SANE Annual Report 2014

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Report 2014

SANE Australia
Working in partnership to help
Australians affected by mental illness
lead a better life

Your service made a

huge difference for my
son . . . Im pretty sure
you helped save a life
SANE Helpline caller

Left to right: SANE Speakers Jo Buchanan,

Jesse Millar and Evan Bichara.
SANE Speakers generously share their
experiences of mental illness for the benefit
of others. More information about SANE
Speakers is on page 21.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 2

Helping all
affected by
illness lead
a better life.
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 3

SANE Australia.

Working in partnership
to help all Australians
affected by mental illness
lead a better life.
Anxiety. Depression. Bipolar
disorder. Schizophrenia.
Personality disorders and other
One in five Australians
experience a mental health
problem every year. Andevery
one of these has family, friends,
fellow students or work
colleagues who are affected by
their condition.
Mental illness isnt something
that happens to other people.
Itssomething that affects all of
us at some time in some way.
Its about people like us.

Mental health problems are treatable, yet the majority of

us who experience them do not access the treatment and
supportwe need.
Why? Lack of understanding of symptoms, concerns
about stigma and discrimination, confusion about where
to go or what to do, inadequate or non-existent mental
health services and policies all of these contribute to
the unnecessary and distressing cost of mental illness to
Australian lives today.
SANE Australia is passionately committed to
addressing these problems, to help all Australians
affected by mental illness lead a better life through
Support, Training, and Education in the community.

individuals and their

families through Helpline, Online
Chat and Forums. Page 10

SANE Australias impact

Train professionals

Educate the wider

in suicide prevention,
physical health, aged
care, and workplace
mental health. Page 14

community on mental
health and reduce
stigma. Page 20

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 4

Our values
guide us in
our work
every day.
Our vision
is for Australia
to lead the world
in mental health
within ten years.


Our mission
is to help all
affected by
mental illness
lead a better life.

ff We do what is right, however difficult that might be.

ff We focus on the whole person and their strengths, not the illness,
and believe everyone is entitled to a better life.
ff We treat everyone with grace and dignity while welcoming robust
and constructive discussion.
ff We communicate our appreciation to those who give of their time,
advice and financial resources.

ff We are accountable for the decisions we make.
ff We take good care of our physical and mental health, and seek help
when we need it.

ff We partner with others who share our vision, values, passion, and
ff We work with people with lived experience of mental illness to build
better services, policies, and programs.
ff We encourage and support each other to do the best work we possibly
can by listening, communicating, and working as one team.

ff We have a passion for learning, and disseminating creative solutions to
real-world problems.
ff We embrace technology to build community and provide helpful
ff We seek out new ways to have greater impact through research,
testing, and evaluation, always informed by peoples lived experience
of mental illness.



SANE Australia 4 Making life better, together: A message

from our Chairman and CEO 6 Highlights from our year
20132014 8 Support 10 Training 14 Education 20
Teamwork and passion behind the scenes 24 Thank you to
our funders, partners and supporters 28 Money matters 34

ff We celebrate great achievements (big and small) by ourselves

and others.

ABN 92 006 533 606

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 5

ff We warmly welcome everyone who comes through our doors and we

create a fun, flexible and inspiring workplace that fosters personal and
professional growth.
ff We broadcast to the world heroic stories of courage, resilience

Left to right: Stan Wallis AC, Chairman;

Jack Heath, Chief Executive Officer

We attribute much of our

success in 2013-2014 to
the strength and quality of
our partnerships with many
individuals and more than
100 organisations.
Stan Wallis AC, Chairman and
Jack Heath, Chief Executive Officer
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 6

Making life better, together.

A message from our Chairman and CEO
Everyone connected with SANE Australia can feel very
proud of all that we have achieved over the past year.
We attribute much of our success in 20132014 to the strength and
quality of our partnerships with many individuals and more than 100
organisations. We deeply appreciate the great support thats come our
way. Thats why this year we have decided to focus our annual report on
the theme Better Together, building on SANE Australias core value of
Through these partnerships, weve connected with more Australians
concerned with mental health issues than ever before 780,000
people of which 94,000 were directly engaged. We have increased
our training in the workplace, in mental health organisations, and in
suicide prevention. Weve conducted pilot training in aged care facilities
and undertaken important new research to better understand why
people attempt suicide.
Building on SANEs great tradition, we continue to work hand in
hand with people directly affected by mental illness, be they carers
or people with lived experience, in the design and delivery of our
programs. Importantly, weve grown our Speakers program and
supported people across the country in our efforts to reduce stigma
through the StigmaWatch program. Our Helpline reached out to more
than 7,000 individuals and families directly affected by mental illness,
and we did this without any government funding.
We did, however, secure Australian Government funding to launch
one of our most exciting initiatives in many years the SANE online
Forums. Providing people across Australia with the opportunity to find
support and encouragement in a safe online community, weve taken
the best that technology has to offer and partnered with mental health
organisations right across the country. Weve been connecting up with
people in rural and regional areas as well as the cities. Launched by
Federal Health Minister, Peter Dutton, in August 2014, the SANE Forums
are already building an invaluable piece of infrastructure across the
mental health sector that benefits both individuals and organisations.
On the policy front, we made a critical push towards the
establishment of ten-year targets in mental health through our
participation in the Expert Reference Group for Mental Health
Reform. With support from Lundbeck, we conducted a comprehensive
study of depression in the workplace comparing Australian attitudes
and behaviours with those of seven European countries. We continued
our policy advocacy push through the media and involvement with a
range of mental health bodies including Mental Health Australia and the
National Mental Health Commission which is due to complete its major
review at the end of this year. We engaged with Federal politicians
through our joint leadership of the Parliamentary Friends of Mental
Illness Group, co-chaired by Ken Wyatt MP and Amanda Rishworth MP.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 7

Weve strengthened our leadership with the appointment of Janet

Hopkins as General Manager and elevated Faruk Avdi to the
leadership team to join Paul Morgan and Claire Blundy who is back
from maternity leave. Importantly, we have very high performance right
across the entire SANE team as we continue to attract high quality staff
and Board members.
On the financial front, we managed our finances responsibly.
Ourexpenditures, which were up 20 per cent, tracked directly to
budget. The only significant variation against projected income came
from one major bequest which accounted for the surplus result for this
year and contributed to the significant improvement to our balance
sheet. For the moment, we will hold this in reserve as our government
funding just over 40 per cent of total funding comes to an end in
June 2015. While we are optimistic of our ability to continue to attract
significant government support over the coming years, we do not intend
to take that for granted and will continue to manage our finances on a
prudent basis.
In addition to our many loyal and longstanding supporters who
kindly continued their great support for SANE, we received major
donations from a growing number of individuals, with Margaret
Ainsworth and Toni and Martin Armstrong becoming benefactors
in the SANE Foundation Fund. We benefited significantly from four
very kind individuals who left funds to SANE in their estates. We thank
each and every one of you for the faith that you continue to place in our
organisation and we will ensure every dollar is well spent.
Thank you also to all members of the SANE Clinical Advisory Group.
And a big thank you to the SANE Board of Directors for their continued
wise counsel and very generous support. We are very pleased to
welcome Lucy Myer to the SANE Board.
Looking ahead, we plan to significantly increase SANEs impact by
taking our Forums to thousands of Australians across the country,
undertaking a national stigma reduction campaign, and getting our
quality information and services out to a million Australians as soon as
we possibly can.
We are immensely proud of where SANE has come from and what we
have achieved over the past year. We are very excited about where we
can go with your kind support. We invite you to continue on the journey
with us so that, together, we can help all Australians affected by mental
illness lead a better life.
Thank you all so very much,

Stan Wallis AC

Jack Heath
Chief Executive Officer

Janet Hopkins,
General Manager

from our year


Australians used the SANE
Forums (to October 2014).
Page 12


In the past year, SANE Australia has

helped more people whose lives are
affected by mental illness than ever
before. We did so through a range of
innovative programs developed in close
consultation with people affected by
mental illness, their family and other
carers, as well as health professionals.

partnerships with mental

health organisations
established to increase the
reach of SANE Forums.

