Technical Writing Slides
Technical Writing Slides
Technical Writing Slides
Dr. Murad Samhouri
Minutes of Meeting
How to record a useful minutes of meeting?
Meeting minutes are important. They capture the essentials
information of a meeting decisions and assigned actions
They keep attendees on track by reminding them of their role in a
project and clearly define what happened in a group session
Meeting minutes should not be an exact recording of everything
that happened during the session
Minutes are meant to record basic information such as actions
assigned and decisions made
Minutes of Meeting
Instructions that will help you take useful and concise meeting
Before the Meeting
Make sure you are not a major participant in the meeting. (You
cannot perform both tasks well!)
Create a template for recording your meeting minutes and make
sure you leave some blank space to record your notes.
Include the following information:
- Date and time of the meeting
- The purpose of the meeting
- The meeting lead or chairs name
- Assigned action items and decisions made
Minutes of Meeting
Gather as much information from the host as you can:
- Ask for a list of attendees.
- Ask for some information on the purpose of the meeting.
Design how you want to record our notes.
If you are not comfortable relying on your pen and notepad, use a
tape recorder.
Minutes of Meeting
During the Meeting
As people enter the room, check off their names on your attendees
Ask the meeting lead to introduce you to meeting attendees you
are not familiar with.
Minutes are meant to give an outline of what happened in the
meeting, not a record of who said what.
Focus on understanding what has been discussed and on recording
what has been assigned or decided on.
Record action items and decisions in your template as they happen.
Dont wait until after the meeting.
If you do not understand exactly what decision has been made, ask
the meeting lead to clarify.
Minutes of Meeting
After the Meeting
Review the notes and add additional comments.
Clarify what you did not understand right.
Do this while the information is fresh in everyones mind.
When you are writing out your notes, use some of the following tips
from the International Association of Administrative Professionals
- Number the pages as you go so you are not confused later.
Dont force yourself to write the minutes in the actual chronological
order of the discussion. It may not work.
- Focus on action items, not discussion.
- Be objective. Write in the same tense throughout and avoid
using peoples names except for motions and seconds
Minutes of Meeting
- Avoid inflammatory or personal observations. (Fewer
adjectives and adverbs)
- If you need to refer to other documents, attach them in an
appendix or indicate where they may be found.
When you finish typing the minutes, ask the meeting lead to review
the document for errors.
Send the final copy of the minutes to attendees right away. Keep a
Minutes of Meeting
Recording meeting minutes ensures that the decisions and
actions resulting from a meeting are not lost or forgotten.
By taking the time to record proper meeting notes, you will
make sure the time and effort that goes into a meeting is not
2. Request
3. Instruct
4. Propose
5. Recommend
6. Persuade
7. Record
2. managers
3. lawyers
4. colleagues
6. CEOs
2. Headings
3. Spacing
4. Margin width
5. Specific width
6. Font
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
May 1
Collect data
1 Write draft
Draft 1 due
May 15
Design graphics
Write draft 2
Final edit
Report due
June 4
Methodical approach:
1. Level 1: nitty-gritty level
(mechanics, spelling, punctuation, typos)
Use spell and grammar checker, and find a specialized friend
to edit.
2. Level 2: paragraph and sentence length and structure, precise
word choice: (verbiage, parallelism, coherency)
3. Level 3: check the overall format, organization, and
appearance: specifications, headings, lists, graphics, title
page is attractive, binding, covers, and quality of paper
Parentheses: ( )
- Click on File
- Press Ok
-Open new document
Latin legacies
Never end a sentence with a preposition
Never split an infinitive: to go
Writing a Report
Reports are the most common documents you will write.
Components of Reports:
Letter of Transmittal:
Cover letter
Standard business letter format
Has Memo format if internal
Writing a Report
Cover and Label
If the report is over 10 pages, it needs binding and cover and label.
- Covers:
- Labels:
Writing a Report
Page Numbering:
- All pages should be numbered except front and back covers.
- Use Arabic numerals throughout the document.
- Before introduction: use lowercase Roman numerals.
- No numbers are displayed on title page and first introduction
- Page numbers can be placed in one of several areas on the page,
with the bottom center as the best place.
