Drenaje Ácido de Minas
Drenaje Ácido de Minas
Drenaje Ácido de Minas
Open Access
Background: Metal sulfide mineral dissolution during bioleaching and acid mine drainage (AMD) formation creates
an environment that is inhospitable to most life. Despite dominance by a small number of bacteria, AMD microbial
biofilm communities contain a notable variety of coexisting and closely related Euryarchaea, most of which have
defied cultivation efforts. For this reason, we used metagenomics to analyze variation in gene content that may
contribute to niche differentiation among co-occurring AMD archaea. Our analyses targeted members of the
Thermoplasmatales and related archaea. These results greatly expand genomic information available for this
archaeal order.
Results: We reconstructed near-complete genomes for uncultivated, relatively low abundance organisms A-, E-,
and Gplasma, members of Thermoplasmatales order, and for a novel organism, Iplasma. Genomic analyses of these
organisms, as well as Ferroplasma type I and II, reveal that all are facultative aerobic heterotrophs with the ability to
use many of the same carbon substrates, including methanol. Most of the genomes share genes for toxic metal
resistance and surface-layer production. Only Aplasma and Eplasma have a full suite of flagellar genes whereas all
but the Ferroplasma spp. have genes for pili production. Cryogenic-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and tomography
(cryo-ET) strengthen these metagenomics-based ultrastructural predictions. Notably, only Aplasma, Gplasma and the
Ferroplasma spp. have predicted iron oxidation genes and Eplasma and Iplasma lack most genes for cobalamin,
valine, (iso)leucine and histidine synthesis.
Conclusion: The Thermoplasmatales AMD archaea share a large number of metabolic capabilities. All of the
uncultivated organisms studied here (A-, E-, G-, and Iplasma) are metabolically very similar to characterized
Ferroplasma spp., differentiating themselves mainly in their genetic capabilities for biosynthesis, motility, and
possibly iron oxidation. These results indicate that subtle, but important genomic differences, coupled with
unknown differences in gene expression, distinguish these organisms enough to allow for co-existence. Overall this
study reveals shared features of organisms from the Thermoplasmatales lineage and provides new insights into the
functioning of AMD communities.
Keywords: Metagenomics, Acid mine drainage, Thermoplasmatales, Ferroplasma, Iron oxidation, Comparative genomics
* Correspondence: jbanfield@berkeley.edu
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University
of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2013 Yelton et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Until recently, very few genomes of archaea had been sequenced. As of 2012 there were only 233 archaeal genomes in the NCBI database compared to 3843 bacterial
genomes. In part because of this bias, much less is
known about archaeal evolution and physiology than
that of bacteria. Of the sequenced archaeal genomes,
most come from isolates from disparate environments
and therefore tell us little about how archaeal populations co-exist within environments. Notable exceptions
include isolates and draft genomes from metagenomic
sequencing projects in hypersaline [1] and hot springs
environments [2-5] and genomes of different strains of
one gut methanogen [6]. Metagenomics allows us to
examine the genomes of closely related archaea in the
same community and make inferences about physiological differences that allow them to coexist. Spatial and
temporal distributions of populations may be related to
differences in geochemical conditions, in nutrients, or in
other resources that different strains and species can
utilize. Finally, if the intention is to isolate organisms
with particular metabolic capacities, metagenomic insights can aid in the determination of the vitamins, nutrients, cofactors, and environmental conditions necessary
for the growth of potential isolates.
