Dylan Thomas Worksheet
Dylan Thomas Worksheet
Dylan Thomas Worksheet
Source: Dylan Thomas, Miscellany Two. Including A Visit to Grandpas and Other Stories
and Poems. London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1966, rptd. 1974, 12.
1. Whats the metre and rhyme, if any, of the poem? Bear in mind that scanning lines
of poems is not done in the same way as in Spanish literature. Conventions are
2. The use of alliteration is prominent in the poem. Identify examples. What is the
effect of this? Is there any connection between this repetition of sounds and the
meaning of the poem?
3. Pay attention to the syntax and punctuation of the poem, especially in the first
three stanzas. Work out the syntax that allows for a coherent reading. Does the
author use conventional punctuation? What is the effect of this in connection with
the "meaning" or "possible" message of the poem?
Once you have done the previous task, pay attention to the division of the poem
in stanzas. Is there a coincidence between the syntax, the content, and the
stanzas? What does this suggest?
5. Discuss and interpret the figurative language of the each stanza in order to form
a coherent interpretation of the poem. Be alert to the use of metaphors, puns,
paradoxes, and allusions (to the Bible and previous literature and literary
conventions) and what they mean and suggest.