Assessment Exam 2 With Answer
Assessment Exam 2 With Answer
Assessment Exam 2 With Answer
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer
1. A complex cognitive process used by nurse manager in choosing particular course of action is:
a. critical thinking
c. decision making
b. conflict and negotiation process d. reflective thinking
2. Information can be gained from various sources. In a far-flung community, residents have medical
practice seen as different from Western medical practice. Wounds are covered with smoked
banana leaves and drenched in the soup of boiled potatoes. The residents say that they do this
because their ancestors have done the same thing by generation before them. Which of the
following is the source of the residents information?
a. Authority
c. Tradition
b. Logical Reasoning
d. Discipline Research
3. The dimensions of nursing are all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Nursing education
c. nursing practice
b. nursing ethics
d. nursing research
4. A group of researchers assume that inferiority complex occurs in hospitalized school-age children
in general. They therefore predict that the school-age children in the Philippine General Hospital
manifest symptoms of stress. Based on this example, the research used:
a. Inductive reasoning
c. Control
b. Deductive reasoning
d. Bench-marking
5. A system of principle governing conducts of nurse; it deals with the relationship of a nurse to the
patient, her associates and the society at large.
a. Nursing bioethics
c. nursing law
b. Nursing practice
d. nursing ethics
6. Divulgence of privileged information whether from records, charts, conversations, interviews that
expose the person to hatred, contempt, aversion or lowering of once opinion is:
a. Battery b. assault
c. perjury
d. defamation
7. a nurse is caring for a two-year olf patient leaves beside without raising the side rails and the
patient fell to the floor. What type of legal action could be used in a lawsuit?
a. Assault
b. fraud
c. libel d. negligence
8. Charge Nurse Kabigting is about to make his staffing schedule for his unit. He should use the
following determinants in making staffing except:
a. Number of personnel
c. number of patient watcher
b. Mix of personnel
d. type of patient care delivery system
9. It outlines the channel of authority in an organization and communication in the nursing
a. Job description
b. Organizational structure
c. Nursing standards
d. Protocols and procedures
10. a common error committed by head nurse in making performance evaluation, wherein the
ebaluator allows only one trait to influence the evaluation of other characteristics of a nurse
a. halo
b. horns
c. recency
d. contrast
11. it is a process of interaction and most likely voluntary by which human desire and purpose are
being advanced to attain a common good
a. coordinating b. volunteerism
c. problem solving
d. leadership
12. Listed below are barriers of communication, EXCEPT
a. Language deficits
c. Sensory deficits
b. Structural deficits
d.Tactile deficits
13. a management theory that uses forms, abstract, statistics, processes, test, research or
experimentation to assure smooth flow of nursing department
a. scientific management theory
b. administrative management theory
c. organizational behavioral theory
d. administrative principle
14. it is a nurse managers pre-determining course of action In order for her to arrive at a desired
a. planning
b. coordinating
c. decision making
d. organizing
15. Nurse Manager Hany used to make her daily staffing activities, an example of what type of
a. Short range or operational planning
b. Long range or strategic planning
c. Strategic planning
d. Risk management planning
16. RN Ruby is frequently called to insert IV among pediatric patient in her unit, because of her good
techniques and right skill in inserting needles among children. RN Ruby has a power referred as:
a. People power
c. expert power
b. Referent power
d. charisma
17. __________ is whatever influences our choices and creates direction and persistence In our
a. Motivation
b. knowledge c. culture
d. norms
18. The leadership style called centric because leader makes decision for the group. He is the
center of attention
a. Participative leadership style c. Democratic leadership style
b. Consultative leadership style d. Autocratic leadership style
19. a kind of leader that has an inspirational quality that promotes an emotional connection from his
followers is called
a. Powerful leader
c. person leader
b. Charismatic leader
d. conventional leader
20. horizontal communication in nursing is when a nurse interacts with
a. peer member of the health team c. patient family and community
b. his superior
d. his subordinate
21. Which of the following is the most vital characteristic of a sample?
a. Appropriate number
c. representativeness
b. Suitable location
d. randomization
22. With the hypothesis, Performing tai-chi exercise will cause a decrease in blood pressure of
hypertensive clients, the nurse should use which test to analyze data?
