Unconstrained Optimization
Unconstrained Optimization
Unconstrained Optimization
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Unconstrained Optimisation
5.2.1 First Order Condition
5.2.2 Second Order Condition
In this unit, our objective is to find and explain the necessary and sufficient
conditions for any unconstrained optimisation problem. Optimisation in
mathematical sense (and therefore for our purpose) means either maximisation
or, minimisation of different mathematical functions. Optimisation is broadly
distinguishable in two respects viz., Unconstrained Optimisation (which is our
current focus) and Constrained Optimisation (which we discuss in the next
unit). Unconstrained optimisation deals with those problems whose domain is
not compressed by any constrained. We are going to use simple calculus to
solve these kinds of optimisation problems. First, let us we find and discuss
the necessary first order conditions for unconstrained optimisation before
moving on to the sufficient condition or, the second order condition. In the
next section, we will focus on some simple economic applications that deal
with unconstrained optimisation.
We will see that the above condition is equivalent to the derivative version of
the first order condition
= 0 or, f ' ( x) = 0 . We note that when there is no
change in x (dx = 0), dy will automatically be zero. But this, of course, is not
what the first order condition is all about. What the first order condition
requires is that dy be zero as x is varied, that is, as arbitrary (positive or,
negative, but not zero) infinitesimal changes of x occur. In such a context,
with dx 0 , dy can be zero if and only if f ' ( x) = 0 . Thus, the derivative
condition f ' ( x) = 0 and the differential condition dy = 0 for arbitrary nonzero
values of dx are indeed equivalent.
Now suppose y = f ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn) then in this case, the first order condition for
optimisation is given by the n-equation viz.,
= f 1 ( x) = 0 ,
= f n ( x) = 0 . From these n equations, we can find
= f 2 ( x) = 0 , ,
x 2
x1* ,x2* ,...,xn * .
Extreme Values
and Optimisation
= 0 and
= 0 , from
which we can get y + 2 x = 0 and 2 y x = 0 . We solve this and get x* = 0 and
y* = 0 . Finally putting these optimum values into the original equation we get
z* = 0 .
Solution: The necessary first order condition gives
2 z z
. The notation fxx has a double subscript
( fx ) Or,
x 2 x x
signifying that the primitive function f has been differentiated partially with
2 z
except for
respect to x twice, whereas the notation 2 resembles that of
dx 2
the use of the partial symbol. In a perfectly analogues manner, we can use the
2 z z
second partial derivative fyy ( fy ) or, 2 to denote the rate of
y y
change of fy with respect to y, while x is held constant.
Recall however, that fx is also a function of x. Hence, there can be written two
2 z
2 z
and fyx
yx y x
xy x y
These are called cross (or, mixed) partial derivatives because each measures
the rate of change of one first order partial derivative with respect to the
other variable. We can also note that using total differential equation we get
(z )
(z )
d 2 z d (dz )
dx +
dy .
Using the concept of d 2 z , we can state the second order sufficient condition
for a maximum of z = f ( x, y ) as follows: d 2 z < 0 for arbitrary values of dx
and dy, not both zero (a). The rationale behind is very similar to that of the
d 2 z condition for the one variable case and it can be explained by means of
Fig 5.2.1, which depicts the birds-eye view of a surface. Let point A on the
surface the point lying directly above the point (x0, y0) in the domain
satisfy the first order condition. Then the point A is a prospective candidate
for a maximum. Whether it in fact qualifies depends on the surface
configuration in the neighborhood of A. If an infinitesimal movement away
from A in any direction along the surface invariable results in a decrease in z
that is, if dz < 0 for arbitrary values of dx and dy, not both zero A is a pick
of a dome. Given that dz = 0 at point A, however, the condition dz < 0 at point
in the neighborhood of A amounts to the stipulation that dz is decreasing, that
is, d 2 z d (dz ) < 0 , for arbitrary values of dx and dy, not both zero. Thus (a)
constitutes a sufficient condition for identifying a stationary value as a
The reason why (a) and (b) are sufficient conditions but not necessary
conditions, is that it is again possible for d2z to take a zero value at a
maximum or, a minimum. For this reason, second order necessary conditions
must be stated with weak inequalities as follows: For maximum of z:
d 2 z 0 for arbitrary values of dx and dy, not both zero. For minimum of z:
d 2 z 0 for arbitrary values of dx and dy, not both zero (c). In the following,
however, we pay more attention to the second order sufficient conditions.