During 20132014, we also laid the

foundations of a new structure for SANE,
to radically increase the reach as well as
depth of our impact.

people and their families

provided with information,
support, and referral through
the SANE Helpline service.

Working in partnership with other

organisations and with the support of our
funders and supporters, we aim to touch
the lives of one million Australians who
need our services by 2016.
Janet Hopkins
General Manager

Page 13


Page 11


increase in the number of

people contacting the SANE
Helpline through its three
Page 11

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 8


lives touched by SANE

Australia in 2013-2014


partnerships with
other organisations




increase in the number of

people signed up to the Mindful
Employer Program, making a
total of over 11,000 employees
Page 15


mental health workers

educated about saving lives
through the SANE Suicide
Prevention and Recovery Guide.


The Hocking Fellow 2014

Sonia Neale

SANE Speakers now share

their experience of being
affected by mental illness.
Page 21


media stories featured SANE

Australia to educate the
community about mental
health issues.
Page 22

Page 16


pilot services secured to deliver

a workplace mental health
training program to staff in
aged care facilities.
Page 17


community health organisations

educated about the importance
of physical health care for
peope living with mental
Page 19

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 9

unique visitors to the SANE

website were helped to
understand mental illness.

Sonia Neale, the inaugural

Hocking Fellow, will use
the Fellowship to promote
improved understanding of, and
services for, people affected by
borderline personality disorder.
The aim of the Hocking
Fellowship is to promote better
mental health of Australians
through advancing the public
understanding of mental illness,
of how treatment and support
can be improved, and how all
those affected, including family
and friends, can be empowered
to help themselves.
The Fellowship celebrates the
contribution of Barbara Hocking
OAM, Executive Director of SANE
Australia 19952012.

Page 23


increase in Twitter
followers and 35% increase
in Facebook followers,
spreading our message via
social media.
Page 23

Numbers are only a small part of our

story. For more information on our
programs and achievements, turn to
the page references provided.

SANE Australia
referral, and direct
support to people
concerned about
mental illness.

The right
help at the
right time.
The right
help at the
right time.

SANE Speaker, Jo Buchanan

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 10

I wasnt expecting quite as

much understanding and
information as youve given
me. Im so glad I called today.
I finally feel hope again.

Left to right: Chloe Bradford, Helpline Advisor; Yvonne

Santen, Helpline Manager; Samara Gray, Helpline Advisor,
and Melissa Wilson, Helpline Advisor.

SANE Helpline caller

The SANE Helpline is an Australia-wide free service that
provides information, support, and referral to people
concerned about mental health problems who dont know
where to turn for help.
Available through three channels Helpline 1800, Helpline Online,
and Helpline Chat the SANE Helpline is a first port of call for people
feeling confused or overwhelmed by mental health problems, including
a growing proportion of contacts concerned with suicide.
Understanding and responding to these individuals and their needs
in the right way is a highly complex and sensitive job. This is why
SANE only employs qualified mental health professionals as Advisors
to answer enquiries. Our Advisors receive further extensive in-house
training, especially in helping anyone who may be at risk.
We also work closely with SupportLink to provide a callback facility on
mental health for police and emergency services workers in the ACT,
Queensland and Victoria.
The SANE Helpline is funded entirely by our donors. Donations cover
the training and employment of Advisors, as well as the work that
goes into building relationships with other organisations and services.
Together, we continue to grow our service and increase the number
of people we help to ensure that people affected by mental health
problems receive the support that they need, when they need it.

Helpline 1800

Helpline Online

Helpline Chat

Our achievements in 20132014

ff Over 7,000 people who contacted Helpline with mental health
concerns were helped, a nine per cent increase on last year.
ff Of these, over 2,200 people were helped with their concerns about
a family member or friend.
ff Over 2,000 people were helped to locate mental health support
and rehabilitation services.
ff Over 2,500 people referred to SANE Helpline by emergency
services via SupportLink were helped to access support.
ff Our Advisors undertook five workshops to ensure their knowledge
and skills remain current and relevant. A Trauma Informed
Practice Workshop for Advisors raised awareness in speaking with
callers who had experienced traumatic events in life.
ff A formal evaluation of SANE Helpline Chat was commenced,
toimprove this important online service.

Funding I The English Family Foundation
Services I Community mental health services around Australia I
Police and emergency services via SupportLink I Helplines Australia
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 11

The Forum connects people going

through similar experiences and
feelings. Itmakes me feel, Wow, Im
not the only one to think that, feel
that, and it gives me a sense of hope.
Contributor to the Carers Forum

SANE Forums usage
(to October 2014).


451 4,4
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 12


Left to right: Faruk Avdi, Director of Digital Service Design

+ Technology; Nicole Thomas, Online Community Manager;
Cherry Baylosis, Community Engagement Specialist; and
Paul Morgan, Director of Communications.

SANE Forums
Our new online SANE Forums service provides peer-topeer support for people living with a mental illness, and
for family, friends and others who are caring for someone
living with a mental illness.
Welcoming, safe, and anonymous, the Forums are provided in
partnership with mental health organisations around Australia
to dramatically increase their reach, working together to help all
Australians affected by a mental illness lead a better life.
SANE Forums are funded by the Australian Government,
Departmentof Health.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff Australians living with mental illness now have an online peerto-peer service the Lived Experience Forum where they share
experiences and knowledge, and provide mutual support.
ff A Carers Forum provides a similar peer-to-peer service for family
and other carers. Like the Lived Experience Forum, it is free,
anonymous and moderated to ensure all members feel respected
and safe.
ff Thanks to an innovative partnership model, the Forums are not
only available at, but can be accessed via the websites of
a growing number of mental health organisations across Australia
radically amplifying their reach across the country, especially in
rural and remote areas. Working collaboratively with our partners
has also increased the pool of moderators available.
ff As well as being a formidable technological achievement, the
Forums service involved the recruitment of an experienced and
expert team, and the design, development, and implementation of
a range of systems and policies to ensure they are as effective and
safe as possible.

Isolated we are alone, connected we

have a voice. Even if our experiences
are different we can walk a mile
in each others shoes and extend
some compassionate support.
Contributor to the Lived Experience Forum

,400 150,000

page views

Funding body I Australian Government, Department of Health
Partner organisations I ARAFMI National Executive, ARAFMI NSW,
ARAFMI WA, Compassionate Friends Victoria, Eating Disorders
Victoria, MIFA, MIFA NT, MIFNQ, MIFQ, Mind Australia, Tandem
Technology and design I Lithium Technologies, Persistent Systems,
Isobar, Snaffleweb
Early service research I by Inspire Foundation

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 13

SANE Australia provides

training and resources
for companies and
organisations to promote
better workplace mental
health, as well as for
those affected by mental
illness and the people
who care for them.

for change.
SANE Speaker, Evan Bichara
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 14

I thought I had to be a
counsellor but in fact I
dont need to be I now
know where to access the
appropriate mental health
information and support
for my staff.
Jeff, Mindful Employer
Program participant

Left to right: Eliza Oakley,

Mindful Employer Manager,
and Naomi Lehrer, Client
Relationship Manager.