a. Two-tailed test because the hypothesis is non-directional
b. Two-tailed test because the hypothesis is directional
c. One-tailed test because the hypothesis is directional
d. One-tailed test because the hypothesis is non- directional
23. The school nurse is interested in studying marijuana usage among high school students. The
school nurse divided the total school population into 4 groups for comparison: freshman,
sophomores, juniors, and seniors. She then takes a random sample from each subgroup. Which
sampling design did the nurse utilize?
a. Simple
b. Systematic
c. Stratified
d. Convenience
24. Studies of small-group processes have revealed various communication networks. A staff nurse
of the orthopedic ward communicates with the head nurse of the maternal ward. This is what type
of communication system?
a. Downward
b. Diagonal c. Upward
d. Grapevine
25. In the decision-making process, ethical issues must be considered. A patient has been diagnosed
with cancer and must undergo long and painful treatments such as surgery, radiation and
chemotherapy to prolong her life. The ethical principle applied here is:
a. Nonmaleficence
c. Autonomy
b. Beneficence
d. Utility
26. A nurse is witnessing a signing of a consent form of a client before a cardiac catheterization.
Which of the following factors is a component of informed consent?
a. Freedom from coercion
c. Private insurance coverage
b. Durable power of attorney d. Disclosure of previous answer given by the
27. Respiratory treatments are to be performed on Aling Melba. In anticipation that the patient might
decline, one of her children requested that he will be the one to sign the consent in behalf of their
mother. With the knowledge that the patient has rational thinking, which of the client's rights must
be protected?
a. Right to privacy
c. Right to informed consent
b. Right to refuse treatment
d. Right to be protected from harm
28. Restraints are used as a part of the standard care for patients who are aggressive and violent but
only when the other alternatives have been unsuccessful. Which of the following statements
regarding the use of restraints is NOT true?
a. Check the patients, blood pressure and circulation every 4 hours
b. Offer the patient food and toilet privileges every 2 hours
c. Remove and reapply restraints every 2 hours
d. The doctors should sign the order for restraints within 24 hours
29. While you are having your lunch in the hospital cafeteria you overheard two of your fellow staff
nurses talking about the patient in the medical ward, they mentioned his name and discussed
details of his condition. Which of the following actions should you do?
a. Remain quiet and ignore the discussion
b. Say nothing to avoid embarrassing the staff nurse
c. Wait till the nurse finish the discussion and report what you heard to the supervisor
d. Approach the two nurses and tell them that what they are doing is inappropriate
especially that they are in a public place.
30. According to Republic Act No. 9173 specify the removal examination of the nurse licensure exam
shall be taken:
a. Within three years after the last failed examination
b. Within the same year after the last failed examination
c. Within two years after the last failed examination
d. Anytime the examinee want to take the examination
31. a nurse who entered her chief nurses office without prior approval from her superior could be
held liable for
a. malicious intent
c. invasion of privacy
b. fraud
d. subordination
32. In the history of nursing the composition of Board of Nursing under R.A No. 7164, otherwise
known as The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 is the following:
a. There are four members of the Board of Nursing
b. There are five members of the Board of Nursing
c. There are seven members which is composed of the Chairman and six members
who must have a Master's degree in Nursing
d. There are three members, the chairman must be a doctor of medicine and two registered
nurses with at least five years experience in the nursing profession
33. Nurse Florence wants to become a member of the Board of Nursing. She asked you about the
qualifications of the Board. Your correct response would be all of the following EXCEPT:
a. You must be a bachelor's degree holder
b. You must be a natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines
c. You must not have been convicted of any offense involving perjury and falsification of
public documents
d. You must have been practicing continuously the profession for at least ten years prior to
34. These are procedures for testing research hypotheses and evaluating the believability of the
a. Statistical tests
c. Secondary sources
b. Primary sources
d. Literature review
35. Researchers, as part of their code of ethics, must respect and uphold the participants right to
privacy. Which of the following actions of the researchers is a means of respecting this right?