For operational convenience, second order differential conditions can be
translated into equivalent conditions on second order derivatives. In the twovariable case, this would entail restrictions on the signs of the second partial
derivatives fxx, fyy and fxy . The actual translation would require knowledge of
quadratic forms. But we may first introduce the main results here: For any
values of dx and dy, not both zero, we have
d 2 z < 0 if and only if fxx < 0 , fyy < 0 , and fxxfyy > fxy 2
d 2 z > 0 if and only if fxx > 0 , fyy > 0 , and fxxfyy > fxy 2 .
Note that the sign of d2z hinges not only on fxx and fyy , which have to do with
the surface configuration around point A, but also on the cross partial
derivative fxy . The role played by this latter partial derivative is to ensure that
the surface in question will yield (two-dimensional) cross sections with the
same type of configuration in all possible directions.
Table 5. 1: Conditions for Relative Extremum: z=f(x, y)
fx = fy = 0
fx = fy = 0
The above result, together with the first order condition, enables us to
construct Table 5.1. It should be understood that all the second partial
derivatives therein are to be evaluated at the stationary point where fx = fy = 0.
It should also be stressed that the second order sufficient condition is not
necessary for an extremum. In particular, if a stationary value is characterised
by fxxfyy = fxy 2 in violation of that condition, that stationary value may
nevertheless turn out to be an extremum. On the other hand, in the case of
another type of violation, with a stationary point characterised by fxxfyy < fxy 2 ,
we can identify that point as a saddle point, because the sign of d2z will in that
case be indefinite (positive for same values of dx and dy, but negative for
For n-variable case we can generalise the above second order condition. The
satisfaction of the first order condition earmarks certain values of z as the
stationary values of the objective function. If at a stationary value of z we find
that d2z is positive definite, this will suffice to establish that value of z as a
minimum. Analogously, the negative definiteness of d2z is a sufficient
condition for the stationary value to be maximum.
Extreme Values
and Optimisation
When there are n choice variables, the objective function may be expressed as
z = f ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) .
The total differential will then be dz = f1dx1 + f 2 dx2 + ... + f n dxn so that the
necessary condition for extremum (dz = 0 for arbitrary dxi) means that all the
n first order partial derivatives are required to be zero.
The second order differential d2z will again be a quadratic form, which can be
expressed as an n n array. The coefficients of that array, properly arranged,
will now give the (symmetric) Hessian
| H |= 21
f n1
f 22
f 2 n
f nn
with principle minors | H1 |= f11 , | H 2 |= 11
,, | H n |=| H | . The
f 21 f 22
second order sufficient condition for extremum is, as before, that all the n
principal minors be positive (for a minimum in z) and that they duly alternate
in sign (for a maximum in z), the first one being negative.
In summary, then if we concentrate on the determinantal test we have the
criteria as listed in Table 5.2, which is valid for an objective function of any
number of choice variables. As special cases, we can have n = 1 or, n = 2.
When n = 1, the objective function is z = f(x), and the condition for
maximization, f1 = 0 and | H1 |< 0 , reduce to f ' ( x) = 0 and f " ( x) < 0 , exactly
as we learned above. Similarly, when n = 2, the objective function is
z = f ( x1 , x2 ) , so that the first order condition for maximum is f1 = f 2 = 0 ,
whereas the second order sufficient condition becomes f11 < 0 and
f11 f12
= f11 f 22 f12 2 > 0 , which is merely a restatement of the
21 f 22
information given above.
Table 5. 2: Determinantal Test for Relative Optimum: z = f ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn )
First order necessary condition
f1 = f 2 = ... = f n
f1 = f 2 = ... = f n
| H i |> 0 i=1,,n
Extreme Values
and Optimisation
= 4q1 + q2 (the marginal cost of the first product) is a function
not only of q1 but also of q2. Similarly, the marginal cost of the second
product also depends, in part, on the output level of the first product. Thus,
according to the assumed cost function, the two commodities are seen to be
technically related in production.
