A Banjo Partial
A Banjo Partial
A Banjo Partial
Book One
Table of Contents
Parts of the Banjo.5
Playing position..7
Left hand technique10
Right hand technique 11
Tuning the Banjo...13
How to read tablature....17
Rhythm Exercises.20
Basic rolls..23
Left hand fingering25
Basic chords 26
The Alternating thumb roll ..27
Fret markers.29
Banjo in the Hollow30
Goodnight Ladies..31
Skip to my Lou.32
You are My Sunshine34
Vamping with chords.36
Worried Man Blues...39
The G major scale...40
Red River Valley...41
Cripple Creek...44
Practice tips..45
Wildwood Flower....47
Ill Fly Away..48
John Hardy....50
Devils Dream...52
Dueling Banjos.55
= indicates example or song is on CD or MP3
There are three main styles of Banjo playing in three finger style
Scruggs style
Melodic style
Single String style
In Scruggs style, we play a melody and have fill in notes played
around the melody. We have two things going on at the same time.
We have a melody and an accompaniment played at the same time.
This may sound difficult, but with the instruction in this book,
we ease you into this style of playing. We will learn some melodies
and then apply some of the rolls (patterns) to them.
In Melodic style, every note is a melody note, but the notes are
spread out over different strings. In other words we are not
playing the same string twice in a row (usually)
In Single String style, every note is also a melody note, but
many of the notes occur on the same string. For example, two or
more notes may be played on one string before going to a higher
or lower string.
This book will focus mainly on Scruggs style with the exception
of Banjo in the Hollow which is a melodic tune.
So lets get started!
First lets learn about some of the parts of the Banjo.
It is helpful to know a few of the part names of the Banjo. You
may need to communicate with a repair person at some point, and
you will be able to describe the part that needs attention.
Two charts are presented. The first one with the parts listed,
and the second chart with blanks. Over the next few practice
sessions, test your self on these parts.
head stock
tail piece
Playing Position
The banjo tends to be a little neck heavy. In other words, the
neck needs to be supported by your left hand. In order to free
up the movement of your left hand, its best to wear your strap
when sitting. When in proper playing position, the neck should
stay stationary when you remove your left hand. So in other
words, you should not have to support the neck with your left
hand while playing.
The following pictures will show the best place to attach the
strap to achieve the best balance for your banjo.
Notice in figure 7-1 that the strap is attached to the first
bracket on the bottom of the heel.
Figure 7-1
Figure 8-1
Figure 11-1
Bend the finger picks so follow the contour of your finger tip up
to about the middle of your fingertip.
You may want to experiment with several different angles until
you find what works best for you.
Figure 12-1
The finger picks take some getting used to. You may be tempted
to practice without them. We recommend practicing with the
picks on all the time. After awhile, you will not even notice them.
Your finger picks will eventually form themselves to your fingers
(like a pair of shoes if you will)
Mark your finger picks so that the index finger pick always goes
on the index finger and the middle pick always goes on the middle.
A knife can be used to make a mark on the inside of the index
pick. The finger picks should hit the string squarely. You will get a
fuller tone if the pick contacts the string with the most pick
This chart shows how the strings are numbered and the note
name of each string. The most common tuning is G tuning. There
are other tunings for the Banjo, but for this book we will be using
G tuning. Tuning by ear takes some practice, but over time your
ear will develop.
Figure 13-1
For example: If your third string (G) is a little bit sharp, then
tune down below the desired pitch and the back up to the desired
pitch. If the string is just a little sharp, it is sometimes possible
to stretch the string with your right hand, and it will lower to the
proper pitch. To stretch the string, press down on the top of it
(two or three inches away from the bridge). Press down
approximately inch.
The chart page 15-1 shows how to tune the banjo to itself. First
lets get the fourth string in tune. We can tune it to another
instrument or to an A tuning fork. If you play a harmonic (a note
which is produced by lightly touching the string directly over the
fret) on the fourth string at the 7th fret, that is an A note. This
note is equal to the pitch of an A tuning fork.
If we play the fourth string at the 5th fret, that is equal to the
3rd string open, or G. The third string at the 4th fret is equal to
the 2nd string open or B. The second string at the 3rd fret is equal
to the 1st string open or D. The first string played at the 5th fret
is equal to the 5th string open or G.