a. Assign identification numbers to participants and use the ID number.
b. Obtain indentifying information (name, age, address, etc.) of all participants at the
beginning of the study.
c. Keep identifying information in an easily accessible, permanent file.
d. Use computer files to enter save indentifying information.
SITUATION 1: Sylar is a nurse researcher who is to conduct a study on the anxiety levels of surgical
patients prior to and following nurses preoperative teaching.
36. It would be wise for Nurse Sylar to make a:
a. Qualitative research
c. Participatory action research
b. Quantitative research d. No experimental research
37. Researchers use various approaches in collecting qualitative self-report data. Nurse Jigs is
interested in the experiences of AIDS patient and their caregivers. The method of collecting
qualitative self-report data that he should use is:
a. Think aloud method
c. Joint interviews
b. Focus group interview
d. Critical incident interview
38. She decides to illustrate the organizational structure. Which of the following elements is NOT
a. Level of authority
b. Lines of communication
c. Span of control
d. Unity of direction
39. She plans of assigning competent people to fill the roles designed in the hierarchy. Which
process refers to this?
a. Staffing
c. Recruitment
d. Induction
40. .She tries to design an organizational structure that allows communication to flow in all directions and
involve workers in decision making. Which form of organizational structure is this?
a. Centralized b. Decentralized
c. Matrix
d. Informal
.41He thinks of an appropriate theoretical framework. Whose theory addresses the four modes of
a. Martha Rogers
b. Sr. Callista Roy c. Florence Nightingale
d.Jean Watson
42. Raphael is interested to learn more about transcultural nursing because he is assigned at the family
suites where most patients come from different cultures and countries. Which of the following designs is
appropriate for this study?
a. Grounded theory
b. Ethnography
c.Case study dPhenomenology
43. Stephanie is a new Staff Educator of a private tertiary hospital. She conducts orientation among new
staff nurses in her department. Joseph, one of the new staff nurses, wants to understand the
channel of communication, span of control and lines of communication. Which of the following will
provide this information?
Organizational structure b.
Job description
Manual of procedures
44. Stephanie is often seen interacting with the medical intern during coffee breaks and after duty hours.
What type of organizational structure is this?
Informal c.
45. Harry knows that he has to protect the rights of human research subjects. Which of the following
actions of Harry ensures anonymity?
a. Keep the identities of the subject secret
b. Obtain informed consent
c. Provide equal treatment to all the subjects of the study.
d. Release findings only to the participants of the study
46. When the license of nurse Krina is revoked, it means that she:
a. Is no longer allowed to practice the profession for the rest of her life
b. Will never have her/his license re-issued since it has been revoked
c. May apply for re-issuance of his/her license based on certain conditions stipulated in
RA 9173
d. Will remain unable to practice professional nursing
47. .Ronald plans to conduct a research on the use of a new method of pain assessment scale. Which of
the following is the second step in the conceptualizing phase of the research process?
a. Formulating the research hypothesis
b. Review related literature
c. Formulating and delimiting the research problem
d. Design the theoretical and conceptual framework
48. The leader of the study knows that certain patients who are in a specialized research setting tend to
respond psychologically to the conditions of the study. This referred to as :
a. Cause and effect b. Hawthorne effect c. Halo effect
d. Horns effect
49. The nursing theorist who developed transcultural nursing theory is:
a. Florence Nightingale
b. Madeleine Leininger
c. Albert Moore
d. Sr. Callista Roy
50. Marion is aware that the sampling method that gives equal chance to all units in the population to get
picked is:
a. Random b. Accidental
c. Quota
d. Judgment