Mindful Employer Program

SANE Australias Mindful Employer Program equips
managers and employees with the information and
skills they need to respond to mental health issues
in the workplace.
Mindful Employer offers eLearning and face-to-face training to
businesses of all sizes on how to manage mental health-related issues in
the workplace.
Program participants have access to helpful, accurate information
on a range of mental illnesses. They gain the skills to recognise and
understand the early warning signs of mental illness, and how to
support and manage someone at work who is affected or who is caring
for someone affected.
Our Mindful Employer face-to-face workshops are facilitated by mental
health trainers who are experienced at working in corporate settings.
Trainers are joined by SANE Speakers, a team of people affected by
mental illness, who are supported to talk candidly about their personal
experience at these workshops, and provide unique, authentic input to
the training.
We now have over 45 client organisations from small businesses
to large multinational banking corporations as part of our Mindful
Employer Program. This commitment is not only helping people deal
with mental illness, but also helping us to improve attitudes and
behaviours surrounding mental health.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 15

Our achievements in 20132014

ff Over 11,000 employees and 45 clients are signed up to the Mindful
Employer Program, representing a 30% increase in client numbers
from 20122013.
ff We delivered five face-to-face Mindful Employer workshops in
Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.
ff Five of our clients integrated the Mindful Employer eLearning
modules into their own Learning Management Systems, taking the
programs reach to a potential 50,000 people when combined with
our face-to-face workshops.
ff We introduced two new Mindful Employer training options: one-hour
customised presentations on a particular topic, and webinars to
increase access to the program and reduce the need to travel.
ff To meet the growing demand for the Mindful Employer Program, we
brought on four casual contractors to deliver workshops nationally.

Clients I ACT Health, Australian Human Resources Institute,
Amnesty International, Choice Hotels, Citi, DHS Victoria, EPA
Victoria, Department of State Development, Business and
Innovation (Victoria), Lundbeck, Hamilton Island, J A Davey,
Melbourne Water, Mai-Wel Group, Melbourne IVF, Nexus Human
Service, Mission Australia, Mercy Health, Optus, Open Minds,
Spirit of Tasmania, Peoples Choice Credit Union, South East
Water, VDM Group, TNT

Left to right: Samara Gray,

Helpline Advisor and Project
Support Officer, and Sarah Coker,
Suicide Prevention Manager

Suicide Prevention Project

SANE Australias Suicide Prevention Project aims to
improve how people with mental health problems,
their families and friends are supported around
the issue of suicide in the areas of prevention,
intervention, and bereavement support.

ff We completed an evaluation of the Suicide Prevention and Recovery

Guide to support mental health workers who help people who may be
experiencing suicidal thoughts or behaviours. Feedback on the Guide
has been very positive, with 2,500 hard copies and over 4,000
electronic copies distributed to date.

People affected by mental illness or bereaved by suicide are at much higher

risk of ending their own lives. Thats why suicide prevention is integral to
all of SANE Australias activities. We recognise the value of learning from
peoples experiences related to suicide, and are guided by those experiences
to help others in similar circumstances.

ff SANE Australia became a lead member of the National Coalition for

Suicide Prevention.

We do this through dissemination of easily-accessible information,

development of resources, and the provision of education and training.
Partnerships with other mental health organisations around Australia in
support of their suicide prevention initiatives is also an important part of
our work.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff We delivered four mental illness and bereavement workshops to
mental health services around Australia, training 47 people in how to
support the families of clients who take their own life.
ff In partnership with the University of New England, we conducted
qualitative research into the experiences of people who have attempted
suicide, to better understand what helped or hindered them at the time
of their attempt, and in their subsequent recovery. From this research,
recommendations will be made about how those who attempt suicide
can be best supported.
ff We formed a partnership with the Australian Institute for Suicide
Research and Prevention (Griffith University) to develop online suicide
prevention resources.

ff We formed a partnership with the Mental Illness Fellowship of

Australia (MIFA) to develop a suicide prevention audit tool for nongovernment mental health organisations.

Our strategic partnership with SANE

Australia will build expertise to develop a
practical audit tool that has the potential
to improve the mental health service
sector and save lives . . . We welcome the
opportunity to partner and collaborate
toward the common goal and better
outcomes for people affected by mental
illness. David Meldrum, Executive Director, MIFA
Funding body I Australian Government, Department of Health
Community I Australian Institute for Suicide Research and
Prevention (Griffith University), beyondblue, Eastern Health,
Mental Illness Fellowship Australia, Mildura Base Hospital, Mind
Australia, National Coalition for Suicide Prevention, Neami
National, Suicide Prevention Australia, University of New England
SANE Australia Annual Report 2013 I 16

SANEs Aged Care Project is a

really important area of work.
When we talk about aged care
we should be talking about
mental health as much as we
talk about physical health, and
then support front line staff to
understand this also.
Aged Care Facility Manager

Sabrina Nemorin,
Aged Care Project Officer

Aged Care Project

The SANE Aged Care Project supports the needs of
older Australians living with mental illness as well
as those who care for them. We do this through
training, education and research.

Our achievements in 20132014

ff Secured support from the Fred P. Archer Charitable Trust to develop
and deliver a pilot program of workplace mental health training.

Little is known about the long-term impact of living with a mental

illness, and yet Australias population is rapidly ageing, with baby
boomers forming a prominent bulge. We are starting to see an
increasing number of older adults living with mental illness, creating
challenges for housing, community support programs, and public mental
health services.

ff In consultation with a range of stakeholders, we developed content

for a pilot of the workplace mental health training workshop.
Theworkshop explores the signs and symptoms of mental illness such
as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and schizophrenia.
Thetraining also covers good mental health care, the impact of loss
and grief on staff and residents, and the importance of self-care to
prevent burnout.

Last year, with a philanthropic grant from the Ian Rollo Currie Estate
Foundation, SANE Australia spoke to older people with mental illness,
their families, and friends to develop a report, Growing Older, Staying
Well: Mental health care for older Australians. The aim of the research was to
identify areas of need to support older adults living with mental illness.

ff We secured seven pilot sites for the workplace mental health training
workshop in Melbourne as well as in rural and regional areas. Upon
completion of the pilot, we expect to have delivered training to 100
staff members.

One of the reports recommendations was to provide mandatory mental

health training for staff working in the aged care and community
support sectors, to support staff to provide good mental health care to
older Australians living with mental illness, including conditions such as
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Developing and delivering a pilot of this training program to staff
working in aged care facilities and Supported Residential Services (SRS)
has been a key focus for the Aged Care Project over the past year.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 17

ff We received over 1,200 visits to a newly-developed Aged Care

Project page on the SANE Australia website, and distributed over 300
electronic copies of the Growing Older, Staying Well report.

Funding body I Fred P. Archer Charitable Trust, managed by The
Trust Company, part of Perpetual Pilot sites I Prague House (Kew),
Auburn House (Hawthorn), Prom Country Aged Care (Foster),
James Thomas Court (Ballarat), Victoria Heights Aged Care
(Bendigo), Reservoir Lodge SRS (Reservoir), Sambell Lodge
(Clifton Hill) Community I Brotherhood of St Laurence, Eastern
Health, North West Health, Inner South Community Health, Prom
Country Aged Care, St Vincents Hospital

My life was a bit of a

mess. Coming on board
with a Peer Health Coach
was inspiring. I enjoyed
every minute of it.
Peer Health Coach
Program participant

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 18

Mind + Body
SANE Australias Mind + Body Project recognises
that a healthier life includes both mental and
physical wellness, and therefore seeks to educate
communities about the critical role that physical
health plays in building better mental health.
Physical health is especially important for people living with a mental
illness, as research shows they are at a higher risk of conditions such
as high blood pressure, insomnia, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
Thisis mainly related to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle that contributes
to these conditions, such as physical inactivity and high consumption of
alcohol, cigarettes, and sweet foods. (These factors may be related to
the side-effects of medication as well as the impact of symptoms.)
The Mind + Body Project promotes common sense steps to improve
the health of the whole person. As well as campaigning for improved
treatments and support, we have developed a range of training
resources in this area.
A major focus of 20132014 has been on delivering a pilot of the Peer
Health Coaching program in partnership with Neami National. Funded
by the Australian Government, Department of Health, this program
teams up someone who has a mental illness with a trained Peer Health
Coach who helps them to achieve a physical health goal of their choice.
The findings from the pilot program will be used to develop evidencebased guidelines for use by mental health non-government organisations
Australia-wide to adopt and implement similar programs.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff Nine Peer Support Workers attended workshops and were trained
to become Peer Health Coaches at Neami.
ff The nine Peer Health Coaches worked with 20 other people
affected by mental illness on a physical health-related goal as a
part of their recovery.
ff We engaged with 20 community health organisations to educate
them about the Peer Health Coaching program.
ff A further 20 organisations expressioned interest regarding the
Peer Health Coaching program.