A number of archaea of the Euryarchaeal order
Thermoplasmatales have been described. This order currently comprises five genera: Ferroplasma, Thermoplasma,
Picrophilus, Thermogymnomonas, and Acidiplasma. All
of the isolates from this order are obligate or facultative
aerobes and extreme acidophiles that were isolated
from acidic, high sulfur environments. However, there
is some phenotypic variation within this clade. The
Picrophilus spp. are characterized by a single cell membrane surrounded by a surface layer, whereas the species in the other Thermoplasmatales genera have no
cell walls. The Thermoplasma spp., Picrophilus spp.,
and Thermogymnomonas acidicola are moderate thermophiles with temperature optima around 60C, whereas
the Ferroplasma spp. and Acidiplasma aeolicum are
mesophiles with temperature optima around 40 and
45C respectively [7-15]. All of the isolates from
the Thermoplasmatales order except for Ferroplasma
acidiphilum are heterotrophs. All of the Ferroplasma spp.
and Acidiplasma sp. are Fe-oxidizers and grow anaerobically via Fe respiration, whereas the Thermoplasma spp. are
capable of S0 respiration.
In this study, we compare the near-complete genomes
of the two Ferroplasma acidarmanus types, the isolate
Fer1 sequence and the environmental Fer2 sequence,
with newly annotated genomes of related organisms that
we call A-, E-, G-, and Iplasma (APL, EPL,GPL, and IPL;
NCBI accession numbers are reported in the Availability
of supporting data section) [16,17]. These organisms
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Figure 1 16S rRNA tree indicating the possibility of a candidate class that includes Iplasma. Ferroplasma acidarmanus is Fer1 and Fer2.
Bootstrap values are shown at branch splits. Gene start and stop positions and Genbank accession numbers are listed after organism names.
Genome features of the AMD plasma organisms, including the number of tRNA synthetases and ribosomal genes,
are summarized in Yelton et al., 2011 [16]. All of the genomes contain the full suite of tRNAs and most or all
orthologous marker genes [16,25], consistent with a high
degree of genome completeness (Additional file 8). Important metabolic and structural features of each genome
are listed and illustrated in Table 1 and Additional file 9.
Unique genomic island in G-plasma
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Aerobic metabolisms
Aerobic respiration
Aerobic CODH
Anaerobic CODH
Anaerobic metabolisms
Formate dehydrogenase
Fermentation to acetate
Carbon catabolism
Entner-Doudoroff pathway
Beta oxidation
Cobalamin biosynthesis
Molybdopterin biosynthesis
Histidine synthesis
Leucine/Isoleucine synthesis
Glyoxylate shunt
Copper resistance
Mercury resistance
Ether-linked lipids
APL is Aplasma. EPL is Eplasma. GPL is Gplasma. FER1 and FER2 are
Ferroplasma acidarmanus type I and type II. IPL is Iplasma. Y indicates that
the pathway is found in the genome, whereas N indicates that it is not.
peptide (13327_0056), and another with fourteen transmembrane motifs and a signal peptide (13327_0059).
Additionally, three of these proteins include a rhodaneselike domain possibly involved in phosphatase or sulfurtransferase activity and another contains an armadillo
repeat region, often used to bind large substrates such as
peptides or nucleic acids (13327_0058).
The absence of any orthologs to this block of hypothetical proteins in other Thermoplasmatales genomes is
a strong indication that it may have been acquired by
horizontal gene transfer. Many flanking genes have
syntenous orthologs in other closely-related genomes.
However, the lack of GC skew in the nucleotide signature of these genes suggests that the transfer event was
not recent or that the donor had a similar GC content
to Gplasma.
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Figure 2 Cluster of unique genes in Gplasma. Arrows are proportional to the length of each gene and indicate its direction of transcription.
The gene numbers are shown inside the arrows. All genes are from contig number 13327. Motif and domain-based annotations are shown
above the arrows. Genes with no annotations are hypothetical proteins. Rhod indicates a rhodanese-like domain.
Figure 3 Cryo-EM of surface-layer on an AMD plasma cell from the Richmond Mine. Insets show a higher magnification. Arrows point to putative
surface-layer proteins. Panel A and panel B show evidence of proteinaceous surface layers in two different cells collected from the Richmond Mine AMD.
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archaeal C fixation pathways. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that these CODH proteins are
used solely to make electrons available for aerobic respiration. However, it is possible that they use a novel C
fixation pathway that incorporates this CODH [63].