Here is a chart to illustrate :
Figure 15-1
5th string
1st string
Tablature also tells us what the rhythmic value of the note is, and
will often tell us which right and left hand fingers to use to play
the notes.
Lets explore some rhythms and time signatures.
Written music, tablature or actual notation, has what are called
time signatures. A time signature always has two and only two
numbers. It looks like a fraction. Ex. 4/4, 6/8, or 3/4 etc.
The first number tells how many beats there are per measure and
the second number tells which kind of note gets one beat.
The time signature of 4/4 has 4 beats per measure and a quarter
note gets one beat. 6/8 has 6 beats per measure and an eighth
note gets one beat. 3/4 has three beats per measure and a quarter
note gets one beat. For this book we will be using a 4/4 time
Lets take a look at how some different types of notes are notated
in tablature.
The examples in fig. 18-1 cover four kinds of notes: a whole note
which gets four beats, a half note which gets two beats, a quarter
note which gets one beat, and an eighth note which get a half of a
beat. Notice that a whole note does not have a stem, a half note
has a short stem, a quarter note has a long stem and an eighth note
has a long stem connected at the bottom. If there is only one
eighth note it will have a flag at the bottom.
Figure 18-1
Music also has rests in it. When you see a rest, it means dont play
for the length of the rest. For example, if we see a whole rest
then we would rest for four beats. In figure 19-1 we have a whole
rest, 1/2 rest, 1/4 rest and 1/8 rest.
Figure 19-1
Lets play some rhythmic examples using these notes and rests.
The exercises on pages 20 and 21 are in 4/4 time. The counts for
each note are written below. Notice that a measure with eighth
notes is counted: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &. All of the notes are open on the
third string. For now we can play all of the notes with our thumb.
In rhythm exercise 1 we have the note that we have learned and in
exercise 2 we have notes and rests.
Practice these slowly and evenly.
Rhythm Exercise 1
Figure 20-1
Rhythm Exercise 2
Figure 21-1
When two or more notes are tied together, only the first note is
picked. This is illustrated in Red River Valley. Notice in measures 4
and 5 that we have a quarter note tied to a half note which is then
tied to the first half note in measure 5. so the notes on the word
me will get 5 beats altogether.
Figure 22-1
When you play, try to minimize the motion with your fingers. If we
play with economy of motion it will give more control, better tone
and eventually help us develop speed. Try to move your fingers just
enough to produce a good tone.
Lets play several forward rolls in a row:
Figure 23-2
Here is a
Reverse , or backward, roll:
Figure 23-3
Now that we can play a forward and a reverse roll, lets learn a roll
that combines them both: The forward/reverse roll.
Figure 24-2 the forward/reverse roll
Figure 25-1
Basic Chords
Chord charts for the Banjo are written as if you are looking at
the neck from the front.
Figure 26-1
G C G D7 G
// // // // //
Now lets play the forward/reverse rolls with the same chord
progression. Play one roll for each /
Practice this exercise slowly and smoothly. It should sound like one
continuous stream of notes. Practice without watching your right
Lets play this with our chord progression from page 23:
Figure 27-2
G C G D7 G
// // // // //
Ok now that we can play two rolls, we are ready to start playing
some songs. Before we do, lets practice switching back and forth
with our rolls. Play a forward/reverse roll and then an alternating
thumb roll then back to the forward/reverse roll etc.
Tabbed out it looks like this:
Figure 27-3
Just a note here, as soon as you can play a song slowly and
somewhat smoothly, memorize it. If we can play a song from
memory, we will be able to concentrate on producing musical sounds
We have markers on the side of the neck to guide us around the
fret board. Most banjos have markers at the 5th, 7th, 10th and 12th
frets. In this figure, we have placed a piece of tape at the 7th, 10th
and 12th frets. By placing a piece of tape here, it will make it easier
to find your way around the fretboard. After a few weeks, take
the tape off and just use the markers (dots) as guides.
Figure 29-1
Lets learn how to play "Banjo in the Hollow". It uses our two
rolls: the alternating thumb roll and the forward reverse roll.
Notice that we have repeat marks. Repeat the measures between
Figure 29-2
As you can see, every note is a melody note. Now let's explore
some Scruggs style tunes. In which we have a melody note and then
two or three "fill in" notes.
The next song is: "Goodnight Ladies"
Figure 31-1 is the melody only and figure 31-2 is the melody with