Funding body I Australian Government, Department of Health
Catriona Bastian,
Mind + Body Project Coordinator

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 19

Partners I Neami National I Australian National University I Mental

Health Coordinating Council of NSW I Pharmaceutical Society of
Australia I University of Newcastle I University of Wollongong I
Victorian Network of Smokefree Healthcare Services

SANE Australia
changes lives
by changing
minds about
mental illness.

is power.
SANE Speaker, Jesse Millar
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 20

SANE presentations have

a great impact in educating
future dentists . . . about
mental health issues.
Dr Julie Satur,
Head of Oral Health Therapy,
University of Melbourne
School of Dental Science

Angela Gillespie,
SANE Speakers Coordinator

Speakers Program
SANE Speakers are a team of people affected by
mental illness who talk candidly in public about
their personal experience providing unique,
authentic input to our campaigning and other
Personal contact with people affected by mental illness is one of the
most powerful ways of reducing stigma and promoting the inclusion of
people with a mental illness in our community.
Trained and supported by SANE Australia, our Speakers talk to
the media and employers, contribute to advocacy, research, and
new information resources to help break down the barriers of

ff SANE Speakers talked openly about their experiences to the

media, and at national conferences and events, including at the
Fourth Australian Suicide Postvention Conference 2014, and at the
Worksafe R U OK? Day event in September.
ff Our Speakers helped develop Mindful Employer Guidelines and
Media Guidelines to ensure they are well supported in their work.

Donations and other support help us to recruit, train, and support more
Speakers, as we continue to work towards a better life for all people
affected by mental illness.

Being a speaker with SANE has been

an amazing opportunity to share my
story in the hope that it can help
others . . . I know my story has had a
positive impact. Walking away from
a presentation in the knowledge Ive
helped employers to be aware of
those that may be suffering, and how
to support them is a beautiful thing.

Our achievements in 20132014

Jesse Millar, SANE Speaker

The SANE Speakers program also helps people with a mental illness
form relationships with peers, which helps to offset some of the social
isolation frequently experienced by people with a mental illness.

ff We recruited 21 new Speakers from across Melbourne, Sydney,

Perth, Adelaide, Canberra, and Brisbane, taking the total number
to 66 nationally.
ff Our Speakers provided valuable input to the early research phase of
SANE Forums and contributed to their development.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 21

Disability Discrimination Legal Service (DDLS) I La Trobe
University I Melbourne City Mission I Melbourne University I
Suicide Postvention Conference 2014 I Worksafe Australia

Left to right: Wendy Stiles, Digital Services Manager; Robyn Thompson, Media
Relations Manager; Jeremy Little, Media Relations Advisor; and Paul Morgan,
Director of Communications.

The SANE Media Centre

gets it. Reliable, media-savvy
friends and colleagues who
inform, research and speak out
on issues such as stigma.
Richard Nelson, CEO,
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health

Media Centre
The SANE Media Centre promotes and supports the
accurate and responsible portrayal of mental illness and
suicide in the Australian media.

ff In partnership with the Mental Health Coordinating Council of New

South Wales, we conducted a Working with the Media workshop in
Sydney with a group of senior staff from mental health organisations.

The SANE Media Centre provides a one-stop service of information, expert

comment, advice, and referral for journalists reporting on mental illness and
suicide. It also provides advice and support to organisations in the mental
health sector on how to deal with the media.

ff StigmaWatch was an important community voice this year, with

271 StigmaWatch reports and 25 Good News reports. StigmaWatch
Updates were also distributed to over 2,000 subscribers, to keep them
informed of current issues in the area of stigma reduction.

Incorporated in the Centre is the StigmaWatch program, which voices

community concern about representations in the media that stigmatise
mental illness or inadvertently promote self-harm and suicide.

ff We launched the Say No to Stigma video campaign at the annual TheMHS

conference, reaching over 8,500 views on YouTube in its first two

The Media Centre is supported by the Australian Government as part of the

Mindframe National Media Initiative. We also work in partnership with many
other organisations and bodies, including Australias most popular health
websites, ninemsn and Better Health Channel, to supply information on
mental health and related topics.

ff We produced and distributed two reports, A life without stigma and

StigmaWatch: Tackling stigma against mental illness and suicide in the Australian
media, and revised the SANE Guide to reducing Stigma as an online

Our achievements in 20132014

ff We got people talking about mental health: over 800 media stories
featured SANE Australia content this year.
ff We kept the media and mental health sectors informed through
our special eBulletins, distributed to over 5,000 subscribers.
ff We provided media training to more than 30 SANE Speakers, resulting
in the publication of their stories in outlets such as Croakey, The Age, The
Exchange on TV, and Marie Claire magazine.

ff We worked with 520 professionals in the mental health and

suicide prevention sectors, building new and strengthening existing
relationships for the benefit of the people we serve.

Funding body I Australian Government, Department of Health.
Australian Press Council I National Mental Health Commission
I Mindframe National Media Initiative I Melbourne University I
TheMHS Conference I Suicide Prevention Australia Conference I
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners I Mental Health
Coordinating Council of NSW I ninemsn I Victorian Government,
Better Health Channel
SANE Australia Annual Report 2013 I 22


Claire Blundy, Director

of Policy + Partnerships

In 20132014, we promoted better understanding

ofmental illness and recovery to more people than
ever before.
As well as people living with mental illness, their family and other carers,
we educated and engaged with health professionals, employers, the media,
decision-makers, and the general community.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff We developed a 12-part national video campaign as part of the
Australian Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, to promote better
understanding of mental illness among employers.
ff We helped almost half a million visitors to our website to understand
mental illness, its impact, and how those affected can be supported to
lead a better life. Support from Gandel Philanthropy will enable us to
develop a new online platform in the coming year.
ff We engaged with more Australians than in any previous year through
our social media channels, with Twitter followers almost doubling to
over 7,000 in the past year, and Facebook followers increasing by a
third to 8,000.
ff SANE Research Bulletins explored how well people with mental illness
are served by emergency services, and the impact of depression in the
workplace compared to other countries.
ff A range of resources to educate the community was revised and
published, including a new SANE Guide to Anxiety Disorders.
ff We worked with the Australian Government to develop online quit
smoking resources specially for people affected by mental illness and
those who work with them.
ff Our SANE News magazine, available in print and online, focused
attention on stigma and the impact of suicide and mental illness on
ff We developed an online training tool in partnership with the
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, to improve how pharmacy staff
around the country work with people affected by mental illness.