Interestingly, our CODH phylogenetic tree suggests that
there is another AMD plasma gene that encodes a NiCODH, Fer2 scaffold 31 gene 47. Ni-CODHs are anaerobic and reduce CO2 to CO. This enzyme is generally involved in C fixation via the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway, the
genes for which are not found in the AMD plasma genomes. Thus, this gene may be involved in a novel carbon
fixation pathway in Fer2. Additional evidence for the
annotation of this gene as a Ni-CODH is provided in
its structural alignment with known Ni-CODH proteins
(Additional file 18), and by the annotation of a neighbor
gene as a Ni-CODH maturation factor (Additional file 12).
As a whole, the genomic evidence suggests CO oxidation
capacity among Fer1, Fer2, and Iplasma and a potential
for CO reduction in Fer2.
Energy metabolism (c) aerobic respiration
Fer1 and T. acidophilum are known to be facultative anaerobes [11,64-66], whereas T. volcanium and P. torridus
are aerobes. Therefore, it is not surprising that all of the
Richmond Mine AMD plasmas have the capacity for
aerobic respiration and catabolism of organic compounds via two glucose catabolism pathways, pyruvate
dehydrogenase, the TCA cycle and an aerobic electron
transport chain (Additional file 12). Some AMD plasma
genes in the aerobic electron transport chain have been
observed in proteomic analyses as previously reported
by Justice et al., 2012 [20].
The AMD plasmas electron transport chains are
similar to that of other archaea in that they do not contain all of the subunits of the NADH ubiquinoneoxidoreductase complex [67]. All of the AMD plasmas
except Aplasma are missing the NuoEFG subunits
found in the bacterial type complex I and instead have
the subunits found in the archaeal-type complex I,
NuoABCDHIJKLMN. Fer2 is missing NuoIJKLM most
likely because the genes for this complex are found at
the end of an incomplete contig. Eplasma, Gplasma and
Fer1 maintain the Nuo gene order found in a number of
other archaea including, Halobacterium sp., Sulfolobus
solfataricus, and T. acidophilum [68]. All contain succinate dehydrogenase complex genes (Additional file 12). In
the case of A-, E-, and Gplasma, the complex is missing
SdhD, and many of the SdhC genes have annotations with
low confidence. This finding is congruent with previous
research that shows that the genes for the membrane anchor subunits of the complex are poorly conserved in both
bacteria and archaea, possibly due to low selective pressure [69]. As mentioned previously in section (v)(a), the
AMD plasmas have genes homologous to several predicted archaeal complex III/cytochrome bc complex genes
(Additional file 12).
Archaeal-type aerobic terminal oxidases include cytochrome c oxidases (CCOs) and cytochrome bd oxidases.
Genes for the cytochrome bd complex are found in
P. torridus, T. acidophilum and T. volcanium [70]. All of
the AMD plasma genomes contain the two genes for
this complex. They also all contain the two essential
genes for the archaeal heme-copper oxidase/CCO complex (subunit I and II) [70], and we confirm that subunit
II contains the Cu-binding motif generally found in
CCOs [71] (Additional file 19). Like the other CCO
genes in B. subtilis and E. coli, the two cytochrome c
genes in the AMD plasmas occur in a gene cluster with
a protoheme IX farnesyltransferase, required for synthesis of the heme type used in aa(3) type CCOs [72]. The
subunit II gene shares a high amino acid identity with
several oxidases of this type, further indicating an aa(3)
type CCO (Additional file 20).
Archaea use A-type ATP synthases to generate ATP
from an electrochemical gradient. All of the AMD archaeal genomes contain the AhaABCDEFIK genes that
comprise this complex in Methanosarcina mazei, although they are missing an ortholog to AhaG. All but
Eplasma and Iplasma contain a putative AhaH gene.
