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M. Konrad, R. Chudoba, C. Butenweg and O. Bruckermann
Chair of Structural Statics and Dynamics, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Corresponding author:

M. Konrad, Dipl.-Ing.,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, RWTH Aachen,
Mies-van-der-Rohe Str. 1, 52056 Aachen, Germany,
Telephone: +49-241-8025089, Fax: +49-241-8022303,
E-Mail: konrad@lbb.rwth-aachen.de

In this paper the development of a consistent material model for textile reinforced concrete is
presented. Load carrying and failure mechanisms at the micro, meso and macro scales are
described and models with the focus on the specified scales are introduced. The models
currently being developed in the framework of the collaborative research center are classified
and evaluated with respect to the failure mechanisms being captured. The micromechanical
modeling of the yarn and bonding behavior is discussed in detail and the correspondence with
the experiments focused on the selected failure and interaction mechanisms is shown. The
example of modeling the bond layer demonstrates the application of the presented strategy.
Keywords: Multiscale, Model calibration, Material model, Textile reinforced concrete


The development of a consistent material model for textile reinforced concrete requires the
formulation and calibration of several sub-models on different resolution scales. Each of these
models represents the material structure at the corresponding scale (Fig. 1) with a focus on
specific damage and failure mechanisms. The following correspondence between the scales
and the observable components of the material structure and their interactions are specified:
micro level

- filament, matrix
- bond filament - matrix

meso level

- yarn, matrix
- bond yarn matrix

macro level:

- smeared concrete model

- smeared textile
Figure 1: Resolution scales

While the models at the micro level are able to capture the fundamental failure and damage
mechanisms of the material components (e.g. filament rupture and debonding from the
matrix) their computational costs limit their application to small size representative unit cells

of the material structure. On the other hand, the macro level models provide a sufficient
performance at the expense of limited range of applicability. Generally, all the scales must be
included into the assessment of the material performance. The chain of models at each scale
may be coupled (1) conceptually by clearly defining the correspondence between the material
models at each level or it may be coupled (2) adaptively within a single multiscale
computation to balance accuracy and performance in an optimal way [1][2].
Due to the complex structure of the textile reinforced concrete at several levels (filament
yarn textile matrix) it is a non-trivial task to develop a multiscale model from scratch. It is
rather more effective to develop a set of conceptually related sub-models for each structural
level covering the selected phenomena of the material behavior. The homogenized effective
material properties obtained at the lower level can be verified and validated using experiments
and models at the higher level(s).
For the effective coordination of such a model development, it is important to characterize the
focusing of every sub-model by specifying the following characteristics:

material components and their structural configuration distinguished at the selected

scale of resolution
load/failure mechanisms and their interactions reflected in the model within the
material structure at the selected scale of resolution.

By using this characterization, it is easier to assess the validity of the model and to formulate
interfaces between models at the different resolution scales.

Damage and failure mechanisms

The fundamental failure mechanisms included in the textile reinforced concrete may be
appointed to the reinforcement, to the matrix and to their bond. It is important to note, that
both the reinforcement and the matrix are highly inhomogeneous materials with a complex
microstructure. Obviously, the failure process in the TRC microstructure is more complex
than in the case of the steel reinforced concrete or fiber reinforced composites where only one
of the material components is inhomogeneous.
In the case of the reinforcement, the elementary mechanisms in the material behavior are
appointed to the filaments with linear elastic behavior and brittle failure. The filament
ensemble constituting the yarn exhibits nonlinear behavior due to the disorder in the filament
structure. The delayed activation of individual filaments leads to the low increase of the
stiffness in the beginning of loading, the friction between filaments influences the maximum
stiffness reached during the loading and both these effects influence the rate of the failure
after reaching the maximum force. In both the filaments and the yarn we may also observe the
statistical size effect leading to the reduced strength with an increasing length [3].
The fine grained concrete matrix exhibits the evolution of microcracks in the fracture process
zone which gradually close up to the macro crack. The complex heterogeneity of the material
structure governing this process cannot be captured by micromechanical considerations, so
that the meso level scale of resolution is applied and the localization process is observed and
modeled in phenomenological terms.

