The Physical Factors That Affects Plants and Animals
The Physical Factors That Affects Plants and Animals
The Physical Factors That Affects Plants and Animals
i. temperature influences the growth, fruiting and survival of the plants upon
which various animals depends for food.
1. A prolonged cold spring can delay development of grasses used as
food by animals growth of animals are affected
2. Reptiles, fishes, amphibians and insects have little or no internal
regulation of body temperature hence growth and activities are
affected directly by environmental temperatures, speeded by
warmth and slowed by cold.
3. Birds and mammals, having insulated bodies and closely regulated
temperatures, are much less affected by change in environmental
temperature, but excessive winter cold or summer heat may impose
stress and reduce food supply.
c. Water
i. Severe floods modify the character of the bottom part of rivers, covering
gravel beds with silt, and the rushing waters may actually destroy many
ii. Reduction of creeks to scant flow or scattered pools exposes the aquatic
animals to attack by predators.
iii. Certain insects breeds in transient rain pools, and if rain is scant
animals may lack spawning places death of offspring
d. Pressure
i. animals of the land experience differences in atmospheric pressure at
elevations above sea level, because the density of the air decreases with
ii. people living in high mountains have larger hearts and more red blood
cells to compensate for the lesser oxygen supply.
iii. water pressure increases regularly with depth.
e. Chemicals
i. Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Minerals
B. Biological Environment the living part of the environment
a. Food
i. animal food, of whatever kind, is derived ultimately from plants.
ii. each species of animal requires a certain amount of food of the right kinds.
iii. many species are more specialized and can exist only where and when
their particular foods are available.
Female mosquito blood of mammals
Beaver inner bark of willows and poplars
iv. plant-eating animals are the primary consumers in any animal community.
They in turn serve as food for other animals (secondary consumers), which
are eaten by still others.
v. Food Web all the feeding relationships among and between the species
of a biotic community. It is composed of many interlocking Food Chains
which represent single pathway up to the web.
b. Shelter and Breeding Places