Writing a Report
Types of abstracts:
1. Descriptive abstract: overview of the purpose and contents of the
report (bottom of the title page)
2. Executive summary: summarizes the key facts and conclusions
contained in the report
- Length: 1/10 to 1/20 of the reports length (for 10 to 50 pagereport)
For longer reports: not more then 3 typewritten pages
(Something that can be read quickly)
Writing a Report
Table of Contents (TOC):
- What topics are covered in the report
- Subtopics
- On which page (page numbers)
Design decision: How many levels of headings to include?
If long report: avoid lower-level headings
Indentation, spacing and capitalization:
1.1 Functional Units
1.1.1 Modeling approaches
Writing a Report
Lists of Figures and Tables
- Includes lists of illustrations diagrams, tables and charts in
List of Figures
Figure 1.
(page #)
List of Tables
Table 1.
Energy-Efficient Strategies
(page #)
Writing a Report
- Specific purpose and topic of the report (first paragraph)
- Intended audience of the report-knowledge that readers need
to understand
- Why write the report?
- Scope of the report-topics covered and not covered
- Background-concepts, definitions, history, statistics
(For a typical 20-page report, the introduction is 2-page length)
Writing a Report
Body of the Report:
(The main text of the report)
- Headings: Use identical style throughout the text
- Lists
- Symbols, numbers, and abbreviations
- Sources of borrowed information: documenting your resources
- Graphics and figures titles
- Cross references: pointing your reader to closely related
information within your reports, or other books and reports
Writing a Report
- A final section
- Three tasks: Conclude, summarize, and generalize
1) Conclude: draw logical conclusions from the discussion that has
2) Summarize: review the key points, key facts from what has
3) Generalize: move away to a general discussion of implications,
applications, and future developments
- The length of the conclusion can be anything from 100-word
paragraph to a 5 or 6-page section.
- For a typical 10 to 20-page report, the conclusion is one to two
Writing a Report
- Extra sections following the conclusion
- Includes anything that does not comfortable fit in the main part of
the report, but cannot be left out of the report
- For large tables of data, sample code, foldout maps, background
that is too basic or advanced.
- The system by which you indicate the sources of the information
you borrow.
- Standard system by the institute of electrical and electronic
engineers (IEEE)
Writing a Report
- You should cite borrowed information (quote, paraphrase,
- Citation may be from: book, article, diagram, table, Web page,
product brochure, or interview with an expert)
Business Letters
Standard components of business letters:
(Try to include most of them, but not necessary all of
Guidelines for dealing with emails:
1) Save email into files or folders (be organized).
Meaningful folders: clients, staff, projects, friends, family
2) Keep copies of emails you send.
Writing Business
Memoranda and Emails
Major Types
of On-The-Job-Writing
The letters and memos that flow between individuals in
organizations, to provide a writer record or to serve as a brief
exchanges of information on limited topics
External Publications
The formal pieces of writing that go outside the organization
and serve to project the organizations public image
Internal Documents
The reports, proposals, plans, and procedures that stay
inside the organization and keep the organizational wheels turning
Internal Writing
The principal categories of internal writing for government
agencies, businesses, and industrial firms:
Financial reports
Travel reports
Sales reports
Internal Writing
2) Management decision-making reports
Managerial reports: The most important type of internal writing
Recommendation reports
Feasibility analyses
3) Personal documents
Job descriptions
Work assignments
Personnel evaluations
Organizational charts
Internal Writing
4) Archival data reports
Lists, tables, reports, and papers that serve no immediate
informational or decision-making function.
But, contain data and information that might prove useful at
some later date.
2. Support
3. Plan of action
1. Transforms data and analysis into issues.
2. Draws conclusions regarding each issue.
3. Relates each issue to the problem and/or solution.
Recommendation Section
The managerial report starts with recommendation.
What is recommendation?
A concise declaration of what the writer thinks should be done
to deal with the overriding problem.
1. Should embody only one central idea
2. It may also include part of the problem statement and some
aspects of the alternatives considered.
Recommendation Section
Dont go beyond the size of a regular paragraph. Including
more will simply confuse the reader.