The online SANE Guide for Pharmacy

Staff is a very important resource for
our 18,000 members. It helps ensure
that pharmacists are informed and
equipped to provide the best possible
outcomes for people with mental health
issues. Grant Kardachi, National President,
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

Australian Government, Department of Health I beyondblue
I COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness) I Gandel
Philanthropy I Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance I Mental
Illness Fellowship Australia I National Mental Health Commission
I ninemsn I Pharmaceutical Society of Australia I Healthdirect
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 23

SANE Australia advocates at a national level for
improved mental health and support services for all
those affected by mental illness, including family and
other carers.
In the past year, SANE Australia has been active across a large number
of alliances and sector activities including as a Founding Member of
the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance. We continue to further our
reach, recognition, and impact through the development of strategic
relationships, collaborations and the provision of additional services
topeople affected by mental illness.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff We held a national symposium on our major study of depression in
the workplace, which compared Australian attitudes and behaviours
with seven European countries.
ff Working with a national alliance led by Suicide Prevention Australia
to reduce the rate of deaths by suicide by half within 10 years.
ff As a member of the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, working
in partnership to improve how employers manage mental illness in
the workplace.
ff SANEs inaugural Hocking Fellow, Sonia Neale, was appointed, to
investigate innovative treatment and support for people affected by
borderline personality disorder.

National Mental Health Commission I Suicide Prevention
Australia I Mental Health Australia I beyondblue I Social
Determinants of Health Alliance I Helplines Australia I R U OK? Day

and passion
behind the
at work.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 24

SANE Australia touched the lives of

Australians last year.
Left over
to right, back: Marianne
Receptionist and Admin Assistant; Janet
General Manager;
help, we aim to make a
Wallis, Finance Manager; Emma Rye,
Accounts Manager; and Naomi Lehrer,
to one million lives by
Relationship Manager.
Front: Michelle Intveld, Fundraising



SANE Australia prides itself on good governance

and the efficiency of its operations.

SANE Australias services, information and

resources, advocacy, and other work is only
possible through the generosity of our supporters.

The systems, policies and procedures that underpin our work

ensure we are able to focus our resources where they can have
the maximum impact on Australians affected by mental illness.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff We revised and enhanced key operational policies including
those supporting Risk Management, Financial Management,
ff We began a comprehensive review of programs and operations to
be concluded in late 2014.
ff We implemented a new online Human Resources system and an
Employee Assistance Program.
ff We completed the year well ahead of budget, reporting strong
results and a solid return on our investment portfolio.
ff We designed and implemented a new approach to budgeting and
financial reporting, enhancing program efficiency and increasing
ff We continued our Salesforce database implementation, and
streamlined our accounting procedures.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 25

This year, donations from individuals and corporates, bequests and

grants from trusts and foundations provided 40 per cent of our total
income. The SANE Helpline is funded entirely by our donors.
Our achievements in 20132014
ff We completed a review of the fundraising program and developed
a comprehensive three-year plan to ensure our programs and
services continue to be delivered in the most effective and efficient
way, and to facilitate the development of future programs and
services as needed.
ff We developed a digital marketing strategy to further enhance and
support our online communities.
ff We secured funding from Gandel Philanthropy to develop a new
online platform for SANE Australia to ensure easy access to our
information, services, and resources.

Our Team
Board of Directors

Mr Stan Wallis AC

Mr Jack OConnell AO

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Jack Heath

BCom, Hon LLD (Monash),



BA (Hons), LLB

Ms Kylie Griffin
Dip. Comm. Welfare

Dr Colin Fryer

Ms Heather Gray

Mr Paul Kelly

Lucy Myer

BE (Hons), PhD, DipMicro

BA (Hons), LLB (Hons)

BS, Nursing


Company Secretary
Dr Paul Morgan

Mr Michael Perrott AM

Ms Melinda Snowden

Dr Kathryn Strasser


BEcon, LLB, GradDip App

Finance and Investment,


BA (Hons), MA, DipInf,



Clinical Advisory Group

Rt Hon Sir Ninian Stephen

Professor Michael Berk

Professor Dan Lubman

MBCh, M.Med (Psych), FF (Psych),



Ms Charmaine Bourke



Barry Humphries AO, CBE
Prof Emeritus Geoffrey Blainey AC
Jimmy Chi
Nobby Clark AO
Andrew Denton

BA (Psych), PGDip.Sc.Psych, MAPS

Professor David Castle


Dr John Farhall

Anne Deveson AO

BA (Hons), MA (Clinical Psychology),


Prof Allan Fels AO

Dr Craig Hassad

Prof John Funder AO


Charles B Goode AC

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni

John Landy AC, MBE

Dr Margaret Leggatt AM
Eve Mahlab AO

Professor John McGrath AM

Professor Philip Mitchell AM

Professor Vera Morgan

BA, DipEd, MSocSc, PhD

Professor Alan Rosen AO


Professor Ian Webster AO



Dr Jeff Young

Professor Tim Lambert

BSc (Hons), MSc (Clin Psych), Grad Dip

Fam Ther, PhD


Prof Emeritus Sir Gustav Nossal AC, CBE

Prof Fiona Stanley AC
Peter Wills AC

SANE Australia Annual Report 2013 I 26

Chief Executive Officer


Jack Heath

Fundraising Coordinator
Michelle Intveld

BA (Hons), LLB

Executive Team
General Manager
Janet Hopkins
CPA, BComm, GradCertEI (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

Client Relationship Manager

Naomi Lehrer
BBus (Marketing)


Director of Operations
Charmaine Smith

Helpline Manager
Yvonne Santen

BBM, BBus (Marketing)

(on maternity leave)

BA, PGDipEd (Psych) MAPS Psychologist

Director of Communications
Paul Morgan
BA (Hons), MA, DipInf, PhD, GAICD

Director of Policy + Partnerships

Claire Blundy
Bsc, LLB

Director of Digital Service Design + Technology

Faruk Avdi

Finance and Administration

Finance Manager
Tanya Wallis

Accounts Manager
Emma Rye

Receptionist + Admin Assistant

Marianne Lynch
BA (Int. Studies)

Digital Services Manager
Wendy Stiles

Helpline Team Leader

Tanya Peisley
BA, BSW (Hons), MSW

Helpline Advisors
Chloe Bradford
BA, Applied Social Science (Counselling)

Elise Snyder

Emily Hajdinjak
BA (Social Science)

Ilana Gorovoy
BA, (Hons, Reg Psych)

Melissa Wilson
BPsychSc, GradDip (psych)

Samara Gray
BA, (Hons, Psych)

Aged Care Project Officer
Sabrina Nemorin
BA (Psych)

BA, Dipl (Applied Photography)

Mind + Body Project Coordinator

Catriona Bastian

Myra Jill Siason

BAppSc, PGradDip Hlth Prom,

Certificate IV (Training + Assessment)

BSc (Computer Engg)

(on maternity leave)

Media Relations Manager

Robyn Thompson
BA (Journalism)

Media Relations Advisor

Jeremy Little
BA (Journalism)

Online Community Manager

Nicole Thomas

Community Engagement Specialist

Cherry Baylosis
BA Social Science (Psych)

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 27

Mindful Employer Manager

Eliza Oakley
CertIV TAE, BEd, GradDip SocSc (Counselling)

SANE Speakers Coordinator

Angela Gillespie
BA (Hons, History)

Suicide Prevention Project Manager

Sarah Coker
BA, PGDip (Psych)

Suicide Prevention Project Officer

Samara Gray
BA, (Hons, Psych)

Thank you
to our
partners and


SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 28

SANE Australia
Foundation Fund
Help us to touch one million lives by 2016 . . .
SANE Australias plans for growth will
make a dramatic impact on the lives of
people affected by mental illness. But they
will only be realised through the generosity
of the Australian community people who
share both a passion for SANEs work and
an ability to take the organisation to a new
level of impact.

To this end, the SANE Australia Foundation Fund was established in 2012
to acknowledge major individual gifts on our journey to helping one
million Australians each year.
Contributors to the SANE Australia Foundation Fund receive private
briefings on critical mental health issues along with progress updates from
the Advisory Committee and the SANE Chief Executive Officer, Jack Heath.
If you or your family would be interested in more information about the
SANE Australia Foundation Fund, please contact:
Jack Heath, CEO
(03) 9682 5933

Thank you.
SANE Australia greatly appreciates
the following funders, partners
and supporters for their belief and
investment in our work to help all
Australians affected by mental illness
lead a better life.


