Marketing Assignment-II: Submitted By: Pratik Shakya Roll No: A11076 Class: BBA - 3 Year "B"

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Assignment- II

Submitted by: Pratik Shakya

Roll no: A11076
Class: BBA- 3rd year "B"

Introduction to consumer buying behavior

Consumer buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers individuals and households
who buy goods and services for personal consumption. All of these final consumers combine to make up
the consumer market. In terms of marketing stimuli can be input and it can be marketing mix and
environment. Marketing mix can be designed by company and controllable like price. The process is
consumer characteristics and consumer buying behavior. The response to it is the preference, interest,
buying decision and satisfaction. The key factors are cultural, social, personal, and psychological. These
factors cause consumers to develop product and brand preferences. Although many of these factors
cannot be directly controlled by marketers, understanding of their impact is essential as marketing mix
strategies can be developed to appeal to the preferences of the target market. Consumer behaviour is the
study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of
products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the
consumer and society. It blends elements from psychology,
sociology, social anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the decision-making processes of
buyers, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such
as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to
assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in

Introduction on Research topic

I have researched on the consumer buying behavior while purchasing a mobile. There are various factors
affected by the behavior of the consumer while purchasing a mobile. There are various brands of mobile
and I have taken nokia, Samsung, sony, micromax and others. Taking all the brands of mobile creates
problem which doing analysis so I have taken only fewer into account.
The main objective of the research is to know the factors which are affecting the buying behavior. We
know there are various factors that affect the buying behavior. It may be the culture or the income or the
trend. So, I have chosen this topic as many youths are involved in gadgets and changing their phones
according to the trends.
I have chosen this topic because it is one the most used topic. The buying behavior is the most used in the
buying behavior. In every buying process, there is at least a factor which affects the consumer buying
behavior. So, to further describe the affect I have chosen the most used product that is mobiles phone. I
have described how consumer behaviors affect on the purchase of mobile phones among the various
brands. I have visited the mobile shop in Baglamukhi named 7B mobile shop.

Literature Review
Research literature reviews can be contrasted with more subjective examinations of recorded information.
When doing a research review, you systematically examine all sources and describe and justify what you
have done. This enables someone else to reproduce your methods and to determine objectively whether to
accept the results of the review.
In 2013, John Dudovskiy did the research on the consumer buying behavior. The topic of consumer
behaviour is one of the massively studied topics by the researchers and marketers in the past and still
being studied. Researchers show different reasons as to why consumer behaviour has been the topic of
many academics and researchers. One of the common views is that understanding consumer behaviour
has become a factor that has a direct impact on the overall performance of the businesses (Kotler and
Keller, 2012). Another view suggests that understanding consumer behaviour has become crucial
especially due to fierce competition in retail industry in the UK and worldwide (Lancaster et al, 2002).
This chapter will introduce some other areas of research background of consumer behaviour addressing
the works of researchers and marketers. Moreover, consumer decision making process, in particular, five
stages of consumer decision making process will be discussed in detail.

Data collection methodology

For the research work, data has to be collected. There are two ways of collecting data.
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data

The primary data is collected from the place we have visited, personal interview or from the resource
person. It is done through the sites visits or the place we visit as per our report. the secondary data are the
data collected through internet, various sites, pamphlets or any other papers.
In my research work, I have used only the primary data. The data I have collected is from 7B mobiles
shop, Baglamukhi. I would like to thank the owner of the shop Mr. Pursottam Bajracharya, for the
information he has given to me. He was so friendly and cooperative with every question I have asked and
he replied me with no hesitations. He referred me as all of us know that one of the most selling brands is
Apple. So, he suggested me not to choose apple brand for the research but to choose other brands
available to know the consumer behavior. With his suggestion I have taken nokia, Samsung, sony,
micromax and other brands into account.

There are various brands of mobiles phone. But I have taken nokia, Samsung, sony, micromax and listed
other brands as others for the research. Most of the youths are keen on changing the mobile phones. They
are very much interested in the available gadgets nowadays. Some youths are focused on the price of the
phones whereas others may be interested in features that are available in the phones.
We know that there are various factors that affect the buying behaviour. They are culture factors, Culture
is determinant of a persons wants and behavior. Sub cultures are specific identification and socialization
for their members. it includes nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions. Social class
shared similar values, interests and behavior. Another factor is social factors. Under it, there are reference
groups which have a direct or indirect influence in their attitudes or behavior in three ways. (Expose an
individual to new behaviors and lifestyle / attitudes and self-concept / create pressures for conformity that
may affect product and brand choices.). Family is the most important consumer buying organization.
There are two families in buyers life: Family of orientation & Family of Procreation. Social roles &
statuses: role = activities a person is expected to perform, each role carries a status. People choose
products that reflect ad communicate their role and actual or desired status in society. Another factor is
personal factors. Age and stage in the life cycle: consumption is shaped by the family cycle, the number,
age and gender of people in the household. Also psychological life-cycle stage and critical life events or
transitions can cause new needs. Occupation and economic circumstances Personality and self-concept is
set of distinguishing human psychological traits that lead to consistent and enduring responses to
environmental stimuli. Consumers choose brands matching their own Personality. Lifestyle and values: a
persons pattern of living in the world as expressed in activities, interests and opinion > determined by
core values - the belief systems that underlie attitudes and behaviors. Memberships are groups that have
direct influence. Primary groups are groups with whom the person interacts continuously and informally
such as family, friends. Secondary groups are groups which tend to be more formal and require less
continuous interaction such as professional and religious. Inspirational groups are those person hopes to
join. Dissociative groups are those whose values or behavior an individual reject. Family of orientation:
parent and sibling. Even if the buyer no longer interacts very much with their parent, their influence can
be significant. Family of procreation is that ones spouse and children. Before the wife have usually acted
as the familys main purchasing agent but now the marketers should see both men and women as target.
I have taken the data from the shop at Banglamukhi. All the data with the various price ranges and pie
chart has been done in the annexure at the last. There are various findings found from the data.

From the collected data the various factors that affect the consumer buying behavior are features of
brands, lifestyle of the sample size, income and trend. the price ranges also affect the buying behavior of
the consumer.
Among the brand name, nokia is the most popular among all the chosen brands. The factors which affect
the buying behavior is the brands and its features. Among the various brands taken, nokia covers 62% and
26 units followed by Samsung 17% and 7 units. Then sony with 7% and 3 units, micromax 5% and 3
units and other various brand 9% and 4units.
The trend is another factor which highly influences the consumer buying behavior. Its the trend in the
market which brand is famous. The youths prefer those brands which are highly available and sold in
markets. The phones are taken as the fashion by the youths and they like to change is as per the going
trend. So, it is the highly influencing factor.
The income is also another factor which affects the consumer buying behavior. The income of the people
also decides their buying behavior. They might not focus on the features or the trend in mobiles but they
look for the affordable mobiles according to their income. The features or brand might not be important to
the consumer but the price of the mobile is important to the consumer. There are various price ranges of
the mobiles which have been shown in the data at the last. The high of prices that the brand offers are in
the order are nokia, sony, Samsung and micromax.
So, we can conclude that there are various factors that affect the consumer buying behavior. It is not that
every factor affect the buying behavior in a customer. It can only be one factor that affects the decision.
One or more factor also can affect the decision of a customer.


Potential of Brands













Price ranges





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