The interaction between the reinforcement and matrix can be defined at the three scales
shown in the Fig. 2. The elementary behavior describes the interaction filament-matrix
including the bonding, debonding and friction. In the case of the yarn, we may also
distinguish the bonding, debonding and friction phase, however, in each of these phases there
are all interaction modes between filaments and matrix included. Furthermore, the yarnmatrix interaction includes the filament rupture and filament-filament friction. As a result, the
yarn-matrix interaction cannot be reflected by a bond layer without thickness and needs to be
analyzed in detail in micromechanical terms. If the cracking in the matrix is included in the
interaction between the reinforcement and matrix the tension stiffening phenomenon occurs.
The most complex interaction is encountered at the level of the textile structures embedded in
the matrix. In this case, the two- and three-dimensional interaction between the crack
evolution, crack bridging and yarn debonding occurs.



filament matrix

- brittle
- linear elastic
- size effect

- bond
- debonding
- friction



fine grained
cement matrix
- micro cracking

yarn matrix

- delayed activation
- size effect


- bond
- debonding
- friction

- localization
- deterministic size effect

- statistical size effect




textile matrix
- tension stiffening
- size effect

- macro cracking


Figure 2: Correspondence between scales, components and phenomena

In the list shown in Fig. 2 we distinguish the phenomena that may be appointed to the
individual structural components, e. g. the filament behavior and filament-matrix interaction.
On the other hand, the phenomena of delayed filament activation and size effect result from
the disorder included in the structuring of the individual material components in the ensemble.
The size effect phenomena may be recovered in the reinforcement, matrix and in their

interaction and emphasizes the importance of the statistical representation of the material
structure at the micro- and meso level.

Experimental observation and evaluation of the identified phenomena

After reviewing the elementary and complex phenomena occurring in the TRC we discuss the
possibilities of isolated observation of the particular phenomena or distinguished interaction
of more phenomena in the experiment.
The filament behavior and the statistical size effect is tested on the single filament tensile test.
The expected distribution of strength follows the Weibull curve derived from the weakest-link
model. The filament ensemble is tested using the yarn tensile test with varied specimen length
in order to evaluate the variability of the material properties and disorder over the yarn length.
The filament-matrix bond characteristics are calibrated using the single-filament pull-out
experiment. The elementary interaction between the filament ensemble and the matrix is
tested by using the one- and two-sided pullout experiments. Additionally, the direct
characteristics about the material structure in the bond are obtained from the micrographs
taken on the cuts of the pull-out body cross section. Furthermore, the tracing of the whole
failure process is possible by recording the light transmitted by the filaments during the pullout test so that the instantaneous number of broken filaments in the bond layer can be
determined at each level of the control loading [4].
The interaction between the debonding and crack evolution in the matrix in the onedimensional stress state is tested upon tensile experiments on textile reinforced concrete slabs.
Finally, the interaction in the two-dimensional case is tested upon textile reinforced concrete
thin plates with the surface crack tracing using the photogrammetry [5][6].
The classification of the most important experiments with respect to the phenomena occurring
during the loading is provided in the Table 1.





tensile test on
tensile test on yarn
pull-out filament
pull-out yarn
tensile test on TRC
tensile test on textile
reinforced plates


cracking propagation

Table 1: Correspondence between experiments and failure mechanisms

(M: matrix, F: filament, Y: yarn, T: textile)


Submodels on different resolution scales

Micro level
The micro level model represents the bond layer between the yarn and the matrix in form of
the representative distribution of filaments in the matrix (Fig. 3). The interaction between
filaments and matrix is defined by the bond model reflecting the phases of bonding,
debonding and friction. The material parameters are determined using experimental data from
several sources: filament pullout test, computer tomography photos, tension tests on filaments
and yarns as well as pullout test on yarns. Using this model and the experimental data we are
able to derive the effective bond law of the bond layer between the whole yarn (filament
assembly) and the matrix which can be used at the higher modeling levels.

