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Freeze Concentration

Break barriers in liquid processing

GEA Messo PT

GEA Messo PT
GEA Messo PT is well established as globally recognized
technology supplier and plant constructor in the field of
solution and melt crystallization and related concentration
technologies with focus on business activities to a selected
range of industrial applications.
GEA Messo PT has been established as a merge of the German
based GEA Messo GmbH and the Netherlands based GEA
Niro PT B.V. into one operational entity. The newly formed
company combines the two technology centers for solution
crystallization (Messo) and melt crystallization/freeze
concentration (Niro PT) allowing to use all cross-fertilizing
synergies between solution and melt crystallization. At the
same time, our customers profit from a better support out
of larger and consolidated departments in sales, project
management, services and administration. Today, GEA Messo
PT is selling Messo technology and Niro PT technology as one
company from our two technology centers in Duisburg and
GEA Messo PT forms part of the GEA Process Engineering
segment of the GEA Group.

Multistage freeze concentrator

Introducing Freeze Concentration

Many industries need to dewater aqueous solutions. The
objectives of the process, though, may vary widely. They
range from achieving concentrates (food liquids) to creating
ultra-pure substances (pharmaceutical industries) or residues
that can be safely disposed or re-used (treatment of hazardous
waste water).
Freeze concentration comes into the picture where the water
of aqueous solutions can be transformed into spherical,
and consequently easily separable ice crystals. The result
is unprecedented product quality. This process is generally
referred to as freeze concentration when applied to aqueous
When supreme quality liquid food concentrates are requested
freeze concentration is the process of your choice. Niro PT
invented, commercialized and further developed this leading
edge technology over the last decades. No other concentration
processes can obtain the outstanding product qualities which
are achievable with the Niro PT technology.

The very gentle concentration at sub-zero temperatures allows

product freshness to be maintained and prevents biological
degradation to occur. Since no vapour phase is present all
volatile aromas will be preserved in the food concentrates.
Over 60 freeze concentration plants have been put into
operation throughout the world with more than 100 Niro PT
Purifiers in commercial service. Various configurations with
capacities ranging from 100 to 400,000 tons per year have
been installed..

Multistage freeze concentrator

Your business and Freeze Concentration

The freeze concentration process can be used to achieve:
premium quality concentrates;
development of new products
reduction of production cost in combination with freeze
recyclable waste streams, while reducing the volume of
hazardous waste streams for disposal.
Further, the process can be used to change product properties,
increase stability and is an interesting alternative for
products not-from-concentrate.

Liquid foods
Concentration has been common procedure among liquid
food processors for many years. Rather than moving tons of
water around the world, they reduce volume to economize
on packaging, storage and transportation. Conventional
concentration methods, however, often compromise quality.
Here, the Niro PT freeze concentration process makes the
difference, as it has proved to be superior in retaining the
liquids original properties.

Pharmaceutical processes
The pharmaceutical industry has discovered that the applied
freezing point technology is ideal for treating heat-sensitive
substances, which would experience a loss of activity if
processed through different methods. As in the chemical
industry, the reward of the Niro PT technology consists of the
more efficient use of raw materials and compounds, better
quality and, in the end, better returns.
Industrial Wash Column Unit

Hazardous waste water

A new feature involves the proven suitability of the Niro
PT technology for treating hazardous waste water and other
effluents. The NIRO system divides the waste stream in
two streams: a pure water stream that is either disposed
or brought back into the process and a concentrated waste
stream for further processing, such as incineration. Handling
and incineration costs are significantly reduced.

Process objective





New products

Liquid foods:
Citrus juices
Fruit juices


Pharmaceutical products

Hazardous waste water:

Freeze concentration presumably entails higher initial costs
than other concentration systems such as evaporation. On
the positive side, freeze concentration yields premium quality
products. Additional advantages include low energy costs
and a continuous process that enables long operating periods
without intermediate cleaning. Overall, total cost is indeed
competitive with conventional systems, with unmatched
quality as an extra reward. Our specialists will be happy to
provide detailed insight about the feasibility of the process for
your product.

The capacity range is very broad. Today, freeze concentration
units have water removal capacities ranging from 100 kg
per hour to 25,000 kg per hour. Thus, the process is suitable
not only for a variety of products, but also for small-volume
specialty runs and large-scale operations.

Trial service
Seeing is believing. Where calculations may suffice for
proven applications, it is only normal that for new concepts
and products the technical feasibility is assessed prior to the
GEA Messo PT rents out pilot plants for in-house trials. The
prospective customer could also supply feed for pilot runs on
the premises of GEA Messo PT.