Principal Donors

Mrs M C Ainsworth

Mr Ross Barker

Pierce Armstrong Foundation

Naphtali Family Foundation

Mr Stan Wallis AC & Mrs Judith Wallis


Major Donors


Mr Gavin Bird AM & Mrs Karen Bird

Miss Julia Farrell

Reece Australia Limited

Dr Christine Healy OAM

Scully Fund

Mr Jack Heath

The Calvert-Jones Foundation

Ms Mary Reemst


RobMeree Foundation
Ms Robyn Swanson
Mr Ross & Mrs Robyn Wilson

Mrs Elizabeth & Professor Richard Chisholm AM
The Greatorex Foundation
Mr William Gurry AO
Guthrie Family Charitable Trust
Mrs Penelope Seidler AM
Mr David & Mrs Barbara Shirra

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 29

Special thanks to Mark Carnegie

for kindly providing our office
in Sydney, and to King & Wood
Mallesons for generously providing
pro bono legal advice.

Friends of SANE

A special thanks to our

Major Legacy Donors.

We acknowledge the
generosity of our kind
supporters who have left a
bequest to SANE Australia.

Mr Greg Brown

Major Legacy Donors


Mrs Lindsey Carmichael

Mr Robert Albert AO

Estate of Helen Anderson

Mrs Julie Chestney

Mr John Bates

Estate of Olive Flannagan

Mr Gregory Craske

Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC

Estate of Wade Stokeld

Mr Laurie Crocket

Mr Paul Brasher

Estate of Yue You Tan

Mr Nicholas Dean

Mr John Brunner

Mr Simon Fortune

Mr John & Mrs Margaret Carden

Ms Heather Gray

Mrs Elizabeth & Professor Richard Chisholm AM

Mr David Heim

Mr Michael & Mrs Dinah Dysart

Mr Mark Hooper

Dr Robert Frater AO

Mr Wesley Leverton

Mr & Mrs J Gibson

Palm Beach Boardriders

Mrs Helen Handbury

In Memory of Elle Freya Payne

Dr Bruce Hocking & Mrs Barbara Hocking OAM

Sanctuary Cove Golf Club Ladies

Mr Robert Johnston AC

Mr Martin Smyrk & Ms Sally Peacock

Mrs Anne Kantor

Ms Melinda Snowden

Dr Alex Markou

Ms Kay Valder OAM

Mr Greg & Mrs Jenny Murphy

Mr David Wallis

Mr Michael Perrott AM


Mr John Ralph AC & Mrs Barbara Ralph


Mr Richard Stanley QC

All Souls Opportunity Shop

Dr Freddy Azar
Mr John Bate OAM
Ms Marcia Bawelkiewiecz

Dr Kathryn Strasser
Mrs Sue & Mr Ted Woodward
Ms Jennifer Young

Trusts and Foundations

Fred P. Archer Charitable Trust
Trust Company Ltd as Trustee

Corporate Supporters
and Workplace Giving
Australian Institute of Company Directors

Gandel Philanthropy

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

H V McKay Charitable Trust

Entity Solutions

James N Kirby Foundation

Hunter Hall International

Macquarie Group Foundation


Richard Southan Memorial Trust

Just Cuts

The English Family Foundation

King & Wood Mallesons

The Freemasons Public Charitable Foundation

National Australia Bank

The Jack Brockhoff Foundation


The Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation

Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology

Thank you.
We greatly appreciate our
funders, partners and supporters
for their belief and investment
in SANEs work to help all
Australians affected by mental
illness lead a better life.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 30

Ms Carol Adams
Mr Lindsay Adams
Mrs Rosemary Akesson
Mrs Yvette Ali
Mrs Joan Allen
Mrs Nanette Allen
Mr Anthony Alles
Ms Lorna Allister
Mr Peter Andersson
Mr Stephen Andrews
Apra Sydney Social Club
Dr Bruce Armstrong
Mrs Deann Ashby
Mr Robin Ashen
Mr Graham Attard
Mrs Glenys Austin
Australian Natives Association
Mr Cameron Avent
Mr Rob Baillie
Miss Danielle Baker
Mr Sam Bantick
Banyule City Council
Mr Geoffrey Barber
Mr Marcus Baumgart
Mrs Gemma Beasley
Mr Andrew Behan
Ms Jennifer Bell
Mrs B Bell
Ms Patricia Bell
Mr Andrew Benz
Ms Leonie Bielig
Mr Peter & Mrs Rosemary Billings
Ms Leanne Bischof
Mr Bob & Mrs Anne Bitcon
Mr Maurice Blackburn
Ms Claire Blundy
Mr Geoffrey Boag
Ms Barbara Bogusz
Mrs Michele Bona
Ms S Bond
Dr S Booker
Mr Frank Bortolin
Dr Wendy Bourke
Mr Richard Bow
Mr John Bowles
Mr Michael Boyd & Ms Gillian Toppenberg
Ms Lisa Bradshaw
Miss Elaine Bragg
Mr Luke Brasch
Mr Albert Braunstein
Mrs Joan Briggs
Dr Robert Broadbent
Mr John Brook
Mr Robert Brooks

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 31

Ms Susan Brown
Mr Gregory Brown
Mr Phillip Brown
Dr Terry Buchan
Dr J Buchanan
Mrs Judy Buckham
Mr Steven Buckingham
Ms Patrice Buetefuer
Ms Jocelyn Bundock
Professor Henry AO & Mrs Jenny Burger
Mr Robert Burnside
Mr Lyle Burrows
Mr Craig Burrows
Mrs Linda Buzwell
Mrs Susan Byrnes
Miss Jean Cameron
Mrs Kathryn Campbell
Ms Lizette Campbell
Mr Douglas Cannen
Miss Lisa Carne
Mrs Lynette Carter
Mrs M Cartwright
Mr Keith Cattach
Dr Dennis Chambers
Mr Paul Champion
Ms Catherine Chant
Mr William Chant
Mr M & Mrs A Chappell
Ms Sumayya Chawla
Mr P & Mrs C Cheney
Mrs Beth Christensen
Mrs Karen Churchill
Mr Malcolm Clark
Mr James Clarke
Mr Patrick Clarke
Mr Stephen Clavan
Mr James Cleland
Mr Harold Coggins
Professor David Copolov OAM
Miss Megan Corbell
Mrs Cathy Corbo
Ms Anne Cordts
Ms Jennifer Coulls
Mr Norman Cowper
Mrs Helen Crain-Welsby
Mrs Jenny Cranston
Ms Emma Craw
Mr Aaron Crowther
Ms Irene Crozier
Ms Julia Curie
Mrs Cherie Curtis
Mr John Dahlsen
Mr Paul Dalmazzo
Mrs Gaylene Danaher

