessons I had been working on with the students. We had been working on
quite a bit of interactive writing over the last few weeks so I wanted to finish that up. We
also finished up the chapter of GO Math I had been teaching.
2. What were your most satisfying experiences? What were your most challenging
My most satisfying experience this week was how excited my students were
Friday morning when I returned from being gone the day before. I had such a tough
time choosing to stay home on Thursday but figured it would be for the best and
that the kids would be excited to have my mentor teaching again. As soon as the
morning bell rang I was swarmed with hugs and each of my students telling me that
they had missed me. I had only been gone for one day but it felt like I hadnt seen
my students in a week. It was satisfying to get back to them and hear all about the
things they had learned the day before and everything else they wanted to share
with me.
My most challenging experience this week was having a migraine. As the week
went on it began to progress, and became more difficult to make it through my
lessons. I was trying to keep my normal amount of energy and enthusiasm for my
lessons but physically could not do it. I also did not want to take out my lack of not
feeling well on my students because they were not doing anything wrong. My other
challenge this week was choosing to stay home on Thursday, I hate having to miss
school especially with this being my last week of teaching, I did not want to be
away from my students.
3. What are the plans for the upcoming week?
This upcoming week I have two observations set up. I will be spending a morning at
Goodrell Middle school in a 6th grade reading classroom. I choose to go do my
observation here to see a completely different dynamic than what Ive been teaching all
semester. The other observation will be at Hubble Elementary in a 3rd grade classroom.
While I am still at Hanawalt I am going to spend some time with some of the other grade
levels as well.

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