Pilot plant unit

Proven Applications
Liquid Foods


Soluble coffee

Key aspects
ingredient of high concentration
cost reduction

Key aspects
quality concentration
aroma retention
new varieties
quality boost of freeze or spray drying
cost reduction

Citrus juices
Key aspects
natural freshness
quality concentration
premium pricing
cost reduction

Key aspects
control of alcohol level
cost reduction
high quality intermediate

Dairy products (improved final products, better semi-finished
products for processors), tea, vegetable juices and other plant

Other fruit juices

Key aspects
product development
high quality ingredients
in many cases the only viable concentration technique
cost reduction

Key aspects
only proven concentration technique
economic storage and distribution
peak shaving
reducing aging time
new products,
low or non-alcohol
ice beer

Pharmaceutical Industry
Key aspects
mild process conditions
heat sensitivity
aseptic operation
no thermal damage to active components

Hazardous Waste Water

Key aspects
less impact on environment
high purity water for re-use
reduced incineration load
reduced energy consumption and CO2 emission

Inherent Advantages of the Niro Process

The Niro PT process can remove pure water from most
multi component aqueous solutions without any loss of
volatile compounds or soluble solids;

Continuous operation: the hygienic design, in

combination with low temperature, eliminates the need
for intermediate cleaning;

Operating at freezing point temperature, the process

prevents quality degradation, because of the low
microbiological, chemical and biochemical activity;

The totally closed system prevents losses of volatile

aromas and other valuable components;

The use of wash columns for separating the ice crystals

eliminates soluble losses in or around the crystals;
As the system is pressurized, ambient air cannot enter,
which prevents oxidation;

Stable operation, simple control, insensitive to variations

in feed composition.

Our SNG Freeze Concentration Technology

Most (food) liquids consist of water and dissolved solids.
In most cases the water content is 90% or more. Part of
this water can be removed at low temperature by the freeze
concentration system, which consists of a crystallization
section and a separation section. In the crystallization section
part of the water present in the product is converted into
pure spherical ice crystals. In the separation section these ice
crystals are separated from the concentrated liquid by means
of a wash column.
Our traditional Niro Freeze Concentration technology (NFC)
The ice crystal production is separate from the ice crystal
growth area.

How the process works

In its simplest form, the process works as follows: the
unconcentrated liquid is pumped from the feed tank into a
scraped surface heat exchanger (1), where small ice crystals
(2) are formed instantly. These very small crystals are then
pumped to a separate recrystallizer (3). Here the small
crystals, which have been formed in the heat exchanger, are
mixed with the larger crystals. Smaller crystals have a slightly
lower equilibrium temperature than larger ones. When large
and small crystals are mixed, the smaller crystals will melt
and recrystallizer on the surface of the larger crystals. which
will grow. The product is recycled over the scraped heat
exchanger via a filter (4).
The slurry (concentrate and crystals) is transported from the

Wash Column with washfront

recrystallizer to the wash column (5). In the wash column,

the concentrate is squeezed through a filter at the bottom.
In this way a packed bed of ice crystals is formed. The packed
bed is pushed upwards. At the top of the wash column the
ice is scraped off (6) and melted (7). Part of the melted ice is
used to wash the packed bed. The concentrate, which is still
present in between the ice crystals, will be displaced by water.
A sharp separation will be formed between the washed part
of the bed (crystals and water) and the not-washed part of the
bed (crystals and concentrate). This is called the wash front.
The water is removed at the top of the wash column. In this
separation process, the loss of soluble solids in the removed
water is generally in the ppm or even ppb range. The final
concentrate will be pumped to the storage vessel or to the
next stage in the production process. The diagram shows the
complete process in its simplest form (single stage). Multistage operation can bring about a significant reduction in
production costs.

IceCon Freeze Concentration

Industrial Multistage Plant

Our latest development in our freeze concentration process is

In this technology the nucleation (ice production) and growth
are done in one area. The ice production is done with either
an external or internal scraped heat exchanger.
This design results in less pressure vessels and consequently
lower equipment cost.

How the process works

In its simplest form, the process works as follows: the
unconcentrated liquid is pumped from a feed tank into a
scraped wall heat exchanger (1), where small ice crystals are
formed instantly. These very small crystals get directly in
contact with larger crystals in a mixed tank (2). When large
and small crystals are mixed, the smaller crystals will melt
and recrystallizer on the surface of the larger crystals, which
will grow.

Like with the traditional technology the slurry (concentrate

and crystals) is transported from the recrystallizer to the
wash column (3) . In the wash column, the concentrate is
squeezed through a filter at the bottom. In this way a packed
bed of ice crystals is formed. The packed bed is pushed
upwards. At the top of the wash column the ice is scraped off
(4) and melted. Part of the melted ice is used to wash the
packed bed. The concentrate, which is still present in between
the ice crystals, will be displaced by water.
A sharp separation will be formed between the washed part
of the bed (crystals and water) and the not-washed part of the
bed (crystals and concentrate). This is called the wash front
(5). The water is removed at the top of the wash column.
In this separation process, the loss of soluble solids in the
removed water is generally in the ppm or even ppb range.
The final concentrate (6) will be pumped to the storage vessel
or to the next stage in the production process. The diagram
shows the complete process in its simplest form (single stage).
The positive effect of slurry crystallization in the design of the
equipment is that the manufacturing cost can be considerably
lower. Especially the design of the scraped heat exchanger
surface and mixing vessel can be simplified. In combination
with modifications in the ice separator cost compared with
the traditional design are significantly lower. Additionally
the specific energy consumption is also less which results in
much lower overall production cost for the final user.
The choice which freeze concentration technology is most
optimal depends on parameters like capacity, product and
concentration level.

Contact us at:

Process Engineering

GEA Messo PT
The Netherlands:
De Beverspijken 7b
5221 EE s-Hertogenbosch
Tel.+3173 6390 390, Fax +31 73 6312 349

Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 134
47229 Duisburg
Tel.+49 2065-903 0, Fax +49 2065-903 199

02/2010 All rights reserved. Printed in the Netherlands

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