Guidelines For Grant Application FINAL 20081006
Guidelines For Grant Application FINAL 20081006
Guidelines For Grant Application FINAL 20081006
The Nestl Foundation initiates and supports research in human nutrition with
public health relevance in low-income and lower middle-income countries
according to the World Bank classification (see The
results of the research projects should ideally provide a basis for implementation
and action which will lead to sustainable effects in the studied populations as
generally applicable to the population at large. They should also enable
institution strengthening and capacity building in a sustainable manner in the host
country and further cooperation and collaboration between Institutions in
developed and developing countries .
The Foundation expects research proposals to be primarily the initiative of local
researchers from the developing countries. However the Foundation will be
inclined to consider favorably those applications jointly made by scientists from
developed countries with those from developing countries provided it is clear that
the initiative will result in capacity building and human resource development in
the latter and the bulk of the budget is spent in the developing country.
Research Topics
At present the Foundation's work is primarily concerned with human nutrition
research issues dealing with:
The precise priorities and goals of the Foundation are modified from time to time
to meet emerging public health and nutritional needs in the developing world.
Studies in other areas of human nutrition research might also be considered, as
long as they are dealing with problems of malnutrition in eligible countries (see
above). Other areas of research may be eventually considered for support if the
applicant can offer specific and convincing evidence and justification for the
choice of their research topic.
Funded projects are usually of one- to three-year duration. Projects with a high
potential for effective and sustainable improvement of the nutritional status as
well as a high capacity building component will be funded preferentially. The
budget of the projects must be appropriate and reasonable and has to be
justified in detail.
One of the Foundation's main aims is the transfer of scientific and technological
knowledge to target countries. In cases where Foundation-sponsored research
projects are realized in collaboration with scientists at universities and research
Eligible Institutions
Eligible institutions are departments or institutes from universities, hospitals other
institutions of higher education in low- or lower middle-income countries. Joint
applications from more than once institution (especially South-South) are
welcomed. Joint applications from more than one institution involving a NorthSouth collaboration may also be considered.
For project applications
demonstrating North-South collaboration, it is important that the following criteria
are fulfilled: (i) the Principal Investigator is from the South and the proposal has
relevance to nutritional problems of the South, and (ii) the majority of the budget
is earmarked for the South, and (iii) demonstration on the completion of the
project of institution and capacity building in a sustainable manner in the South.
The capacity building component represents a core issue for all applications to
the Foundation. This means that in every application needs to demonstrate a
training and human resource and capacity building component for the developing
world. Ideally graduate students or young investigators should play a key role
and if need be designated as the Principal Investigator (PI) i.e. be the primary
grant applicant or Co-PI. Established researchers can nevertheless apply but
need to clearly indicate the capacity building component and the designated
beneficiaries.. Established investigators alone are not usually eligible to apply for
a grant, except when they address innovative and exceptionally well justified
research questions in developing countries. Such applications need to clearly
state the capacity and human resource building components in the host country
as well as the long term sustainability of research in the host institution.
Applications from individuals who are non-affiliated researchers and not attached
to research or academic institutions can be considered only in very special
Types of Awards
The Nestl Foundation offers different award and grant categories, some of them
using a modular approach, i.e. the Pilot Grant Program represents the starting
grant module for a later Full Grant Research application. The eligibility criteria as
well as the Research objectives and topics have to be fulfilled independently from
the award category (for further details see section Specific information for
A. Research Grants
1. Training Grant
2. Pilot Grant
3. Full Grant (small / large)
B. Institutional Support
Institutional support involves the support of research or educational projects in
specific institutions in low- or lower-middle income countries which contribute to a
focused development of capacity and know-how and human resource
development in the corresponding institution.
C. enLINK Research grant program
The enLINK research grant program represents research projects initiated by the
Nestl Foundation. External researchers or institutions are invited by the
Foundation to submit a research proposal in a specific area. All applications,
including those of the enLINK research grant program will undergo internal and
external reviewing.
The Nestl Foundation does not support individual fees for attendance and travel
to scientific meetings or courses except when presenting the of results of a
research grant already funded by the Nestl Foundation. We do not consider
queries for support to attend a meeting if you are not a grant holder of the Nestle
Foundation. The Foundation does in general not support the organization of
How to apply
Interested scientists should first submit a Letter of Intent in which they describe
very briefly the kind of project they would like to undertake, including an
estimated budget. Instructions for the letter of intent are available on the
Foundation website at For a submission of a letter
of intent only the downloadable form on our website should be used.