Note that
The profit function of this hypothetical firm can now be written readily as
= R C = 5q1 + 3q2 2q12 2q2 2 q1q2 , a function of two choice variables
(q1 and q2) and two price parameters. It is our task to find the levels of q1 and
q2, which in combination, will maximise . For this purpose, we find the first
order partial derivatives of the profit function:
= 5 4q1 q2 and 2
= 3 4q2 q1 - (a)
Setting these both equal to zero, to satisfy the necessary condition for
maximum, we get the two simultaneous equations 4q1 + q2 = 5 and
4 p p2 17
q1 + 4q2 = 3 , which yield the unique solution q1* = 1
= and
q2* = 2
= . Thus, the maximum profit that the firm will get is
= 5.51 (approx).
To be sure that this does represent a maximum profit, let us check the second
order condition. The second partial derivatives, obtainable by partial
differentiation of equation (a), give us the following Hessian:
12 4 1
| H |= 11
21 22 1 4
Since | H1 |= 4 < 0 and | H 2 |= 15 > 0 , the Hessian matrix (or, d2z) is negative
definite, and the solution does maximise the profit. In fact, since the signs of
the principal minors do not depends on where they are evaluated, d2z is in this
case everywhere negative definite. Thus, the objective function must be
strictly concave, and the maximum profit found above is actually a unique
absolute maximum.
Example 2: This example again regarding a multi-product firm but with the
modification that in earlier case the firm face given price i.e., multi-product
firm under competitive structure, in this example the multi-product firm is a
monopoly in both the product i.e., the firm can decide how much quantity to
be produced and at the same time she can choose any price for her product.
Now by virtue of this new market-structure assumption, the revenue function
must be modified to reflect the fact that the prices of the two products will
now vary with their output levels (which are assumed to be identical with their
sales levels, no inventory accumulation being contemplated in the model). The
exact manner in which prices will vary with output levels is, of course, to be
found in the demand functions for the firms two products.
Suppose that the demand facing the monopolistic firm, are as follows:
q1 = 40 2 p1 + p2 and q2 = 15 + p1 p2 - (a)
These equations reveal that the two commodities are related in consumption;
specifically, they are substitute goods, because an increase in the price of one
will raise the demand for the other. As given, equation (a) expresses the
quantities demanded q1 and q2 as functions of prices, but for our present
purposes, it will be more convenient to have prices p1 and p2 expressed in
terms of the sales volumes q1 and q2, that is, to have average revenue
functions for the two products. Since equation (a) can be rewritten as
2 p1 + p2 = q1 40 and p1 p2 = q2 15 , we may (considering q1 and q2 as
parameters) apply Cramers rule to solve for p1 and p2 as follows:
p1 = 55 q1 q2 and p2 = 70 q1 2q2 - (b)
These constitute the desired average-revenue functions, since p1 AR1 and
p2 AR2 . Consequently, the firms total-revenue function can be written as:
R = p1q1 + p2 q2
Extreme Values
and Optimisation
= R C
= 55q1 + 70q2 3q1q2 2q12 3q2 2 - (c),
which is an objective function with two choice variables. Once the profit
maximizing output levels q1* and q2* are found, however, the optimal prices
p1* and p2* are easy enough to find from equation (b).
The objective function yields the following first and second partial
1 = 55 3q1 4q2
11 = 4
2 = 70 3q1 6q2
12 = 21 = 3
22 = 6
4 3
3 6 , we have | H1 |= 4 < 0
and | H 2 |= 15 > 0 , so that the value of does represent the maximum profit.
Here, the signs of the principle minors are again independent of where they
are evaluated. Thus, the Hessian matrix is everywhere negative definite,
implying that the objective function is strictly concave and that it has a unique
absolute maximum.
f1 = f 2 = ... = f n
f1 = f 2 = ... = f n
Extreme Values
and Optimisation