Mrs Susan Dardis

Mr Rob Davidson
Mr Michael Davies
Ms Marion Davis-Low
Mr Peter Dawson
Ms Deirdre Day
Ms Sarah De Graaff
Mr Michael De Luca
Ms Glenda Dean
Mr Isaac Dekker
Dr Jacob Dessauer
Mr Tim Devers
Ms Lesley Dias
Ms Elizabeth Dix
Ms Mandy Doherty
Mr Matthew Dolby
Mr Andrew Donald
Miss Felicity Douglas
Miss B Douglas
Mrs Rose Dowling
Mr B & Mrs M Drain
Ms Ellen Drake
Mrs Katherine Driscoll
Mrs Roma Drummond OAM
Mr Barry Dunning
Mrs Yvonne Dunse
Dr John Dunster
Ms Jacqui Dyson
Ms Rowena Eddy
Mrs Lilian Ekselman
Mrs Heather Ellett
Ms Philippa Ellis
Ms Judy Engall
Esso Australia
Mrs Rosalind Evans
Express Yourself
Ferntree Gully Family Support Group (MIF)
Miss Margaret Filippi
Mrs Marlene Fleming
Ms Robyn Floyd
Mrs Helen Foley
Ms Pam Formby
Dr Ellie Fossey
Prof Kim Foster
Mr H Foxton
Miss Jane Frazer
Ms Gayle Freemantle
Dr Ofra Fried
Mr David & Mrs Pauline Fry
Ms Jenny Fuller
Mr John Furniss
Dr Maureen Gallagher
Mr Mark & Mrs Patricia Galli
Mr Robert & Mrs Andrea Gallus

Ms Lorraine Galvin
Ms Hannah Gason
Mrs Jean Gay
Ms Christine Gee
Ms Stephanie Gessler
Dr Nathan GIbson
Mr Roger Giles
Ms Maria Giovannetti
Ms Alena Glaister
Professor R Goldney
Ms Emma Goodison
Mrs Isabel Goodwin
Mr Richard Gordon
Mrs R Graham
Ms Jodie Granger
Ms Kahlia Grant
Grilld Local Matters
Mr Andrew Grummet AM &
Mrs Margaret Grummet
Prof Roger Gurr
Mr Mario Guzzi
Mrs Eva Gyarmati
Ms Eileen Haley
Mrs V Hall
Dr S Harbison
Mr Ronald Harbison
Ms Ros Harris
Ms Kathryn Harrison
Ms Carol Hart
Ms Eva Hassett
Mr Conor Hayden
Mr Derrick Hayes
Mr W Hearn
Ms Margaret Helfgott-Fisher
Mrs Irene Hendricks
Dr Pamela Hendry
Miss Emma Hewett Smiles
Hickinbotham Homes
Mrs Desley Hincksman
Hobart City Mission
Mrs Bernadette Hogan
Mrs Elle Holder-Keeping
Mrs Freda Holz
Mr Harley Hopper
Mr I Horacek
Mr Shane Howlett
Mrs Therese Huffam
Ms Catherine Hughes
Mr Richard Hughes
Ms Wendy Hughes
Dr Tim Hurse
Inner South Parents and Friends
Integrate Rehab
Ms Michelle Intveld
Ms Laurel Jackson
Dr Barbara Jackson
Mr Kevin Jarman
Dr Samuel Jaworowski
Ms Jennifer Jenkins
Mr Robert Jennings

Mr Ryan Johnson
Dr G Joseph
Ms Calliopi Kabouris
Dr Megan Kalucy
Mr Tad Kapelan
Ms Nicole Keane
Mrs Linda Keating
Ms Crenagh Kelly
Dr Anne Kennedy
Mrs Cristina Kennedy
Mr David Kerr
Mr Brett Ketchen
Ms Nada Kezunovic
Mr Michael Kim
Mr Ray & Mrs Robyn Kimpton
Ms Carolyn King
Ms Jane Kingston
Mr Frank Kissane
Mrs Simone Kleefsman
Mr Geoff Kluke
Ms Anne Knight
Knott & Associates
Dr Helen Kolawole
Mr Bill & Mrs Helen Kosky
Mrs Josette Kubicki
Mr Dave Lacy
Ms Ann Lancaster
Mr John Landy AC, MBE
Ms Hilary Lane
Mr Gregory & Mrs Karen Langtree
Ms Kyra Laughlin
Mr Branko & Mrs Maria Lavric
Mrs Eileen Lee
Ms Karen Lee
Ms Hannah Len
Ms Sandra Lennox
Dr David Leonard AM
Ms Michelle Leone-Smith
Ms Maree Letteri
Mr Alistair Lever
Mr Harry Lew
Mr Mark Lew
Miss Janet Li
Mrs Helen Linnegar
Little Company of Mary (Province)
Ms Lynnda Livesey
Dr M Livingstone
Mr A Lo Surdo
Ms Christine Lonergan
Ms Andrea Lord
Mr Alan MacQuarrie
Ms Catherine Man
Mr John Mann
Ms Julie Mansfield
Mrs Hiam Marabani
Mr Nikolas Margerrison
Ms Anyes Marsault
Mr Doug Marshall
Mrs Sandra Masel
Dr Catherine Mason

Dr Rebecca Mason
Miss Tara Mathews
Ms Dominique Mavroyeni
Ms Sue McConaghey
Ms Laura McConnell
Mrs Rae McFarling
Mrs Joyce McGrane
Mrs Lee McGrath
Mr Mark McGuire
Ms Jessica McKee
Mrs Tiziana McKenzie
Dr Sandra McLaren
Mrs Elizabeth McLean
Mr Andrew McPherson
Mrs Barbara Meaney
Ms Toni Meek
Mr Rajesh & Mrs Mamta Merai
Mr Jared Merlino
Mr Ray Mignot
Mr Jesse Millar
Ms Julie Millard
Mrs Colleen Milton
Mr Nick Mitchell
Dr Linley Mitchell
Ms Lauren Monger
Mr Sean Montalto
Mr & Mrs G Morgan
Mrs Linda Morrison
Mr Shivansh Moudgil
Ms Christine Moyle
Mt Sugarloaf Pony Club
Ms Nicki Muir
Ms Susan Muldowney
Mr David Murtagh
Mr G Neil
Mrs Janet Newton
Ms Be Ha Nguyen
Mrs Joy Nicholls
Miss Gemma Nicholson
Miss Johanna Nightingale
Mr Jason Nisbet
Nossal Family Trust
Mr Milos Novakovic
Mr Daniel OConnor
Dr John OLoan
Mr Peter & Mrs Helen OLoughlin
Mr Geoffrey ODonnell
Ms Grace Oliver
Mr P & Mrs M Orum
Ms Sian Owen
Mr Timothy Page
Dr I Palmer
Dr R Parkin
Mrs Lyn Parkin
Mrs Desiree Pasic
Mr Osmund Perera
Ms Enoka Perera
Ms Christine Perrers
Mrs Jennelle Peters
Mr G & Mrs M Peterson

SANE Australia Annual Report 2013 I 32

Mr Geoff Peterson
Ms Pamela Petschack
Ms Maurine Phelan
Mrs Stefanie Phillips
Ms Jan Pittard
Ms Tina Plavsic
Ms Anne Plummer
Mr Daryl Poore
Miss Madeleine Poropat
Mr Corrado & Mrs Linh Premoselli
Miss Jordi Procel
Mrs B Pryke
Mrs Jean Pudney
Mrs Elizabeth Rabbitts
Mr Robert Radulj
Ms Angela Ramagnano
Mr Edward Ramuscak
Ms Annabel Ranford
Miss Erica Rasche
Mr John Reed
Ms Andrea Regan
Mrs Wendy Rice
Mr Ian Richardson
Ms Helen Richardson
Mrs Sally Richardson
Ms Lynette Rickards
Mrs S Rigney
Mr Carl Rigoni
Miss Melissa Rimmer
Rinnai Australia
Mrs Helena Roberts
Mr Ken Roberts
Ms Wendy Robertson
Ms Catherine Robinson
Mr Philip Roper
Dr Hannah Rose
Dr Norman & Mrs Anne Rose
Prof Alan Rosen AO
Mrs Margaret Ross AM
Ross Carmichael Singer
Ms Nancy Rowe
Mr Jack Rowe
Royal Australian College of
General Practitioners
Ms Jan Royle
Mrs Jasmine Ruffilli
Mr Geof Runge
Ms Lyn Rutherford
Mr John & Mrs Kathleen Ryan
Ms Meegan Ryan
Miss Emma Rye
Mr Michael Sabada
Miss Julie Sadleir
Ms Cindy Saharwal
Dr Stephen Salleras
Mr Paul Samaratunge
Mr Geoff Sanders
Mrs Christina Santalucia
Ms Rosemary Santos
SASH (Small Animal Specialist Hospital)