Starting with the recommendation helps both the writer and reader:
The writer: is forced to reach a conclusion and cannot hide
behind analysis, and, the analysis must be done so well that a strong
case can be built for the recommendation
The reader: helps the reader anticipate points that will be
raised in the report as they are presented, and, can absorb its content
efficiently since he/she appreciates the relevance of thepoints as they
are presented
Recommendation Section
Support Section
The writer works to convince the reader that the
recommendation is a wise one so should be accepted.
The writer: finds it easier to provide support.
The reader: finds it easier to accept what is said when
arguments are based on sound and thorough analysis.
The readers emotional reactions are more easily enlisted when the
arguments are intellectually defensible.
Support Section
In the analysis:
- Not all the analysis should be described.
- Material has to be selected from the analysis of alternatives,
and comparison of alternative sections of the decision-making
- The material needs to be reworked to accomplish two goals:
1) To build the case for the recommendation
2) To set the reader up for the plan of action (next section)
Support Section
1) Building the case for the recommendation
To present chief arguments in summary. The arguments are those
which are the center and the soul of the problem and its solution,
which have direct effect and powerful bearing on the
The writer should include enough details that the reader appreciates
the writer has a thorough grasp of the situation.
Support Section
2) Setting the reader up for the action plan
The arguments need to be packaged to be presented logically and
One approach is to package them as issues (5-6 issues) are optimal:
significant aspects of the decision + the reader can keep them in
The discussion of each issue should provide evidence and draw
conclusions + the recommendation/issue relationships should also
be drawn for each issue.
Exhibits or Appendices
Example: A table with data aligned in rows and columns allows several
relationships to be seen at the same table
The exhibit is tied to the text by stating the conclusion, then (See
exhibit A, or appendix A), then the reader gets the point
supported by the exhibit
A Managerial Report
Writing Proposals
Agencies thrive on new ideas.
(Without new ideas, organizations tend to stagnate.)
Writing Proposals
A proposal is a three-legged stool.
Writing Proposals
In order to accept a proposal, management must be
1. That the proposed solution is technically sound and
operationally feasible
2. That the person or group proposing to solve the problem is
indeed capable of affecting a solution
3. That all costs have been identified, the costs are reasonable,
and the benefits of the solution are commensurate with the total cost
A proposal: - Focuses on a single solution rather than alternatives
- Goes beyond a discussion of what should be done to
include how it will be done, how long it will take, and how much it will
Types of Proposals
1) Solicited: invited by the organization; written to a set of
specifications laid down by the organization
Types of Proposals
The in-firm proposal:
In the financial section: cover both direct and indirect costs. Give
a detailed breakdown of clock-hours required by various personnel
categories and assign cost to these figures
Types of Proposals
The firm-to-firm proposal:
In the financial section, you must demonstrate that not only is your
cost estimate reasonable, but that you have identified all areas of
A. Purpose of the document
B. Problem to be solved
C. Scope of the proposal
Technical Section
A. Background (if necessary)
B. Plan of attack (methodology)
1. Overview of the solution
2. Task breakdown by phases
3. Scope of work
C. Time and work schedule
Managerial Section
A. Credentials and experience of the firm
B. Facilities and personnel available
C. Authorities and Accountabilities
Financial Section
A. Costs
B. Method of payment
C. Revenues or cost savings generated by the project
Urge of Action
A. Purpose: a clear one or two-sentence statement of what you
propose like who is going to do what for whom and for how much
B. Problem: follow with a paragraph or two describing the problem
to be solved. The problem statement serves two purposes:
1. Provides the decision-makers with background information
2. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of problem
Summarize the problem in this section, and give more details
about the problem in the following section in background
C. Scope: It serves as a kind of table of contents, identifying for
your readers the various sections of your proposal and the order in
which you present them
Technical Section
A. Background: to develop your problem statement more fully
B. Plan of action: - give an overview, the big picture of where
you are going with your proposal before you get down to the
- follow this by an identification of the major
phases in the implementation of your proposed solution
- and a breakdown of the individual tasks to be
- In the scope of work subsection: state clearly
who is going to perform which tasks. Use a timeline to show both
clock hours required and elapsed time required for various
Managerial Section
- Start by describing the credentials of the firm and the people
who make it up
- List and briefly describe projects your organization has
successfully completed, emphasizing those that are similar to the
proposed project
- Provide the names and telephone numbers of individuals who
can vouch for the quality of work
- Demonstrate a track record of getting things done on time at
- If special equipment or facilities are required for the project
you propose, indicate that they are available for assignment to
the proposed project
Financial Section
- To identify all areas of cost and whether your itemized estimates
are reasonable
- Costs of a project can be broken down into four categories:
1. wages, salaries, and fees
2. operating expenses
Urge to action
- Should be enthusiastic + persuasive, or could be reserved and
factual depending on your analysis of the primary audience
- Label it Conclusion, Summary, or Concluding Comments
Specimen Proposal
Proposal: A Computerized Costing Procedure
Encoder Products Company
Sandpoint, Idaho
Proposed by
Programming Success Incorporated
Moscow, Idaho
Janell Walt
English 317-01
Assignment #1
Second Submission
December 9, 1981
Specimen Proposal
Computerized Costing Procedure
Specimen Proposal
Computerized Costing Procedure
Contents of proposal:
i. Title Page
I. An overview of proposal
V. Tangible products
VI. Conclusion
Specimen Proposal
Hardware Requirements: This proposal does not require Encoder to purchase any
additional hardware. It is designed to run on your OSM 3566 computer. Terminals
and printers can be used in their current locations.