Figure 3: Models at the micro level

In following the individual phenomena are discussed with respect to the proposed submodels.
Interaction between filaments within the bundle
The structural properties and their variation along the fiber are modeled by the accumulative
recording of the individual filament responses with randomized properties to get the overall
response. The model allows us to introduce parameters that phenomenologically represent the
disorder in the filament bundle. The resistance of a single filament is computed by applying
the theorem of the extreme value distribution. The delayed activation of the filaments is taken
into account by the density distribution of the activation strain 0,. The variation of tensile
strength and Young modulus is modeled by random fields. The redistribution of the forces
upon the filament rupture follows the equal load sharing rule (ELS) [7]. The friction between
the filaments is neglected. With this model it is possible to describe the phenomenon of
delayed activation increasing ductility and stiffness with increasing sample length and the
statistical size effect on the tensile strength of the yarn. The material characteristics derived
from this model are the characteristics of the disorder in the filament bundle in the form of the
statistical measures of waviness in the individual filaments and the distribution of strength
along the single filament. The calibration of this model is performed by using the filament and
yarn tensile tests with the varying length [3].
Interaction between filament and matrix
This model describes the bond between a fiber and the surrounding matrix. Assuming a multi
linear shear-stress slip relation the pull-out curve for a filament can be analytically computed.

The shear-stress slip relation is calibrated by minimizing the quadratic error between the
experimentally determined and the analytically calculated curve.
The interaction between the filament and the matrix involves the phases of bonding and
debonding including the damage of the interface and the subsequent friction. This interaction
is captured by the finite element model that is calibrated using the filament pull-out
experiments. The filaments are modeled by nonlinear one-dimensional elements connected by
a zero-thickness interface element to the matrix. This model provides the basis for the
construction of the representative unit cell to determine the effective properties of the
microstructure in the bond layer and yarn. The calibration of the shear stress-slip constitutive
law is done in the framework of the automated calibration procedure using the Hook-Jeeves
and evolutional strategies [8].
Interaction between yarn and matrix
This model regards a representative section of the interface layer and takes the deterioration
of the bond with increasing distance between filament and matrix into account. The section is
projected onto an alignment normal to the perimeter of the roving. Filaments with the same
position on this alignment are represented by bond layers. The bond quality for each layer is
defined by a function of the distance from the matrix. Each bond layer is represented by a
one-dimensional element and is connected to the matrix by a zero-thickness interface element.
This model is able to describe the effect of the variation in the bond performance on the
portions of filament debonding and filament rupture during the debonding of the yarn. The
calibration of the model is performed both using the load-displacement curve and the curve of
representing the instantaneous fraction of the broken filaments during the loading process.
The later latter is obtained by optical recording of the light transmission through the unbroken
Meso level
The first goal of the numerical simulation at the meso level is to capture the failure process
during the debonding of a yarn from the matrix without the ambition to truly reflect details of
the failure process in the microstructure. For this purpose, the subroving model [9][10]
introduces the variation in the bond quality between individual filaments and the matrix in
order to capture the gradual failure of the bond layer. This model classifies the filaments of a
roving into sleeve and core filaments so that the bond layer is divided in outer and inner bond.
The sleeve filaments are surrounded by the matrix to different degrees. This degree is
described by the contact angle represented by a predefined distribution. The filaments with
same bond quality, e. i. the same contact angle are grouped into subrovings. The subrovings
and the core filaments are represented by one-dimensional nonlinear cable elements. Each
subroving is connected to the matrix by an interface element. The associated multi linear bond
law is scaled by its contact angle. Furthermore it is connected to the core filaments by another
interface element.
Interaction between debonding and matrix cracking
The interaction between the debonding and the evolution of the cracks in the matrix in form
of the crack alignment and crack bridging is modeled in terms of the fracture mechanics with
the effective properties derived by using the models specified earlier. The micromechanical

model of the bond layer allows to derive the effective properties required for the debonding
criteria (critical energy release rate). For the validation of the simulated crack propagation the
photogrammetric tracing of the crack evolution in the thin plates mentioned earlier is applied.