If the suggested project is compatible with the Foundation's current funding
policy, applicants will receive an invitation to submit a full grant proposal. The
guidelines for the submission of a full grant proposal are also available on our
website. Other formats will not be accepted, neither for the letter of intent nor for
the full grant applications.
In the letter of intent and in the grant application, detailed, evidence-based
information about the public health relevance of the project as well as its
immediate impact and sustainability have to be reported. This part of the
application is as important as the scientific section of the application.
Research grant applications are evaluated twice a year by the Foundation's
Council, a group of independent international scientists. The funding of projects
is primarily based on the scientific quality, public health relevance in the short
and long term, sustainability, capacity-building component and, last but not least,
budget considerations.
Applications are accepted all year round, and the Foundation encourages
applicants to submit their proposals as early as possible to allow sufficient time
for internal as well as external reviews. All submissions should be made
electronically by e-mail using a MS Word File (doc). Final deadlines for
submission are January 10 and May 10 for the Spring and Fall Council Meetings
Timelines for all types of applications:
Deadline for
Latest announcement
Earliest possible
of the decision
January 10th
Mid-late April
Mid-late May
May 10th
Mid-late September
Mid-late October
Budget cadre
(in USD)
up to20000 in
up to 100000
per year to a
maximum of
300,000 for 3
Upto 50,000 in
Training Grants and Pilot Grants run usually over one year to 2
years. Re-Entry grants may run up to 3 years. However none of
these awards are renewable. Hence, it is recommended that
eligible investigators apply for other categories of awards before
the completion of their projects (but with available results from
earlier support) for continuing support from a full research grant
to avoid any interruption of their research activities. A previous
award does not necessarily imply that a subsequent submission
will be automatically accepted. All applications will be reviewed as
new applications. A new application must be substantially
different from one previously reviewed and have a different title in
order to be accepted for review
Replacement of the Principal Investigator on any of these awards
is not normally permitted.
The budget cost of the applications should be within the
suggested framework of the different types of applications. Only
Ethical approval
All submitted grant projects must be accompanied by the
ethical approval for the study by all involved institutions. If
the ethical approval is not submitted the project can not be
accepted for evaluation. The ethical approval(s) have to be
submitted together with the grant.
Application Procedures
Applicants may apply for all types of grants in one of the areas
mentioned in the section Research Topics above. Applicants
should follow the instructions described under How to Apply. Use
only the downloadable form and submitting a letter of intent and
also grant as a Microsoft Word File. Please do not submit as a
PDF file.
Uninvited full grant proposals will be returned without reviewing.
The full grant application should not exceed 20 to maximally 25
pages A4 (US Legal) format. The required sections for the
application are already defined on the downloadable form. The
different sections are:
All submitted projects will be reviewed internally as well as
externally. During the write-up of the application it might be helpful
to keep some reviewing criteria in mind: The goals of Foundationsupported research is capacity building and strategies for the
improvement of nutrition and health in low-income countries. The
major goal of any project is not a high impact publication but a
high impact on the enhancement of the nutritional status as well
as enhancement of health in general. The results have to be
applicable, ideally immediately upon termination of the study. All
submitted projects will be reviewed under scientific aspects as
well as the public health relevance. You might address in as study
a scientifically interesting question but of hardly any relevance to
the immediate problems in your country - such an application
would have less chances of being funded. Obviously high
powered and highly sophisticated research is needed to advance
our knowledge at the molecular level of diseases to understand
biological systems and develop new drugs. The Foundation
favors food based solutions for the problems of nutrition in the
world. Accordingly often in the field of malnutrition simple straight
forward research questions lead to a larger improvement and
impact at the population level than studies at the purely
biochemical or molecular level. Sometimes a simple research
project which is also not necessarily innovative might be
essential for capacity building and improvement of the local
knowledge and skills for implementation and induction of a
change to improved nutrition and health. You have to be aware
whether you want to move a research field forward or whether
you want to be a change agent for the improvement of the
nutritional status of the population at large or certain population
groups (e.g. children, young women etc).
Keep the following issues in mind when writing your proposal:
1. Significance.
Does your planed study address an important problem? If the
aims of the application are achieved, how will the results be
implemented? What will be the effect of the results in the field? Is
an implementation feasible?
2. Approach.
Are the conceptual framework for the study, the design, methods,
and analyses adequately developed, well-integrated, and
We will examine and review your project not only from the point of
view of the present scientific knowledge but also from the
likelihood of feasibility in general and whether the project
will lead to a change. Training Grants and Pilot Grants will be
examined regarding their potential to lead to a full small or large
research application.
Nestl Foundation
Lausanne, July 2008
Guidelines for Grant Appliaction Final 06Okt08