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 33

Mrs Judy Savige

Mrs Rosemary Scaturchio
Mrs Gina Scerri
Miss Kylie Schafer
Mrs Megan Scott
Ms Jane Seymour
Ms Marie Sharkey
Ms Alice Shields
Sr Jill Shirvington
Mrs Sheheryar Siddiqui
Mr Robin Simson OAM
Ms Sophie Sismanis
Sisters of St John of God
Mrs Elizabeth Smart
Miss Kate Smith
Ms Sue Smith
Mrs Judi Smith
Ms Carolyn Sparke
Ms Margaret Spencer
Ms Joanne Spicer
Mr Sinthu Sriganeshwaran
Mrs Lesley Stace
Mr L & Mrs D Staines
Mr Robert Steadman
Dr Rachel Stevens
Mrs Heather Stevens
Mrs Lois Stocks
Ms Elizabeth Stone
Mrs Pamela Stoney
Ms Caroline Storm
Mrs Yvonne Strazdins
Mrs Meryl Sukumar
Ms Ruth Sundstrom
Mr John & Mrs Jillian Sutton
Miss Kerrie Swinfield
Mr Russel Sykes
Ms Courtney Ta
Mr Soon Tan
Ms Margaret Tang
Dr Wai Tang
Mrs Jean Tassell
Mr Alan Teakle
Ms Elizabeth Telford
The Rent Party
Father Donald Thomas
Ms Penny Thomas
Mr Paul Thomas
Mrs Enid Thompson
Mrs Marcella Thomson
Mrs Susan Threlfall
Mr John & Mrs Lesley Thrum
Dr Tony Thulborn
Mr Carlo Ticchi
Ms Rhondda Tilbrook
Ms Sandra Tomasi
Ms Belinda Townsend
Mrs Katrina Traeger
Dr Ivy Traill
Miss Denean Travers
Mr Noel Turnbull

Miss Sharon Turner

Ms Felicity Turner
Mr Matthew Upsall
Valley View Secondary School
Mrs Doreen Vernon
Victorian Auditor Generals Office Social Club
Mr John Vidovic
Mrs R Virgona
Mr Matthew Vo
Mr Kenneth von Bibra AM
Mr Daniel Wainwright
Mr Colin Wales
Mrs Angela Walker
Ms Nicci Wall
Mr Alex Wallace
Ms Carole Wallace-Mitchell
Dr Karen Wallis
Miss Sallyanne Walton
Mr Guy Washington
Ms Elizabeth Watkins
Miss Sarah Webb
Mrs Dorothy Weigall
Mr Brad Weldon
Mr Alan & Mrs Therese West
Mr Timothy West
Ms Tamikha White-Roberts
Mrs Lyn Wicking
Mrs Maureen Wild
Ms Julie Wilkie
Ms Judy Williams
Ms Raewyn Williams
Ms Vivien Williams
Ms Audrey Williamson
Mr Bernard Wilson
Mrs Annette Winning
Mr Arnold Wittner
Ms Elizabeth Wong
Dr Alex Wood
Mrs Jennifer Woodroffe
Mrs Meredith Woods
Mrs Grace Woolcock
Ms Katie Worters
Mrs Catherine Wren
Miss Brodie Wright
Dr Chai Yeap
Mr Keith Yeo
Mr Clinton Young
Dr Robert Young
Mr David Young
Ms Fiona Young
Ms Alynka Youngman
Mrs M Zajac
Dr K Zdanius

Thank you.
We greatly appreciate our
funders, partners and supporters
for their belief and investment
in SANEs work to help all
Australians affected by mental
illness lead a better life.


it count.

SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 34

Our Financial Report




43% Government grants ($ 1,575,167)

19% General donations ($ 707,118)
15% Bequests ($ 569,231)
11% Service income ($ 411,055)
4% Interest and dividends ($ 150,468)
3% Net profit on sale of investments ($ 103,217)
2% Trusts and foundations ($ 60,743)
2% Corporate donations ($ 56,959)
1% Publication sales ($ 29,166)
<1% Sundry income ($ 14,196)

Total income

$ 3,677,320


58% Personnel costs ($ 1,946,622)

24% Community awareness/programs ($ 791,923)
12% Office operational ($ 400,944)
3% Fundraising ($ 96,801)
2% Depreciation ($ 80,920)
1% Auditors remuneration ($ 22,264)
<1% Sundry ($ 4,330)

Total expenditure

Unrealised gain on investments

$ 163,670

Total comprehensive income/ (loss) for the year

$ 497,186

The attached financial information has been extracted from the audited financial statements of SANE Australia at
30 June 2014. Full financial statements are available on the SANE Australia website at
SANE Australia is a registered tax-exempt charity with DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status: 900 306 329.
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 35

$ 3,343,804

SANE Australia
ABN 92 006 533 606

Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 June 2014






Net profit/ (loss) on sale of investments



Write-off of investment



Personnel costs



Community awareness and program expenses






Auditors remuneration






Office operational



Costs of publications sold



Current year surplus/ (loss) before income tax



Income tax expense

Net current year surplus/ (deficit)



Unrealised gain on investments



Total comprehensive income/ (loss) for the year



Other comprehensive income

SANE Australia Annual Report 2013 I 36

SANE Australia
ABN 92 006 533 606

Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2014



Cash on hand



Accounts receivable and other debtors



Other assets





Financial assets



Plant and equipment



Other assets















Grants received in advance
















Retained earnings



Investment fluctuation reserve



Endowment fund











SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 37


Left to right: SANE Speakers Evan Bichara,

Jesse Millar and Jo Buchanan

Special thanks to all our

partners in the mental
health sector.

SANE Value: Collaboration

ff We partner with others who share our vision, values, passion,
and commitment.
ff We work with people with lived experience of mental illness to build
better services, policies, and programs.
ff We encourage and support each other to do the best work we possibly
can by listening, communicating and working as one team.
SANE Australia Annual Report 2014 I 38

We invite you
to join us in
the important
work of SANE
SANE Australia is a national charity helping
all Australians affected by mental illness
lead a better life.
How do we know this? Because we personally benefit
from the services provided by SANE and through our
role as SANE Speakers have seen the positive effect that
SANE is having on breaking down stigma and prejudice
relating to mental illness in Australia.
SANE Australia does not receive ongoing government
funding, so relies on donations and grants to carry out its
As such, SANE welcomes the support of individual
donors, philanthropic trusts and foundations, corporate
supporters, community groups, professional and local
To find out how you can support SANEs work, call
(03)9682 5933, or send an email with your details to and we will contact you.
Donations can also be made online at
Finally, our heartfelt thanks to the many organisations
and donors who continue to support SANE Australia year
after year.
All our lives are better for it.

Connect with us
SANE Helpline
1800 18 SANE (7263)
Media enquiries
SANE Media Centre
National Office
SANE Australia
PO Box 226
South Melbourne
Victoria 3205
+61 3 9682 5933

For the past 28 years, SANE Australia has been a

leader in getting mental health on the public agenda.
We are an international pioneer in the reduction of
stigma, and have always taken a national approach to
our work. We span the full spectrum of mental health
issues and we always put people before their diagnosis.
With our deep-seated commitment to working directly
with people affected by mental illness, SANE Australia
brings a unique combination of history, skills, and
commitment to its work.
We want to create a better life for all Australians
affected by mental illness.
Please join us on the journey.

SANE Australia is a registered tax-exempt charity with

DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status: 900 306 329

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