The May Fourth Intellectual Revolution, 1917-1923
The May Fourth Intellectual Revolution, 1917-1923
The May Fourth Intellectual Revolution, 1917-1923
thus easy to master. Efforts to popularize the pai-hua during the May
Fourth period had thus the effect of raising the literacy rate in society.
Social significance
Expansion of popular education and rise of public opinion - The
popularity of the pai-hua and the Western idea of progress contributed to
the growth of popular education, which in turn contributed to the rise of
modern public opinion in China.
Attack on social traditions - Social traditions of the past were under
attack. The old family system was condemned by young intellectuals.
Instead, the ideal of nuclear families was advocated. Young people began
to demand individual freedom from the traditional collective way of
living. Young girls rose to attack the traditional discrimination against
women. Co-education and marriage based on love were advocated.
Increased political consciousness among the new social forces The May Fourth Movement saw the rise of Modern China's new social
forces. Modern merchants, industrialists and city workers, all of whom
were products of modernization, became increasingly politically
conscious. They participated in many of the anti-foreign boycotts.
Increased class consciousness - In the past, local-provincial feeling
among the Chinese people was strong. During the May Fourth
Movement, however, as workers and students in different places protested
against some common enemy, class consciousness was promoted in
Leadership of modern intellectuals - A new generation of
progressive young intellectuals who were Western-educated rose to
leadership in Chinese public life. Their presence began to challenge the
traditional social leadership of the Confucian scholar-gentry.
Political significance
Politicized Chinese nationalism - Anti-imperialist demonstrations
against the great powers and anti-Japanese riots strengthened the force of
modern Chinese nationalism. Student and labour movements grew
increasingly active. More people were interested, some even actively
involved, in political matters.
Rise of politicized student movements - In the May Fourth
Movement, students discovered that organized propaganda and
demonstrations could bring positive results. Student movements of a
political nature were in this way stimulated.
Political importance of the new social forces - Whereas politics
before 1919 seemed a game exclusively monopolized by the few and for
the few, more and more political leaders after 1919 developed contact
with, and tried to gain support from, the politically conscious masses.