User: The reports generated by the program are available to any user with a correct
password. For security purposes, each password can be set up to allow full access
or limited access to the reports. For instance, the operators have access to programs
that add, delete and change data. These programs update the costing reports.
File Layout: Existing files that we will use are payroll Masterfile and Accounts
Receivable Masterfile. Automatic transfer of data to and from these files increases
the reliability of the data.
Specimen Proposal
This data integrity feature will save the data from transfer error. Files created by our design
are job Masterfile and Employee Job File.
Payroll File
Emp #
Dept #
Dept #
Job Masterfile
Job #
Co. #
Co. Name
Specimen Proposal
Project Director
Gene Schraut
1-A; 8-C
System Analyst
James Mclauglin
a-A; E; 2-B
Janell Watt
Darlene Held
Specimen Proposal
Phases of Proposal:
Date scheduled
Organizational meetings
Managers Meeting
Examine Hardware
Oct. 20
Oct. 20
Review of Design
Manual Procedure
Oct. 22
Oct. 24
Review of specifications
Oct. 26
Design Documentation
Oct. 29
Program Coding
Oct. 30
Program Testing
Nov. 7
Specimen Proposal
Phases of Proposal:
Date scheduled
Program Documentation
Write Users Manual
Print Users Manual
Nov. 14
Dec. 1
Install Program
Train Operator
Brief Managers
Dec. 19
Dec. 22
Jan. 3
Specimen Proposal
Credentials: Programming success Incorporated has been installing computer
systems for six years. Most of our experience is in the area of customized accounting
and reporting programs. We have many satisfied customers. Feel free to contact any
of them.
Facilities: Our computer facilities include on IBM 3765 computer along with many
microcomputers. Programming languages available are CM S Basic, Waterlou Basic,
Fortran and Cobol.
Personnel: The programmer assigned to your project is Janell Watt. She has six
years of experience including the programming of an accounting system such like
Encoders. Project director is Gene Schraut. If any problem arise contact him with our
toll free number (800-263-8541).
Specimen Proposal
Payment: payments ate to be made monthly installments.
Cost Savings of Proposal: The most apparent cost savings this proposal generates is
the labor saved by computerizing. Personnel that spent a week calculating costs per
unit will now do the task in less than an hour. Personnel freed from the task can be
used elsewhere.
(40 hrs/wk) X (4.00 salary) = 160.00 weekly savings for employee
+ 160.00 savings for employee you will not have hire
------------------$ 320.00 Total weekly labor savings
(2818.00 cost of program)
----------------------------------(320.00 weekly savings)
Specimen Proposal
Costs of proposal:
project director(12.00/hr)
programmer (6.00/hr)
literature (4.00/hr)
Computer time
---------------------------------------------------------------Total Costs
Total Cost of Proposal
Specimen Proposal
This project will produce a customized costing program on a floppy disk along with a
users manual to explain how to use the program
All that is lacking in Encoders current costing procedure is speed. Our proposed
costing program can be up and running in two months. I hope to you decide quickly
so we can get started