Figure 4: Models at the meso level

Macro level
At the macro level the determined effective material parameters become incorporated into
smeared concrete models and layers characterizing the textile structures in combination with
concrete [11]. The interactions at the lower resolution scales are smeared into the effective
material properties assigned to one layer of the layered shell model. These are used for
calculation at the level of structural elements and validated using experimental data from the
tensile tests and three- or four- point bending tests (Fig. 5).

Figure 5: Models at the macro level


Derivation of the micromechanical bond characteristics

Having briefly described the modeling strategy applied within the collaborative research
center we now focus on the example of the modeling of the bond layer. The phenomena to be
included are the filament rupture and the filament bond, debonding and friction. The contact
between the single filament and the matrix has been characterized by a bond model with
parameters calibrated using the single filament pull-out experiment. What is sought is the
representative configuration of the filaments and the matrix in the bond layer. The basic
assumption in setting up this distribution is the decrease of the bond quality from the outside
to the inside of the yarn. The calibration of the bond quality may be performed by using the
optical recordings of the light transmission identifying the filaments broken during the pullout test.

In the Figure 6 the experimental response in terms of load-displacement curves and curves
showing the progression of the fraction of unbroken filaments is shown.

Figure 6: load-displacement curve, fraction of unbroken filaments

The influence of a linear, a quadratic and a cubical bond quality distribution on the pull-out
curve and the process of filament rupture is shown in Figures 7 and 8. While the linear and the
quadratic approaches result in a sharp bend of the pull-out curve at the beginning of filament
rupture, the cubical distribution leads to a curve that is more ductile and resembles the pullout curves measured during the experiments. This is the result of very similar reproduction of
the sequence of filament rupture.

Figure 7: bond quality distribution

Figure 8: load-displacement curve, fraction of unbroken filaments

While the bond quality distribution determines the post-peak gradient of the pull-out curve the
maximum pull-out force is primarily dependent on the tensile strength of the filaments. This
correlation is documented in Figure 9. The maximum pull-out force decreases with the
decreasing tensile strength of the filaments.

Figure 9: load-displacement curve for different filament strengths ft

The initial slope of the pull-out curve is also dependent on the bond quality. The decrease in
the maximum bond performance results in the decreasing portion of filament fracture.
Therefore, the variation range of this parameter is limited. The reduction of the initial stiffness
that can be observed in the experiments can not be reproduced by solely reducing the bond
quality. As a consequence, the explanation of the reduction is existence of the gap between
the macroscopic boundary of the matrix and the first contact of the filaments with the matrix
inside of the specimen, i.e. the start of the microbonding between filament and matrix, which
is illustrated in Figure 10. The influence of this gap on the initial stiffness is demonstrated in
Figure 11. The initial stiffness decreases with increasing gap.

Figure 10: Gap between matrix boundary and begin of microbonding

Figure 11: load-displacement curve for different gaps

Using the parameters described above a calibration of the model is possible which is
exemplified in Figures 8, 9 and 11. Of course, the calibrated distribution of the bond quality
across the yarn cross section may be viewed in different ways as well. Other possibilities are
the effective debonding embedding length and the contact angle distribution.



The modeling strategy for supporting the development of the textile reinforced concrete is
based on the assumption, that there is no perfect model able to capture all the aspects of the
material behavior. The models developed must have a clearly defined validity and they are to
be applied together in order to study the material response at various scales of material


The present work has been carried out in the framework of the project Technical information
system for the development of textile reinforced concrete included in the collaborative
research center Textile reinforced concrete: foundation of a new technology (SFB 532)
sponsored by the German research foundation.
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