Star Wars Extension

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Savage Star Wars

Skills And Edges


Professional Edges

This document is intended as an extension

to the wonderful conversion by Sheriff John

You are a master pilot. This edge is
described in the SW rulebook on page 27.



There are several new skills which I think

should belong to a Star Wars campaign.

You are very agile. This edge is described in

the SW rulebook on page 27.

Computer (Smarts)


The character knows how to operate and

repair computers. The skill can also be used
to scramble or decipher data, hack into
computer systems, or sabotage data bases.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+,

Persuasion d6+, Charisma 2+
You are a master of negotiation. Whether
you work for a corporation, a government,
or a crime syndicate, your skills are a great
asset to your masters.
As a skilled negotiator, you are less prone to
blunders. If a failed Persuasion roll indicates
a worsening of the situation, you may make
a Smarts(-2) check to be allowed to retry the
roll without any penalty or to keep the status

Gunnery (Agility)
This skill is the equivalent of Shooting but
is used for all vehicular and star ship
Performance (Agility or Spirit)
This skill covers all kinds of performing arts
- dancing, playing musical instruments,
acting etc. The player can pick which attribute to use for his Performance skill based on
what he considers his character's speciality.

This section offers some new edges suitable
for a Star Wars setting in Savage Worlds.
While some purists might consider these too
many (with the designer of Savage Worlds
often arguing against a myriad of edges), I
personally prefer to have a unique special
ability for each character. In fact, that was
one of the few things I actually like about

Body Guard
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d8+, Fighting d8+, Notice d8+
You are trained to protect important people
from taking harm. Often, this means that
you throw yourself into the line of fire. A
bodyguard within 2'' of a character he is
trying to protect, can make a Notice roll to
throw himself into the line of fire, should
the other character be attacked. On a
successful roll, move the bodyguard into the
line of fire and apply any damage to him
instead of the original target.
Bounty Hunter
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Tracking d8+
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This edge is otherwise the same as described

in Savage Star Wars, pg. 19.

This edge is described in the SW rulebook
on page 28.
Rodian Huntsmaster

Requirements: Novice, Guts d8+, Stealth

d8+, Shooting d6+, Fighting d6+
Commandos are masters of stealthy attacks.
When attacking an opponent who is still
considered inactive as per the stealth rules, a
commando deals an additional d6 of
damage, if attacking in melee or from a
range of 5'' or less.

Requirements: Novice, Rodian or close ties

to Rodian culture (DM's permission),
Agility d8+, Tracking d10+
Rodian Huntsmasters are celebrated
members of Rodian society, noted for their
expert tracking skills. A huntsmaster gains
+2 on Tracking and Notice rolls.



Requirements: Novice, Performance d8+,

Charisma 2+
You are a master performer specialized in
one field, such as music, acting, or dancing.
This gives you +2 on any Performance
checks related to your speciality. Additionally, after a successful performance you gain
+1 on charisma for the rest of the scene with
your audience. Note that a performance
requires a willing audience - dancing in
front of a hostile squad of stormtroopers is
not going to do any good!

This edge is the same as "MGyver"

described in the SW rulebook on page 29.

Requirements: Novice, Survival d8+,
Notice d8+
You are a member of a scout service. This
means you are often the first person on a
new world, a master of survival and observation of new facts. An explorer gains +2 on
all Surival checks as well as Vigor rolls
made due to environmental influences. This
includes weather, temperature, or atmosphere but not things like plant or animal
poisons etc.

This edge is described in the SW rulebook
on page 29.
Requirements: Novice, Stealth d8+, Notice
You are a military scout, sent out to assess a
situation before the main force moves in.
Scouts gain +2 on all Stealth and Notice

Requirements: Novice, Gambling d8+
A gambler is half swindler, half psychologist and makes a living playing games of
chance. By spending a benny, a gambler can
automatically win in a game of chance
unless his opponent is also a gambler, in
which case the opponent may spend a benny
to cancel the edge.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+,
Persuasion d6+
Senators are members of the Republic's or
the Imperial senate, depending on the time
frame. They enjoy special immunities from
the law. As a result, they gain +1 on all rolls
to resist Tests of Will. Also, opponents
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trying to research information about the

senator gain -1 on the Investigation and
Streetwise rolls.

Bounty Hunter, Veteran

This edge is the same as described in

Savage Star Wars.

Requirements: Veteran, Seasoned Bounty

The veteran bounty hunter is well known
and feared. He gains +1 charisma and +2 to
Intimidation checks. Both boni only apply
to other bounty hunters and criminals.


Commando, Seasoned

Requirements: Novice, Stealth d8+, Streetwise d8+

Smugglers ply the interstellar trade routes,
smuggling illegal goods from one world to
another. Smugglers gain +2 on Stealth rolls
made to hide items. Also, smugglers gain +2
on all Streetwise rolls made to obtain or sell
illicit goods.

Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d8+,

Steady Hands
The seasoned commando can split his
movement allowance, moving before and
after firing, as long as the total moved does
not exceed his Pace.


Commando, Command
The veteran commando grants +2 to the
Stealth rolls of all followers within 6''.


Requirements: Novice, Repair d8+

A technician is a master of the
hydrospanner. He gains +2 on all Repair
rolls. Also, all repair times are reduced by
This edge is described in the SW rulebook
on page 29.

Advanced Professional

Commando, Veteran

Explorer, Seasoned
Requirements: Seasoned, Explorer, Smarts
The explorer is well-travelled and has
acquired a broad knowledge. She gains +2
on all general knowledge rolls.
Explorer, Veteran

The purpose of these edges is to give

players a long term incentive - gaining a
flashy new ability is far more exciting than
increasing your Shooting from d6 to d8.

Requirements: Veteran, Seasoned Explorer, Command

The veteran explorer is a leader. All the
allies on his team (including Wild Cards)
gain +2 on their survival checks.

Bounty Hunter, Seasoned


Requirements: Seasoned, Bounty Hunter,

Shooting d8+, Marksman
The seasoned bounty hunter is adept at
shooting to incapacitate instead of killing.
The bounty hunter does not get the -2
penalty for attacks to the limbs. Also, if the
player wishes, he can try to limit the
maximum level on the knockout table is to
3, i.e., the target will not bleed out. This
incurs a -1 to the Shooting or Fighting roll.

Requirements: Seasoned, Bounty Hunter

or Commando or Scout or Thief, Stealth
Infiltrators are specialists at entering into
enemy strongholds. When failing a Stealth
roll against an inactive enemy, the infiltrator
may opt not to move to avoid the enemy
becoming active.
Requirements: Seasoned,
or Senator, Connections


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You are deeply enmeshed in the game of

politics, capable of weaving a net of favours
and connections. You gain +2 on Streetwise,
Common Knowledge regarding celebreties,
and Intimidation against a specific target, if
you prepare one day by communicating with
your allies. This power might not be applicable in out of the way places where you
have no connections.
Requirements: Seasoned, Slicer or
Smuggler or Bounty Hunter or Gambler
or Entertainer or Thief, Streetwise d10+
A scoundrel is well-connected. When
looking for illegal goods or services using
Streetwise, the character gets a +2 on the
roll. Also, on a raise, he gets a discount of
20% off the black market price.

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