AhaG is also absent in T. acidophilum, indicating that
it may not be necessary for ATP synthesis in these
Energy metabolism (d) alternative electron acceptors
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on CBLAST against the NCBI protein structure database. Additional protein modeling suggests that one of
the proteins in Iplasma could be a subunit of the formate
dehydrogenase complex (Yelton, Zemla, and Thelen; unpublished observation). Thus, we suggest that these two
proteins are functionally related to formate dehydrogenase
in Iplasma.
Interestingly, the Iplasma genome contains homologs
to all of the genes overexpressed under anaerobic conditions for T. volcanium as well as all of the genes
overexpressed or over-transcribed under anaerobic conditions for T. acidophilum (except for their predicted
sulfur respiration gene Ta1129) in two previous studies
[75,76] (Additional file 21). The other AMD archaea also
share most, but not all, of these genes. Although there is
no direct genomic evidence for anaerobic respiration,
novel anaerobic respiratory pathways are possible. In
fact, there is evidence that Fer1 can grow via anaerobic
Fe(III) reduction [64], and enrichment cultures of Fer1
and Aplasma reduce iron [20].
AMD archaea are typically more abundant in thick, mature AMD biofilms [87] where they may encounter anoxic
microenvironments [73]. Thus, we looked for potential
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The Thermoplasmatales archaea exhibit differential abilities to synthesize amino acids, suggesting that some of
them rely more heavily on organic compound uptake
than others. The genomes of E-, G- and Iplasma do not
contain most of the histidine synthesis pathway genes.
Eplasma and Iplasma also lack many of the genes necessary for the valine and (iso)leucine synthesis pathway
(Additional file 12). They are also among the subset of
organisms that do not make their own cobalamin [16].
This group of organisms may rely on amino acid and
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Figure 4 Cryo-electron microscopy of AMD plasma cells. Panel A and panel B show evidence of flagella on two different cells collected from
the Richmond Mine AMD. Arrows point to flagella. The box surrounds a potential motor protein complex.
The metagenomic and phylogenetic analyses presented
here reveal evolutionary, metabolic and cell structural
differences among uncultivated archaea that occur in
AMD biofilm communities. We recognize Iplasma as a
representative of a phylogenetically distinct class and
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DNA sequencing and assembly
The new genomes presented here are composite assemblies of DNA extracted from a number of biofilm samples
from the Richmond Mine, Iron Mountain, CA. Sample
collection, DNA extraction, sequencing, genome assembly,
and automated annotation were described previously
[16,55,109,110], though current assemblies of Aplasma
and Gplasma have been updated with recently acquired
Illumina sequencing. All of the genomes were automatically assembled using velvet [111] and then manually
curated, using the Consed software [112] to correct
misassemblies and join contigs across gaps. Assembly
data were published in Yelton, et al., 2011 [16].
Figure 5 Cryo-electron microscopy of AMD plasma cells with putative pili. Panel A and panel B show evidence of pili on two different cells
collected from the Richmond Mine AMD. Arrows point to pili. Vesicle-like structures are delineated by a single membrane layer around an ovoid
shape in each cells cytoplasm.
Gene annotation
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Images were acquired on a JEOL3100 electron microscope equipped with a FEG electron source operating at
300 kV, an Omega energy filter, a Gatan 795 2K2K
CCD camera, and cryo-transfer stage. The stage was
cooled to 80 K with liquid nitrogen. For more information on imaging and analysis see Additional file 25.
Availability of supporting data
Additional files
Additional file 1: Percent nucleotide identity of 16S rRNA genes in
the AMD plasmas relative to one another.
Additional file 2: 16S rRNA nucleotide identity for AMD
Thermoplasmatales organisms and close relatives. Note that all of
the organisms in the first column except for Aciduliprofundum boonei are
classified as Thermoplasmatales.
Additional file 3: Ribosomal protein S15 tree of the AMD plasma
archaea and their close relatives.
Additional file 4: Average amino acid identity of shared orthologs
between the AMD plasma genomes.
Additional file 5: Percentage of shared orthologs between the AMD
plasma genomes.
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